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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EET

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really, in the next few minutes, learn about ukrainian energy, about our business, about ukrainian exports, what bans are going to be introduced in the european union and whether the economic life in our country is improving at all despite the war, all in detail in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i start with hot news, in particular. the ministry of energy, emergency workers extinguished the fire on the gas pipeline, which was caused by a missile hit on the outskirts of kharkiv, naftogaz reports. however, the supply of fuel to the homes of kharkiv residents will be fully restored after the elimination of all the consequences of the russian attack and conduct repair works more than 10 houses are currently disconnected from heat. experts also added that the medium-pressure gas pipeline suffered damage that had not been seen since the beginning of this winter.
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but more than 600 consumers in kharkiv restored electricity supply after rocket fire, the ministry of energy reported. almost 5,000 kharkiv residents still remain without electricity. the work is complicated by the fact that part of the power equipment is covered with building materials and destroyed buildings. in the morning , transformer substations were also damaged due to the russian attack, distribution point and a series of cable trays. well, you really need to understand that energy is essentially such a trick on the part of the enemy, and the shelling of energy infrastructure will continue, our defenders warned about this even at the beginning of the heating season, warned in the cabinet of ministers, and the construction of protective structures around energy facilities of our country, and i will only add that international
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partners do not leave our energy industry without help either, the total amount of contributions from germany to the energy support fund of ukraine has already amounted to 225 million euros. germany also sent us 89 cargoes of aid to the energy sector. svitlana grynchuk, deputy minister of the field, informed about this. the german deputies have assured that they are ready to support ukraine and its energy sector in the future. interested. obtaining the most up-to-date information about our needs. i will only add that as of the end of december, the total amount of contributions to the energy support fund is more than 405 million euros. but bulgaria insists on the introduction of tariffs and quotas for ukrainian grain, which is headed to the european union. this is explained by the significant suffering of farmers. in particular, in the ministry of agriculture there, local people note. manufacturers cannot
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now compete with the prices of ukrainian goods, they say, this is a consequence of the application of different production standards. officials warn that the current situation may lead to the collapse of the factory. in bulgaria, so the european commission should take measures to protect the countries bordering our country from economic collapse. well, let's keep an eye on it, in particular, the european commission promises to fix and to create a certain evaluation mechanism so that these are not the kind of protest actions that we have already talked about at the borders, so that this is really a scheme that will analyze whether ukrainian agricultural production really somehow ... has a price formation or production in ukraine's neighbors states, then it will be a truly transparent mechanism, and it will be possible to draw some conclusions. well, in two months , the ukrainian economy lost more than 1.5 billion euros due to these strikes blocking the border. this was reported by the head
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of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, denys marchuk. our entrepreneurs lost not only funds, they also lost contracts with european countries, because the goods were... delivered on time, well, such a figure is really difficult for ukrainian agricultural producers: 1.5 billion euros, losses due to strikes, but small and medium-sized businesses keep nose and 78 soft loans for a total amount of almost 4.5 million uah were issued by ukrainian banks in just three weeks of the current year. we are talking about loans under the preferential program 579, the ministry of economy reported. most available loans were taken to replenish working capital. initiative mainly processing enterprises, businesses operating in a high military risk zone, and entrepreneurs implementing investment projects benefited. among the regions
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, lviv oblast, as well as odesa, dnipropetrovsk, kharkiv, kyiv, and vinnytsia oblasts, as well as the city of kyiv, are the leaders in terms of the sums of concluded credit agreements. indeed, we see crazy losses, we also see optimism on the part of small and medium-sized businesses, different moods, but now we have ivan us on the phone, the chief consultant of the center for foreign policy research, national institute of strategic studies, we will talk with him about the global development of the ukrainian economy during the war, whether there are really positive developments and what to expect in the future. mr. ivan, good evening, good evening, mr. oleksandr, good evening to the tv viewers, well, i saw it today. your thoughts on a number of online resources, in particular, you are optimistic about the growth of the ukrainian economy, you see certain developments and even recommend the abolition of a number of financial restrictions that were introduced at
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the beginning of the full-scale invasion, or it is really necessary to relax such zashmorgs, which were necessary at one time, what are your analytical perspectives? regarding the growth of our economy, mr. oleksandr, first of all i would like to point out that when i say that i see positives in the growth of ukraine's economy, this is primarily, let's say, supported by the forecasts of leading world institutions, that is, even here, you know, at the beginning of january, the world bank issued its forecast, and he notes that this is how growth is expected in ukraine both in 2024 and in 2020, that is, even leading world institutions, they believe that yes, that the economy of ukraine, it has adapted to the shocks that have occurred, and it is expected to grow in 2024-25, mr. ivan, please remind me, after this growth after a record drop, it seems to be more than 30%, we
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are now seeing several percent growth , i understand correctly, yes, yes, 29.7, to be exact, that is, a little less than 30%, now. now we know that this year, which has just ended, most likely the number will be about 4.7, 4.9%, that is, up to five, in the future there will be growth of about 3-4%, but still the most important thing is that it will , so we understand that we cannot restore everything that was before the start of a full-scale war, simply because a lot has been lost, people have left, and it is very difficult to immediately return to this level . at the same time, the main thing is that this fall of the economy of ukraine, it was not long many people said that, you know, now the beginning of the war will lead to a stable contraction of the economy of ukraine, no, this did not happen, that is, there is, albeit insignificant, growth, of course, even the world bank, this is the forecast
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that was presented on january 9 of this year year, they note that military risks are not going anywhere, at the same time there is hope that... since adaptation has already taken place and adaptation will, let's say, continue to take place, and companies will already understand how to work, they will actually be able to. to increase one's activity, you know, well, if these are rather theoretical forecasts, i can give one interesting example, somewhere at the end of last year, a conference of ukrainian exporters was held, and a businessman from odesa was present, and he also said that, you know, when the war started, we have a family business, we had two options: the first is to do nothing, the second option is to take a risk, to build. a new plant into production, what is interesting, a seal for meters , that is, it is not such an easy product
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, it is quite, as for me, a complex processing product, and here he said, you know, we thought, yes, if we take a risk and build , then we will wait for the russian oningx to fly in and destroy our enterprise, because we know that odessa is often shot at by onyx, but he... says: we built it, and now we are looking for a patriot, which will cover our plant. it was definitely a joke, although who knows it, but nevertheless, since the conference of exporters was, he said that not only did we build this factory on the 22nd, we would start exporting the products of our factory to foreign markets on the 23rd, that is, here you go, during the war , a new production appears in ukraine, which will further strengthen our exports. mr. ivan, has it changed? during the great war , the structure, perhaps the growth
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of the economy, if to full scale, changed significantly played a part in the growth of the economy , private consumption, private spending, what now raises our gross domestic product, is it processing, is it small and medium business, is it export, which now, well, what is the bet on in general, you know, now the role has greatly increased. agriculture, and if earlier they joked that we, for example, export from ukraine are approximately equal shares of metallurgy and agriculture there and there was a certain competition as to which of them is the leading industry, now agriculture is 2/3 of our exports, and that took place last year, despite the fact that, just last year, global prices fell sharply for leading products of domestic export, namely sunflower. oil , where ukraine, interestingly, remained the leading global exporter in 2022, how possible this
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will surprise many, but in the conditions of the war in 2022, the share of ukraine in world exports was 22%, this is not 39, as it was in the 20th year, because no less, we remained the leader, so world sunflower oil prices fell by 39%. it was a very heavy blow, which is interesting. that even in the export price of domestic oil , it was lower, it was 31%, as far as i remember these figures, well, we are still waiting for fully official data from the state statistics service, but here we already have data from the state customs service of ukraine, and here they say that yes, prices have decreased, but not as rapidly as world prices, as for wheat , there was a 20% reduction in world prices, that is, we can see that despite the fact that these prices have decreased, agriculture is still a certain driver of the economy of ukraine and that
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it is interesting if you look at the observations of the world economies, then during the crisis, as a rule , agriculture helped countries where it is developed, because during world crises, people do not, as they say, buy new phones, but they still eat something, and here is ukraine , as one of the players in this market, she once again demonstrated that even in the conditions of war we can... can raise the economy and look with perspective to the future, thank you for contributing such analytical information to the column about money during the war, it was ivan us, the chief consultant of the center for foreign policy studies of the national institute of strategic studies, well , i will end my column on this optimistic note, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us. well, thank you to our colleague oleksandr morshevka for this extremely interesting analysis of the situation, well
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, let's say it abstractly, and now let's move on to political affairs, political and our colleague serhiy rudenko has already prepared a lot of interesting things, the verdict program begins literally before your eyes, thanks congratulations to ukraine, serhiy, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, i also congratulate oksana, and i want to tell our viewers that in 15... minutes the two-hour verdict will begin, we will talk about domestic and foreign policy, we will discuss foreign policy with the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine , volodymyr ogrysk. there are many topics for discussion , ramstein-18, as well as the un security council, at which putin's ribintro, lavrov appeared, and what he said there about ukraine and assistance to ukraine, we will hear an analysis of this situation from volodymyr ogryska, with serhiy taran and
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dmytro snigerov, let's talk about domestic politics, domestic politics is the first thing for us and... war, war in ukraine, dmytro snigerov will analyze the situation with mass shelling of ukraine, raids and the tactics currently used by putin's forces to terrorize the population of peaceful cities , well, relative to peaceful cities, of course, because we all live in war. with serhiy taran, we will talk about what is happening with ukrainian business and... in particular, with ukrainian businessmen during the war, why they fall under the rink of law enforcement agencies quite often at a time when business, any business that currently works in ukraine, it is very important for the army, it is very important for the front, it is very important for victory. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, there will be people's deputies of ukraine irena herashchenko,
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oleksiy kucherenko and yulia klymenko. let's talk with them about the prospects of the event. in the country of elections, zelensky says that he wanted such elections to be held, the only question is how these elections will be held and under what conditions, who wants them and why holding elections in ukraine, what can the country gain as a result of this and in what way, and most importantly, what to do with those stories that... and now do not add any points to the government, these are stories with journalists, stories with businessmen, and history with corruption in the ministry of defense, in a word about everything, we will talk about everything in our deputy studio, which will start on the 21st 15, well, this will be the verdict in literally 13 minutes, antina, oksana, you have the floor and a big broadcast, yours
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continues, thank you , thank you serhii, so what, extremely interesting. well, our today's broadcast does not end there, so oksana has a traditional crossword surprise, surprise, so to speak, we have a few more minutes until serhii rudenko finishes preparing for the verdict and we will talk about culture: a lot of ukrainian cinema and not only. the winter film market of the odesa festival is currently underway in kyiv. this is a big event where the state of the industry and... its prospects are discussed, and some domestic films can also be seen there for rent. lena chechenina knows more and is ready to share his impressions. lena, congratulations, you have a word. greetings from the studio. here we have 20 minutes ago, this room was quite crowded, the premiere of the film golda
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about golda mir, you can see a big, big poster like this behind me, there are still some chairs here. and on the tables, more precisely, there is sparkling wine, and what kind of film it is and what was shown at the cinema market, i will tell you in a few seconds. so, friends, today in kyiv, despite all the arrivals and despite the air alarms, the film market continues, and a lot is shown ukrainian cinema. outside the film market itself, first of all, let's start with the premiere of the film golda, one of the most anticipated films in the ukrainian box office, it has already collected a lot of positive reviews, and of course, the film, like the once dark times, which told about winston churchill, it resonates with our current events, and with ukrainian and definitely with israeli events. the film is about the 73rd year of golda meyer,
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the prime minister of israel, learns from intelligence that... egypt and syria are preparing to attack, but she is not serious about these messages, and then events unfold and the film shows such a leader in the performance of helen mirren. by the way, the actress recorded an address to the ukrainians, unfortunately i couldn't see it, because i left the movie as usual, well, i haven't seen this movie yet, it's just now starting here in the ukrainian house, but a lot of people are praising it and they really say that now in... it's very interesting to watch because there are too many parallels with our situation. also, in parallel with this premiere, we can see the premiere. candles, how is katya, she has already received many different awards at international film festivals, a lot was written about her in the press, and finally , from thursday, you can see her at the box office, this is a film
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by kristina dzinkevich, which tells about the heroine, she is a simple doctor, and it turns out that she has to saving your daughter , going through enough terrible trials, this is a social drama, and i know that many people now do not really want to watch a complex, difficult movie, but i want to say: to say that how is katya, this is a movie, as they often like to say film critics, therapeutic, that is , i think it will not silence you, on the contrary , it will give you some hope, maybe even when you are also in a difficult situation, and in the film market, this is such a big event from the odessa film festival for three days, not all ukrainian filmmakers, of course, and only a part of them share their plans, what they will release, they talk about the prospects of the market, tomorrow will be an interesting day, by the way, maybe there will be something that we do not... to lead and not to everyone cinematographers like , well, in general, the presence of yuri gorbanov in ukrainian cinema, as such, maybe they
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will come and protest, but today at this film market they showed a film by arkadiak, called lessons of tolerance, it will be released on february 14, it is a film about seven a woman who takes in a homosexual for two weeks, because she goes to earn a little money on a special basis. program, the program of tolerance, this film will be a test of ukrainian society's tolerance, i think, because it such a massive, interesting film was shot in a very, very popular way, and i am interested to see how many people will come to see it, well, that's all for me, i will keep an eye on those films that will be included in the ukrainian cinema distribution, and goodbye, stay with espresso. well, thank you, thank you, mrs. chechenina, and let's now solemnly move on to the most anticipated section
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of our evening. natalka didenko is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, natalya, congratulations. glory to the heroes, and thank you very much for the most anticipated column, especially, we will talk about the expected synoptic adventures of our atmosphere in ukraine in just a moment. we are talking, of course, as always, about the weather that is expected for the next day. today is already january 23, and it 's wonderful, the second winter month is gradually entering its most mature phase, and today we will remember not about... the immediate future, but about the synoptic past, but very glorious and very interesting. usually we quickly forget, and then regret, and we really want to remember what the weather was like on some important day
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day, whether personal or for the whole country and for the whole state, and that is why i decided today , at least one day late, but nevertheless to talk about what the weather was like in kyiv on january 22 in 1919 and in 1918, well the proclamation of the blukka was scheduled for 12 o'clock on january 22, 1919, and the weather was like this: in the morning it was -6°, in the afternoon 4° of frost, the wind speed was low, 2 m/s, that is, it was very comfortable weather, northeast direction, a little snow was observed, it swirled a little, the relative humidity of the air was obvious was high. below 90% , there was solid ice on the dnieper, this is information from the central geophysical observatory named after boris sreznevsky, and on the 20th, in 1918
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, on january 22, it was much warmer, close to zero, fog was observed and the weather was, as we say, damp, but exactly on january 22 , 1919, it was a beautiful winter, you could say perfect weather, snow, a little frost, and... there was probably ice, in short, it was such a classic, beautiful winter, we remembered the past, we are still gradually moving towards the future, but with such a bar 'erom and with magnetic storms and let's see now what the prognostic diagram will be, which we will look at together with you , so tomorrow, as you can see , at the beginning of the day, a small activation of the earth's magnetic field will be observed, well, nothing so extraordinary, to be honest, but here are such more powerful magnetic storms, this is me i'm just telling you, there will be a secret and exclusively for viewers espresso the day after tomorrow, but we 'll talk about that tomorrow. and now we return to the weather forecast for the next day, and
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we begin. traditionally weather, weather forecast from the western regions, so tomorrow at the western part of ukraine is expected to have relatively high air temperatures, but since it will still freeze a little at night , it will still be cold, i apologize, it will mostly be wet snow, and the temperature, well, as you can see, from one to three, in some places up to even up to 4-5° of heat, in the north of ukraine, there will be a gusty southerly wind tomorrow. in the western direction, the air temperature will range from one or two degrees below zero to three degrees of heat, and wet snow will also be observed in the north, but already in the evening, it will simply be cloudy during the day weather, note this to yourself, please, in the east of ukraine tomorrow without significant precipitation, in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, donetsk oblast, and the air temperature will be significantly lower, because at night it will be up to 7:12, during the day it will be up to 2-4° frost
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in the central part of ukraine. precipitation is not expected in a large area, but in vinnychyna in the afternoon or evening there is a possibility of light wet snow and the air temperature in the center is from two degrees below zero to three degrees below zero. in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow, the weather is expected to be cloudy with clearing, perhaps, by the way, the temperature the air is quite high, +2-+5°, but also windy, and in kyiv, in the capital tomorrow, january 24. the weather is expected to be mostly cloudy , it will freeze a little at night, during the day, as you can see , it will be around 3° warm, and it will continue, mostly without precipitation, a little wet snow is expected in the capital tomorrow evening, this is the nearest synoptic ukrainian perspective, of course, keep a close eye on our more detailed forecasts on the espresso channel. well, tirelessly, we thank natalka
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didenko, extremely filigree, accurate and voluminous, well, this is a perfect weather forecast, probably of all that are shown on any of the world's televisions, well, thank you, in the meantime , a search operation is underway in kharkiv, it is assumed that there may still be people under the rubble after this morning's shelling by the russians, i assume that there may be.. .. three people, let me remind you, already eight, unfortunately, died in kharkiv and more than 60 were injured, six of them children. yes, very unfortunately, very unfortunately, there are fears that the death toll may rise, god forbid, of course, well, but, in the meantime, what are the russians doing, they have taken up they say that no, no, no, they didn't hit civilian objects, and i'm quoting piskov now,
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our soldiers don't hit social objects. verses in residential areas do not hit the civilian population, unlike the kyiv regime, this is what they babble on their airwaves in their publications, and they try to convince their own population as well, who certainly have no idea that they can reach for information in some other sources, in addition to what they say from moscow, from their center, well, at times there, the secretary of defense of the united states, lloyd austin, opened another rabstein, yes, we are... extremely waiting for good news from there, although there have also been some not so pleasant warnings , saying that the united states may try to transfer some of this provision to its allies from the european union, but we will be grateful for any help, the main thing is to be quick and timely. well, today oksana and i are gradually saying goodbye to you. have a peaceful and safe evening, support the armed
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forces of ukraine. do not ignore the signals. air alert and be sure to stay with espresso. don't miss the verdict with serhii rudenko in a few seconds. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. russian missile terror continues, nine dead under the rubble of houses in kyiv, kharkiv and pavlograd, which will stop the terrorist putin. more weapons for ukraine, you hypocrites.


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