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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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to the authorities, no, how, if we are talking about the algorithm, then the algorithm looks like this, that is, if it is a military serviceman, then the relatives need to contact the tsc, the state central committee, from where the person was called up for military service, this is the first question, the second question, the second step that needs to be taken is to contact the national police with a missing person report, this is necessary in order for that person to be automatically entered into the missing persons register under special circumstances. as a third step, we suggest contacting the national information bureau, that's it for now let's talk about civilians, in order for them to get into the register, you know that if a meringue person has disappeared, it does not mean that he died, maybe he is in captivity and steps must be taken to free him, and so is our man who is in ukraine, he cooperates with the same niv who is in russia, they exchange information, and maybe russia will confirm this person already in captivity. then this is another
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question, then we suggest contacting organizations that really want to deal with this issue and want to help, our the organization also helps relatives in the search and search of missing persons, that is , you can also contact us, our phone numbers are on the website, if you kill a group of patriots, you will definitely find it, if someone does not know our phone number, i can just to remind 0800 , 339 247. but this is not a simple algorithm, after that there will be an explanation of where to go, in which instance and what to do next in order for the person to be found as soon as possible, i will clarify here, because the plot was about , that there are fraudsters who use this opportunity and well there they demand money from these relatives there or ask for such information, but what should be done here, or how to do everything correctly there in order not to fall for such fraudsters? look, if... someone wants money for this,
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they are really scammers or fraudsters, such work, if performed, is performed on the conscience and honor of each person, that is, there is no need to contact such people, moreover , i suggest that if such proposals arise somewhere, the relatives should immediately go to the national police and write a statement about the commission of a crime, i.e. demanding dear money from relatives, this is already illegal, well, let's put it this way , blasphemous in relation to people, mr. oleg, what to do with the bodies of... military men, whom no one is looking for yet, well, the plot also talked about that there are really people who were not there, for example, relatives, yes, are they accounted for in a separate way, how are they buried? well, let me start by saying that every person, if we are again talking about military personnel, they are in some unit, and if they went on a combat mission and bodies are found, but not completely understanding, because there was no statement about, well, about this person, if from... disappeared, that is, they are all
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going, as it was already said here in your plot, they are going to or to the dnipro, or to zaporizhzhia, or to kharkiv or to kyiv , and such bodies are found there, what is the problem , really the first problem is that the person is an orphan , he has no one at all, there are such cases, and we deal with such cases, until the moment that we will never find, let's say , we may never find these relatives, but to... which, well, let's say this, it is necessary to do, to look for relatives, even if they are far away, and we do this, at that time they can be stored in our places for a year to preserve the bodies, and after a year, according to the law, they must be reburied temporarily, in temporary cemeteries under some number, such we have cemeteries since the 14th year, we have people who have not yet been identified and are buried there. prom, we
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have such a cemetery, and i want to add that there are indeed such cases, but the state works, i know, we, we cooperate very fruitfully with state bodies in this questions and solve all possible problems that can arise, i thank you for joining and talking about such an important topic on our broadcast, oleg kotenko, co-founder of the public organization patriot group, was a guest of freedom mornings. this is svoboda ranok and i would like to remind you that you can watch us every weekday from 9:00 a.m. on youtube on the radio liberty channel and also on the air of the tv channel, be sure to subscribe, be sure to write comments from where you watch us, what is the situation in your city, and what topics and news you think important this morning. later in this broadcast, we talk about the following. after the detention in odesa, the court chose a preventive measure for the son of businessman ihor hrynevych roman. holding
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in custody until march 17 or a bail of more than half a million hryvnias. he is the fifth suspect in the case of the supply of low-quality clothing for the armed forces. we will tell you all the details of this case later. pan, starodubshchyna, northern and eastern slobozhanshchyna, belgorod, bryansk, voronisk, kursk, rostov oblasts of russia. zelenskyi named these russian regions historically in the decree territories inhabited by ukrainians. what does his decree mean and does kyiv claim this russian territory. the more comments and likes you have, the more viewers will potentially be able to see this video on youtube. support radio svoboda. thank you for that. hrynkevich, jr., will be in custody for two months, or must pay uah 500 million in bail. today, last night, the pachersky court of kyiv chose a preventive measure for him, that is , detention until march 17. lawyers of roman hrynkevich announced that they will file a complaint
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appeal against this court decision. let me remind you that roman hrynkevich was detained a day earlier in odesa. according to law enforcement officers, this happened during an attempt to organize. crossing the border legally, hrynkevich himself denied it, he says that he was detained in his apartment, and he had no intention of leaving the country, he considers all the accusations unfounded and someone's order. i am interested in this meeting to prove to everyone that my family was simply covered with dirt, that we did not deserve it, because all the accusations that are directed at our parties, i think it's completely unfounded, i think it's completely unsupported by anything , especially i think it's for... and it's kind of a very powerful order, because it used to sound like we're considered one of the largest suppliers of the ministry of defense there, to which i want to emphasize, there was not a single broken contract, there is not a single court case with the ministry of defense. last week, the sbi officially declared roman hrynkevich wanted, he is one of the five suspects in
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the criminal proceedings on the purchase of clothes for the armed forces of ukraine. according to the investigation, the amount of damage to the ministry of defense may amount to uah 1 billion, roman's father. this is the lviv businessman ihor hrynkevich, who is the main figure in this case, and is already in custody, as are three other figures. tetyana sepyan, communications advisor of the sbi, joins our broadcast. tatyana, congratulations, thank you for joining. greetings katya, greetings to all the viewers, and before we move on to such serious topics related to criminal proceedings, i would like to take this opportunity to would like to express my condolences to all those who suffered from today's rocket attack by the enemy. and i believe that retribution will be severe and inevitable. regarding, yes, ms. tatiana , i will ask you a question here, and, it is important, we are following the consequences of these morning shellings, of course we are reporting about it on our air, and i will also remind our viewers that you can write, which city are you from let us know what the situation is in your
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city, and soon we will have a link from kharkiv with information about what is happening there. mrs. tetyana, to the case of the hrynkevichs, that's for according to the law enforcement officers, roman hrynkevich , the son of businessman ihor hrynkevich, was three years old when he tried to organize an illegal border crossing, are there any details of how he tried to implement it, because we saw the footage that detained him in his apartment, and he himself says that that he did not have such plans, yes, i heard this synchronicity, in particular, which sounded on the air, but let's be honest and analyze the situation, exactly a week ago the state bureau of investigation visited, so to speak, in quotation marks to... the participants in the criminal proceedings, which concerned documents with the ministry of defense, in particular related to the purchase of clothes and underwear for the armed forces of ukraine, and in particular one of these figures was already in a pre-trial detention center at that time, but on another suspicion of trying to
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bribe an employee of the state bureau of investigation, the three were charged with suspicion. it is clear that this situation has gained publicity, and let's be honest, one of the people involved could not help but have information that he was also charged with fraud and creating participation in a criminal organization, these are two pretty severe articles that you can deal with 12 years to lose his freedom, accordingly, he , understanding the consequences, hid from the investigation, you remember that we even appealed to the citizens with a request to inform the law enforcement authorities, maybe... someone saw the son of a lviv businessman, to find him, to announce to him a suspicion and accordingly to detain and choose a preventive measure, so we will start with you from the facts, we managed to find him in odessa, accordingly, he
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was as much as possible without a mobile phone, because with a mobile phone you can also understand where exactly a person is, but for account... thanks to the skill and professionalism of the employees of the state bureau of investigation, in particular, thanks to the work of the operative-investigative group, it was possible to identify him and manage to detain him. is it possible that your appeals to the ukrainians helped, did someone tell me where he is? we thank the concerned ukrainians who called or wrote to the law enforcement agencies and reported that a person similar to the son of a lviv businessman was spotted in one place or another, but it is worth noting that it was thanks to the work of the operative investigative group that he was found, as it was already done, maybe one day operatives and investigators will reveal these secrets. but every profession must have its secrets, mrs. tetyana, i will clarify, but do you have such
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indisputable evidence that it was he who was trying to somehow plan to cross the ukrainian borders and flee the country. while in odessa, he tried to negotiate, of course with a certain group of people, about the possibility of crossing the border illegally. there are witnesses who confirm this, well, actually such information. katya's mother is currently unknown to me, the main thing is that he didn't manage to do that, so what is he, currently he has been remanded in custody, and he will be in custody in the near future, but he also has the opportunity to make a bail of half a million uah 500 million. as far as i understand, there will now be an appeal from the defense of mr. hrynkevich, but where did he plan to go there, if you say that he had such plans, is there any information about which country i do not have information about, but... i think from odesa the region has several options for
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crossing, for example, there is romania, let's take from you are one of the options to go somewhere, i think that in order to leave the territory of ukraine, to which country, it was no longer important for him, whether there are still people here who, perhaps, whom the odbr investigation found, who helped roman all this time hrynkevich to hide, at the moment such... information is unknown to me, if we are talking in the context of hrynkevich's case, then i would prefer to speak with concrete facts that he was discovered and detained, and the pre-trial investigation will continue, and as a result of this pre-trial investigation we you and i may hear a lot of interesting facts, and the investigators will be able to find and fully decipher this chain, who was involved in it, in particular, during the pre-trial investigation. which related to procurement of equipment for the armed forces of ukraine. i will once again note
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the position of mr. roman hrenkevych, he said that he did not plan and does not plan to leave the territory of ukraine, instead he is going to, quote, defend his honor and prove himself right, and he, well, his defense said that the court decision, there is such a preventive measure illegal, unreasonable, and the amount of bail is known to be excessive, do you even know, or what. actions will be possible for the defense of hrynkevich jr. to make an appeal, whether they will try to post bail , if bail is posted there, whether there is a mechanism there, whether there will be any attempt, for example, to run away or hide from the investigation there, well, currently being in the pre-trial detention center, it is unlikely that they will try to hide more detectives from the investigation, well , in particular, if we take the organizer himself and such... a lviv businessman who is suspected of having organized this criminal group is suspected, then he has two suspicions, and
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he has been directly in the pre-trial detention center since the end of 2023. as for lawyers, that is , the defense side, it is a completely normal, legal, legal process where the defense side tries to prove that it is not guilty of the offenses it is suspected of, in particular. the sbi is generally for... the parties, they have the right absolutely within the law to take certain actions, for example, to file appeals, defend their point of view, to make statements, no one forbids them to do so, but the investigation in the pre-trial investigation works to collect evidence, collect evidence and also provide witnesses who will testify in court, and of course, the evidence base is usually made for this. documents, photos, videos, audio recordings. therefore, of course, after
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the pre-trial investigation is completed , when all the facts are established, the indictment, the materials will be opened for review by the defense , including the indictment will get to court, court hearings will continue, in particular on the merits, and the court will already make the final decision to punish. and how is the suspect, as you said at the beginning, that we may learn a lot of interesting things. thank you for informing the community. tetyana sep'yan, communications advisor of the sbi, was a guest on our broadcast, we talked about... about the grynkevich case, further to the consequences of the morning shelling in ukraine, and the number of wounded in kharkiv has increased, it is already 38 people, this was reported by the mayor of the city, ihor terikhov . head of kharkiv uva oleg sinygubov says about 35 wounded, including two children aged 10 and 12. according to him , five people are in serious
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condition. earlier, sinigubov wrote about the two dead women as a result of the morning attack on the bridge. in the meantime, the ministry of internal affairs is talking about three dead in kharkiv, i would like to remind you that as a result of a russian attack, the entrance to a residential building was destroyed , people are under the rubble, the ministry of internal affairs also writes about hitting two high-rise buildings, i call on everyone who is watching us now , if you, especially from kharkiv, write what your situation is even now, and also, of course, write, if you are watching us from other ukrainian cities, what is the situation in your... in our cities, i will remind you that we have already talked about the situation in the capital and in the region on this broadcast, and you can also see about it including in our social networks, this news, and now dmytro chubenko, the spokesman of the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office, joins our broadcast, dmytro, i congratulate you, tell me where you are now, are you now at the point of impact, what are the general consequences after this morning russian shelling? greetings, it's me
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now near the place of impact, but due to certain security reasons, it cannot be activated from the place of impact, and regarding the circumstances, today at 4 and 8 o'clock in the morning the russians launched a series of missile strikes on the city of kharkiv, about 10 hits on the territory of the city, kyiv district, saltiv district were under attack, and dozens of houses were damaged, as of now... as a result of these shellings, we have two dead people and about 40 wounded, traumatized, among them are two children, now the number of people is still being determined, their will be it is obvious that it is more, since dozens of residential buildings were broken, hundreds,
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perhaps even thousands of windows were broken all around, and people suffered from this, from cuts. fragments of these windows, glass that flew into the middle of the apartments. the mayor said that the entire entrance of a house in kharkiv was destroyed, what is the situation now, how many people can be under the rubble, is there any hope that people have survived there. currently, the analysis of the debris is still continuing, as for the exact information, whether there are people there or not, now there is no, we proceed from the conclusions that they probably may be there to be... people, since this is a multi-storey residential building, and there were people in many apartments, so the active analysis of the rubble continues in order to establish the exact information, whether there are still people inside. the head of the national police says that there were also many airstrikes in the region and that there were hits to the gas pipeline and civilian houses, tell me what is known about the situation in the kharkiv region?
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there was indeed a hit in one of the er... social facilities, a three-story building was, was significantly damaged, was right in it was hit, also as a result of one of the hits to the ground there was a gas breakthrough and its detonation, as a result of which a very large flame was formed there, as of now i am not ready to say whether it has already been eliminated by these consequences or not? i thank you for participating, telling about the situation in... the city and the region as much as you could at the moment, dmytro chubenko, the spokesman of the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office, was a guest of svoboda ranok, then we will briefly look at the main news from social networks. greetings, this is news in a minute, here i am briefly and quickly talking about what, about what they say online. trump may soon become the only candidate from the republican
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party in the presidential elections in 2024. provided if today in the state of new hampshire. will receive more support from the party in the republican primaries than his main competitor, nikki haley, observers emphasize. according to the polls, writes voice of america, trump can get 50% of the potential votes in new hampshire. his chances increased after florida gov. ron desantis dropped out of the race and endorsed trump. ukrainian pilots are already flying the fighter x-16 with instructors. this was reported by the spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine yuriy ignat. according to him, the pilots. it is necessary to fly a certain number of hours, and he also said that in other countries they also hire novice aircraft maintenance specialists. on the world's highest volcano, ojos delsalad, they taught. hoisted the ukrainian flag and the flags of the units of the armed forces of ukraine. ukrainian alevtyna kovalchuk deployed them there, she told about it on facebook. she says she carried all the precious things she has to the top of the volcano. height
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volcano, let me remind you 6891 m. let's stop now, this is all operational news, look for more information in our networks, facebook, tiktok, instagram and telegram. this is the freedom of the morning, and then we talk about the possible restoration of historical affairs'. livities: krasnodar krai, belgorod, bryansk, voronetsk, kursk and rostov oblasts of russia are recognized as territories of the russian federation historically inhabited by ukrainians. president zelensky signed a decree on the protection of ukrainians in these territories. he stated this in an address on the occasion of the day of the cathedral of ukraine. we have to do today steps not only to strengthen the unity of ukraine and our people, but also actions for the unity of rights and freedoms. the truth about ukrainians, the truth about us and the truth about our history, and for this purpose today i signed the decree on
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the territories of the russian federation historically inhabited by ukrainians, this is the return of the truth about the historical past for the sake of the ukrainian future. the document states that russia violates the rights of ukrainians to receive education in the ukrainian language and its free use. civil cultural and religious rights, right of access to ukrainian-speaking media. zelensky instructed the cabinet of ministers to develop an action plan to preserve the national identity of ukrainians in russia. on russian state tv channels, they call this law encroaching on russian territories. this was also written by the deputy chairman of the national security council of the russian federation, dmitry medvedev. the editor-in-chief of the russian state news agency russia today margarita simenyan called zelensky to a meeting in her telegram channel and... with local cossacks. we talk about this topic later on our broadcast. anton drobovych, head of
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the ukrainian institute of national remembrance and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine joined our broadcast. i congratulate you. thank you for joining. in general, how do you assess this presidential decree, what does it mean, and what is its purpose? in my opinion, this is a reaction to the fact that... these systematically over many decades actually encroach on the rights of various peoples, which before, when russia tried to be a real federation and even plus or minus i cared about them, in principle such questions did not arise, but look at the current situation with the kazakhs, buryats, ingush, tatars, i.e. all these peoples, we recently even held demonstrations in russia, they are all eh... well oppressed, in they are all deprived of the right to speak their own language, practically none of them have the right in political life to use their language in the political process, the ban
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on political parties, all these peoples essentially make up the russian federation, i.e. hundreds, dozens, hundreds of peoples, in that number of dozens national republics are oppressed, and there is no one to protect them, the same situation with ukrainians, from census to census in russia there are fewer ukrainians, they are for... they do not even declare themselves ukrainians, and looking at this whole situation, ukraine commits measures in order to support the identity, because if you look at this decree, there are quite simple things, the maintenance of the identity, perhaps the recording of crimes in russia against the peoples, so i think that this is such a reaction for protection, the country has the opportunity, there is country, and those peoples do not have a state, we have a state and in fact it is the protection of these people of ours, but what kind of protection in this sense does ukraine have here... ukrainians both within their own country and outside it, especially on the territory of russia, simply began
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to learn, perhaps, about their roots. well, first of all, this is a signal to the millions of ukrainians on the territory of russia that ukraine remembers them, knows that this problem is fixed. secondly, there are measures aimed at strengthening identity through information. products through educational activities and so on, i.e. all that can be done remotely, without even having an actual presence in those territories. there are also measures aimed at recording russia's crimes against, in particular, against the ukrainian people, there assimilation, deportation, russification, such crimes can be processed remotely, and testimony on them can be recorded remotely, and accordingly, this is also a part of the defense that will begin now. and when ukraine almost can ee through international bodies and it is possible through the un to exert physical influence on that territory and bring to justice those who
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punished, and i... i think, last but not least, this is also a signal to other peoples, the enslaved peoples of russia, that if you do not will fight for themselves, with you, you will simply disappear, and this is actually a signal that the world sees, ukraine sees these crimes, and accordingly, it is necessary to act now. mr. anton, on the russian state tv channels, they call this law as such, and this decree as encroaching on russian territory, can it not be interpreted in this way, including by western partners? does kyiv claim these russian territories? look, there is no such thing in this decree. ukraine, at the moment we only have a situation where russia claims ukrainian territories, seized part of our territories and even included them in this so-called federation, although in reality it is a front for a neo-russian empire, so of course they can shout and say that, so that they need to somehow justify their aggression,
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not provoked by anything. that's why i don't think that adequate reasonable people in the west will take it that way, and first of all, there lies the legal context and the issue of restoring historical justice, there are actually its own problems, there are nuances for each person, not everything is so unambiguously simple there interpretations, but simply the decree is not a scientific monograph, here you do not explain all the circumstances, that is why it essentially records the intentions of the policy. he actually has specific tasks for the cabinet of ministers of the ministry of foreign affairs, there there are no problems for the ministry of defense or there for any negative consequences, including there in the civilized world for ukraine, it cannot be in connection with this document, russia will do everything possible to make these negative consequences through propaganda, but if adequate people are dealing with this document and want to know the real intentions of ukraine, then the real intentions of ukraine do not include any territorial encroachment,
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as before, ukraine ukraine is peaceful for a moment. and defend ourselves. mr. anton, have you forgotten any other territories in the territory in this decree directly in modern russia, and including it, but are there any territories other than russia historically inhabited by ukrainians in some other countries? well, you understand here, the integrity of historical territories is important here, on the one hand, and on the other hand, in other countries, of course, there are ukrainians, communities of ukrainians in many countries, in particular in neighboring ones. but nowhere are they under such a threat as in russia, accordingly, russia is a massive violator of the rights of the peoples that it actually captured, including ukrainians, so uh, if somewhere, well, in the world that observes the rights and observes international obligations regarding indigenous peoples or peoples that are national minorities, there will be no problems, but as for
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russia, it has been a long time and... chronically violated procedure and violated all reasonable legislation, world , international legislation, international law, and even domestic russian legislation, these peoples have essentially been discriminated against for a long time and systematically, and not only the ukrainian people, mr. anton, very briefly, if possible, there is a historical basis for this presidential decree, ee yes, there is a historical basis, but again there are many nuances related to the fact that there, for example, in some regions, ukrainians were not a single people. thank you, mr. anton, for joining, anton drubovych, head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest of our broadcast. and about the consequences, the air force reported that they destroyed 21 missiles of the russian forces at night and in the morning, namely 15
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cruise missiles, five ballistic missiles and one. guided air missile, the russian federation launched 41 projectiles of various types all over ukraine. thank you for watching this broadcast with us, see you soon. greetings, it's news time at eter spresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. kyiv oblast suffered due to the rocket attack, three people were injured due to falling debris, they are being helped, said the head of the regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko. in several communities, three high-rise buildings, private houses, farm buildings, 10 cars and
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a cafe were damaged. fire fighters are near one of the residential buildings.


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