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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EET

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it is very, very crowded, but, of course, the war is felt here more than, for example, in other cities, if you go further west, because you still feel that it is such, you know, an outpost, that here, not far away, the line is already running of the front, so this movement is certainly felt here, thank you, ms. alisa, have a good evening, i will remind our tv viewers that it is now on the air for them... alisa sysoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, elaborated. an important signal came from the former secretary general of nato and the former minister of defense of the united states the kingdoms of great britain and northern ireland by george robertson. so, i quote the bloomberg agency. robertson claims that despite his russia-friendly rhetoric, trump as president of the united states has actually strengthened american defenses and increased attention.
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contributions to nato. direct speech. now , with no progress on the battlefield in russia , putin seems to have no choice but to wait until the election of donald trump, who he hopes will cut some kind of dirty deal to end the war. but even this strategy, if you can call it that, is wrong - said robertson. the republican members of the us congress were here in the uk and they were very keen to make it clear that this was false and during his time in office, contrary to his rhetoric, trump sent missiles to poland, increased nato funding, and significantly strengthened the power of its own armed forces, and therefore it begins to look like another miscalculation by the kremlin, - explained the former secretary general of nato, mr. robertson. he was the secretary general of nato until 2004, but let's go back to the analysis of the situation in the regions, mykola donetsk.
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a deputy of the druzhkiv city council is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. mykola. glory to the heroes, good evening. espresso tv channel. good evening, mr. antit. so, mr. mykola, i wanted to ask you first of all about the news from the front line in donetsk region. yes, we understand that the situation in avdiivka is very difficult, but there is also bakhmut and further down the list. i would ask you to share some, perhaps, quick, so -called. operational news, what i get from the news of the boys returning from bakhmut, chasovyar, lyman, avdiivka, confirms that the situation is extremely difficult, and the delay of the us congress, or nato, in general with the supply of weapons is felt. unfortunately, every day of delay is the life of our boys, which you will never get back.
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as for the civilian population , it also suffers from the lack of rockets, druzhkivka was shelled last night, 10 private houses were destroyed, people were left without a roof during the winter, without the possibility to go to paris in peace, to enter the spring, i also spoke today with representatives of the military administration of the city of sivarsk, and very much so interesting information, you know, the city... is 5-7 km from the front line, ugh, the city, the city without water, without gas, without electricity, more than 1,200 people still live there, why do they live, this is some kind of strange story , it should be studied by psychologists, it is generally necessary to study why a person gets used first to rocket attacks, then to artillery fire, then to complete destruction and remains, he remains in the place where he lived.
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moreover, it cannot be said that there are quilters waiting for russian peace, which are tuned in to russia, no, this is some kind of strange psychology, and it must be studied, because it is absolutely incomprehensible how a healthy person can remain in the conditions that exist now, winter, i repeat, without water, without gas, without light, and praise god, the military administration is working, the military administration is working very well. seversk, the same situation at the time of aviary, not a single whole house, not a single one, everything was destroyed, half huts, half some holes in which people live, spend the winter, they are supplied there, yes, they are supplied with small pots, they are brought firewood, bread and food are brought to them, and this is some kind of completely strange situation, strange behavior of people that needs to be studied, why so... this happens, of course, mr.
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mykola, but here for sociologists and for anthropologists in general, it is not unheard of the field of work, so it also applies to those who leave. and the rest of our population, so to speak, so the situation in the country in general is not simple, bakhmut, maybe you have some additional information about bakhmut, so we understand that the enemy is active there, to put it mildly, the fighting continues, the fighting is heavy, but druzhkivka is located not far from bakhmut, share, be kind, maybe additional news, so druzhkivka is really located several. well, 15-20, it all depends on where to measure the wheels. now you are showing footage of the destroyed city, er, bakhmut, it is very, very sad to see all this, i have often visited bakhmut, i have seen the development
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of this city, starting from 2015, 16, 17 years, after when we were released, we repeat, in the 14th years we were surrounded, and in bakhmut were built. and parks and bases of the olympic sports reserve for donetsk athletes, now everything is turned into ruins and everything else that concerns the military unit, extremely fierce battles are going on on the right of the watchman, the enemy is trying to get to the heights that are now ours for now, and you must understand, i and six months and a year and a half ago, i said that chasovyar is the highest point, the highest place in the donetsk region, from which... a full line of sight opens up to sloviansk, kramatorsk, druzhkivka and kostiantynivka. now sloviansk, drushkivka, kramatorsk are in such a situation tension is simple, but kostyantynivka is under constant artillery fire, i emphasize artillery shelling, not rocket fire, it 's not about rockets here, the artillery has started working here.
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as for the mood of our guys, the mood is fighting, guys, the ones i talk to are professional sausage players, they go out all the time, on rotation under the watchman, they hold the defense, i already said that one of the bits after our undisputed victory, it will be just crazy mining, the war is going on now along some paths, along paths, along some small ones roads, because everything else is mined , and it is mined daily from drones, both by our armed forces to protect the cities that i listed, and by the russians, so this is another one of the ... problems that will befall our region after victory, which is tentative depth of mining and in general, how densely the enemy tries to mine, well, we understand that they also have a limited number of drones, you know, mining, density
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of mining, well, look, between the contact line from 1.5 km there to 500-700 m , and this entire area absolutely... everything is mined , there are some trails left for going out for observation, for this there is still more, but everything is completely mined, and it is mined without the use of means that will later show where it was mined, they are simply scattered from lancets, scattered petals that cause significant harm to people, they do not kill, well, maybe, of course, and such a situation will happen, they tear off their hands. tsivkas and so on, the density of mining is terrible, and mr. antivy, i would like to scoop up such another topic, the topic of the functioning of the civilian population and small businesses, because strange
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things happen in our region, those entrepreneurs who have adapted, adapted to work under constant shelling, are now beginning to bear... the same tax burden as the rest, the rest of the enterprises operating on the territory of ukraine. we're not asking for tax breaks, we 're not asking to be exempt from taxes, but there are things like property tax, for example, and we all understand that the majority, the majority of property in this, that or that there is another way, it has already been destroyed, we have always paid taxes, i am also an entrepreneur, we have always paid these taxes ten times over, and we are not in question now. about compensation, it is clear that we will compensate and rebuild after the war, but now we need to raise the issue of exemption from local taxes, land taxes, property taxes, those entrepreneurs who invest in business, now, well, the sphere of
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services there is developing, rebuilding, now , by the way, the kramatorsk machine-building plant is starting to start up certain lines again and even furnaces for smelting steel. i think i am sure, more precisely, that your program is being watched by those in power, the authorities at all levels are watching, and i am appealing, as a deputy of the local council, to... those who can make a decision on the exemption from taxation of at least local taxes of people, who are working now, investing, well, the last money, supporting, you understand that all this is configured in one way or another to support the armed forces of ukraine. mr. mykola, there is not even a single doubt at all, the only thing i would like to ask you to collect like-minded people and formalized your proposals in writing. what would this model look like? well, we understand that even our officials, they have hearts and understand how
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, for example, the work of an entrepreneur in the kyiv region differs from the work of an entrepreneur somewhere 20 km from bakhmut, that is, there are two big differences, well, accordingly, this is what i have appeal, i think that my fellow journalists support you and, accordingly, this information will still reach the proper way through distribution. her and finally, when we we are talking about all these problems , but there is no fact of fact that the fiscal is squeezing local business, well, you know, i myself faced the fact that, for example, one of the enterprises that i take care of, it is removed from the single tax, that is, now are transferred to the general taxation system, new taxes are added, the attempt, and the transfer from... happened in an inexplicable way without notification, the attempt now to endure,
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to get these acts, why this happened, does not lead to anything, and the state must understand that those , who are currently working in in any field, i will tell you, a detector, for example, seversk without, what a gradation, how quickly the situation changes from the front line, 5 km from the front line in seversk without electricity, heating and gas, rai oleksandrivka village is already very great such a village already it is with light , the distance from the front line is 10-12 km, you can imagine , he constantly pulls wires there, at least lets in electricity so that people can pump water through wells and somehow warm up a little further 25-30 km, business is starting to work even more actively 30 km kramatorsk druzhkivka slaviv we work, we work, but you can imagine under what conditions. therefore, i fully agree with the fact that it is necessary to make a general request, perhaps
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through our tv channel, so that those in power respond to the situation that is now in the frontline with frontline business. thank you, mr. mykola, for this honest and extremely important conversation. we were contacted by mykola dovbnya, a member of the druzhkiv city council. druzhkivka is a city, well, not far from... bakhmut, the informational evening of the espresso tv channel continues, i will inform you about all the most important things, and accordingly, now my colleague serhiy zgurets will analyze the most important of what is called the military results of the day. glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. today we will talk about what happened on the front line during the week, about the battles around avdiyivka, on other areas of the front, about the strikes by our long-range drones on oil terminals. near st. petersburg and about the fact that in kyiv they found fragments of a north korean ballistic missile
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that was shot down by our air defense system, more on that in a moment. well, it continues information evening of the espresso tv channel, the military results of the day, we catch up with serhiy zgurets. even for a week, that's how serhiy zgurets makes up, and i just lie to him. i am assisting, well , the news that arrived today is from the defense forces of southern ukraine. so, over the past day , the enemy on the left bank of the dnieper has lost two guns, a tank, and five units of motor vehicles, and the enemy is unable to move our soldiers, and on the contrary , information has arrived from the general staff today that a certain expansion of the bridgehead is underway, we understand , how important is this bridgehead on the li'. on the banks of the dnieper in the kherson region. mr. serhiy, please tell me what and what are
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the prospects, what do you think is happening there now. well, in fact, the general staff regularly reports in its reports that the bridgehead is being expanded, although in fact we understand that a bridgehead is just that, well, a situation where our troops can move without a threat to their movement. in fact, it is rather not a pazdarm, but the holding of certain areas on the left bank of the dnieper, the main thing is... the areas of the wells, and even in the wells themselves, where the enemy is trying to push out the our marines for a long time, and the result of this squeeze is colossal losses. the enemy in manpower and equipment , if you look at the area around the wells or satellite images from above, at least 200 units of armored vehicles have been burned there, which were destroyed due to the work of our artillery and our drones, because relatively speaking, the artillery from the right bank is such a protective umbrella for our
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marines who hold this section of the front, we understand that it is extremely difficult now, but a number of factors are decided by... this is precisely the securing of the right bank from enemy fire, the shackling of a certain number of enemy personnel who receive a certain grouping and do not transfer to other areas of the front, and the actual destruction of the enemy's manpower and armor, and here and there, the most promising approaches with the work of our drones, there are good technical developments that are currently being tested, which allow, first of all , to minimize the effective existence of russian fronts, and secondly, to deeply destroy the living one the strength of the enemy, which he is trying to bring up in order to displace our marines. the bridgehead remains important, difficult, but it is very important that there is a balance between political interests, the vision of this for nothing, and the real capabilities of our troops to then take advantage of these, well,
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expected capabilities. well, it means whether we will have enough res. in order to develop this direction, understand correctly, this direction is extremely difficult, in order to develop it , it is necessary to ensure the transfer of forces from means, it is extremely difficult, especially now, when the weather there changes, the river freezes there, then it does not freeze, when these boats of ours have difficulty moving there, and even then drones are used as the main element of logistical support, when water , ammunition, other things are transferred to our marines , and the wells are actually completely destroyed, there was a conversation with one marine . and says: here i am sitting in this house, it is completely destroyed, it is extremely difficult to find another plot in order to gain a foothold, in these conditions, just like ours warriors heroically hold the defense and restrain the enemy's forces. novoprokopivka's work, in particular, it is about a certain knocked-out tooth in the defense of the enemy on the zaporizhia front, on the zaporizhia sector of the front. well, accordingly
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, we understand that the battles were fought there, are being fought there, and most likely it will be very tense there even now. counterattacks are constantly taking place on both sides, it seems that the situation on the map does not change, but there was good news that just west of verbovo, in an area with a width of 101 km and a depth of 400 m, our the military moved the enemy, well, within the limits of one forest strip, because 400 m is exactly the area between. forest strips, this suggests that despite the enemy's efforts to provide pressure from the flanks on this pocket of ours, which bites into the russian defense, the situation is dynamic, and now this week we have such changes in our favor. so what, i would like to comment on the recent statement of the russian
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fuehrer, so interfax will now quote the length of the line of contact. that's what putin calls the front line of more than 2,000 km in the zone there are 617,000 members of the group in hostilities, previously there was information about half a million 460, well, plus or minus, here putin announced that there are 617,000 russian interventionists in the hostilities zone, really for me this is somewhat new and strange information, because relatively speaking, on at the previous press conference , putin said that we have... 100,000 personnel there, after which there was information from our main intelligence agency, which said that the number of troops in our occupied territory 462 of the enemy, plus 35 of these russian guardsmen , that is, within, well, up to 500, now putin for some reason is raising the bar of the occupiers who are on our territory, but he is taking a section
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of the front within 200 km, that is, as i understand it , the section that is now passing and border between russia and ukraine. just in the north, that is , in general, it is 2000 km, although the hottest collision zone is within 850 km. in any case, we understand that the number of the enemy's troops has increased significantly over the last few years a large-scale invasion because the enemy started with 180 00, 180, and now we have according to our intelligence there up to 500. and the front line has actually been reduced to this area of ​​850 de, which has led to the concentration of the enemy's forces, to the increase of the enemy's forces in certain areas plus fortifications, so that really now it is extremely difficult to conduct offensive actions, and now we have a year that will actually go under the slogan of active defense, when we hold the front line and
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use optimal opportunities, we carry out offensive actions, because it makes no sense to go into blind defense, it is dangerous, but the implementation of active defense, when we lure the enemy and carry out offensive actions that lead to a significant number of enemy losses, this is what will be implemented this year with. .. with an increase in aid from the west in munitions and weapons, because this is now becoming an urgent issue, which, frankly, inhibits the activity of our troops in certain directions. well, let's now cross the eastern front line, avdiivka, in particular, was there so-so, well, a semi-legendary story, an attack through a pipe, yes, russian interventionists, well , respectively, marinka and novomykhaivka, let’s see , these are two areas, then... but in fact now they are the most active, because near maryanka, novomykhaivka, in particular, there was a clash today there was more than near avdiivka there
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, in particular there 26 maryanka nomikhaivka 15 avdiivka, but avdiivka is now systemically such a more tense element in the front, because what is happening, in fact, the situations of trying to... the enemy, which were at the beginning in october of last year, to provide attacks from the north and from the south there on the steppe in the north, in order to ensure coverage and encirclement of our command, they did not lead to anything, and these attempts to close the northern and southern ticks did not cause logistics complications, the line of support through orlovka is working and... and quite effectively, despite the fact that the enemy is trying to fire at it, but now we have a history when the enemy made and is making frontal attacks, in particular near
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the royal palace, it was a populated such a recreation complex that in the 14th year sufficiently well fortified, and on the 17th , events took place when the enemy had previously used, let's say, the effect of military surprise, it had little effect, that is, they actually cleared a tunnel for a certain time, which passes under the tsar's will and then exits behind our positions, the tunnel there with a length of up to 2 km, a width of 1.5 meters, and they cleared it for a long enough time of this mud, mud, and on the 17th they made an exit to... to the surface it was a surprise for our military, the enemy with this by surprise took advantage and part of the position was just
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lost, and the enemy then tried to move along these buildings along these three sports cathedral streets in the direction of avdiivka, from the 20th counterattacks of our brigades 110-16 began, if i am not mistaken now, there was an enemy. knocked out, the enemy then conducted counterattacks again, but now the situation is so difficult, because, relatively speaking, the enemy lost the positions that he captured due to surprise, but all the same, this area remains extremely difficult, so combat operations on the cathedral, sports, these the streets under construction continue there, and there were even periods when immediately after this unexpected attack, when in... made its way to the quarter of the ninth quarter, this is actually the southern part of avdiivka, where there are buildings nine stories high, and in fact,
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if the enemy were to gain a foothold there, it would translate into a format of combat operations, combat operations in urban areas, this is quite a dangerous scenario, because relatively speaking, when we now have an advantage in terms of the use of drone and artillery approaches there, now we should try to continue to press precisely through frontal actions. from from the south in the direction of avdiivka. well, serhiy, i would like to ask you about the prospects or the danger from the enemy to develop his offensive in the north of avdiivka. yes, in particular the direction of novobakhmutivka and ocheretine is mentioned. so we understand that in this way he would like to possibly achieve two goals at once, i.e. to drive the avdiiv grouping of our troops, so to speak, a longer logistical pipe, from the other side, perhaps. they would like to accumulate their strength there in order to try to break through further, well, actually they are such a threat, but we understand that
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the threat exists now. along the entire perimeter of avdiivka , we understand that it is already the fourth month there, actually this semi-arc around avdiivka, it is hot, but i repeat, the closure of these ticks does not happen when we talk about the midnight there with the landfill, novo-bakhmutivka and so on. then the enemy's attempts to move to the north are really, as you rightly say, an attempt to expand on you'. over the logistical route that now provides avdiivka, but there in fact, the advance on the north, there where is the very top of our army, it is not absolutely not significant, there literally yesterday or the day before yesterday the 47th brigade from the steppe, from the steppe carried out active counterattacks using the usually already known bradley infantry fighting vehicles, and the enemy at that time even had equipment.
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does not use it, tries to carry out these attacks with manpower both on the steppe and on berdych, which suggests that there is actually a certain reorganization of forces now, where the enemy is accumulating forces in order to act with a new wave of attacks to the north and and and and to the north , or there was a certain, let's say, exhaustion of the enemy's forces, which were intended to ensure a breakthrough in our defense, but in any case, we understand that avdiivka remains a priority for the enemy... a target from political and military reasons, because political goals are, well, as it were, when we look at the map, well, there is indeed a threat to our group, but we remember that in the fourth month, in fact, the enemy is suffering colossal losses, and the military objectives, well, the enemy is trying to push us away from this area, so, but understanding the meaning of this direction , i think that the approaches of our general staff will be close to the same as in... in bakhmut
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, do not let the enemy occupy even the subway and destroy the enemy as much as possible, because there are within 4,000 enemy personnel, and until now this avdiiv meat grinder has worked effectively enough from the point of view destruction of enemy forces and means. the kupinsky district of the kharkiv region is also extremely hot, battles continue, and our fighters left the village of krokhmalny. certain panic messages appeared, saying that there is an extremely great threat to the kupyan node itself, yes, well, accordingly, mr. serhiy, your vision, well, in fact, for some reason, we started to connect some apocalyptic conclusions to this krokhmalne, because in fact krokhmalne is located there between kupianske and svatova, there it seems to be 20 km to svatov...
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kupianske is 30 km, and it is a populated town , where there were five or six houses that had been destroyed a long time ago, and the command, or the river command of the ground forces, said that in fact, in view of the fact that these positions could not be taken, there was a withdrawal to areas a little further west, anyway it partially creates threats there for... certain areas near krokhmalny, in particular tabaivka, berestovets, two settlements near krokhmalny, but it does not systematically affect the front line, because the enemy's systematic efforts right now are an onslaught in the north and in the south, in the north - this is precisely the attack on kupyansk through sinkivka, already for three months there, they go to senkivka, they are destroyed there, there are literally
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good videos where... once again the enemy is trying to advance.


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