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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EET

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we learn new things, we grow together! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukrain. well, we inform you about the most important news from the regions. the secretary of the kolomyia, kolomyia city council was dismissed from his post last year... he was actively criticized for insulting a local deputy, he compared her to a witch, asking her not to look at him like that, to which the woman explained how not to look, he says , as a witch, well, and recently the city council of kolomyia terminated his powers, as reported by the commissioner of human affairs , dmytro lubinets. i quote lubinets. according to information disseminated in zmi, during the meeting.
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in november of last year, the secretary of the kolomyia city council used statements, yes, yes, yes, they affect the business reputation, they are humiliating, later she turned to me and she herself suffered, after which proceedings were opened in this case, and this, by the way, is not the last such a scandal lately, already, if i don't know if i heard it, but there was a scandal regarding the two presenters of the iceland channel, serhii ivanov and volodymyr petrov, who are still working as political technologists, but they too have been allowing themselves some similar sexist asides lately. we hope that similar cases will not be repeated, especially since it is no longer suitable to say so precisely, so precisely, but the key story is the situation at the front: volodymyr nazarenko, call sign sonechko, an artillery officer of the fourth brigade in... rubizh, we are talking about
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bakhmut . glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr. glory to the hero, good day studio, good day audience. well, first of all, we would like to ask you to share operational news from the bahamian direction. the situation on a large part of the front, the eastern part of the front , remains tense, the enemy continues to strike, artillery strikes, shelling, moving manpower, equipment, trying to advance, trying. to impose battles, he tries somewhere, again, somewhere to advance, in most cases he receives a good rebuff, and even in such weather, which is very changeable, sometimes frost, then a little warmer, he satiates himself, even in such conditions, the fighters of the defense forces, our comrades, comrades from the fourth brigade of the national guard, repel the enemy and destroy him, mr. volodymyr, from... the bottom
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of the enemy's tactics, so at one time the enemy actively used the tactics of small infantry groups. information is now coming from bakhmut, from its surroundings, that the enemy is trying to add some equipment, heavy equipment, the same tanks. the enemy uses a wide range of tactics, it's really, as you say, using equipment, heavy equipment, or lightly armored equipment, which is accompanied there by the same bmp, mtlb. the one who, in particular , must use tanks, unfortunately, but he can use them exclusively for his tasks, exclusively for the operation he plans, what intentions, what plan he carries out, they can use tactics that are just as old for them and small groups, and scorched earth, and they actively use shock bpela drones, fp drones, lancets and artillery of all calibers, unfortunately, they have an advantage in
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ammunition, in the amount of that scrap metal, their tactics are in order to to use whatever they have available, what they've tried, what they've tested, what they hope will bring them some success, but most of the time it only brings them defeat, and they in these battles, which offensive battles and defensive battles suffer defeats, if we talk about the ratio and how much the enemy now has... ammunition, this is how i understand it, we are talking about a quite serious difference, and how we try to compensate for this difference when , for example, we understand that we do not have enough ammunition, as the enemy has, then i understand that drones come into play, in this case, and are there enough of them now, and are the guys now somehow trying to work on improving these drones so that they are as deadly as possible and effective. would really
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like to answer your question in a way that the enemy has a multiple-fold advantage, indeed a multiple-fold advantage in ammunition, but the tactic of using ammunition in the... is that they use it non-aimed, they use it by statute , statutes which were written even after the second world war, how they were told and taught and prescribed how to conduct art training, art support, how to justify the goals and norms of ammunition consumption, modern warfare has changed quite a lot, indeed, as you said, with the beginning of the use of various types of drones , reconnaissance drones that constantly... show the picture that is on the battlefield, what is happening, how, how effectively the same projectiles are used, and here already in principle the enemy is trying to adapt, but in many ways uses the old one the tactics that they have been preparing for for decades, when they were trying, when
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they were planning this communist imperial revolution all over the world, when they wanted to take over the whole world, and they will continue to use this tactic of fireball in these... conditions in which we have to effectively lead counter -battery and quite accurately, that is, it is already an advantage here, we have to use the advantage not in quantity, but in the quality of each shot, each accurate shot, the maximum efficiency of each projectile burst, and here reconnaissance drones, wings that illuminate , that help to find, that help to detect and precisely in... i also wanted to clarify with you about the means of radar combat, because we understand that this is also one of the main factors of successful work, yes and its established structure in general, our relevant minister mykhailo fedorov promised and talked about the fact that
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we can make certain such rebs, which will be very compact, they weigh up to 3 kg, he even showed how they look, but i'm interested right away'. i wonder if these guys are already in service, in particular in your unit and in your direction, well, actually, a general brigade muster is currently underway, there are not many weapons, since there is not much ammunition, there is not much, since there are not many drones, because every drone, every rap , every projectile will be used to win , so now the brigade-wide meeting is going on, and i would also like to call... to support our brigade, the fourth brigade of the national guard of roubaix, which is carrying out tasks, and really guys, they are needed, they save , they protect, they make radio jams so that enemy drones, strike drones, lancets can’t be targeted, can’t transmit
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a picture, they make a system of obstacles so that these drones can’t be controlled, that is, that operator ork operator could not aim, find and scout. this will save the lives of transport, equipment, and the life of every ukrainian soldier. i also wanted to clarify with you, what is the matter with the enemy with the rebs, do they also have a sufficiently large number of those rebs and how many of them are there, unfortunately, they are too used, and the occupying army and , in principle, the soviet school of radio jamming, radio intelligence, radio electronics, it was... unfortunately, it was strong, they developed it for many decades of the soviet empire, and continue to develop it, so they too, in this direction are actively working and creating certain inconveniences. mr. volodymyr, well, accordingly,
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what did you want to clarify, the situation in klishchiivka? unfortunately, i cannot particularly comment there, i know that our comrades in the armed forces of ukraine fight like heroes, fight like lions. and they repulse quite a few attempts of the enemy to advance, they win and keep the initiative, mr. volodymyr, and in bohdanivka, in general, the situation in the entire eastern direction remains tense, and heavy fighting continues there, as far as, in your opinion, the most tense point on the bahamud direction now, you can't say there, you have to look at it in several ways. months of the enemy's intentions and the enemy is trying somewhere to find some weak spot in order to seize the initiative and continue to advance, continue, well, somehow break the line defenses throughout this direction , throughout the eastern direction, wherever the enemy tried and
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in the direction where our fourth brigade is performing tasks, the border, the enemy tried repeatedly, he received a decent repulse, and in most cases, i repeat, on... brothers from the armed forces forces of ukraine, from other defense forces, repel these enemy provocations quite well and our defense is strong. we thank you. now we have a few more minutes before we go to a break, we will read important news, and actually i would like to quote the mini prime minister of ukraine denys shmygal, who made an important statement: for many ukrainians, it is important to know that until the end of the winter utility bills for the population will be kept at... at the level they are now, in particular , the electricity tariffs will be kept, and he noted that the government
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continues to support ukrainian families, and maintains the so-called preferential electricity tariff for the population, which remains at the level of 2.64 kopecks, and in general this winter he says that there will be no changes, this is important to understand, given the difficult economic situation in our country , but now we have to go for a short break, after which we will return to our studio, so stay with the... espresso. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolegit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream dolgit, what you want i will lift. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. with muscle spasms, long-lasting anticonvulsant tablets. dolgit anticonvulsant for... weakening of muscles and calves. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% in
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the front svobodalai, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, there are a lot of events, so we will inform you about the most important, in a couple of days, just after tomorrow, the leaders of the countries of the european union at the summit will confirm their desire to provide timely predictable and sustainable military
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support to ukraine in the future, the agency writes reuters, literally the european council also confirms the urgent need speed up the delivery of ammunition and missiles. the draft conclusions of the summit leave open the question of whether eu leaders will promise. also , contribute an additional 5 billion euros to help ukraine to the european peace fund. yes, and according to the reuters agency, the idea of ​​allocating an additional 5 billion euros is already contained in the draft text in square brackets, that is, this means, according to the opinion. reuters that the issues are still being discussed, well, but let's hope for the best. taras kremin, the official for the protection of the state language, is in touch with us now. glory to ukraine, mr. taras, we welcome you. glory to the heroes, good day to you. so, mr. taras , look, today we will talk with you about a topic that has caused quite a huge wave
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of scandals in our ukrainian society. issues in the army. we remember irina farion's statement, we remember all the subsequent steps that followed her statement, and we actually understand that this issue is unresolved in our country, and it is necessary somehow the question is for us to decide, the question of how to do it, in what way, understanding that our military is now busy with more important things, they are protecting our country, but on the other hand, yes... there are certain laws that must be followed, so let's figure it out, i understand that now there are certain language courses for the military, but i would like to ask you more about them, what they give, actually, on what basis are these courses and how often do you need to attend them, in short, we would like some such practical part of the actual this matter to discuss, thank you, i will certainly start
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unexpectedly, those who raise information...waves around the language issue of the armed forces of ukraine during this time did not dare to do anything to ensure the rights of ukrainian citizens who defend ukraine with weapons in their hands to elementary language courses, even a textbook for the second year, and this is me addressing those who want to create a storm in a glass of water. instead , as a representative, i protect the rights of every citizen and i want to emphasize that the issue of language courses. as well as the issue of access to the ukrainian language in various spheres social life, these guarantees are provided both by the law on language and the constitution, but taking into account the fact that during all this time of the first full-scale invasion in the armed forces of ukraine, unfortunately, such language courses were not organized, but there is a need for them, because from one
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on the other hand, we really see that in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine there are citizens who want to... improve their language skills, who are preparing to take exams for the level of proficiency in the state language, there are servicemen of other citizenships, but they want to become citizens of ukraine and claim to take the exam of ukrainian as a foreign language, the idea arose during a meeting with representatives of the training center of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine to open such language courses on their territory. of their institution , literally one of the first to respond to my idea, and it is open, it is not limited, i was approached by the rector of the national aviation university , volodymyr shulga, who is ready to provide military personnel with the necessary resources, textbooks, relevant educational
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programs, of course, the professor actively is ready to help our servicemen so that their... understanding of the basics of the ukrainian language, understanding of military terminology, its application in various thematic blocks, preparation of official documents, regulatory acts, in office management, document management, will be beneficial, so i hope that in the near future sometimes we will already have the first graduates of such language courses and i hope that in those units where there is such a need, we will be able to organize close cooperation. with leading universities of ukraine, but i want to emphasize, as the commissioner for the protection of the state language, i gladly support such initiatives, i personally initiated half a thousand such language courses, with mr. anton we developed and approved the lviv city program, but of course we need to give such a document a new lease of life, and if the language
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it is about military personnel, and why not create additional opportunities for our defenders, especially for those who have such an opportunity. mr. taras, look at the story of civil servants who, in the performance of their official duties, use the russian language, in particular we are talking about the employees of the sbi, so this story emerged during, so to speak , investigative and operative actions, so, accordingly , your reaction was quite clear, tough, the way this case is unfolding now, from the moment when we recorded the use of the state language during the detention of a citizen of ukraine, i made a decision to open measures of state control. accordingly, we are waiting for materials from the state bureau of investigation, we hope that our work and cooperation with this office will be effective and
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productive. i understand that they wanted to make public the materials about the detention surrounding one of the most relevant cases in ukraine, but at the same time i want to emphasize that according to article 16, the ukrainian language is mandatory . in law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, special-purpose agencies with law enforcement functions. i hope that emotions will subside, and we will really be able to contribute as much as possible to the fact that during the detention, during the operational search activity, representatives of law enforcement agencies will speak exclusively in the ukrainian language. mr. taras, look, some , i don’t know, current intermediate control, it will be applied, well, it means that when a person gets a job in... civil service, yes, he has to pass the appropriate exam on knowledge of the state ukrainian language, well, i i don't know how it looks in reality, but
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maybe, maybe it's worth conducting some kind of attestation, every citizen has a school education, is obviously a graduate of a professional pre-higher or higher education institution, is in the ukrainian-speaking information space, does not possess. the state language in such realities is absolutely impossible, in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, the vast majority of ukrainian citizens both in the main areas, and in domestic communication, and in ukraine, and in the ukrainian segment of the internet, use mainly the ukrainian language, so what other levels of verification can we talk about, i i absolutely do not understand, but at the same time i want to emphasize that the ukrainian language is the language of a great nation that is on the defensive line. protection europe, which means modern democracy and human rights. the ukrainian language is the language of dignified and freedom-loving people. 10 years ago
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, a revolution of dignity took place, and one of the postulates on maidan nezalezhnosti was the restoration of the rights of the ukrainian language in all spheres of public life, which is where the language law came from and , accordingly, the repeal of the unconstitutional law on the principles of state language policy. that is why today the ukrainian language is chosen. their previous rights throughout the territory of ukraine. today, ukrainian is popular in the world, and ukrainian will definitely be the language of the european community. therefore, other arguments, in addition to the fact that ukrainian is the language of a strong, unbreakable state, as well as those postulates that are defined in the law on language and in the 10th article of the constitution, should not be added. mr. taras, we would also like to ask you about the number of appeals from citizens, actually. about the violation of their rights to receive this or that service in the state language, because from time to time we see such precedents, unfortunately, when there are similar cases, but we would like
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to understand whether if we follow any a certain trend over the years, this actual trend is changing and such appeals are becoming fewer and fewer, that is, correspondingly, such situations, when a person cannot receive this or that service in ukrainian, are also becoming fewer, i have to disagree with you, because initially... full-scale invasion, the number of appeals has increased, precisely because citizens do not tolerate when they communicate with them, or when they encounter obscene language in advertisements, on the internet, in service, in communication with local deputies, in education, in transport, etc. last year, we received a record number of appeals, about 4 thousand, and they just speak of language stability, which has finally appeared, recovered in ukrainian society, in its majority more. we see that ukrainian has really become more, but among the problematic questions remains the sphere of service, in second place is information for general
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familiarization and the language of signs on... which do not have a starter pages of the ukrainian language. according to this fact, in the 23rd year, 65% of them were decided by us, and this speaks of the high effectiveness of the implementation of the language law, the effectiveness of the application of sanctions in the form of warnings or fines, as defined by the code of ukraine. administrative offenses, among other things, a high level of national self-awareness of citizens who independently correct the situation and improve their activities, if they are business entities. mr. taras, we also wanted to ask you about a story related to ours ukrainian transcarpathia, where citizens of ukraine, hungarians, and hungarian origin live, that's how the meeting
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between the foreign ministers took place. of ukraine and hungary, and accordingly, peter sijarto , the hungarian minister of foreign affairs, stated that they will demand the return to, so to speak, hungarian rights, the rights of transcarpathian hungarians, by 2015, and accordingly, we understand that the legislation has changed in our country and accordingly, how this whole thing can affect the situation. the fact is that i only have official information, which also spread on the page of the minister of foreign affairs, on other official sources, but i also know about the closed meeting, during which other details were apparently discussed, perhaps also about the need to make changes to the current legislation, but i want to remind you that at the end of the 23rd year, on the eve of the vote on the start of negotiations on
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ukraine's accession to the eu, changes. tives , a draft law has been registered, amending a number of ukrainian laws, including those on language, education, media, etc., which harmonize ukrainian and european the legislation on the issues of national communities, about which further relaxation is in question, i do not yet understand, i am unfortunately not part of the working group, i was not invited to transcarpathia, but considering my transcarpathian roots, i can say that... ukrainian language in transcarpathia, much more than it was before the 15th year, even than it was after february 24, the 22nd year. i personally initiated the implementation of state control measures in educational institutions where principals of ukrainian schools did not speak the ukrainian language and could not connect two words as part of the initiative , the transcarpathian regional program and the uzhgorod city program have been developed and approved
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, and there is a fairly developed network of language courses . communities, so i don't know who the minister of foreign affairs in ukraine is protecting, but i want to emphasize that representatives of various national communities live on the territory of transcarpathia and they... are citizens of ukraine, it is the duty of every citizen of ukraine to speak the ukrainian language fluently and within the limits of his functions and powers, to ensure the rights of other citizens, therefore, in the conditions of a full-scale invasion , the ukrainian language cannot and will not be a bargaining chip, the ukrainian language is the language of power, the language of power and the language of the ukrainian state, as a representative, i protect the citizens of ukraine and will continue to do so. thank you, taras kremen,
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authorized representative. protection of the state language was on the air of spresso, they talked about the demands of the head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs regarding the restoration of the rights of national minorities the hungarians in transcarpathia, who were there until 2015, actually talked about language courses for military personnel. well , iryna koval is ready to tell us more news, who together with the news editor has prepared a fresh issue. so iro, we give you the floor. well , actually, tell me what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, well, literally in a moment about utility tariffs for the population, support for the european union and the situation at the front and much more. wait.


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