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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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as for owning short-barreled weapons , a lot of snipers can't carry for self-defense, like, well, i don't know, some kind of bow and something else, and would like to have a glock 17, 19, or 45 with them, but, let's say, it's very difficult to get it, and very often people buy it, wait until they... are awarded with this weapon, then they are either not awarded, or they are awarded with a weapon that they already had, and so on, people do not have the weapons they would like, for which they would have already paid money, well and in the professionalism of these people in the fact that they will not use these weapons right and left, it is clear that there is no doubt, at the same time, some people that i do not know ... are absolutely immature, they start
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there in chernivtsi, like the son of the judge, that is to shoot into the air from the awarded weapon, and now it is proposed that such people be awarded, they have been there since the age of 18, in fact, to award a military man, then this is on the contrary impossible, because there is assumed all the corruption of brutality, and all this is absurd, all it's stupid, and by the way, it's a system. because, for example, a few years ago we made a workshop for repairing weapons from ammunition, there were some requirements, and let's say, then we saw that yes, it is, let's say, well, it is very difficult to pull, but it is possible, now that it turned out that we we are already doing it, we urgently need it in one of the regions of ukraine, and accordingly, it really has something... to
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the military unit, to the combat brigade, here it turned out that there are such strict requirements for what this workshop should be and so further, that is, not only is there an absurd law, but there are all kinds of prescriptions of the most diverse, bureaucratic ones, which are accepted at the bottom, also, they also become more brutal and, accordingly , very often make the development of sniping, the development of the population's ability, impossible. to self-defense , this is absurd, if we look at bulgaria , when the law was passed that all people have the right to carry a gun, there are women, there, well, anyone, then, accordingly , crime immediately fell by 10-12 times, i.e. yes, there are excesses, of course, and so on, but the psychology of the population changes very immediately, and even i would say, well, we should have long ago to stop being afraid, if on... the armed
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population met the russian federation, it would be a completely different war, and if we didn't have so much, let's say, on the first day in gostomel, there were so many problems and the like, that is, it is already clear, obviously, we realized in practice that we should have it like in texas, that everyone can own a weapon, and accordingly, every responsible citizen, he really has... the right to defend his own home and defend his homeland, including from his own weapons then when we talk about these amendments to the draft law, it can actually be argued that they carry systemic risks for our defense capability, because firstly , they limit our training system, they minimize, relatively speaking, the population's readiness to fight the enemy with various small arms, and then the question arises:
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er, who then in the parliament, conditionally speaking , is pushing this bill, because a significant number of references actually come from the ministry of internal affairs, well, somehow it does not look entirely logical and appropriate, because the ministry of internal affairs also forms brigades, fights on the front line, then why is there so many critical things in this draft law that are actually unacceptable from the point of view of defense capability, do you have an understanding of why it is so clearly manifested in the parliament now, well for... i don't understand this at all, especially now it's the anniversary of the death of denys monastyrsky and they are all very proud of the fact that he made the decision to distribute automatic weapons from cars to anyone in kyiv, well, if, well, we remember, this controversial decision, then, when volunteers, soldiers came , say, to the territorial defense, like in our country, and let's say, they didn't get these assault rifles, and it is not known who took them there in the shell, and they
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needed something else for the picture there, i don't understand of this shuffling from side to side, actually, and accordingly. you have a very simple thing, yes, you have a conscious population, this population is a nation that defends itself, that's why it is clear that you are quite capable in today's information world, let's say, to avoid such excesses that weapons are there crime, we remember how one of the volunteers was shot there by bandits. ee on the gates, respectively, from the weapons that the convict received, respectively, through your ministry of internal affairs, and accordingly, he used this weapon, a keltek 9 m and, accordingly, shot
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an azov volunteer with this carbine, and here, accordingly, well, it is an extremely, very simple situation, if you point in self order even according to the existing rules, let it work, and let people already train, let people, therefore, acquire a profession and so on, and on the contrary , think through the system as you really can to liberalize, let's say, this whole situation of weapons, to allow more people, and accordingly, so that people are really, well, responsible for the future. not simply as, say, well , at the moment they answer, but as they in israel answer, that they know that either they have weapons at home and they will immediately go to fight, or, say, they know where the nearest place where to get this weapon, and this is his rifle, he
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has shot it, with which he accordingly knows all its features, and he will fight with it, because you understand, then here it is ... all these recipes handing out assault rifles, well, then they gave out assault rifles and whatnot, and then in the quarry we went there, shot, because it was not even clear how he shoots, well, actually, he deviates to the right, left, up, down, all this, well, weapons is a high-precision tool that you must have, you must adjust it so that it does not have any flaws, and accordingly. but if, well, you must use it if there is danger to your country. all the more absurd are all these edits, that if they will simply destroy the sniper business in ukraine, then accordingly, for this alone, these edits
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should all be thrown into the trash, because snipers do a great job, respectively 12% of losses among russians. this is the work of snipers, and accordingly, at the moment, to do with a sniper that he has no right to do anything, accordingly, not a step to the right , not a step to the left, with nothing, neither with a rifle, nor with cartridges, and accordingly, well, some kind of absurd i don't know the situation, they copied it from some south korea, because even in russia there are no such absurd norms regarding the possession of weapons, mr. yuryu , rather probably from north korea, we have... literally two minutes, i would like you to tell us about what the funds are currently being collected for, what you are currently purchasing, where to donate, because that work, which you are doing now for sniping, it is extremely important, tell me what we are collecting for, where to donate? well, we are now collecting for very good super rifles,
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since we managed to get long-range rifles, this is a macmilen so 50 in a cadex box, we managed to get a few. draw each of them is a super rifle and accordingly, as we had a record from voloderemobrium, this very rifle was the first in the world and , accordingly, 3.5 km once, accordingly, we hit from it, accordingly, we also got vitrixes in the 375th caliber, we tried the actual 408 caliber, well, we still think, in we will still drive the 375th. and we are also carrying a large batch of berets in 416 caliber, new berets, this is a very cool weapon, so everyone is fascinated by it, because it is very penetrating, for destroying the enemy's manpower, there, respectively, 2.5 km and so on,
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with cold barrel, from the first shot you you can hit, and it's very cool, as well, it really excites us because ... 375 caliber, like in 50 bmg caliber, turned out to be extremely accurate, so we are also very satisfied with it, we are trying to sniper now. groups to give to those who can pull such long-range, high-precision rifles and already, let's say, 338-caliber has extracted everything he could extract, we are trying to give these rifles of a correspondingly larger caliber, and you can see that the come back alive fund also collects a lot right on whole groups there with cars, with everything, as we usually do. and they are gathering there for 100 cadexes in 375
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caliber, it is not very clear to me what this bed will show later as a result, but at least these rifles will be there, and if everything is bad, then it will be possible to remake them later, and accordingly we are still we pay great attention to the fact that any sniper group is large, it is completely defenseless. if it does not have its own drones, and accordingly it turns out such a proportion that from six to 10 snipers and , accordingly, four drone operators who work, because both aerial reconnaissance is constant, and drone strikes, and it shows very well, that's the combination, if the snipers now go without drones, then it's extremely high risk and it's not productive. thank you very much for these clear explanations about
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the bill, i think we will be heard, this bill will not be passed as it is currently proposed, thank you very much for the work you are doing for our armed forces, viewers, i would like to remind you that you can donate on facebook, there are the details of yuriy chornomorets, which will be used to purchase rifles for our of the armed forces, i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was yurii chornomorets, he is a theologian, a volunteer and a sniper, then stay tuned to the espresso channel, where there will be a lot more new information. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together,
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united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer. psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things, together we grow. join us, become part of our family, enable me ukraine. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities. events, events that are happening
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right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid za.
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he left crimea in 2014, saves ukrainian soldiers in a hospital in lviv. hryhoriy prokhorenko, leading surgeon of the military medical clinical center of the western region. he served in sevastopol until march 2014, and when the russian aggression began, he remained loyal to ukraine. we met with the command of the russians, that is
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medics, theirs, the head of the medical service, i don't know what that group is like. it is called, well, it was more than crimea, so in my opinion it was the southern district or something like that , but there was a georgian colonel, and when we talked with them, he said that in principle the situation was similar to the one that was in the collapse of the union, when everyone chose the side for which he would serve in the future and where he would remain: ukrainians in ukraine, russians in russia, or vice versa. you then just in conversation we asked me how he would like himself behaved as if such a situation had happened with precision and vice versa, we offered him to go to the side of ukraine, he remained silent and there was no further conversation on this topic, the russians then denied their participation in those events,
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then there were ichthomnets, but yes , there were little green men, but well... we had security at the checkpoint, we were not able to take out some equipment, equipment and so on, yes, well, i understand that they were russian servicemen, but without identification marks, we were not able to take no laparoscopic racks, no computer, no a tomograph, no, but i had my own chair and, after the start of the russian aggression in crimea, military doctors scattered around the hospital. in different cities of ukraine. hryhoriy prokhorenko continued his service in lviv. we were just expanding our arsenal. that is, if we performed, let's say, laparoscopic appendectomies or chalicectomies, in peacetime, then we began to introduce laparoscopy in military trauma, vascular surgery, traumatology, wounds, severe with
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soft tissue damage, that is, they needed a review of tactics, that is. use of devices external fixation, the material base improved, that is, new methods appeared, ultrasound examination devices, portable ultrasound devices, endoscopic examinations, x-rays, digital x-rays that allowed taking pictures, obtaining images on the spot, you could have the opportunity to consult them with specialists, for example , while in the mobile hospital. who is in the center or in kyiv. there are constant evacuations to us, from us, these are new patients, new wounds that need to be examined, examined, helped, operated on, and these operations are not as
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with appendicitis, you operated, discharges, these are staged surgical treatments that constantly need to be... repeated, reassessed the situation, remounting the same vacuum systems, looking for debris, but for traumatologists it is a dep wound, it is work with stumps, it is work with stomachs , chest and so on, that is, ah, one patient, unfortunately, he does not have the opportunity to recover from one surgical intervention, this is a set of measures that must be carried out in order to... stabilize and enable this wounded person to stand on legs, all efforts on the part of the wounded and surgeons, and sisters and all the staff, they gave their positive result, now we have
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a boy who was admitted to us at the beginning of the 22nd year. he has an amputated limb with a severe wound to the abdomen and we struggled with complications from the abdominal side for quite a long time, then he went through a long path of prosthetics, this is the upper third of the thigh, it is quite high, but now he has a biomechanical protest, he continues his service , he came to us now, we operated on him for a hernia that developed after surgery on bellies and he is very... he is ready to serve and he does not plan to stop his work in the army. it used to be that surgeons worked 24/7, but in principle it continues now, especially those
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surgeons who are now directly near the contact line in the east, there is really work, you don't have time to rest, you don't have the opportunity to go out, first of all it 's dangerous, and secondly, at any moment it can... create a situation where your help will be needed, so these guys and girls work literally every second, under my command there were several mobile hospitals, namely surgical ones, and that was it, that it was both practical work and, again , organization, and... rotations, evacuations, admissions of seriously ill patients, provision of this or that, that was personnel policy, again
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yes, that is, life in cages, the assistance provided in mobile hospitals is of a high level, the modern equipment we have here is often also available in mobile hospitals, we are talking about x-ray complexes, we are talking about endoscopic racks, about laparoscopic equipment, about... the kidney, etc blood vessels that allow you to collect blood , filter it and give it back to the patient under certain conditions, stapling devices , modern suture material, instruments, microvascular surgeries, vascular surgery, traumatology again, the difficulty is that... then we - firstly, we have a lot of this work, but secondly, you never know what you will encounter, that is why
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it is difficult to predict the nature of the injury, and when a difficult patient comes to you, you have a short time to orient yourself and not much time in order to help him to stabilize, if we are talking about mobile hospitals, about... family surgical groups, then he helped, stabilized, evacuated, and this happens all the time, that is, this is the work here, ah, they accepted patients, looked and again we have no way to bring them to a logical conclusion, to remove the suture, we have to stabilize them again, make sure that everything is more or less okay with them, and send them to other hospitals.
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well, because he believes that he cannot serve, and according to our canons, he is fit for military service, someone comes from thank you, the most important thing is that they get in line, that's the most important thing for us. thanks to extensive experience in military surgery , hryhoriy prykhorenko's team was able to set up successful work in the hospital during the war, and thus save hundreds of lives of our soldiers. khrystyna porubiy, nazar malnyk, espresso tv channel.
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more than 1,900 ukrainian children were deported to russia, and this is not the final figure, because russia refuses to provide complete lists of children deported from ukraine. in particular,
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they were deported to russia. ukrainian boys and girls who, even before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, were in the temporarily occupied territories, in residential institutions. and today we will talk about one of such difficult stories. this is 15-year-old sashko ivanov, who is now considered missing. the boy was in one of the boarding schools in donetsk, and on february 20, 2022, four days before the start of the full-scale invasion of all the pupils. this boarding school was allegedly taken to russia by the occupation authorities, grandmother sashka told us about it, who is now in the territory controlled by ukraine and is looking for his grandson, well, they were taken out of donetsk, well, on february 20, they were taken out, they just loaded them up and took them away, there are many children there, he studied at a boarding school in donetsk, well... i
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know that in the summer, in the summer, they were taken from yevpatoria, and then again there to rostov, the rostov region or to rostov, svitlana oleksandrivna above all wants to find her grandson, if he is really deported to the russian federation, then to return sashko to ukraine and take him under his care, although probably sashko is actually in russia, after all currently this not accurate information. which is currently being checked, and therefore i ask absolutely everyone who is currently watching this video, please look carefully at sascha's face, he looks 14-15 years old, of medium build, has light gray hair and brown eyes. so, if you know anything about sashka ivanov, do not delay and immediately notify us on the hotline of the child tracing service at the free number from all mobile operators, number 1163. also,
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maybe this program. can be seen on the internet in russia, youtube is still working there, so if you know some information about sasha ivanov and can confirm that he is really in russia, then write to us on the website of the children's search service, or on facebook or instagram of the children's search service, and i want to note that any information about child, let's not be indifferent and let 's try to find sasha ivanov together, i also ask each of you if possible... share this video on your pages in social networks. in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide. so i want to note that if you know of any crime against a child, in particular about kidnapping or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website you can even do it anonymously. also, i ask
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you to allocate. just a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the children's search service. here in the section "missing children of ukraine" you can see boys and girls who are currently wanted. look closely at their faces and i will be very grateful if you share information about the missing children in yourself on facebook or instagram. after all, of course, the more people see the ad about the wanted child, the more chances there will be to find him. and suddenly you personally one of them. recognized, immediately call our hotline 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free of charge. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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stopcrime ua. there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in the pharmacies of psylsnyk pam and oskad, there are discounts on lyzak of 10% at psyasnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is korabelny district, kherson. live inclusion. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl's big broadcast.


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