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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly enable me ukraine online community. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information regarding disability, medical. and
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relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. the information day of the tv channel continues, the most important events and their interpretation in the fastest and highest quality. watch espresso and stay informed. marta olyarnyk in the espresso studio. tantin burkovskiy and we are remotely connecting serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk from the avdiiv region. congratulations, mr. sergiya. esso and glory
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to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, so, avdiyivka, we ask you to inform us of the operational information that you can, then please announce what is now the situation in the city, around the city, to what extent the enemy is now actively trying to advance into the city, everything you can, please make it known, it means that the enemy has been doing more in the direction of concentration in the pervomayskyi area for the last two days. more attacks, he is slowly trying to use the equipment, and they are bringing in their personnel, and tanks were already used yesterday, we shot down one t-72, in general , there is a large concentration of their unmanned aerial vehicles, especially at night, that is, they make a very large number i dropped it too... dronika, well, you can directly
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feel the increase in this good with them , is it there, well, how to evaluate it more , let's say, compared to the last month there, well, it can be seen that they have some new income, that's why they use more of the may day this is may day to our viewers , i just want to remind you that this is south of avdiivka, it is north of avdiivka - this is the area where the active offensive is currently underway in the avdiivka direction, and if we are talking about novobakhmutivka, krasnohorivka, these are the settlements further north from avdiivka, what is the situation there now, has the enemy also started to use drones more actively there, everything was as it was, i.e. constant artillery fire, and also attempts of these small assaults, they are somewhere there making such attempts to... some
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hole in our defense, and therefore, let's say, it continues, but from what we observe, the enemy still accumulates forces and, including equipment, in order to probably take some active action in a certain period, the ground already allows the use of equipment, so this is possible , that they are after all dare to go into this active assault phase in order to, let's say , suffer losses again as it should be, ugh, mr. sergey, we understand that the enemy is rather using different units in the north and in the south, so perhaps there is some specificity of its own there , we understand that the situation is extremely difficult, we do not want to demotivate anyone, so to speak, from our tv viewers, but if we talk about the specifics of the battles in...
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the north and the south, is it different, and if we are talking about the use by the enemy armored vehicles, how much more actively they are starting to use it now, well, not actively. well, before that , you see, they made an attempt to enter avdiivka head-on, they threw their forces there, that is, they had some ambitions to gain a foothold in the city and in this way, that is, following the example of bakhmut, apparently, as it was, and also from the north from the south all the time these assaults are constantly being carried out, they are constantly shelling, destroying everything around, all the landings, all the buildings that are possible, that is why it is possible to say that... it is easier for someone, it is more difficult for someone, well, it is not possible, an absolutely tense combat situation exists on the entire line, on the contact line in the avdiivka area, around it. what is the situation with the supply, so we understand that one of the key tactical tasks that
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the enemy has set for himself is to complicate the supply as much as possible, here we are talking about the supply of ammunition and the removal of the wounded and those who need evacuation. what is the current situation with logistics? well, we currently have everything under control, that is, everything is working, we are doing everything possible and impossible, there are roads, we are all i mean, we and our neighbors have been in this area for a long time, so let's say it's all worked out for this, well , let's not say that it's all easy, but it's worked out and very quickly. thank god for our combat medics, who react at all times and help there in case of injury and so on, that is why it works, the roads are there, but under control, and we are taking countermeasures
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in order to meet the enemy with dignity, in the event that they are widespread there of the so-called counterattack, traps, ambushes, mines are being prepared, all this is carried out, the command provides. all possible and impossible situations that may arise in this area. mr. serhiy, i remember that in one of our previous broadcasts you talked about the fact that in avdiivka the russians are already thinking about moving through some tunnels, what is known about these tunnels, because in fact some have started to appear in zma, you know , words taken out of context, and would like to actually understand what kind of tunnels they are, where they came from, are they somehow the ones... that were in the city using them, or they build some themselves, and how do they even use them? these tunnels , let's say, which they tried to make, they started making them, well, somewhere in november, probably, we already observed that they
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were playing something there, taking something out and so on, this mine there and others, well, in this case we are talking about a collector who came from the city of avdiivka. i jokingly said somewhere that russia itself is suffering from these sewage failures, i'm sorry, i don't want to say that word, but as a sign of solidarity, apparently their military if you can call them that, they also decided to get into this shit and to show that not only there in russia, but also in the occupied territory, they, too, are very happy to get into it, you understand. yeah, yeah, if it’s a joke, and if it’s not a joke, well, they make every effort, they make every effort to somehow still achieve some kind of success, they manage to move through these tunnels and achieve some kind of success, well there there was an attempt, yes, they
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appeared there in one place, but they were wiped out and everything, and after that everything is gone, oh and eh, if on our general staff is not talking about it now, it is better to talk about it... mr. serhiy, and finally, we would like to ask you how actively the enemy uses heavy aviation, i don’t know, the same assault aircraft, and what is the situation with guided bombardments with air bombs, uh, attempts, well, they are more active, they use these cabs, so-called, in the area of ​​avdiivka itself, they still throw it there, they, i don’t know why, but they destroy avdiivka simply to zero, so that later in these... countries , they would probably like to say something, but i think they don't mind will succeed and won't be able to say anything, as they once said in a film of the same name , let's look at avdiivka for the last time, all the same, both avdiivka and donetsk, this will be our territory, sooner or later, so all they
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have left is, let's say, all that they can now be recommended to surrender, or to take up arms, to go to their homes and there to restore order, order and... or to fix this life at least in their villages and towns. so, mr. sergey, we agree with you. serhii tsehotskyi, officer of the 59th separate unit. mogotopokhodnoy brigade named after yakuv handziuk was in touch with us, while we still have a couple of minutes of time, i want to read the important news that american inspectors have arrived in ukraine to check the aid provided, inspectors general from the pentagon, the state department of the united states of america and agencies have arrived in kyiv of the united states for international development, this was reported by ms. bridget bring, the united states ambassador to ukraine, and actually, let me remind you that she was recently. information in the western press that they underestimated by some 1 billion
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aid dollars, but not because they were distributed somewhere, but because there were simply not enough workers and somehow procedurally they could not track where exactly this money was distributed, perhaps this is a consequence of this very statement that circulated in the western press , and in this way, the management decided to strengthen the team of people who are engaged in the verification of... the aid provided in ukraine, but now we will go on a big one, on a small break, after which we will return to the espresso studio, so stay with us, a few minutes and we come back here. there are discounts on fkalkalor of 20% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active rivers. dolgit anti-neuralgia helps in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, dolgit anti-neuralgia helps to return to
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gall bladder a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special transport service appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory , hello, olena kryvets is with you, i hope that you are safe despite the wartime and regularly do the ox test, you didn't hear, it should be done at least once a year, is it scary? maybe, but it is more frightening not to know one's status , to give the disease, to cause an attack and to infect
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loved ones, therefore, the hiv test is about love for oneself and others, about the opportunity to save their lives and one's life, because with modern medicines, hiv is not transmitted and is not scary, knowledge of difficult things is important, and knowledge of the ox saves life. well, the information day of the tv channel is in the midst of many events, so the german armed forces announced the full list of aid that was given to ukraine. as well as supplies that are still being prepared, well, i will quote a little: germany has already transferred ukraine has one leopard battle tank leopard-1 a5 and leopard-2 a6, cheetah anti-aircraft tanks and pancer howitzer 2000 self-propelled howitzers. yes, and what is being prepared for shipment now? nine ppo iris t systems, infrared imaging system and
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one skynex vision system, as well. 105 leopard 1a5 main battle tanks, 30 marder bmps, 15 cheetah anti-aircraft tanks, 12 bieber bridge-laying tanks, more than 250,155 millimeter ammunition and almost 260,000 cheetah shells are being prepared for transfer. well, let's hope that 105 leopard-1 a5 main battle tanks will arrive as soon as possible rather. well, in the meantime, i received... scandalous information from latvia, it turned out that the latvian mep was recruited by the fsb of the russian federation. this is actually what is said in the investigation of foreign journalists, and they write about the fact that the russian federal security service recruited deputy tatiana zhdanok, who represents the russian union
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of latvia party. you can see her photo on the screen now. zhdanok worked with a curator from the fifth service of the fsb, at least. since 2004 and asked them for money to hold events. since 2005 2015, the deputy corresponded with her curator, an employee of the st. petersburg fsb department, dmitry gladiyev. two files were attached to one of these letters: the draft agenda of the conference in tallinn and narva, which was sponsored by two parliamentary blocs: the green faction, the european parliament, and the european free alliance. the second attachment is the draft press release about the press conference. conference of the same year , the estonian external internal security service stated in its public report that the european russian alliance, a member of which there is a zhdanok cover of the fsb, the creation of which was prepared in st. petersburg and presented as a triumph in a report directly to the director of the fsb, and judging by correspondence, journalists say, zhdanok
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met quite regularly with gladiev in europe and in moscow, although the purpose and nature of their personal conversations were never mentioned in the letter. here is such information, well, it's good that it was exposed, in a timely manner, so to speak, well, but we could have guessed earlier, well, but let's go back to the situation in our state. oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations, glad for the invitation, i hope to be useful. yes , without a doubt, first of all, we would like you to interpret the lifting of the moratorium on the disconnection of debtors, so we understand that this is not an easy decision, and accordingly, in your opinion, how this whole thing will be carried out, well , in particular, will it be successful people there, due to one or another force majeure that could befall them, during the years of the war, to challenge, for example, in the courts, this disconnection, and in general, what about the lifting of the moratorium, well
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, first of all, let's do it, but what did i already talk about the courts? what to appeal, it is necessary, the process will be purely individual, we communicate as a committee with all energy companies, but this chain must be understood to the end, here it is not just your electricity supplier, ours is involved with you, it is essentially the electricity of two state companies, energoatom and ukrhydroenergo, it is they who supply according to the government decree, their... energy is supplied to the population, there is ukrenergo on the way, it transports through high-voltage networks , oblenerga, these are already distribution networks, there is that seller who earns 15 kopecks there on that sale, but this chain, if you and i do not settle, then state companies do not receive money, so here we have to
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approach it correctly without any incitement of the situation. just to understand, you have to pay for electricity, now the second thing is that no one is going to massively cut someone off right away, disconnect and so on, your supplier, your energy company is individual, if you have a debt, it will agree with you on the restructuring of this debt and the repayment schedule of this debt, you see, this is a completely different approach, but agree that we have to pay for the goods, that you and i came to buy fuel, no one gives us free fuel anymore, or in the store , eggs or bread, the most important thing for us is that the eggs are not 17 hryvnias, but 5-6 as... they should be, well, let's do it, so in this situation i would ask everyone to calm down, a significant number of the population understood that it was a temporary postponement and is already
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being negotiated today with the companies, as to restructure, but there are those who are such audacious non-payers, and there are maybe a thousand of them per country, and they are usually among wealthy people, because people who are pensioners, janitors, they are very careful payers, then there will be some individual approach, and i think that in the near future you and i will understand which , so i absolutely would not sow any panic in this situation, it is such a normal process, unfortunately, i think that the government should have started it earlier, you understand, because this resolution, this moratorium, it began to operate on march 5 22nd year, then there was an occupation of the regions. you understand, kyiv, zhytomyr, sumy , chernihiv, kharkiv and so on, there were migration processes, millions of ukrainians went somewhere, there was such a certain chaos and
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confusion, but then, if someone is allowed a special payment regime, well, it is primarily those who live in the territories near the hostilities, of course, there is a different situation there , but tell me why lviv residents are in line there... transcarpathians, ivano-frankivsk, chernivtsi, they don't have to pay today, or kyivans, the same, why don't have to pay for electricity? therefore, i consider the situation normal, ready to contribute to the maximum transparency of this process, as i would say. mr. oleksiy, look, there is still a rather difficult statement by the arahamia that 17 na... people 's deputies allegedly want to resign their powers, and we have such a brewing parliamentary crisis in the state, but we would like to ask you more about this case, are
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many of your fellow parliamentarians really going to draft mandates, and actually, is our legitimacy really at risk now of the verkhovna rada, if these people still make up these powers, well, i 'm curious myself, well, first of all, i want to say that absolutely no one from the homeland... is going to make up a mandate there, because we all understand why they went there, what a responsibility, i think that the other fractions are adequate, the same way , i think that mr. david can speak more about his colleagues from the servants of the people, because really, when they were recruiting for a month, they were driven there, they somehow formed this mono-team of theirs, well a large part, i think, went there, well sorry, make money, or solve your problems. i admit that there may be some regionals, finally there, well, you know that there are several regionals from the former opzzh, they wrote statements, but it seems to me that first
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of all we are talking about the servants of the people, because if a businessman got into the verkhovna rada, he he wants to do business, he has to go abroad for that, you know, there, here he is not allowed to go abroad, he does not have the facilities, well, excuse me, to whom is the question, who recruited there, who formed these lists. .. each political force is responsible for its deputies, and now with regard to the so-called crisis, i do not see any crisis, if this monocoalition collapses, then this is absolutely not a parliamentary crisis, because the monocoalition has long ceased to exist, i repeatedly told you and others on the air , not a single vote is now held without former residents, that is, the regionals vote for the servants of the people. they lack the votes of their servants of the people, then make a new coalition of broad national unity, invite the european
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solidarity of poroshenko, the homeland invite, invite the vote, let's make the government correct, adequate, professional, technocratic, patriotic, and then it will be the correct, the only possible process for this situation, so that's how i would analyze this situation, not... a parliamentary crisis, so what crisis, if the elections are not possible today, which they themselves are aware of, i mean the verkhovna rada, so i would suggest my colleagues from the servants of the people to comment more carefully on this situation from the standpoint of state interests, national security, and not from the standpoint there are some third-minute ones there interests of certain deputies. mr. oleksiy, for example, the same faction of the motherland, it would have joined the creation. a fundamentally new government and what could be the appropriate requirements from your party's side? it definitely shouldn't be bidding for positions
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there for portfolios, but i definitely guarantee you that... what i think, if there are professional people, let's consider, preferably, maybe they should be non-partisan in this situation, because the country needs very technocratic, such a pragmatic, rational, patriotic government, and i absolutely, we talk about it repeatedly, i want to say that the eu and poroshenko also talk about it repeatedly, we have been talking about it for a long time already , well, during the last year and... the monaco coalition does not exist in nature today, believe me, that is how it is, we see it after all these scandals, the endless voting there and so on, and that's why it is the government of national trust, the conventional name, it becomes vital for the country in this situation, especially given that on march 28, we essentially lose, well, legitimacy, yes , certain legitimacy of the president of ukraine, his...
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five-year, and this is a very significant point, in this situation, well, only the verkhovna rada together with the new coalition of national unity, in fact , can become this legitimate authority in this situation and take responsibility, so we need to be very balanced here, but we we are ready for this, that 's for sure, without trading for briefcases, i want to say right away, right away, we can't be talking about some positions there, etc., briefcases and so on, here we are responsible for the future of the country, for its survival in these situations, but from the one who would be appointed as the prime minister, would also a lot would depend, you know, we had one gentleman on a scooter , for example, of course, let's be adults, yes, we can speak frankly, i am convinced that today this is an issue, well, considering the amount of support and partnership, and the amount today's dependence of ukraine's economy and
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... ukraine's military capability on our partners in the world coalition, yes, that here we will have to take into account their position, their point of view, you understand, well, let's be realistic, this government and this prime minister have in this situation you guarantee the fulfillment of ukraine's obligations to our partners and to the people of ukraine. not an easy question, though. i have one or two surnames in my head, i won’t name them for sure, but i have clear reasons, we have two surnames, for example, i also have at least two surnames, i think marta has one too, yes, yes, yes, sir oleksiy , well, just kidding, but our partners, you feel that our european partners will be able to replace, for example, our american friends at x time, in which something may go wrong, in particular, when it comes to the allocation
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to the macro-finance from z... because from the side of the united states? well, that's a good question, today it's just fresh news that four high-ranking officials from the united states came to ukraine, but precisely for the purpose of discussing and controlling the financial resources coming from that side, so i'm not yet dividing our american and european partners, they speech - there are some difficulties between them, but they, well, this is the world, you see, it is clear that... each country takes care of its own interests, but we have to proceed from the fact that they, well, they are all our vital partners for us. the future picture, well, let's wait and see, and europe declares to our european partners about the possibility of support at the level of 50 billion, you probably heard this figure, it is vital for us, and i also see the position of the european union in relation to hungary, it is also very
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important for us today. therefore , this palette will somehow change, but it is necessary to carry out this work very carefully, and i believe that this work should become a priority for the president of ukraine, because the external vector according to the constitution is his authority, but the executive power must do its work and not to be too dependent on the office of the president, according to the constitution of ukraine. thank you, we can put an end to this, oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy. ukraine's first deputy chairman of the committee on energy of the verkhovna rada was in touch with us, and we will pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who has already managed to prepare relevant information for you with the news editor, so iro, we will pass the floor to you, and actually tell what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, literally in a moment about peter's meeting siyarto with dmytro kuleba, about the situation in the south of our country, and a lot of other interesting things.


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