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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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i repeat, if we do not make such decisions, history will repeat itself from generation to generation, and therefore we now have very important tasks on the agenda, now we have the initial development of a peace plan, we have to provide security guarantees, as for israel, yes for a future palestine. we will continue with sanctions, we are working on sanctions. against extremists at the level of the european union, work continues, there are certain technical working groups, which i hope will be confirmed by all participating countries, and the red sea region was also at the epicenter of our discussions, and we agreed to launch a maritime security operation. we also
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discussed certain options for this mission, you listened to all the suggestions. now we have to move forward, we have to have the unity to understand when we can start this mission. in general, we see that the level of violence in the middle east has increased, a lot of people, the civilian population, have suffered and... in other countries, the situation is extremely tense there, there are efforts regarding the destabilization of the situation in the region, and therefore we must note that there are victims, in particular there, and among the victims are europeans, these victims are in the gaza strip and also in others.
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countries in the region, including a small child who was killed last week. we listened to josep borel, the high representative of the eu for foreign policy, about the results of the meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the eu countries, he spoke in particular about the need to think about the future so that history does not repeat itself, as well as about the need to provide security guarantees to ukraine and israel , a also about the necessary ones. sanctions on extremists, and in a few minutes we 'll talk about money in war, hang on. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are in somewhere in
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the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. i turn on and join the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. and now oleksandr morschavka is already next to me about money during the war, ready to tell everything he knows. thank you oksana, i welcome the viewers, in the next few minutes you will learn about ukrainian trade, as well as privatization and the consumer market, of course, what is currently increasing in price, all in a moment in detail. i am oleksandr morchivka, congratulations,
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this is a column about money during the war, so they followed the topic of the ukrainian-polish border, ukrainian-polish trade, and poland managed to make certain concessions, then it became known that the european commission is ready to allow five countries to limit the import of ukrainian agricultural products into their territory. this was announced by european commissioner for trade valdis dombrovskis. the european parliament and the council of the european union will be offered to extend the duty-free regime for exports from ukraine until june 2025, but not as it was that year. they will be certain reservation. in particular, the european union intends to control the volume of agricultural supplies and block imports if this will lower prices in the countries bordering our state. we will talk about this and more, in general about trade wars and trade partnership.
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as an ambassador on special assignments of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, an economic expert, she joins the broadcast. good evening. greetings, good evening. mrs. olya, well, here it is today. the visit of the prime minister of poland mr. tusk to ukraine is such a significant event and at the same time such a lenient decision representatives of the european community towards poland regarding agricultural exports, in your opinion, is there something interconnected here, or has poland made some concessions in the agricultural issue, and in the future ukrainian agricultural producers will have to decide something. analyze the situation. yes, thank you very much for the question, indeed, well , first of all, the visit itself is actually a good sign and a positive signal, and as far as our trade and economic relations and these issues and restrictions and everything else, we have to understand, first of all, that's what
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was voiced, it looks enough so far , i would say, there are not enough specifics, we understand that really, probably everything... not only poland is like this, but also our other countries, neighbors, members of the european union, together in this dialogue with the european commission tried, at least, so to speak , to convince that it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of the import of agricultural products, primarily grain and oil products, we are talking about these types of products from ukraine, but what exactly will all these procedures look like? we see that the question. remains open for now, well first of all, let's clearly note the following things: first of all, in the european union, in general, there are quite specific and absolutely well-written and tested mechanisms
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for somehow adjusting or regulating imports from so-called third countries countries , that is... from countries that are not members of the european union, if there are any distortions in the domestic market as a result of these imports, which there are, and we know very well about these mechanisms, and in fact, let's say this, it is not something new, but and here their essence lies in because, well, in order to apply them, it is really necessary to take several preliminary steps, so it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of this export, for example, in the case of ukraine, so to... poland, to look at all aspects and all factors that at that moment they operated on the polish market, conditionally, and really conduct such an economic analysis , which then shows, in fact, an economic investigation, if you will, which should show whether it was ukrainian exports that had
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a negative impact, for example, on the price situation on the polish market, and on the one hand, it may look like, let's say, negative for someone. somehow so, or should we be afraid of this, i will answer this question that it is actually better than such, but unilateral and unpredictable blockings, such as the borders of our border crossings, customs crossings, as it has been happening since last year, in fact until now, even yes, here are such spontaneous things that simply interfere with the work of not only our agro-exporters, by the way, but in general in fact. interfere with all who are engaged trade between ukraine and the european union in all sectors, absolutely, including logistics and transportation. therefore, if this clear procedure is determined , according to which, let's say, the following is yes, the following will be followed, which will be followed by countries,
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including poland, hungary or slovakia, it doesn't matter, then, in my opinion, no the worst option is really in order to... somehow we even out this situation a little bit and remove the nervousness, if we are talking about such a short-term moment, if i am interested in the right actions on the part of the european union, but how quickly it should be done, because it is not a fact that the blocking of either the ukrainian-polish border or the ukrainian-romanian border will not be renewed from march 1, i.e. the european commission essentially has no influence on these blocks, and ukrainian agricultural producers. bear losses, improve transportation, improve the services of carriers, how quickly should it be done? i wanted to say about this very moment that it is certainly necessary from our side, from the ukrainian side, of course also, as i have repeatedly emphasized in principle, more actively, probably, to have
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a dialogue with brussels, with the european commission, and, well, in such a good sense, also to put pressure on the european commission, because we, by the way, are in the past. year, we heard at least a couple of times from brussels, yes, well, if not threats, then warnings to poland and other countries that this is wrong, yes, and should not be allowed. to take such one-sided steps, but behind these warnings there were no more specific, let's say, steps that would give for these countries to understand that it is really not worth doing this in the future, that is why there should be such an active process right now, just negotiations in order to make it clear, okay, if you introduce a similar monitoring system with the corresponding possible import restriction tools, then with on the other hand , the situation with... such blocking of the border should be absolutely unacceptable, and if this happens, then the punishment, well , the economic punishment, at least, should be borne by
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the countries that introduce such measures. thank you, thank you for joining conversations, a transparent mechanism is really needed, such an investigation is needed, as you say, and then the cards will be opened and it will be possible to work more transparently. olga trofimtseva was in touch, special envoy of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, an economic expert, an expert in the field of agriculture, an excellent analyst. and i continue to talk about money during the war. indeed, the search for this money continues until the state budget. derzhmaina fund plans to put up for privatization the hotel ukraina in the capital. this was announced by the head of the department vitaliy blacksmith. currently, due to the martial law, the hotel is understaffed, but a lot of different conferences are still held there. halls are offered for guests, there is shelter, parking, thanks to the fund, the tasks of the derzhmaina fund, now in general. so that any state-owned enterprise finds such an effective owner and makes a profit. and
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interesting information for consumers , the ministry of infrastructure will create a site for searching for tickets for international buses, the ministry of infrastructure said. the state has developed a register of such routes, is starting to test it from aggregators, carriers that sell tickets online. so you can find out on a special website. information about this carrier, see the schedule, and here the main task, the government says, is to buy a ticket for a legal international route. we will monitor the presentation of this site and see how it will really work. but in transcarpathia, customs officers were exposed who regularly demanded bribes for importing gear from italy, the sbu said. we are talking about five employees of the chop zagon checkpoint from each bus and demanded to... for it promised carriers not to create artificial obstacles during customs clearance
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of foreign goods. in one shift , almost 50 vehicles passed through this criminal scheme. the perpetrators were informed of the suspicion, they face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property. but the ukrainian law enforcement officers together with their czech colleagues detained nine cyber fraudsters. criminals created phishing links in czech. online trading platforms, their accomplices from fraudulent call centers in kyiv convinced foreigners to go for these fake links to pay for goods or services. after people entered payment information, this information was sent to merchants. in general, cyber fraudsters defrauded dozens of foreigners in the amount of about 3 million hryvnias. this is already the second stage of the special operation, the first one took place in september last year, thanks to the analysis of the information contained in the seized te. these policemen managed to establish the organizer of the scheme and those involved. let's listen to the direct speech. they
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were notified of suspicion under several articles of the criminal code of ukraine, namely the fourth and fifth parts of article 190, i.e. fraud, the first and second parts of article 255, i.e. the creation of the leadership of a criminal organization, as well as participation in it, and the second part of article 361, i.e. unsanctioned. tampering with the operation of information and communication systems of electronic communication networks, the suspect faces a penalty of up to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. well , i'll remind you once again, just don't go through some unknown links that appear on your smartphone. do not enter any personal data, if in doubt, even if you are promised crazy money, and irreversible. and some crazy earnings, be vigilant, well, entrepreneurs are also vigilant about the land market, but
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the situation is rather strange for business, companies are now selling more land plots than buying land plots, at the beginning of the year, when the land market became open to legal entities, business mainly gets rid of agricultural agricultural land intended for domestic use, well , at least this is the data of the open databot service for the first two weeks of... this year, 207 hectares were sold, this big number i would like to add that now the state land cadastre tracks more than 280 ukrainian companies, each of which owns land plots of more than 100 hectares, and this is how the process of land sales by yurosip is currently taking place. well, traditionally , the very end of the release for the consumer market, after a brief drop, prices for cabbage began to rise actively, analysts of the eastfruit platform reported. farmers are now restraining the sale of quality products, well, there are no longer
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significant stocks, significant stocks of this vegetable, and this naturally leads to growth. today, selling prices for beilogolova have already risen to almost uah 13 per kilo, which is an average of 30% higher than at the end of last week. group companies have also sold off purchased volumes and are now actively replenishing their stocks, which still also boosts prices for ordinary consumers in supermarkets and markets. well , we see, last week i told that this is essentially the situation with beets even now. it also affected the cabbage, i will finish the issue, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more later, watch us, for the first time in history, two ukrainian women will play in
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the quarterfinals of the australian open, today in the round of 16 match of dayana yastremska. beat two-time melbourne champion victoria azarianko, a neutral belarusian. experts note the aggressive playing style of the odesa woman. two sets of 7-6-64 were enough for dayana to win. however, the game was not easy for the ukrainian. the match lasted more than two hours. in the second game, yastremska lost 0:3, but was able to win in a determined style. very happy and very tired. all together. the first quarter. finale, but to be honest, me i don't even feel like i'm in the quarterfinals, i don't know why, like there's supposed to be a special emotion, but i feel like i've just done some small part of what i'm supposed to do, which i've kind of done before, so i 'm moving on and waiting for my next match. the day before , marto kostiuk also won her fourth round match. the ukrainian sent
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home another neutral, the russian maria timofeeva. kostyuk crushed. in the second game , marta made two breaks at once, and then closed the match with the third attempt. for kostyuk and yastremska - this is the debut exit to the 1.4 finals at the level of all grand slams. in the quarterfinals of the australian open, marta will play against the american cory gove, and yastremska will meet the czech linda noskova. it was in the confrontation with noskova that he performed at the australian open championship. finished first racket of ukraine elina svitolina. in the fourth round match, svitolina withdrew from the competition during the first game. with the score 2:0 in favor of the opponent, ukrainka took a medical time-out, after which she decided to stop the game. the reason is after a back injury, elina could not hold back her emotions while leaving the court to the applause of the audience. i... i had a spasm, or i don't know
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exactly what it is, but it was a shooting pain that i felt in the first game, during the last two points, i couldn't do anything, completely locked my back, of course very sad . i don't think i've ever had such a shooting pain, i've had some back injuries where i've just felt tired the day after a match, but it was really out of nowhere, it felt like someone shot me in the back. on the way to in the fourth round of the tournament in melbourne, svitolina won three matches, all in two sets. the ukrainian was stronger than tyla preston, victoria tomova and victoria golubych. artem dovbyk and viktor tsygankov continue to create the tale of girona. ukrainian football players played the main role in the defeat of sevilla in the match of the 21st round
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of the spanish championship. the guests opened the scoring after a quick goal by romero, but very soon... dovbyk got down to business. the striker hit the opponent's goal three times within six minutes. artem scored the first goal head, winning the mount after savio's submission. later, the forward put the hosts ahead with a one-touch shot from the left. the ukrainian's third goal was particularly impressive. dovbyk distinguished himself after a solo pass with an unexpected shot into the near corner. before that , beating the legendary defender of seville , sergio ramos. have your say in the second half. victor tsygankov also said. the girona winger finished off a quick attack with a shot from close range. for viktor, this is the fourth goal of this season in the championship. veteran jero put an end to the rout of sevilla. stuani, who scored the fifth goal of his team before the curtain of the game. girona lead the league table, one point ahead of real madrid, but the galacticos have a game in
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hand. artem dovbek's statistics in spain are impressive. the ukrainian took first place in la liga according to the goal plus assist system. the forward of the national team of ukraine has 14 goals and five assists. thanks to yevhen, in the meantime, roman grenkevich arrived at the court hearing in kaidanki, by the way, we are broadcasting the trial in this case on social networks, if you are interested, you can watch it, you can follow it history, our prime minister shmyhal says that he and tusk discussed the possibility of creating four new checkpoints on our common border, and also offered to participate in the creation of an autobahn from... krakivets through lviv, brody to rivne, and as for russia, it is their largest private the gas company novatek, let me remind you, it
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is located in the port of ust-luga in the north near st. petersburg. he will not be able to fully resume his work for a few more weeks, because recently ukrainian drones flew there. about what the weather will be like in our country in ukraine, will tell already. natalka didenko in a moment. synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians. we are starting a new synoptic week, but of course, first of all, i want to congratulate everyone on the day of the cathedral of ukraine. we are starting, we are starting our meteorological week and i want to say that the weather will be changeable with fluctuations. and atmospheric pressure and air temperature and, of course, alternating precipitation and clearing, but of course there are certain trends, the first half of the week will be quite warm, during the day the air temperature
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will fluctuate around zero, i.e. thaw, of course, it will freeze a little at night, well , for example, the next night, but i will say this later in our more detailed forecast for the next day, and closer to the end of the week, by the evening, the air temperature will drop not significantly, but to small frosts. the maximum in the northeast is moderate, but the wet weather will not go anywhere, however, this atlantic wet transfer will be received, so when it is close to zero and above, there may be wet snow and even rain, well , of course, when it is below zero, it is very active and the ice will strengthen significantly, be very attentive and careful. here is the weekly weather forecast, short, of course , we move on to the forecast of the earth's magnetic field, there is... news for quite a long time, i have been saying all the time, small fluctuations, we are watching, we do not pay much attention, because without much change, but magnetic storms are predicted for tomorrow and
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a significant activation of the earth's magnetic field is predicted , so please listen to your well-being, to your health, if suddenly, don't be afraid, these are magnetic storms, eh, they are of course are passing, but i warn you that magnetic storms are expected tomorrow, and actually the weather forecast is that in all of ukraine... and in each region, in particular, on january 23, in the western regions, in the west of ukraine, atmospheric fronts from western europe will cause a wet snow. the air temperature during the day will range from one frost to 4 degrees celsius, that is, it is clear that where the air temperature will be higher, there may even be rain or freezing rain. in the north of ukraine tomorrow it will be windy, cloudy and also with wet snow. maximum. air temperature will fluctuate around zero, only in sumy oblast at night and in chernihiv oblast it will still freeze to 7-9 degrees, or even below freezing. in the eastern
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part of ukraine, it will be frosty -8-12° in the coming night. during the day, the air temperature will rise, of course, but somewhere up to 2-5 degrees of frost, and precipitation is not expected, there may even be clearing with blue skies. in the central part of ukraine tomorrow wet snow is most likely in the vinnytsia region, finally the central territory without significant precipitation, the air temperature will vary from 2° of frost to 3° of heat as much as possible during the day january 23 in the center. in the southern part of ukraine, cloudy weather with clearing is expected tomorrow. the air temperature at night is slightly negative, during the day it is 0.4°. and in kyiv, in the capital, the weather will be windy tomorrow. humid, cloudy, wet snow is expected in the capital, the maximum daytime air temperature will fluctuate within zero or even 1°
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of frost, so... what is the nearest ukrainian synoptic outlook. thanks to natalka didenko for the detailed information, listen to her forecasts, dress appropriately for this weather, and of course do not neglect air alarm signals, this is something that is really useful and preserves health and life. meanwhile, in kyiv, it seems that the trial in the case of roman hrenkevich has ended. i would like to remind you that the prosecutor general's office will request his arrest with the possibility of bail in the amount of half a billion hryvnias. roman hrenkevich was detained in odesa, he is the son of lviv businessman ihor hrenkevich. he is one of the five members, he is considered one of the five members of a criminal organization suspected of supplying
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the armed forces of ukraine with... low-quality clothing for 1 billion hryvnias. four other suspects in this case have already been arrested, they are in custody and today they arrested the last fifth suspect. meanwhile , the ukrainian government will propose to close any possible transport connection with russia for 50 years. it was long time to do this. instead, the british. made a move in the other direction and they now recommend, officially recommend to their citizens that, if necessary, you can travel to some regions of ukraine. previously, on their maps , ukraine was red, which meant very and it is very dangerous to travel there and is not recommended at all. now four regions - prykarpattia, transcarpathia, bukovyna and ternopillya - have become yellow. this means that if you really, really need to, you can
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go there. be careful, but the british no longer advise their citizens to travel to the rest of ukraine. i will say goodbye to you on this. i would like to remind you that we are collecting for the 141st brigade, 1 million hryvnias need to be collected for various things that are necessary, just necessary at the front. remember that if you go for coffee, the cost of this coffee is the same the same moment can be transferred, for example, for the 141. brigade, going for pizza, the same amount, please donate. i wish you a peaceful and safe evening, take care and stay with espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish you all
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the best. health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. donald tusk in kyiv. the polish prime minister brought a new defense package and offers ukraine security guarantees from poland. the armed forces are hitting the deep russian rear, and the russians are trying to resume a large-scale offensive, analysis of the situation on the fronts. multiple citizenship. zelensky proposes to allow ukrainians to have passports of other countries, what does this mean for the future of ukraine? about this and other things, during the next hour we will talk with our guests, they will be people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy honcharenko, deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine maksym zhorin and diplomat, former minister of foreign affairs pavlo klimkin of ukraine. the second part of our
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program will be political. maksym rozumny and viktor boberenko. however, before starting our big conversation, watch the video of the ukrainian armed forces shooting down a russian infantry fighting vehicle that was trying to storm ukrainian positions near verbovoi.


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