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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:29pm EET

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are competitive, let's say su-35, because if there will be old radars, and not 83, which are also on the 72nd and 70th blocks, well, that is , and which are on the f-35, these radars of the competitor are capable. thank you, we can finish already, kostyantyn kryvolap, the aviation expert was in touch with us, well, it's already time for the news, 4:00 p.m., so we pass the floor to anna eva melnyk, who, together with the news editor, has already... and fresh information, we pass on the word, well, actually, tell us what it will be about release greetings colleagues, ukraine plans to build four more nuclear reactors by the end of this year, details of this news and others, below.
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the european union is starting a screening of ukraine before the start of accession negotiations, the press service of the vice-prime minister for european and euro-atlantic atlantic integration olga stefanishyna said. the ukrainian delegation took part in the meeting regarding the initiation of screening in brussels, i would like to note that this is an important process of evaluating ukrainian legislation for the compliance of cases in the eu. later, ukraine should form road maps in the areas of the rule of law, freedom of movement of persons and public administration reform. the italian senate has approved the supply of weapons to ukraine until the end of 2024, the ansa agency reports. this decision was supported by 113 deputies, 18 opposed. then the chamber of deputies has to vote for it. the publication
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notes that italian prime minister giorgia maloney is steadfast in her intention to help ukraine. however , the five star opposition movement opposes the further shipment of weapons to ukraine. ukraine plans to start construction of four this year new nuclear reactors. everything to compensate for the lost energy capacities due to the war with russia, he said. according to the roits agency, the minister of energy of ukraine, herman galushchenko, will resume work on the currently frozen third and fourth units of the khmelnytsky nuclear power plant. according to him, two units, including reactors and related equipment, will be based on russian-made equipment, which ukraine wants to import from bulgaria, the other two will use western technologies, writes reuters, all four reactors will be built on khmelnytskyi atomic electric. the station minister
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assumes that work will begin in the summer in the fall. only five bodies were brought to the belgohorod morgue, which corresponds to the number of il-76 crew members, ukrainian intelligence representative andriy yusov told rfe/rl. he noted that there were supposed to be several vips from the military and political representation of the aggressor state on the plane, but the fsb ordered them not to board. the security service of ukraine opened. criminal proceedings due to the downing of the plane on the territory of russia, the press service of the agency reported, the incident was previously classified as a violation of the laws and customs of war. they added that they are investigating all the circumstances of the incident. earlier, president volodymyr zelenskyi said that ukraine will insist on an international investigation. let me remind you that a russian military transport plane crashed yesterday morning. the muscovites said that there were dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war on board who were being taken for exchange. in ukrainian. intelligence later confirmed that
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an exchange was being prepared, but there is no reliable information as to whether ukrainians were on board. caught on forgery of documents. law enforcement officials reported the suspicion to 53-year-old kyyanin, who organized a scheme for the production and sale of fake documents throughout ukraine. the man involved six more residents of kharkiv and kyiv region in illegal activities. you could buy ukrainian ones from dilky. and foreign passports, driver's licenses, vehicle registration certificates, criminal record certificates. the production cost ranged from $350 to $2,000, and criminals earned up to a million uah per month. the investigation is ongoing. more than uah 25 million in losses on uniforms for the military. in kyiv, the director of an enterprise that supplied low-quality weapons was detained. forces of ukraine. the examination revealed that
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the received clothes do not meet the technical conditions. during the searches , the law enforcement officers seized documents confirming the illegal actions of the intruder. the director of the enterprise was informed of the suspicion, he faces up to 12 years in prison with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for 3 years and confiscation of property. hryvnias were returned to the state budget of ukraine. they tried to steal funds for the purchase of ammunition. the security service of ukraine reported that it was possible to terminate an unprofitable contract with a special exporter. in december 2023 , the contract was signed by a suspected official of the ministry of defense. he concluded an additional agreement to the state contract with the intermediary company for the supply of artillery at inflated prices. the amount exceeded the cost of another alternative contract concluded by the
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defense procurement agency by 30%. 81 cases of the use of chemical weapons by the russians in december 2023 alone , such data were cited at a military briefing center also then, for the first time , the use of rgvo grenades containing chloroacetophenone, an asphyxiant substance prohibited by the geneva protocol, was recorded. the studied sample was produced in the same year 23 at the factory, which has been operating since the time of the soviet union. as of today, at the beginning of the... full-scale invasion, a total of 626 attacks using chemical substances have been recorded, in fact, every month, every month there are reports, there is information that the russian federation is using chemical
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weapons, or irritants, or they are already moved to a heavier gas in this case, and again, december 23rd, we 're seeing a sharp increase in usage. means or chemical munitions, an extreme border crossing, three transcarpathians were going to cross the tisza to reach hungary. for the services of the worker, the man, the men paid $400 each, received life jackets, a rubber boat, airtight bags for personal belongings and instruction, but no one warned about the danger of the burners around two o'clock. hours of the night 800 m from the state border of the fugitives detained by the border guard. administrative protocols were drawn up on the offenders, the cases were referred to the court, and the organizers of the illegal scheme are being established. difficult in training, easy in battle,
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comprehensive training of military personnel took place in the north of the country. the command of the united forces of the armed forces reported that the infantrymen were overcoming psychological distress. obstacles, carried out the task of blowing smoke, opening fire and explosions in conditions close to combat operations, conducted a demonstration evacuation of the wounded, involved artillerymen and mobile fire groups in the training. also servicemen perfected small arms fire, while drone operators conducted aerial reconnaissance and practiced target destruction. 15.5 million euros for buildings. two bomb shelters for ukrainian schoolchildren, that is how much money was allocated by the representation of the european commission in ukraine and the central project implementation agency of lithuania, who today signed a joint agreement according to which at least six shelters for schools will be built in ukraine,
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and by the beginning of the new school year 500 students will be able to return to offline learning. shelters are planned to be built in chernihiv, sumy, and mykolaiv zapora. a safe country must help the army, the espresso tv channel continues to collect funds for night vision binoculars for the soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade. our defenders perform combat tasks mainly at night, so the device is extremely necessary for them.
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good vision in the dark not only saves, but also helps destroy the enemy. our goal is uah 170,000. we already have 141 on the account, you can see the details on the screen. investment. the armed forces of ukraine are a contribution to our freedom and independence. these are the cases for the moment, i say goodbye. the news team is already working at 5 p.m., in the next issue we will tell you about the most important things, marta olyarnyk and antinberkovskyi will work next , the tv channel's information day continues, well, now we will add ivan kyrychevskyi, defense express military expert to our information. the background is yes, and while mr. ivan is connecting in kharkiv, for security purposes
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, services for tracking the movement of public transport have been suspended. this is reported by the utility company kharkiv subway. i quote: for the purpose of uninterrupted functioning of the critical infrastructure of the city's electric transport in conditions of martial law and prevention of emergency situations in the region. kp, kharkiv metro stops broadcasting information about the placement and movement of city transport on the network. internet, this means that real-time tracking of the location of rolling stock of passenger transport will become unavailable, the resumption of services will be notified in addition, this is probably where we will start our conversation with ivan kyrychevsky, because the signal is extremely disturbing. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan, glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, in kharkov, for security reasons , services for tracking the movement of public transport have been suspended. what it is? can mean whether we are talking about possible intensified attacks by russian
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interventionists on kharkov, well, unfortunately, where and how to intensify it, we are just in that situation, but it is possible here, let's say this, it is us now, we are trying to assume, express assumptions about the episode, which rather concerns the work of the special services, well , who are responsible for making sure that the russians have as little opportunity as possible to collect data, because how can i, let's say, just assume to myself. objectively, what is theoretically found there, if the russians can find access to how public transport moves around kharkiv there by appropriate means, they can understand where there is a concentration of civilians, accordingly try to hit there, especially not to forget, that c300 is not easy a missile that flies along a ballistic trajectory is a missile that is equipped with several thousand fragments, and the russians planned even in soviet times that with such missiles... it is necessary to hit, well, to put it bluntly, the enemy's manpower, well, that is, but now the russians have come up with
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to hit civilians with such rockets, so, let's say, we shouldn't perceive this episode in kharkiv as something, let's say, at all, well, let's say, the approach of something completely unprecedented, terrible, unfortunately, in principle, we already have the situation, when kharkiv is shelled intensively, but, to be fair, thank god it's not spring or summer. 2022, when the russians were finishing off kharkiv even with pion guns with a firing range of only 40 km. fortunately , the security situation for the city is much better now, and as far as we know, the armed forces of ukraine are making certain efforts to improve this situation even more, even if at the expense of the belohorod people's republic. mr. ivan, look, today we are also discussing a lot about the situation in belgorod region, we know that the detailed investigation of all the circumstances is still ongoing. we understand that it is difficult to do this, since the russians
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put forward their version officially in one, for public opinion, yes, but we understand that even in the white house they are not yet taking on confirmation or denial, but are gathering facts, perhaps gathering information, and in fact, what worries us in this whole story and what actually speaks of the implausibility of this story is that the russians justify themselves in such a way that the zsu could have used patriot or art. and shoot down this plane, we already had an aviation expert in front of you, with whom we actually talked about, why it is impossible, yes, because there are certain reasons for this, we will not recount them now, but in fact we would like to understand what is the general point of view of defense express specialists, because we understand that you also analyze all this information that comes and from the rashists, and the information that our special services make public, so we would like your assessment of the situation with ilo 76? unfortunately, we are really in a situation where
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it is still too early to give any firm evaluations, purely because it is not worth rushing to relevant conclusions in advance official structures are ahead, but let's say , in our publications there, we simply collected some, let's say, interesting signals in the public domain, you know, if you already start playing, you know, the multitude of versions that could happen, well, as colleagues very rightly noted, approximately the moment when the russians are there. recorded the fall of the il-76, the governor of the belogorod region declared about the missile danger, well in the sense, well, that is, the answer translated from human language . that is, according to the enemy's version, there is one of ours territories , some unknown rockets were supposed to fly at the belogorodsk people's republic, and accordingly the air defense had to be ready. well, you know, it's difficult, let's put it this way, we are now in such a very sensitive specific situation, because we are talking about history, when the enemy there claims the death of our citizens, but considering, just by comparing these two
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factors, that there il 766 was in this moment is up in the air. let's say this, even for sure, there are even reasons to omit that he may have flown from belgorod, and plus this missile danger, well, there were already many stories when the russians themselves recognized their friendly fire in their own way, yes, yes, yes, mr. ivan, but i will repeat the conclusion once again, we are still in a situation where we should not run ahead of official structures, before conclusions, well, purely because we say about the situation but actually, if we talk about impartial objective conclusions , who can provide them, because we understand that the russians will start their propaganda machine, at one time we saw something similar in the story with mh17 on the 17th, which they shot down, it was confirmed by a court decision, yes, but now, now, now everything here is on their
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territory, and the key story is to rely, for example, on sputnikov or. according to the radar tracking data of our friends and allies, well, because, well, maybe ours will not be enough, well, look , radar, it can simply note that a certain plane was flying along a certain route, and something happened to it at some point , that it fell, we still need some, you know, we could be helped here by some satellite images that could capture the same il-76 there, if they even established the registration number, that it did not even belong to a military man there. he forces of the russian federation, but formally a civilian enterprise, the 224th flight detachment of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, that is, it is formally a civilian aircraft, it seems that one of our famous political scientists said that it would be necessary to invite icao, well, that is, the international organization of civil aviation, well, maybe there even it would be worth inviting them to investigate and show that yes, for example, that plane fell, well, there for the reason that
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he was shot down, and not because of the fact that you give the il-76, to put it mildly, he is also not a young transporter and something in him... could have broken in the air, but you know, we are also in such slightly strange situations, when we call it , let's describe it in such a stretch, on the one hand , non-state subjects, well, for example, like our agency, or there personally, your humble servant, well, they are not state subjects, they are more, let's say, they can be freely expressed assumptions , or there are opinion leaders, let’s call it that, but they cannot, may not have all the necessary information on hand, all the necessary information at hand for more quickly. there may be state structures that can respond quickly and flexibly, but unfortunately, now there is such a certain portioned submission from official entities, and you understand, if we did not have this problem with portioned submission, for example, even just yesterday's statement would be the denial of the white house kirby that we cannot confirm that there were prisoners there, but under normal conditions there would be a statement
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from the white house, well, that is, when the nonsense would work normally, well, the public, because just yesterday, the public was very... interestingly and promptly issued different versions that interrupted the russian propaganda propaganda and the state machine, if this connection would have worked effectively, we would not even have to try to find an explanation for something like this now, because purely so that the message from the white house would be superimposed here, so it would be clear, here we come out that it is necessary to prove that the russians are criminals, well, how to prove that the two equations 2 + 2 = 4, that it is correct, here we are now unfortunately found themselves in that situation, hey, mr. ivan, look, we would also like to ask you about the cotton that happened at night today in russia, and we know that a few nights earlier, there was another powerful cotton before that, and actually we are talking about this meadow in the leningrad region of the russian federation, this night there was a fire at the rosneft oil refinery in tuapse, in the krasnodar territory, i opened the map and realized that
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tuapse is even further than novorossiysk, where the russians are now sending their entire black sea fleet to... are rushing to rebase, this practically almost near sochi, and already the sbu says that it was a special operation, which is behind the security service of ukraine. we would like your expert opinion, but i do not want you to reveal all the maps, and our enemies do not need to know this, but we understand that our special services clearly have something that can fly to such long distances, and the russian air defense does not see it . let's start with such a thing, a drone, then they are a weapon invented for that , so that, first of all, it is massive, so that no matter how much you release, that's all to fly, and that these weapons were not just massive. and also not very noticeable for any radar, because, unfortunately, this is, let’s say, a two-sided game, let’s say that it can be difficult for our radar operators to detect
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shaheeds in the air, so we need, well, mobile groups, thermal imagers and other, let's say , means of working at a close distance, and the russians in general, too, well, they have more mobile fire groups, which they didn't think of, they decided that, for example, they have theirs and you don't tell them, sir ivan to they came up with mobile groups and they to the best, and they, and they to, and they came up with such a stupid idea, to raise mi-28 attack helicopters in order to hunt, you know, the russians don’t need to be told anything, they will come up with something like that themselves, so what i can’t get my head around it, well, purely because, well, as we can see, chasing drones on a heavy attack helicopter, well, obviously they don’t do very well, yes and even, and even, but i actually led all this to what, why the russians don’t succeed . to catch our drones, and if we talk about some other details, well, my personal subjective opinion here is something like this, it would be better not to reveal at all what happened to
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the russian oil refineries, that they start like this, well, you know, something like that happens, that they just start burning, the plant is flammable it's called for air, well, because the russians will block justice, they talk about the use of their shaheds, well , they don't say much on the official or non-official level, they can... talk about some propagandistic things, there about calling the bushes hirani there, well, with such a slang term, the fact of the flight of planes from iran to moscow, when the next shaheds are being unloaded there, there are some data on this weapon that we know there, it is about the shaheds, it is painstaking work, well, we can say a lot the number of people who worked somewhere there either independently or by exchanging data, and accordingly, i personally, even in russian official resources, almost did not come across any references to them... admitting that they are using these shahyeds somewhere, maybe they are doing it right, thus making it difficult for us to collect, and i think that from our point of view it would also be correct to do what you know
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, to make it look like they're just burning things up, because of course one thing, well, it's such a nice thing that there are blows with such a simple weapon as drones on strategic objects of the russian federation, but if the picture looked like that, well , russian factories just start to burn, imagine if, how much it would give... the economic damage would be even worse, well, that's why that who wants to buy products from the manufacturer, c in which everything is burning and burning like that, and someone smokes in the wrong place, but it would have a completely different effect, so i think that it would be better if from our side, well, next time we just kept silent, if the stake, if it catches fire there is another infrastructure of the russian oil refining industry, well, mr. ivan , that’s how it is, on the other hand, we understand that our fellow citizens are also waiting... that some symmetrical actions are taking place, well, the enemy is regularly shelling us, and accordingly, people also hope , which the enemy also feels the burden of war on their various military
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facilities, if we talk, for example, about the capabilities of drones in general, in your opinion, well, the nativs are rethinking this approach now, in general, all over the world, i think they are looking for certain new designs, the configuration of their use, respectively, in your opinion... where should we direct the corresponding, i don't know, industrial and individual initiatives and even intellectual initiatives, i think that we should direct something to the emergence, let's say yes, similar to the jet shaheed, because for that matter, this is the product that the iranians showed there, and the russians, at least, are trying to declare that they have it, well, it’s not their invention, but china, for example, is trying... well, when the chinese are now preparing for such a large-scale war and they are also trying to create a whole line of hybrids of their own, you know, something in the middle between a drone and a cruise
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missile, so that it resembles a strike that is not a uav and a cruise missile, eh - well, let's put it this way, it should be much cheaper than a classic winged aircraft the missile is no less effective, that in terms of striking the infrastructure there, that exhausting the enemy's anti-aircraft defense, well , judging so far, even some european countries are gradually starting to take a closer look at this... especially since the trends of modern warfare directly demonstrate that, unfortunately , the russians set this trend, when a modern war is impossible without the use of a large number of missiles or something similar to it, it is necessary to prepare accordingly, so if all the more we are talking about something like this the retribution is fair to the russians for all these crimes they committed, well, to us, well, these screwballs are clearly some over there, well, or let’s say, just motorized drones, it’s good, if there was still a start on them... jet planes should fly by , that would be even better. we thank you. ivan kyrychevskyi, a military expert from defense express, was in touch with us, eteri espresso was, and we will
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1490. 9 uah with the possibility of free delivery check with consultants. a powerful saw strong is what you need. call an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen. my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv. can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. on saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the exchange is the responsibility of the country which keeps them ukraine, for its part, used everyone.


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