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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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people's deputies of ukraine, who can simply leave the parliament and say: listen, i can't, that's it, it's over. well, listen, if we all understand that when mykola tyshchenko comes out and says something, it's not him speaking, because, well, he doesn't have such ideas of his own. most likely, we have genius media people who work around the president's office, and they came up with this legend, but it's a post. well, here is the problem, if the deputies took money from some russian circles there, well , they are traitors, that's right, as far as i'm concerned i know, in general, treason is just the reason for depriving these people of their mandate, the truth is, well, of course, do we in the office of the president believe that treason is not a reason for depriving them of their mandate, and they invent such legends , that's why i don't understand something about them in this regard, treason even before... sees that
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they should go to jail, and they should announce suspicion, whoever invented this legend, he does not consider treason as a reason for to deprive deputies of their mandate, i have a simple question for them and this is what i am clear about, that is, traitors can sit in the verkhovna rada and make some decisions, are you serious, opzh deputies can sit and make decisions despite the fact that they are members of the party, what is the prohibition in general in ukraine, so how many talks about that? the fact that these opz deputies are probably not supposed to sit in the verkhovna rada, here it turns out that we have traitors in the ranks of the ruling party ; you see, colleagues, on a rather interesting topic, state traitors with deputy mandates, or potential state traitors, or real traitors who sit in the walls of the parliament, vote, pass laws by which the whole country lives. well, that's also the reaction
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of the opposition platform for the life of viktor medvedchuk's party, which is officially banned in ukraine, it sits in the verkhovna rada, passes laws, they renamed themselves. next to this in local self-government, i looked at special statistics: more than 400 deputies of local levels, more than 400 from this party, olya, eh, what, what should we do with all this, the army of deputies, because eh, if there are no elections, why, why should ukraine tolerate them? well, i don't know, maybe some other norms should be adopted ad hoc during the transition period, if we can't hold elections, then some really decrease the number, well, the legitimacy of the council, for example, there is no.
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no no no 2/3, half of the parliament, and directly like that, and to describe this story, which operates in such an emergency situation, when the whole situation turned out like this, i understand that it is possible, you know, this legislation will not be forever, but any such legislation, for example, if we adopt separate legislation regarding collaborators, or regarding the de-occupied territories, well, it will not be forever either, it will have some limited years of validity, that is probably here. .. also only such a way out. olga, what do you think, what to do with these, with this fifth column, which has not gone anywhere from the verkhovna rada of ukraine? actually, in the existing situation of the legal decision, i do not know what it can be. it is then necessary to prove that these people are traitors, and, well, further already in...
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actually acting, once again, relying on the norms of our legislation, but this, of course, is a very dangerous story, if during the war, not only in the verkhovna rada, but also in local councils at all levels have people who, well, by definition, cannot have access to any state secrets, not even state secrets. secrets, in principle, to issues related to the defense of the country, to energy, to everything, because these are all, well, elements of the defense of our country, and if you take into account, that these people, how to put it delicately, are not very friendly towards the pro-european and pro-atlantic course
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of ukraine, so their stay there does much more harm than, well, than. there are some imperfect laws, because this is just like a direct action against statehood, but something tells me that these deputies, they will never form a mandate of their own accord and will never leave, because they know why they are sitting there, well, it's a shame, of course, because you can fight on the eastern, southern and northern fronts, but inside... the state, this fifth column, which will really make decisions, including at the local level, because 4,000 deputies are a very large army, they split into different factions or groups, but the fact remains, these are people , who were elected from a party that is banned, officially
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banned in ukraine, as, among other things, from the sharia party, where deputies were also elected to local councils in the east and south, well , it seems to me that this decision is simply overdue, their pro... well, probably due to the fact that the party is banned, it must be eliminated deputies, there are some legal consequences , that is, we cannot pass a law that we ban an enemy party, but the individual people who were part of it, for some reason, do not bear any punishment for this, moreover, they get the opportunity to be beyond the term of office, as in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and it is not clear when they will leave and whether they will, as she correctly said. yes yes yes. another topic, colleagues, is the il-76 disaster in the belgorod region, i wanted to talk to you about how information russia played on this field, because we saw the informational and psychological
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special operation of the russian federation and became witnesses of this special operation, it was aimed primarily at western countries, which... including the un security council, perceived information from the russian side, the plane was flying from belgorod somewhere and during takeoff somewhere this his plane was shot down, the russians said that there were ukrainian prisoners of war there, and today putin repeated that ukrainian intelligence knew about it, olga alen communicated literally yesterday, she communicated with andriy myusov, representative of the head office. proceedings of the ministry of defense, i know that you analyzed this situation in detail, why ukraine gave information in this situation and whether it is right that we let the russian federation speak and then spoke in the language of some facts and norms of war that
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exist in the world. well, you can't say that we directly gave way in this situation, because i don't see it in their power that they would all say: oh, ukraine shot down the elevator, no, it didn't happen like that, after all, it didn't happen like that , this story is primarily important for us, that is, how western politicians and western media reacted as a result, well, it is obvious that everything is not ambiguous, as it always goes, but it is not the case that they directly conceded, conceded, let's not exaggerate either, i also believe that when all, well there... nuances, there is no unambiguous blow to our internal this, because, if you look at it from a distance, well , a couple of days have passed, yes, an attempt to shake it up somehow, after all, in addition to the fact that this special operation was aimed at a western audience, it was
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also aimed at an internal ukrainian, because it is obvious that swelling eyes about 65 ukrainian prisoners. well, there is some understanding that the russian occupiers are primarily the danger for our prisoners, because they create this danger, well, of course, there are nuances that can be talked about, the first important nuance, which, well, i think, should have been sounded. earlier, i.e., the statement from the ukrainian side that ukraine did not know about how there, what they were going to transport, who, where, and the fact that there were ukrainian prisoners on this plane, should have been made much earlier, it should have don't wait
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it takes 7 hours to check 20 times there, and it is faster to check it, she should have left, well, somewhere at least an hour after such statements were made by russia, i think that... an hour of time for a state car is enough to to form this answer, absolutely, and the fact that it was not formed, yet they waited with it, i think it is wrong, it gave the opportunity really more ... to talk all kinds of nonsense to the russians about this, again, only after the fact we we see that their conversations about the fact that there were some in the plane captives, well actually they are not confirmed by anything, except for the simple words of the russians, that is, judging by everything, this is not true, about which, in principle , we also said that, well, we do not have, our official position, we do not have any information that in this plane were captured. well, actually, it remains so for now, no one has any information, we can
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talk a little more about what, well, about this very, you know, special operation regarding prisoners of war and how they tried to stir it up, well, let's talk, maybe a little bit now later, thank you, olga, you are an experienced informant and journalist, and i am even afraid to make a mistake. you have been working for 40 years, or more , and it is unlikely, but about 40, so about 40, well, i have been working in journalism for three 32 years, or 30, 33, i guess, that’s how you perceive the way russia is now trying to roll out informationally all these ipso is already on the international level, not just for its audience, because what happened with... this happened a few days ago with the donetsk bazaar, which they ransacked there, 27 or 28 people
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died, and they also threw in the fact that this we, obviously, obviously this car works very well for them and they just grew up on this, on this lie, in a different way, right? serhii, i think that there is no great sense, we must now analyze the pros and cons in detail. pitfalls, how russian propaganda works, you know, let them have a headache about this, i don't see any sense in this, we know that russian propaganda is built on lies, and whether it is bigger, there is to a greater or lesser extent , we, well, i don't think it's necessary no to analyze, not to study, i... from your verbiage i wanted to say a few points about what olya started to say, this is an important point about
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communication with ukrainian society, it is very important for me to be able to do this now, because we cannot say, for sure, that this terrible special operation that took place, it is the last, uh, i had a little discussion with colleagues about what i wrote so that the communications were failed. why do i think so, because we have such an organization, how to properly call it, a strategist, yes, uh, strategic communications, which by definition, these people should convey to society a concentrated opinion that... it happened, there is no need for the generals and the president to come out, we understand that
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it is impossible to comment on what happened in russia, but this, this phrase, we do not have the technical ability , to say what happened to the russian plane on the territory of the russian federation, it can and should have been said immediately after it became... known about this disaster, absolutely, it is not a secret, but it is information, and it is not obvious to most citizens, and if we are rooting for the ukrainian point of view to be present in the western media, then i simply ask you persuasively to take your word for it that it would definitely be quoted. what are the first hours of information silence
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when we find out the situation from kyiv, they presented this situation from moscow, not because they are playing on the side of the aggressor, but because we did not give them the opportunity to say anything, even something to quote, and that's already well, it would be something, thank you, literally , if we take this into account... for the future, thank you, olga, ulya, literally a minute, i agree with ash regarding the fact that it really is a problem, because there is none. some single center that would be involved in such crisis communication, that would know how to work with crises, we have crises now every other day, so it's just a constant process, reducing everything to the point that the president's office has to say something is a clear failure, because the president's office can't always say everything for so many reasons, and i also agree with, well, what i
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said, this statement that russia didn't agree to anything, that... we don't know , what's going on with the plane yes i agree it should have been literally an hour or so but then again it's possible when you have a single center that analyzes the information quickly and there's some person to turn to i still i will say a very important thing, the biggest, i think , failure in this story was that the ukrainian truth printed a message, which in fact spread throughout the international media as such, that there is some sort of... statement that the ukrainian side confirmed somewhere, that something was wrong, referring to some sources in the armed forces, and this is also a failure not only of the ukrainian truth, not only of the one who reprinted it, but also a failure of state communication, because the general staff must have a structure where journalists who are going to do something
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like that should go print, which can at least minimally verify this. information, to say: well, you can’t, declare, but tell me if we can print it, at least in such words, well, that’s right, in the conditions of war there is simply no other choice, and it doesn’t have to be, i'm sorry, but it shouldn't be, well, it 's a political structure, it should really be something in the general staff, where people are distant from political interests, who are not engaged in political censorship, but who are engaged in exactly what... something, well, name it this is so censorship, call it something else, but it should be some place where we can go to with such questions, thanks guys, we have to go for a little commercial and in literally a minute we will be back in our studio, don't switch, the usual things are becoming
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apparently, a rather important question, which should be the answer to the stradkom there, as olha believes, or other structures, competent ukrainian structures , so far it is clear that the exchange was being prepared, it is not clear whether... these people were going to be exchanged, or not these people were going to be exchanged, we do not have answers to these questions. well, in my opinion, these are really two questions, in principle, to which, well, that are so painful for us, well, the first is really, which the official ukrainian authorities have already answered about what did not happen, russia did not agree on the route of transportation of prisoners, and this is the fault of russia in any case, if these prisoners were at risk. ah... but there's a second one, which i think will just be open to wild speculation right now, and already succumbs to pay attention, these lists that the russians threw in, which they are discussing, and as
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if on an official level as well, they threw them in unofficially. and i watched very carefully how they were discussed, they say, the lists that appeared on the internet, as if they were not thrown by a person who is practically in the public service, because margarita simonyan, she is in the public service, so ... that the place where she works is a state-owned company, actually, but for us it is a little different here, because 65 surnames are on these lists, it is for us there are, in principle, living people, you see , and we don’t care what happens to them, and here we have a fork, you know, a very serious one, with which we need to work, with which we need to be very, well, you know, no, i don’t really like, for example, these... all the cries that we have in social networks and around, show us the corpses, you seriously want to see the corpses, well, just think, here you seriously want to see 65 corpses on the list, what really, well just
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think when you say something, secondly i think it would be right ee, well still to discredit these lists, it would be very good if we could, and we actually do. well , journalism must be included here, because we need to conduct an investigation into the people who appear on these lists, and not only state bodies should do it, but journalists should also do it, in order to really find out whether these people have been extradited , if there was information that one person had already been changed in these lists, well, this is already discrediting these lists, and then we protect all other surnames in this way list, you know, but... but that's the job of journalists, to find relatives, to ask if that's how it happened, and on the other hand, again, there could be two different things with these lists,
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or it's part of some real lists, and they they just threw away the first thing they found, it's another matter if they were preparing for this case, and these are really lists of those people whom they had already killed, that could also be the case, and then we should also conduct an investigation into this matter, and this is also not only state work, but also journalistic work. thanks, olya, for the questions a lot, and unfortunately we don't have the answers yet. another short topic, about how the historical lands that are on the territory or part of the territory of russia, the decree about how the border territories bordering our state and the preservation of ukrainian identity should be kept there. zelenskyi announced on the day of the conciliar meeting, very briefly, let's see what he said. today, we must
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take steps not only to strengthen the unity of ukraine and our people, but also to act for the unity of rights and freedoms, the truth about ukrainians, the truth about us and the truth about our history. and for this purpose, today i signed the decree. about the territories of the russian federation historically inhabited by ukrainians. well, such a decree was signed by zelenskyi, olga, how do you perceive zelenskyi's desire to delineate the historical lands of ukraine, because in russia they are already croaking and shouting that we are encroaching on their territory, although we are talking about our lands. thank you. that's a question, i just recently had a paper study come out about this so i'm a bit on the subject of this, well the first little thing was the presidential decree... which
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made such an impression on russians, from the kremlin to ordinary people, they know about this decree, and in this regard, it gives me such, you know, a pleasant feeling, because, because it is little, it is necessary in the end, it was necessary to remind that ukraine was not always within these borders, in which it is. it happens now, and for many centuries, states have transformed, were bigger, were smaller, and to remind that ukraine also had its own historical territories, in no way does this indicate that some of our militants expansionist intentions, so that immediately reacted in the kremlin, my god, they will capture bilhorod, kursk and so on,
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i have a feeling... that on the eve of this decree , mr. president communicated closely with the world congress of ukrainians, because first of all, it is mentioned twice in the document, and secondly, well, this is such a mainstream line that the leaders of the world congress are pursuing. very briefly about this study on the topic of the protection of the ukrainian diaspora in russia and those places, er, which were called the green wedge, the gray wedge, the yellow wedge, actually all those things about it was said in the decree, that means, according to the data of the all-russian census of 20-21 years, they, you see, censuses are taking place, there are 3.34 million ukrainians living on the territory of russia, that is, it is
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three... percent of the population - it is the third largest nation in russia, after russians and tatars, this is a very large community, but what we must remember, all these people are citizens of the russian federation, they have passports of citizens of the russian federation, and they had their own association, a federal one, until a certain time. the national and cultural autonomy of ukrainians in russia, the unification of ukrainians in russia is the second, the second such large organization, all these organizations were suppressed and closed just during yanukovych's rule, i think it was somehow they corresponded, yes, probably already then putin and yanukovych talked about this
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topic, why should we... support this ukrainianness on the territory russia, when in the near future there will be no state borders between our countries, well, actually, 30 seconds, oli is on the air, and i want to say that the ukrainian diaspora as such does not exist in russia now, that is , we can ... to record as a historical fact, but to say that there are ukrainians there, ukrainians who, well, feel themselves to be the bearers of the national spirit, individual people, yes, they still remain there, but it is hardly possible to talk about some mass things, thank you olya, i will also remind our viewers that in in 1918, there was the kuban people's republic and it declared
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independence. from russia and joined the ukrainian people's republic on federal terms, well, that's for reference, and i want to thank our guests, olga leni, olga musafirova, were guests of our program today, during our program, we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether ukraine needs a government of national unity, so 90%, 91% said yes on the television broadcast, on youtube , 86%, yes, 14 against, here they are. the results of this survey, it was the verdict program, it was conducted by serhiy rudenko, i will say goodbye to you until monday at 20:00, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye, there are discounts on deflu, 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and.


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