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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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all the logic about leaving us in the gray zone again, it will definitely explode, but for fitz it is better somehow to slip between the drops, the edge of the rain, as we sometimes say, i like it even more, since it is no longer about drops and maintain some kind of relationship with everyone, maintain your posture. in domestic politics, so he 's playing a perfectly clear, clear story, but it's not an orbán story, just because they have a situational coalition today doesn't mean they're going to be play a strategic cooperative game, i think it's a tactical coalition, however, fiza, when he says he's against aid, he 's not saying it anymore. says that we cannot buy
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weapons from slovakia, and especially take something from today's slovakia, well , it is difficult to say here in principle, because in the initial stages of the war we took a lot from slovakia and for that we are very, very grateful to it and all slovaks and we have it's talking, so we have orban and fiza - it's nesta. problems in the european union and in nato, we have to reckon with those that they will have other situational coalitions, let's see how the elections to the european parliament will go, but we also have to understand that ours, our logic, since we are ukrainians, and for us ukraine is above all else , a completely different logic than that of the same , in the same situation, and to count on the fact that... they are fans of ukraine and, unfortunately,
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even in europe, everyone is a fan of ukraine, this is to be, well, i won't say naive, but nevertheless to be in some kind of positive bubbles, unfortunately, and in the european union there are those with which we will have to conduct a very long and a difficult conversation both at the stage of joining the european union and at the stage of joining nato, that is... this road, it will not be super positive, pink, painted in the best colors, it will be very, very difficult, and they will try to put us stick in the wheels and work according to the opinion of the same putin or other countries that would very much like to destroy our european integration, euro-atlantic integration, as putin wants to show that... ukraine is not a state yet
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, so he wants to show the european integration that has not happened, and such to show us in a way, to show the event, actually we are already informally part of the event, so don't think that the event has fundamental support and solidarity, and is not ready to help us in everything as we want and when we need it, we are see for help. with which there are now difficult discussions, and in the same united states, so the struggle continues, and we should not conduct it with rose-colored glasses, that is, this is a story that is sometimes perceived in us with pain, well, such emotional pain, agree, but but not less the world needs to be understood as it is, and i believe that today's event and today's... europe, it has fundamentally
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changed in the sense of the position of just people in favor of ukraine, i am like that in europe , in germany, france, italy, well , well, i haven’t seen it all these years, but i’ve been engaged in foreign policy, plus or minus there for 30 years, even more, and as for me, the politicians of these countries now, i certainly don’t want to throw stones at them, they are less pro-ukrainian than. people, so what, but, as they say, in the family, remember, ours is famous ukrainian proverb, not without the one who interferes, interferes with living, but we have to live with them, because we have to live with them in the future of the eu and in the future of nato. mr. pavle, switzerland is planning to hold a global mayor's summit, last week zelenskyi met with the president of switzerland. amgert and in principle they
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agreed there that this summit will take place, in principle, it is from switzerland, but then a message appeared that the president of switzerland. uh, looking for opportunities to invite russia to this global summit, because without russia , they say, there will be no such peace and no talk of peace in general, what do you think this position of switzerland is connected with, in fact you need to understand what they want to drag on, i actually did not see the statements did the president's statement, i... the statement of the foreign minister of switzerland about this, who said that without russia it will be difficult to move forward, i looked at the phrase he said, maybe it wasn't a perfect translation, i didn't hear it in the originals, i'm always a fan of the originals, as you know, so i'm alone
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the right is a movement within the framework of the site, where the event and the non-event are gathering, and here we are of course. it is necessary to understand, and what will be the result of future meetings, especially high-level meetings, because declaring commitment to the fundamental principles of the un is certainly a good story, but nevertheless it is not enough, because we have declared, you hear what putin also says constantly, i seem to respect the principles of the un here, although russia, i am... a member of the security council violated, in my opinion, well, if not half, yes, if, i once counted, well, it turns out that way there are about half of all the articles in the statute, that is, she destroyed this statute, so we
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really need from any measures to at least have a path, to form a political will, and how we implement, and returns... oon, returning the world to fundamental oon principles. as for what the swiss minister of foreign affairs, ignatius oh, says, i think he means a completely different format. when he wants to somehow talk with russia, the question arises, why do we need it. it's one thing when we speak about humanitarian issues, and precisely... geneva is such a cradle of international humanitarian law, that is, we have to talk about the exchange of prisoners, we have, they once talked about a grain turner, a complex story, complex, but critically important for ukrainian business, that is, it is one side, but
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i do not see any possibility in today's reality, and i did not see it in any emotional, moral, or whatever sense, from any side, from any dimension, to start some conversations with today's russian regime about the status and so on and so on, it's a total mystery to me what the swiss mean, well let's hope they explain it soon, because as far as i'm concerned there are two or even three different stories that the swiss mean. they really want to become mediators again, will they be better mediators than rordan, i will put three dots here, and a smiley, well, a smiley in our sense, well, you understood me perfectly, thank you, mr. pavle, for the conversation, it was pavlo klimkin,
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minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19 years, friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, during the program we conduct a poll, asking whether you support multiple citizenship in ukraine, now we will look at the interim results of our vote in the tv audience, 33 % yes, 67% no, there are discounts on optimal 15% in psylsnyk, pam and oschad pharmacies, there are discounts on lyzak, 10% at psyannyk, pam and oschad pharmacies, you want to be rested and full of strength, but from the old the mattress constantly hurts the whole body, on the sofa no matter what, you can't find a comfortable position, you need to improve your sleeping place, meet the casper ortolight mattress topper from mattress tv experts. instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or
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the world is about, two hours to be informed economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on. in the new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day by with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso.
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greetings, friends, the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. we continue our broadcast today in the program. the president suggests that the verkhovna rada consider how to organize elections, does ukraine need an election campaign during the war? lands historically inhabited by ukrainians. ukraine undertakes to protect the rights of compatriots in kuban, starodubshchyna and other regions of russia. multiple citizenship in ukraine. for what zelensky initiates it and what it means for the future of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please vote. to our survey , because today we are asking you about this, do you support multiple citizenship in ukraine, yes, no,
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if you watch us on tv, pick up your phone and vote, if you support multiple citizenship in ukraine, 0800 211381, no 0800 211 382, ​​call all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the broadcast we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce the guests of today's program, they are the best ukrainian political analysts. ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations. maksym rozumny, ukrainian political scientist, philosopher, doctor of political sciences. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations. viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you and. thank you for being with us today , good health, yes, before we start our conversation, gentlemen, we will turn on
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our correspondent dmitry didora, later, yes, in 5 minutes we will turn on our correspondent dmitry didora, he is watching , which is taking place in the pechersk district court of the capital, there they choose, choose, or rather, a preventive measure for the son of hrynkevich, igor hrynkevich, a lviv businessman. hrynkevich and the prosecutor's office is asking for bail in the amount of half a billion hryvnias. so, gentlemen, since we we ask our hey tv viewers and viewers , do they support multiple citizenship in ukraine, i will ask you too, do you support multiple citizenship in ukraine, because today zelenskyy once again announced that he is submitting a bill on multiple citizenship to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, that this is multiple ukraine needs citizenship. mr.
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maxim, in general... the topic has existed in the public space for quite some time now, although it was mostly debated in narrow expert circles, or among people who are engaged in the affairs of the ukrainian diaspora, that is, this idea, it is not new, so to speak, and even the status of a ukrainian abroad, which operates today, certainly did not satisfy many. er interests, needs and willingness of representatives of ukrainian communities to become more full-fledged members of the ukrainian community, the ukrainian political nation, that is, this step, it is expected, in general, logical, before the holiday, besides , something like this had to be done, but it is clear that
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there will be many more around this initiative, this idea disputes, because... next to the fact that someone who wanted to get ukrainian citizenship in america, canada, france, great britain, such a new collision appears when, well, we all know that how much our officials and so to speak, the negative characters of ukrainian public policy, they also found... foreign passports, but now, if this law is adopted, it is supposedly aimed at granting citizenship to these representatives of ukrainian communities, but the law is one for all, and in this case dual citizenship will cease to be, well , not that evil, even a crime, will cease to be a reason for any claims against such
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people. thank you, mr. viktor, does this mean that multiple citizenship in principle from... will open the way home for gennady korban, whose ukrainian citizenship was taken away, he cannot enter the territory of the ukrainian state, and ihor valeriyovych will feel at ease with five passports or how many passports he has there, because he always brags that he has a lot of passports. i also i believe that the law should have the same status for everyone, and that's why, again. everyone in the same status , and therefore this, this is already a subject for abuse, but if i say very, very briefly, i am against, against, if only because it is not possible in all countries, and it is possible in allied countries, and so we will, well , if it were a little false, it is not clear, i
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am not an expert here, but like any resident, non -resident, where a person has money and pays taxes, this... there are also nuances here, yes, but most of all i do not trust that that this government cannot be trusted at all, they do not have communications with citizens of ukraine, absolutely none, they are playing with them in childhood, they are trying to breed development like a lokhov, people are hiding, yes, this is the regime, if in the discussion of communication in ukraine, who told you that they will want to communicate with... after all, there, well, ukrainians, especially if they are patriotic and want to take citizenship and be citizens, well, well, and in russian, what we will protect, yes, it has gone, it is like a stop that maybe some of us will like, because time on there in nightingales, scabies it lights up, this
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cool, yes, if the enemy is on fire, literally or figuratively, it’s good for us, but i would n’t... trust this government, because it may end up with votes, where it turns out that we have compatriots abroad who voted for zelensky ten times more, well, conditionally half of bangladesh will vote, so not with this government for communications with patriots, ukrainians from other countries, with citizens of other countries, but not with ours, not with our happiness, and without bangladesh, as i understand it, to at least not copa. granted citizenship of ukraine with the citizenship of bangladesh, well, this is a joke, of course, mr. igor, please, well , you know, here it rests on what is specifically written in this law, such a strange story, the president announced this. but so far we have not seen, well, the draft law itself, and we know that the devil is always in the details, you know, for some distant perspective, i can admit in principle
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the need to introduce something similar, well, for example, when we become a member of the european union, it will open up additional prospects for our citizens who will to work there in european countries, but at the same time they will regularly live there in ukraine, visit ukraine, open some joint business there, and so on. this is one story. when ukraine is a member of the eu. if we are talking now about the introduction of such a procedure, there are two simple questions. the first question is that it must somehow be reconciled with the constitution, and i honestly do not really understand how this can be done during the legal regime of martial law, since it is expressly forbidden, well, to amend the constitution, although i have seen already today there appeared an interpretation that the relevant article should be read in a different way, it seems to not prohibit anything, and so on and so forth. and the second point , it is the most important, it is related to such a concept, somewhat ephemeral, but very important in our conditions, we mentioned it very often when we talked about the draft law on mobilization, this is the concept of justice, what will this multiple citizenship mean, it
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would mean giving everyone rights or, accordingly , duties, and would it mean that, for example, some duties of citizens of ukraine, well, regarding service, let's say in the armed forces of ukraine, will also be extended to those people who will have two, three, five and there, i don't know how many passports, including one of these passports will be a passport of ukraine, so i don't care... that it was such, you know, such a statement by the president, aimed at our compatriots who are currently abroad, who went there, so that they would not think about them the country forgets if they even arrange their lives there, they were in no hurry to give up the ukrainian passport, but you know this , it cannot be solved tomorrow, it will stretch for a very long period of time, and let's say programs to stimulate the return of our citizens, as of today, would be a better initiative, precisely specific programs that would contribute . uh, well, their desire to return to ukraine, start working, get some support there and so on, and not the statements we hear from individual representatives of the office that western countries should stop helping our refugees and
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almost wipe them back to our country, such statements are definitely not in an interview with the swiss german-language newspaper tages ansaiger, serhii leshchenko said that europe should stop aid to ukrainian refugees and return them to ukraine. it's good that he didn't say, return it by force , well, that's how it turned out, we have dmytro didora on the phone, he is in the pechersk district court of the capital, there they choose a preventive measure for roman grenkevich, the son of the well-known lviv businessman igor grenkevich, who is suspected in that they did not use 1.5 billion hryvnias of contracts with the ministry of defense for purposes other than intended. or at least earned these 15 billion hryvnias. dmitry, i congratulate you. tell me, please, what is the current situation with the case, i am looking at what
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is this, is this the corridor of the court, is this a court session, what is happening now in the pechersk court? i congratulate sergey, and i also congratulate the viewers of espresso. i am actually right now in the corridor of the court, because the court session is ongoing, it, no, it has not ended, there are still debates between. by the defense and the prosecution and i would like to point out that the hrynkevichs are suspected of creating a criminal organization that seized funds and are suspected of supplying poor-quality clothing to the armed forces of ukraine. regarding this, there was interesting information, it was heard in court today by lawyer roman hrenkevych. they say that there is not now, the contract states that if the clothes were
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of poor quality, they should be replaced, but the lawyer notes that he has not received any complaints from the ministry of defense about poor-quality clothes, and this is exactly what the defense is appealing for, the prosecutors are asking roman hrenkevich for a preventive measure as is holding... in custody with an alternative bail of uah 500 million, and as you just saw both on the live broadcast and on our air, the judge most likely went to the morning room to choose this preventive measure, so i think that most likely closer to the 22nd, by 10:30 p.m. we will already know what, exactly, which preventive measure will be chosen for romana grenke. who, let me remind you, was detained this morning in odesa, the head of the dbr says that he tried to find a way to cross the state border and
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hide in one of the... countries of the european union, roman khrenkevich himself does not comment, we asked him to comment before the meeting whether he really wanted to cross the state border, hide there, and he said that we will hear everything at the meeting and he does not give separate comments, and the lawyers tried to move the meeting from pecherskyi court to the shevchenkiv district court, appealing that the investigation took place precisely in... the kyiv district of the capital, and not in the pocharsky district, so that's how they wanted to move the hearing to that district, the prosecutors say, who consider this to be a delay in the case and will prove roman khrenkevich's involvement in the creation of a criminal group, i would like to remind you that his father ihor hrenkevich is already in custody, since the end of december 2023, he was then detained
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for trying to... give a bribe to one of the officials of the dbr. we see now that the zinalists are most likely communicating with roman khrenkevych. that's why , serhii, i'm giving you ethers, i also have to run and listen to what's happening. thank you, dmytro, it was dmytro didora from the pechersk district court of the capital. there they choose a preventive measure for roman hrynkevich, the son of the well-known lviv businessman ihor hrynkevich, who had contracts with... the ministry of defense of ukraine and we know about this high-profile case, well, at least for the last month, this case has been in the news. i will remind you once again that ihor reiterovych, maksym rozumny and viktor boberenko are on the air, and gentlemen, let's start our big conversation, i hope that roman hrenkevych will not be given a preventive measure so quickly and dmytro didora will be included in our air a little later from...
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zelenskyi's statements about the elections, again about the elections, that is it seems that zelensky has crossed all the dots that the elections will be held only after the martial law in ukraine is ended, here in an interview with the british fourth tv channel, he stated that ukraine should think about how to hold presidential elections, although the law prohibits this under time of martial law, let's listen to what zelensky said, the verkhovna rada. must vote and give a mandate for elections, they must raise this issue and vote, they cannot because of the prohibition of the law, they cannot violate the law, and the situation is that elections are prohibited in our wartime, and the situation, if it could even be done, what to do with the occupied, temporarily occupied territories, and how
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to hold elections a... legitimate, so that they are recognized by the world, if we have six, more , almost millions abroad, and they must have infrastructure, and unfortunately we do not have an online election format, and if you ask me, i believe that we need to think about how to do it, mr. maxim, how so think to do it? well, i think that it is rather strange that our government is only now starting to think about this, although i don't believe that they are just starting to think about it, this is, i think, a very important idea, around which the expert
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environment is constantly revolving, so to speak, which ... lyes the bank, and i think this idea all the time in the head of the president himself, as well, because there is a certain fork of opportunities, on the one hand, there is a great temptation to hold elections in this situation, when he is the president of a warring country, and so to speak , take advantage of all the advantages of this legitimacy. on the other hand, of course, all these warnings that the president just voiced zelenskyi, they are very significant and they actually, well, make this decision impossible, if it was taken by zelenskyi himself or his team, that is why there is this, so to speak , pass in the direction of the verkhovna rada, maybe some
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initiatives will appear there ... how is it possible to do this, well, at putin's.


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