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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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why it is important for him and how the ukrainian community of new york helped him reach the top of american cinema, the couple told iryna solomko and pavlo terekhov. in his wardrobe, the famous and successful cinematographer-director and director andrii parikh has three embroidered dresses. the tub, which he used on the stage of amy on the evening of january 15, was given to him by his grandmother 30 years ago. it is the second time he has won the emmy statuette, the first in 2020. that is why he won the award for best director in the cult american tv series the heiress. this year he was nominated again, along with two other directors of the series. as you saw, the stage had three directors. before the winners were announced, we decided that regardless of who won, the three of us would go up on stage to support each other. we worked on this project for four years. parakh is happy for the victory of his colleague and admits that he prepared his own winning one.
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speech, and it is about ukraine. my speech, if i won, would be about the importance of voting and how important it is for the ukrainian people. it is important that people the right president was elected. but in fact, it is a manifestation of solidarity with ukraine to keep this topic in the news. my biggest concern is that people will just get tired, forget about it. meanwhile, people die and fight, people need. help, parikh constantly reminds about the struggle of ukraine on his instagram page. in the beginning, instagram was just fun for me to talk about myself, but now there is something much bigger and much more important about the invasion of ukraine and the war in ukraine. so, at the beginning of the invasion, everyone was still talking about ukraine, and now i keep my followers up to date. it is very important for me, my brother
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lives in kyiv, so i constantly worry about him. before the invasion, i bought him tickets for several weeks in a row, asked him to leave, but he assured me that nothing would happen. then it happened, he left, i am a us citizen, but he saw how the border was closed for men, and how they stayed on the ukrainian side of the border, while their women and children went on alone. was incredibly painful. already during a full-scale war in the summer of 2022, andriy came to ukraine with his brother. we also saw military funerals there, how everyone prays and cries. but we also saw weddings and parties. life goes on. andria's love and respect for ukraine grew from his mother.
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a ukrainian woman who herself was born in camps for displaced persons. despite the fact that his father is indian, andriy and his brother had a typical ukrainian childhood in the united states. ukrainian dances, ukrainian school on saturdays, singing at the altar in the church. and my father, an indian, was very supportive of it, sent us to church, even though he didn't understand anything there. andriy came to new york to study cinematography. he says that according to his father's plan, he should have become either a liquor store or a director, but he always loved. i remember crying at the movie when i was 11 years old, i was deeply moved by it, and it's a gift that i wanted to be able to give to someone else, to touch someone emotionally, to allow them to have some kind of human experience. this ability to tell stories is extremely powerful for me.
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i've been thinking a lot about why the ukrainian diaspora is so strong, and it's probably because people left the soviet union. therefore, the idea of ​​fighting against something and fighting for something arose. that is why we, in the formation , were going to liberate ukraine when we were 15 years old. ukrainian roots helped andriy enter new york university, where he was noticed by an influential professor who was also ukrainian. andriy also
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got his first... job thanks to the community. in 1991, acquaintances founded a production company that shot commercials in ukraine and offered andrii a job. this is how he got to ukraine for the first time. this experience allowed him to create a portfolio and later start a career in new york. for me, los angeles is the film business, and new york is the art of cinema. i've always been more interested in auteur films, not hollywood. so it was always important for me to choose the right and valuable projects. and i think it's very important to really love what you do and feel morally good about what you do and what you choose. such selectivity and principle eventually brought andrii to the set of the series "the heirs". he started as a cinematographer, but later tried himself as a director. by he got this job for the first time amy. the prototype of the main character of the series was
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the american tycoon rupert murdoch. this is a look at the american media and political system. the series was very interesting. showed how media and politics in america have a service-for-service approach. another thing i like about the series is that i don't like any of the characters. they look like ordinary people. it also shows that maybe wealth and having money does not make people happy. andriy dreams of a faster victory for ukraine in order to come to kyiv and to see my brother again. and the director is planning. shoot a film about ukraine, something very optimistic and life-affirming, from new york iryna solomko, pavlo terikhov, the voice of america! this will be our farewell, also watch our daily briefings at 18 on youtube and facebook. but you can ask us your questions live. thank you for
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staying with us, good night and good morning. before meeting! congratulations, today we will talk about the search for three girls from the kherson region, they are lyudmila vasylevska, tetyana maksymiuk and victoria ostrovskaya ludi is 14 years old, tanya is 10 years old , and vidka is nine years old. all three disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. he lost contact with luda vasylevska on june 1 , 2023. nothing has been known about ta tanya maksymiuk since march of last year, and victoria ostrovska disappeared at the beginning of the summer of 2023.
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unfortunately, we have almost no information about the girls and the circumstances of their disappearance. however, it is very important that at least there are pictures of them, so i... i ask each of you to look carefully at the faces of the girls, if you know if there is anything about any of them, please let us know on the hotline of the child tracing service at number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. of course, many children now disappear due to war-related circumstances, for example, during evacuation in front-line towns or villages or during occupation. however, even in conventionally peaceful territories, children... unfortunately, disappear, so please listen carefully to some important tips and an algorithm of actions in case, god forbid, you have a missing child. first of all, try to control yourself, calm down and do not panic, on the contrary, you should concentrate and remember that
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every minute is precious, and therefore you should act quickly. you don't have to wait for me for three days. call the police immediately and contact the magnolia child tracing service. at the same time, try it yourself. to look for the child, while someone should remain at home during the search, in case the child returns. contact anyone who may have any information, including relatives, and ask if they ever have your son or daughter. also call friends and acquaintances of the child, it is very likely that they will know something, especially if your child is a teenager and has decided to run away from home. if a child is lost, for example, in a shopping center, immediately contact the security service. and ask for help with the search, but again, if you have not been able to locate the child within an hour, i emphasize, contact the police and the magnolia children's tracing service immediately. our consultants will promptly and in detail step by step tell you how to act and what to do first of all
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such a situation. of course, god forbid that you will never need our number, but just in case, remember or write it down: 1163 hotline. child tracing services, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, and i ask for one more minute of your attention, please look into the face of this boy, this is nine-year-old artem kholun. who disappeared in kharkiv oblast in september 2022. the boy lived with his father in kupyansk, which was occupied in the first days of the war. since then, artem and his father have stopped communicating. after the de-occupation of kupyansk , it was not possible to find the boy, unfortunately. if you know the whereabouts of artem kholodny, contact the hotline of the child tracing service magnolia 116 3:0. as usual, at the end i urge you to go to the website of the service. search for children and look at the photos of these boys and girls, maybe you will recognize
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someone and help find them, and please repost this video, with every share you share, the chances of finding missing children really increase significantly, let's not be indifferent, we have created a resource thanks to to whom you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, simply... then go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop crime ua. there are discounts on fkalor of 20% in psarynsky, pamp and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on tosmay, 15% in pharmacies plantain, pam and oskad. there are 10% discounts on zzilor in podorozhnyk vam and oshchat pharmacies.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of yours time we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk about the war. to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for a day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine.
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events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar is in dire need of afividro. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, to bring closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, it's 18:15 on the clock, that means. that big the broadcast starts today with me , yuri fizer, but i, together with my colleagues
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, will tell over the next 45 hours or so, all the most important things that happened in ukraine and the world during the past day, in particular, serhiy sgurets, director of the defense express agency, will sum up of what happened on the fronts this week, of course i will immerse myself and immerse you in... in my realm in information from the world, then yevhen pastukhov, a sports columnist, will tell everything about the most important things from the world of sports, and the highlight, as natalka didenko will always be, is to know what the weather will be like, well , at least for the weekend. i have one more huge request for everyone watching us on youtube, please like this stream and leave your comments, your comments are important to us, we need to know what you think, but it is also
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extremely important for , so that this complex youtube algorithm puts this broadcast as high as possible and as many people as possible can see us on youtube. well, before going directly to the conversation with the guests, who will connect to me first from the regions via skype, i want to announce a fee, the fee is obviously for our needs. army espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling to join the fundraising for our defenders from the 141st brigade. they perform tasks in the orihiv direction. this is the zaporizhzhia region. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. we plan to buy radios and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors, detection of drones and many other equally important things at the front, every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you we have already closed more than one collection, so this time too we ask you to support our
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military. our goal is uah 1 million. you can see qr codes and all information about the card on your screens. we ask you to join iryna kovel's collection for the needs of the 141st brigade. we really need your help. glory to ukraine. glory. indeed, glory to the heroes and i really ask you to join. throw your donations on the card whose number you saw on the screen. i i hope you managed to at least scan, take a picture of the qr code and follow it. please help, our defenders are defending us now, so we must always remember this. well, let's move on to what happened in the regions. this morning i woke up and when i started scrolling through the news feed, i saw that some such not very comforting news was coming from transcarpathia. flood in transcarpathia, water is collected.
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after all, in some places it has already reached residential buildings, flooding five districts of the region. due to heavy rains and upwelling groundwater. this was reported by local rescuers. in the city of perechyn, it flooded, it flooded. a daughter's basement and four private houses, several more houses in the village of mizhhirya and one in uzhhorod. in addition, a significant rise in the level of rivers is recorded in several settlements. already flooded agricultural lands in the transcarpathian regional hydromedical center warned that the situation is expected to worsen in the lower reaches of the borzhava river. flooding of 10 settlements, and more about what is currently happening there in transcarpathia, we have the opportunity to speak with nataliya batyr, spokeswoman for the state emergency service in zakarpattia oblast, mrs. nataliya , congratulations, glory to ukraine, good evening, heroes, glory, thank you very much for joining us,
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please tell me about what i read, it was information somewhere around... noon, maybe today, and what is the current situation now, i already heard somewhere that the water is gradually starting to recede, yes, the weather gave us a little heat, rescuers joined the liquidation and pool experts management of the water resources of the tisza river and the police, in general the situation is already controlled, stable, regarding the flooding of residential buildings or basements or farmsteads, they are no longer there at the moment. as of 12 o'clock, we had finished all water pumping works, in total more than 900 cubic meters were pumped out of eight basements and 12 households of citizens, the rains affected all areas of the transcarpathian region, so they occurred locally, but rescuers responded to flooding in all areas. currently, we
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still have more than 700 hectares flooded agricultural fields, this is khustsky district, as well as beregivu region. here we have more flooded agricultural land, well, for now it is already limited, the movement of motor vehicles through local highways has been removed, only the flood road, a large lump of mudflats remains flooded, there is still limited traffic, but on two other highways of national importance h09 mukachevo-rohatyn lviv and large lumps of zarichcha traffic has already been restored, so cars can move forward unhindered. as for the debt, yes, we really will have it at the moment an increase in the water level, this will happen in particular due to the flood wave reaching up from the top of the yevrikos, and we expect possible flooding of the highway, small heivka, tysyanka tomorrow, there may also be flooding due to the rise in the water level, but the units
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of the emergency department are always ready, so they are ready 24x7 react, ma'am... and what about savalivshchyna, why am i asking, my father is from stroynoy, and there, as far as i understand, the dusynka river overflowed its banks and flooded something, well, but this is only in one village, and how is the situation in general savalivshchyna? svalyavshchyna is now our mukachevo district, it was your native village, stroyne, that was affected there, six households were flooded there, there was no need for rescuers, they are doing it... but people are already trained in transcarpathia, so they independently with the help of pumps , water was pumped out of their basements, the situation is not critical, currently the water is gradually receding and... in particular. well, you know, you said that people are already trained, it's a pity that they are trained, it would be better if this were not the case. and look, i was looking at the weather forecast, now as far as i understand, it will be a little colder,
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but somewhere in a week it will warm up again. what, we have to wait for this again? well, transcarpathia is a flood region, we are already used to both seasonal floods and those that occur unexpectedly due to intense rainfall. yes , forecasters are predicting a drop in temperature, snow, wet snow in some places, there is already a danger for tourists here, because the weather in the mountains will be quite unfavorable, it is sub-zero temperatures, and a blizzard , and heavy snow, so we are now appealing to tourists , so that they do not go to the mountains and necessarily registered with the rescue units, that is, you mean that there is such a danger of avalanches, yes , in principle, it exists throughout the winter period, but in some places... it is significant, and now we have a high avalanche danger, this is already the fourth level, it is already really dangerous, if at the second moderate level of avalanche danger tourists
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can go to the mountains, and avalanches are possible only with significant additional loads, then now at the fourth level of avalanches, it is possible even with insignificant additional loads and can be caused by the tourists themselves, who descend from the mountains, engage in active sports or snowboarding. or on skis , well, that is, we appeal to all tourists, be especially careful when climbing the mountains, now i have one more question for you, look at the weather that was just now, is it an anomaly for transcarpathia in winter or not, no, overtime rainfall we did not have any rain, the precipitation was intense, but it was not above the monthly norm, due to the fact that the snow is melting in the mountains due to thaw, but... it is raining in nezana , such local flooding may occur, fortunately they were not significant, settlements were not affected, and if flooding
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of basements or households did occur, they were isolated and occurred one at a time in a settlement there are 5-10 households, this is not a large amount of flooding for the transcarpathian region, because sometimes it suggests that for several years... that's why we recorded, yes, we have some problems with communication, but ms. nataliya has already answered my question, after all, it was the last question, as we can see, fortunately, the big water scared, but it is starting to recede, and all local services are working, working to make life easier for local residents in transcarpathia, that was nataliya batyr, spokeswoman of the civil service with the above... situations in the transcarpathian region, well, now we move from water to those who have continued to terrorize us for almost two years,
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bombing our cities and villages, killing our people, destroying ours, eventually wiping them off the map our cities and villages from the face of the earth. russians, today, three people struck in the kherson region, in kherson, in the dnipro district of kherson. residents of the kherson region were injured, a woman was killed. during the day, the enemy fired almost half a thousand shells in the region. russian occupiers settled in residential quarters and objects of critical infrastructure. the head of the region oleksandr prokudin informed about this. well, but more about what happened today in the kherson region, we have the opportunity to talk with oleksandr tolokonnikov, the head of the professional office of the kherson regional military. administration, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory , good evening, i thank you very much for joining us on the air today, please tell
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me what the current situation is, the consequences of the shelling, and what is happening in kherson now, well per day, the russians fire a little, as they say, not that a little, you know, we are already used to it, and when it goes up to 500 shells per day, it is relatively quiet for us, and last day, as you already said, there were approximately 430 shells was released, and it is almost nothing for us, unfortunately, in such a living day of such apparently terror constant, but today the russians again increased the shelling, today they shelled the dnipro district, unfortunately, a 60-year-old woman died from the shelling nearby, a 17-year-old boy was wounded in skalkov.
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in the morning at approximately 8:30 they shelled the coastal area, there two men aged 66-67 were wounded by shrapnel, they were also provided with medical assistance, ah, the russians also hit various settlements, right now they are shelling the republic there, various settlements there were a lot of shelling today, and probably, unfortunately, but we see that it was not stop the shelling, just a little weather, weather conditions, reduce the number when they can't use air reconnaissance, enough to know exactly where people are congregating. mr. oleksandr, please tell me, but the russians, in their usual style , unfortunately, as far as i understand,
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are just aiming at residential buildings. neighborhoods really are just trying to scare people right? well , i don't know whether to scare or kill, here the question is, well, because to scare by killing elderly people, well, i don't know what it can lead to, well, of course, the woman who, where we were today, the woman who died, well , she certainly does not look like a military man, there are no military men around, so i will continue. they can simply destroy kherson and the people who live here, perhaps this is intimidation, but perhaps it is a little prehistoric, that is, to kill someone in order to intimidate, well, this, i don’t know, this is what world we live in, well, this is really, this , well, but this is in the style of russian barbarians, unfortunately, how does the city government help people in this situation? but in different ways, first of
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all, of course, after the shelling they come, such regional services as the kherson military rescue service, which block windows, osb, close, cover roofs so that in such weather it does not drip on people's heads, their buildings do not continue to collapse, and also so that they can, if there is no desire leave, could just... live, for now, unfortunately, only like this, because we are under constant shelling, we can’t do anything capital yet, because we have to fly in every day and even to the same houses, so for now, except of this, our charities help, continue to help, such organizations children bring heaters to people who...
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gave from shelling so that they could alternatively heat their homes, in principle, people can always take advantage of free evacuation, go to safer regions, that is, i'm sorry that i i interrupt, that is, the evacuation is currently ongoing, so people are leaving, it has been going on for more than a year, free evacuation, and we offer people different directions, because people... want to go somewhere to their relatives, or choose direction and then we contact them there with the local authorities with volunteers who can look for housing there also free of charge so that people can live in safer regions, we all understand that in most of the villages there are empty houses, there are houses there, which belong there, which people, and which then also receive. for
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the fact that they provide idps with these houses, they receive payments from the state, that's why this is profitable, including for villages, and that's why there are so many such options, it's better than the fact that every, every second, a shell can fall on the head , i understand, and mr. oleksandr, one last question for you, today i read in the news feeds that one drone dropped ammunition on ... utility workers who were working, and this, how can you classify it, is an accidental drop, just on the utility workers, was it possible that it was some kind of deliberate action on the part of the russians to hit some important object? yes, it really was a kherson vodokanal car, and we, er, are not small children, i guess we understand that if a drone or kamikaze drone hits someone...


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