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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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even if i were condemned to live forever like god himself. greetings to everyone from espresso, it's time to learn about the most relevant events at the moment and i'll start with the situation in the regions of our country. one man died, another was wounded. in berislav, the russians dropped
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explosives from drones on the city in the morning. the victim is being examined by doctors, the head of the region oleksandr prokutin said. in the zaporizhzhia region, two people were poisoned by carbon monoxide. the woman died. in orichov , the police were informed that the mother and son were not in contact. the police left to the house of the family, the family, there they found an unconscious 83-year-old woman and her 63-year-old son from with signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, the police took them to the street, the woman could not breathe on her own, they tried to resuscitate her, but it was not possible, the husband was brought to the hospital. a fire in the dnipro district of kyiv claimed the life of one woman, five more people were evacuated, the state emergency service reported. previously, the fire broke out in one of the apartments on the third floor of the high-rise building. firefighters during extinguishing. saved the victim,
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however, she later died in an ambulance. law enforcement officers are determining the cause of the fire. non-payment of taxes and legalization of property. the general director, his deputy and the chief accountant of the tobacco company will appear before the court. on paper, the largest distributor in ukraine sold goods to fictitious companies. later , other goods, meat and fuel were indicated in the tax returns, she said. in the national police, due to their actions, the state lost more than 300 million hryvnias, also those involved in the legalization of more than 1 billion hryvnias, that was obtained by criminal means. the houthis attacked a tanker with russian oil, as a result of a missile hitting one of the cargo compartments, a fire broke out. the bbc reports that fire equipment had to be used to contain the flames, as well.
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a military ship was sent to the tanker for help. it is known in advance that the ship loaded oil in greece, which indicates that the carrier violated eu and us sanctions on the export of russian petroleum products. assistants from the auxiliary, in a city in the kirovohrad region, where 10 00 is barely collected people, there are three volunteer centers at once. work in these centers continues around the clock, and assistance is available in the workshops. espresso correspondents visited the army. volunteers from the pomichnian community in the kirovohrad region sew nets, sew warm clothes, dry vitamin teas and cook for the defenders. four workshops were set up to help the army. many have relatives at the front. the mother of a personnel military light is weaving camouflage nets. volunteers have sent them hundreds of meters to the front. we knit nets for the armed forces. since i have a son of a military ... an employee,
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i want to do at least something for the armed forces, if i knit here, it means that i will save someone's life, at least one or two of the soldiers, it will be very good. the people of pomichnya called their volunteer center "voluntarra", the backbone of the organization is made up of six dozen people, the head of the community, oksana kyrychenko , is expecting several relatives from the war. i have a son from my family, on avdiivskyi direction, 110th. direction, i have a son-in-law, he is also fighting, well, it is not so far away here, and a nephew, well, that is, there are a lot of people fighting in my family, and this is hell's kitchen, as the housewives jokingly call it, she has been working in the utility room since 2015. during the anti-terrorist operation, female volunteers pampered the soldiers
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of the holiday. currently, orders are not placed every day, they have something to treat those who are in the community and soldiers on the front line, nataliya dyadechko shows. we bake gingerbread cookies, it’s called in our country caterpillars with caterpillars , we cooked borscht, today we made pilaf for the boys, we made draniks of the south here with draniks, and this is what the drying shop looks like, here they dry and pack herbal teas, pomchinyan borschts, mushroom soups, vitamin sets with fruits and nuts, they are made primarily for vegetarian soldiers, we are here for our boys, we prepare borschts, soups, teas, vitamin kits, well, whatever they need, they order from us, and we make it for them, here they sew underwear, warm things , hats, pillows that do not absorb moisture and fit well in a sleeping bag, ponchos in case of rainy and
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snowy weather, thousands of units have already been sewn for the defenders, the fabric was collected all over ukraine and in grandmother's chests, among the seamstresses is 77-year-old mrs. tamara, in her granddaughter's husband is at the... front, the woman recently broke her arm, so can't wait to go back to work, if only you'd get well, it would be better to come here, because i think that yes , i think that i've somehow distanced myself, that's all and help. the people of pomichnya cheer for all the defenders, for them there are no strangers or relatives, says nataliya franchuk, everyone's heart aches as for their own child, you meet this, you see it in uniform. and the soul cries because, because they are our children, and we really want them to return as soon as possible, all alive and well, to their families, to their parents. volunteers say that they have a common goal
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rallied so much that even after the victory they are unlikely to stop, they are going to support military families in the future, from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues, our soldiers need vital equipment. we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to more effectively destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is uah 480,000. there are already almost 67 on the account. join in, everyone you see the details on the screen. hryhor and hryhoriy the tobacconist, a documentary drama with that name was shot by ukr telefilm after a break of almost 20 years. the three-part film is about the formation and creative rise of the ukrainian novelist hryhor tyutyunnyk in
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the context of the work and influence of his older brother hryhoriy. the tv premiere of the film grihyr and hryhoriy tyutyunniki. watch espresso on sunday 28th january at 9.35am. "you have to write as if you were writing your last thing in life. there is no mystery of talent, there is an eternal mystery of love. control was difficult, and over the person, as writer hryhori, he has there was literature - it is conscience, it is truth, it is a duty, it is a great responsibility for every word. the photo of the kherson yacht club, taken by
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oleksandr malyon, won the all-ukrainian photo contest vika loves sights - said the head of the city's military administration , roman mrochko. photo by... the jury became the best photo of the regions of ukraine for 2023. the club building is more than 100 years old, its architecture organically combines brick walls and is decorated with wooden elements the tower, from which many panoramic photos of kherson were always taken. at the beginning of the last century , more than a dozen yachts were based on the territory of the club, they were regularly used in competitions, in the 70s a boat production facility was set up there. the people of kherson are on them. won european championships and even the olympic games. the next news release will be at 3 p.m., see you later, my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be working.
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well, well, we are picking up the baton of our colleagues and will further analyze events, statements and... news from the front and the world and from of ukraine, of course, too, so we are now joined by ms. natali humenyuk, head of the joint coordination re-center of the defense forces of pivnia, colonel, we will talk about the situation in the southern direction, on the southern fronts, meanwhile, on the eastern fronts, things are not so simple, about that we will also say, well , i also wanted to emphasize to you that we will discuss, i think , the high-profile publication washington. post, you know that the americans are writing about the fact that the biden administration is allegedly preparing a new
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strategy for ukraine, which does not include liberating all the territories that the russians managed to seize in the near future is a conservative concept of obtaining the lands that are available, restraining the russians, increasing military power in order to give ukraine stability for the next 10 years and the opportunity to engage in economic activities as well. including such plans are written by the washington post, we know that the ukrainian political leadership does not publicly agree with them, here, but we do not know how it will go on, at the moment, here, also from various interesting news, and well, the stake itself in this strategies, as washington post sources write, will be done seriously. strengthened lines, which in particular, well, and by the way , a very interesting publication also came out yesterday, i can say
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michael kofman, i often ask him, and i know that our serhii zorets also has a high opinion of him, one of the leading experts on issues without security of the united states army, together with general rob lee, they wrote a joint publication, there is a third author, i just can't remember him now. and actually in the same way they consider the scenarios, as it will be a war will develop in ukraine in 2024 , and they believe that ukraine will need to use this time in order to regain strength, inflict maximum damage on russian offensives, and after that in 2025 they believe that a new, new window of opportunity to liberate the territory may open . mrs. natali humenyuk is already with us, the head of the association of the corruption press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine. the colonel is with us,
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good afternoon. glory to ukraine, i congratulate you. glory to heroes. i will say this, mrs. natalia, that general syrsky says that the russian troops are increasing the intensity of offensive actions in the siver and bakhmut directions. what is the situation on the southern front? yes , it is clear that in preparation for the corresponding ones, which they themselves have predicted, sanctioned and are preparing on a large scale, they will focus their efforts on achieving any victories, this is something that will not surprise us, but we see that in our area of ​​responsibility there is now some decline in activity, in particular in assault work, we see a decrease in the intensity of assault work. actions, the occupiers continue to measure the strength of our entrenchment on the positions of the left bank,
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but not so often, not so intensively. we counted four assault actions over the past day, and this is a certain decrease, because in general they are kept at a mark closer to ten, 7-10 is a more or less permanent position, but the economy of military equipment continues. the understanding of the need for meat assaults continues and the counter-battery struggle continues. in particular, the enemy is intensifying the use of fpv drones, drones of a different modification, from which explosives can be dropped devices and does it directly in the direction of the local population. emergency services vehicles, police vehicles, and local residents' vehicles are hit by such drones. and even just a local resident heading on a scooter, these
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are all signs of terror, signs of terror that the enemy is directing in parallel with the implementation of the information campaign regarding the return of the type we can repeat to the kherson direction, but we understand that absolutely objectively, there is nothing for them to repeat, eh... the occupiers also shelled again the villages in the kherson region, which from there the news and what they used at the same time, they fire mainly. but of the heavy artillery, these installations have the most, in our direction, rocket salvo fire systems, they lost a lot, and they did not have such, such a number to cover with carpet attacks very powerfully and for a long time, so we worked on most of them, these are destroyed hurricanes and
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destroyed hailstones, but they pull up artillery installations quite regularly, nevertheless, our work ... effective, seven units in one day, it is quite powerful, and yes, now, i hope that our communication will be restored, something was interrupted, yes, yes, we continue our combat work, at the same time , the occupiers continue shelling with the use of not only artillery, but also drones. as soon as they have a window of opportunity due to the weather, they extremely increase this use, in particular in the ochakivsk-kutsurub direction, that is, the opposite shore of the dymprobus estuary, opposite to the kinbur spit, also suffers from tests with strikes, drones and artillery.
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the enemy is trying to use as much as possible what has, because mortar calculations. in most positions, we have destroyed or knocked out to a distance from which they can no longer reach the rule. also, the russian federation reports that it is strengthening control at the border between crimea and the kherson region, what is happening there? the strengthening of filtering measures occurs quite regularly, they deploy additional checkpoints, additional checkpoints in waves, for what? in order to implement forced passporting when it fails at a certain stage, they establish additional checkpoints through which they filter out, in particular, the male mass of the population, in view of the potential replenishment of the mobilization resource, this is the so-called hidden mobilization,
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when they first force you to accept russian citizenship, simply when during the check you... if a person has ukrainian documents and replacing them with russian ones, then the person enters the register of conscripts, according to age, according to the potential ability to be involved in this resource, then he is entered into the register of the territorial defense of his own inhabited item, in particular, and after that replenishes the mobilization resource. despite the fact that there are too many forces and means, in particular the occupation troops on the left bank, they are available, but they have serious moral and psychological problems, that is , they have a dispute between units, they do not accept the commands they receive from
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the military-political leadership, so they need some fresh blood, with the addition of such a mobilization, they form new assault groups, insufficiently trained, but manned in numbers, who can throw to storm the russians have said they plan to repair the rostol submarine on the don, which was effectively completely destroyed by a storm shadow missile, are you following this information as well? yes, to declare and restore between these concepts is almost an eternity. what is the overall capability of the black sea fleet and what is happening there now. i know that it was reported there that they keep a nasiya missile with calibers on the sides. despite the fact that the russian fleet is really squeezed territorially.
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yes, we are waiting, i hope, now too the connection will be restored. someone is just dialing ms. natalya, yes, ms. natalya, please continue, yes, i apologize, the intensity of the information space requires, uh, despite the fact that the russians are really trapped in the novorossiysk region territorially, but still , one must be aware of the presence of missile carriers - this is always a high danger from the black sea. today, when we record as many as four nasiya missiles on combat duty, this is not a typical number for a certain period. time, they became active in actually declaring such a presence, these are two surface, two underwater up to 22 calibers ready for use, this is a serious signal of danger, here one must be aware that it exists, one must not resort to panic, one must understand that such
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danger and tension can be beneficial to the russians, as in view of the general moral and psychological tension, as well as with the raising of forces from the sea against the background of the rather unsuccessful use of air missiles. we understood that they are accumulating this potential, in particular calibers, that they have difficulties in restoring it in the future, that is, if they are fired now, then later it will be difficult to recover, but we also have a general understanding of the picture, we know that there are already up to six dozen calibers on standby in the black sea on those... missile carriers that the enemy has in its resource, but this is not a threat in the direct sense of falling in a panic, and this is an understanding of the situation. today
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, they are ready for combat use of 22 calibers. what does it mean? high-precision long-range weapons that our air defenses can destroy, but for example, launches from submarines are very difficult to detect, so civilians should be aware that the danger exists, it requires prompt response to the air alarm signal, and then it is only necessary to monitor it and respond adequately. of course, thank you ms. natalie, natalie hommeniuk, the head of the joint command press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, the colonel was in touch with us, we are going for a short break and will return, we will continue to talk about military topics with igor. nenkom, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces, ex- lieutenant general. there are discounts on strength detox,
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society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. well, dear friends, we are back on the air and continuing our marathon. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we are working for you today, during this day, we still have m... two, two, two hours of our marathon ahead of us, and now we will join igor romanenko, the founder of the charity fund, close the sky of ukraine, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010 and lieutenant general, mr. igor, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. igor, this week there was such a strange situation with the fall of a russian il-76 military plane and... and
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a strange communication appeared, because at first it was revealed that this was the work of the ukrainian armed forces and that it was a military plane that carried missiles, and then the russians began to spread other information about what was on this plane, on this there were apparently ukrainian prisoners on board, they managed to take one board take away, but on the other side, unfortunately, it was not possible to save the ukrainians, the third version, that it... or the russians themselves, again, once again taking it for some false goal, in a word , many, many versions, you are probably sure of them too , considered, which seems plausible to you at the moment, it really happened, and in my opinion, in order to analyze this event, this shooting, it is necessary to separate the propaganda ones.
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the longings of the russians around this, and this provocation, which is largely fake, is an artificially formed situation, and the presentation is accordingly informational, it and us from the first time, if it was built, and now it's all going according to this scenario that they developed, well, how do they do it, like... for example, it happened after the downing of mh-17, in many ways, and this is precisely from the point of view of propagandists, how everything is coordinated in one direction and everything starts with putin himself and onwards, although i, as a specialist in anti-conflict defense, am talking about the fact that he was poorly prepared for what he said there, but these his problems with the russians and their propaganda, well one way or another in order to...
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to put everyone in their place, uh, that is, we need to separate, this is a propaganda falsified show with tragic elements, and what really happened, the question remains for the present as to who shot, and there is a high probability that they did it eh... representatives of the air force , the defense forces of ukraine, well, from the point of view of rejecting this episode of shooting at the plane, in which our prisoner was not heard intentionally, that is, thought out, well, from this point of view, there is zero benefit, it's big here questions, to propaganda, well, we can ask them questions, yes, no, that’s understandable,
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but yes... from a military point of view, i want to say, as a representative of anti-provincial defense, first of all, that at the time, when we could not fire here, then i was the head of the general staff, at the level of deputy chief of the general staff, the formation of il-76s, three aircraft, in two of which we carried two s-200 missiles in one, and four s200 missiles in the other, and in the first place... in the latvian assam, there were all these attendants who then shot at the russian training ground, the russian tylimba, southern, southern siberia, and we have four targets there, we destroyed all of them there , that is, i mean, what is the point, that rockets can be transported, and now they use them, and how is it, how much do they do it, and in general, anything military there is military transport .


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