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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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viktor boberenko. however, before we start our big talk, watch the video of the ukrainian armed forces shooting down a russian infantry fighting vehicle that was trying to storm ukrainian positions near the willow.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video, subscribe to our page on this platform and take part in our survey. we ask you this, do you support multiple citizenship in ukraine? yes no vote on youtube and also if you watch us on tv pick up the phone and by dialing simple numbers vote, if you support multiple citizenship, call 0800 211381, not 0800-211382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will tally up the results. this vote. we
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are in contact with people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy honcharenko. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. and i congratulate you on the day of the unity of ukraine. i also congratulate you on the day of the catholic church. so, on the day of the conclave , volodymyr zelenskyi announced what he was submitting to the verkhovna rada of ukraine a draft law on the introduction of multiple citizenship in ukraine. let's listen to what zelensky said. today, i am submitting to the verkhovna rada of ukraine a key draft law that will allow the adoption of complex changes to legislation and the introduction of the institution of multiple citizenship and will allow all ethnic ukrainians and their descendants from different countries of the world to have our citizenship, of course, except for the citizens of the aggressor country. sir this is the second time
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in the last four years that zelensky has introduced a law on plural citizenship, what do you say about it? this was president zelenskyi's promise in 2019 that all ukrainians who are outside of ukraine will be able to get passports if they have other passports, and now a novel has been added that in addition to those who live in... and well, first of all, i haven't seen the draft law yet, this is important, because we are talking about a specific legislative act, and of course, i will be able to comment so fully when i read the text of the draft law, well, the fact is that for ukraine this issue is on the agenda daytime, obviously, and today, probably, especially when millions of ukrainians abroad... by the way,
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i can share with you breaking news, just before i was included in your broadcast, i was elected president of the committee on migration, refugees and displaced persons of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, this is the first time a ukrainian has headed this committee , of this committee, thank you very much, this also means that i entered the office of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, the governing body, and of course this is super relevant for us, unfortunately, today... because today millions of ukrainians are forced migrants, or internally displaced persons , or refugees abroad, and therefore, and unfortunately, this is not the first time in the history of ukraine that this has happened, and during the last 100 years there have been several such waves when ukrainians, unfortunately, were forced to leave, part of our population to leave their native places, today... there are millions
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of ukrainians all over the world and many of them have preserved their identity, love for ukraine, feel themselves ukrainian, i think it is absolutely normal to give these people the opportunity, or so... also get ukrainian citizenship, and this is correct, we have many children who left in the 22nd year, some of whom may have already obtained citizenship of other countries, those who have been living abroad for two years, but it is very important for us to preserve them and for ukraine, so this is also one of the issues, but i repeat, i support the fact that the issue itself is very relevant, but i do not know what the president specifically prescribed for his... draft law, as soon as his text appears , i will definitely study it thoroughly and decide for myself, maybe prepare edits, because this topic exists really important, mr. oleksiy, serhiy leshchenko, adviser to the office of the president of ukraine, said in
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an interview with the swiss newspaper tages an antziger that europe should stop aid to ukrainian refugees and return it. them back to ukraine, they say, everything must be done so that ukrainians feel comfortable in ukraine, and work here, it is not necessary for everyone to go to the front, but europe should still encourage ukrainians to preserve the ukrainian state, and, as leshchenko believes, , europe should contribute to this, how do you feel about such an idea and in general, is it possible it is perceived as an official position. president, how long has leshchenko been an adviser to the president's office? well, to be honest, this, you know, i wanted mr. serhii to say it to the eyes of, for example, a woman with children who escaped from mariupol, and, for example, lives in
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germany today, for example, i also really want all ukrainians were at home, but where should she return, let's also add that if ukraine today has... compensation mechanisms for damaged or destroyed housing on the territory of ukraine controlled by ukraine, then we do not have a compensation mechanism today and support in the uncontrolled territory , that is, for example, the city of mariupol, the city of bakhmud, the city of severodonetsk, lisichansk , well, other cities, well, well, i want, well, you know, this is some kind of bullying, these people, instead of thanking... europe for that , that she helps these ukrainians of ours who are forced, yes, if we are talking about a man of draft age, healthy, who crossed the border illegally, who has an apartment in the city of kyiv, odesa or lviv, which has not been destroyed by anyone or anything,
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who just hiding, well, it's obvious that i , i think, have a different attitude towards such a man, and i think that all ukrainians have a different attitude, but if we are talking about women, children, if we are talking about those... whose cities are occupied, whose lives are broken, well, it's kind of, well, well i can't find the words, it's some kind of very wrong , cynical position, maybe i want to believe, maybe someone misunderstood somewhere, but well , i think that the president's office should somehow react and somehow give a comment on this, because i repeat myself here now , today is the first day of the january winter session of the parliamentary assembly of the council of... europe, i always thank all my colleagues here, first of all poland, germany, the czech republic, these are the countries like romania, which have a large number of ukrainian refugees, for supporting them, i repeat once again, a lot those people, these are the people who have lost, well, if not everything, then a lot, and to say that let's
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take all their support away from them, well, well, it sounds crazy, and even from a pragmatic point of view, well, let's let's imagine that today these... people, i repeat once again, not about those we are talking about who can fight and so on, and these people are poor, those who found refuge abroad, well, today they say, well , they heard about lishchenko, and everyone is returning, and what are the possibilities in the ukrainian budget for them to pay any support, any aid, we are already seeing attempts to limit payments to internally displaced persons, which is absolutely wrong, so just let's all, i understand, you know, we all live in terrible conditions. missiles fall on our heads, shaheds, this is all true, but there are people who suffered more than others, first of all, these are those who lost relatives and loved ones, and secondly , these are those who lost their own, their cities, their homes, and, unfortunately, there are millions of such people in ukraine, imagine this figure, that's why it's some kind
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of crazy statement, i want the president's office to refute it there, comment accordingly, well, if this is the official position of the president's office, then i don't even know what can be said here. well, it's just crazy, it's wrong from the point of view of morality, ethics, and it's wrong from the point of view budget, ukraine's prospects, strategy and attitude towards these ukrainians, well, it's impossible that a person who... i'm sorry for taking so long to answer, but this is a super important topic. today, there is a struggle for people all over the world, and we have to fight for those ukrainians. i know that there are people who hesitate, yes , someone went abroad, and we are sitting inside ukraine, rockets are falling on our heads, and this is also a certain dividing line between ukrainians, unfortunately, but today is the day of the unity of ukraine, i want remind, let's not pay attention to these things, for it is our task to be one, our task to keep in touch with that. who are abroad, in order to return as many of them as possible, not all of them will return, but as many
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of them as possible to return to ukraine sooner or later, because we need them, because this is their land, and together we must rebuild ukraine, who will to rebuild ukraine, if not ukrainians, that's why it's a very wild and strange statement, and i'm curious about it. well, you're right in saying that in order to bring people back, you don't need to... take away what they have in europe, but create we need conditions in ukraine to make it easier for these people to return, to have somewhere to return to, because indeed many people lost their homes in the east, in the south, and not only in other cities of ukraine where russian missiles hit. today, zelensky instructed the authorities to develop an action plan to preserve the national identity of ukrainians in russia, who live in areas historically inhabited by them. lands on the territory of the present krasnodar territory, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk, rostov
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oblasts. in russia, it was immediately perceived as encroachment on the territory of russia. medvedev came out, said that ukrainians are the same russians, and here, in principle, we need to put an end to ukraine, because ukraine is russia in general, and this is the rhetoric that he has been quite actively putting up with during the last period. what and how can ukraine do now for ukrainians living in russia and vice versa, what ukrainians living in russia can do for ukraine, because we know that there is the largest diaspora there, over 1 million ukrainians, and a completely logical question arises if they are there sit and remain silent and do not express themselves in any way regarding the war in ukraine, the question is, what kind of historical justice do we have there? we can do justice to the lands historically inhabited by them here in ukraine.
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look, i actually support this zelensky decree. in 2019, i created the inter-factional association of kuban in the ukrainian parliament. and when we are talking about the krasnodar territory, we are talking about the kuban, you see, even on the screenshot that you are showing in the kuban, the kuban is underlined there. and indeed, there on kuban. 100 years ago, 60% of the population was ukrainian-speaking, and after the collapse of the russian empire, the kuban wanted to join the ukrainian people's republic, these are all historical facts, historically confirmed, recorded, and when i was creating it in the 19th year, colleagues from the servant of the people, some they laughed at something on this topic, and said that these are such cubans, it's all not serious, you see, the 24th year of president zelenskyi is coming... he issues a decree that it is necessary to remember about ukrainians in the kuban and about the history of the kuban, i think it is
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that's right, first of all, this corresponds to the history of history, and indeed historically these lands were inhabited by ukrainians, secondly , people with ukrainian identity remain there today, yes, of course, during a full-scale war, imagine how we there we work with these people, we extend a hand to them with difficulty. but in any case, this is still such a task that ukraine will face in the future, i have absolutely, absolutely no doubt about it, so i think that this is the right decree, i think that we should remind the world that ah, that there are territories in fact, when they talk all the time about the russian cities, odesa is different there, they need to be reminded that today they have ukrainian lands as part of... their territory, and this is absolutely normal and correct, so
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i support here and i think that this is the right step, today, as you already said, the winter session of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe began in strasbourg, on thursday there are planned debates under the urgent procedure on the situation of the children of ukraine, for some reason your colleague victoria syumar was not allowed to attend the pare meeting, she did not did not make it, although it was not enough. an official invitation from the council of europe, how does this separation happen in general, who gets there for the couple's meeting, who doesn't, how did you get there, well, i'm a member. delegation of ukraine, and i got there together with the whole delegation, but really, they also regularly try not to let me out there, and in recent weeks there was a whole epic with an attempt to throw me out of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, from the composition of the ukrainian delegation, it was a whole there were attempts by the authorities to do this, they did not succeed, and in the end for seven
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minutes, so you understand, ukraine submitted its delegation in pairs, 7 minutes before the... deadline, that is, until the moment when it was no longer possible to send it at all, that is, yes, until the last moment they hoped to come up with something to somehow lose , well , it was primarily about me, and regarding victoria syumar, absolutely, unfortunately, this is another time, like maria ionova, ivana klimpusenzadze, iryna gerashchenko, petro poroshenko, volodymyr ariev, other colleagues who are absolutely illegal, the speaker stefanchuk did not give the parliament a possible, no signed these orders. how did it happen that for some reason the ukrainian deputy did not arrive, that she does not want to, or
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she cannot, and this is already causing problems in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which is already being prepared. the report on the free access of parliamentarians to their work, on the example of ukraine, unfortunately, that is, what is being done today by the leadership of the verkhovna rada, i think that with the agreement and on the instructions of the president's office, has already become a topic of discussion in europe, everyone can see it, and this does not give ukraine absolutely anything, on this very day of unity, but what, well, what signals it gives the ukrainian authorities, when those were released, those were not released, that's fine. that is not possible, they are constantly dividing us, dividing, dividing, it is very bad, it is bad from all points of view, because it is pressure on the opposition, because it is the division of ukrainian society, because it is the weakening of ukrainian parliamentary diplomacy abroad, well , they would throw me out of the delegation, ukraine would lose today, me, that is, today i was formally elected, already if it happened, but
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the decision was made there more than a week ago, and if they were like that somewhere... their goals, if they were able to fulfill me from the delegation, then ukraine would lose the position of president of the committee on migration issues, would lose the position of a member of the pari bureau, well, tell me, would that give ukraine at least something? well , the answer is obvious, and by the way, i will immediately tell those who can say, well, maybe they want to save budget funds there, neither i, nor victoria sumer, nor my other colleagues have ever taken for any foreign business trip, not a single penny, not a single penny, usually these... finance in pairs, we finance it all in pairs, if others business trips, those are the countries that accept, that is, we do not take a single budget penny for this, but at the same time we use these platforms to the maximum to promote ukrainian interests, so this is a very wrong decision, these are very wrong actions, another evidence that ruslan stefanchuk , he is, you know, the supreme chairman of the supreme
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council of the ukrainian soviet socialist republic, not the ukrain of independent ukraine. well , that's valentina shevchenko, i understood. thank you, mr. oleksii, for the conversation, it was oleksii honcharenko, people's deputy of ukraine from strasbourg. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video to help it trend on youtube and facebook. well, take part in our survey. we are asking you today whether you support multiple citizenship in ukraine. so. no, if you are on youtube everything is quite simple, either yes or no, or write your comment under this video that you think about this, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you support multiple citizenship of ukraine 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are
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free, call, at the end of the program we will we have the results of this vote, then we will be in touch with maksym. deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, former commander of the azov regiment, major of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. maksym, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you. let's let's start with the situation in russia, because over the last week we have seen how our defense forces strike at the infrastructure, at the military infrastructure, at the critical infrastructure of russia. the russian novatek plant in ust-luz, leningrad region, which processes gas condensate, stopped working after an attack by ukrainian drones, not only the chairman reported this. not the defense intelligence agency, but bloomberg. russian air defense does not cover the leningrad region well, as it was created to protect against strikes from the northwest, not from the south, that is, from
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ukraine. do the latest regular strikes on objects on the territory of russia indicate a change in the nature of the russian-ukrainian war, a gradual transfer of the war to the territory of the enemy, mr. major. well, at the moment i think so. it is too early to say that it has been postponed, but we are obviously on this path, and we must be on this path, the logic should be as follows: we must now focus not only on deterring or to destroy the enemy, but we must also work on his territory, it is necessary and an integral part of it. of the complex for our victory , namely strikes, work on its infrastructure, work on the territory that considers itself
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peaceful there, we have to deal with all of this today, and all this directly affects our victory, on our opportunities for strikes on the territory of the russian federation influence and... the essence of taurus long-range missiles, so far germany is delaying the provision of these missiles. great britain promises us long-range missiles, but it is not known whether there will be a clause in the transfer agreement. can these missiles be used to strike the territory of the russian federation? well, for the time being, there is an open question regarding the long-range missiles that emmanuel macron promised last week: 40 scalp missiles, which he is to transfer to ukraine and have a range of 256 to 560 km there. why do you think, mr.
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major, the west is afraid of strikes on the territory of the russian federation, or is the answer quite simple, because putin has nuclear weapons? no, i don't think nuclear weapons are the issue, well more precisely, not only in nuclear weapons. my personal opinion is that the western partners, what especially concerns the european countries, they are currently weak in their understanding of, yes, what they can do, yes, and what can happen to them, they are quite strong today are afraid of any such normal movements in general, yes, they are... afraid of transfer, they are afraid every time, and what will happen, and what if, although in their place you have to think, and what will happen to them if they are not
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with us today help? the position is very weak, the position so generally lethargic, europeans actually play with this and that because it's dangerous for them. russia sees very well that the europeans are not capable of just that... there to be categorical or to be decisive, and russia will not forgive it, it will definitely take advantage of it, and if by chance there are today, like, yes, sometimes russian missiles fly over the territory of european countries there, then tomorrow they can fly there by accident, and nuclear weapons today, i think there is nothing to be afraid of... it makes sense, i believe that it may happen that it will be used, but there is
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no point in being afraid today, because the level, yes, in general , of military tension in the world now, it is so high that nuclear weapons are no longer the greatest disaster, which can wait for civilization, sir. major, why do you think the west, our western partners, why are they not talking about the next stage to which the international community should approach, after the stage of helping ukraine, which is the demilitarization of russia, this is the deputization of russia, this is the creation of conditions regarding the creation of new safety rules in europe, first of all, well, in the world of tacos. why are they afraid to say that putin is the new hitler, why are they afraid that putin is a threat to absolutely everything, why are they afraid to say that all the weapons they have...
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except nuclear, they have already used them, that is, the war that europe is so afraid of, it is already underway, and this europe, and this war is the largest continental war since the second world war, well you actually partially answered this question, the fact is that europeans today really saw that it is extremely difficult for them to resist a modern war, the europeans dabbled in dreams. about security , because these were dreams, and none of them today can guarantee security to anyone, today in general there is no one in the world who could, could guarantee security to someone, that's what we came to, and the europeans realized it, they saw, and now they are afraid of the situation in which they found themselves, and today their position is connected with exactly what
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happened to them. message that ukraine is not was ready for the fact that russia would attack us , and europe was not ready for this, and now , observing how the war is going on, on what scale, on what scale, at what technological level, europe needs to think about , how to protect yourself, because the question of safety, it is no longer in the world, well, it simply does not exist, today it is impossible to guarantee or believe that tomorrow will be safe. mr. major, let's return to the situation on the eastern front. the russian occupiers continue press along the entire front line, and the defense forces repulsed most of the enemy attacks in the avdiiv direction. this is reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. according to the institute for the study of war of the united states of america, russian troops advanced
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in the area of ​​the tsarska restaurant. houses along sobornii street in the south of avdiivka and along a strip of trees in the southwest of avdiivka. yurii botusa, a military journalist, writes about the critical situation in avdiivka, where the bahamian scenario may repeat itself. how do you, mr. major, now assess this situation, because for to most of our tv viewers, it is obvious where this is the area of ​​the restaurant, tsarska okhota, or soborna street, she does not give a clue. can you describe? the situation that is currently developing in avdiivka, and to what extent it can develop from the side of the russian federation towards the ukrainian defense forces. in fact, in general , it will be quite difficult for a civilian to realize and understand what events are happening at the front, and this is obvious, because, well, no one except those who are directly there, ah, will be able to understand and comprehend everything that is happening now , not really...
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not only in the avdeivka area, the situation is difficult , i will not say that the bakhmut situation can be repeated, because the tactical position is also different, the possibilities and the terrain are different there now, that is, there are a lot of points, if you can generalize very directly , of course you can somehow compare it somewhere, but i don't think it 's catastrophic... critical for today, we have to understand that the war today looks like the enemy has accumulated forces, accumulated forces, he involved, i can tell you for sure that the enemy is theirs most of what he was preparing he already destroyed in his attempted attacks without achieving the success he hoped for, but our problem is
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that... unfortunately, the russians still have enough internal potential to , in order to again accumulate , recruit, equip units, equip them with equipment and send them in order to continue offensive actions, therefore the situation is complex, it can change both in one direction and in the other, it is very important to simply understand that, well, our realities are such, we live in a time of war. uh, and in this war, sometimes we will have to retreat, and sometimes we will have to save up, accumulate strength in order to move forward, uh, easy battles and or there for victories tomorrow after lunch, well, it won’t happen, we have to stop believing and realize that it is difficult for obadiah as well.


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