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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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free centers of psychological support, all of them are located in front-line territories, because we understand that as a volunteer, we do everything that depends on us, but we cannot close all the need, and it is huge, as doctors we understand that it a huge wound that needs to be healed immediately, and this is the wound of our society, and here i would like to emphasize that we must all be concerned, and we must all understand that only by uniting with... can we create our society bright, restored, healthy the rehabilitation center plans to create additional units to help as many military personnel as possible. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. hello, woman, what to do when there are livers? alohol should be taken. and for bile what? alohol, it protects the liver and bile. natural components of alochol contribute
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not alone in the studio, my colleague oleksandr morshchevko is next to me, hello, which means that now it's about money and the economy during the war. i also welcome the audience, and i will tell you directly about energy, international aid, as well as where in budgets, money may be found on the ground, and it may still be there, more on that in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevko, congratulations. column about money during the war. we are keeping our finger on the pulse regarding international aid, we are waiting for this money, but the procedure is the procedure. the united states of america is getting closer every day to passing aid funding to our country, senate majority leader chuck schumer said. according to the politician, now negotiators from both sides are working hard on approval another round of aid to our nation by completing a supplemental national security package. let me remind you that...
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the republicans in the us congress continue to block the initiative, which contains more than 60 billion dollars in aid to ukraine, they demand that the democrats and the biden administration first implement migration reform. by the way, aid from the european union is also being delayed. well, let's keep an eye on it. but several state-owned companies, in particular one of naftogaz's data centers, were hacked today. about a failure in it systems declared in ukrpot as well. branches only issued parcels, accepted payments, other services were restored, there were problems in the state transport safety service ukrtransbezpeka, there they reported a technical failure in the work of the shlyah information system and the official website, hackers also attacked the servers of the kyiv city electric railway today, ukrzaliznytsia reported. and all categories of internally displaced persons will be extended the current terms of social... payments
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until march 1 this year, minister of social policy oksana zholnovich reported. month such financing, says the government official, needs more than uah 6 billion. that's enough. a significant amount, however, says oksana zholnovich, the money was found in the reserves, they will be ready to fully pay all citizens within the limits of the winter period, however , pensioners who receive more than uah 9,444 will not continue the assistance to idps, i would really like to remind you that this social benefits, and pension benefits depends. again from international aid, which should soon flow into the coffers of the state. let's go further. ukraine denies the prime minister's words robert fico of slovakia on further transportation of russian gas through its territory. after a meeting with the head of our cabinet, denys shmyhal, the slovak
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government official announced on facebook that - i quote: there was an agreement that the transit of russian gas through ukraine will probably continue, and this is great news, to put it mildly. let me remind you that the supply of fuel from the aggressor country must be completed by the end of the year. our cabinet refutes fiytso's words, according to the bloomberg agency, the contract for the transit of enemy fuel will not be continued by our state going to ukraine will start building new nuclear reactors to compensate for lost capacity. this was announced by the minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko. four reactors will be built at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant project. will be activated sometime in summer or autumn, however, two units will be based on russian -made equipment, which ukraine wants to get from bulgaria, the other two will use western technologies of the manufacturer westenhouse. well, we will continue to talk about
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finding money through local budgets. in particular, for according to the results of 2023, the annual rating of the cities of transparent sales was topped by several such towns of the gold-bearing che. the capital of the cherkasy region of balta in odesa and here naturally topped the top 3 . well, how can you get funds to communities in general. we will talk about it with the guest who joins our conversation, serhii but, the head of prozoro-sales on zvyaz. good evening. good evening. mr. serhiy, well, what is this rating in a few words, and how was it determined, then share with the communities, how you can in general. earn during the war, of course , i will tell you everything, so this is our annual rating, we, who every year issue a rating of the efficiency of cities and communities from the point of view of the management and efficiency of the sale
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of communal property, since in the system of transparent sales this direction is quite important, both in terms of trading volume and quantity. of the auctions themselves by the number of participants who come to the auctions, therefore, every year as part of summing up the totals, we make such a rating, so you have already announced the winners beforehand, i will add that in this rating this year, more than 300 cities were involved, these are actually those cities that sell or lease property through the system of transparent sales and... accordingly, according to a combination of several criteria, according to the results of the year, we determine those who are actually the most effective and skilled in this mr. serhiy, is there a demand now, during a full-scale
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invasion, precisely among businesses, among some public organizations, to take, well, that asset, which in fact often lies dead in the communities, whether to take it for rent or buy in general to create some small, processing enterprises, tell me in detail, absolutely there is, and here is really the key word that you mentioned, that very often these objects or this property, it really lies in a kind of dead bottom, in other words, it does not bring any benefit to the local community, its population , people, business, that's why there is really a demand, because, even in conditions of war, even in conditions of crisis, business, entrepreneurs, they need to develop , they need to start a business, they need to scale, and we we have cities, and in
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to our rating, in particular and in general participants in the transparent sales system from very different regions, that is, conditionally both from... safe regions, let's say, closer to the western border, and in regions that are relatively dangerous, so there is a demand, business. buys, uh, and here, we have at least two positive points, well, first of all, it is really through the realization of this, let's call it, not very necessary property, the community receives money, the business accordingly receives a resource, receives property for that , in order to carry out economic activities, and this includes workplaces, it's taxes, it's again about programs for infrastructure, security, humanitarian issues, etc. mr. serhiy,
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but it is clear that in order to appear at prozoro sales, this is preceded by a lot of work, in particular by employees from the communities. as far as the information campaign is needed now, it is certain that these towns join your rating, and really raise those assets that can now be sold, it is possible. how to attract money to the local treasury, and simply find an effective owner, or that real estate, or that plot of land, well, some advice is absolutely necessary , an information company is needed, awareness is needed, both at the level of those in power, who act as the owners of these processes, or manage this property, and at the level of the communities themselves. because the local residents themselves can know that what they have somewhere in
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the city or town, well, let's say, is abandoned or has not been happening for a long time, and it is for this that we, as a joint-stock company of transparent sales, cooperate with communities, we have already spent we, we regularly hold such educational events. promotion of the company at the regional level in order to really involve the organizers in the system, so that the local business has curiosity and accordingly comes to the auction and actually buys the given property, therefore it is very important to do such information companies, plus it is very important that on the ground officials and executors understood in... actually how much of this property they have, since this can also be a problem of the lack of basic
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inventory information, and that's all it consists of such a certain process, which ultimately allows you to re-realize the property and receive money. thank you for the conversation, the main thing here is really, i support you, the inventory, because i am sure that many communities even sometimes do not know that there is an asset that can bring benefits. direct specific finances to this or that community. thank you, serhii but, the head of prozoroprodaja was in touch. well, i will also end my column on this, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come. see us. well, we also talked about money during the war. to things, vice prime minister kostyanishyna actually denied these calls today. serhii aleshchenko, there is such an adviser in the president's office who shouted that western countries should stop funding ukrainian refugees
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so that they would return home, well, actually today the vice-prime minister denied this, well , in a word, we are moving, as always, a step forward , two back, but let's take an even bigger step forward, because at 8 p.m. there will be a verdict program with serhii rudenko, serhii is already in touch with us, serhii, congratulations, what will the viewers of espresso see, congratulations roman, in an hour at us. there will be three guests, and for an hour we will talk about the situation surrounding the crash of the il-76 plane in the belgorod region, different versions, russia is trying to torpedo the un security council, a special meeting dedicated to this event is to be held there today, moscow is trying to present everything it is like a terrorist act of the ukrainian state. who, who, in moscow know exactly who the terrorists are, remember
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how prigozhin's plane crashed between moscow and st. petersburg, how mh-17 was shot down over donbas, where almost 300 people died in plane wreckage, well, in a word, moscow is trying to translate from a sick head to a healthy one, well , that is, by accusing ukraine of the fact that ukraine is involved. until the alleged death of the ukrainian prisoners of war, it is not known for certain whether there were prisoners of war on board this plane or not, about what... and how over the last day or two what happened in the information space, how moscow used all the tools to prove that ukrainians are terrorists, let's talk with reserve colonel of the armed forces of ukraine serhii grabsky, military expert and journalist roman tsimbalyuk, who, by the way
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, worked in moscow for quite a long time, and knows exactly what russian propaganda is capable of, what ukrainian counter-propaganda is capable of, i think that roman can also tell us a lot , because it is also about our reaction to how russian propaganda works and how we need to respond to it, and the first guest of our program will be vitaly shabunin, public figure and chairman of the board of the public organization center for combating corruption, the topic of corruption is more relevant than ever in in ukraine, the corruption scandals of the ministry of defense of ukraine are one after the other, we see that in fact the zero tolerance for corruption declared by the current government is not so zero anymore, because the sums involved in corruption, corrupt acts, they are high and
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large enough, what amount of corruption money is in ukraine now and in what amounts. are operating by the latest corrupters, i think that vitaly shabunin will tell us all about this, he can definitely compare the level of corruption that exists in ukraine with the level of corruption that was in predecessors of the current president zelenskyi. we will talk about all this in literally 13 minutes. the big broadcast with roman chaika continues, roman, you have a word. in a word, we will commit a sin if we don't watch it, so let's watch the verdict together at 20, and now. a few more words about unexpected cultural somersaults: net weaving as a cultural representation of ukraine to the outside world. well, the famous venice biennale presented such an idea for our pavilion in the khanenko museum. of course, political issues are not in the past either, and in a few months he will become the helmsman of the biennale a person, well, with views that cause
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deep concern. and why, lena chechenina will tell us about it. indeed , the ukrainian artistic community is worried about the next helmsman of abiyan, but his name is pietrangelo butafouka, and if you read the press, there are a lot of headlines in which he is either mildly called right-wing, ultra-right, or outright fascist, well, a colleague asked the press - conferences in temporary. acting minister of culture and information policy rostyslav karandeev, as well as taras shevchenko, who is the commissioner of the pavilion, and how do they prepare in general for communication with such a person, well, they said that they are not preparing yet, well, we will see, they say, what he will say and we will already react, well
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, to that, to that event that will happen to those words, what will be said, well, we'll see, but my colleagues and i somehow... got the impression that they probably heard about this pietrangelo botofoka only today, but these are just our guesses, but now we will talk specifically about this pavilion on 60th biennale with, well actually with the curator victoria bovykina, victoria, good afternoon, and tell us first about this lack of communication with the ministry, because we also discussed earlier that you cannot somehow reach them, here at last. how else did it happen, tell me how you still found a common language, thank you for the question and thank you for covering the previous process, in fact , the establishment of communication depends to a large extent on the representatives of the ministry of culture and information policy, because first of all they are the main the organizer of the biennale in
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ukraine, due to the requirements of the fight, created such a structure of national pavilions, secondly, our whole team... both the artists and the curatorial team and the production team are completely open to communication, we communicate with a lot of organizations, colleagues who help us, and of course we were ready at the very beginning, first of all, with communication with the ministry , as with the main organizer, so it is probably a better question to ask the commissioner or representatives of the ministry, how they plan to organize this work. they show a desire to take more part in the organization of the bijnali, i hope it will happen, well, me too i hope, tell me again... you asked for 5 million hryvnias for the organization, how much was given to you, and actually tell our viewers about the project itself and about the biennale, why
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it is so important for us, especially now, because in the information space of our biennials are not talked about as much as, for example , about the oscars. unfortunately, we hope that with your help we will correct this situation, because the venice biennale is the largest art event in the world, the largest art festival. the oldest, he has extremely a large audience and most importantly, it has an extremely high attention in all world media and biennales are visited not only by the art community, there are curators or artists, various diplomatic missions, politicians, businessmen, people who make decisions in various countries, they also attend this event , because it is prestigious, large-scale, and represents a lot of different countries, so for... ukraine before, but especially today, during a full-scale invasion, this site is one of the key events in the life of ukrainian culture, because this
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the platform allows us to speak and be heard, and our project, weaving the world, in many of our works we talk about, we talk about the topic of war and the topic of people who left ukraine due to a full-scale invasion. and we generally talk about ukraine and ukrainian society, but mainly, of course, we talk about the war, because we have such circumstances, and that is, for us, this is an opportunity to talk about the war, to talk to a very large audience, and we know that we will be heard because that's how biinale works and we will be among the people to be reached journalists to come, so we do not want to miss such an opportunity and just want to remind as many as possible. number of people, that there is ukraine, that despite the war, we are working, but we still have a war, and we still need the help and attention of the entire
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world community. thank you, victoria, well, i will remind our viewers once again that this cultural representation, cultural diplomacy, these words have become very widely used, it is extremely important, extremely important that the state supports all this. so far we see that our... institutions which are engaged in culture, they do not always react properly, there are certain conflicts, but now we are also observing a conflict between cinematographers and state cinema, but i still hope that the biennial itself will take place as it should take place and that our cultural representation will also be at a high level, let me remind you , that the 60th biennial will start on april 20 and will last until november 24. well, this is the situation. yesterday we asked, paraphrasing our poet, where are you cats of my people. we have to
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ask where natalka didenko's kittens are, she is in touch with our studio. yes, natalya, again no cats welcome. congratulations roman, this is brilliant, of course, just knocked me out of a serious mood, i... i want to say that there will be cats, but later and in such a somewhat interesting way, it's all literally in a moment, i will start our meeting today with cats, but not theirs, whose names are tatyanka and tarasiki, some already know about them, but since they are still small and lively. and very fickle, unfortunately, i cannot involve them in the live broadcast, they are present, they are, but i still hope that over time
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they will definitely join the live broadcasts on channel espresso, but since we have already talked about cats, i would like to start our meeting today with poems about winter, seasonal poems, everything is absolutely in line with our concept, but romance and touching in our... life will not hinder us, especially when such rather long cloudy weather. well, one of probably the most favorite , well at least my poems, is this: it was snowing on a cake, the cat made a cake for itself while it was frying, while it was burning, and the cake was dripping with water, the cat did not know that the cake needed dough, not snow . plato funnel there is also a very beautiful poem , tiny footprints, a little bunny, in the mornings near the house, tiny footprints, a little bunny came here, stood near the house, stepped on... they wanted to tell us that the first snow had fallen, a snowstorm, and i want to read it too one poem by ivan franko, winter, winter was coming, how the snows were melting, how
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the ice was all on the wide river. the winter was surprised, how the small, fragrant flowers dared to peck above the snow, and the wind blew on them from the mouth of the ice, and the snow began to throw layers on them, the flowers bowed down, became sad, shut up, the storm passed, they got up again, and winter wondered the most that she had no strength for that small flower. i really hope that the time will soon come when there will be no strength to blow and freeze in winter, even the little ones... the ones that will make their way through the snow, we believe in it, and of course we know that spring will come, well, for now, let's move on to such more prosaic things, to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and together with you we look at the prognostic diagram, which shows that tomorrow there will be a certain activation of the earth's magnetic field, here at the beginning of the day, well, at night actually and at the end , in the evening, because those who react to increased magnetic activity, actually to magnetic storms,
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please, uh, it should be mandatory for you to have such a reasonable, calm prevention, everyone knows their weaknesses parties well , after all, the immediate reason for our daily meeting is the weather forecast for the next day. well, we traditionally start from the western regions of ukraine, and now you can see on the map that the air temperature will be quite high, somewhere between zero and 3 degrees of heat, and cloudy, humid weather, rain and sleet, and also in the west of ukraine, attention. tomorrow there may be stormy gusts of northwesterly wind, in the north of ukraine tomorrow the weather is also expected to be wet, cloudy, rain and sleet, the air temperature is from 0 to 2° of frost, in sumy oblast, possibly down to minus one, and the wind is moderate to gusty in zhytomyr oblast , in the east of ukraine the wind will not be strong or moderate, in luhansk region, donetsk region, and kharkiv region
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the air temperature will be... from zero to 2°c, it is maximum during the day, and also precipitation, but this phase is different, either rain or sleet, it's already depends on where the thermometer swings. in the central part of ukraine , cloudy, humid weather will also prevail, in the vidnich region, stormy gusts of the northwest wind up to 15-18 m/s are possible. the air temperature in the central part of ukraine is 0.4°c. in the southern part of ukraine, due to the fact that... the air temperature will be somewhat higher, traditionally, up to 2-5° there, up to 5-6 in the crimea, so rain will also prevail, but wet snow is possible, unless, for example, at night, well , january 26 is expected tomorrow in kyiv, the air temperature is quite high, i would say 0.2°, as for winter, because of this there will be fog or rain or sleet, the wind will be gusty, but no storm. gusts
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, well, this is the nearest synoptic situation in ukraine, i want to say that in the future, somewhere on january 27-28 , a slight cooling is expected, but it is not so incomplete and, as i have already said, not strong, so keep a close eye on our detailed forecasts on the channel espresso. thanks to natalya didenko for hers. gnosis and the poetry that accompanied them, what do i plan to do? firstly, to thank you for your attention, and secondly, in a minute, watch the verdict from serhiy rudenko, after him i will sit down and read the official page of the security service of ukraine, together with nabu and sap, they stole a simply incredible large-scale scheme, how opzh deputies stole barges of the merchant fleet, transported, transported all this for 80 million uah, in a word, the detective on night, but
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now the program: verdict serhii morudenko. good evening. we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour, we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and ours victory today in the program. russian speculation surrounding the downfall of the il-76 may be the involvement of the fsb in the disaster. were there passengers on the plane? the kremlin threatens the third world. putin ordered to look for russian real estate abroad. who will undertake the deputization of russia? corruption during the war. seven officials of the ministry of defense received suspicions. the authorities responded to business complaints.


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