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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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they poked their heels for a long time, i'm sure it will be the same with these traitors, when our servicemen will liberate the occupied territories, you will have a christmas tree, or rather, a christmas tree, and such an already familiar prison only for ukrainians, that's why we keep the line, we will donate on the armed forces of ukraine and we believe in the victory of ukraine, so that no traitor has a place on our holy land. it was the collaborator program and i am olena kononenko, if you have one. information about kremi sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, jointly let's send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. russians killed a local resident of berislav in the kherson region. the enemy dropped explosives on the city from a drone, the regional military administration reported. the occupiers also attacked two settlements in the boryslav district. residential buildings and the building of the invincibility point were hit. the russians shelled tokarivka with artillery. local resident received an explosive injury, partial amputation of a finger, hand, shrapnel wound to the head, abdomen and leg. she is in the hospital. in the temporarily occupied crimea, the defense forces of ukraine hit the enemy radar station of the air defense system. the target was placed near the village. still separate, this
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was reported by the strategic communications department of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the military said that the strike was successful this morning. the latest skynex battery has arrived in ukraine. as reported by the general director of rain metal italy, alessandro erkolan, the first complex was handed over at the end of 2023. the contract for production, which was... written off in december 2022, was paid by the government of germany for 160 million dollars. the second battery will arrive in march 2024. the drone killer can make it very difficult for an occupier to use iran's shahed 136. the skynex radar can see up to 50 km, and its guns are capable of firing 1,035 mm rounds per minute and hitting targets at a distance. 4 km.
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another offensive guard brigade was created on the basis of the luhansk border detachment, its name is revenge. there is a specific symbolism in the reformation of the detachment into a brigade - serhii deineko, the head of the state border service, noted. now the enemies will feel a concrete revenge for all those who died in this war. the armored vehicle unit has matured significantly. special vehicles, anti-aircraft, artillery and anti-tank means, aerial reconnaissance and other modern weapons. at the same time , military personnel were trained both in ukraine and abroad. issues of security and euro-atlantic integration of ukraine. these topics were discussed by volodymyr zelenskyi and former secretary general of nato, chairman of rasmusen global, anders fok rasmusen. the meeting took place in kyiv.
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the president thanked for the help in creating the draft of the kyiv security treaty. he emphasized the need to conclude bilateral agreements on security obligations. in addition, the meeting discussed ukraine's integration into the euro-atlantic security space. ukraine, as a full member of nato, can significantly strengthen the alliance's potential, because our army has invaluable experience in waging war against russia, he noted. the leaders of the eu countries promise to continue military support to ukraine at the summit on february 1, reports the reuters agency. however , it remains to be seen whether they plan to contribute 5 billion euros in aid to ukraine to the european peace fund, which is used to finance the supply of arms to kyiv. at the same time, according to the publication, the main topic of the summit in brussels will be... an attempt to unblock a package
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of financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros, which hungary vetoed at the previous summit in december. the government does not plan to increase utility tariffs for the population until the end of this winter. in particular, it will the amount of the electricity bill is saved. the preferential tariff for electricity for the population will remain at the level of 2.64 kopecks per kilowatt-hour, assured prime minister denys shmehal. power outages are also not planned, despite the fact that russian attacks hit 50% of the power system. we carried out large-scale repairs and added 2.2 gigawatts of power to the power industry, and also increased our power import capabilities to 1.7 gigawatts thanks to full synchronization with the ntsoi network. despite the constant attacks that
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continue this winter, rockets and shahedami on the objects of the ukrainian energy industry, especially in the east of ukraine, in our thoughts there is light. frenchman farmers continue to block roads with tractors and demand action from the government, reuters reports. in particular, farmers complain about insufficient wages, excessive regulation of environmental protection, as well as cheap imports. the protests have been going on for more than a week. the french government has already abandoned plans to gradually reduce subsidies for agricultural diesel fuel and promised to relax environmental regulations. message, that i want to send to all french people is that we are all children of rural workers and we must all act to help our farmers live, not survive. i think we must understand today that french agriculture is in
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a catastrophic situation. we hope to see strong words and actions, some announcements that are specific about our demands. we really hope to see something. about all the issues that we raise and that have been building up for years. the money spent to support ukraine was not spent in vain, pro this was stated by german finance minister christian lindner during his speech to the parliament. according to him, it also affects migration control. let me remind you that in november, the government coalition of german chancellor olaf scholz agreed to double military aid to ukraine. in 2024 to 8 billion euros. germany bears international responsibility. we support ukraine and our support is the second largest in the world. this makes us an international leader. i hear calls to reduce our international commitments from
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conservatives from the cdu, csu and the opposition as a whole. i do not advise it, not only because of humanitarian responsibility, but also because international cooperation and ... crisis prevention is in germany's great interest, for example to control migration. they got rid of all symbols of the soviet union. lviv oblast became the first region of ukraine to complete the process of decommunization. in total, there were 312 soviet monuments on the territory. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, concerned citizens began to get rid of the so-called alyosha more actively. almost every week they wore out. several monuments, according to experts, were mostly discovered with the image of soldiers of the soviet army. demolished sculptures replenish the fund of the museum of totalitarian regimes, where they will perpetuate the terror of those times.
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farmers provided, or entrepreneurs in the territory of those communities, they provided their equipment, somewhere volunteers, ordinary people joined, for example, in zhovpva, we were simply helped by residents , and thus 95% of dismantling was done free of charge. a former militant of the lpr was detained in dnipro, who worked for the fsb. according to the investigation, during august-december 2023, a native of luhansk region collected information about the location of military equipment and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. and tried to identify ukrainian air defense complexes in the dnipro region and the region. under his guidance , the occupiers shelled the regional center during the attack on december 29 last year. according to preliminary data, he received money for the transmitted
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information. he called the deputy a witch. secretary kolomiyska. andriy kunychak was fired after making sexist statements. last year, in november, during a session of the city council , an official compared deputy halyna belya to a witch. she turned to the upov. desired from human rights, the deputy's words were confirmed there: this is discrimination based on gender, that is, they humiliate a woman, violate her right to respect. the behavior of the secretary was reviewed at a meeting of the permanent commission, and then the kolomyia city council decided to prematurely terminate the authority of its secretary. espresso tv channel continues collecting. our soldiers need vital equipment. please help replace the engine in evacuation vehicle and purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit
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of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 470,000. the account already has 195,000 uah. so get involved, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. such was the news at that time, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, literally in a moment, meet my colleague, vasyl zima. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even under during such a small load,
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b6, full sleep and recovery from bhfz. good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear tv viewers, i'm glad to see you, my name is vasyl zima, this is the velikiy eter program on the espresso tv channel, and for the next hour and 47 minutes, i and my colleagues together with we will talk about the most important things and , of course, we will involve experts in our conversation in order to understand what is happening, to somehow plan events for the future, but for now , the tankers convey congratulations and thanks, so the tankers of the guard. thank you for the car that our dear tv viewers received thanks to your donations, the car for which we
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collected money, which quite recently already serves the defenders of the eastern flank, let's actually listen to what they said: dear friends, dear ukrainians, thank you to everyone who participated to the collection for our car for the offensive guard tank unit, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, it is very important when you, viewers of espresso, readers of espresso, listeners of espresso, you see what your money went to, there is this connection with our defenders, well, mainly we collect. for our defenders, we collect cars, drones, turrets, and many other things, and you can immediately see what was purchased with this money and how it is already working at the front, so we continue to collect for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, the espresso tv channel and iryna kovalya's charity fund calls for help in raising funds for our defenders from the 141st brigade, it performs
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tasks in the urikhov direction, this is zaporizhzhia, infantry and aerial reconnaissance for... successful execution of combat missions requires high-quality equipment, we plan to purchase walkie-talkies and batteries for them . more than one fundraiser has already been closed, as you just saw this story with a car for tankers, this time we are also asking you to support our military, we... plan to raise a million hryvnias, i believe that we will succeed, and this fundraiser will be closed, and if even more collect, then, as they say , we will transfer that money to a new collection, the needs are enough , but we understand that in the war it cannot be otherwise, so we join in, well, let's start our conversation, today we will talk about the situation in the kherson region, according to which the enemy beat
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quite actively, unfortunately, there are victims, and come on, ok and there we still had to listen to the military, but i think i have already said enough, tomorrow we will listen again, we have to collect a million hryvnias, we will definitely collect them, and now yuriy sopolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, is in touch with us, mr. yury, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, in fact, during the day , the enemy shelled the kherson region 272 times, in the beryslav region there is a hit on the point of invincibility, well, there was also... the arrival of another community, i read later , lathe on kherson region. tell me, please, in general about today, this last day and, as of now, the consequences of enemy attacks? well, unfortunately, the shelling continues, and the weapons systems that the enemies used before that, unfortunately, they still have the opportunity
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to use now, including heavy weapons, are predominantly unguided weapons. they are working on housing development and humanitarian facilities, there we had a hit near the point of non-violence, fortunately there were no casualties, in general, unfortunately, as of now we already have one a person died, a civilian, and two more were hospitalized, they were injured as a result of enemy formations, this is one person who died, this is in beryslav oblast, in tokarivka, this is about these settlements, are we talking about it? yes, well, the enemy uses artillery, or also , well, i'm just curious, we know that the enemy uses attack drones against the defense forces, of course, the armed forces of ukraine, and are there such cases when these attack drones fly into civilian areas objects, or trying to impress local residents, are such facts not no, no
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recorded, unfortunately, recorded , there are cases where fiwi drones are hostile in... they attack civilians in particular, it's hard to tell if there or if they just didn't find a military target, and in order not to just screw this drone up, they hit a civilian, or, or this is a deliberate act of terror, but, unfortunately, we have cases when the fivi, they use anti-civilian, about motor vehicles, and just people who were on the street, and so on , well, unfortunately, a large number of cases when... explosives are thrown in by random people, just in the same way, they see that there are civilians there, but this does not stop them, well, really, this is not a game with death, although yes, it is a struggle with death, every day, in fact, in the kherson region to a greater extent, this russian death is present to a lesser extent , but in any case, this territory is shelled every day, and it
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is important, of course, to save people, to evacuate people who may or may not wake up every day. after a night attack, or not to live until the evening, this is unfortunately a fact, but from the zone, which is constantly under fire, they write that they don't take away 95 children stay there , they don't take them away, please tell me if there is any influence on this situation, because well, an adult actually decides his own fate, his own life, although of course everyone, it's better for everyone to be in a safer place, there are safer places in ukraine, fortunately, but the children, they... in fact, legally, the parents are responsible for them, but their lives are important, and they also have some kind of decision to make. please. in fact, there is such a problem, there were much more of them. one than now there are about 100 that remains, it is precisely in the settlements where it was announced, not only mandatory
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, but even forced evacuation, and this process continues, with these families, workers of social services, child care and workers of the military administration, volunteers continue to work they tell us what conditions they will live in, how this evacuation will take place, but unfortunately, well, the decision must be made by the people, we do not have such a practice that, you know, people are thrown out of these homes, because there mandatory forced evacuation, even when there are children there, i urge everyone to make the right decision and temporarily leave these territories, because it is very dangerous, friends, you see how every day the enemy uses a significant amount of ammunition there. precisely for our civilians, precisely for your settlements, and even if it is not even about your life and health, it is about your children, and now it is your duty
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to do everything to ensure that the children are in the safest possible conditions, and all the necessary help, it will be provided, is available such an opportunity, a large number of volunteers help, there are actually different directions of evacuation, everything can be agreed and the order of departure. the date of departure , the direction, all this is discussed, all this can be done, but you need a desire, after all, consent to this evacuation, without this there will be no result, but in beryslav, which is also constantly under fire, up to 10% of the population remains, it's about the language, it's about the fact that it's absolutely impossible for people to live there already, yes, to be brief, it's a very difficult situation there, 10, well there is a maximum of 15, but i think it is closer ... the figure is still 10%, you know, there is also constant shelling there, just like in other populated areas, but there the enemy systematically and unfortunately
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has been using heavy aerial bombs for a long time, well they are supposedly controlled there, but very often they just end up in private houses, where there are just civilians, and you see, there is practically no chance of survival after that if a person is in this building. because it is a very powerful explosion, well, plus, we talked to you at the beginning of the conversation and you they said that the enemy hit the point of invincibility in beryslav, i don’t know that there in the beryslav region, i don’t know if there is another point nearby, but this leads me to the point that even if some person needs support, well, at the point of recency, in any case, there should be some kind of charger, some kind of hot, hot tea, well, there is medical help, then of course the enemy, as they say, thus cuts off access to... any help for people, putting them in pure hell, where only drones and rockets can fly, well, meanwhile, in the occupied territory and the russians are building their plans
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, well, in particular they are forming, they have brought in, well , they have already brought in the russian guard units, they are probably preparing for the elections, so that nothing happens outside of the plan, and they are also forming stroibats in russia, so-called, to go to the occupied territory of ukraine. to build something, as you see it, this is, by the way, a very threatening trend, because i read today that almost 100,000 foreigners have already been brought to melitopol, in particular, to melitopol during the period of occupation, and even then they will have to be hunted down and looked for somewhere , as they will be to infiltrate, it is a very difficult story, how about it in the kherson region, please, you know, we actually have a slightly different situation, i can't say that a significant number of russians have come there now. in order to live in the temporarily occupied territory of the kherson region, because they are not comfortable there, in my opinion , yes, at least, they perfectly understand that this is
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an occupied territory, the mood of the people, they feel all this, and besides, in our the defense force of ukraine is working effectively, and the partisans, and from time to time they are not there at all, let's put it this way, uncomfortable, regarding rosgvarda, yes, unfortunately , we can see their strengthening now, probably they are preparing for so exactly by, well, there will be no elections there, but this show that they will conduct, it must be provided, because every couple there, who will to work, we recognize that this is the work of their commissions, and an armed escort is needed, because otherwise they do not go there, it remains, as a rule, behind the scenes, it is forbidden for them to take photos, post photos, if they are driving next to armed, military or riot guards, but well in fact, this is what happens, because otherwise there will be no one there at all to open their houses and communicate with those members of the so
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-called commissions, huh. well, i will ask very briefly if spring is coming soon, there is already a month left, god forbid, we will all live to see it, and of course people will somehow arrange their lives, especially people whose buildings, households, or even floods have been damaged, well no answers, but from the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant blown up by the enemy, from the dniprovskaya water, or from shelling, i know that some constructions are going on very actively now and people are also being offered building materials. is preparing for the spring period, we hope that there will be an opportunity for people to rebuild a little and put their communal property in order. er, this is also a constant process, there are certain difficulties, in fact, er, this especially applies to the zone of active hostilities, which is recognized by the territories, because there is a legal problem for the work of the commission for surveying
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the property that is damaged. they are currently working on it so that there are no legal ones problems regarding repair kits, yes , there is maximum cooperation with donors, with charitable organizations, because the need is actually very great for reconstruction, and unfortunately, the number of objects and the number of people who need it increases every day. where another is already a safe situation, and there they work side by side and actually work effectively, there is a significant number. has been rebuilt, there are also certain results on pasade pokrovsky, which was also recognized there as a pilot program for restoration, it will be there, well, it is actually there this settlement was completely destroyed by the russians, it will have to be built there practically from scratch, there was not a single whole building left during the deoccupation, there is also progress there, thank you very much, mr. yury
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, for your comments, thank you for joining, take care . yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council , was in touch with us and we discussed the situation in this region, part of which remains under occupation, and part of which is occupied by the enemy, the enemy is actively shelling it, and the citizens of ukraine who are actually in or in or near a combat zone. well, now we will talk about the political situation, and unfortunately, we have to talk about political scandals, although we would... not really want to have them. volodymyr tsybulko, a political scientist, is in touch with us. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. congratulations, glory to ukraine. slava is the hero. i want you to know that this evening, we have not seen a document where it was written about the resignation of general zaluzhnyi, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, or any refutation of the unconscious from those people who can put signatures, that is why we remain in this field.
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guessed, yes, although everyone has some insiders there, their own channels, everyone understands everything, but we only refer to some official sources, then until the evening nothing has changed, and that it was yesterday, late at night with the appearance of information about a possible decree of resignation general zuluzhny, well, any political technologist will look for reasons to, well, let's say, check through such an act. mobility of society on how the factor of merit affects unification, solidarity, willingness to substitute a shoulder. in fact, an attack, any attack on zaluzhnyi is an attack on the armed forces, so society perceives any attacks on the armed forces as
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a threat and... and i would say an anti-state act, because in wartime the armed forces bear the brunt , the heaviest, greatest responsibility for the fate of the country, and when the political vertical begins to interfere in the activities of the military, and there are not as many reasons for politicians to meddle in the affairs of the military as there are for me, then when politicians begin to deploy their guns to the side troops, it means... that they failed their own political mission internally, and the mission of politicians during the war is to provide for the troops, first of all, we see what a chain of scandals with weapons purchases continues, especially the active actions of the sbu at the end of last week , because the former head of the department liev was arrested, investigative actions were conducted on the campaign.


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