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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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responsibility, they are consumers, and the most important thing is that listening to the president, we always understand, and listening to the authorities, we understand that they perceive mobilizations as purely fulfilling the capacity to fill the military units with citizens of ukraine, first of all, it is the ability of the economy to work in especially on the tracks of this special period, we did not see this at all, the authorities do not deal with this, therefore the authorities, realizing that sooner or later they will have to bear responsibility for... without activity, are trying to change this the law and divert society's attention from the unprofessional actions of the authorities, according to the governing documents. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, this was serhiy krivonos, major general of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we continue our work on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook. don't be shy, please like this video. let. this
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video is trending on youtube and this video is watched by as many of our viewers as possible in ukraine and outside of ukraine. well, take it participation in our survey, today we ask you about whether you trust the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, yes, no, if you vote on youtube, everything is quite simple, or your own opinion, write in the comments under this video if you watch us on the air, pick up your smartphone or phone and... vote, if you trust zaluzh 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote . next, oleg hrybachuk, head of the center, will be in touch with us of joint actions, former vice-prime minister for european integration and former head of yushchenko's presidential administration. mr. oleg, i congratulate you and thank you for being here today.
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with us, good evening, each other, glad to see , i think you followed this whole story with zaluzhny, which unfolded yesterday, how it unfolded, how are these rumors, because at the moment it is rumors about the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine that affect the , as perceived by our western partners, i.e. do they understand at all what is happening in ukraine, i mean with those... people who lead the army, who, on whom the victory of ukraine depends. it is obvious that this is a side effect of the management system that our president built, when he and his five or six advisers pull everything out for him, and he announced this at a press conference, and i remember well , what first'. publications about
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zaluzhny's resignation, the ukrainian edition said that the people around bankova street said that andriy was the first to pay attention to the phenomenon of zaluzhny, to his ratings, and andriy started to whisper, and everyone said, oh sure, something needs to be done about it, because the person's rating is so high, it could be a threat, well, andriy kept whispering. yermak, you mean, yes, yes, yes, well, who do we have there, we have one there, and i don't know, maybe there are some other andrii, but andriy yermak was the first to sound the alarm, and the people there said, that, yes, indeed, we somehow did not pay attention, there is such a problem, and here it is, it was somewhere there, several months ago, as a result, we have a typical ukrainian situation, which i can say that it is clear to me that the dismissal
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it's only a matter of time, i think the west also understands this, and i saw that you asked a guest there if the west could somehow slow it down or influence it, er, it's already an irreversible process, it like metastases of cancer in the body when the president does not have a relationship. with golovko, these two people, we have the first situation when the president is the president of a country in a state of war, so it's not just some formal things, politically the president has all the opportunities and powers to release anyone in his orbit and not even in his orbits, in we have been built by such a model of power, and it is obvious that such effective cooperation.
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it won't happen, there will be some kind of pause, and then everything will be fine, everything will be fine, the dismissal will happen, we remember stories when, for example, out of... very unhealthy, but here, as they say, there is no council for that, we have such a governance structure in the country, we have such presidents, we do not have balance sheets, and public opinion here can also delay somewhat process, but we... everyone has powerful teams of pr people working, and all their energy will be directed to simply cover the criticism of their boss with an umbrella and transfer the criticism to another field, well, here i am, what else a peculiarity of the hard-working, well, because his image is
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quite, well, somewhat mythical, because he is not a public person, we don't know, the military might know, but we don't. who now support zaluzny, they have no idea what kind of public politician he will be, because he has never been a public politician, and i am not i know, and you don't know this, but it seems that zaluzhnyi won't have much of a choice, because there will be an attempt to destroy his image, and i always remember the situation there between yushchenko and kuchma, when yushchenko had a crazy rating there and everyone in the national bank was worried. that kuchma will not forgive this, kuchma wanted to destroy this order by appointing yushchenko as prime minister, but it ended, you know how, that is, from the point of view of those boys and girls at the bank , it is dangerous to play such things, because ukrainian voters, the sympathy of ukrainian
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voters is always on the side of those you want slander and against whom you are conducting such, you know, a destructive campaign to destroy the image, but it seems that this... this process has already started, and it, i, i think it cannot be stopped. but here, mr. olezh, we are talking, well, not only about the political future or about the politician of the industrious, but the future of ukraine, because the current history with the industrious is being dispersed by russian propagandists and they are trying to use it, as they say in the institute for the study of war of the united states of america , for a number of information operations about the internal affairs of ukraine. that is, of course, this story will be to be used by the russians in order to divide society, in order to say: look, president zelenskyy has removed a good man, and for a good man, 80% of citizens there, or 70% of citizens there, and this will
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push more radical people there, something to speak out or do something, well, of course there is martial law, no one will go to the square, but still... this is the story, why, why can't the same president zelensky, his team, why can't they this political jealousy, which, if any, to push away, or if there are claims specific to the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, then to say: well, listen, we want this, or we, we, we there believe that he is not doing that, or they do not have enough competence for this. is it enough just to disperse this whole story, and well, in fact, for six months we have been watching this series there, mariana bezugla against the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, or zelenskyi’s version of marian and valer, well, questions to which the answer is obvious,
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short answer, yes, competences no, no understanding, no responsibility, there is no strategic thinking, but was it difficult to calculate the consequences, well, the consequences were obvious, i don’t think they are that much, because this is zelenskyi’s team - this is a team of information workers, this is a daily temperature measurement, a thunder of public opinion polls, the launch of trial tests there informative, they reaction was predicted, and the reaction is like that. but you see, it’s like , well, it’s, for example, how absolutely stupid it was when zelensky fought with poroshenko, who had already lost everything politically, when i it's just not far from the court, and there i
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heard these rallies with loudspeakers every day, because from the point of view of politics, well, it was a huge folly, why, why are you doing this, it's obviously a burgeoning situation, but... they talked about personal ambitions , personal likes , dislikes, i again, i don't know what's going on there, but it's clear to me that without the personal position, personal interests in... hobbies, emotions, well, the personality of the president, the situation would not have turned out that way, and his the environment, which has been selected and is already fully assimilated there, it does not want to say anything, not to like it, because it annoyed the president, and this is the most wrong policy, because such a construction always leads to defeat, because strong people go. there are only idiots who tell you what you want to hear, and as a result, such a team just flies
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tartarars, and god would be with them, but we are talking for sure, we are talking about the fact that this is ukraine now, the war, such stakes, er, such responsibility, such a level of threat, and on all this this war, frog with viper, against this background, mr. oleg, this whole unfolds the story in... in the united states of america, that is, the election campaign, which overlapped with the lack of a decision by the congress of the united states of america to provide financial aid to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars, it is clear that trump is now trying to outplay biden and talk about the fact that i i will come to power in 24 hours , i will end the war, because i know both putin and zelensky very well, says that nato would never help the united states of america, if someone
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attacked the united states of america, well, that is, there is such an information campaign now a big boost in the united states of america, or at all to what is happening in ukraine, what is happening in the russian-ukrainian war, such as the election campaign that we are already observing, including in the state of texas, how it will affect the general ... the situation in ukraine and in the russian-ukrainian war? well, we can say that for sure, what is happening now, yesterday, today, all these news, and dancing with bubn around zaluzhny, do not add to the support of ukraine and do not simplify, do not encourage a positive decision congress, because those who would not like to give weapons to ukraine, here, for... root trumpists for them are, well, this is just an obvious argument, and it must be said that russia is also
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working very hard there, russia is working to increase as much as possible fuel the fire of internal ukrainian events, and of course all the agents of russian influence, there are all sorts of fox news and congressmen who do not hide the fact that they work for... and sympathize with putin, they get additional arguments, but in general they appeared there, well there , in which certain appeared positive, positive information that where the republicans are saying that they say we are greatly overestimating and increasing or giving too much attention to trump's ability to influence because a number of western publications, you know, have said that... trump is personally calling congressmen, senators in order not to miss the signing of this agreement. and
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secondly, sociological polls have already appeared there, which show that 53% of republican voters do not want and will not vote for trump, and somewhere around 18 percent have doubts, but i don't know, there are very a lot of sociological opinion polls, i'm afraid that it would be some kind of, well, not a deep enough sample. but it is clear that trump will be nominated by the candidate of the republican party without any obstacles, but his chances of victory are becoming more and more problematic, and as experts write, he has actually already used all his arguments, he used all these arguments in the primaries at the first there her candidacy examinations, where he won there with a margin. but his task is not to win the primaries, not just to become a candidate from the republican party,
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his task is to win over the american voter, and a lot of republicans , republicans who have always voted for the party, say, we're for trump, if he goes to the finals against biden, we'll never vote, and so this, this makes the situation, well, not so well, tragic or not so much. threatening for ukraine, although for ukraine we in ukraine have to think about plan b. now this plan b is the opportunity to use part of the frozen assets in the united states and... and in europe they are now talking about it, the europeans are talking about the fact that you can use those percentages from taxation there, but it will still be billions of dollars, but the main thing is that plan b is being actively thought about, and the main thing is that the europeans also realized that this is a war in the european theater, it is a threat to the european continent, and they do not can
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fully count on the constant and reliable support of the united states, here the united states has already suffered certain losses in geopolitics and in the confidence of allies in their ability to come to the rescue when needed. while trump is talking that he will do everything for peace in ukraine, and that he will reconcile, as he says, putin and zelensky, hungarian prime minister viktor orbán said that there is peace. i am donald trump, i sang an ode to trump, although trump previously confused him with erdogan, or erdogan with orban, well, that is , trump has problems with geography, obviously with the leaders of european states, so exactly, against this background, we see how the far-right in hungary and romania they started talking about
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encroachment on ukrainian lands, well, one of them of the leaders of the far-right alliance for... from the romanians, claudio tarziu announced territorial claims to the ukrainian lands of northern bukovina, transcarpathia, bessarabia, as well as all of moldova. at the same time, the leader of the far-right hungarian party, lászló torackai , said that his party, as the only hungarian party, would claim ukrainian transcarpathia in the event of the loss of ukraine and statehood as a result of the war. at the same time , two statements were made by the far-right in hungary and romania. and practically at the same time, what does this indicate, who coordinates the actions of these far-rights in europe? well, in europe, this is the work of the good old kgb, and the fsb, all ultra-right, since soviet times, ultra-blue, ultra-left, radical forces, the
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so-called black international there, this has always been a special sphere. the work of the special services of the soviet union and even now the fsb, and putin does not hide this, they were financed, probably are financed by these services, but this appeared at the very moment when this confidence that the west could give an adequate assessment of putin's actions was shaken, this attempt to avoid. these try to find some there searches for dialogue, when putin simply violated international law as he wanted, the dictators got the feeling that now their moment is coming, when the new world order will be determined by them, they are faster, but now putin will go there to north korea, and they will not
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there for months to talk about some specifics , to coordinate something, they met , agreed on... the second day, korea gives more shells and missiles there than the entire european continent together with the americans, and we are still witnesses of ongoing negotiations, consultations, and that's it obvious, obvious a challenge for the system of democracy, because it is slower, some european politicians understand it, the germans began to understand it, great britain began to understand it, the great, great britain, british politicians, this is it... france understands, that is, that is why the european powers began to react much faster, increased military spending, conducted the largest maneuvers of nato training in case of a potential or possible attack by russia, the germans transferred their troops for the first time in history after the second world war at the invitation of the baltic countries, the americans
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nuclear weapons are also being transferred to... great britain for the first time, this is all the reaction and readiness of the europeans to demonstrate very clearly to putin that there are red lines, and he is not the one who defines them, he must understand that there is also power in the world, there are nuclear weapons, there are willingness to fight, and western politicians began to prepare their citizens, their voters for the fact that war with russia, nato's war with russia is a possibility. and they are very worried that they are simply not ready for this scenario for a few more years, but on the other hand it helps ukraine to be heard, because we say: give us weapons, and you will not have to fight on your territory, your soldiers will not have to die in the war with russia, give us weapons, and we will end this war within the borders of ukraine. mr. oleg, another
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issue related to hungary is the upcoming bailout from the european union of 50 billion euros, and orbán has sort of confirmed that he will unblock that bailout on february 1st. in the european union have a decision to make such a decision, but, but what we have observed over the past few days, we saw how the minister of foreign affairs of hungary and ukraine, peter sijarto and kuleba, together with the head of the office of the president of ukraine, met and tried to agree in uzhgorod on how to conduct an audit of ukrainian. hungarian relations and the laws that were passed in 2015 regarding the hungarian minorities, the hungarians who are in transcarpathia, minister kuleba
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said that the parties agreed to create a special commission in order to solve 11 problematic issues that exist between the two states. let's listen to what kuleba said. we received this list and we agreed. that under the aegis of two ministries of foreign affairs, we will assemble a special commission, which has one very simple task: in 10 days, it must present to the governments of both countries, a concrete understanding of how and what from the list of questions we received needs to be solved, or has already been settled. in order for us to bring final clarity, that is, if we moved earlier on the issue of national minorities in the context of the decision on ukraine's membership in the eu,
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now we want to have this discussion on a bilateral level. mr. olezh, orban and hungary are ukraine's problem, or is it? the problem of the european union? this is the problem of the european union and ukraine. which aspires to be a member of the european union, but there is no question of any restoration of the atmosphere of trust, because both siarto and orbán are, well, this has long been proven by time, well, if not hooligans, then putin's cronies, they, they are not stupid people , they are perfectly informed, but they can never be taken to the camp of friends of ukraine and count on the fact that... maybe there is some commission there, some 10 points, 11 points, but that is not the question, it reminds me very much of the situation in to the american congress, when there seems to be
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it is about the need to find a compromise, and then trump steps in and says that nothing can be done, i will come, become the president, i will decide everything, this is orban's situation, orban will want to play the ukrainian card in the future, and this is not the solution commission of bilateral issues forces orbán to be lenient. because he , he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, brought the europeans to the point, to the boiling point, where they decided that if he tried to blackmail again there, bully and veto the decision of the commission , then he will bear economic losses, and they are ready close, the european union is ready close to deliver such a powerful blow to the economy of hungary, in particular from... blocked there the possibility of lending on european on european interest machines, or simply take away the right to vote, and he sees that poland, which was
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a reliable ally before this, because there decisions are made unanimously, has left, tusk is orban's nightmare, because tusk has known orban for 12 years, and he pokes his nose at his bad deeds there quite publicly, like a scumbag cat. and the physio, well it is... an unreliable partner, because fiza himself is in a difficult financial situation, he will not go to the extent of opposing himself to the entire european union, so these are the signals that we hear, yes, we, probably, our diplomats give orbán the opportunity to keep him, here, well , to keep his face in front of his voters and to present something there, how he defended the interests of hungarians, achieved his goal there, showed something there. although we have to understand that politicians like orbán and fico, and ciarto, they cannot be forgiven for they do, because those publications behave like
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that, well... i don't know who behaves like that when you can make statements like fizo made, or make statements like siarto and the same orban, and i guarantee you that you and i will hear more than once all this kremlin nonsense that will come from the mouths of orban and sierto, they are not friends, they are not partners, and in fact they do not fit into this team game of the european union, the european union is getting closer to... uh , making it impossible for the future similar behavior to the members of their union, which orbán or fico allows themselves, the european union is in the process of a wave of expansion, they have been consulting for a long time, and they want to find a formula that will make such behavior impossible. another president or leader of the state, the self-proclaimed president oleksandr lukashenko, met with putin this week and
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said that... that russia gives belarus a lot of opportunities, regretted that ukraine and the baltic countries are moving in a different direction. let's listen to what lukashenko said. i project, a what prevented ukraine and the baltic countries from working with us in this way? this is our world. we built it for several decades. together we won this terrible war. well, let's move in that direction. no, i don't want to, they are looking for a better life across the seas. mr. oleg, the end of our conversation, i wanted to hear about lukashenko, he has already come to terms with the fact that he is a fellow student of putin's war against ukraine and that's it, right? well, yes, and he, he confidently steps forward with his head thrown back. he, like putin, is stuck in that system, the soviet union, and wonders, ah why does no one else want to return to
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such a... glorious past, and it turns out that both this economic union and the military union are actually falling apart, there is no formula for an attractive future that moscow could offer there, and lukashenko simply dissolved there , he actually does not influence anything, well, but he is trying to play some role there, and here the question is what to do in ukraine, we are in diplomatic relations with... or should these relations be terminated, or should we define them somehow, that the leader of this country and this country played a bad role, a negative role, a hostile role since february 24 , 2022, lukashenko should be on the dock together with putin, there is, when the war ends, and there will be a trial of the criminals who... who
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led to this war and who simply led to huge human sacrifices and losses , then lukashenko fits in very well there , and he understands it, and he, he already lost the opportunity earlier, he somehow maneuvered there, flirted with the poles, then with the baltics, and now either he himself or putin practically took away this opportunity from him, he is already completely in the past, and he... understands that responsibility cannot be avoided, so he is either a master here or lost, and since he cannot be a master, he is guaranteed to disappear. thank you, mr. oleg, for the conversation, it was oleg rybachuk, a politician, former vice prime minister of ukraine for european integration. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. we run a poll throughout our program and it will continue after the bbc news broadcast.
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we ask you, do you trust? you to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces zaluzhny 92% yes, 8% no - it's on tv, 98%, yes and no, two percent on youtube, 15 minutes after the bbc release, we will have a group of people's deputies of ukraine, mykyta peturai, viktoriya syumar and yaroslav zheleznyak, on the air, stay with us, don't switch. the attack on the american base in jordan, in which three us soldiers died. will this lead to an escalation in the region? this is a bbc broadcast, in the jafer umerov studio.


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