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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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are these contracts not mandatory? look, the contract is signed by the head of the relevant department, that's why liev's signature is also on the additional agreement, you can even open my articles and see, there it says unsubscribe. the contract is concluded by the minister at the stage when you agree to pay the money. but of course, in order to study the role of aresnikov, it is necessary to interrogate all those currently received , and i know myself, probably the minister, maybe, and to find out if he knew something that... to this point in more detail and i have one last question as for liev himself, look, he talks about the fact that he, first of all, first of all, we know that he resigned from the ministry of defense a year ago, exactly one year ago, now he says that he went on a business trip to slovakia for the purpose of inspecting demining machines, and here i have a question, he continues somehow to supply for the army , or on the basis of what he went abroad to buy or inspect these demining machines, what do we
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know at all... about this , and i understand that this is about some private initiatives, that is, it is private the company that is already engaged in the purchase of demining equipment, this is not part of the work of the ministry of defense, i understand, thank you very much, i will only add that our colleagues are currently working in the court, but there it is very difficult with communication and impossible, i understand to establish a connection with them now, so that they are on the air, but also as of now they are choosing a precautionary measure for all participants. in how this scheme. thank you very much, tetyana nikolayenko, a member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense and a journalist of the censornet publication. well, a today in uzhgorod guests, peter sijarto, head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs of hungary, hungary, arrived today in uzhgorod, where he met with the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba and the head of the presidential office andriy yarmak. earlier it was reported that this meeting. aims to
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prepare a meeting between president volodymyr zelenskyi and prime minister of hungary viktor orban. yarmak, by the way, said today that the specific dates of the meeting have not yet been discussed, but both sides allegedly expressed interest in this meeting took place as soon as possible, and i would also like to add that the ministry of foreign affairs informs the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine that the negotiations between the minister of foreign affairs kuleba, the head of the plo yermak, and also petro siart lasted for six months. hours and 10 minutes, that's quite a long time. recently, we had bad neighborly relations, there were open issues, that's right, since 2015, such laws were passed that reduced the rights of the hungarian national minority. parliament passed a law in december to stop this, and we appreciate that, but we have a request, maybe it's too much and you'll think i'm being rude, but we ask to return all those rights to the hungarian minority. which it had until 2015, we
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do not ask for anything more, in principle, the issue of returning the rights of national minorities regarding education and the use of their native language in ukraine has been resolved in relation to all national communities living on the territory of our country. today we received additional requests from the hungarian side, we will process them. but fundamentally, and i thank peter for recognizing this fact, that fundamentally the most important step has been taken. well, i should add that in the day siart's arrival in ukraine, the leading business newspaper financial times wrote that a plan authored by one of the officials of the council of the european union has appeared in brussels, which proposes to completely block hungary's access to tens of billions of euros of pan-european programs. in this case , hungary is in for an economic shock, the document says. this brussels plan. may apply
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if orban blocks aid to ukraine again, writes the financial times. at the same time, an official representative of the eu said in the newspaper that the plan that was leaked to zmi is an alleged one a technical note of a reference nature, which does not reflect the hit of real negotiations. in any case, the so-called moment of truth will come on february 1, when the leaders of all 27 countries of the european union will gather at an emergency summit, in kyiv they hope that it is at this summit that aid for ukraine will be agreed upon, but there are risks, because viktor orban promised that he would try to block this aid again. serhii grasymchuk, deputy executive director of the foreign policy council of ukrainian prism and director of the regional initiatives program joins our broadcast. neighborhood good evening. why, why did the hungarian minister come to ukraine? does this mean that budapest is really ready to organize a meeting, has agreed to a meeting between orban and zelenskyi? i am not convinced of...
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this, because in recent years, ukraine and hungary have lost a lot of trust in each other, and very often after peter siarstv spoke together with... with dmytro kuleba at joint press conferences, he was returning to budapest and returning according to the rhetoric of the electorate-oriented fidesz party. of course, it is good that this happened the meeting, it's good that it took place despite the fact that we had ambiguous statements from individual hungarian politicians and, as it were, threats from siartó in anonymous letters. it is very good that the hungarian side frankly said that it has conveyed its demands to ukraine, that is, we have... an agenda for the work of the special commission, which will start approximately in 10 days, but i am far from convinced that we have already on the horizon, achievable the time horizon of the meeting between the president of ukraine and the hungarian prime minister. the fact is that rumors
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about this meeting have been circulating since the inauguration volodymyr zelenskyi. even then it was said that this meeting might take place. in the meantime, we only had a meeting of the president with... katelin novak, the president of hungary, about this, but this meeting, well, did not have such importance, because after all, hungary is a parliamentary republic and the role of the prime minister is key there. so, on the positive side, the meeting took place, there is an agenda for the work of the special commission, on the negative side, the level of trust is too low, and therefore everyone was very careful to follow what will happen next after these negotiations, yes the question itself is 50%. billions remained open because, according to the hungarian minister, this issue is not in ukraine's bilateral relations with europe , but in hungary's relations with the european union. so it is likely that the hungarian side will still try to play this card until the eurocouncil summit, trying to
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negotiate some preferences for itself. as for the article in the financial times, on the one hand, the scenario that... it looks like hungary could really end up under attack from the european union, i wouldn't on the one hand, to believe even in such an apocalyptic approach of the eu to hungary, but at the same time, remembering the experience of greece and those restraint measures that were introduced at one time, when greece was openly abusing european funds, and when they were forbidden to receive its extra payments. of a social nature , when they were banned from bonuses, officials, when they were forced to reduce the bureaucratic apparatus, and this may well be applied to hungary as well, there was such a precedent and the european union can resort to it, as regards the 50 billion, then
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there is a political solution at the level of the european union and its leaders, and no matter how orbán speaks there, no matter how he tries to block, well , he will block, these 50 billion from budget funds, perhaps an extra-budgetary one will be created. fund, if this does not work either, although it should work, because hungary will not have the right of veto there, then the member states are ready to allocate these funds under their own guarantees, so, the issue of 50 billion, i think is actually resolved in our favor, that is, in i have reasons for optimism regarding the issue of ethnic minorities and the rights of hungarians in ukraine, so here i am i think that we will witness a fairly long period of competition, because on the one hand, yes. we can try to settle some issues, it was quite successfully settled by the law on ethnopolitics, which was amended twice at the request of the ministerial commission, on the other hand , we must be aware that we are talking about the 15th year
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, which narrowly outlined this year, that is, until the 17th year we already have complaints, before it was about the fact that it was only about the law on education, now it is about the whole year, so if we make changes to the legislation on agree to morban's request, we can face the ash effect when other countries that approached this more constructively, say romania itself, and sought some solutions at the level of bilateral protocols, at the level of by-laws, do not understand us, and one gets the impression that blackmail gives more bonuses than a constructive approach to two-way dialogue. by the way, you mentioned romania, just this weekend romanian... and hungarian politicians almost synchronously mentioned some specific territorial claims on the territory of ukraine, we have a short fragment, because we interviewed people who live in chernivtsi and people who live in uzhhorod, what do they think about it, because it was from the hungarian side that the leader of the far-right party said that in the case,
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they say, if ukraine will be defeated in the war, then hungary could claim these territories, i'm just a short fragment, let's listen not in full and then we'll discuss, i think that... well, thinking about how to divide another state, it's not incorrect from his parties, i have a bad attitude, i am against all separatism, it seems to me that that is all russia is paying for all this news, that's where. from there, yes, i know that i have friends in romania, there they do not share this opinion at all, then there is populism, most likely, it was not the romanian authorities who declared it at all, after all, the marginals who do not care that i should spread something about the annexation of some territories, it actually has no force, negatively, i don’t understand, even why talk about it, we don’t have to lose any statehood, surely they... always claimed this territory, after the first world
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war, they were here in chernivtsi, and in them there are probably some wishes left to be here , for sure, but purely politically, at the moment i think it won't happen, maybe i can give something to someone else, maybe i can give something to someone else, bad people, well, in a sense, no, maybe. they also have some kind of election, they need some additional points among the population , i'm just not that into the romanian topic , yes, the political situation, apparently ukraine right now is a bit of a letdown for all its neighbors, and everyone wants to take something away, i think that this will not happen, ukrainians are such people who can fight and will fight to the end, they are bad statements, bad statements, i want to live in ukraine on my own. a hungarian woman hires her hungarian woman, i am from lviv, i love poles very much
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, i went there, gave birth to a child, i have a husband, a syrian, i have everything, you know, well, i want to live in a nice country, of course in ukraine, of course in ukraine, our state is independent, and it is our state that should decide what and how things are going on in it, and other countries, they can think about it, but they do not have the right to do it, what do you think? when similar statements about encroachment on ukrainian territory are heard whether from marginal and far-right hungarian or romanian politicians, should we perceive them as the personal opinion of an individual deputy, or can we assume that this is also indirect, perhaps such rhetoric is supported by, for example, the same government of viktor orbán? you know, in fact, the romanian and hungarian case studies differ somewhat. in the case of hungary, we can really talk about the radical right. a marginal political force and a leader who was noted for his scandalousness. he was nangrat's person in
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serbia for the fight, he was nongrat's person in the slovakia for an illegal demonstration, he was a person of nongrata in canada, from where he was released on suspicion of terrorism, but in romania the situation is somewhat different, unfortunately, aur now has about 19% of the population's support, which actually equates him with the ruling party of the national liberals , which is part of the government coalition. and they are only 10% inferior to the social democrats, who now have a support level of about 30%, of course, on the one hand, this strengthens the ruling coalition of the social democrats and the national liberals, because they actually treat the aura, as in in germany, the christian democrats and the social democrats treat the af at about the same level, that is, the ratings of this radical force are growing, but the decent parties do not want to deal with them, or do not want to get dirty, but there is also shoshanaka and soos, this is another one. a political force that once broke away from aura, but professes the same ideas, and the leader of this party, senator shoshak, sings
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katyusha, promised to disrupt zelenskyi's speech in the romanian parliament, and this is a very disturbing trend, in fact, this is a very disturbing trend, and yours truly the listeners rightly observed that it is connected with the elections, because local and parliamentary, presidential and european elections will be held in romania this year, of course the populists are trying to play on this. i understand you, thank you very much for your comment , serhiy harasymchuk, deputy executive director of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council and director of the regional neighborhood initiative program was on radio liberty, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, there are discounts on fkalkalor 20% in pharmacies psyllium, pamp and save, there are discounts on... 10% in pharmacies plantain memory and savings there are discounts on optimal - 15% in
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podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl, we are starting winter. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. many important topics, today we will discuss with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world, more details yuriy fizar will speak, yuriy good evening, please speak to you. hours to keep up with economic news. time for to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchyvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests
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of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in... hours, big broadcast vasyl winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with espresso. it is a cold, harsh winter outside, and yesterday they said at school that darkness is creeping under the gates of the capital, the stranglers of our will, the mother had no tears in sight, she took out a woolen scarf and gently ... wrapped her thin neck so that her son would not catch a cold over time, as i walked the cobblestones of my native city , a city of three-quarters of a million people, in the corral , no one ever asked why only 300 of us were going, and there behind the dnieper was a plain, a plain, and the snow was falling, and the dog was voracious like a locust,
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the enemy's moscow attack, blackened red... covered snow, the day of glory was written for ukraine, they fought until the last fell a young man in a woolen scarf.
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the war created a lot of challenges for us ukrainians and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only... together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me. ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you will get any information regarding disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations
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lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over the world. europe, one, we share useful information and here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other and learn new things. together we grow! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. we are looking for 14-year-old dmytro polinets from the kherson region. the boy met the war on the left bank of the region in the kakhovsky district, which was occupied from the first days of a full-scale invasion. i hope that everything is okay with dmytro, he stopped communicating precisely because of
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the occupation. the official date of the boy's disappearance is october 10 last year, that is, more than three years ago. months there is no news about him. i am asking you to look carefully into dmitry's face. he looks about 14 years old, has dark hair and thick eyebrows. he has a dimple on his chin. if suddenly someone knows where dmytro polinets can be, do not delay and dial the short number of the service from any mobile operator search for children magnolia 116.30. calls are free. if suddenly there is no possibility to call. write to the chat bot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received almost 3,000 appeals for relief aid. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where
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the work of the police is effectively paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. sometimes people who cannot find their own children do not even know what to do or where to turn. if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how to act, call the short number 1163. zero or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. in addition, everyone who sees me now can already help find the missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you are someone recognize and eventually help to find. i also want to remind you that... the search for ten-year-old artem kholodny, who disappeared in kharkiv oblast in september 2022, is ongoing, help find the boy, his mother asked.
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imagine that a woman has not seen or heard from her son for more than a year. i appeal to everyone who can see or know any information about my child, my son, cold, artem andriyovych. if anyone has seen or heard any information, can they provide it? i ask you. to do this because the mother's heart is breaking and the fact is that artem kholodny's parents are divorced and live separately, so it happened that when the war began, the boy was with his father in the city of kupyansk in the kharkiv region, on the third day of the full-scale invasion, the city was completely occupied, and later communication was cut off there , almost six months ms. olena did not have any news about her son and only in september 2020. the second time she received a short message from him in viber. it was september, around september 10-13 last year, the 22nd. let me remind you that on september 22, the soldiers of the zsu
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kharkiv region was liberated from the occupiers, and it was during this period that mrs. elena's son got in touch. of course, the woman tried to call artyom. i wrote him more than one message in response, but all attempts turned out to be useless. the connection with the child in... mysteriously broke off and where artem kholodny is now is still unknown, so your help is very important. look at the photo again and remember the boy's face. he is a very active boy, fair-haired, with such a slimming physique, he should be on his fifth by now class, light-eyed, gray-blue eyes, active, kind good boy. if suddenly someone saw artem cold, or knows where he might be now. do not delay and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian
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mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chat bot of the child tracing service in telegram. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report about any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time. i am natalia leonova. congratulations. aid to ukraine is an investment in the security of nato allies, and it must
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continue. this was stated by nato secretary general jen stoltenberg before a meeting with us defense minister lloyd in washington. he will also discuss assistance to ukraine in its fight against russian aggression with state secretary antony blinken and the national security adviser. jake sullivan. on tuesday , jens stoldenberg is scheduled to meet with lawmakers who are currently discussing the issue of additional funding for ukraine. the war is approaching the two-year mark. the situation on the battlefield is difficult, but the allies are providing unprecedented support to ukraine. and it is important that we continue to do so. our support for ukraine is not charity, it is investment. to our own safety because the world will become more dangerous if president putin wins in ukraine. china is closely monitoring this. this adds importance to the fact that we
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continue to support ukraine. president joe biden once again called on congress to agree on changes to immigration legislation. the package of aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan and other partners currently depends on this agreement. the white house published a corresponding statement last friday. according to biden, the bill will give him new powers to close the border, which he will apply immediately after signing it. instead, the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson said that ... that the president does not need new powers to resolve the situation at the border, johnson wrote on the social network ex on saturday. earlier, the speaker criticized the border agreement, which is currently being discussed in the senate, and said that it does not receive support in the house of representatives. former president donald trump also spoke out against the agreement over the weekend. we will talk with our congresswoman about how the border negotiations are going and what the future of aid for ukraine is
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correspondent kateryna lisynova. katya, this weekend we heard a number of statements, in particular from former president donald trump, who is accused of pressuring republicans with demands not to agree on legislation on the border, because this, they say, should become a key theme of his election campaign. on sunday , one of the key border negotiators, democratic senator chris murphy, said on cnn that a bipartisan deal is already in place. what is the situation with negotiations across the border now ? successors in the senate, both from the republican and democratic parties, are saying that the negotiations are ongoing and that there is progress, yes, in particular, as you mentioned correctly, democratic senator chris murphy, who is the representative, the representative of the democrats on this negotiating team, he specifically said that we should expect news in the next two days , he said this on cnn on sunday, that is, yesterday. at the same time, he noted that the bill can
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be voted on at this or the next. weeks at the same time, both republicans and democrats, answering questions about the border, also mentioned former president donald trump. yes, in particular republican lankfort, the senator who represents the republicans on this negotiating team, he specifically noted that there is a lot of speculation around the border deal, and he would like donald trump to read the deal that has been reached now in the senate and refrain, so to speak. , from criticism of this deal. donald trump himself. this weekend actually for the first time commented on his attitude to the deal that is now coming to the senate, he specifically said that this deal is bad, and that he said no deal is better than a bad deal, it should not be voted on, more come what may, quote, i suggest you listen to his statement right now. there is zero chance that i support this horrible betrayal
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of america. what is the open border policy , i never support it with all due respect, but i noticed a lot of senators trying to blame me for it, that's okay, please blame me, because they were planning to pass a very bad bill, and i'll tell you that , i'd rather have no bill than a bad bill, we can't afford a bad bill, but that's what it is happens. as you know, a speaker who is difficult for him, i think would be a great speaker, difficult. well, speaker mike johnson said that the bill in its current form will be blocked in the house of representatives. with such a small advantage in the chamber, we really need either a strong bill or no bill, then anything will happen. now this is the biggest threat to our country, the influx of people entering our
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country. katya, it looks like opposition to the agreement is growing in the house of representatives across the border, which was almost reached in the senate. over the weekend, speaker johnson said biden says he doesn't need any bill at all to stop the border crisis. what exactly is the speaker's criticism? in general , it seems that, as in many other issues recently. we are witnessing a crisis within the republican party and a division within the republican party between far-right republicans who believe it's all or nothing, and who very often support donald trump's position on this issue, and between more moderate by republicans who argue that a better deal cannot be found now. and so, in particular, the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, this weekend, in particular , noted how you correctly said that he was saying when...


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