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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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her actions, if, as soon as a person finds out that something is happening to her, she begins to mask her actions, and this in a certain way complicates the situation with bringing her to justice, therefore, after all, i would not be in a hurry to publish this very list, his disclosure already when the collected evidence has been identified regarding this person and there is already a certain, let's say, procedural moment that will allow him to be prosecuted so that he cannot leave there. abroad and then to say that there is some kind of political persecution against her, you know, that's fine they go to the border with ukrainian passports, for example, the former director of the racist propaganda channel milet , i just forgot his name, i just can't remember it now, he went to the united states with a ukrainian passport, i know this moment, it's actually one of those those moments that are very difficult, because you know that we...
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there are no agreements with the united states on the extradition of legal criminals, but i can say that for a certain time he will feel safe there, but the situation will change, i hope this one the person will still get to us and will receive his verdict, ugh, and literally at the end a few words with your permission about the progress of mental. cognitive de-occupation of crimea, when the time comes, we understand that the preparatory work is already slowly being carried out, the ministry of education and science of ukraine is a little behind the curtain, how they will work with minor residents, in particular, in crimea, in this direction, what are the main points you would you highlight here? in fact, cognitive de-occupation is not a specific moment, it is very, very in my opinion... let's say so, stretch
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the process over time, and it is the beginning of cognitive de-occupation, as it may sound wrong, it has already begun, because now, what is cognitive de-occupation, is a change in the consciousness of the population of ukraine regarding events related to with crimea, because let's be honest, for a large part of ukrainians, crimea is the sun-sea or bureks, i rested there, for such people who were born there, especially for representatives of... the extreme people, the extreme peoples of ukraine, this, this is the only the territory where they formed as a people, and this moment is very important, that is, we need to understand that well, for example , let's take the crimean tatars, they are not some other people from another history, from another planet in general, they are a part of the ukrainian nation that has a common history with ukraine, with ukrainians, with ukraine, it is not was always pleasant for us. and everything else, but this
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, this is part of the ukrainian nation, and therefore you cannot say we and they, this is all of us, this is one of the moments of cognitive de-occupation, but if we start to realize these moments now, then in the future it will be very make it easier first of all, and secondly, this is the beginning, you know, when, as they say, the ice has broken , that is, and further, there will be such a big ice floes and it will be easier for us, because... they use this very moment, they drove a wedge between us, they show that historically we are completely different peoples, that we are one people there with them, and this is a different people there, which is always something like that, in fact , this is a problem that needs to be solved for with the help of cognitive de-occupation, that is why it has already started, it is already happening, well it is, but it works, mr. volodymyr, in time catherine ii, when we started.
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to generalize with the tatars, who live there, well, on the volga, by the way, earlier, many peoples of the empire were called tatars, just like musurmans, that is, we have to say that we are crimeans and ukrainians, and this is our common history, both in it, and in it there was much more good than bad, everything that was bad, it did not work in favor of either crimeans or ukrainians, and any disputes there. they were always used only by muscovy in order to be destroyed at the same time and those and others, mr. volodymyr, yes, yes, moreover, i literally have a reply, these controversies were not only used by moscow, they were actually always financed and tolerated in ukrainian society by this moscow, so we need, well, why not looks away from muscovy. thank you, volodymyr lyashenko, representative of the national council in the autonomous republic of crimea. and in the city
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of sevastopol joined our conversation, and what aydern said about, these are important, it seems, such small moments, just about the way we perceive... each other, what we call each other, not to make elementary mistakes in each other's languages, this is also extremely important, it's almost like saying that let's say, we are not ukrainians, but ukrainian slavs, this well, it's full, that's how i perceive this name, the crimean tatars, what kind of tatars, where are the tatars from, yes, and immediately after the break we will definitely talk about what is happening in the educational system of our country and... why rationalization is not always good, especially when it comes to such sensitive points as relocated universities from the temporarily occupied territories, why the merger of tavria national university with any other higher education institution of our country is a very
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debatable issue, and now it is rising at the highest level, all this in a moment. oh, and we got wet, can you have some tea, mom, dad, what should you do not to get sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and mainly quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. in one capsule, four components together. so simple, one capsule a day. so convenient. quertin immuno. there are discounts on hepargin. 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakal is active. actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lakalutaktiv - an action that you feel immediately. the novelty is lacalute activ+ with two-phase technology and a plus of active ingredients. for even more active protection lakalot activ+. nothing has happened yet. not yet,
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we continue the joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel. khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabaev are together beraber with you. and as promised, now we will talk about the processes in the educational process in our country. and let's start with the fact that a certain optimization is happening now in the context of higher education institutions, it is connected with not the most pleasant, unfortunately, with such symptoms that flow from the war, that is, a smaller number. entrants in general in ukraine, students of higher education, this leads to the fact that some higher education institutions become ineffective and their existence, well, let's say , impose an additional financial burden on the state, but here it is very important, you know, to separate the sinful from the righteous and
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understand where indeed, this optimization can take place, but where is this story about the almost liquidation of one of... one of the oldest universities in our country, a university that was relocated from temporarily occupied crimea, this is the tavri national university, which now has an idea to unite from the grave. here, i don't know how much it is from a professional point of view, how it looks like optimization, maybe the people who came up with it there, they didn't mean anything bad, they wanted to do better, how to do it better, but that's just how i look at it not as an educator, yes, but as what is the effect of this, let's say, counter-propaganda ukraine. what will russia say to the residents of crimea, what will the propagandists say: this is your ukraine, a
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the only crimean university, which she , well, legally and physically partially evacuated , which means they resumed its work in kyiv, she cancels it, destroys it, everything, nothing , nobody needs you ukrainian patriots in crimea, that is, this is a signal to whom and what signal, that is? well, it didn’t work out , you know, something didn’t work out with this, something went wrong with this university , well, let it, let it not be, that is , the only, eat, the only crimean university, how is it possible to discuss this at all, you can do any reform, there to change, i don’t know, the personnel there , to change anything, but to destroy the very idea of ​​the crimean university, well, i’m sorry, it’s for me, maybe i’m stupid, but somehow it ’s not for me... it goes like this, but i want to tell you, that the russians, before using the narrative
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that you just mentioned, should probably think about what they have already done to destroy tnu as such, they are there too, they thought that they could dispose of and unite a whole bunch of universities in some there , some crimean academy, as it is now called, is not recognized anywhere. i do not i know how much weight these diplomas have in general, it is very unfortunate that such a story is happening, gigantomania, and you, you studied there, yes, yes, i had such an experience, listen, how is it possible, how is it possible to open and close a university where studied khrystyna yatski, it's just some kind of illogical phenomenon, let's add to our conversation, try to put such sober accents, nataliya pipa, people's deputy of ukraine and secretary. to the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation, contact us, mrs. natalya, congratulations, glory to ukraine,
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glory to the heroes, have a good day, well, look, when we talk about tavria university, i first of all, in principle, look at everything i do in education from the standpoint of the quality of education, yes, because this is the answer to everything, you have to look accordingly on the quality of education, what it will be in tavriysk, what it is at tavriysk university, as far as i know, it is planned to create a crimean church in kyiv-moholyanskyi. city, and this is one of the best universities in ukraine today, and the position of the crimean tatars was very important to me, and i believe that mizhelis, just one of the strongest representatives, as well as tamila tasheva, as an authorized person, regarding crimea issues, actually all these people say that the creation of the crimean center in mohylianka, actually, and not in some mediocre university, should actually raise the quality of education, first after all... for the crimean tatars themselves, tabrit university today, well, it is difficult for me to give evaluations, because
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i personally did not analyze each program, but from what i know, there are only 14 or 16 graduates of oswi, graduates of education , which are studying the crimean-tatar language, and there is only one teacher who can teach in the language of the crimean tatars, and accordingly, there is a challenge in this, so i... for all this position, i do not know what the final decision will be , i heard different sides and delved into the details, the most important thing is what will happen to the quality of education in this institution, and whether there will be a ban, or actually this is what the planned crimean church, the kyiv-mohyla academy, will raise, for example, will the number of people , who will learn the crimean tatar language, who will work to ensure that we in ukraine, the crimean tatars of the indigenous people, know at least 10 basic words. and be that as it may, if they have primers, i don't know, teachers for
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the third or fourth grade, or at least with the study of the history of ukraine. mrs. natalya, it is hard to disagree with you, by the way, before the broadcast, ayder and i were exchanging ideas on the topic of transliteration, that is , we are currently on the path of liquidation of the only one, relocated from the crimea back in 2016 , tavria national university, and not elementary things , which... which you need at the scientific, expert level , it is simple to do systematically, and the state should have paid attention to this all these years, and not allow a situation where, okay, the university is not very effective, let's go... we are destroying the university with a hundred years of history, ms. natalie, i agree with you, i understand that you are an expert, and i am not against generalizing there somehow, accusing someone without any reason, but - the fact that this university has been exiled to such a state is
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surely someone's fault, and surely it not the students' fault for sure, and not the people who they want to... study, they want to study the crimean language, on the contrary, we have to develop this education, we have to encourage more people, students, teachers, ukrainians, ethnic crimeans, it doesn't matter, because i know that ukrainians learn the ukrainian crimean language, as a hobby, yes, if some optimization is already taking place, we have to make it clear that it is temporary, that after the return of crimea, the university will be restored, and this is where they continue. such nuances, i also want to hear your opinion about this, maybe you have heard about it, maybe not, then it will be beneficial for everyone and the audience, including, well, for example, this university must be preserved and used as a brand for its return, because tavria is part of the greek project of catherine ii, who introduced it to change all names in
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the occupied territories of southern ukraine and crimea, and tavria, tavrida, the tavrian direction , the tavrian university, it’s well... then you know it, it’s roughly like little russia, it ’s of such, such an order, so the names, many people in power, in education, don’t think about it either, so what, but it’s necessary think and other for example, elementary language reform has not yet been carried out, elementary, i emphasize, this is a week of work by specialists, no more, all transliteration from the crimean language into the ukrainian language goes through the russian language, the most striking, most shameful example is bakhchisarai. there is no bagchi barn, there is a bagcha, there is even a g sound, like the common sound ukrainian -crimean, bagcha-sarai, bagcha is a garden, a barn is a palace, and for some reason it is still broadcast, through the russian language, into ukrainian bashchysarai, another such and such household example, cheburek, cheburek is not from the word cheburashka, it is a translation that
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is completely distorted through the russian transliteration, chybereg or. to the point that , actually, all these discussions, all this work should be very systematic, and we really hope that this work will be carried out against the background of the kyiv-mohyla academy in a special center, but should we instead destroy the tavri national university, of course it on the quality of education. i am sure that he is currently applying to many ukrainian universities, but perhaps you could work on this, ms. natalya? and, well, look here, of course, you look at different indicators, specifically, in this case, as we talked about tavrizky, i analyzed the situation, that it should actually benefit the crimean studios, i would call them crimean tatar studios, because these all
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the things that you say, they are actually, well, if they should take place, and about the transliteration, i completely agree with you. and about the fact that we do not actually know the basic things about the crimean tatars, but we should know about one of the indigenous, the main in fact, after ukrainians, the indigenous people of ukraine. well, accordingly, i agree with this, and actually , as i would say, it was not the kyiv-mogul academy with a good scientific school and academics, then it would have caused much more discussions, but there is support for majelis, and we must understand that now as a state, we spend uah 48 billion on higher education. daring agreement, 47 for all universities combined, which is more than 200 universities and one clearly billion for the shevchenko university, which once achieved a separate column in the budget of ukraine, and accordingly these 48 billion for sure, we as a state must distribute it more efficiently, because money is actually very limited, and the effectiveness of higher education
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leaves much to be desired, so my first and foremost goal is for people who want to... study crimean studies, crimean-tatar studies, and this region the south had a good base, and i think that in time, if this base is called a center today, but eventually it grows to the level of a university, then it can also continue this science school, i just think that how about just change completely now and the majority in the same university will be less effective, nevertheless, than joining the kyivol academy, i am certainly ready to... communicate, and i think that all who are specialists, in particular on this issue, will be able to continue teaching at that center, and i am sure that students will be able to complete their studies, and well , that is, to get a diploma for sure, and well, it will be guaranteed, that's why i looked at these criteria and then i would analyze the quality of
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education. mrs. natalie, i see that you are such a proactive, caring person, that's why i appeal to you and to all those involved to raise these issues. crimean university, v in principle, it should exist, and there may even be some in advance, we are already renaming some settlements that are de facto. are under occupation, we can create some kind of perspective for crimea - for this crimean university, that is, it is not easy so that it does not look like the issue is closed, a final solution, so that it does not look like this for anyone, not for the crimeans, not for ukrainians, generally not for everyone, and one more thing, one more thing i completely agree with you, one more thing, i'm not a very great professor and teacher, but i can just read for hours lectures about crimea, about elementary things , there is nothing here... there is nothing complicated or too complicated, even we need to discuss and finish this issue in order to stop calling us tatars, i have been talking about this for several years,
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and president zelensky, by the way, and poroshenko also called us crimeans , kremlins, that’s right, because tatars are a synonym of the word barbarians, in fact, he is the origin of such a colonial thank you, you see, i haven’t learned this specific statement yet, i will know now, thank you, you already see, at my university not either was well, you see, i even emphasize the crimean language, crimean people, crimeans, ukrainians, i do not use these narratives that the russian empire brought to us, because it called azerbaijanis tatars, for example, caucasian tatars, baku tatars, they got rid of it this brand , well, colonial, well, i want to agree with you, thank you for the constructive remark, and that is exactly what i will do now, thank you, and i want to remind you that the second rector of the tavri national... university was the ukrainian scientist naturalist volodymyr vernatskyi, which gave up emigration and in the 20s, when the soviet government finally established itself in
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crimea, actually reorganized the institution into the crimean university named after frunza, liquidated some faculties, reduced funding, recalled some processes, this is how vernatskyi said to all this: "i believe, tavria university was the only free university in the entire territory of russia, then such were the realities." because it fully embodies the principle of freedom and autonomy, to which universities have always strived. the policy pursued by the soviet government towards universities it is the deprivation of their autonomy and their destruction. this is a quote by volodymyr vernatskyi, which i think will be very appropriate. ms. natalie, we thank you very much for your participation in the work, for the opinions that were expressed, and we will carefully monitor how changes are taking place in the educational system. of our country, we understand that it cannot be as it was before, but the main thing, you know, here, is to separate the wheat from the chaff and not cause unnecessary damage. thank you, natalia pipa, people's
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deputy of ukraine and secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovations this is the end of our good program, by the way, it was so enlightening, partially enlightening, we really hope that it will be useful for those people who watch us in the temporarily occupied crimea. hold on, save. this is the most important thing, and we believe in ukraine, until the next meetings, everyone, thank you, are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unpack the tv strong saw, just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry things, it's... the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility
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12:00 pm


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