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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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in the future, our colleagues from radio liberty freedom morning will be on our airwaves, and of course at 9:00 a.m. we will honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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hello everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and further in this morning's stream we talk about the following topics: russian forces captured. the village of krokhmalne in the kupyan direction of the kharkiv region reported to the ministry of defense of the russian federation. the armed forces say that this is a temporary phenomenon, as the front line shifts daily. we will talk about the situation at the front, this settlement and its dynamics later. the ministry of justice wants all convicts who wish to be able to mobilize to the ranks of the armed forces. they say that the department has already developed proposals for changes to the legislation and submitted them to the committees of the verkhovna rada. how can the rules for this category of citizens change, from... about changes to mobilization
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at this time. the russian plant novatek, located on the coast of the baltic sea, ceased operations after an attack by ukrainian drones. this is reported by bloomberg. how will this affect russian exports and will it stop the supply of fuel to the russian army? watch us on youtube, on the radio svoboda channel, as well as on espresso tv, ask your questions to the speakers of this morning stream in the comments below this video. russian forces captured the village of krokhmalne in the kupinsky direction of kharkiv region, the ministry of defense of russia reported this in a daily report, the russian military posted a photo in the background on social networks of a destroyed building with a russian flag installed on it. in autumn, researchers from the x network, who volunteer in geoconfarms, confirmed the location of these photos, and also analysts of the ukrainian portal deepstate, who follow the course of russia's war against ukraine, updated the map. hostilities, where
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the settlement of krokhmalne is now marked as captured territory. the spokesman of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces, volodymyr fitiu , said on the air of the telethon that the ukrainian military had indeed withdrawn from the position in the village of krokhmalne. he added that this is, i quote, a temporary phenomenon, because the front line changes daily. according to him , before the start of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine , 45 residents lived in krokhmalny. i would like to add that this village is located 30 km to... southeast of kupyansk on the border of kharkiv region with luhansk, it was already occupied, and the armed forces of ukraine liberated this settlement in the fall of 22nd during the counteroffensive in kharkiv region the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reported in its daily address that 21 attacks by russian troops in the kharkiv and luhansk regions were repulsed, and about krokhmalne in the report it was not possible volodymyr fityo, lieutenant colonel, head of the thunder communications service, joins our broadcast. in the command
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of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. welcome , thank you for joining. good morning, glory to ukraine. hero slava, here is the situation in the kupyansk direction, tell us what the russian forces are, we already know, occupied krokhmalne, are there still people there, is there no local population there at all, and tell us about this settlement, what the situation was there, why have the armed forces of ukraine left? look, well, first of all, starch. er, and in general the kupyan direction, the enemy began to attack his offensive actions from the beginning of october last year, that is, at the beginning of october , he tried to attack sinkivka first, he tried to reach kupyansk, accordingly, these were his primary tasks, which, of course, he did not succeed, at first they focused on infantry, then, accordingly , the assault units did not give their results, they began to be reinforced with equipment, now here... one of these simply
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magical achievements for them, this is such a small village, which lived before a large-scale invasion of the russian federation 45 people. and this village is completely destroyed, accordingly , there is no living place from that village, and it was basically impossible for our defenders to defend some ruins, and this put their lives at risk, for this purpose better positions were equipped, more protected , where they moved, because first of all the life of our military... bovtsiv is number one, this is everything for which the armed forces and, accordingly, the state of ukraine is trying to ensure this for our serviceman, to ensure his safety. of course, every centimeter of our land is important, but in comparison with this situation,
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which developed during the life of the servicemen, it is more important, the enemy occupied it not, let's say, not in good conditions. there is under constant fire and our defenders are in active defense, and this gives the opportunity to switch to offensive actions at the best opportunity, as well as to improve our tactical position, so this should not be made into a tragedy, because this decision in primarily aimed at preserving the lives of ukrainian servicemen, and of course we will liberate the territory, we will drive out all the russians and... they are on this, where they entered it is starchy, they already had a very fun night there, so i think that they have the desire for more something to go somewhere has already decreased automatically, in general, in january the enemy actively
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began his offensive actions even more actively , the emphasis has shifted, it was in the kupinsky direction, now it has shifted more to the elemental direction, that is , the past day, combat operations took place near sinkivka , terniv, yampolivka, bilogorivka, the enemy carried out 24 airstrikes, used 54 drones, this indicates that it actively supports the offensive actions of its units with kamikaze drones, there were 810 artillery and mortar attacks, in principle we can see that if earlier somewhere in december and on at the beginning of january , the number of shellings was around 400-600. well, this is at least twice the number of artillery fire, nevertheless, 187 occupiers in this direction were turned into good russians, packed in black bags and destroyed 79 units of military equipment, six tanks, six bmps, two armored personnel carriers, two mtlbs, one tiger,
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the enemy is actively using equipment, we are actively burning it, and the enemy is suffering extremely heavy losses, for example, as of the 20th. the losses of the russian occupiers in the area of ​​responsibility of khortyts amounted to more than 7,000 servicemen killed and wounded, more precisely 7,055 servicemen and 931 units of military equipment, among which 120 tanks, 218 armored combat vehicles and 178 guns and mortars were destroyed or damaged, for example in december 167 tanks, if in... dates by day, then in december we destroyed an average of five tanks per day, already in january, as of the 20th, this figure is six tanks per day, that is, we see an increase in the use of tanks in particular to support offensive actions
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, because the election period is approaching, the deadlines for which it will be necessary to give some kind of victory are approaching, and there are no victories at the moment, that is why they occupied the remains, the ruins of khromalny, they will of course present, of course, that it is extremely such a great victory , that it was they who almost went to paris, that's it, but we must understand that for us the lives of our servicemen are the greatest value in russia, for russian society, in the russian army, it is our only resource. vladimir, you said that it was a very fun night for... the russian military in krokhmalny, you are talking about this night, can you elaborate? look, the hostilities are happening constantly, and i think, as of tomorrow, we will have some statistics, we will see from their losses, today there were losses, this is the information as of yesterday,
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already in the evening we will see what the losses of the enemy are now, because not all things that are happening can be told on the air, but believe me, not a single occupier who is on ukrainian territory. it won't be fun, and i think we will definitely win, and for that we have to make an effort. speaking of starchy and the civilian population there, you said that before the full-scale invasion there... 45 people lived there, nevertheless, this settlement is already going through the second occupation, are there still people there, or are there no more civilians at all , there everyone left, there were no civilians there at all, and korkhmanyi as such no longer exists, because all the houses there are practically destroyed, volodymyr, thank you for joining our broadcast, volodymyr fityov, lieutenant colonel, head of the communications service with the public, the command of the ground forces, the armed forces of ukraine was a guest of svoboda ranok, the police. take care of horses, in kharkiv oblast community officers took it upon themselves to leave the horse farm and help
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her in every possible way so that the animals do not die. owner, according to the police, he left for russia in 2022. my colleague iryna ostrovska will tell more details. oleksiy has been working at this horse farm in old saltov, kharkiv region, for 12 years. here, the man survived the occupation by russian troops in the first year of the full-scale invasion. it was here that they were not. it was here that they were not there, they were here nearby at the checkpoints. i was here with the owner. then the owner fled on september 11, and i stayed here for almost two years, since the war began. after the owner, according to the police, ran away to russia, oleksiy began to take care of animals on his own, and caring people helped feed them. the guys from the village of petrovske made a joint effort , we had a little equipment here, the farmers
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helped, gave diesel fuel, somewhere they mowed something, somewhere they brought hay, but recently denis and dima took on this farm more specifically and began to help, denis and dima are police officer, denys kerpek and dmytro novytskyi, since august 2023 they have been serving as officers of the starosaltiv settlement community and have been taking care of them since then. in packages, eat, eat, eat, we appeal there ourselves somehow, and to the farmers so that these animals do not die, we bring them oats, salt, we take care of them, and also the law enforcement officers helped patch up the farm after the arrivals and looked for a veterinarian for the wounded animals, there were shellings here.
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there were 33 arrivals of the animals, it was here that the police would say it would be good to find a safer place, and so far, despite such dangerous conditions of keeping, they simply cannot give the horses away, because officially the animals have a legal owner, they are parodists, that is, people brought them here. and take away there are one or two of them, but the owner is there , if the owner comes, but there are no dogs, well, there is also such a double situation here, so to give them to someone just like that, well, it is impossible, the volunteers know how to be in this situation from the lviv shelter for rescued animals, this shelter now has a lot of animals, birds and domestic animals brought from settlements on the front line, most of all they say in the shelter... the snickers themselves ask for help to save their pets, but the experience of forced removal of animals here also
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have if the animals are left to their own devices for the first time, they can be removed, since the law of ukraine stipulates that animals should be left to their own devices, especially in danger, in the front-line territory, one can say, if it is constantly being shelled, someone needs to contact with a statement to the police, and the judge, the investigating judge, if this is a very urgent decision, if these horses already live there... and someone is looking after them, that is, you can simply go to court, so that the judge makes a decision to remove these animals, due to the fact that they were left on by the way, the home of the rescued animals says that after a thorough study of the situation , they are ready to deal with the fate of the horses from the kharkiv region and, if necessary, evacuate them to the lviv region. iryna ostrovska, andrii rulliuk, svoboda ranok. the ministry of justice submitted to the verkhovna rada proposals on the mobilization of profiled convicts. the committees are currently considering these developments, deputy minister of justice
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olena vysotska reported this on the air of ukrainian radio, and according to her, the parliament can adopt new norms in january and february regarding mobilization, however, the issue of convicts may not be resolved this time due to discussions and contradictions. minuse offers as an option the mobilization of those who have already served their sentence in prison and have been released. currently, ukrainian legislation prohibits the mobilization not only of those who are serving a sentence, but also of those. who has been convicted before. according to the ministry of justice , there are tens of thousands of such people. they are all removed from the military register and cannot now join the defense forces. also, the ministry of justice suggests considering articles according to... what those convicted, serving their sentences and to allow the mobilization of those who were not convicted of serious crimes. it is interesting that immediately after the statement of the ministry of justice on ukradio, the people's deputy from european solidarity registered a bill offering amnesty to certain categories of prisoners who are fit for military service and ready to defend ukraine. by the way,
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ombudsman dmytro lubinets also supports the mobilization of convicts, whose words are cited by the publication new voice. the authorized person offers to allow. to mobilize convicts , provided that both the convict himself and the unit his services agree to this. in an interview with the publication, dmytro lubinets also confirmed the information that general zaluzhny is categorically against appointing people with criminal convictions and prisoners to the ranks of the military police. earlier, this publication, referring to an anonymous source, wrote that the commander-in-chief was against the rule on enlisting prisoners and convicts in the army. let me remind you that at the end of december, the government submitted... to the verkhovna rada a draft law on improving the mobilization procedure, its provisions caused discussions, some of them violated the legislation or not, this was stated by the ombudsman and verkhovna rada committee on anti-corruption policy. the draft law was returned for revision on january 11. about the changes that are probably waiting for ukraine in
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the legislative plan regarding mobilization. we will talk further. in the meantime, you , dear viewers, have the opportunity to write in the comments under the video on... radio liberty, which norms and changes in legislation do you consider appropriate, and solomiya bobrovska, people's deputy of ukraine and member of the security and defense committee, joined our broadcast and intelligence of ukraine. solomia, i congratulate you. good morning, glory to ukraine and happy holiday. glory to the heroes, thank you, i congratulate you on the holiday, as well as on the day of the unity of ukraine. solomi, how do you feel about such a vision, which is on the menu today regarding convicts. can it add to ukrainian forces? the defense of motivated people who really want to defend ukraine, but due to their status as convicts, and they, for example, have already served their sentence, they cannot do this. well , you know, i am listening very carefully here, following the position of dmytro lubinets, the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights, and his and his own, on this occasion, the statement
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that people who have a desire, expressed a desire, it was ... appropriately given the opportunity to serve in the defense forces, why not? we are not talking only about the armed forces, we are talking about a wide range of service possibilities, as conscripts, so i do not understand that people have served their punishment, that they have not returned to society, and why not, those who can be prerequisites, they remain citizens, they remain with people who have the right to vote, why can they be eligible for military service, but straws, but why on yours general zaluzhnyi's opinion against such changes and against recruiting people with such a status to the army? if i am not mistaken, he had a position about something else, not about those who have already served their sentence and have already returned to society today, but those who are serving their sentence, that he had questions about that, but i would also like to share it here would be on the categories of people who, for example,
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this term of punishment is reflected, for what, according to which articles, in and so on and so on, i would approach this a little. with gradation and understanding, because during the actions of the martial law of the legal regime, you can fly into the game for a lot of money, because in peacetime, conditionally and we take some kind of theft, you could already spend up to 10-12 years there, and so on and so forth, economic crimes, some other things, that's why i would make a clear guard here, we don't say that we take murderers who are serving time and punishment, and we ask about their desire. services no, there are a huge number of qualifications that could be reviewed and a decision made based on that. that is, work on this aspect, as i understand it, is currently being conducted, the discussion is being conducted, and in general, if we talk about changes from mobilization to demobilization, at what stage is this work now, when it will be possible to see such concrete
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proposals to society? at the stage of rewriting by the ministry of defense with the comments of the committee. of this document and we are waiting for it in the committee, which is not there at the moment, because there is nothing to discuss, but i hope that the whole talmud of comments that we talked about will be changed, and we will see an adequate, the right law with the changes related to mobilization, i would like to say that i see the last days in these discussions around the words of the president about how many we will mobilize, which we will not, how should it be? fair or unfair, it would be good to do everything from the beginning, you know, from the right, clean sheet, and not to plan in advance, so that later the society would be agitated, and we him, we calmed him down, so i have to... what will this one be the law will be exactly equal, adequate, fair and for those who will drafted into the army and those who are serving today and already have
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six, eight, ten months of military service in their baggage, and will be able to have the opportunity for a longer vacation or demobilization. i want to clarify with you about the draft law, because mr. umyerov, the minister of defense, he said that the document was ready from the government, which was finalized there and... handed over to the verkhovna rada, is this so, or have the deputies already seen it ? the document was not referred to the committee, so i have nothing to comment on, maybe he passed it to some individual representatives, but it wasn't introduced , it wasn't passed, and we didn't consider it in committee, and there's no word on when the committee is going to discuss this bill, unfortunately, there still isn't, uh, that's a good clarification, mrs. solomi, if you have already remembered the president's words, he really said that this question of mobilization is primarily a question of justice. and he said that he doesn't see the need to mobilize half a million people there, and again there are questions in society, because we also heard a direct speech there from general
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zaluzhnyi that he did not call this a specific number again, but roughly speaking that it is during the year, it is not at the same time, and this is taking into account the loss there, offensive operations with taking into account the demobilization, including whether the calculations of the general staff here... somehow do not coincide with the vision of the president, and i understand that you were recently in chernihiv oblast, talked to the military, and there, in general, questions of justice, how do you feel now, well first, you you know, after such long months of discussions about mobilization, i wouldn't want to do any, and then i didn't want to, because this is actually not a political issue, it's too sensational and socially important for ukraine, and i... it seems that such things, in addition to what is determined by the general staff , the number, the number for this year of the needs of military personnel should be discussed at the rate and further, so that the supreme
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commander and the commander-in-chief have a clear one common position, because such things about half a million people or about 400 00 , and we don't need that much, and then the ministry of finance or administration comes out and says: we don't have the funds for such an amount, and then someone else comes out and says: but we are not able... to do 5-8-28 there and accordingly the system will not work , because such a number will not be digested, it must be understood that we are resource-wise, by no means, we are not the russian federation, we are not numerically and symmetrically able to give such an answer to the muscovites and equal them. our actions, we say at the very beginning of a large-scale war, should be... asymmetric, so that they are effective, because our people are a valuable resource. accordingly, when we talk about half a million or less, we also
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had such thoughts and questions to the general staff, in particular, because in addition to the fact that we need to call them up, we also need to train them, dress them, and then it should be social packages for those who are demobilized, additional expenses and services, including care for a veteran or family, and of course what, for example, me. the hundred most disturbing, i hope, it is everyone, it is equally disturbing, this question weapons, the availability of weapons, because it doesn't just have to be a fighter, a gunner, a soldier, it, or manned brigades, it's people who have to be armed, in particular and heavy in order to be effective on the battlefield, so i think that for sure this is where the supreme commander-in-chief came from, or maybe they got out of their plans for this year, that we are preparing a counteroffensive, that we are becoming... in a defensive positional war, or we are preparing attacks, i don't know, there on the territory of the russian federation we have absolutely the other, the front overturns and so on on and on, but given how today the russians are activated, they are conducting
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offensive battles, very active, high intensity, i will not say that even in the last month, some three or four months, we see what is happening near kupinsk and avdiyivka, well, it seems to me that for us , technical assistance and weapons should be the number one priority for everyone, for the magazine. about the defensive war, and in general, how the situation at the front is developing now, we will talk further on our broadcast with military experts, i announce for our viewers thank you, mrs. solomia, for participating, we discussed the political aspect of mobilization and possible changes with the people's deputy of ukraine solomi bobrovska and a member of the security, defense and intelligence committee of ukraine. the ukrainian military did not attack the market in donetsk, the defense forces and. of the military direction, they say that the forces under the command of the operational-strategic grouping of tavria troops in this case did not conduct combat operations against means of destruction.
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i would like to note that the day before in the morning, the leader of group. denys pushylin of the so-called dpr announced the shelling of the market in the micro-raiyan of a textile worker in occupied donetsk. according to him, the market was shelled with 152 and 155 mm barrel artillery. according to the latest data, 27 people were killed and another 25 were injured. an explosion and then i look directly from this road, i see, it seems like smoke, a hot water pipe broke right there. therefore. there was smoke, steam, i’m coming, there are no legs left, everything has already come off, it’s already come right at me and it rang, it rang, i don’t know, some strange woman from my wife’s phone, i i was at work, that's it, they said, there's no wife , that's all, half a body was lying under the table, i pulled it out myself, that's it, i arrived, she 's already there, it's already there, they sent it to the russian
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authorities, they are accused of shelling. ukraine, russia demands that shelling of donetsk become the topic of the current session of the un security council. un secretary-general antonio guterres said he strongly condemns all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. it was a quote. and in the leningrad region of russia , the day before, they announced a plan for increased readiness at critical infrastructure. this was reported by the russian state media with reference to the authorities of the region. the message said. that security officers and guards of these objects have orders to shoot down drones if they are detected. how exactly the situation ended is currently unknown, there have been no official or unofficial reports on this matter. however, the telegram channel of the cheka ogpu wrote that moscow and st. petersburg were urgently informed about the approach of ten unidentified flying objects. they were allegedly spotted in the bryansk region, and the target could be the northern capital, that is, st. petersburg. tim
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sometimes factory no. in the russian port of ustluga on the coast of the baltic sea, after an attack by ukrainian drones, it stopped operations, reports bloomberg with reference to the company itself. osinta analyst tender also writes about this, noting that novatek is russia's largest marine terminal for the export of crude oil. the terminal in ustluz was attacked by drones on the night of january 21, according to the fontanka telegram channel, there were two explosions, after which a large-scale fire broke out at the gas storage facility, which... was extinguished by the plant's employees for more than 10 hours evacuated in addition, the flight arrived at the shchoglovskyi val plant in tula, where, as the russian telegram channel astra writes, pcrs anti-aircraft missile and gun systems are manufactured. on saturday evening, the russian ministry of defense reported the destruction of ukrainian drones over the bryansk, oryol, tula and smolensk regions. the ukrainian pravda publication, citing interlocutors in the special services, writes that
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the utu objects. smolensk and orly were attacked by gur drones, and the novatek plant in the leningrad region is a special operation of the sbu. about that public sources report. i will also remind you that last week a ukrainian drone flew for the first time to the territory of the leningrad region of russia. this was announced by oleksandr kamyshin, minister of strategy for strategic industries of ukraine. he stated that the drone had flown 1,250 km, as russian telegram channels wrote, and it fell on the territory of st. petersburg. oil terminal in the russian ministry of defense then claimed that they shot down ukrainian drones over the moscow and leningrad regions. to our broadcast joins ivan stupak, military analyst, former sbu employee. ivan, welcome to our broadcast. yes, congratulations, congratulations studios, thanks for the invitation. thank you for joining. well, it is not known to what extent, but nevertheless, we currently have information from bloomberg that the russian novatek plant has stopped working due to an attack by drones. can you
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tell what is the value of this plant for russia and what can be affected by an attack on it? yes, well, let's say right away, conceptually, that these are ukrainian sanctions, well, because they turned out to be the most effective than western sanctions, and are imposed both sectorally on a sector, for example, an oil refinery or on the military-industrial sector, as well as individually on the owners of such, for example, an oil refinery. what, what is the curiosity of novatek of this terminal, it is 900, well, almost 100 km. from the border of ukraine, this is the baltic sea , st. petersburg, on the border with estonia, that is , very, very far, how they arrived, by what air paths is unknown, it is unclear, let it remain a focus, let our special bodies continue to repeat them . this, ah, this complex, besides, that there was an oil transshipment there, there was also a coal, forest, i think that they did not damage, they were not damaged, but...


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