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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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about the purpose of general director magaten's visit to zaporizhzhia os temporarily occupied by russians, how denmark and its partners will fight corruption in ukraine and strengthen our defense, trade worth millions. in dnipro, the arms sales scheme was eliminated. good evening the news team sums up today's day, anna yavamalnyk is with you. the government has extended all payments to displaced persons until march 1. after this date , financial assistance will be provided for another six months. we are talking about immigrants, pensioners, citizens who have the first or second groups disability children with disabilities and orphans will also be able to receive cash payments. in general, the state will financially support more than 1.5 million domestic. of displaced persons, six people
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were injured due to an enemy attack on peace in mirnograd, donetsk region, among the injured were two children. the invaders hit a residential building with two s300 rockets , the ministry of internal affairs said , seven apartment buildings, a school, a preschool, a shop and 29 cars in nivachyna. if i were a little more... got it at the table, i don't know what happened to her, but i already went to sleep, and thank god, my son's door was closed, yes it was closed. the enemy shelled kupyansk in the kharkiv region with a mortar. one policeman was wounded, he was hospitalized, serhiy bolvinov, the head of the investigation department of the regional police, informed. the enemy hit the residential sector. as a result of the attack, houses and farm buildings were damaged. every life is important,
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so say the divers of the national emergency service, who saved the swan in the dnipro. the bird froze on the ice pond and could not move. so the rescuers swam up and then crawled through the ice to free the frightened swan. the rescue was successful. and the enemy shelled kupyansk in the kharkiv region with a mortar. at night, two enemy rockets hit the residential quarters of the dnipro district of kherson. one woman was wounded - said the head of the city's military administration, roman mrochko. pre-destroyed somewhere kindergarten, shopping and entertainment center, damaged houses.
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ukraine returned the bodies of 77 fallen defenders. according to the coordination headquarters of treatment of prisoners of war , another repatriation event took place. preparation for this lasted a long time. the cases and remains will be handed over to representatives of law enforcement agencies and forensic medical experts in order to identify the victims. lemberg mommy, don't cry, that's how the writer and photo artist olena cherninka named her new book, it is dedicated to her son and his brother who did not return from the front, what olena shares in her book, my colleagues will tell. mother's book about
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the son of a volunteer who did not return from the war. writer olena cherninka shared a story of personal grief. her 28-year-old son mykhailo went to defend ukraine in the first days of the great war in may 2023. she informed her sister about the death of the warrior. i started writing facebook posts as correspondence, as letters to my son. and in these letters there were memories, there were some moments when... he was in the war zone, our life with him, these were such short stories, from such stories a full-fledged book came out, in which the author tells about mykhailo's childhood, his service in the army own experiences and memories of relatives and siblings, also in the publication elena reveals the topic of how to survive the loss of a loved one, it is like a primer for those who have gone through the same thing as me or... are there children or husbands
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, as i gave myself advice, how i found, in what i found meaning to live on, everything i wrote before and everything i will write after... it will be in the background, the most important book of my life is a book about lemberg, and it will remain so. according to olena cherninka, lemberg represents a generation young ukrainians who took up machine guns to defend our independence. the nonfiction book is complemented by photos from the family archive. the book really impresses with this kind of powerful force, and regardless of what it is about, it still inspires and gives some hope, some faith. a book you need to read at least in order to understand that the heroes of today's heroes of ukraine, ukrainian heroes are those who were with us yesterday or the day before yesterday. the book is being prepared by
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the stary lev publishing house. recently in more literature on military topics appeared in bookstores, says maryana savka, co-founder and editor-in-chief of vsl. i would very much like the literature that is created about this time, about those events, about everything that is happening at the front, to give us as much strength, not only this feeling of pain, which is inevitably present there. the publication of olena cherninka's new book was timed to coincide with the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. lemberg, don't cry mommy, will appear in bookstores at the end of february. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, nazar... melnyk espresso tv channel. and the espresso tv channel opened a new collection for vital equipment for our defenders. we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, to purchase an optical sight
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and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is 480. we already have 46 thousand in our account. join, you can see all the details on the screen. in kyiv , an apartment on the fifth floor caught fire, four people, including a child, were pulled out of the fire by rescuers, all the injured were hospitalized. this was reported in the state emergency service . the fire covered an area of ​​more than 20 square meters. the cause of the fire is currently being investigated. millions of dollars were traded, law enforcement officers exposed a criminal organization in dnipro, criminals illegally sold weapons, ammunition and explosives, as well as laundered funds. during the search , 6 million dollars, 50 thousand
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euros, 700 hryvnias, as well as five cars were seized. premium class. according to the court's decision, these funds were transferred for commercial use to the agency for search and... asset management. five violators were detained by border guards of the podilsk detachment. the men tried to illegally cross the ukrainian-moldovan border, thanks to a quadrocopter and an optical-electronic surveillance system, they were detained. the law enforcement officers found out that the men of draft age were originally from khmelnytskyi, odesa and zaporizhzhia. working oil refinery in tuapse that on january 25 attacked by a swarm of drones stopped its according to the reuters agency , a vacuum unit burned down there, and repairs will continue at least until the end of february, beginning
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of march this year. let me remind you that this plant is the only oil refinery on the black sea coast, it is among the ten largest in russia. ukraine and denmark will hold a defense industry forum and discuss the production of drones. minister of foreign affairs of denmark larselyuk rasmussen arrived on a visit to ukraine together with his ukrainian colleague dmytro koleba. he took part in the opening office of the danish embassy in mykolaiv. rasmussen also announced financial support for the fight against corruption in the country. it is about the third stage of the eu's anti-corruption program, which denmark heads with. at this stage of 2016 , the european union allocates more than 10 million dollars, and denmark, for its part, almost 9 million more. the un international court of justice obliged israel to take measures to prevent genocide in the gaza strip, and also called to allow the access
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of humanitarian aid in the exclave to strengthen protection civilian palestinians, - reports al jazeera. the court did not take a factual stand against the military operation. israel was required to minimize civilian casualties and destruction. the international court of justice also obliges israel to submit a report to it within one month, which should include a description of... its actions to implement the resolution. general director of magate rafal grossi will visit the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant temporarily occupied by the russians. he stated this after the meeting of the un security council. the head of the agency wants to personally familiarize himself with the situation at the military base after the destruction of the kakhovskaya dam, and also plans to meet with the so-called russian leadership of the armed forces. grossi wants to find out the long term. plant plans, which include an attempt to restart one or more reactors to discuss
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zaporizhzhya as safety issues, he also plans to visit kyiv and moscow. here's what's going on at the moment, i'll see you at 7 p.m., then watch the big broadcast today, it will be hosted by my colleague antin borkovskyi. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and is functional condition of the myocardium, normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental processing capacity. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on hepargin. 10% in pharmacies, plantain bam and savings, hello, hello, woman, what to do when there is a liver,
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places of our ukrainian geography. there's a lot going on, but i'll start with a good espresso ritual from the collection. dear tv viewers, the espresso tv channel and i personally appeal to you once again we collect the charity fund of my colleague iryna koval for the needs of our soldiers. so from the 141st brigade, fighters perform tasks in the orichiv direction of the zaporizhzhia region. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. with these funds, we plan to purchase walkie-talkies and batteries for them: starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and many other equally important equipment at the front. every hryvnia - every hryvnia will give. and thanks to you, dear viewers, we have already closed more than one collection, so
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and this time we are asking you, if you are able to, donate to the needs of our soldiers. our goal is uah 1 million. let's listen now guys, and continue our broadcast. we ask you to join iryna kovel's gathering for the needs of the 141st brigade. we really need your help. glory. well, eloquently, clearly, succinctly in military terms, so, dear tv viewers, qr-code, you can see, even during today's broadcast, how the mother will be with... then pay as much as you can, we understand that there is no more money, but no one has a war canceled, extremely important news has now arrived from the south's defense forces. during this day, the defense forces destroyed two enemy gun observation posts and a tank of the russian invaders on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. two guns, a tank, a mortar, five
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units of automobile equipment. well, according to the notification of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine , i will continue. will expand the bridgehead on the left bank of the kherson region, instead the enemy is also attacking our soldiers, and if we are talking about important news and important signals, a russian war criminal putin summed up, or rather summed up the number of his interventionists in our territories, so i am quoting interfax now. the length of the front line is more than 200 km in the combat zone. 617,000 people of the russian group are in action, so what, this is new , corrected, so to speak, information about the number of enemy interventionists. i now invite alisa sesoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, to our evening broadcast. glory to ukraine, ms. alisa, congratulations.
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congratulations, glory to the heroes. well, i just posted. certain information relating to on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region, but we understand that the situation on the zaporizhia sector of the front is extremely difficult. let's start our conversation with this first. i would like to ask you to prepare a proper map accordingly, but ms. alisa, what is happening now at the zaporozhye front line? well, as always we are told that there are fierce battles, but today there was such positive news. from the general staff that our armed forces have made some progress in the area of ​​vervovoy and roboteny, in general, as we are informed, every day the enemy does not stop trying in order to repel the positions that our armed forces previously occupied, so at the moment there are very, very hot areas of the front, which the military says, the military says that
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they are currently using everything they have, they are constantly shelling, and they say , that they have reinforcements there, and there was such information that at the moment they have been reinforced by graduates of some russian school, but at the same time, despite the fact that they constantly bring in both mobilized and graduates, the military notes, that one should not devalue the enemy, because apart from these recruits, against us in this direction , of course, professional personnel soldiers are fighting, so the situation there is not simple at the moment, but the main thing is that our armed... forces manage to hold the occupied positions, so the enemy in recent days, as far as we are informed, did not advance, but if we talk, for example, about enemy activity, yes, maybe there is information about the enemy's attempts to enter our land with the help of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, and at the same time, maybe there is information about airstrikes and
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air raids, and in general, as far as today was it loud in zaporizhzhia? fortunately, it was quiet in zaporizhzhia itself today, just like the last few days, but the shelling in the zaporizhzhia region, the cities of goliaipole, orihiv, and often also the shelling of the zaporizhia district, and there the enemy is constantly shelling, including from artillery, and from aviation, but in recent days the number of shellings has decreased a little, for example, today 58 strikes were recorded in the zaporizhia region, i want to say that this is well... a very small number of shellings compared to what happens in recent days, usually, but according to the last for months, i apologize, usually every day the number of shellings exceeds 100 , sometimes it reaches 200, but today there were something like 58, fortunately there are no injured or dead, of course there is destruction, currently there are in populated
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areas, which probably remain only on the map of ukraine , because there is no... intact building there. ms. aliso, zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. we remember that there were several months of relatively quiet informational silence regarding the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. then there was information that the enemy was laying mines approaches to the zaporizhzhya nuclear power station, then it turned out that the general secretary of magate, rafael grossi, was going to visit there, and so on and so forth. the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is emerging again. share, be kind . news and why do you think it appeared again, but after a certain break in the information field? well , i think that it is connected with the fact that... recently there was such a large extensive comment, an interview of the mayor of energodara, dmytro orlov, who emphasized in detail that there the occupiers are doing, and about
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what is happening there, and about the visit of magate, you know, i remember how with such impatience and anticipation we followed their visits the first few times, because we hoped that it might change something, but then , as it turned out, that nothing in particular, especially on... the actions of the occupiers, their visits do not affect, you probably remember those simply blatant shots when the representatives of the magats hugged the occupiers who are on the territory of the nuclear power plant. currently, we know that the situation there does not change much. zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, currently, as before during the first invasion, during the first day when the russians entered there, they turned it into a real military facility, there is a proven fact that... there are personnel and military equipment russians, so currently it is a military base with which they periodically shell the cities of nikopol and
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marganets, sometimes energodar itself. well , accordingly, information also appeared that representatives of the administration of the united nations organization visited zaporizhzhia, so representatives of the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, and accordingly. i would like you, i would like to ask you about the realities of the humanitarian situation, maybe not in zaporizhzhia itself, yes, but in the districts and accordingly we understand that there are internally displaced persons within the boundaries of the region, and accordingly, what is possible to hear about real activity, not declarative , and the real activity of representatives of the united nations organization, well, the zaporizhia case, well, from what we can see, even if we compare the situation a year ago, we can see that in general... the amount of aid, well, in my opinion, has decreased, there are fewer and fewer points where people are regularly provided with humanitarian aid, fewer and fewer people can be seen
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standing in queues, and it was really earlier such points where people several times for a week they could come and take help, these are elderly people and immigrants, and now, in principle, humanitarian aid is mostly provided locally, in the zaporizhzhia region. there are several hubs that are linked to the territory, for example berdyansk, melitopol, tokmat, and with regard to aid from international partners, well, either it is not publicized like this, or after all, it really has become less, they have begun to pay less attention to our front-line zaporizhzhia, ugh, and finally, i wanted to clarify with you, and in general do people go back to their homes? that is, we are talking about immigrants, perhaps even outside the borders of our state, yes, are the residents of zaporizhzhia and the zaporizhzhia region returning or not? well, unfortunately, in the zaporizhzhia
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region, most people have nowhere to return, on the contrary, people are being persuaded to leave, because, unfortunately, there are still people who remain in the cities, which are covered by enemy shelling every day, there are also people in goliaipolia, in orichova. as for zaporizhzhia itself, there was an exodus from there, there were... two such waves when people left zaporizhzhia, this was at the beginning of a full-scale invasion and last year , during the war, when the enemy fired at us every day, we were dragged along many floors, if you remember september- november, dozens of high-rise buildings were affected during these two months, then there was such an outflow people, now there is no such thing, in principle, everyone who stays in zaporizhzhia, they work and live here, and if you come to zaporizhzhia, what will you see, the city is very, very crowded, but of course, the war is felt here more than, for example , in other cities , if you go further west, because you still
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feel that it is such, you know, an outpost, that the front line is not far from here, so this movement, it is certainly felt here, thank you, ms. alisa, so what , have a good evening, i would like to remind our viewers that alisa sysoeva worked for them at... espresso, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district council. an important signal came from former secretary general of nato and ex-minister of defense of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, george robertson. so, quoting the bloomberg agency. robertson argues that despite his russia-friendly rhetoric, trump as president of the united states has actually strengthened american defenses and attention. contributions to nato. direct speech. now, in the absence of progress on the battlefield in russia, putin seems to have only to wait until donald is elected
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trump, who he hopes will conclude some. one deal to end the war, but even that strategy, if you can call it that, is wrong, robertson said. republican members of the us congress were here in the uk and they were very keen to make it clear that this strategy is flawed and during his time in office, contrary to his rhetoric, trump sent missiles to poland, increased nato funding and significantly strengthened the power of its own armed forces. therefore, it begins to look like another miscalculation kremlin, - explained the former secretary general of nato, mr. robertson. he was a member of the general assembly until 2004. well, let's go back to the analysis of the situation in the regions, donetsk region. mykola dovbnya, deputy of the druzhkiv city council, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. mykola. glory to heroes. good evening, espressa tv channel. good evening, mr. antin. so, mr. mykola. i wanted
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to ask you first of all about the news from the front line in donetsk region, so we understand that the situation in avdiivka is very difficult, but there is also bakhmut and further down the list. i would ask you to share some possible quick, so -called operational news. what i get from the news of the guys returning from bakhmut, chasovyar, lyman, avdiyivka, eh... confirms that the situation is extremely difficult, and the delay of the us congress, or nato, in general with the supply of weapons is felt. unfortunately, every day of delay is the life of our boys, which you will never get back. ee, as for the civilian population, it also suffers from a lack of missiles, my friend, which was fired tonight, 10 private houses were destroyed, people left. in the
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winter without a roof, without the possibility to calmly enter the spring, also today i spoke with representatives of the military administration of the city of siversk, and here is very interesting information, you know, the city of siver is located 5-7 km from the front line, ugh, city, city without water, without gas, without electricity , more than 1,200 people still live there, why... do not live, this is some kind of strange story, it should be studied by a psychologist, it should be studied in general, why a person first gets used to rocket attacks, then to artillery fire , then to complete destruction, and it remains, it remains in the place where it lived , and it cannot be said that there remain quilters who are waiting for russian peace, who are set on russia, no, this is some kind of strange psychology, and it must be studied, then... because
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it is absolutely incomprehensible how a healthy person can stay in the current conditions, the winter repeats without water, without gas, without electricity, and thank god that the military administration is working, the seversk military administration is working very well, the same situation at the time of aviary, not a whole house, not a single one, it is destroyed, half-shacks, half-holes in which people live... they are supplied there and they are supplied with burzhuz, they are brought firewood, they are brought bread, food, and this is some absolutely strange situation, strange behavior of people, which needs the study of why this happens, of course, mr. mykola , but here for sociologists and for anthropologists in general, it is not an organic field of work, so it
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also applies to those who... remain and, so to speak, the rest of our population, so the situation across the country is generally not idle: bakhmut, maybe you have some additional information about bakhmut, so we understand that the enemy is activated there, to put it mildly, the battles continue, the battles are heavy, but druzhkivka is not far from bakhmut, share, be kind, maybe additional news, so where is druzhkivka really located ... a few, well, 15-20, it all depends on where you measure from the distance, now you are showing footage of the destroyed city, bakhmut, it is very, very sad to see all this, i have often visited bakhmut, i have seen the development of this cities, starting from 2015, 16, 17 years, after we were released, we repeat, in the 14th years we were surrounded, and there were
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buildings in bakhmut. and olympic parks and bases.


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