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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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and there is a certain competition for obtaining the corresponding contracts for the supply of the corresponding products, so in the process of checking the relevant parts of the reality, it was simply discovered not at one warehouse, at several warehouses, not just non-delivery, but the absence of the necessary products, the inspection was carried out with the participation of the deputy ministers defense, i was also a representative of the anti-corruption council. er, the appropriate documents were drawn up, of course, everything was sent accordingly to the ministry, an operational decision was made to reassign individual parts for the supply of products to another supplier, under the condition that the cost of supply should not be higher than this price, er, which is supplied by this company, which does not cope with it, well, because that is what the legislation provides, and er- eh, well, in the event that if we... supply products from another
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supplier, he will not be able to supply it, then of course this will also have a negative effect on the condition and combat capability of the personnel. in addition, to date, the ministry conducts a general inspection on the results of the so-called claim work for the past year. why is this done? in order to understand and analyze which of the suppliers behaved dishonestly in their work. i mean, there have been some delays in the delivery of products, i would like to say that in no way, i am personally there or a member of the anti-corruption council or the ministry of defense does not put an emphasis on somewhere, as some entrepreneurs say, to suppress or well, let's put it this way, we don't treat each other very well, as if we don't treat individuals very well business entities, there were such objections as early as last summer, when we carry out... relevant
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inspections, this is not true, our main task is to ensure that all suppliers fulfill the terms of the contract in a timely manner, and if any of the suppliers who won a large number of lots in supply, has problems with the supply of products, he should not delay this, since this happened in january 24th, they should immediately report this or refuse to vote to conduct renegotiations on ... after that or to another lot, or relatively speaking, to look for exit options together with the ministry. hennadiy, thanks to such inspections, there is already a reaction from the suppliers, already how it works more quickly with this, see, so the first reaction, we were in the warehouse of one of the suppliers, in the same warehouse, well, they could not show us this warehouse, it became enough strange, because the company has more than one lot, but one way or another, they were able to deliver part of the products, and the other part was transferred promptly. subordination to the supply of another
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company, well, it was promptly accepted as such the decision, the contract provides for it, so there will be no legal cases from that supplier in principle, and uninterrupted supply, this is the main thing, besides that, well, as of yesterday , there was a problem, as far as i know, only in two parts, i think , that for today this issue should be settled, but the problem is general, it should be taken into account during the bidding in... for the second quarter of 2024, which i am talking about, dot should take into account that the company that wins the lots, for example, somewhere in western ukraine and the east it cannot deliver food products promptly, therefore, it is necessary to take into account such a certain, certain localization, the complexity of the supply, so that you supply, if you take the pegistika, mr. gennady, i thank you for joining and telling about this, about this important point of work, gennadiy kryvoshey, a member of the public anti-corruption council at the ministry of defense was there.
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of our broadcast and data from ms. further with ms. iryna friz, we will talk with the people's deputy of ukraine in general, ms. iryna, and how do you assess the number of corruption scandals around procurement, in your opinion , is the work currently being carried out , as mr. gennadiy said, really helpful in ensuring that these procurements are as transparent and understandable as possible, 100%, that the ministry of defense is now moving to another procurement format, is created. or rather, the so-called state procurement agency for the rear has already been created, yes, that is, the so-called dot, and it was headed by arsen zhumadilov, who presented his vision of how this agency should work, now what we see, and the checks that mr. kryvasheya spoke about, in fact, it is enforced by those contracts that were concluded under... the ordinary
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system, i hope that the new format of interaction and logistics of this agency, which is headed by arsen, will be able to timely give. and to provide the armed forces and all military units, starting with food and ending with equipment, so in this context the agency will begin to work, as far as we have been informed and conclude already direct contracts from the second quarter, that is from the month of april this year, what we are now seeing with you these audits, from my point of view, is an audit that is being done by the new team of the ministry. defense in order to offer more effective mechanisms for providing the armed forces of ukraine. mrs. iryna, if we talk about, i can't help but ask you, about other questions that can be asked to a people's deputy, about the bill on mobilization, we heard in
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an interview with ard, zelensky said that he expects a fair law on mobilization from the military and the ministry of defense. as it progresses work on this new version of the project from the government, what do you know, have you already seen the document as a people's deputy? first, i absolutely support the president's point about justice, right now, from my point of view, the issue of justice is that the new bill, whoever is the subject of the submission, whether it is the president as the supreme commander or the government that will finalize the text, which they withdrew, so the issue of justice should include not only changes to... legislation on mobilization, including demobilization algorithms, it is frightening it is not the fact of mobilization itself, but the uncertainty that scares, as soon as the state will be able to offer, given that you and i have entered a long-term format of war, as soon as
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the state will be able to offer a clear demobilization algorithm, i am sure that the situation with mobilization will be significantly to improve, this is the first, the second: this thesis that the military should develop something , submit something, it is completely false, because neither the armed forces nor the general staff, they are not the subjects of submitting draft laws, it can do this if from executive branch of government, not even the ministry of defense, but exclusively the cabinet of ministers, if we speak from the verkhovna rada, then it can be any of the deputies or a group of deputies, that is, the author’s collective, if... speaking, the third aspect, then it is directly the president of ukraine, who sees which needs to be changed, because he has , in view of the management of the whole rate, the amount of information about the needs and about
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the mechanisms for providing the armed forces to the mobilization reserves, in addition, the preparation of this mobilization reserve in order to do it in a timely manner, including. and rotation, ms. iryna, here they smoothly approached , so to speak, the topic of zaluzhny, and in general , the stories that were published the night before, information about the alleged dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the ukrainian armed forces valery zaluzhny, the president's spokesman, denied this, there is no information on the website of the president's office the corresponding decree, in his address to the evening , the president did not say anything about it, this is not the first time that such an information wave has arisen, but do you have any information, why now, what is happening? the committee currently does not have official information on personnel reshuffles in the general staff, in particular regarding the position of the chief commissar, at the same time , all this is really not happening in the correct format, and
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really recently, somewhere in the last more than six months, there has been a test of the degree, you know, the measurement of the degree of information. public mood in order to probably take certain steps, i am inclined to comment on the official information, there was really no official information on the president's website about this, some individual remarks, or the opinions of experts circulating in social media networks, not really nor does society add confidence. nor the armed forces of ukraine, i believe that now the highest rating of trust and support is directly held by the head of the armed forces of ukraine, so i hope for the adequacy of the government, which will not engage in, i don’t know,
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some kind of public harakiri in order to not just engage in personnel reshuffles during a large-scale invasion, and including zeroing itself, because we understand that any movements in relation to the military, in relation to the head of state now, they doomed to total destruction. would gradually limit the rights of the hungarian minority, in particular in the transcarpathian region. in ukraine , sijarto said that hungary is ready to restore the atmosphere of trust in ukraine. i think we agreed that we have made encouraging steps in that direction. there is still a long way to go and a lot of work will be required, but we on the hungarian side are ready for this and are ready for further cooperation. but the head of the president's office andriy yermak in uzhhorod noted that ukraine is interested in the meeting between volodymyr zelenskyi and viktor orban. i
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i would like to add that earlier the deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration of ukraine olha stefanishyna reported that the meeting in uzhgorod will also be aimed at reaching agreements regarding future negotiations between zelenskyi and orban. volodymyr zelenskyy made the proposal for negotiations personally to viktor orban in buenos aires on the sidelines of the inauguration of the newly elected president of argentina on december 10. rostislav hoten joins our broadcast. correspondent of radio svoboda, rostislav, congratulations, the main results of this meetings, and maybe it became known, or that was all there were, and when and if the meeting between zelenskyi and orban will take place? well, the meeting was actually , i would say, breakthrough, because hungary is a neighbor of ukraine and with which, by the way, the leader of which the president of ukraine has never met, except for the inauguration of the argentine president, even with putin, zelenskyy met before of the great war, but i did not meet with orbán, so this meeting is, of course, very important. to thaw the ice that exists in the relations between ukraine and hungary. gestures have
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meaning, i.e., that peter siarto laid flowers and wreaths at the monument to the dead soldiers of ukraine who are fighting the russian aggression, he also laid a separate wreath to the dead ukrainian hungarians who fought in the donbas against russia's attack. this is very important. of course, the issue of the hungarian national minority occupied the lion's share of these discussions. spoke, that is, budapest is to a certain extent fixated on the rights of ethnic hungarians in neighboring countries and in particular in ukrainian transcarpathia. what is it about? ukraine accepted a new, adapted law on national minorities in december 2023, and according to the recommendations of the venice commission, i believe that with this she has already gone to a meeting in hungary, that hungarian rights are already guaranteed, what is it about, so to speak, what is the problem? the fact is that ukraine believes that the hungarians in transcarpathia lived before this in some
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kind of hermetic sphere, without integration into the wider ukrainian society, and ukraine just wants them to speak not only the hungarian language or a second language, russian, as was the case in transcarpathia with the hungarians that the language of interethnic communication there is russian, so that ukrainian is the language of interethnic communication, so that hungarians have a perfect command of the ukrainian language and can be integrated into the wider ukrainian society. to enroll in ukrainian universities so that they can study, learn , work in ukrainian state structures, knowing the ukrainian language well enough, in budapest i will see a violation of the rights of hungarians here, that ukraine is allegedly imposing the ukrainian language, but the venice commission sided with ukraine. it is also important that an important moment of these negotiations was that hungary, budapest no longer talks with ukraine from a position of strength, as was the case before, due to the fact that according to, for example, the publication... the european union is preparing such a plan for the secret collapse, the overthrow of the hungarian economy,
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the collapse of forent and their national currency, in the event that viktor orbán would block 50 billion dollars from this aid to ukraine, which he blocks before, so that there are also weak points in hungary, viktor orbán was also hit by what, for example, what charles michel, president of the european council, is like that will remain in office until the end of this year, and viktor, viktor orban, when he takes over the presidency. union of hungary in the second half of this year, orbán will not chair the european council. this is also an important point that weakened orbán. well, in general , it is clear that hungary, an important neighbor of ukraine, has not had an ambassador of ukraine in hungary for more than a year and a half. fedoro shandru, this professor from the trenches, they still cannot appoint him normally as an ambassador, what he started, but in general hungary is very important for ukraine, due to the fact that after all, if, if not how, and this is a member of the european union and... nato, hungary did not block orban, did not block the start of negotiations with ukraine in
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the european union, on eu membership, in december of this year at the summit, when i went out for coffee, but in principle hungary is leading, i do not believe that hungary will become a great friend of ukraine, but to have a normal one, i understand correctly, rosyslav, thank you for joining , unfortunately, we have to finish, rostyslav khotin , columnist of radio svoboda, joined our broadcast, thank you. such was this issue of svoboda morning, my name is kateryna nekrecha, i and our entire team wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow. we congratulate those who are joining us at this moment, we have good news, the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine andriy kovalev reported that our soldiers yesterday in the luhansk region minus one more su-34
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russian, and this is great. yes, and in the meantime we will return to the main topic, as we are today. already found out with our military, and with our experts, and with people's deputies who write laws and work in the committee on national security, this whole situation with the war of drones, unfortunately, looks quite dramatic on the front line, because the russian-fascist occupiers have more of them, including half of the drones. we can see from the video every morning when we collect it for you, but a month has already passed and there are no parties contracted by the ministry of defense and the government, this is a problem. i think that we will now talk about this with the head of the coulon company, development engineer vitaly brezgalov, in connection with our studio, mr. vitaly, good morning, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, but why do you think, well no,
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everyone collects small productions, large productions, better, worse, to something. our kulibins are also working on it, and very fantastic things, a month has passed, and there are still no contracts, contracted parties from the ministry of defense, well, in fact, i think that they are, they are just not advertised enough yet , and from those communities with which we communicate, i see that everyone is expanding, and there are producers who are not quite ready. go to the contracts that are themselves financing, but of course, it is less productive than actually receiving a huge order, and i did not understand, you communicate with the manufacturers, so they already have contracts from the ministry of defense, or do they continue to do everything with their own funds? uh, a few
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companies out there in the final stages of contracting are just very very. a complicated procedure, you also have to pass a forensic examination on the cost price, but they are already somewhere very close, but actually production is a complicated thing, it cannot be built very, very quickly, especially on such a scale, these are millions of investments, in conditions of war, each of these investments is quite difficult to attract, but the process is going, very... slowly, but it is still going, and in this time, until someone can go through it all and get on exactly such production rails , during this time, everyone is really looking for their funding, funds, friends, large foreign companies that help patrons,
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that is, of course, this is compared to the enemy, it is not so. productive, but it wins now , quality wins, in addition to quantity, because a swarm of drones needs a swarm of pilots, in fact it is still well, one such big problem, there are not so many pilots, er, they learn, they, but it 's quite not everyone, not every person can control a drone, and especially fpv, and time, time, time. and time is needed to train pilots and increase production, about time, mr. vitaly , here is what our minister says, about the fact that we do not have time to test the drones that we manufacture, because we need a lot of them, accordingly, we will test them immediately on the battlefield, already in action, let's check how they work, what the threat is and whether it exists at all, what could happen
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if, god forbid, something went wrong with those drones? well, actually, the threat is great, because when a drone is equipped with explosives , and if something goes wrong with it, and it doesn't have time to fly there to a safe distance, and it detonates or falls off, or crashes, then the threat is quite big for those pilots who it's being tested and launched, so i think you guys are just wasting your time. they have their leftovers of some other drones, trophy drones, to bring them to a decent level, because they are directly with this... and this is their life, and therefore they have to spend time on finalizing and testing them before flights. that is, mr. vitaly, i understood correctly
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that the one who says that we will test kamikaze combat drones not on the training ground, right in battle, it is in fact, well, it is in fact what i will say, look, i have a machine gun, i went into battle, i tested it, but it turned out that the shutter did not work. the impact fighter does not work and it does not shoot, and that’s it, well, roughly , now it is tested, for example, every 10th drone from the batch, yes, when they go in large batches, when it is a well-established collection, uh, then in general, this is enough, but then, tell me that what needs to be said to the minister of strategic industries is kamyshin's idea, he said yesterday that we will test it right in... in battle, maybe he will try to drop a couple of vogs or grenades from an untested drone, maybe then somehow he will change his approach, eh, well, in fact, if
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these are industrial drones, then there is really no need to test each one here, yes, but it is precisely new models, new developments, new components that require testing of each and every drone, until there is of proper production quality from... input control of parts, with output control, especially this applies to batteries , this is, in addition to the design of the drone itself, the battery must withstand that flight time and give that capacity, not catch fire, not fail, and this is a very big problem of the batteries themselves, because their you can’t check it quickly, but the drone was raised, a circle flew under it, literally two minutes and you already... see if it works or not, then the battery needs to be tested for its long flight and for thousands of drones, 10 minutes for each drone,
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really there is no time, because other than then i'm swarming drones, a swarm of pilots, then a swarm of testers is still needed, therefore industrial serial production itself must ensure the quantity, quality and input control of parts, and output control of production and... the production process itself, that is, it is not a very good idea to make them in the kitchen, but at all not a good idea. mr. vitaly, let's analyze and compare our drones and theirs, if we are talking about any innovations, developments, because again the russians are talking about the fact that some new ones came up with a unique production of kamikaze drones, part, parts are printed on 3d printers at once. somewhere out there, the operators are learning to fly those drones, eh, who got involved next in this sfe business, us or them? well, it is precisely in innovations
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, we are a little ahead, they usually learn from us, but they very quickly take over all this and scale much faster, because they don't have a war over there, they fight on our territory, it's easier for them, we have enough. .. it is difficult to ensure the safety of production and introduction of new technologies. 3d printing on kamika drones, this of course does not work, because there are very large loads, a lot people are trying to create the frames of these copters from something simpler than the hard, light carbon, they are trying to make it cheaper, but it all works quite difficult, the materials, uh... in such loads, these are engineering calculations , this is really the engineering work of some very cool engineers, eh well, we have them, but they
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are usually already very busy, everyone who wanted to join the topic is already working and working mostly on improving existing models than on inventing others, and besides, a drone is electronics, it very difficult electronics, and a lot of attention is currently being paid to the expansion of functionality from electronics, this is also automatic guidance, this is communication that is not jammed by reb and reb means, that is why 3d printing and all kinds of technologies, well, this is not really what is needed now, that is , when we watch their videos, it is faster. about propaganda than effectiveness if they say we mass 3d print fpv drones for the russian liberation army, and in that case, look.
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this statistic shared by the magazine is very interesting the focus, that is, when we looked at how kamikaze drones are used on our side and on the enemy’s side, for example, in terms of infantry, we actually have full parity of 1,779 units, against 1,752, almost one to one, and i understand that this is only for a short time the period is analyzed, that's how we differ from the russians in 10 times more. strike with drones at fortified areas and at our positions, that is , stationary targets, and from the point of view of moving targets by fpv drones, we destroyed 2,057 units, and the russians only 632. what do these numbers mean to us to say, that is, because i mean they are 10 times more in terms of stationary, and we are at least four times more in terms of moving, well , it turns out that we stand more, and they
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move more. it is very, very difficult to protect equipment from fpv drones, they already install systems to combat fpv drones on their equipment quite massively, but in the fight between reb and fpv, fpv still wins, because the guys modernize, change frequencies and everything flies smoothly, and their are driven to the offensive, they are forced to advance, to approach as far as they can get. even ours beat them, too well, but unfortunately, it turns out that we are standing , we are now building up, we are saving there , we are standing, that is why the guys who hold the plantings are mostly suffering, and you, mr. vitaly, just to clarify, it is not a focus, but it is accurate kinfo, have you familiarized yourself with this analysis of their fidron, or what they give? they
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are as of january 27, have you seen it, yes, i see statistics in closed communities, i see the number of destroyed equipment, many guys, one of the priorities in this slow development of drones is that our state after all prompts manufacturers to join the hit control system, efficiency control and... and most manufacturers keep track of how many things are destroyed by their products in order to roughly imagine the effectiveness of the hits, that's why drones worth a billion hryvnias have already destroyed billions of dollars of equipment there , that is, the difference is still positive in... exactly in favor of fpv, drones
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and other drones, but in fact we need to further increase the range and accuracy of hitting, i understand you, mr. vitaly, thank you for the conversation, vitaly bryzgalov was with us, the head of the pendant company, a development engineer, well, ukrenergo informs that as a result of today's night attack there is damage to the equipment at one of the substations. i will not tell you more news, because this is christina parubi's business, and she is ready to share everything she knows herself. thank you, colleagues, in the issue we will talk about the consequences of the shahed attack on ukraine this night, as well as about the losses of the enemy, don't miss it in a moment.


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