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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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delicate question, i would not like to spread conspiracy theories, but oleksiy aristovych and his strange interview, strange conversation with latynina, i watched this case and my eyes became much bigger than latynina's behind her glasses, even she couldn't stand it . oleksiy began to turn something into a fan that simply does not fit into the concept in general, here you are as a person who worked with him. more than one hour on the air, yes, i think you read oleksiy himself very well, in general, i would like to ask you what is happening to him now, in your opinion? i always when i am asked questions, i answer for the period when he was in my ethers, there were some shoals then too, but this is not what is happening now. for the whole year and a half , it was possible to make claims that he said something wrong, said something wrong, but it was still in the context of the general position of the public. fluctuations within the
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so-called general geopolitical policy of the pro-ukrainian party? in general, yes, you can review all these aters, they are there, what happened to them, what happened to him next? i spoke in august when many criticized me for the fact that i stopped making programs with him, the first alarms began already in the summer, they scared and alarmed me a lot, because the prisoner for... that he has political ambitions, that he wants to become the president, i don't understand how you can become the president without presidential elections, they would not have been predicted, what a person relied on, he openly declares this, it is not a secret of the polichenel. it seems to me that a lot of things in terms of preferences were dictated precisely by this: i will criticize the authorities and thereby earn points for my election campaign, something from this mother, i saw it that way, but now... it
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cannot be explained, because the position is strange: sometimes he and putin want to sue europe and the west, then he praises lukashenko as a great patriot of his country, then excuse me, he says: , no, everything was wrong, then i scared you, and now i stop scaring you and return to another, previous position, such zigzags are incomprehensible to me, i would not do programs with such a person now under any circumstances, what is really happening with arostovych , i don't know, i don't communicate with him until august 2023. lesson many accuse him of a pro-moscow position, and not least of ties to the kremlin or even the fsb. i don't know that. but i want to say that if you chose such a position, then you should be in ukraine. in kyiv, at least, without saying that it is on the front line. it is necessary to take such a position within ukraine. this is correct. after all, if you pronounce it at home, then you are more credible. that is, a person sees that it is necessary himself. from abroad, it
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looks somewhat unconvincing, to put it mildly: if you have such a position, then be dear, when you are already applying for the position of the president of ukraine or a ukrainian politician, you have to do it all at home, if you feel in danger for yourself, then this also explains a lot why such a change in views happened, because the question is not that this the position is not liked by the authorities, and why were you before that an adviser to the president from... the head of the office , as far as i remember, he was an adviser to the head of the office, something like that was written in the certificate on public grounds, he was a part-time employee, you voiced one position, then another started in 2023 position, it is somewhat frightening and it is strange, you either said something that was not true, although he did not say anything so questionable then. let it be two or three weeks already, but this has already
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become a balanced assessment, his personal opinion. now he says: zelensky is corrupt and a dictator. and why didn't you say about it earlier? you saw it when you worked in the president's office. and in your opinion, marko, is it psychology or political technology, what is working in it now, well, i understand that this is a question, you know, up to your intuition. i believe that, firstly, there is some attempt to manipulate aristovych does not hide this, he says openly: i do not see a political position here, he has gone through various stages in his biography, it seemed to me that a person has become wiser, there is a little until 50 years old, a year or two, it is necessary to have some consistent position, i am a human being, who never changed her position, for which i was criticized all my life, i was unequivocal all my life and always appreciated it in others, principledness, when a person has the same position, holds... this does not mean that
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you cannot criticize and change attitudes towards people, but in the main issues you need to remain who you are. impossible if you're a fan. of liberal ideology, becoming a communist is nonsense for me, as well as changing your views depending on your status in power, are you or not? why did you go there? you were at public events. it seems to me that there are some psychological defects in oleksiy aristovych, or something was not added to him, or does he think that he was underestimated? in my opinion, there is something personal here. thank you very much, mark, for this frank and extremely interesting conversation, i wish our viewers to remind that now on the air... espresso was worked by mark fegin, an activist of the russian emigration in exile, a former deputy of the state duma of the russian federation and a well-known blogger. thanks mark. thank you all, all the best. everyday
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went into life young, working for the state, running, flying forward to our victory. the first page of the great war. 242 days of fighting. 242 days of hell. defense of donetsk airport. we remember those who persevered. and now
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bryza, former adviser to the secretary of state of the united states, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the national security council, will work on the air of the tv channel. greetings , dear mr. ambassador, good day sir, good day, well, first of all i would like to start our conversation with what happened in davos, the davos forum is a key event when it comes to aligning the geopolitical clocks of the european union, the united states and what is called gray power, in particular, we are talking about the financial sector and not only about it, there was the prime minister of china, who from the russian federation, well , in particular, when we talk about official emissaries, there were no, but we understand, that this story is extremely important, because it is not only a question of finances, it is a question of medium-term prospects for ukraine and , in general, of supporting our civilizational
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choice, but russia treated the davos forum extremely aggressively. no more russia welcome to the world. economic forum in davos and the russian house, which was once the center of world attention, gave way to the ukrainian house. at least last year , this space was in davos. dedicated to the memory of the victims of russian aggression, this is another sign that russia is relegated to the background of the world arena. if earlier it was a desirable partner for many countries, today its status has turned into an outcast. the key story is how the european community will behave now, america, in particular, is about the biden administration and russia. we understand that they are ongoing. very long debates between republicans and democrats, we in ukraine are extremely nervous, if not hysterical
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, we perceive these domestic american political debates, but we hope for the best, on the other hand, we understand that our european allies are extremely worried, yes, because we see , how russia is preparing its population for what is called not just confrontation with the west, but possible aggression against certain or... other nato member states, in particular in estonia feel extremely, so to speak, threatened. so, what is happening in our country with the position of the united states and to what extent the united states will be ready to respond clearly and aggressively in case of immediate danger to the state or aggression against ukraine. we saw on the example of yemen that it is possible to act. and boldly. i don't think there is a particular
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debate in the biden administration about aid to ukraine. the biden administration wants to provide an additional $60 billion in aid to ukraine, and the vast majority of members of congress, as i said, they want this aid to come to ukraine. there is only a small group of radical far-right republicans who are taking advantage of biden's willingness to provide this assistance. ukraine in order to demand something else from him. in particular, a new policy on the protection of the us-mexico border. during the russian invasion of ukraine , the biden administration provided rhetorical support and was slow to provide military support. always supplying the next type of weaponry that ukraine desperately needs with some delay. this trend is likely to continue and further. i do not predict that in the near future russia will attack the territory of nato, in
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estonia, latvia or lithuania. russia is stuck in its trenches in ukraine. ukraine has successfully pushed the black sea fleet out of its territory, and putin understands that if he starts military operations on nato territory, it will lead him to a state of war with the alliance, which he does not want. when i headed the think tank. in tallinn, after the russian invasion of ukraine in 2014, we were concerned and studied possible scenarios according to which, as and in the case of crimea, russia could send troops there, hiding its involvement, let's say the same little green men. these are the scenarios where they claim that russia has nothing to do with it. these troops occupy some minor administrative centers, and then putin says: these are russian troops, we are invaders. nato territory. are you ready for a nuclear war to try to liberate these unimportant buildings? it
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's not something that worries me, or something that 's beyond the scope of an article five response, should russia attack nato territory, which can permanently discredit nato. dear mr. ambassador, i would like you to analyze now the message from the kremlin, which was voiced by the former in his telegram channel. president of the russian federation medvedev, this is an extremely aggressive text, and it is not that they have changed their narratives, at one time they said that they were fighting, so to speak, with the bad ukrainian government in the benches, but not now. medvedev announced a plan for an existential war with what is called ukrainianism and said that ukrainians simply to be dangerous, as well as before'. howled huge claims, in particular, it is about the occupation of our
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country. let me remind you that medvedev is the deputy secretary of the security council of the russian federation. how should we perceive such threats? since the beginning of the russian invasion of ukraine, former president and prime minister medvedev has looked inadequate, to say the least. due to his aggressive speeches and constant threats regarding the use of nuclear. of course, those were just words, but what you're talking about is deeply troubling. because in my opinion, it's true. and the elite of the putin regime have decided that their goal is the destruction of ukraine. they said so. putin spoke about this a few years ago in his very long article in which he denied the existence of the ukrainian nation. therefore, putin's goal is to destroy ukraine. however, he does not succeed. why does medvedev
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speak like that? in my opinion, they may be sincere, but unattainable. the goals are related to the fact that he wants to position himself among putin's elite, as we say in english, trying to be more cathartic than the pope roman. i believe that there is no chance that russia will achieve such a whole. however , there is a need for europe and the united states to provide the promised aid to ukraine immediately. and so that ukraine can protect its sky effectively and better than now. it is absurd to expect that ukraine will be able to dislodge entrenched russian forces without controlling the skies. yes, well , in any case, we see certain extremely positive signals from our friends in the west, in particular, it is about the signing of a number of security agreements, well, the key one is the security agreement with the united kingdom of great
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britain and northern ireland. this is an extremely important signal. on the other hand , we understand that there are not... pleasant signals , in particular it came from the federal minister of switzerland, yes, who said, well, it is very difficult to discuss the peace formula, and it will be very difficult to implement it, without having certain negotiating positions with the russian federation , and here we come to the most important, most problematic dilemma, in particular , it is about how we will implement the peace formula and how ready our people will be to implement it... friends, partners and allies, under the conditions if russia will only increase the degree of escalation. putin is virtually impossible to negotiate with, as only a week and a half ago he stated that his goals in ukraine remain the same, which are to de-nazify and demilitarize ukraine, and to ensure that ukraine never
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joins nato. when putin makes such demands, and medvedev, in his style... threatens, they clearly indicate that they are not ready for negotiations. thus, if russia continues to escalate, then of course there will be no negotiations. as far as i remember italy's federal minister said support for ukraine remains strong, but he would like to see talks because everyone wants the war to end. despite this, you can not doubt. we support ukraine and want to continue. to help her, so i'm not the least bit worried about these statements. i believe that in the case of aid to ukraine from the european union, and it will be either at the level of 27 countries, if viktor orbán finally gives in, or, as many european leaders claim, at the level of 26 eu countries, without hungary aid will flow, and the more russia escalates, the
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more aid ukraine will receive. bilateral safe. agreements, i have already mentioned the security agreement with the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, we understand that additional security agreements are brewing. there are certain, so to speak, catchphrases and the key story of how such things will be filled, such as, for example, the provision of the necessary military assistance and so on and so on and so on. we understand that, well, it will depend on how strong and how far our partners will be willing to go on... security agreements, how far, i think, regarding the actual presence of nato troops on the territory of ukraine. however, there are some nato members that we talked about that are not under the auspices of nato, can send their own military forces and assets to ukraine. this question comes up from time to time and there is no clear answer
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as to what the limits are for individual western partners of ukraine, other than that... will not directly intervene, unless some nato member states will not be attacked by russia. however, going back to your previous question, the more russia escalates, the more likely it is that some nato member states will intervene on the ground. i also think that the more ukraine can succeed in keeping the black sea fleet out of the black sea, the more it can... prepare, with the support of its western friends, to destroy the land bridge between crimea and russia. i am sure we will see even more aid from countries of the event former president donald trump demonstrated that he can recruit, he won in the primaries, and he won, albeit in one state, but with a crushing result,
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and accordingly european countries, nato members, are very worried. we are very worried. donald trump gives quite strange signals, so in his last interview he stated that he knows how to negotiate with putin and could help. i am quite skeptical about the promises made by donald trump, but donald trump is, he is the reality of the political life of the united states of the states what can we expect in the coming months? first of all, the chances of donald trump becoming the republican nominee are very high. the next primary is tuesday in new hampshire, and he's likely to win again by an impressive margin. as it just happened in iowa, i think his primary challengers, nikki haley and ron desantis, will drop out and trump will be the
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republican nominee. it's too early to predict if he can beat joe biden, but if it happens in november, he's already has opined on nato's effectiveness in the past and has suggested that the united states withdraw from the alliance, but he will not be able to do so because congress has passed. law that the president of the united states cannot withdraw the united states from its treaty obligations to nato. the senate approves the treaties, only it has the power to annul the participation of the united states in the north atlantic treaty. but that won't happen, so the united states will stay in nato. trump aggressively talks about ending the war on his first day in office tenure. if he... is elected, which means that he will put pressure on president zelenskyi to conduct negotiations, even if ukraine is not ready for them, and this is a cause for concern.
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on the other hand, let's not forget that it was president trump who, after coming to power, did what barack obama did not dare to do, namely, he provided ukraine with significant lethal aid, that is, anti-tank weapons, after the russian invasion of ukraine in 2014. so after donald trump, god forbid, becomes president again, he will be limited in the the radical nature of their actions. however, i note that he will try to take very radical steps, especially with regard to ukraine, nato , and the domestic political system of the united states. his threats to fire tens of thousands of experienced civil servants and replace them with his political cronies appear serious. even. if it is difficult to implement given the american law, he will still try to introduce radical changes. dear mr. ambassador bryze, in the end, i would like
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to ask you what mistakes would be in ours the situation when it comes to ukraine, what mistakes would be the worst, the most fatal , what mistakes we cannot afford to make, well, and accordingly, the key story is also the desire of russia to make... aggression against ukraine the longest, not only the largest war about after the second world war on the european continent, but also the longest, so we see that russia wants to stretch in time and involve additional resources of north korea, iran and, possibly, the people's republic of china. in my opinion, it is important that ukrainian society does not lost the fighting spirit it had shown until now. political differences within the country should not be used to stir up tensions arising from the war. now, more than ever, ukraine needs
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to remain united. i support president zelensky that now is not the time to hold elections. certainly not in the midst of an existential war. in addition, i have full confidence that ukraine will win and that we will eventually give ukraine what it needs. support if she continues to fight, not only those incredibly brave soldiers, men and women, who are on the battlefield, but also the entire civil society that has united to support ukraine, and if russia remains as demoralized as it is on the battlefield, then ukraine will inevitably win. however , it is important that ukraine preserves its internal unity, similar to the transatlantic unity with which all of us in nato must support ukraine. and the biggest threat to the victory of ukraine, in my opinion, is the question of our ability to provide the necessary assistance that
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ukraine needs for victory. god bless america. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important conversation on the air of the tv channel. i would like to remind our viewers that matthew bryza, former adviser to the secretary of state of the united states of america, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the us national security council, was currently working for them. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones, do not ignore air alarms, see you on the air, hello, woman, what to do when liver, alohol should be taken, but what about the gallbladder? alohol, it protects both the liver and the gallbladder, the natural components of alohol contribute to the normalization of the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect
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who persevered. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in iryna's studio blacksmith. congratulations. all viewers and just now to the most important events. let's start with the situation in the tavria direction. there were 49 combat encounters with the enemy during the day. the occupiers are actively storming our positions in avdiivka and novomykhailivka, - said the commander of the tavria military group oleksandr ternavskyi. instead, ukrainian soldiers managed to eliminate 356 invaders and destroy 13 pieces of equipment. in particular, two artillery systems, three drones.


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