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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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analysis of the fall of the russian il-76 military transport from all that white and brown noise under the guise of russian propaganda, what happened there and what else serhiy zgurets, whom i congratulate, will tell us. i congratulate you roman, i congratulate our viewers. today we will indeed talk about the downing of the il-76 military transport plane, about the situation on the front line and about new details about the missile attack in... the enemy on ukraine that happened yesterday, about all this in a moment. first of all, i will start with the story about the downing of the russian l76 plane. we can say that these all these stories take on new pages, because today, january 24, around 10 o'clock in the belgorod region, near the village of...
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yablonov, a military transport plane il-76 fell. local telegram channels shared a video showing this plane flying down and then exploding on the ground, exploding quite powerfully as we can see now, and before that very large pieces of debris or parts of the cargo fall or fall from the plane . almost immediately, the ministry of defense of russia recognized the loss of the plane, despite this usual practice. keep quiet and do not comment on such events, moreover, the so-called ministry of defense of russia also quickly announced that on board the il-76, they say, there were 65 ukrainian prisoners who were transported to belgorod for exchange. later, the ministry of defense of russia also stated that it was an anti-aircraft missile complex of the armed forces of ukraine that shot down this plane somewhere in the area of ​​the settlement of lypka, kharkiv region, and then... even the enemies
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published a full list of prisoners who were supposedly on board this plane, but verification showed that at least 17 ukrainian prisoners returned to ukraine during the exchanges that took place earlier, and at the same time, the remains of the bodies at the place of the plane crash were not demonstrated. as for the ukrainian reaction from the ukrainian side, in my opinion, it was too slow. in particular, at first the coordination headquarters of ukraine on the treatment of prisoners of war officially announced that the enemy is actively carrying out special information operations with the aim of destabilizing ukrainian society, and then finally a statement of our general staff appeared, which states that the armed forces are taking all measures to defense of ukraine and ukrainians, and only in the last week was the enemy inflicted.
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15 missile strikes on the kharkiv region, for this , i would like to remind you, the enemy mainly uses s-300, s-400 air defense systems or iskander ground systems there, and our general staff in this context reported that the intensification of shelling of ukrainian cities was directly correlated with the increase in the number of flights to the belgorod airfield and that it was used specifically for the military to transport anti-aircraft and ballistic missiles to the belgorod region. therefore, in order to reduce such a missile threat, the armed forces not only control the airspace, but also control the logistics of their support, the use of military transport aviation, and then there was a concluding sentence that the armed forces will continue to destroy the means of delivery and control of the airspace to destroy that tourist threat, including on bilgorsk-kharkiv direction, that is, in fact... it was possible to understand that the general staff
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is giving an answer to who shot down this il-76, which was carrying missiles in this interpretation, and that they will continue to destroy russian planes that pose a threat to ukraine. so far, this story looks like this, but i do not rule out that later there will be even more details, because in fact, literally an hour ago, the main intelligence agency stated that already after, today, the exchange of prisoners was supposed to take place, which... did not happen and currently we do not we have reliable information, says the main intelligence, about who exactly was on board the il-76, and based on this, says the main intelligence, we may be talking about planned and deliberate actions of the russian federation with the aim of destabilizing the situation in ukraine and the weakening of international support for our state, this is the conclusion of the main intelligence agency, so we will wait for the continuation of this story. and then about what
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is happening on the front line, where thanks to the courage of our soldiers, this front line is holding, and first of all we will interfere in the direction of avdiivka, where a significant number of incidents took place today. attacks from different directions, directions, and what is happening right now around avdiyivka, we will talk with our guest, and now we are joined by the people deputy of the seventh and eighth convocations, and now the sergeant of the company of attack drones of the 109th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine yehor firsov, mr. yehor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, and i wish you health, as well as to all tv viewers. of course, i would like to ask about the situation around avdiivka. i know what you will say about the fact that you will not add details in view of the official information, but in any case , i know that your unit is currently providing support to our soldiers around avdiivka, so what is your competence to say that
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happening in the air and on the ground, around avdiivka? oh, well, let me tell you a few details, of course it's a difficult situation. and the situation is difficult in the first place, because, for example, the enemy uses a lot of cabs, these are aerial bombs, cabs, fabs, which are there almost every day, when a few dozen are used, when more than fifty use aerial bombs, it is certainly a horror there , i want to tell you for a military man, because even close by, when this aerial bomb arrives very, very hard and... that the soldier received a concussion, he is as if outside there healthy, let's say so, but it is very difficult for him to continue fighting, because a contusion is a contusion, he is sick of vomiting there and so on, that's the main part of the fighting takes place in the so-called dachas,
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our comrades from other units there are kind were advancing on the enemy, recaptured part of the position, but the enemy is using the private sector, and the private sector is... like, you know, equipped with cellars, basements, and the enemy is hiding right there, so here i am just from our side fpv drones, so we fly into the house where they saw what was hiding there the enemy, we are destroying the house, but of course it is very, very difficult to break through the cellar and basement, so the enemy is trying to use this advantage in part, well, what can i say, that the enemy has a very... great saturation of rebs, for example, our unit knows how to bypass it, deceive, but this creates certain obstacles in the work of the uav, and the enemy also actively uses night drones, night drones interfere with movement,
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before you could move there by car, and the most important thing is not to fall under the anti-tank guided vehicle there rocket, or if it goes mortar shelling, so that you... are not hit by the frames, and of course, when the enemy uses a night drone in pv, it is of course very, very difficult to hide from him, so it is necessary to equip mobile vehicles, there are cars, equipment, means of radio-electronic warfare, this is now one of the priority directions, i am directly looking for such means for my unit to ensure, well, to secure myself. from the enemy fpv drone itself. are you talking about reb tools that can be put on the car or about some other solutions? ah, well i'm talking about the means of rep, with which the avdiiv direction should be saturated, but directly the means
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of rep, which should be installed on mobile objects, cars, minibuses, vehicles, bmp, armored personnel carriers, where evacuation is carried out. tanks and so on, all this must now be equipped with such direct means that will help extinguish telemetry, telemetry is controlling the enemy drone so that it falls a few hundred meters away from you directly, and there was no direct hit on the object, which enemy heals, mr. yehor, for a few days that's why you talked about the fact that... the enemy has a quantitative advantage in drones, they can fly out to hunt, and without a certain goal, we cannot afford this, and from the enemy's side, they also write that the ukrainian side uses drones so effectively that they cannot
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get close to our positions there, carry out attacks and so on, can we say that we are now at such a stage that we are now trying to compensate for the numerical advantage of the enemy by... skills of operators and tactical techniques implemented by yours subordinates and you personally? that's how it is, that is, quantity is for the enemy, quality is for us , because... that we are thoroughly preparing for the operation , literally there 5 minutes ago we finished preparing for our next operation, i would say even so that when you you see this one, for example, there is a video of an effective drone hit, conventionally speaking, on a sunspot or a tank and so on, this is followed by a huge amount of work in front of the operating room, let's say, on the setup of the drones, on the preparation of the necessary elements there, platinum. actions and so on further, for this drone to actually fly, fly over the enemy orep and detonate on the target, that is why
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this preparation is pre-operational and training, when the pilots sit down at the simulators, learn, improve their skills, and of course it helps us very, very much, that is, we are more creative in this regard , deeper than the enemy, but still we would like to have the number of uavs. we should strive to have equality, equal means, but it is not the case that we are saving some units there , they do not have drones at all, so be it of course not, well, it shouldn’t, everyone should have drones in large numbers, and what’s more , we can afford them, i talk to dozens of manufacturers, in general, for your understanding, there are already about half a thousand manufacturers of our ukrainian... their fpv drones , well, this is quite a lot in order to
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provide oneself with drones, of course, so that, well , the main thing is that the state buys them and already provides units with such means of uavs. mr. yehor, but you mentioned a lot of manufacturers, but now your unit still receives drones according to the old scheme, when volunteers supply these drones, is there finally a segment of government supply of drones possible. our division, unfortunately, receives drones according to the old system, the scheme, let's say this, from not only volunteers, i would say, it is also large business, and small entrepreneurs, and just different people who are there for the time, well, help on a point-by-point basis, everyone , as, well, as they say, the rear helps us here, and almost all 100% of drones are drones directly, let’s say, not state-owned, but on the other hand there is a certain plus, it is that, for example, our brothers, which directly in avdiivka, here we are working,
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i won’t say exactly the direction, but, well, let’s say this, we fly to the avdiivka direction, and there are units that work directly in avdiivka, they finally received thrones from the state in a good number, here, well and that 's nice of course, it would be great if it would soon affect all frontline units so that they finally start getting drones like this, no problem, thanks a lot for the inclusion, there are a lot more questions, i hope you have more time in the future to explain to our viewers, let me remind you that it was yehor firsov, a sergeant of the attack drone company of the 109th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which currently provides a number of directions, one of which is avdiivskyi, which is currently the most difficult from the point of view of repelling enemy pressure. and then we will talk about our others. which are related to missile attacks on ukraine, and now we
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are joined by oleksandr ruvin, he is the director of the kyiv research institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice of ukraine. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear you. good evening to you too, very glad to hear. i would really like to start with the story of this downed russian plane, is this story somehow... in the area of ​​competence of your specialists, is it possible to draw some preliminary conclusions, what happened to it, what was on board, or is it too early to say is it too soon well, first of all, we have not yet received any procedural documents related to the provision of examinations, we think that it is too early to say everything, we, like you, have only seen records from online publications and... so far nothing else we not ready to answer you, but if examinations are assigned to us, we
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will certainly, taking into account our experience, including the 1976s, try to do it reasonably, in accordance with the requirements of current legislation. then i would like to ask you about the analysis of the rocket attack that took place on the 23rd, i know that your experts were at all the places where the fragments fell, whether it is possible to draw any preliminary conclusions about what happened. the target of enemy attacks, what weapons were primarily used against the capital, is the information correct that there are also remnants of a missile from the complex. 400, of which beat the capital? well, we can tell you that yes, our specialists were also everywhere at all the places where weapons were used on january 23, which were in the city of kyiv and the kyiv region, we can say that we observed some new such specific missiles, these are x-101 rockets ,
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the 55th, which flew in the direction of zhytomyr, and then... changed the direction to kyiv, however, in addition to that, we already had certain seized objects at certain places, which clearly indicate that, in addition, not only carlats were used rockets, and rockets were also used, which fly along a ballistic trajectory, these are 48 missiles - these are missiles that are used by the enemy in the s-400 complexes and e according to the idea. should have been used only for anti-aircraft defense purposes, but they redesigned them and now they already have this type of damage called ground-to-ground, that is , they are sent from the ground and hit the ground, uh, we found the corresponding objects, we can definitely identify that
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these were precisely the missiles from the s-400 complex. mr. oleksandr, i can't help but ask about north korean missiles, because there were a number of them statements from the american side, from our side, but so far there is no final such document that would record, detail, well, this story, whether it has ended, or whether there are really any final documents that could be the basis for such a conclusion, that there were remnants of north korean missiles here and there, well, i would like to... add to our previous discussion with you, er, the topic that we raised with you, this is precisely the use of 48 missiles from the s-400 complex. i would also like to draw your attention to the fact that these are missiles that are not designed for some kind of direct impact goal, they cover large
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areas, and we take into account that once they were used. er, taking into account that they are er not so accurate and they simply cover large volumes of her area, then this was calculated just so that it would be possible to cause her death, injuries and other material damages just directly to ordinary people, who were civilians, who were known to be in the specified houses at that time, what? concerns the korean missiles that we, you just asked us about, yes, us assigned to the specified examination, er, we already have objects that we can say for sure that these are the er remains of missiles that were not used by the armed forces of the russian federation until a certain moment, they have
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the corresponding er, how so to say, signs. which give us the opportunity to accurately establish that these are rockets of cow production, and yes, we have already started working on this for a while, they have just arrived, we hope that in the near future we will definitely tell you everything in particular, but for now we can say in advance that it so really southern. rockets that were used by us on the territory of ukraine, both in kyiv and in the city of kharkiv. and there is confirmation regarding the exact place of manufacture of these missiles, why are they asking, because on the bottom of foreign resources, there are already fragments of these missiles with inscriptions there of a certain
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manufacturer's factory, which is attributed to north korea, that is, this process goes in parallel and... and does and foreign structures, and you do, trying to find out the details of all these wreckage, from the very beginning, it, it was decided, fell into the appropriate the research institutions of the armed forces of ukraine, which were studied there, only reached us, well , there are signs on the debris that reached us, which directly indicate that these are... uh, south korean missiles , which were produced at the relevant factories, which have the appropriate markings, and they refer precisely to the missiles that are on the territory. the russian federation was not produced, so we already have preliminary conclusions, and we can definitely say about it, but we are still investigating the composition
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of metals, other components there, but you, i i confirm your words that were said before, so they refer to south korean manufacturers, and i also want to ask you in more detail. they said about the use and the frequency of use of these p-35 missiles, which the enemy used to attack odesa, as i understand it, this was the first example of the use of these, well, such heavy soviet missiles , have the fragments already been collected, have conclusions been drawn, is it possible, conditionally speaking , ee to have documents in order to accuse the enemy of terrorist activity, well ee for... terrorist activity we already have enough there is evidence that p-35 missiles were used for the first time directly
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on the territory of ukraine by the enemy, so we already have fragments of parts that were directly collected at the sites of arrivals, we are currently engaged in conducting examinations, identification that we have them we have not seen them before, we know that this is an old soviet missile, which not only does not have the ability to hit there accurately, it does not even reach the area 1.5-2 km away, but it is a powerful large missile, and we currently we just want to establish all its signs so that we can was to prepare relevant evidence and also send it to the international criminal court through pre-trial investigation bodies. here experts are already working with us from the international court, we hope that in the near future we will have the opportunity
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to officially declare that this is it, well, we can already establish that it is so , based on the signs that are available remains of the p35 rocket. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for your work, for your professional explanations, i would like to remind our viewers that oleksandr was on etheriso. ruvin, director of the kyiv research institute institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice of ukraine. here are the highlights of the day, with more international and economic news to come, so stay tuned to espresso. these are the main highlights of this day of the war , the director of the agency saw. defense express, we are grateful to him. good evening, we are from ukraine.
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