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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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and how does this all fit into the format of destabilization in the entire region, because here we have to add those houthis in yemen and so on, is it all coordinated, does iran really want escalation, understanding that there will not be a large-scale invasion of the americans into the territory of their country, here it's hard to say, and of course , the republicans immediately say trump, and biden is so indecisive, our soldiers were killed, and we are still waiting for a reaction, although in fact it is a very difficult moment, and the correct choice of how to react, who to strike on... only massive, one strike, several strikes, these are difficult questions, and now, i think, washington is trying to determine the optimal format of response to such provocative, escalating actions on the part of iran. ugh. thank you , volodymyr dubovyk, director of the center for international studies, associate professor of the department of international relations of the mechnikov odesa national university, was in touch with us, and in the meantime, we are taking a step further and are now involving volodymyr vyetrovych, historian, publicist. people's deputy
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of ukraine. glory to ukraine, volodymyr, congratulations you. glory to heroes. memorial day of the heroes of krut. the sacrificial death of people who performed their military duty. on the other hand, we understand that they fulfilled an extremely important mission, detaining aser gangs. ant, right? and the third point, why they were left without proper help, i would like to ask you... whether ukrainian historians now have the vision and the ability, well, the common vision and the ability to reproduce, so to speak, the course of those events. well, we understand, yes, that in the 20s and 30s, uh, the action of the krutyans, well, it acquired an extremely high rating and after he did not fall, but we still understand that the situation was much more complicated than it appears at first glance, well... in fact,
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it seems to me that right now we are undergoing a fairly large-scale rethinking of the meaning and even the assessment of this battle, because not so long ago, the battle under the cliffs was perceived as yet another tragedy in ukrainian history, as an example, once again to cry for the fallen heroes, it was certainly not without tragedy, because about 100 defenders of ukraine died, and this is of course a tragedy. but at the same time we must understand that the tragedy should not stand in the way of their heroism on the one hand, and on the other hand what they managed to achieve, they really managed to achieve a lot, you already mentioned that the offensive was delayed moravian troops in kyiv, it became one of the turning points of this stage of the war with bolshevik russia, which allowed ukraine to conclude the negotiations in brest, which allowed ukraine to finish. international recognition during
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the bretsk peace signing, which allowed ukraine to extend its support germans, the thesis that constantly appeared somewhere in the public memory, and sometimes in fiction, about boys, what untrained boys, who were thrown into battle against the morivians, about 300 dead, is being rethought. and so on, in fact, as i said, about 100 defenders of the fortress died, 30 of them were actually cadets who were captured and then shot, in total, about 520 soldiers participated in the battle against the bolsheviks, against almost 5 thousand bolsheviks , among them not only cadets, but actually soldiers of the active army of the ukrainian people's republic, why weren't there more of them there , the fact is that for quite a long time...
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the political leadership of the ukrainian people's republic came to understand the need for its own army, unfortunately, for a long time this leadership existed and dominated some idea that humanity, taught by the terrible first world war, will eventually give up solving things by war, give up armies, and ukrainians can be the first in this process, so it is important now to remember those times and the mistakes that were made at that time in order not to... dig them, and one of these mistakes was precisely the fact that it is impossible to defend independence without an army, it seems to me that what we now we defend our independence so zealously, and we so zealously support the armed forces of ukraine, just the best example of how ukrainians have learned this tragic history of ukraine of the 20th century, when we lost our state without our army, yes, mr. volodymyr, but we would still like to have time to discuss with you and urgent topics related to the work...
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of the verkhovna rada, we understand that certain statements are currently being made by the head of the servant of the people faction, david arahamia, about the desire of 17 of his colleagues to resign, and he actually... says that this may cause a great crisis of parliamentarism in our state, do you know anything specific about these candidates for the assembly of powers and is this possibility even being considered to let them go? because in fact, different people's deputies actually say different versions, but his assumptions in such a way that, well , it should certainly not be perceived as some kind of crisis, but we had oleksii kucharenko, he says that, for example, he would not consider it a crisis, although arachami considers it a crisis, but we would like to understand what your attitude to this and do you think that these people should be released, so can we lose the legitimacy of our verkhovna rada in this way? first of all, what is a parliamentary crisis? a
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parliamentary crisis is when the parliament cannot make decisions that the country needs can make laws. now there are more than 400 deputies in the parliament, subtract minus 17 and there will definitely be more than 226, that is, none. there will be no problems with the fact that the parliament will be reduced by 17 people for parliamentarism, for the parliament as a whole, there are problems and there will be problems that indicate the crisis of one political force, a political force called the servant of the people, if now in the midst of a war, in a time when the country really needs everyone, there are 17 dodgers in the ranks of this party who are ready to betray the oath they took only four or more years ago, it is obvious that this does not indicate a crisis of the parliament, but a crisis of a specific political force, which , unfortunately, was formed simply from the wheels, into which a lot of absolutely random people fell, not ready for that the responsibility that falls on their shoulders in such an extreme situation, so i think that we should talk about a specific political force, if
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we talk about the leadership of the state, well , i think that it is time for the leadership of the state to learn that the parliament is not only servants of the people, and actually when you look at what is being done in the parliament with such optics... i am sure that it is too early to talk about any crisis, i am even more sure that it is possible that this will eventually lead the authorities to understand that during the war, the president , the prime minister should be the one who should take the initiative to unite all political forces, and so right now it is truly the greatest opportunity to talk about the creation of a government , either for national unity or for national salvation, again not relying solely on one's own political a force that, apart from everything else, you... are very weak not only intellectually, but you see, even from the point of view of some kind of psychological stability in the situation that the parliament now finds itself in, so again, i don't see any crisis parliament, i see a crisis of a specific political force, which , it seems to me, has already definitively confirmed that in
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the future, for sure, it does not actually have any political future. volodymyr, we would appreciate your comment regarding the meeting between heads of foreign affairs of ukraine and hungary kuleba and siyarto, the meeting took place, it is happening, there may be some additional measures of the extra-protocol plan of the eu in uzhhorod, well, in a word, ukraine intends to finally resolve the dispute with hungary regarding the rights of national minorities, for this purpose a special commission will work under the auspices of the ministry of foreign affairs, in order to in 10 days to make the final clarification, i am quoting the minister. for foreign affairs of ukraine, kulebu. direct speech. we agreed on one simple thing. we asked the hungarian side to provide us with an exhaustive list of issues, which she has on the issue of protecting the rights of representatives of minorities. we received this list. we agreed that under the auspices of the ministry of foreign affairs, we
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will assemble a special commission with one very simple task. in 10 days, it should present to the governments of both countries a concrete understanding of how and what from the list of questions we received needs to be resolved. or it has already been settled, so that we can bring final clarity, and sijarto demands from his side to return, with or without shame , the rights of ukrainian citizens of hungarian origin, which they had somewhere up to 1000, until 2015. well, unfortunately, i think that we are once again dealing with certain hungarian speculations, an alleged violation of the rights of the hungarian minority in ukraine, in ukraine. the current, adopted law on national minorities is already in force, which is approved, in particular by european structures, as fully european, which normally ensures absolutely all cultural and educational rights for all national minorities, including the hungarian minority, among other things, we heard a statement on behalf of of the same hungarian minority in
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the context of the adoption of this law, which support the adoption of this law, so what is going on now, this issue is actualized, i am sure that there will be some political meetings in the future, in which hungary obviously acquires some resources, political resources, even financial resources, because again, updating this issue on the site. of the european union, hungary , allegedly under the guise of the fact that it cannot agree to some european integration of ukraine due to an alleged violation of the rights of hungarians, is in fact knocking out some necessary resources, money in the european parliament or some political positions again in european structures, so i don't see what exactly needs to be reviewed in order to satisfy the alleged claims of the hungarians. actions to the ukrainian authorities, because in essence there are no such claims. thank you, volodymyr vitrovych, historian,
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publicist, people's deputy of ukraine, was ateri espresso, and actually we were talking about the extreme meeting of sziarto, this is the head of the foreign ministry of hungary and his ukrainian colleague kuleba and the head of the office of the ukrainian president andriy yermak. we're going to have a break for literally a few minutes now and then we're going to be back in our studio, so stay tuned. hello woman, what to do when the liver hurts? allochol should be taken, but what about bile? alohol, it protects both the liver and the gallbladder, the natural components of alohol contribute to the normalization of the liver and gallbladder, alohol - with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. usual affairs become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. cream longit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility with dolgit cream, whatever you want, i'll lift , dolgit - the only yellow cream for
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her thin neck so that her son would not catch a cold over time, as he walked the cobblestones of his hometown, a city of three quarters of a million people, no one in the corral ever asked why we were coming only 300, and there beyond the dnieper, a plain, a plain, and the snow was looming, and the hostile moscow swarm was ravenous, like locusts. blackened, reddened snow on the ceiling, the day of glory was written in ukraine. they fought until the last one fell, the young man died woolen scarf. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign inclusion experts from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also
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feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 for espresso. a meeting was held in uzhhorod between the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine and hungary, i am quoting the minister minister of foreign affairs of hungary peter szijártó. we came here to restore good sushi. relations, we have a long way to go, but we, on the hungarian side, are ready to do this work, hungarians and ukrainians live in peace in transcarpathia. according to sijarto, the parties talked about difficult issues, noting that recently ukraine and hungary had bad neighborly relations. yes, we have a request - i am quoting siyar, maybe this is too much, and you will think that
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i am impolite, but we are asking to return to the hungarian minority all those rights that it had until 2015, we are not asking for anything else, added the head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs. well, the representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs will enter into difficult negotiations, and in about 10 days it will be clear what can be achieved. well, we return to our, as they say, dry problems. and the main problems we have now are drones, drones, fpv drones, especially i was struck by the statement of our relevant minister mykhailo fedorov, who said that every kitchen should collect a drone. and so... a wartime constructor, that's how it is now called by ukrainians who assemble drones right at home, such seven-inch drones have been being made by volunteers in the poltava region for two months and make 15 pieces per day, how to create a workshop at home, our iryna skrypachova learned this, so let's watch her story. it took the volunteers
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a week from finding specialists to making the first drones, says project coordinator oleksandr. they found a technological map, bought all the necessary equipment on the advice of the military. currently, the team employs eight masters: professional engineers, electricians and pilots ultralight aviation. their history is completely voluntary, every day they are looking for investments, donating institutions and enterprises. two types of drones are produced: the kamikaze drone and the more powerful bomber drone based on a ten-inch frame. the drone is ready to use, you just. could hear the sounds , there is no speaker in this drone to make sound, the starting current of the motors and the starting force of the motors creates this vibration, because one motor makes 4800 revolutions per minute, so its maximum speed is more than 150 km/h. on such a device, the pilot is in charge
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makes up to 30 sorties per day, the cost of one drone is uah 13,500. volunteers say they save almost a third of their money by collecting them themselves. parts are purchased on foreign websites. the production of drones was established in a small office space. each of the boys is responsible for a specific stage of work. my task is to assemble the frames and put on the engine, so that the frame holds well, it must be pulled well, because the chinese ones that go, the bolts are poorly tightened, and the guys make a couple of flights, it’s just on the way crumbles so we clamp down very well here. center and give it for soldering. the youngest, 15-year-old kostyantyn, solders parts, solders motors, and other relays, cameras, etc., and my task is to solder, collect the boards to the end and send them to the final assembly.
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in total, the drone contains fifty parts. it has a video antenna, a radio antenna, a camera , motors, a flight controller, a printed circuit board that manages the overall control, and a video card that directly transmits video from the antenna to the pilot's helmet, and that's it, this drone has an additional system installed reset, the military recently sent a video to volunteers of how they used their drone to destroy an enemy thermal imaging video surveillance complex worth up to $150,000. in less than 3 months of work , the volunteers collected 250 drones. iryna skrypachova and mykyta litskevich for espress tv channel from poltava region. so, we are adding to our studio violetta oliynyk, a volunteer, a jewelry craftsman who creates fpv drones at home. like this. violetta,
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welcome veteris presso. good evening. and actually, we want to ask, we see you all such. the entourage is working now on the video , tell me actually, probably from the very beginning, what you have in front of you, as i understand it, this is a soldering iron, yes, with which you make drones, no, eh , there is a drone in front of me, yes, the bomber, which i am just finishing, i plan to finish today, well , tell me, please, what exactly you need to make such a drone, how much it costs and how long it will take. do you spend on it? well, i just looked at the story that was going on in the studio, and yes, the cost of the seven-inch kamikaze is also 13.5%. approximately without a battery, the cost of a bomber like mine, which is an eight-inch bomber, can already be closer to 19 thousand.
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in order to assemble such a drone, you first need to raise funds, order all the necessary parts , and then start assembling, first of all assemble the frame, this is the black part, then assemble the frame, then attach the reset system to it. and motors, it's all soldered, assembled, it is necessary to varnish all metal parts after soldering, so that, especially in winter, this is very important, so that there is no short circuit, so that no snow, rain, or fog did not damage the drone, and then these drones are adjusted through computer programs, violeta, well, i would like to get to know you a little better, tell me, be kind, a little about yourself and how you mastered this difficult and difficult task . business , well, assemble fpv drones, well, you need to be able to, that’s how i saw that you are a craftswoman in the jewelry business, so tell me, please, about your
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transition from the jewelry business to the drone business, the transition from the jewelry business to the fpv production business took place early full-scale invasion, the fact that instead of the jewelry business, i started volunteering, my two brothers and my father immediately went to protect ukraine from russian aggression, and i began to deliver, buy, deliver various things that they needed , namely fpv, i started doing fpv already this year in the fall, because my father asked where you can buy fpv, how much it costs, and in general, whether i can figure out which fpvs are needed, which high-quality ones are sold, i started looking for information and realized that now... there is a very high demand for fpv and it is impossible to quickly order the purchase of drones from someone, that is, it is really faster to order the parts yourself and assemble the drone, and then i started looking for courses that
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are available on this, what is needed for training, completed two courses and started assembling drones, and your first drone, what were the reviews from those who launched them, how effective was it, and in general what were the most problematic things, for example, well, we understand that learning on the internet is one thing. thing, and the second thing is to start, i don't know whether to solder there or not i know, solder, about the first drones had very good reviews, since i didn't know how to flash drones through the computer and check them, i just found guys who do drones in my place, who are more competent, and asked them to they helped me test the drone, so i just assembled the first well according to the instructions , soldered everything and did everything very... so that it turned out well, brought it to other masters and they checked it and even flew on it, they said that it works perfectly, i can pass it on , i have already transferred to the unit
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my father and there were also reviews that it works well, they liked it, and they started ordering me, that is, asking me to make drones for them more, the most problematic things are that you are very worried that you something you will screw it up, because the parts are very expensive, the parts will be donated by ordinary people who want to help the military, i was very afraid that i would let everyone down and do something wrong, but in fact, now i have already made more than 14 drones and i can say, that you shouldn't worry so much that is, you need to be careful, but don't worry so much about it, violetta , where do you get spare parts and in general, how much of a problem is it, for example... well, do you go to some store, young technician, yes in chernivtsi, well, they say there , you say there, give me what i need for an fpv drone there, and they give you a kit, or do i have to look for it somehow through some aliexpress? i
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think that a person who starts opening such shops with parts for drones in all regional centers will become very rich, so far such there are no stores, you need to buy all the parts on aliexpress, you can also do this. visaz, the connection of some specialized stores, buying at the most interesting place, very rarely happens , so who is interrupting us, the connection is a little buggy ms. violetto , we were interrupted at the most interesting place, if possible, from the beginning of aliexpress+, that is, somewhere you pick something up , yes, yes, if not something that i need again, i buy in ukrainian stores, but online stores, but unfortunately, there is rarely everything that is needed, because fortunately, a lot of ukrainians are now
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collecting drones, and almost all products with this according to ms. violetta, i would like to ask you about this educational and public fpv program, how do you generally evaluate this program, maybe there are some shortcomings, there are some gaps, which you, as a person who already practices assembling these drones at home, could already check it yourself, what knowledge might be lacking, well, on the contrary , i want to say that the people's fpv course is quite complete, there there are all necessary. to learn assembling a drone, this was the second course i took, the first course was a drone for every house, eh, and after these video lessons i actually started assembling drones, then i already passed the folk fpv and there is quite extensive information, competent jacks, but also practitioners on phi drones, there are also parts lists along with links to stores where they can be purchased, and the information is constantly
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updated. that is, when there are any new details or new wishes from the military, other details on which drones need to be made, this is all updated in the materials course and if, for example, you would be able to, i don’t know, influence some or other of our government bodies, then we understand that there is a huge need for drones, there is a state that is ready to help volunteers, but i don’t know which one levels you receive this kind of care and support. oh, to be honest, i do not receive any care and support from the state, it seems to me that most volunteers have the same situation, but i would like the state to be engaged in the production of fpv drones in parallel, somehow on state orders, to order from factories and other technologists of high-tech things, because volunteers like me, they exist only
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to... in critical situations, we now have a critical situation, war, to help the army, but the state has to occupy parallel to this and on a much larger scale, so that volunteers like me become unnecessary. look, many of your acquaintances, so to speak, can assemble an fpv drone without additional circuits? well , a lot, but i have many acquaintances who, in principle, were interested in fpv already when i was with them met ugh, that's why objectively i can't. tell me, mrs. violetta, how much time do you personally allocate in a day, i don't know, in a day, in order to deal with this business, or in addition to helping our armed forces and making exactly the kind of fpv drones they need, you now if you would free up your time as much as possible to be of service now where you can be of service as much as possible, well basically since the full-scale invasion i
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've stopped doing any... other things than helping the troops because i i directly help my relatives and i am interested in ensuring that they have everything they need. now i continue to volunteer for the units of my relatives, that is, in parallel with the fbirons , i also continue to buy rubber for cars and other necessary things, so my day looks like this: i wake up in the morning , contact my relatives, walk, go to mail and then. somewhere closer to lunch, i already go to the workshop and work here as a curfew, you can say, i make drones, while now i have the parts, but the whole of january i seem to have all the necessary parts for making drones, i do it every day, that is, every day we thank you, violetta, for your example and for your work, on your facebook page or on your instagram page you have the relevant details, so we will ask our tv viewers to come by.
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please find violetta the oiler, who has learned how to make drones and is making them quite actively. thank you once again, and we hope for the interest of our viewers. yes, well, antin and i will say goodbye to you already today, we turned out to be so active in information, our information relay of the day, yes , you and i were in this studio for 4 hours, but we are already passing the baton to our colleagues, but we are not saying goodbye to you for a long time. for... we'll see you again at the same time, so stay with espresso, and see you tomorrow.


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