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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

7:30 am
it was an obvious probing of the air defense system after a certain pause, we saw that they directed the drones from the temporarily occupied crimea through the north, through the south to the north and west, you correctly noted, they kept approximately such a reference point, as a rule, in such cases, they try to disperse drones, and small... targets, not so compact, not massive group targets, two drones each, they fly in different directions, in order to check how the air defense system works on them. it worked very well well, in our area of ​​responsibility, two drones were destroyed in odesa and mykolaiv regions, one each, respectively, then i think that our neighbors and our colleagues worked on it, because maneuvering was still a matter of composition.
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one thing that once again emphasizes that they were looking for where and how air defense would work, i think they found it, by the way, you said that they flew out of crimea, the situation in crimea is a little different compared to the previous days, there was a blackout, we watched , read their publications, it somehow affected their activity in general, this situation of a partial blackout in crimea, my analysis... shows that when something is wrong with them somewhere, they then try to portray any energetic activity from that direction, such, as if everything is fine, creating a good mine in a bad game, so very often it happens, as soon as there is an information link to a location in crimea that something happened there, they try to launch it from there to show that everything that happened did not... affect them, but nevertheless,
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we can state that this night attack was less massive, more restrained, but still still aimed at finding out how the air defense system works, and this can once again be a prerequisite for the next more massive attacks. by the way, these are the two routes that they use, namely, i mean via chongar or via the trench, there were reports the day before about certain cottons and there we remember their trouble with certain certain bridge crossings, as is generally the case there now it looks like they have restored everything, that is, everything goes there by one and the other way? and no, the recovery process continues, they are trying to recover, but they have to to realize that, first of all , it is very difficult to restore such a structure as a bridge, especially in the conditions of its implementation.
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hostilities and regular threats, in addition, they understand that the loads that the so-called restored bridge is ready to take do not correspond to the characteristics that existed before the damage, which means that heavy equipment will not pass there, and yet they still gravitate to the fact that the armored vehicles take the route through armyansk, because it is a purely land route, huh. our brothers for tesha just helped it photo confirmation that the occupiers in the occupied crimea are transporting onyx somewhere , such photos are not often released to the public, and in general , onix is ​​a dangerous thing, how many do they have and where are they transferred, what do you think about this, what is happening? from our side , we monitor each such institution. which,
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how much it has, has no right to name, but we know exactly where and which ones, and we understand their maneuvering, since it involves the use of appropriate missiles, which are anti-ship and supersonic, complex for damage and detection, because they go very low over the water, as a rule, and have an extremely high speed, so ... the understanding that they will look for a safer place to keep them, firstly, secondly, that they will look for where they can be applied. if you analyze the entire spectrum of the enemy's use of such missiles, it was, as a rule, limited to the destruction of coastal infrastructure, but the accuracy in this case, well, is very, very doubtful. ugh. that is, a dangerous missile, but usually they
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aimed them at the odesa region, or just like that that's where they were pounding, yesterday the information was confirmed, including from our intelligence, that... because a brainy new a50 was again brought to the place of the downed a50 above azov, some assume that this is precisely in order to to shut down the guidance system where they had a problem in the south because they are preparing for the next combined massive strike, this is an assumption, well, is this fear mongering, are there any other additional signs, because we have also been watching the increase in caliber carriers in the black. we are trying to see if it should be connected or not conspiracy is not needed here? conspiracy is always superfluous, and the usual balanced analysis is just right, and really understanding that the enemy needs such a gunner, powerful and
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working on a large area, it is clear, in any case, they should renew in this direction at... the essence of such a gunner is to be expected, but the problem is that the training of personnel who can work on it fully and effectively is, well, again in doubt, because it is really a very difficult job, and the need to coordinate such teams, it is very high, it is obvious that right now these processes are being carried out, such as coordination, such as recruitment, in order to... ensure this work, that this may be a sign of preparation for a massive missile or target attack, well, indirect a sign, but still there is an understanding that mass attacks in repetitions are possible even
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without this gunner, because we also see the activity of unmanned aerial reconnaissance of the enemy, this is also data collection and a kind of mischief. we were just in touch about zaporizhzhia, there is a confirmation from ours military about the fact that part of the advancing russians was transferred to the kherson region, and we understand that this is primarily related to the activity around the krynyk, and and and well , the krynyk - this has now been said loudly, we looked at it in general, it is simply plowed territory, what is happening there now? because we understand that with the weather and winter , logistics have become even more complicated, there are marshes, there are marshes, reeds, and those islands are no longer islands, what is happening there now around the wells and whether it will be possible to actually hold and expand this bridgehead, so we let's continue exactly
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this work of holding the position, and repelling enemy assaults and expanding the bridgehead, of course, this is also done with... the support of the counterbattery from the right bank, because artillery, drone gunners work very powerfully in order to secure those units that conduct combat work directly on the left bank, the enemy , on its part, having really shifted its forces, again returned to the number of assaults per day close to ten, in the past day there were about nine to nine ; they there is none there, and the command has already strictly prohibited the use of armored vehicles , because each of these missions turns into a mission of no return, when armored vehicles go there, they remain another place in
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the row that has already spread along the aleshkivskaya highway, where the enemy leaves his equipment and can no longer to use it. so, the assaults continue. but these are purely ground infantry assaults of 10-15 people with the loss of up to 70% of personnel and returning to their trenches, well, the most pleasant to the ear is counterbattery work across the dnipro, i think that for our defenders and marines this is probably the most pleasant music to the ears, but i wanted to ask you one more thing, you know there was this story last year... with the mouth, the dnieper, with those floating islands, with those strange things, even the bbc filmed there in my opinion his short films about it, and this time i managed to talk with friends who usually liked to fish in these places, he says, there is so much there after everything and
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after kakhovka and after everything that happened , the fool says that we will not return to our favorite places for a long time there are fish places in the shoals, and what is there such a thing, is there soap? dangerous explosive objects, or what is happening there that even fishermen are afraid to go there? well , fishermen will not have to go there for a long time, because it is really a zone of active hostilities. cream, and now from time to time the enemy places their observation points on some of these islands, that is why our reports show the destruction of enemy motor boats, because they try to advance, land on some island and have to forcefully knock them out of there, because normal words not understand that it is no longer theirs and they should not go there, that is why they have such losses. corresponding to how in the past day we managed to destroy one more enemy boat and 18 of the occupiers by covering
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the same observation point and field combat supply point, this is exactly the same counter-battery work that allowed us to destroy one of the hailstones with which the enemy was covering kherson, and two guns , a self-propelled artillery installation, a mortar, that is, these are the results we have in... the way we support the boys and girls from the right bank, well there, soon there from kizemys and rebalchego, we will have a good ram, the military season is still hot there, ms. natalya, thank you for the information, for the stories, for being with our viewers at such an early time, it was natalya humenyuk, colonel, chief of of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of the south, we will take a short break and return to another very... chu section of the front, and this is the bakhmut direction from which we will talk about the times of yar, it was there that
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the russian-fascist occupiers aimed their powerful fist, having gathered there, perhaps the largest groups of this russian-ukrainian war as of the 24th year. be with espresso. there are discounts. on anticataral 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. there are discounts on amicitron - 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's do better. we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some
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katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world dreams of pa norman, can we imagine that? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events: events happening right now that affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however... to know what is happening, you need to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. a separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of ofi drones to effectively hit
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the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, to bring closer the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. love, passion, physicality. sexuality, provocation, every dress of ours is about it, sex can be dangerous, without responsibility and without knowledge, yes, including regarding oxen, there is a rule, n = n, is not defined, so it is not transmitted, a person of oxen who takes several months modern antiretroviral therapy regularly and continuously, cannot... infect anyone, modern medicine allows you to not limit your
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sexuality, your sexuality is limited only by your imagination. knowledge of complex things is important, knowledge of oxen saves lives. the first page of the great war. 242 days of fighting, 242 days of hell. defense of donetsk airport. we remember those who persevered. we are coming back. let me remind you once again that there was a reminder of our collection on our screens. 5 million is a small amount, if you attack the whole community,
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there is a cold ravine about the mechanized brigade, and these fpv drones, don't forget, even in this saturday morning. give in funds anything from one hryvnia to a million for our common future, there our collection continues for the mikadze nadronika, because these are the kholodnoyarivites, they have already won back, god forbid, they fought battles , including around the donetsk airport, today is actually the anniversary of these glorious events, and they fought near ilovaisk, and kharkiv region was repulsed by soledar and bakhmut, precisely in this direction. by the way, we are now taking into account the conversation, so do not forget the qr codes, there are also direct links and cards for those who do not knows how to use it, and in the meantime we will try to find out what are the prospects of the moscow-fascist occupiers, to submit everything to them, for them the date is the closest, the holiday of life
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is to re-elect putin in the elections of president putin, what is called elections in them, and chasiv yar is one of the points that stands as a chip in them, it is imperative to seize it before the elections, the head of the chasovoyariv city military administration, serhiy chaus, is in touch with us, whom we congratulate, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, well tell me what is going on there, how do they think they are doing, because they really want to go out for a holiday in time, that is , somewhere at least something...
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i heard a very, very bad connection, somehow i just realized that the chasoyar community is suffering, but i don't know , should we try to reset the connection, or can you manage to be a little louder so that we can hear, let 's actually try again now, probably, so i am you, to find out what is the operational and humanitarian situation in the chapel, for people who now they don't have a map in front of their eyes, the time of the ivars is along the line. front actually opposite bakhmut, and since one of the important routes passes nearby, let's not forget that it's winter right now, and everything is tied, including to the roads through ivanovsky and khromov, the option to leave in time is both a strategic and tactical task
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for the moscow occupier, then let's try again, mr. serhiy, so that our viewers can hear a little more about how the situation looks now in general. around the city and in the city, i always said, probably, now i will duplicate everything , it is steadily difficult, the community is not occupied, none of its microdistricts have been set foot on these districts by the occupier, only local residents and our military, the situation in the city itself , well, it’s quite complicated, it’s complicated why, because shelling is quite frequent in... we have shelling, in fact, every day it flies and flies as it was, in fact everything, and just artillery and heavy artillery and mlrs, therefore it is difficult to live, but people stay in the city and people live, well, the city functions as much as possible in military conditions, and we talked with our rescuers and
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volunteers, they say that from time to time there are not just random shellings, but sometimes also in ... are actually aiming with drops from drones or trying to to fire at even these rescue teams, so in fact, this is to the east of chasoy yar and the story looks like, not only the east, but also in the city itself, yes, the work of drones is also quite frequent recently, regarding the emenists, the guys told you the truth, unfortunately, our enemies , they don't look at... uniforms, not at what people love, and it doesn't matter to them, they are civilians or people in uniform, they can fly anywhere, and unfortunately, we have already... seen no once and we have statistics when the boys come to the streets of pilalat, when they are disassembled collapsed and there are repeated arrivals, unfortunately, it is true, it is clear that they are still looking
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down there and are just starting some kind of safari for themselves, in this case, what still remains and functions in the city itself, because in the nearby avdiivka yesterday we "we found out, it turns out that there are still two doctors and some kind of hospital, that's me... what, and now in the time gap is still preserved, is there medical care at the hospital, is something functioning, it was functioning in its time, we have one family the doctor, plus the medical staff to help him, are local residents can safely come to our medical center, unfortunately, it is a hospital, i can’t name it in full right now, but get an injection, get no... medicine, get the necessary consultation, measure blood pressure, put on a drip, all these girls are with us they do, and for this there are opportunities and capacities, there are certain medicines
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, the state helps, the region, the district helps, and of course volunteers who do not stand by either, ugh, but just volunteers fight, for example, right up to the very last moment, until it arrives for example, in avdiivka or the surrounding area, until... the walls are put up, the roof falls, people refused to leave until the last, as they say, explosion, or are evacuations still ongoing in the time gap and are such stories repeated? evacuation in our country has been going on since the very beginning of the full-scale war, uh, actually it started in the winter of 22, and it is still going on, but you are right what you just said, using the example of avdiivtsi, it is not only... unfortunately, more the number of people left are the elderly, and
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frankly, they have nowhere to go and it is very difficult to change their place of residence at such an age, so while the walls are whole, they try to live there, i can’t say live, unfortunately, just live, we try to help such people as much as possible, and in principle, everyone who remained in thunder. this is humanitarian aid, these are hot lunches from world of kition, these are food kits, households, we are trying to provide for everyone, let's say, our utility company, which actually is, well , has taken over the function of providing water, we deliver drinking water and technical water, we try to do as much as possible, but we understand that the people who stayed, well, it's really very... it's really difficult to convince them that you have to leave, it's really difficult, yes , they approach, but in most parts, only after
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they arrive or are nearby, or don't let them god to their houses, only then do they begin to think that they should stop by, mr. serhiy, it’s easier , we talked, it’s easier for those who have at least some kind of family somewhere a little further from the front line, then they at least understand where they can go, in in this case, this is what you say... older people, including people, but where should they go there is a possibility to evacuate, because if it is for a short distance, then it doesn’t matter whether it is druzhkivka or kramatorsk, it’s still under fire, it’s just that one day more, one day less, are they trying to take them much further and is there someone there to accept them? meets, some programs are working , specifically for the people of tsavoiriv, you probably monitor every story, of course we do, we have a snap specialist working from the very beginning, but let's say this, its direction at the moment is the evacuation of people, our job is to convince people , her work is resettle, find where she will
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live temporarily and where she will live later, in addition to this, we are 100% using our regional program from the military administration, together with the bakhmut district administration, we have well-established channels, people are evacuating to western ukraine. there are certain cities, certain shelters, where people have the opportunity to live starting, well, different shelters, let's say, a day, two, three, and there are those where people can live on a permanent basis, these shelters are fully equipped with everything necessary, but you will understand, you know how, well, no looking at the fact that there is everything there, water, heat, there is shelter, people, well, it is difficult for them to change. your home, your life for something else, that is why these difficulties are resolved, and the program works 100%, if a person has decided for himself that he is leaving, we will do our best, and
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the state... does our best to make his stay comfortable, and we have seen how these shelters work and function in western ukraine, we understand that people torn from their native land with roots will still understand that it is uncomfortable, temporarily, as they say, their home forever, yes, but in in this case, i still wanted to ask you, mr. serhiy, we have a couple of minutes about how people communicate and how they react to this information. you understand that this is also an older generation, plus time, as they say, you won’t be able to use 4g internet, in general, how is communication, how are people, are people interested in the situation, information in order to plan something, because on the other side of the front there are almost 80 00 the group has gathered, that is, they will try to push, push, respectively, people are interested in this information, they
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ask you, communicate, where they get information, well, first of all, we are sitting , we work with people, we work on site, we are not those people who work somewhere remotely, let's say this, people have a direct opportunity to communicate with me, the deputy , specialists, so at this moment or once again, you're just being asked by the news, tell us what's going on, but you have to work. like a journalist, this happens, this happens, before that we had a large number of, in principle, volunteers, journalists who visited the city, and i cannot say that the city is completely devoid of communication, some networks are breaking through, this is one moment, and the second is corruption, there is constant communication, there is caralon, people have the opportunity to come, communicate with relatives, receive real news in the format of today, and not for.
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and they go, that is, people actually take advantage of the fact that there are starlinks and the internet in unbreakable points, that is, they really come to call, read, communicate, that is, in the rush of time, it works, so to communicate with relatives, of course, works, it works in every city that is deprived of its usual benefits civilization, so unfortunately they simply do not have any options, we are trying to consider them. it is simple in comparison, because when there is a point of unbreakability in a deep body, in a calm place, then there is no one there except one on duty, he stands, is bored, no one walks, here in the literal sense this point fulfills its task, we still have a moment of time, i wanted to actually , this is your feeling, you also communicate with our military, you see the situation, we understand that the yar times are good, from the point of view of strategy, tactics, territory,
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we have achievements. it's good for defense, but, but with there is a large army of orcs on that side, and the mood of the military is to contain and not allow, so that, as you said, the boot, the occupier will not be there, so that he will not be in the temporal abyss, well, every communication, i see only the positive, of course, everyone understands that it is very difficult, that it will be expensive for us to fast, but the mood is the same, not to let go and hold on. uhu, well, mr. serhiy, thank you for being with us at that early hour, thank you for the story, serhii chaus, head of the chasovoyariv city military administration, this is one of the hottest spots of the eastern russian-ukrainian front, this is the situation there, we continue to collect stories for you from different corners and areas of the front, but the espresso team has already done it, and khrystyna parubiy is ready to tell you the latest news of this hour. greetings roman
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, thank you, the second day is burning in russia, and what exactly i will tell you in a moment in the issue, as well as further about the situation at the front, do not miss it, the news is on espresso, the studio is working. khrystyna parubiy. there is no way they can put out a fire at an oil depot. the second day at the russians the consequences of a drone attack are being eliminated in klinys of the bryansk region. late in the evening , witnesses posted a video on the network, which shows that the object continued to burn on a large scale. and this morning , the drone attacked the klini again. the aggressors reported to the country's ministry of defense that they had successfully shot him down. at the same time and yesterday, the russians claimed that
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they had landed without... means of reb, but the drone was still in...


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