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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EET

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useful information, we will meet with you from monday, my name is oleg galiv, this is the svoboda ranok project, take care. greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the number of people killed as a result of the russian missile attack on kharkiv on january 23 has increased. a 61-year-old woman died in the hospital at night, the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office reported. let me remind you that on tuesday morning the russians fired kh-32 iskander and s-300 missiles at kharkiv. kisses in a high-rise building, another 30 residential
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buildings were damaged, in general, they have already died 11 people, including an eight-year-old child. at night, the russian occupiers attacked the city of kupinsk in the kharkiv region, damaged an enterprise, and caused a fire at a gas station. this was announced by the head of the kharkiv region , oleg synygubov. the enemy fired a hurricane from the volley fire system. fortunately. there were no casualties. over the last day , more than 15 settlements in the kharkiv region were hit by artillery and mortar strikes. more than 16,000 households in almost fifty settlements of the region remained without electricity supply. at night, the russians fired kherson with zrks-300. two rocket strikes passed through the city. wounded in their own home.
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an elderly woman suffered a leg and an explosive injury, she was given medical assistance, - reported the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin. a kindergarten, a high-rise building and a shopping center building were damaged. enemy reconnaissance and sabotage groups became active in the border areas of sumy oblast. fighting continues, which poses a serious threat to civilians. commander of the united forces, serhiy naev. reported that the enemy army uses various types of weapons, in particular, artillery and aviation. the command of the northern operational zone conducts constant training of countersabotage groups to prepare the military to destroy the enemy trying to cross the border. drg groups enter, and they don't care whether a civilian car is going, or a military car is going, they are angry. well, everything in a row
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near the border is now very dangerous and civilians should stay away, if they are told that they need to move a little further, leave, then it is better to leave. the number of liquidated russian occupiers in ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, they have already exceeded 380 thousand, and in the last day, the defense forces destroyed 990 soldiers of the russian army. this is about it. this is in the building of the general staff, also yesterday ukrainian defenders burned eight enemy tanks, 16 armored combat vehicles and one and a half dozen artillery systems, at the same time they hit 20 cars and tanks, as well as five units of special equipment of the enemy, the defense force shot down one cruise missile, the data added by the general staff are indicative. in ukraine, so to speak, they are optimizing payments. to immigrants,
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this is allegedly a demand of international partners, - said the vice-prime minister for reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories, iryna vereshchuk. the reason: the revenue part of the budget is decreasing, and the government is tied to the decisions of partners, and according to international practice , two years is enough for adaptation, however , vulnerable groups continue to receive payments, the minister assures. this time about 57 billion hryvnias are provided. i would like to note that in ukraine... almost 5 million people are considered internally displaced. the european solidarity party presented an emergency plan actions to protect investments and the european business climate in ukraine. as the leader of the political force petro poroshenko noted, recently businessmen have been under pressure from law enforcement agencies. that is why the question has arisen today. establishment of the bureau
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of economic security with the involvement of independent international experts. the process should take place under careful international public control. was created in order to, don't laugh, protect business, in order for the sbu, in order for the national police, in order for the fbi, so that everyone from , i don't know, from the fire department to the attorney general's office, couldn't get within a cannon shot of the business, all the information that they discovered, they had to transfer to a new structure that was supposed to have in ... primarily analytical functions: no need to make business a nightmare, no need to come and make show masks. despite the fact that this body was created, it began to work, but it works, as the vast majority of businesses say, even worse than the tax police in
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the days of yanukovych klymenka. well, of course it is means that these priority measures, which are proposed on all others. will be able to work only when we qualitatively reform the bureau of economic security. psychological and physical recovery during the rotation is offered to the military capital. the charitable foundation of mercy and health has created a cell where our defenders can contact. our journalists saw how recovery is taking place. artem stolyar defended ukraine in the kyiv region from the beginning of the great war. currently, the man is an officer of moral and psychological support, as no one understands how important psychological support is for front-line soldiers, since he himself had problems after the hostilities in the kyiv region. the man was not sleeping well, so he decided to go to a military rehabilitation center.
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there were group classes, there were individual classes, the effect impressed everyone, and that's why i'm happy and would like them not just to come here, and i'd like this center to develop, to have as many such centers as possible. currently, artem advises all his brothers and sisters to visit the rehabilitation center in the capital, when they are on rotation here you can chat with professional psychologists and psychotherapists. usually , the military has time to attend up to eight sessions. psychological relief in the center is supported by physical relief. fighters are offered classes with rehabilitators on special equipment or professional mass. if at first they were patients with adjustment disorders, like the rest of us, when the full-scale war began, now they are patients who have generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and
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some mixed, anxious and depressed disorders in addition to servicemen, the center works with their families, helping relatives to properly maintain communication with the serviceman during his stay. being at the front, it is necessary to somehow combine them and explain to them what to expect, how to behave, what should not be done, and as practice shows, if there is psychological, psychological support, then the rotation of a serviceman is more efficient, now in the center already more than 300 people received rehabilitation and the queue for help is very long. in addition to centers the charitable foundation has seven more mobile centers of psychological support. all of them are located in the frontline territories. because we understand that as volunteers, we do everything we can, but we cannot cover all the need. and it is huge. as
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doctors, we understand that this is a huge wound that needs to be healed immediately, and this is the wound of our society, and here, and i would like to ... say that we all have to be concerned, and we all have to understand that only united, we will be able to create our society bright, restored, healthy. in rehabilitation center plans to create additional cells to help as many military personnel as possible. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. espresso calls to join the gathering for the soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade. to our defenders. night vision binoculars are needed, they perform combat tasks mainly at night, so the device is extremely necessary for them, because good vision in the dark not only saves, but also helps destroy the enemy. in general, our goal is uah 170,000. you and i are already at the finish line. we have on the account
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more than 158 uah, so there is not much left, some 12 00 uah. let's make sure that we close this collection for... this week. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens and remember, an investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. now. this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks, join in, put your favorites, my colleagues lesya vakolyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air, don't switch! dear friends, the marathon is on espresso continues, andrii lesya vakulyuk. we in this studio are working for you today until 12 o'clock, we still have a lot of interesting topics
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and guests ahead of us, but first i want to remind you that we have a collection going on, this collection is needed, this collection is needed for our military, for the military from the 141st brigade, they perform tasks in the orichov direction, they need radios, battery-powered starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, periscopes, drone detection detectors and many other equally important things. at the front. now you see qr codes on your screens and card numbers. there are two card numbers for your convenience. choose which one suits you better. 5375, 41/12, 14 06 69 09 and 51 68 74 50, 22, 26, 24, 94. for this morning. you and i collected 700 hryvnias, i said that if we keep the pace of 28 hryvnias every day, then
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by the end of the week we will already have 200 thousand in our account, we need to collect a total of 1 million. and i already have iryna koval , because this is her charity fund, she is our presenter and volunteer, who actually announced this collection, also gave a report on how much is on the card privatbank. she says that there are 40,00 uah accumulated there, and she showed a little about how people donate, you know, there are different amounts from 5 uah to 2,000 uah, and this is very valuable, because we understand that someone can donate 5 hryvnias, someone can donate 20 00 hryvnias, as yarema roman romanovych did, every hryvnia and every donation is important, so friends, please support. have our military, and they and we will be grateful, well, this is how we
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thank them for that work, which is probably the most difficult in life, because it is precisely in this work that they take risks the most precious thing is life, so let's support them so that muscovites have fewer lives, as military nadiya zamariga spoke to us today, and told us that there is a boy who is in kharkiv oblast, who says, everyone... it's about muscovites, well, while we are turning on, you know, with you our telethon of the military from the front line, experts who can be trusted, such as, for example, serhiy zorets, the founder of defense express, but in the meantime, everyone wants to know what will happen, for example, by 1 in february at the front, and this is what the unian novyn agency, for example, offers us read the forecast of astrologer dmitry uranus, who? dmytro? uranus, but there is, turns out to be such an astrologer, he gave a new prediction about the war, which inspired him, is
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this his real surname, or is it a pseudo one, no, his real surname is plutonus, well, he just thought, pluto, it’s like russian plut, you know, like, i just thought that , whatever inspired him to uranus, uranium, or something else, can god ur, and his lower part, uranus, can be like that, you know, like that.. . what are his predictions, listen i just wanted to say something about the forecast, i already started to say it, let people announce the forecast, so saturn is in exact conjunction with the sun, writes uranus, because of this the exact aspect is at its maximum strength, who is the exact aspect, yes, and this is an aspect of the stalemate in the war, stalemate from the word dumb, dumb forecast, ugh. ah, huge difficulties, so until february 1, the astrologer uranus predicts,
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there will be no special achievements on the front, you just know what i want to say, when i just started doing journalism, when i was a young journalist, and i first came to kyiv then, i remember that unian was really a sign of quality, it was the best news agency that gathered the best journalists, whose briefings were the most respected event for journalism, and... for announcements and press releases of union were signed by all leading mass media, mass media in ukraine. unian has changed a lot since it was acquired by kolomoisky mediaholding. all i can say. and also to remind that with all this , all those comrades are, for example, in a telethon the only news that, for huge budget funds, tell us the predictions of uranus and other anuses, from astrology and from politics, dear friends, but in reality what happens on the front depends not on uranus and not on their predictions, but on
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our military, it depends on the support of our military and support from... our authorities and support from our allies, on support from our side, so reading some forecasts, you know, you want to distract yourself, you read and turned it over, but on the other hand, when you read such news somewhere there in social networks or pages, unfortunately, the media, some unscrupulous ones, then you in this way, if you show these media that you are interested in this information, then these media begin to abuse it and invite. some astrologers and other ologists, before they make any predictions there, there are people who know what military affairs are, and it is worth listening to their predictions and their analysis. ivan stupak is already with us, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine in the fourth-15 years, mr. ivan, good to you
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morning, greetings, greetings, thank you for the invitation, mr. ivan, how do you feel about the predictions of astrologers, especially regarding the war. the situation at the front, please, it’s like soviet newspapers, why read this nonsense, there are separate telegram channels that cannot be opened at all, i just haven’t seen it myself, but they say that these astrologers are not even considered to be included in the general national telethon, well, you know, this is when there is no more hope, let's maybe astrologers, well, maybe they will say something, nobody knows, the president doesn't know, the head of the office doesn't know, president biden doesn't know, the senate doesn't know, and the astrologer he put there on... i just hope that at least they don't invite this uranus to this one on the various stakes of the commander-in-chief, it's already thank god, okay , sir, they were joking , let's talk about serious things, although it also looks a little like a joke, but this is it, listen, info-security, info-hyeena are also serious things, so
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we have to explain to people what is wrong with the so-called forecasts of some uranium. and other ologists, another forecast, which is a little it looks like a joke, maybe not, but bloomberg writes that, according to their sources, putin, despite his very belligerent rhetoric with which he started this year, that we will conquer ukraine, we will take everything, is beginning to send signals through contact persons from the united states about the fact that he seems to be probing the ground for future negotiations, even. such variants of the future peace agreement are being discussed, that they say ukraine must agree that it officially renounces the territories already captured at the moment, in return russia gives, conditionally speaking, permission to take ukraine into nato. well here it is such different things are put forward and plumberg also writes that, at the same time, washington
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is skeptical of these attempts by russia and does not really believe in the sincerity of their intentions. yes, if there are such things, and we have already seen previous periods, putin announced that we are not against it, it is the kyiv regime, against our negotiations with us, with them, but from such a scenario, well, let's theoretically, we don't talk about the consequences for ukraine, about the consequences for russia, in a big way in the long term, but in short, if you agree to this proposal, it will mean that russia won, she fixed the territories that she captured, that she occupied. and that we should understand that in the future , russian history textbooks for schoolchildren, for the seventh, eighth and subsequent grades will clearly state that ukraine is the occupier of the russian lands, that there is the kherson region, the zaporizhia region, that is, the war is postponed for a certain period of time , we must understand that it is somewhere on the horizon there in 10-15 years it can return
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to our homes, i am not saying that we have the strength to wage war, we have the strength. to liberate donetsk region, luhansk region, we see how difficult it is to advance in the direction of zaporizhzhia, how difficult it is to hold the krynka, this is not even a city, it is a small village on the left bank of the kherson region, how difficult it is, but the americans are right to think that negotiating with the russians is it is difficult, and difficult, and mundane in general, but nevertheless, even if we assume that there are such promats today, but against the background of all this rhetoric, that we are moving forward here, it probably also means that... the russians are not like that, i only hope that everything is not so simple and easy for them, too, so absolutely true, it seems to me that the best option for them would be if ukraine signed such a peace agreement by march. they fixed that, well, take crimea, take donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, kherson, and this would raise putin's ratings, that firstly, he stopped the war, secondly, he
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conquered, the russian federation gained new territories, that is, well it would be the rating and turnout and votes, that's all he dreams of, and budanov's russian version, don't take offense at me, i mean naryshkin, their head of foreign intelligence. he gave a big briefing or something, where he said a lot of things, but his main message is that the west is preparing a revolution in russia to overthrow putin, this will be such a maidan again, he said all kinds of things , well, this is a classic strategy, a tactic of the russians, there is nothing new, this is what completely confuses them here... it keeps you awake at night, by the way, as you said, the russian analogue budanova, we can say that the american counterpart of russian intelligence, the central
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intelligence agency of the united states , publishes a new video once every four months, well, a new old video on its official telegram channel, where it calls on russian top officials, officers of various special services, motivates them to switch to the side of good, on the side of normal rights. people, do the right thing, contact central intelligence and pass on some important information, or pass once, pass once, or on a permanent basis basis, and then move to the territory of the united states, and here are such videos, they are very confusing for the russians, in what context, they make such a theory, not even a theory, but a calculation that if this video clip was watched conditionally by 100,00 people there , then at least one of them... at least there, well, okay, let 10, 10, maybe agree, consider the possibility of cooperation with the united states, and these are potential spies, and what about them, what should be done with them, their it is necessary to find, and
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now the fsbshniks, they are just hitting with a hoof the land, they are looking for it, they received instructions , even if practically no one got in touch, the russian fsb officers must find it, because a team came from above, if you don't find it, it means that you didn't search well, another one should be found in your place. man, and what will they do? that's right, they will make someone a scapegoat, say: you said it, we found it, you can do it with a medal. one more piece of news, which i wanted to tell you about, is the investigation by journalists of the schemes, which, in particular, checked, now we had such reports, they said from the cabinet of ministers, that we are planning to install thousands more different video surveillance cameras that will have the function of facial recognition, already now, for example, on the way out. driving from kyiv and lviv there are cameras that automatically record license plates, for example, cars, monitor the movement of citizens, meanwhile, journalists
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checked that the absolute majority of cameras are chinese, namely, for example, companies, there are two companies, the most common is company, now i will tell you what it is called so that people know hikwi. and here are these cameras, this is the absolute majority, there are even 90% of all cameras, because they are cheaper, so they installed and checked that the camera data can be transmitted first to the servers of the chinese manufacturer, and by the way, the same situation was on january 2, when the cameras were hacked, and then the security service was even forced to block and disable the video surveillance cameras in kyiv, because they actually transmitted to the fsb server, maybe. it is possible and the situation, in particular regarding the location of the air defense forces in kyiv, where exactly they are, so it is kind of serious
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turned out to be a global problem, because we are talking about 24,000 cameras throughout ukraine, which record everything, including missile launches, anti-aircraft defenses, where they depart from, where they arrive, what are the impressions, this is a problem, look, there is a great danger with movements, they stand on roads, that's how it is there... the cameras just simply provide a panorama of the city, and the big danger is those cameras that record the movement on the roads, because it's no secret that military equipment is moved there, both for repair and from repair, or western aid in disguise moves along highways, and this kind of information can give, of course, to the russians if they have direct access to this amount of information, to analyze, to see when... what kind of equipment was moved, on which roads, where the equipment is going for repair, where the new equipment is coming from, where it is distributed, that is, you can really count it, and this is a really big
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problem, i want to believe that... the special department of the sbu and the national police, cyber departments, they will take care of this, but you correctly noted that there are many local programs, there are different regions, various village councils there, installation of surveillance cameras in order to monitor the situation around, well, in this territory, and they choose, as well, what is cheap, what is cheaper, then they install it, because otherwise there will be problems with the national anti-corruption agency. bureau, or there , i don't know, with law enforcement agencies, ah yes , you bet, choose a company that offers a much more expensive lot than something cheaper, how did you refuse, and no one cares about the fact that, well, it's a chinese company that there is enough software there, i don't know, or rather transmits the information further to the servers, it will not be taken into account and these officials will have real problems if ukraine officially recognizes these companies that they are hostile, bans them, then of course they can be removed from the auction
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stands. throw it away and choose something else, and for now, unfortunately, there is such a zuck-zuck that if you choose something more expensive, the law enforcement officers will come to you and you will be suspected of embezzling budget funds, he understands. it is interesting that these companies in general, even in our country, are called sponsors of terrorism, nevertheless , journalists claim that they are sold freely further sales. there is also a problem with the russian traer software, that is, it is important not only where the camera is located, it may be, i don’t know, made in the united states, but if it... works on russian software, for example trasira, it turns out that in poltava has 300 video cameras purchased by the council on russian software until now, they cannot find the money to change it, this is a big problem, it is the scale, it is the scale that must be solved, i also wanted to touch on the issue, as far as i understand, we have a little bit the delay with the f-16 is explained in particular by yuriy ignat,
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this is... with the fact that the infrastructure is not fully ready to receive the planes, what it could be about and how long do you think it could take, well, look at the infrastructure , it consists of several components, first of all, pilots must be fluent in english , fluent in special technical english, you know how each weight, each sensor is called, there are some jargons, slangs, they must know all this, get it, well let's say yes, the documents about their... compliance with this aircraft, this is the time, this is the ground staff that must be trained, also in the english language itself, they must know how everyone, i don't know, the cog is called in english, the slang meaning, the numbering, where it is stored is the second aspect, and the third is the infrastructure where the planes will be located, they will not be in the air for 24 hours, they will be located somewhere, they need to
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be repaired somewhere, and the ukrainian side... must transfer, for example, there to tell the danes: yes, look, here we have five trained pilots, here they have documents, here there are five teams for aircraft maintenance, here all the documents are ready, here we have look, there are here, here, here in these locations in we have the main airfields, spare ones, we will hide here if there are russian missiles or drones, here we have air defense, and only after that we will get planes, just like that, put them in the chopu area somewhere on the car parking lot. no one will allow this, there are five teams, five planes will be handed over to us, so what thank you very much for this conversation, we talked about, in fact, different topics with mr. ivan stupak, an expert employee of the security service of ukraine, in particular the check, in particular i touched on the sensitive topic, i think, about what to do with russian software and chinese-made video surveillance, of which there are a lot in ukraine, and the government does not intend to check everyone with the help of those cameras,
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so that it does not happen that it did not check those people in our country. with the help of our government and with our money, while you were talking with mr. ivan, i held a small event here investigation, a viewer wrote that it is impossible to scan the qr code of a private card using the camera on the phone, checked, this is really impossible, but we found out together with ira koval which charity fund, for which reason, is conducting this collection, so when an ad appears on your screens and you see. two qr codes, the first qr code is the one that, if you look at the screen on the left, and the one that looks at the screen on the right, the one on the left is a monobank, the one on the right is a private bank. so here's the thing, if you're facing the tv screen, you can to scan it, but with that scanner you open the privat-24 application, and there is a bottom line down there, there is a scanner in the bottom line, you click on it.
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