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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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independents can also vote, and under the laws of this state, those voters who are not registered as democrats or republicans can also vote for her, however, despite this, polls show that donald trump is gaining 11 to 18 votes more than than nikili, so now if she does poorly in this state, she will have to make a decision whether to continue the campaign. this situation is absolutely interesting, tanya, you know, is also interested in how in... the exit of desantis from the race and now in fact how long two left, what this could mean for the overall dynamics of the presidential election this year. the most important thing will be the results in the state of new hampshire, and niki gela is getting the best result, she was getting the best result among all the candidates, participants in the election races, among the republicans, if she ran as the only candidate from the republicans, she is ahead in such and such races, fantasy races.
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if she was swamped against joe biden by 10 and maybe less or about 10%, that is would be a strong candidate for joe biden if she does poorly in new hampshire, and if we're talking about dropping her out of the race, we can expect the race to now focus on the fight between joe biden and donald trump. we will absolutely monitor, we know that the elections, the party elections of the republicans in new hampshire should take place already these days, we will carefully monitor and keep it. you are also aware, but thank you for your inclusion, tatyana voroshko was in touch with us. we are we continue with the topic of elections in the united states. in his speech in iowa last week, donald trump made a series of high-profile statements about russia's war against ukraine. in particular, the former president stated that russia would never have attacked ukraine during his presidency. the washington analysts with whom my colleague nataliya leonova spoke do not agree with this. in their opinion, the actions of donald trump during his presidency show.
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about the opposite? i find it false to say that mr. putin would not have done what he is doing in ukraine if trump were still was the president. let's not forget mr. trump's attempts to blackmail mr. zelensky, which led to trump's impeachment in the house of representatives. let's not forget that as part of the impeachment process, president trump restrained an important military. aid to ukraine, and of course, most likely, given the support of mr. trump, mr. putin, you would probably see less u.s. support for ukraine in that scenario. ukraine has been in the midst of a heated conflict with russia since the maidan, and it has not stopped. mr. trump talks a lot about a lot of things, but his the willingness to be a peacemaker or to prevent conflict is not really supported by the facts. let's not forget that in the summer before
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with trump leaving office, he announced that 10,000 more troops would be withdrawn from germany back to the united states. president trump has shown no signs that he can deter any russian attack, and he has the luxury today of saying that it would never have happened under his watch because there is no way to prove it one way or the other. another thesis that i repeated last week. trump that he can end the russian war in ukraine in one day, but does he know both putin and zelensky well? the former american president also mentioned this in november last year. then president zelensky invited trump to ukraine to explain to him that it is impossible to achieve peace through putin. experts agree that it is impossible to end the russian war against ukraine in 24 hours, and such statements by trump are mostly pre-election rhetoric. there is no way now,
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there is a serious military conflict that is still going on continues russian goals of seizing ukrainian land, encroaching on its sovereignty and territorial integrity, still remain so. this is still the goal of the kremlin to this day. of course, there is no way to resolve such a conflict in 24 hours. i think we all wanted to see the end of this conflict, when russia leaves ukrainian territory, and then also... long-term stability and security, but under the leadership of mr. putin, we now know that this is impossible, a lot of things would have to be worked out. ukraine must be in a suitable state to decide negotiate your safety as best as possible. ukraine is not in such a state. from the russian side, apparently, based on what they say, there is no end to this conflict. under the leadership of the biden administration, the united states has said that it is not going to engage in such negotiations without ukraine. ukraine should be at the negotiating table. so
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mr. trump can say he could do it directly with the russians, but that's impossible, that's another lie. this is of course. impossible, anyone who has any knowledge of geopolitics or international affairs understands this. in fact, most people without any knowledge of international affairs would agree that it is impossible to end such a war in 24 hours. this is typical trump rhetoric. he says these things to get headlines, and then they call him in for interviews like the one we're having now to discuss it. this gives president trump more attention. this - these are the opinions of experts. for their part, former united states military officials and observers agree that for ukraine to succeed in the war, it must be given everything necessary weapons. in view of the essence of funding from congress, the white house once again
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emphasizes that the next few months will be critical for ukraine. this was announced today by the representative of the us national security council, john kirby. he once again called on the legislators to urgently consider the additional. financing for ukraine and other us partners. we want ukraine to win this war. as the president said, we want ukraine to be whole, prosperous and sovereign. we want everyone to recognize the international borders of ukraine, including mr. putin, and we want to make it possible to continue to provide ukraine with all the support it needs to achieve these results. from the very beginning. war, we have been clear and consistent in telling members of congress what we are doing to help ukraine succeed on the battlefield, and that we will need to continue to do so. the next few months will be critical for ukraine. if you think the fighting will just stop
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because it's snowing, think again. the russians continue to shell ukraine drones and missiles. and although the front line has not changed significantly on both sides, there is still active fighting there. and the ukrainian commanders can be understood that they have to make rather difficult decisions about which weapons they use, which shells they use, which missiles, because they do not know when the next deliveries will be, and this is a terrible situation. meanwhile, today the un security council gathered for a meeting dedicated to russia's full-scale war against ukraine. in particular, the minister also came to him minister of foreign affairs of russia sergey lavrov. let's talk about the details of the meeting and how lavov's arrival was reacted to in new york with iryna solomko, who joins us from the un headquarters in new york. irina, i congratulate you. so, to begin with, what is the topic of this current meeting and what
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is its importance? greetings, mr. president, yes, this is already the eighth meeting convened by russia, which is dedicated to the provision of measures for... weapons of ukraine, we have already talked about it a lot, yes, but you see, this is essentially the case, the world has also seen the un for the last six months sees that this is a tactic of russia in relation to ukraine and partner countries, when they convene, respectively, their meetings dedicated to the political, humanitarian situation or shelling, that is , russia almost immediately convenes a meeting dedicated to the provision of weapons, and that such tactics are already a little fed up, diplomats say... right during the speeches, but today, on the eve of the morning meeting, accordingly, 48 countries issued a joint statement, these are the united states and great britain, and ukraine, very, very many ambassadors stood before the security council, before at the entrance to the security council, they talked about
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the fact that today's meeting is another attempt by russia to distract the world from war, from aggression and from increased shelling of both civilians and infrastructure, but the importance of this meeting, because as i already... saw, this topic itself was already so fed up that even the ambassadors did not go to it anymore, either the deputies or the political advisers of the respective missions came, so the weight of this meeting was naturally given by the presence of sergei lavrov , the minister of foreign affairs of russia, and this, that is he was at the un before that, except for september, when there was a week of high-profile debates in april, when russia presided over the security council, and of course, he was essentially the president, and that also upset many diplomats in ukraine at that time. but this is a fact, lavrov was again today in the walls of the security council, moreover, he will be there tomorrow as well, and he will participate in the ministerial, ministerial meeting of the security council regarding the situation in the gas sector. ostap, irina, we know that russia and representatives in
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the un constantly uses the site of the security council to spread its propaganda theses. what did iryno sergey lavrov try to convince foreign diplomats of today, and how, in principle, did they also react to it. representatives of ukraine, who were also present at this meeting. yes, ostapa, ostapa, you know, his speech was quite long, and because there is usually a schedule, but he definitely dragged out the time. in essence, it was a compilation of all the messages, narratives, and performances that we've heard about over the last, in fact, since the beginning of the full-scale intrusions that came from the deputy, or , respectively, the russian ambassador, for example, which greatly outraged people that he is on duty, that is , lavrov is on duty in essence after, well , that is, almost two years after the tragedy in bush, after the whole world admitted that it was a war crime of russia, he once again said that it was. that is, it was a set-up, and he said that it turned out to be a set-up
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because russia was sending some requests to get the names and surnames of the people who he allegedly said had died, and they were sending these questions to guterres, and she did not receive an answer, although why send these requests, if this information is open and people are buried, that is, there is evidence that this happened, and why russia decided to address guterres on this issue, he certainly did not explain, but... such a main one , too, quite such a controversial message that he, that sounded from his, that is, today was that the west is to blame for the fact that the war will continue, that is, as soon as he finishes supplying accordingly weapons, then the war will stop, serhii kaslitsy instead, he quoted the words of former russian president dmitry medvedev that the real goal of the war in ukraine is to beat and kill all ukrainians as long as they want to be independent. the catchphrase "war to the last ukrainian" so often
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used by the russian delegation in this room as an accusation is actually their burning desire, as medvedev's confession suggests, they really intend to wage war to the last ukrainian, simply because their model of the world does not include ukraine or ukrainians, and this is the only reason why russia is so obsessed with ukrainian stability and global solidarity with my country, solidarity that ... leads, in particular, to the supply of weapons to help ukraine exercise our right to self-defense. it must be emphasized that russia's determination to harm the peaceful population of ukraine has not decreased, on the contrary, it has significantly increased. russia has increased the number of attacks along with the number of missiles launched over ukraine. of course, the theses of sergei lavrov, which you mentioned, are so interesting. well, we heard the answer of the ukrainian representative, iryna, and what do the international ambassadors say about it? who were at the un today, yes ostep, you know, most of the ambassadors in principle
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began their speech by reminding russia that this country actually started the war, and that it is responsible both for the aggression and for the consequences of this aggression, and it should not transfer this responsibility to ukraine and its partners, respectively. in addition, robert wood, deputy permanent representative of the united states to the united nations, he also said, he essentially started his speech from the fact that he reminded that russia - used and uses the un as a platform to spread disinformation , the same is happening today, he also accused, that is, he did not say the answer, that russia accuses ukraine of receiving weapons from the west, instead russia receives weapons from south korea, a potential south korea, and accordingly it must be held responsible for this. no theories about language and baseless accusations can erase that fact.
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ukraine and conquer its people, which continues this war russia's imperialist plans are obvious, and this meeting is another attempt to divert attention from its war crimes and aggression. it's like an arsonist who blamed firefighters to continue his crime. irina, thank you. lomko was in contact with you from the headquarters of the un apartment. today , the prime minister of poland, donald tusk, visited kyiv. this is usk's first foreign visit in his new position. it was planned to be carried out even earlier, but it was postponed due to the blockade of the border with ukraine by polish carriers. in kyiv, donald tusk met with ukrainian prime minister denys shmagal and president volodymyr zelenskyi. and announced the first military aid package in a long time, and this is what the polish prime minister said about the purpose of his visit.
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it is very important for me to create the conviction that poland is the most reliable and stable ally of ukraine in the deadly fight against evil. in fact, i am here in kyiv because of the security of poland. this is a unique ukrainian problem, the security of the entire free world is at stake, and in particular of poland due to geography. so we have a problem. what to say, but it is important that everyone knew, we are friends, friends who know how to solve controversial issues. the us state department welcomed such a move by the polish prime minister, as reported by journalists today. said deputy spokesman of the department vedan patel, and myroslava gongadze spoke about the importance of this visit and whether it could become an impetus for resolving the conflict between poland and ukraine in the voice of america briefing from warsaw. donald tusk chose ukraine as a country to visit, the first
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visit is international, and this speaks of the priorities that poland sets in the world today. here in warsaw, in poland , they understand very well, the politicians understand very well how important ukraine is in the context of the defense of poland itself, because yes, ukraine is very grateful to the poles for their support, for the fact that they stood up at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of russia , but today everything is much more serious, and poland and ukraine will try to adopt a special agreement between the two countries. what was discussed under the former leadership of the country, well, it will be the same now, again after all, today there are such transactional relations between poland and ukraine, because in fact the fact that such a large number of refugees are arriving in poland now is also the fact that poland has become, so to speak, a flank and a bridgehead for
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helping ukraine, this it also helps poland, because poland was able to. to economically sustain ukrainian business, which she opened, to ukrainians, she opened poland the opportunity to work here, pays a huge amount of taxes, and in fact it is not only beneficial for ukraine and not only help to ukraine, but also business and survival of poland. today, poland is important in the european context, because it will defend the interests of ukraine already in the european union as well, and again this first... visit that donald tusk decided, as a former leader of the european union, he will have an impact already when donald tusk will appear at the meeting in brussels and will defend both the interests of poland and the interests of ukraine there. likewise , poland is now very interested in joint ventures, especially in the context of military production, and those investments that
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the world will now provide, in particular the united states will provide poland. wants these investments to come precisely to poland, both poles and polish business are lobbying for this issue and say that it is safe to have these enterprises precisely on the territory of poland, and already a lot of, in particular, american and canadian investments are going to the border regions of poland, yes that this visit is important and key. step myroslav, was it possible to address and possibly find a solution to the controversial points? the blockade of the border by polish transporters, other points of friction that arose between kyiv and warsaw, did they talk about it and are there any vision, how to solve this in the near future? well, donald tusk made such a hint that this is one of the important tasks, one of the tasks that he, that he set before himself, regarding coming to kyiv, and he says that he, they
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will solve the issue not only from a friendly point of view relations, but also practically. we know that literally last week, and this actually also gave tusk the opportunity to come to kyiv, the border blockade by polish carriers was stopped, but the decision or compromise reached by polish carriers they achieved precisely with the new government of poland, and this is only a suspension of the blockade, it is not an end to the blockade, and right now tusk's task with... in his meeting with the prime minister of ukraine was to find these common points of contact, and president zelenskyi said that the government of ukraine will participate in these negotiations, in fact, the government of ukraine has been participating in these negotiations for a long period of time, all these for a little more than six months, while there is a blockade of various kinds, whether it is a grain blockade or another, but
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one of the important key points must also be said moments that donald tusk himself... here in poland today has a slightly untrippy position, although the voters, so to speak, well, in a huge number, he received a large amount of support from the voters, but the previous government is actually very difficult to surrender its positions, a full-scale invasion russia made the court to... take an interest in ukraine like never before. today, many foreigners want to know more about its history, language and culture. the ukrainian educational application headway, which offers free information, helps in this. with books about ukrainians and theirs acquisitions maria ulyanovska learned how to explain ukraine to foreigners in 15 minutes. where
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is ukraine located? why kyiv and not kyiv? how many people speak ukrainian? why did russia attack ukraine? after the full-scale invasion of russia, searches related to ukraine increased by 88%. world. became interested in ukrainians, their history, language and culture. the owners of the ukrainian startup headway decided to explain the essence of ukraine to foreigners. an appendix with a summary of the books, after a full-scale invasion made a special collection: independent meanings of freedom. 32 books by ukrainian historians, art critics, researchers and entrepreneurs tell people from over 170 countries about ukrainian identity in ukrainian, english and spanish. it came as a surprise to many of us how brave, adaptive and strong our people are, so we want to show the world
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why ukraine is like this, why ukrainians are like this, ukraine has something to tell, even something to teach others, this is an important part for us, and we would like to share it with the world, and i hope, by spreading information about ukraine, about our struggle, about our history and about our courage, we will hasten our victory. 15 minutes, which is how long it takes on average to summarize one book, users can familiarize themselves with ukrainian christmas traditions, philosophical heritage, cuisine, feminism, the experience of fighting russian propaganda, emotions of life during the war and other topics that will help foreigners understand ukraine, and it is better for ukrainians to know their own. 32 books are definitely not enough to represent all of ukraine, but this one is specific the collection is concentrated. on ukrainian authors and we would like to promote books that may not be as popular or accessible, some of them are not even translated into english, so we wanted to share such
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hidden gems. the assembly is available for free. it is most popular in the usa, mexico, ukraine, great britain and canada. after each reading , the application encourages users to donate funds through the united 24 platform to support ukrainian education and science during the war. after a full scale invasion russian headway helped evacuate about 300 people, workers and their families to western ukraine. later, the company opened an office in warsaw, where dozens more employees were transferred. however, several new projects had to be abandoned in such uncertain conditions. over time, the company equipped its kyiv office with a convenient bomb shelter. we have done wi-fi, water supply and many such things. we have starink and now we are much more prepared for everything. and in two years of the great war, most of the workers have already returned to ukraine. they returned and
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yes, it really shows that people care about our country and our destiny. like most ukrainian companies, headway has to put more effort into the war. however, it brought the company together and helped it discover its own new meanings. we face many of the challenges that other companies do. in other countries, our competitors have no idea, shelling of civilian infrastructure, emotional swings, all this is part of our reality. and we try to support each other, and that's also part of our culture. at the same time, we ukrainians now see so much support at a time when something terrible is happening, and we see that humanity is now experiencing its worst manifestations, but also its best. maria ulyanovska, dmytro savchuk, voice. america. and on this we will say goodbye. see also our daily briefings from monday to friday at 18:00 kyiv time. on
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youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your questions live. we will try to answer them. thank you for trusting the voice of america in ukrainian. i wish you a peaceful night and a peaceful morning. see you soon. before meeting. there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on hepargin 10% in psyllanyk bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on optimal of 15% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is
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a big one.
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see this week in the collaborators program. putin's election. who is preparing a pseudo- voting in kherson region? we are already fully ready for the elections, as well as the names and stories of the traitors who became fake deputies. with the support of the united russia party and the senator our kostyukevich. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on tuesday, january 23 at 5:45 p.m. on espresso tv channel.
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welcome to the espresso channel. today , the focus of our program is war and weapons, two interrelated topics that some consider a challenge to our security, others, on the contrary, new opportunities for the country's defense capability. so, the first topic is the development and use in ukraine of the potential of private military and defense consulting companies as one of the tools for strengthening. defense forces of the country. in ukraine, to thing, several draft laws regarding private military companies were prepared, but the work on them was never completed, so what experience and practices ukraine should take into account right now in the conditions of war, what pros and cons there might be. and the second topic for discussion is the expansion of citizens' rights to own firearms. it seemed that after
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the 22nd year. the need for an adequate law on...


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