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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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in drones, can you tell us what the value of this plant is for russia and what might be the effect of a strike on it? yes, well, let's say conceptually right away that these are ukrainian sanctions, well, because they turned out to be the most effective than western sanctions, and are imposed sectorally on a sector, for example, the national insurance fund or on the military-industrial sector, as well as individually on the owners of such for example, a refinery. what, what is the curiosity of novatek about this terminal, it is... 900, well, almost 1000 km from the border of ukraine, it is baltic the sea, st. petersburg, on the border with estonia , that is, very, very far, how they arrived, by what air paths, it is unknown , it is unclear, let this remain the focus, let our special bodies continue to repeat them further, this, this complex, besides , that there was an oil transshipment there, there was also a forest, i thought that they did not damage, they were not damaged, but...
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as far as we know, some of the tankers that were nearby, they decided that it was right to leave the area, to leave for several dozen kilometers from the port and wait there it is not clear why, this terminal is owned by two well-known russian oligarchs who are close to, you know, to putin, yes, they are part of his inner circle, this is leonid michelson with a fortune, according to forbes , somewhere between 25-26 billion dollars and... and gennadiy timchenko is the same plus-minus fortune of 26 billion dollars, but in his close circle he has the nickname gangreno, that is, such an eloquent nickname for the person who owns this refinery. what is it, what does it lead to, what are the advantages for ukraine? no fuel is produced, it is not supplied to the domestic market of the russian federation, taxes are not paid, the state budget of the russian federation is not filled, some of the manufactured fuel is kerosene. diesel, military fuel
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do not go directly to the needs of the front, that is, a tank that is half, or rather, a tank that is without a tank, it is half filled, let's say this, that is, there will be certain restrictions most likely either in the military or in the civilian sector, plus , when this oil, oil products are sold abroad, cash is received, money, which remains on accounts in western banks, and then through a large number of intermediate... companies are used for procurement, bypassing sanctions, procurement of some control boards, semi-conductors, bearings, this is for the russian military-industrial complex and then to fire at ukraine, that is, in any in which case these are objects with extremely high added value and their destruction must continue. in general, if we talk about the beginning of this year and the strikes that are being carried out directly on the territory of russia, can they be considered effective and whether here you know, looking ahead to... your questions,
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whether it is possible or whether it is included in the context of the defensive war of ukraine, i.e. 100%. well, look, here it looks like the victim should politely defend himself, in no case should he hit the territory of the rapist, in no case, so as not to provoke him to even more serious actions, well, agree, this is completely illogical at all, in any case - what concepts of criminal law stipulate that a person has the right to self-defense, to defend himself by those... means that are possible and not illegal, we were attacked, not just somehow hybrid, openly attacked , we will be threatened with nuclear weapons, that is why such protection is fully justified, fully justified, ukraine is not trying to destroy civilian objects, we are not interested in them , only military, quasi-military, as well as those that contribute to the functioning of the russian state machines, fill the state budget, and also contribute to the further conduct of this war, that is, this is the defense in the offensive in...
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it is once again justified, how the ukrainians do it is unknown, but the arrivals, look, are becoming more and more massive, more effective, this shows that , firstly, we still have drones that can fly, if before they were so isolated, one or two, somewhere they flew, somewhere they fell, something blew up, something didn’t, it was somehow unclear, now we see the effectiveness, they arrive , secondly, they fly far, very far, and the number said once again, and the last thing is that the russians admitted that it is really difficult with air defense, it is not enough to close all important objects, in peacetime, there are no questions, they would cover this refinery, they would cover the rest of the facilities, but it is a big one the number of air defense systems on the front is either destroyed, or damaged, or works in the kremlin, in the kremlin , moscow, putin's dacha, they are all protected, and it is armor that protects, armor is the kind of thing that can shoot down such small low-flying objects, and... large complex
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s-300, s-400, they just don't, well, they can't shoot them down, that's how they see them, but the rocket there is about 3 m long, two, 2-3 m rockets, and it's easy to shoot down this target. it physically cannot. ivan said that a defensive war would lead to a freeze in the conflict head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak. so you, as a military expert agrees, agree with such theses and with such regularity? well, well, look, conceptually really any, well let's conceptually, any freezing, it leads to the fact that russia has a chance to recover. that is, let's now imagine such a baxerotic duel, one side outwits the other, if you give... some side a breather, well, on both sides, then one side can prepare much faster, because it mobilizes even more of its resources, in on the other side, what will be the defect on our side, it may affect the determination of the western countries to help us, they will say, but you already agreed there, everything has stopped, well, that's it, then we won't give money or
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equipment either, why do you need it, at this time the russians will circumvent even more intensive sanctions, pour even more money into the military industry at the expense of the civilian population, but... on the other hand, if you look, well, we have a hard time with people, we don't have that many people , as much as in russia, not as much money as in russia, there is not so much equipment, there is no military equipment, well, we have seen the 23rd year, well, there is no way to break through the russian defense by military means so far with the equipment, with the weapons that they give us, that is, once again, this is not some barazhenichesky sentiment, well, really, well it was difficult, how seriously and heavily we suffered losses after the assault in the vsk region. for 5 months, our military gnawed through this defense every hour. therefore, i believe that, in principle, the defense strategy is not problematic, unsuccessful, or such that it will lead to the defeat of ukraine, because of that, with what did we start, that it does not exclude such
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point strikes by ukrainian forces, respectable, stretches, i apologize, stretches, stretches the war, well, even more, that is, in such an intensity, it is unlikely that we and russia will be able to conduct a. in low intensity, for example, as it was in 17-18, when in the news everything is okay, a little girl was born in a zoo, and at the end somewhere around the 25th minute, there is some shelling on the demarcation line and everything, and this is how we lived. i thank you, ivan, for joining our broadcast, ivan stupak, military analyst, former employee sbu, was a guest. freedom morning. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we will talk further in this morning broadcast. about the following topics: raising taxes is necessary to finance the defense of ukraine, said nardepka from the servant of the people ruksolan pidlas and even proposed to increase the military tax to 3% for those who receive salaries from uah 2,000, as well as to introduce the so-called
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luxury tax. how do other deputies feel about such an initiative, and in particular in the tax and customs policy committee, are they waiting for ukrainians, we will discuss tax increases. the tape was released in ukrainian cinema distribution. it has already received awards at several international festivals, it is an ironic detective story about the 90s , we will talk about the death penalty and good and evil later, if you have already watched this movie, be sure to write your impressions in the comments, in these morning broadcasts we talk with you about what is happening in ukraine, what is the situation at the front, i will remind you that every weekday morning from 9:00 on the radio liberty channel on youtube and also on tv channels. in in his address to the day of the unity of ukraine, president volodymyr zelenskyy announced that he would submit to the verkhovna rada a draft law on the introduction of the institution of multiple citizenship in ukraine. next, i quote zelenskyi. the draft law will make it possible to adopt complex
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changes to the legislation and introduce the institution of multiple citizenship and will make it possible for all ethnic ukrainians and their descendants from different countries of the world to have our citizenship. of course. except for citizens of the aggressor country, this is the end of the quote. we will talk more about it in our broadcasts, but for now you can write in the comments, and what do you think about this , this statement of the president. the ukrainian parliament is not considering raising the military levy on salaries exceeding uah 2,000. yaroslav zheleznyak, first deputy of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, said this on the air of the telethon. according to him, such actions can lead to... shadowing of salaries. zheliznyak's explanation is a reaction to the statements of nardepka from the servants of the people, the head of the parliamentary committee on issues of the budget committee, ruksulan pidlas and the elected official previously proposed to increase the military levy to 3% for those who receive salaries of uah 20,000 or more. in addition, she
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mentioned the so-called luxury tax, conditionally, to additionally tax, for example, iphones for 60-70 thousand, nardepka said. i am in favor of a progressive scale of taxes , if you earn little, you should not pay a large tax even now, and if you earn more than uah 20,000, then you could pay the military tax not one and a half, but... 3%, both you and i, deputies have a slightly higher salary, we could pay a 5% military levy, that's it would be fair. the words of the people's deputy were not left without reactions from users. in social networks, they began to massively publish photos of the alleged blouse in which the deputy attends a meeting of the parliament. users wrote that, for example, the smarad blouse of a debt color, in which she came to the council, was allegedly from the gucci brand for 1,700 dollars, today it is almost 64, hryvnias. however, the information about the expensive
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blouse of the narodepka was denied on facebook by former people's deputy serhii leshchenko. he wrote that ukrainians succumb easily manipulations on the network, they say, this blouse is not good, but zara for 1300 hryvnias. like, it can be seen from the buttons. in the comments under leshchenko's post , a discussion flared up, someone agrees with him, someone on the contrary says that there are branded clothes in nordepka, and not from. market the publication informator writes that in a comment about clothes, she sent them a screenshot from an online store, where such a blouse costs a little more than a thousand hryvnias. further on the air, we will not talk about branded or non -branded clothes, but about those important changes to tax system of ukraine. yaroslav zheleznyak, people's deputy of ukraine from the voices faction, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, joined our broadcast. i congratulate you. good morning, mr. yaroslav, i want to ask you about this statement of your colleague,
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i wonder what you, maybe you agreed with her in this discussion, on these broadcasts, is that today the ukrainian budget still has problems with financing, with money, the question for you is how it can be replenished precisely through changes to taxation, what changes in your opinion can be rational and bring results? uh, let's probably do it in stages, first of all, no such tax changes are planned, ah, i said it , thank you, they even quoted the ether, but i repeat again, um, the budget committee deals with the allocation of the budget, well, budget money , our committee, the idea should be the honor of the first deputy, just dealing with the implementation of taxes, we have no such plans, and... and about the blouse, interesting story, i'm just very i know raksal well, it really is zara, she
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is not, let’s say, not a fan of expensive brands and there is no way to do that, but even i noticed how it was spread through twitter, through tiktok, which is not inherent in our ukrainian politics, but very inherent that's just the pslozhka, i think that there is a separate discussion, if the media people want, they can watch it , it's really interesting. and the third thing, which i agree with rexelana 100%, and most importantly, which is very easily verified by the numbers, we have a very big need for additional money in the budget, even the causal level of mobilization in military expenses, it is very easy to calculate, last year we spent 1.9 hryvnias on military needs, this year we have an official budget. 1.6, well, that is, a difference of 300 billion, it already exists. can
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we close this hole with taxes? well, for example , let's take that initiative that was discussed there about the military levy, well , look, we collect about 8 billion uah for the military levy, out of the 10 billion uah that will be collected, or even less, because i think that the increase in payroll taxes, it is the opposite. weakens the economy, well , it definitely does not close the hole of 300 billion, and the same applies to the progressive scale and everything else, well, again, i do not want to appear populist, but even our international partners agree that raising taxes is not the fiscal a measure that will be able to close such a gap of 300 million dollars, that it is possible not to raise taxes, and what can be done, well... an example of how to help those companies, those people who work in the shadows, to pay taxes, because
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there are actually a lot of such areas, we even there discussing at home in the kitchen, with friends there or with colleagues at work, we can simply name these areas all the time, because we are really faced with it, there it can be the real estate market, for example, these are large companies that arrange everyone on fop, and there not paying the taxes that could, for example , be paid, does the state plan then, if not to increase taxes, but somehow about... we constantly concentrate on taxes from salaries. you see, but i will say such a very unpopular opinion, it seems to me that the state's income is far from there, but of course, children need to be named, frankly speaking, something is already being done, but it can never be done quickly, well, it is simply impossible, you do not rebuild such
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a decentralized problem, and secondly, it does. rather unpopular steps, and again, i don't think that 's what society needs right now, given the tension that there is, where exactly is the most money, uh, where exactly is it going to be popular, and exactly where is it supposed to be done , at least from the point of view of banal economic security, ugh, thank you, no, sorry, i didn't finish my point, after all, we probably have the right to it, the illegal market. a record 23 billion , smuggling is a record, you can safely take 30-40 billion there, what is happening with new enterprises, there are purchases of energy atoms alone, tens of billions, illegal alcohol, illegal fuel, well, we have significantly cleaned up the gambling business in relation to paying taxes over the past year , but there is definitely room for
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maneuver, well, that is, if it were banal , the beep would work, if it was banal, we would have law enforcement. would have disappeared from customs, we would have received it several times, if not ten times more than from any such tax changes. this is a very important statement of yours, so that there will not be, no changes to taxation are being prepared, namely there are areas from which more of that money can be drawn to the state budget, and including this is an exit in the wall of those areas that you named i thank you, yaroslav, for joining, you see, such discussions are heated up because of certain statements, including that it is important to explain. what is planned, whether such global changes are planned in the ukrainian state. yaroslav zheleznyak, people's deputy from of the voices faction, the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, further on our broadcast, i suggest you watch the news in a minute. my greetings, this is news in a minute, here i quickly and briefly talk about
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what is being talked about in the network. in ukraine and abroad, the day of the cathedral of ukraine is celebrated, as it was established in lviv the day before. unfurling the largest ukrainian flag with wishes from the military and children gathered throughout ukraine and the front line. and in prague , meanwhile, there are several dozen ukrainians on the mark of the unity of ukraine, united in a living chain on the charles bridge, connecting the banks of the vltava river. the governor of florida, republican ron de santis, said in a video message that he is ending the fight for the nomination for the presidency of the united states and supported the candidacy of donald trump. earlier, former us president donald trump won the republican primary. that is, at the party meeting held in the state of iowa, it was trump who observers called the most likely opponent of the democrat joe biden in the elections to be held in november. lavrov flew to the usa, according to the russian state agency taz, the plane of the minister of foreign affairs of russia lavov covered the distance from moscow to the usa by the northern route , flying over the so-called unfriendly countries in 12 hours and 45 minutes. russian foreign ministry spokeswoman zakharova
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previously stated that lavrov would visit new york to participate in the un security council debate. regarding issues of a close meeting and a meeting in the case of ukraine. well, to conclude about international visits, polish prime minister donald tusk arrived in ukraine. tusk's office published the photo on the internet. this is his first official business trip to ukraine from the moment of appointment to the post. today, these are all the waves, all the news in a minute, look for more information in our social networks, including telegram and merezhix, instagram, facebook and tiktok. this is svoboda ranok, be sure to write in the comments what news as of this morning you consider important for discussion, then let's talk about culture. during the first week of the release of the new ukrainian film called la palisida, the box office totaled more than uah 600,000. the film appeared on the ukrainian big screens on january 11, this is the work of director philip sotnichenko, which became
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the festival film of 2023. this is a film about how in the 90s they killed in ukraine. sioner, and his friends are looking for the murderer and find them. the events take place a few months before the ban on the death penalty in ukraine. the film was shot on a retro camera and resembles a pseudo-documentary or even home archives. however, despite the visual aesthetics of the 90s, it is difficult to call it a nostalgic picture, rather the opposite. in addition, in lyalsyd, the authors show and today how the nineties shaped the young generation and how it was influenced. there he quickly davaibaka on the sand, fed by the mist , the turtle went on its way. the world premiere of la polisiade took place in december at the rottenham festival, where it received a prize from the international federation of film press federation, and the film was then named the best feature
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film at the kyiv critics' week, and was nominated for the european film academy award in the opening of the year category. the tape also received awards at festivals in sarajevo, vilnius, turin and warsaw. well and later in our broadcast we will talk about ukrainian cinema and this film, and if you have already watched this film, be sure to write your impressions in the comments, and valeria sochovets, the producer of this film la plyusiyada, joined our broadcast. hello good morning, the tape, the tape is now in the box office, the second week, can you already tell about its success on the big screen, or would you like more viewers and more box office? well, i would like more viewers, we are not talking about the box office here, because this is an author's film, and in fact it is a festival. movies, so we didn't even count on what we managed to collect in the first weekend, but yes, i encourage you to go to the movie, there are people who watch it two or three times, there are people who really
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don't like the movie, there are people who i like movies a lot, but that's normal, good movies are always good, like it or not, and usually the movies i like, not many people like them at all, but it's a matter of taste, and the main thing is that there is actually a choice. and there is a choice of what to see in cinemas, including, this is important, in the focus of your tape 90s and also today, and the film is being called an anti-romanticization of the 90s, was that your team's goal? eh, but i can’t say that it was directly the goal, we just spent five years producing this film and did what the director told us, we didn’t think about... how it would look later, well, we thought, of course, but did not think about these things, because in our film there is the last death penalty, the execution of a person, and
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all the events take place in 1996, before the moratorium on the death penalty was imposed, so in principle, well, there is no romanticization here because of the topic, maybe, and that's how? somehow, here you mentioned this important aspect, this film, in particular, it is also about human rights, about their violation, and already during the time of independent ukraine, i saw comments that thanks to your film, people generally learned that the death penalty existed in ukraine and up to 1996, this also affected your team, so you took this aspect into your cinema? well, yes, the director generally comes up with that. we have already made several films together, and philip works in such a way that he finds some interesting - an interesting fact that his searches for and further spins the plot on this,
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it was the same with his film technical break as a short debut, and now we learned this fact, we understood that we were small children then, here in kyiv, on a nearby street, not far from the place where philip lived , our director, people were shot, and the fact that... in 1996, ukraine ranked second in the world after china in the number of people executed, this is really shocking, and especially if you imagine the amount of corruption that happened here after the collapse of the soviet union, eh, and what kind of right in general we have to kill a person, and well, in our film there, you can think and understand only after watching the film, whether this person is guilty or innocent, in general, at the beginning of the film , a policeman is killed, and we can already see the investigation itself, yes
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, they are trying to find out which of these people killed this policeman, and here it is more of a study about human rights and what to do with it in general, and it is like a kind of legacy that we got from the soviet union. well , thank god, we don't have that now, but you know, sometimes during the questions and answers afterwards of the film, when we talk to the audience, and we are asked questions about our attitude, we are categorically with the director against the death penalty, and we ask the audience, and some people are in favor, sometimes half the audience is in favor, and they, well, then we also manage to express what , and they say that it is economically unprofitable for the country to keep murderers and so on in... prison for life, but it's just interesting, yes, where are we going anyway and how much more uh people don't, well
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ie... different opinions, but it's cool that our movie makes people think about this one at all topic, and such things must be discussed even among themselves, and indeed, such comments are sometimes found in everyday life or somewhere in the comments, people believe that this is the solution to all problems, in fact, what is wrong with human rights, this can be analyzed even on the experience of independent ukraine it is already possible thanks to your tape, including, and how in general also, well, yes, if you can at all... ukrainians perceive what they saw in the tape, what reviews have you already heard, and who is this film for? for those who lived through the 90s at a conscious age, or for young people who don't know anything about that period? you know, young people who were born already in the zero years perceive it very well, they are very interested in watching it, and they just romanticize this period a little bit, and they are interested in seeing what their parents lived in, there is an older generation, and
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the tape is very... people get more of an older age, who remembers all this, they praise us a lot and say, how did you make such a film, you were still children then, how did you manage to do everything so reliably, uh, well, that's why the audience is very different, and it seems to me that we also touched on this theme of the 90s, by the way many other directors will release films by toni noyabrova and anna buryachkova this year. there was iryna tsylyk , before that there was a film rhinoceros, i think it is because in the 90s there was no film in ukraine, and films were not made due to the collapse of the soviet union, and in this way we are subconsciously trying to catch up, these times, and that they simply remain in history, because cinema is also a certain history, a certain archive. i will note, for those who have not yet seen this
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tape, that there is an interesting operator. work that it really looks like not a professional movie, but exactly like that, the effect is like spying on it, like it’s some kind of home videos, it’s a very interesting moment to watch, at the end, can you tell, we have one and a half minutes left, but it is difficult to find money for filming in ukraine at the moment, and perhaps on the contrary it is easier to present oneself there in the world due to the fact that ukraine is recognizable due to the russian-ukrainian war, it is easy in the world... because of the state, well, especially before, now it is more difficult, because the topic of ukraine has moved away a little, now everyone is interested palestine and israel, but in ukraine it is almost impossible to produce anything, especially a feature film, because our state agency of ukraine for film issues does not currently finance, well, it is not at all clear what they are doing now, to be honest, because perhaps you know about these scandals from
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the dovzhenko center . and so on, that it 's like they're trying to save everything that happened these years and the revival of ukrainian cinema, so it's difficult, and abroad we can't find money while there's no money in ukraine, so the option is that soon our the films will simply be lithuanian films, or some other, but there will be a director, a ukrainian, and someone from the group will work, because there are offers abroad, in particular to ours. filipa sotnychenko and me, and we simply understand that we want to continue shooting movies, and not go somewhere to work in a taxi to unload warehouses or work at a new post office. thank you, valeria, this is another interesting topic for our broadcasts, next, thank you for joining, valeria sochovets, producer of the film lia polisiada, was a guest of our broadcast. i will remind everyone in the morning from 9:00 on youtube on the radio svoboda channel, or on the air of the tv channel, we talk
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about... about important, topical topics, join in, have a good day, see you soon! welcome to espresso. newspeak. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. polish prime minister donald tusk arrived in kyiv. this is his first visit to ukraine since his appointment as the head of the government. it is planned, in particular, to discuss poland's embargo on the import of ukrainian agricultural products and the blockade of the border by polish carriers. today, ukraine celebrates the day of cathedral unity. over a century ago.


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