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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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if we could stand like this as a state, and in this context, on the contrary, it seems to me that the key task of zelenskyi as the supreme commander should really not interfere with the economy and government issues, after all, there should be one economic priority, this is the military industry. what is happening in our military industry today, how did it happen that in two years we were not able to rebuild our economy, what russia has done now, which, unfortunately, unfortunately, it has made some progress there. and in slaves, and in drones, and in other stories there, and we need to work on that too to work, and therefore, to be honest, i listened, you know, if you gave a quote to the president after the elections, well, he tries to transfer everything to the parliament, but there is absolute logic, yes, that elections cannot be held during a war, then here here is the second quote about business, well, first of all, no one will have nightmares about any kind of business without a blow from the office of the president, well, excuse me, please, this is...
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an absolute blow from the office of the president, you are giving nightmares to the opposition, you are giving nightmares to business, secondly, the time for words has passed , want to make decisions, drive out those who make business nightmares, and and just give everyone normal work rules, stop having nightmares. thank you, ms. irina, mr. oleksiy, you had a lot of experience working in commercial structures, and you, you know how the government knows how to work with business, this is the story. with igor mazepa, as i understand that now everyone is repulsed by this story, what can you say about how the current government works with business, and even more so, during the war, or whether such work should be, let me quickly, yes because the topic is very relevant, and the president, if he has already spoken about it, then he understood all the danger, i absolutely agree with iryna that, in fact, our law enforcement officers are subordinated exclusively.
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under the president's office, that is, they are definitely not under the prime minister, it is not necessary to be naive like that, so i want to say right away that the president indicated that there is such a problem, government officials met yesterday with our businessmen from the employers' federation and others, the businessmen gave them three absolutely specific proposals were made for legislative changes, to completely stop eye masks, mask shows, and there are also some three simple things, i am completely under... i am not a supporter of the fact that journalists are there, whether they smoke something there or not, this is a separate article. 30 law enforcement officers, spent a week of time and budget money of you and me, taxes of these same businessmen to set this trap there, well, to organize the filming, illegally, by the way, i say, friends, and here it is...
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the unit is ready, yes, ready the platoon is already going to the front, immediately, of all the law enforcement officers that are there today, i am convinced that two or three brigades can be staffed very quickly, the guys are military, healthy, familiar with weapons, wear epaulettes, that's who should be the first in this process, there have been a lot of them, i don’t know who is responsible for what , who is arresting whom, the mask shows are arranged, the incas are organized by one businessman, now mazepa, he is not a yangal, but look, he works in the legal very powerful structure of concord capital, it is an investment fund, yes, he is arrested, detained for, as it were, a crime that the land was incorrectly issued or registered 11 years ago, and he built something on it, but i have a question, well, there put... chatkas
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accepted this construction without state organs, without dabi, without others, this could not have happened, well, if you want to show something, then you calmly deal with him, do not fall for him, well, he has a lot of jobs, investment projects, because you can really see how iconic he turned out to be this arrest, by the way , the appellate court today, which set a bail of 21 million there, so you started with 15 billion, billion bail. well, it’s a housekeeper, it’s a complete nonsense, who can trust them here, i’m sure, look, now it’s a very important case, they squeezed the so-called oligarchs, powerful structures, ukrnafto, ukrnaft drilling, gas, others there, do you think, the state is capable of coping with this task now, they managed to take away those rich people, ukrainians, they managed to stop it. fields and a billion cubic meters of gas
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will not fail for a year, you and i will fail due to the fact that they took away the permit, from which i conclude that they simply cannot... share, who should take away this confiscated assets i know for sure that in kyiv there are offices of businessmen who a week, how the clock goes down, masks shows, dents and so on and the like, and you know , well, definitely in this situation, it seems to me that they simply do not understand what they are doing, and that is why i consider it, well, it is just like that for today carries a negative for ukraine. both internal and external, and who he is now, how he can calm this situation, it is even difficult to imagine, another, huge mistake. thank you ladies and gentlemen, after a short break on our channel, we will return to our conversation. there are discounts on hepargin, 10% in
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the pharmacies of plantain, ban and oskad. there are discounts on crazy 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. challenging topics. in our society, drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we
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are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. a second trump presidency will be terrifying for the world. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interview. reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions.
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this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy
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rudenko, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us there, please do not be stingy, like this video and also participate in our poll today we ask you about whether you trust the anti-corruption authorities, yes, no, please vote on youtube, the appropriate buttons, if you sit and watch our telecast on tv, then pick up your smartphone and vote, if you trust the anti-corruption authorities 0800-211-381, no, 080021382, all calls to these numbers are free. let me remind you that today we have people's deputies of ukraine, iryna gerashchenko, on the air. yulia klymenko and oleksiy kucherenko. ms. yulia, i have a question for you: you understand exactly what and how happens between the state and business, you were the deputy minister of economic development and you obviously understand that what is happening is the last
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at times and what zelensky is talking about, it needs special attention, the state's attention to business, business that pays taxes to the state budget. during the war it is not necessary to explain to anyone how important it is, how you see the current situation and whether it is so threatening that it is necessary in the national council. of security and defense, to develop some additional measures in order to protect the business from some of those officers, werewolves or law enforcement agencies that give nightmares to the business, and well, i myself get out of business and spent 20 years there, i 'll tell you honestly, i know all the people who and the mzpu i know, and people who are now looking at all this, big businesses and small businesses. average, to be honest, the situation is very threatening, and business, well, not to say, shocks, but, uh,
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let's say, very, i don't know how now you can restore the confidence of businesses to continue investing in ukraine, from paying taxes, or - let's say so, the development of investments, in general and in general in independence from the figure of mzep, er, business is very disappointed. such is the business did not expect and believes that this is a stab in the back, because, let's say it directly, those who earned a lot of money in ukraine probably had the opportunity to leave even before the war and live in european countries, and not invest or pay taxes for two years, but they did it, they stayed in ukraine, they even invested a lot, and the first year 200... the 22nd year is very difficult, continued to pay salaries actually to the employees who left during
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the great invasion, which were abroad and many companies extended them to support and pay taxes, so what happened with mazepa, and the form in which it is, the point is not whether mazepa is guilty or not mazepa is guilty, that will be decided by the court, and i hope there will be a fair decision, but form... how was it done, why was it done demonstrably at the border, instead of, if there were any problems and accusations, why it couldn't be done, i don't know, in kyiv, for example, and in his office, where he is constantly there, or why it was not done, let's say, in 10 years, why accusations from ten years ago and mazep , who is a secondary, attention, a secondary buyer , he did not privatize the land, he did not... he rebought the land and built there, i don't know that there is a cottage town there, and 10 years later
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someone remembered that it turns out that this land was allocated incorrectly by officials and businessmen , well, that is, it is absurd, for any businessman, it is absurd, and unfortunately, if there are any deeper accusations on the part of mazepit, and they should have been made public on the first day, so that people understood that from... and how well, that is, for businessman, what mazepa is accused of is just a testimony to the fact that this is a custom, absolutely custom accusation, you know, 10 years have been remembered, so i think that, unfortunately, what happened will have serious consequences, in the sense of investments, in the sense of support, and we see that already... january, regardless of this, but such, you know, a bell, already in
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january, tax collections began to fall, because the border was closed by the poles, business was decreasing, there were shellings, and with such situations as occurred in relation to of business, they will decrease, because businessmen will transfer their businesses to outside the territory of ukraine as much as possible, because they understand that there is no rule of law here without it and... that it is impossible to hope for law enforcement agencies here and it is impossible to find justice, i want to say that the economy is the basis for the economy - it is a system of justice , first of all, law enforcement and judicial bodies, if it is absent, if someone, even in the high offices of the president's office, can order the arrest of a businessman, this is where the investment ends, moreover, the money begin to flow out of the country, and you... it is impossible to stop it, that is, money is in this, let's say, in our civilization, it
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is impossible to put borders and customs officers to stop it, and this is a very bad sign for those , who wanted or thought to invest in ukraine, as well as invest in the reconstruction of ukraine, that is, i do not understand why, why do it, actually shooting yourself in the foot, and having long-term consequences, the economy is also 50% important for us , as well as the security and defense sector, because if there is no income. there is no budget the ability to pay no wages, no dig weapons, no defense, it has to go hand in hand, it has to go hand in hand with each other, so unfortunately, these are huge mistakes, uh, and fix them, honestly, i don't believe that , that it can be fixed already, if, looking back,
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i think that it will have serious consequences, unfortunately, for a long time and for this year. mrs. irina, in your opinion, what is this whole story connected with, what is connected with igor mazepo, that is, the authorities are still trying to find those who will be, when the elections are held, to find supporters businessmen who will work with her, or after all ihor mazepa's business, his opportunities, what, what they wanted, whether they wanted to squeeze money from him, get what from him. backsliders, but i see a more systemic problem here, you know, there is a real feeling that in some offices of power they only watch the marathon, when we are already drinking coffee in the crimea or tea on the yaltsin embankment and forget about avdiivka, about the kupyan direction, about orikhov, about kherson, which
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is haunted and shelled every day, and it actually started too early for someone, very early. politics, then there is this absolute closedness of the government, when it, well, it really works today in non-transparent conditions during the war, it gave rise to such autocratic demons, which are breaking out today in very different directions, sorry if we in the parliament cannot see the government more already six months and ask questions there about the use of state funds for security and defense, where are the drones and so on. well, in such gray conditions, it is very easy to strengthen authoritarian tendencies, to believe that you can do anything, it's up to you nothing will happen. i want to remind you, here they mentioned vigus, other journalists, investigators, you remember, sergey, that four years ago they appeared on public
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broadcasting with their investigations, their investigations mainly concerned representatives of the authorities there, like this one. .. it can be seen because the authorities there have greater access to decision-making and resources, and today they conduct their investigations on the internet, the public is running a marathon in our country, and in such conditions it is really very easy to believe the authorities that you can do various things with impunity , and what as for the pressure on business, i really see a couple of things here: first, the power structures today, instead of focusing on, well, a certain part of the power structures, right? first of all, in victory, he deals with the treatment of business, returning to the worst times of yanukovych, this is the first, second, maybe it is a redistribution of business as well, because the country 's resources are depleted, we are becoming a poorer country because of the war, because of an absolutely short-lived economic policy, and the appetites of the authorities are growing, and this is also abnormal, and the third,
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again, politics, when 5 years ago the government there was a rapture of businessmen... they believed that it opened up new opportunities, today it is rose-colored glasses, someone fell asleep, and therefore everyone there who dares to call things their own, just criticize unprofessionalism, they are called there, you know, some kind of agents there, i don't know, it 's absolutely abnormal, it seems to me that the government needs to realize that criticism is not a crime, i don't know, something bad against the government is normal. it is important that it is correct criticism, that it is professional, understandable, but it must be heard, and we are now we have a government that categorically does not hear criticism in any direction, whether it refers to anti-democratic tendencies in the parliament, whether it refers to weak institutions in principle, whether it refers to the need to return freedom of speech, and
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of course businesses, people who created, which we still have, we have to finish, i'm sorry, the time of our program has come to an end, iryna. rashchenko, oleksiy kucherenko and yulia klymenko were guests of our program today. friends, during our program we conducted surveys, you and us you were asked about whether you trust anti-corruption authorities. so, 6% trust, 94% don't. on youtube, we have a ratio, 10% trust, 90% do not. this is the verdict program today, conducted by serhiy rudenko. i say goodbye to you until the next broadcast . 20:00 i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye! good evening, we are from ukraine, well
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, the big evening of the espresso tv channel is starting, the big broadcast in the espresso studio live oksana vysuchanska and antin borkovskiy 699th day of full-scale resistance, we are talking today about the events in ukraine, also about money and the world during the war, and of course that the military results of the day with... serhii zgurets are also on our airwaves today. yes, and i would like to start today's broadcast with thanks. so, a special thank you for another closed gathering for our fighters. dear viewers, you did it. so, the mavik team is for defenders of the 74th battalion of the 102nd brigade. with joint efforts , we armed the soldiers. and they will work more actively in the zaporozhye direction. sincerely to you. thank you, but we don't stop there, yes, we don't stop there, let's listen to an important message now. we
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, the fighters of the 102nd brigade of the 74th battalion of the first company, want to thank all viewers, readers and, of course, the team of the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund, for this wonderful maivik 3t, which allows us now... to do work not only during the day and at night. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. glory to heroes. glory. and actually, we don't stop there, because the espresso tv channels and the iryna koval charity fund already have a new collection. we invite you to participate in fundraising for defenders from the 141st brigade. they perform tasks in the ogrihiv direction. this is the zaporizhzhia region. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. we all understand that. therefore, we plan to buy walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks , binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and many other things, but no less important and necessary at the front, remember
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that every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you, we have already closed more than one collection, we mentioned one just a few minutes ago, and we ask you to also support our military this time, we need to collect 1 million hryvnias for our planned goals, please join. we ask you to join iryna kovel's gathering for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help, glory to ukraine, glory. well, we will now analyze the situation in kyiv and kyiv region, we are now adding leonid yeemets, a deputy of the kyiv city council, to our live broadcast. glory to ukraine, mr. leonid, glory to the heroes. well, the enemy delivered powerful blows today, so we understand that this... is not special news, the key story is how quickly it is possible to get angry , to stretch the rubble and in general what is the situation when we talk about the operational consequences
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of the committed russian crime, once again the russian aggressor attacked the capital of ukraine, as well as other cities of our independent state, achieve the goal he wanted for himself. he obviously could not, but he was able to cause harm to peaceful civilian residents, their buildings, their lives, services all work immediately, the kyiv city council will consider the issue of compensation for damages and restoration of destroyed buildings, well, let me remind you that at the last meeting of the kyiv city council, we allocated not just 500 million for drones, but also... and provided for 50 apartments for those who have already suffered and lost their homes due to russian attacks. mr. leonid, we see the figure
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of 28 damaged objects in the capital, among them residential buildings, a medical facility, educational institutions, also, cars, as it often happens, do you track something similar to what happens in kharkiv oblast, this often also happens in kherson oblast, when it looks like that the occupiers are deliberately firing at... when the emergency workers are already working, that is, they want to destroy the emergency workers, medics, those who are already arriving at the scene of the tragic event, well, look, unlike kharkiv oblast, where they use the s-300, here they have missiles that either take a certain amount of time to reach the capital, or ballistics that is controlled by the patriot, and actually... it is precisely the task of our air defense forces that these missiles, well, at least, in principle did not fly to kyiv, but if after all, it happened, they did not get
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to where they... planned to get to , so to repeat, so to speak, a double shot at the rescue services, well, it is not so easy for them, and once again i appeal to our citizens, not to the dock, well, let's say yes, do not publish the facts and moments that you managed to witness in the public space, hand them over to law enforcement agencies for the formation of evidence. base, but remember that if you posted in a telegram immediately after your arrival, you are putting our rescuers and those people who are at risk under the rubble or near the places where the rocket has already landed. so, mr. leonid, unfortunately there is a fear that the enemy may continue to attack kyiv, so on the other hand, we understand that it is necessary to somehow re-plan the urban planning of the city, kyiv,
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well... in particular, information has arrived that they will clean up more a dozen mafias located near the lybitsky metro station, as reported by the department of territorial control of kyiv, and this case will be implemented in accordance with the protocol, so that there are no obstacles on the evacuation routes and directing passengers to and from this metro station, about 13 mafias should be dismantled, but the key story is how certain ones will change. tazhirovote and what should kyivans prepare for? well, everything is clear with mafias, where they prevent people from getting to the subway, like to the bomb shelter or vice versa from the bomb shelter, they do not give the opportunity to move normally, they stand on pedestrian paths, then these mafias clean up, especially since they are there, well, not quite behind rules that are defined
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for placement. small architectural forms, regarding the fact that, if i understand your question correctly, when the metro stations that are under repair today will be operational, we are waiting for such information from the kyiv metro and those services that deal with this, respectively, i cannot announce all the information, because part of this information - this is information that is available as part of criminal proceedings regarding the situation. around the state of emergency of the kyiv subway, the permanent deputy commission is working, as soon as there are results that can be made public, we will do it immediately. mr. leonid, do you notice any difference between today's shelling and the shelling that took place at the end of the year and at the beginning of the new year 2024
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? about what you have already said, have people started to use the shelters more actively, perhaps, because we remember that the previous time they calmly waited at public transport stops, left the shelters and went to work, because they have to go to work, some people were not in a hurry to go to ukraine at all, they were walking through the streets , rockets are flying from above here, as was the case today, well , look, everyone understands that what protects both parties, that's why we believe in our armed forces. we believe in our air defense, but i urge everyone who has the opportunity to use a shelter, or at least the rule of three walls there, not to ignore these safety measures, maybe it will save your life or the life of someone from your family, and the fact that not all shelters meet the necessary quality standards, this is also true, we demand from district ones
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state administrations... proper use and funds provided for this, and control over those who carry out the relevant work, the quality of shelters is improving, but not as fast as we would like, but it is still improving, so i have to note, that so the people of kyiv use shelters more, they take more responsibility for their safety and the safety of their relatives, friends, fellow... kyivans, that's why we understand that russian aggression is not the last, not the last rocket arrival, that's why we use shelters, we believe in air defense, we work for victory, well, for the rest, mr. leonid, the provision of shelters is necessary for everyone, we do not know how active the enemy will be, we hope for our air defense system, but in any case, the kyiv city...
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state administration, it also has...


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