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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EET

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to practice skills so that it is not difficult to work with him. machine gunners also work nearby. this calculation also landed the x-101 rocket forever. the group has a special program that helps determine the exact direction the missile is flying, and a thermal imaging scope helps to see the russian murder weapon. the american large-caliber browning machine gun helped turn the rocket into scrap metal. the rocket was not heard at all, but in the thermal imager. i already saw it, that is, i fired ahead of it, and so the target was hit, seconds after 15, my brother told me that it was us who shot down the rocket, that is, they didn't immediately understand, then they understood, they rewatched the video, they didn't even really remember how it exploded. there can be up to four people in a mobile group, primarily they hunt drones, but more and more often russian missiles also come under attack.
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there are already more than a hundred such air defense calculations in the northern operational zone. a cruise missile, it has a speed of about 800 km/h, it is a very moving target, and in the air you need to have good skills to to identify this target, as well as to destroy it in the future. it's not easy, but the proper training, it prepares our soldiers to... the moment that happens, to hit that air target. in order to protect people, cities and villages, air defense forces watch over the sky 24 hours a day. dmytro didora, oscar jansons, espresso tv channel. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. try dolgit cream kremgit relieves pain,
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a column about money during the war. i'll start with information about international support, so here's the leader. eu countries have to vote on granting kyiv aid in the amount of 50 billion euros, and the decision should appear on february 1. without this, as well as funding from the united states, our state will not be able to continue the fight against russia and support the economy for a long time. this was reported by politico. it also quotes the head danylo hetmantsev of the tax committee of the parliament. so, the deputy says that , to quote: we are not even considering the option of refusing this assistance, for us it is critical, because the timeliness and completeness of non-military expenses depends on it, well, here we are talking about the payment of salaries to state employees, about the payment of pensions, really such threats were reported in the cabinet of ministers
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on the eve of the new year, that everything really depends on when the money will start arriving, primarily from the european union. well, it seems to me that there really is a solution tomorrow it is mandatory to appear about the provision of this amount of 50 billion euros, because there is information from the international monetary fund, here it appeared on economic truth, i read that in 2024 the international monetary fund expects the growth of the russian economy by 2, 6%. and this is more than previously predicted, why this growth. gdp is expected by international analysts, well, because the kremlin itself will invest more in the defense sector, and this will entail support for other sectors of the russian economy, so it will only speed up, and we cannot allow
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our economy to slow down without international support. vasyl, yes, but in any case, in order for russia to invest in its defense industry, it is necessary to earn this money somewhere abroad. only to the question of how the sanctions work, who buys russian resources, because, well, russia doesn't have money, even if you print it, you still won't print too much, inflation will happen, everything is logical, russia has money because it is paid abroad, this money, so she can invest it, well, sanctions really need to be strengthened, in particular, i told you about aluminum, aluminum should receive restrictions from the european union, the international community, a powerful industry, strongly supports it. of the russian federation, it is necessary to introduce strict restrictions against the countries of third countries that help russia circumvent these sanctions, and then, perhaps, these forecasts from the international monetary fund regarding the growth of russia's gdp will not be as progressive as they seem to me. well, but there are
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certain movements, here are the ambassadors of the european union agreed to the transfer of income from frozen russian assets in the country. this was reported in the belgian presidency of the council. the european union has currently given the green light to the first step of this long-awaited procedure, the revenues from the frozen assets of the aggressor country will be deposited into a separate account, after that they must be transferred to ukraine, well, here is the explanation, we will follow the details, it seems to me that the information provided by the international press, it was about interest from... frozen assets on a certain account, well, we'll wait specific details. let's go further. the european commission proposes to extend the duty-free regime for ukrainian exports until june 6, 2025. however, the new agreement contains certain changes that
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benefit poland. the final decision will be taken by the college of european commissioners. such a decision is expected tomorrow. the project includes the return of import quotas to the eu. of several such sensitive goods, we are talking about ukrainian sugar, poultry meat and eggs. this is not currently in the current agreement. the minister of rural affairs insisted on the return of the corresponding quotas of agriculture, czeslaw sekerski and european commissioner for agriculture janusz wojciechowski. and for its part, the country offered poland a mechanism for verifying the export of agricultural products, that is, such a formula, which will really be fully analyzed. what hinders polish farmers from our side, what can we supply, well , a similar mechanism already works with romania and bulgaria, well, maybe poland will listen to such a verification offered by our government,
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and maybe it will continue to put pressure on the euro commission in order to and introduced more restrictions for of our agricultural products. let's go further. during the winter, the cabinet of ministers does not plan to change any tariffs for food for the population. this was reported by prime minister denys shmyhal today. he. reminded that now, for example, a kilowatt/hour costs 2.64 kopecks. also , the head of the government considers the situation in the energy sector to be stable, because last year we really lived in conditions of constant restrictions and blackouts. denys shmigal added that the basis of ukrainian energy was and will be nuclear generation, and reminded that in the future the construction of two power units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear plant power plants let's listen to the direct speech. we carried out large-scale repairs and added 2.2 gigawatts of power to the power industry, and also
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increased our power import capabilities to 1.7 gigawatts thanks to full synchronization with the ntsoi network. despite the constant attacks, which continue this winter, with rockets and rockets on ukrainian energy facilities, especially in the east of ukraine, there is light in our thoughts, well, what about the nations. the commission, which carries out state regulation in the spheres of energy and communal services, approved a kind of two-stage change in tariffs for water supply and drainage the head of this department , kostyantyn uschapovskyi, emphasized that now the decision on changing the tariffs is not finally taken, but is only submitted for discussion by the expert environment, politicians, and indeed, in the future, in my opinion, we are being prepared for the fact that... water for ordinary consumers will still increase in price, well , they say, why should this be done
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? have not been reviewed since the beginning of 2022, well, we are getting ready, but pensions without identity verification will be paid only pensions without... people will be paid only until march 31, this information applies directly to internal, internally displaced persons who were taken on account until february 24, 2022. this was reported to the ministry of social policy. so, according to the government's decision, people will have time to go through the so-called identification of a person. this can be done either directly at the branch of the pension fund or the savings bank in which they receive it. payments, well, or through the electronic account online, the electronic account of the pension fund.
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so, i would like to remind you that it is up to pensioners to declare themselves, to remind that a person, an internally displaced person, should do so as soon as possible. well , continuing the topic, ukrainian immigrants really lack the funds that the state gives. for basic needs, even for food and essential goods, this is evidenced by the survey results of the socio-consulting analytical center. also, ukrainians complain about the high cost of renting housing and fear of losing their home due to eviction or lack of money. finding a job is also one of the urgent problems of internally displaced persons. it is up to the communities to take care of the dignified life of the displaced people, because most people plan to stay in their current place. stay, today about 5 million people in our country have the status of idps. let's
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listen to the direct language of analysts. even people who work still have big financial problems. so, you see, 40% of those who have a job, paid employment, said that they cannot meet their basic needs, i.e. they do not have enough money for food and clothing. among those who... who do not work, who rely only on social support, 70% of them, this is already the limit of some kind of physical survival. well, the money spent on supporting ukraine was not spent in vain, said today the minister of finance of germany, christian linden, lindner, during his speech before the parliament. according to him , it also affects migration control. let me remind you that in november in... uryadova the coalition of chancellor olaf scholz of the federal republic of germany agreed to double the military aid for our
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country, but this year they have already thought about the social expenses for the immigrants and are going to reduce them, well, this is the situation, let's listen to the direct language. germany bears an international responsibility, we support ukraine and our support is the largest friend in the world, this makes us an international leader. i hear calls to reduce our international commitments from conservatives in the cdu, csu and the opposition as a whole. i do not advise to do this not only because humanitarian responsibility, but also because international cooperation and crisis prevention are of great interest to germany, for example to control migration. well, thank you to our international partners and i will finish the issue for today, a big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come. see us. thank you
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oleksandr, morshivka and now i will ask serhiy rudenko about what. a sub-discussion in the verdict program, which starts today, as always, at 8:00 p.m. sergey, good evening, please. good evening, vasyl. we start in 15 minutes two-hour verdict. the first part of our program will feature oleg rybachuk, general and politician. let's talk about the situation that arose yesterday with valery zaluzhny, today it actually continues, regarding the rumors about his removal from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. many. different opinions, many different versions, today the mirror of the week wrote about the fact that a meeting between zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi took place yesterday, and it seems that zelenskyi asked zaluzhnyi to resign from his post, but to remain in the status of adviser, assistant, or even go abroad as an ambassador, is it really the case that my guests know about it, i hope that general krivonos and oleg
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hrybachuk know about it. well, we have our own versions of what happened yesterday, besides , we will be interested to hear, er, what kryvonos will say about mobilization, because the law about mobilization is supposed to be considered in literally a few days in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, so far the final no one seems to have seen the version of the law, but zelenskyi says that he trusts the military, and whether the military has any participate in the preparation of this document and what role? in this, the political leadership of the state with oleg rybachuk will also discuss the encroachment of our neighbors, the leaders of the far-right forces of hungary and romania, on ukrainian territory, because statements from hungary and romania that they claim part of ukrainian territory were made at the same time, it is especially interesting in the context of the last meeting of petr
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siyart with dmytro kuleba, two ministers of foreign affairs of ukraine. in the second part. in our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine mykyta poturaev, viktoriya syumar and yaroslav zheliznyak. let's talk about political unity during the war, about what prevents the political and military leadership from coming to an agreement in a difficult time for ukraine, at a time when the main goal is victory over the russian federation, and how politicians should act in the current conditions, how should parties should act as they should. the highest leaders of the state should act in order not to lose this unity, the unity that the russian federation wants to break, to fragment us and to do the maximum so that ukrainians are divided, about this we will talk about everything during the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15. here's a little about the verdict that will be today
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, vasyl's big winter broadcast continues, vasyl, thank you very much, serhiy, serhiy rudenko, we are waiting for... it at 8:00 p.m., and now the cultural news that has prepared for us lina chechenina. after a long cultural struggle, one of the largest museums in finland finally recognized ilya repin as a ukrainian artist. earlier in the exhibition he was signed as a russian. it took two years for the museum staff to finally convinced of the origin of the artist lina chechenina will tell why it took so long for this. rin, please have a word. good evening. congratulations to vasyl. i congratulate ours. viewers , well, this is how the real fundamental processes go on, as it turned out during a full-scale invasion, that such negotiations with museums, they last a long time, because they check the information, that the effect remains, as it were, stable, in one second i will tell the story about repin. well, right away... i say that
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it is now customary to call ilya repin, not repin ripin, i don’t know, it doesn’t sound good to some, it’s unusual to some, but i look at almost all the art critics and bloggers i know, they are already gradually switching to this option, for sure we should do it too, well, so to speak about the ateneo museum, well , first of all, it seems to many of us in finland that the finns definitely understand the cultural influences of the russians, how they steal not only something, some objects, but also culture. however, it really took two years to convince them that elya ripin is ukrainian after all. origin artist, the fact is that two years ago, in 2021, they did a big exhibition together with the russian museum, the museum of russian art, and also with tretyakovka, a big
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exhibition of ripin, and then they presented him as this kind of ukrainian, well, that is, a person, who was born in ukraine, but still a russian, and with this they attracted the attention of many people who are engaged in art, in particular... and in particular , anna lodygina, my fellow journalist, wrote a large article on upkultur, and then she began to only by writing texts, she began to contact the representatives of this museum and try to convince them that ilya ripin, he was born in ukraine and ukrainian, and his paintings are usually based on ukrainian culture, let's listen to what she said in the interview ukrainian... true culture. my request transformed into a conversation and correspondence during which we discussed with timo the ethnicity of the artist. in
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one of the letters, he sent a link to his material, which indicated that repin's parents were russians born in moscow region. i asked olga shevchenko, the deputy director for scientific work of the repin museum in chuguyev, to send me copies of the metric books. of the artist's family, as proof that his roots are ukrainian, not russian. well, if we recall other cases that happened in large numbers with the beginning of a full-scale war, then we see almost the same picture, and people who work in large museums who are convinced that exter, malevich, ripin, aivazovsky, kuindzhi , they are all russian, russian artists, they learn from ukrainians, i'm sorry, no, they are ukrainians, of ukrainian origin, ukrainian artists, they have such a dissonance in their heads, they can't believe it, they really need to
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prove for a very, very long time and carefully that really, really they are all ukrainians , now we see riben on the rest of his paintings, we will remind ourselves, and i want to say, remind you, friends, that it is not only about ukrainian art, but the art that depicted ukraine, for example in... um, there was also a story with the metropolitan museum, where degas' paintings were signed as russian dancers, in fact they were ukrainian, they then changed the name with great scandals to a dancer in ukrainian clothes, then there were big adventures with archip kuindzhi again in the metro, with repin, aivazovsky, and finally our art critics or journalists. bloggers who deal specifically with artists, they brought a lot of documents and evidence, and in the end these big museums changed the names of these paintings and understood that these
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artists, who were previously considered russian, are actually ukrainian, and well, we see also the situation that, well, as these people who are engaged in this cultural diplomacy say themselves, they say in one voice that it is very difficult at the beginning, but then if you... you manage to reach such giants as the metropolitan, actually speaking, now we are talking about the athenaeum, it is the largest finnish museum, then other slightly smaller museums are following them, and this is becoming a trend, and now we can, i think, note this cultural victory of ours, that here are such cases when different museums are renamed after all ukrainian artists in the right way, there are more and more, and this is such a trend, and it is already becoming much easier to prove some things. that's all for me, vasyl, we'll keep an eye on these artistic performances from now on, i wish you a peaceful
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evening. thank you very much and it is very nice that the world recognizes the obvious, or at least the national origin of ilya repin. and now we will talk about listening to what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, natalka didenko is in touch with us, ms. natali, good evening, please, i have a word, congratulations vasyl, congratulations our dear viewers, now let's talk about the weather and, as always, not only about the weather, literally in a second, when we talk about the weather, we usually imagine the area in question in our minds, and even if we have not been there, anyway, we know what
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it looks like there or the steppe. or the forest-steppe, well, the carpathians, of course, i hope that most of our viewers have been there more than once, and therefore today i would like to talk about the ethnographic groups that inhabit ukraine, and today we will talk about the boyki, that an ethnographic ukrainian group that is actually settled along the middle part of our carpathians, it occupies the high beskydy mountains, the eastern part of the middle beskydy mountains behind... the eastern part of the gorgans and the central carpathian lowlands, well, that's very official. the most common opinion is that the boikas are descendants of the ancient tribe of white croats, who were strong in the ukrainian carpathians and whose prince volodymyr the great in his time joined the kyivan state. well, there are a lot of common opinions, i think that there is probably more than one, but at least this is it version exists. also, in boykiv oblast, i want
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to say on... very famous people, figures of history, science, and culture were born, professor yuriy drogopych, later he was a professor and rector at the university of bologna, the famous hetman of ukraine, konashevich sahaidachnyi, well, ivan franko, we must especially to present, writers, ustayanovych and also stepan bandera, these are all natives, from boykivshchyna, we from the carpathian mountains are gradually moving into... into the higher layers of the atmosphere, so to speak, and now we will watch with you, now here is a video from the carpathians , i hope it will change already changed by the prognostic diagram of the earth's magnetic activity, you see, tomorrow there will be a relatively low such activation, but nevertheless, fluctuations will still be observed, so always pay attention to yourself, well, let's move on to the actual weather forecast, we have tomorrow. on january 31
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, you and i have already spent a significant part of the winter and we will see how the weather will be, which will be the final tour, so to speak, we will start from the western regions, tomorrow in the western part of ukraine the weather is expected to be dry with sunny clearings, the temperature the air temperature is from three to 7 degrees, this is in the afternoon, of course, in the north of ukraine we will also hold it tomorrow. the weather is quite warm and without precipitation, but tomorrow, well, it is possible that there will be clearing, but still, compared to today , it will be more cloudy, the maximum air temperature is +2 -4°. in the east of ukraine , a dry air mass will prevail tomorrow, the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, and donetsk oblast, and the air temperature is also high, +2 +4°
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maximum, well high - relatively, but as for january, agree, here are pluses, well actually comfortable. in the central part of ukraine, cloudy weather with clearing is expected tomorrow, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region it will be quite warm during the day, 2, 4, 2.5° above zero. tomorrow there will be a lot of sun in the southern part of ukraine, if there are more clouds in the north, then in the south there will be few, just right, and the air temperature will be +4 +6° in the crimea up to +7. in kyiv on january 31 , the weather is expected to be rainless, quite warm +4°, but the wind will be a bit gusty and tomorrow the capital will be cloudy. the closest perspective from the first, from february 2, from the beginning next month and the final winter month, atmospheric fronts will pass through the territory of ukraine, which will bring...
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rain and even sleet to us , and the wind is also expected to increase, this is how february will begin, but for now , let's thank january for warm weather tomorrow, she told us in detail about the weather, well, actually , there is no time to even sum up, i will just say thank you, we will meet tomorrow, take care, pay attention to the armed forces, let's keep together. good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, me my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health!


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