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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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that it is the same thing, because hungarians or hungary, it is common for others, that is, hungarians, other nations and peoples are called that, and we call ourselves modorok, modor, so here this and that is correct, enough the old name is a fashioner, so... you can call me a fashioner without any problems, and here is the main question, an important question, against the background of constant such verbal and heated negotiations between kyiv and budapest, we never hear the point of view of ukrainian hungarians. we
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see them at the front, we see them gathering donats for the ukrainian army , we see them, but maybe i'm not watching closely, maybe i don't live in transcarpathia, i've never seen that ukrainian hungarians say, here's right-wing zelensky, and then here's right-wing orban, here we're behind orban, here we are for zelenskyi, in general, what do the hungarians themselves think. the magyars of ukraine themselves, what do they think about the fact that on the mountain these gentlemen are fussing, as the ukrainians say, and there are problems down there, what do they think? forgive me, mr. mykola, of course you are right, unfortunately, our voice is not always heard, but still i wanted i would like to note that i am also hungarian from zakarpattia. community, leaders of the community
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, wrote a letter, i personally addressed several times openly to mr. orban and on ukrainian television, and through the letter, and on the hungarian air on television and radio, that we consider that behavior, attitude towards us, first of all, to be unworthy to the ukrainian hungarians, we are citizens of ukraine, yes, we are of hungarian descent, my native language is hungarian, and i have emphasized this many times, and our community emphasizes this, that no oppression has ever been in ukraine, in relation to the hungarian nation, there was no hungarian language, i and the hungarians in kyiv had about 400 people before the war, now it is a little less, but you and i communicate exclusively in hungarian. i communicate with
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my son in hungarian, and no one interferes with this, unfortunately, this kind of politicking has been going on for quite a long time, you have correctly noted everything, there are a lot of reasons , we could talk about it a lot, a lot, i am just one example i will mention that literally before the broadcast, i watched the hungarian foreign ministry regarding the negotiations. which you know is scheduled for the 29th january between the ministry of foreign affairs and the office of the president in uzhhorod, so peter szijharto wrote that the main topic that will need to be discussed at this difficult meeting is the first question, what did you think, he called, he called that the discussion of the deprivation of rights of hungarians from transcarpathia and. .. what was recently done, this
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is his first question, again, there is a lack of work here, both on the ukrainian and hungarian sides, that, unfortunately, our voice is not heard, why peter szijjártó never asked me whether deprived of our community, my rights in ukraine, i would very much like him about it spoke in his native hungarian. language, because, unfortunately, neither orbán nor ciarto have any understanding of this at all. i understand correctly that this, this campaign, it is not aimed at you, at the domestic consumer, at the hungarian in hungary. that is , they say there, look, we are fighting for the hungarians in ukraine, who... who are under a lot
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of pressure there, support us, but they don't ask you in this version, they are just such uninvited lawyers, is that how it turns out? er, well, half yes, but it should be noted that the other half, er, the same significant part transcarpathian hungarians were simply bought by orban, and they are cheap serf labor for orban and an electoral force. for hungary today, there is a very huge problem, the lack of labor resources, there are people here who speak exclusively the hungarian language, and today the biggest problem of the hungarian community in transcarpathia is the lack of integration into ukrainian society due to the fact that a large part, especially the youth, we we have, the lost generation does not speak the ukrainian
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language, their only way out is simply to be in hungary with cheap labor on very low... cables of society, and you know that the hungarian community in zakarpattia 20 years ago had 154 thousand people, today their number has fallen to less than 50,000, and this is not the reason for the war, but before the war, a large part of them, due to the fact that they do not speak the ukrainian language, were forced to move to hungary and there... well, few people really talk about it in ukrainian society, but the picture is like this today. tibor, this means that this is politics
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the government of hungary, well, this is such a policy, i would say, a zionist policy. jewish communities, everyone must return to israel, and now budapest is officially saying: you don't have to live where you live, leave ukraine, leave romania, leave slovakia, return everyone to us, and we will live well and wonderfully, and maybe it then, if this is such a policy, then we just have to prepare for the fact that there will be a lot of free, vacant houses in transcarpathia when the hungarians leave. there will be a school, separate classes, where hungarian children from transcarpathia are currently studying, and so on, that is, maybe you just have to look soberly, you are a native of kyiv, you are from kyiv, you live peacefully in kyiv, you are not going to leave and these 400 people or 400 families will stay
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in kyiv in the region, whatever will happen, and they want to go home, that is to hungary, well, we can't ban it, if they don't want to be incorporated into ukrainian society? well, mr. mykola, i would like to point out that precisely the paradox of such aliyah, that is, the policy of aliyah in orbán and the modern one, there is no leadership, they just talk and constantly shout about it, about the fact that the hungarians should be implemented where they live, and not only that, huge funds are allocated to keep these people in transcarpathia. because then supposedly, of course, this hungarianness, which has already lived there for more than a thousand years, will be continued there, and what about free houses, free buildings, forgive me, this is already a real picture today, i was recently in transcarpathia, i was in
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hungarian villages, yes not that half, 2/3 of the huts in transcarpathia, where hungarians live, are empty, that is, already a lot... some have left, and unfortunately, this is such a reduction the population of hungarians continues, but the politics in words, i would call orbán's politics, is completely different, that is, it is not what israel does. we literally have a couple of minutes left, but this is enough for television, please tell me, orban and orban for a long time... in hungary, that is , we see that the big cities are not doing well, budapest, there are constant problems , the mayor is elected there disloyal to say the least, just anti-european, okay, anti-ukrainian policy, but anti-european policy that
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brussels constantly says, listen, you europeans or you, mr. orban, you are europeans , who are you, explain to us your position, if you are a muscovite, if you love putin, well, maybe... somehow return to the urals, well, they don’t say that, but i’ll guess so, then for a long time, why do the magyars tolerate him then, why do they live there and vote for him? constantly. you are right again. today, the whole of hungary is really divided. there is the so-called orbanokrypatska hungary, short-sighted, monolingual. and there are, as you mentioned, budapest more than 2 million people and other large cities where indeed, they have a very bad attitude towards orbán, they never vote for him. by the way, in budapest, orban cannot win a single polling station. he has it there. there is not a single deputy from there, and when it is necessary to speak somewhere, he does not speak in budapest
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, even on the anniversary of the year 56, but goes to such small provincial towns, villages, so, for a long time or for a short time, i really hope, that it won't be long before budapest finally grinds down orban in a democratic way, and such serfdom will win. and literally the word, why it turned out like that, on unfortunately, in hungary at one time historically there was the strongest serfdom, the strongest fortification of all european countries, and to this day, this echo of serfdom is precisely used by orban. thank you very much, tibor tompa, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region was with us, thank you very much, now there will be advertising. and a small story about crimea, but i want to have time to say the following, just sir,
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mr. tibor had time to say about the year 56, this is what surprises me, sometimes in czech politicians and always in hungarian ones, because in hungary there was in 1956, when the rebellion of the hungarians was drowned in blood, who said then, we want to live in a normal country, in western europe, in central europe, we do not want to be part of the ussr. and the czechs did the same in 1968, and all this was crushed by tanks, and now some people come out and say, well, we need to think, maybe it would be better to be friends with moscow, okay, all the orders came either from moscow or from st. petersburg since the 19th century, but you see, this is the story, so now the advertisement, then there will be a story about crimea, as i already said on january 20, that is, today, but in the 91st year it happened in general. referendum and 94% voted for the restoration of autonomy in crimea, we will have, as
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you can guess, rifat chubarov, the head of the ukrainian-tatar people, but first there will still be advertising, then the plot, and then we will have a fight with mr. rifat, oh , and we got wet, can you have some tea, mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? this is d3 zinc and the main one is quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. in one capsule, four components together. so simple, one capsule a day. so easy. quertin immuno. there are discounts on citrik, 20% in pharmacies psyllium, vam and oschadnyk. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons. don exquisite drama in ukrainian in the subscription, turn on aristocratic on mego. everyday life
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a tragedy happened, frankly i say a tragedy, he went into life young, working for the state, running, flying forward to our victory. the first page of the great war. 242 days of fighting, 242 days of hell, the defense of the donetsk airport, we remember those who resisted, amed bekirov,
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a native crimean tatar, his relatives... in 1944, they were deported first to the urals, and then to uzbekistan. after decades in a foreign land, amet managed to return to crimea. my dad waited for his return for 60 years, at the age of 65 we were able to return to the motherland with my dad. in 2001, we returned to the crimea and immediately began our journeys in the mountains, yes, we went to the sea, yes. enjoyed, enjoyed paradise. however, the paradise did not last long. in march 2014, the russians occupied crimea, so amet and his family moved first to drohobych, and later to lviv. with the evacuation of the family the public initiative krymsos helped. currently , the man works at the crimean tatar cultural center. we, like teachers, yes, we
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see our mission in the presentation, yes, in crimea. here, russia is purposefully replacing the crimean population with its own citizens, according to the head of the crimean tatar resource center, eskender bariev. according to his data, during almost 10 years of occupation , 93,000 ukrainians left crimea, while more than 600,000 citizens of the russian federation moved there. a lot of crimeans started to leave, well, that's what is meant more about the ukrainian crimeans, so as not to end up in the ranks of the armed forces of the russian federation, in that'. and also to germany, to ireland, and the previous one according to our data, such people who left crimea since the beginning of the full-scale aggression can be counted up to 30 thousand. persecution for a pro-ukrainian position, conviction for political motives and deliberate mobilization to the enemy army.
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using such methods, the russian special services are trying to continue to displace the indigenous population from crimea. that is, they. artificially use and or create new ones tools of persecution of the representatives of the crimean tatar people so that either the crimean tatars would be completely subservient to the russians, or that those who do not agree would start leaving. according to the russian state statistics
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, by the end of 2023 , there are 2 people living in the autonomous republic of crimea and sevastopol . the creation of this, it means that mishkov is there, and this and the head of the cabinet of ministers from moscow, in short, it was such a difficult struggle, it lasted until 1994, so today our crimean tatar brothers congratulate each other or scratch the backs of their heads? regarding the referendum and if you have a good day to everyone, thank you for asking the question in such a way, because no one welcomes such real ukrainians, i mean the crimean tatars, ethnic ukrainians in the political dimension, because on january 20, 1991
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, literally already the last months of the existence of the srs. moscow managed to put pressure on kyiv, and that referendum was held, and 12 in february 1991, by a resolution of the verkhovna rada of the ukrainian soviet socialist republic, crimean autonomy was restored, but this autonomy was created under absolute. neglecting the rights and interests of the crimean tatar people, who only just managed to return, chose this opportunity from... i realized that this autonomy also neglected the interests of ethnic ukrainians, of whom no less than 500,000 lived in crimea at that time. so, we do not congratulate
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each other on this day, but we say that we need to draw conclusions and change, transform this autonomy so that it absolutely corresponds to the interests of the ukrainian state and the crimean tatar state. people and ukrainian society as a whole, but i remember those times, those months when i somehow remember, they remember for some reason it was alushta, under alushta , the first settlement of crimean tatar people who were returning was set on fire, i met them there, well, in short, it was not easy there , there was a difficult road home, but my question, by the way, mr. mykola, i want to mention here, i think you have already forgotten, but... one of our such meetings with you, it was in tents opposite the verkhovna rada of ukraine in march 1992, when such
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a large-scale action of the crimean tatars took place, and the main demand was to restore national-territorial autonomy and get rid of the russian monopoly in crimea, neither you nor i were listened to then, and then we had march 2014 or february with you. 2014 , i have such an unusual question, maybe, ah, rifata aga, i used to be terribly proud 15 years ago, because if mustafa dzhemilov is the father of the crimean tatar people, maybe not everyone knows, and also tzeit muratova is the mother of the crimean tatar people, and i am one of the few people to whom she volunteered to give an interview many, many years ago, and we talked about the humanitarian aspect, among other things. and she was terribly worried that the language was being lost, the culture was being lost, the history was being lost, this is when the people are being blurred, part there,
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part in uzbekistan, part in kazakhstan, a small part in the baltic countries, in short, the whole is like that, and what now, is something being created , maybe some sunday schools for the crimean tatar people, at least here, i i understand that in russia. in the so -called russian crimea, there is nowhere near this, but some such study of history, textbooks, printing of some humanitarian moments, so that there is something to return with, sooner or later, i believe in the crimean tatar people, who will return to their homeland, with something to return, will there be young people? i know young crimean tatars speak ukrainian fantastically, i was shocked, 15 years ago i came to give lectures, well... and so out of respect, of course, i started speaking in russian, well, crimea there the russian-speaking majority, i started speaking after 5 minutes, they looked at me very suspiciously, they said: "mr. mykola, why are you speaking with
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us in russian?" i mean , well, you here probably don’t, we all know ukrainian here, in crimea, in simferopol, the crimean-tatar youth all spoke perfectly ukrainian, crimean-tatar, well , really, the crimean tatars are aware of ... the fact that if they do not gather themselves and do not succeed, they may simply lose their language, and everything that is connected with the preservation of such ethnic consciousness, identity, i do not i will say that these 23 years before the seizure of crimea by the russians, during the years of independent ukraine, that everything was easy for us, we did a lot of things with such great complications... and the opening of schools, and writing textbooks, all that other stuff, because i was always crazy the opposition of the local authorities, which were absolutely
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pro-russian, and they did everything to ensure that kyiv was not able to help the crimean tatars, let's say, and the politicians played this crimean card, because they were chasing voters' votes, and the electorate was the majority of ee... russian-speaking and all that, but nevertheless, everyone knows about it, i am not exaggerating, somewhere around 2012-13, we managed to do a lot, and with the preparation of the mass opening of schools, we have electronic media appeared, let's say, in particular, atr, which began to develop very rapidly and simultaneously speak three languages : ukrainian, crimean tatar, and russian. also, and all this already said that we are reaching, you know, such a level that we can hope for such a steady development, and
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here again... moscow, putin, such a lack of impression, we are so aware that they did not come to invade ukrainian territory, but at the same time to complete what stalin failed to do, i.e. to finally destroy the indigenous people of the peninsula, it is clear that now there are ostentatious things, they, the russian occupiers, like to demonstrate somewhere that they are internationalists. they put some ukrainian shirts on the children there and say, you see how ukrainian culture is flourishing, but not a single ukrainian school, we managed to save 14 crimean tatar schools, but this is very conditional, because they dilute these schools, they specially recruit children in them, well , who study, parents want, who want to study russian, and they conduct the so-called,
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well, bilingual educational process, bilingual and all that, and that is why now the preservation the language and cultural identity of the crimean tatars remains again in such a family, family unit, but now we have very big losses, such a setback has gone backwards, and therefore, the faster crimea is liberated, the... faster we will be able to get it again chances of survival. arifat agha's last question. we all follow bashkartastan without a doubt. we see that some riots have started there, we cheer. we understand that tatarstan is nearby, kazansky, let's call it that. do you have any secret talks, negotiations, any? communication with people
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, that is, with those muslim national minorities of russia, and we also see dagestan, we saw, and we see now what is happening in those regions, give a few words, what is happening in this, in this, against this background? there is no secret here, we really are constantly we interact with activists of national movements and bashkir courts or the bashkir people. with kazan tatars, but also from the north caucasus, ishkerians, ingush, and what concerns the latest events, but these days we are really in touch, we inform each other, well, they inform us more, we can advise something from somewhere of the ukrainian experience, what is happening now in russia is very important for us, on the one hand, we cannot be...
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so naive as to think that russia will fall apart by itself, because now let's say bashkort's speeches , they were not supported and still are not supported by the liberal russian, you know, emigration, because they do not support everything that, from their point of view, threatens the disintegration of russia, and therefore they do not support ethnic national liberation movements. in russia itself , but at the same time we have to realize, we are in ukraine and ukrainians, that if russia, god forbid, and after the victory remains in these existing dimensions and with this existing potential, the threat to ukraine will never disappear, and therefore the guarantee of our security is the creation of independent, a number of independent states, the peoples of russia, the enslaved peoples have
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an absolute right to this and we owe them to... thank you very much, rifat chubarov, head of the midjlis of the crimean tatar people, was with us, i i say goodbye to you, my part of the program is over, there will be another time tomorrow, we will definitely see each other, and for the best, for the best and watch espresso tv. 19:00 in ukraine, for your attention, a news broadcast on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. russians launched shaheds in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk oblast. marganetska and pokrovska were also shelled with artillery.


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