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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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show that ukraine is a democratic state, do everything to ensure that journalists have access to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, to deputies, to decisions, then we will say that we really have excellent deputies, and we can speak well of them. nikita poturaev, yaroslav zheleznyak, victoria syumar were guests of our program today. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. in the course of our program , we conducted a survey, we... asked you about this, do you trust the industrious, 94% yes, 6% - no, it is on tv, on youtube 96%, yes and four don't trust, that 's the ratio of numbers, i put a full stop on that, this is the verdict program, right serhii rudenko, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 20:00, goodbye.
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on me. there are discounts on psyk. 10% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. espresso tv channel viewers are asked to join the collection of posts. and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, heroes, i congratulate you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene, live. drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively. meaningful, there is
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no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, shot! freedom life - openly and impartially, you draw conclusions, sam. good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear tv viewers, i'm glad to see you, my name is vasryzyma, this is the velikiy eter program on the tv channel. espresso and during the next hour and 47 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important things and , of course, we will include experts in our conversation in order to understand what is happening, to somehow plan events for the future, but for now, the tankers convey congratulations and thanks, therefore, the tankers of the offensive guard thank you for the car that they received thanks to your donations, our dear viewers, the car for which we collected money quite recently, already serves as a defender. eastern flank, let's
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actually listen to what they said, dear friends, dear ukrainians, thank you to everyone who joined our gathering. a car for the tank unit of the nastru guards, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, it is very important when you, viewers of espresso, readers of espresso, listeners of espresso, you see what your money went to, there is this connection with our defenders, well in mainly we collect cars, drones, turrets, and many other things for our defenders we collect, and you immediately see that this money was used. and as it is already working at the front, that is why we continue to collect for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund call to join the collection of funds for our defenders from the 141st brigade, it performs tasks in the orykhiv direction, this is zaporizhzhia, infantry and
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aerial reconnaissance requires high-quality equipment for the successful execution of combat missions, we are planning procurement and batteries for them, sterling, binoculars, range finder, scopes, detectors, detection. and much more no less important at the front, deadly for the enemy and necessary for our army , each and every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you, we have already closed more than one collection, if you haven't seen this story with the tank truck, this time too we ask you to support our military , we plan to collect a million hryvnias, i believe that we will succeed, and this collection will be closed, and if we collect even more, then, as they say, that money... we will throw it at a new collection, the needs are enough, but we understand that on war cannot be otherwise, therefore let's join in, and let's start our conversation, today we will talk about the situation in the kherson region, which the enemy was fighting quite actively, unfortunately, there are casualties, and come on, well,
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we should have listened to the military there, but i think that i have already i have said enough, we will listen again tomorrow, we have to collect a million hryvnias, we will definitely collect. and now yurii supolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council is in touch with us, mr. yurii, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, in fact, during the day the enemy shelled the kherson region 272 times beryslav oblast, there is a hit on the point of invincibility, well, there was also an attack on another community, i read later, a lathe in kherson oblast, please, in general about today's this last one. day and we will stop for now the consequences of enemy attacks? well, unfortunately , the shelling continues, and it is the weapon system that the enemies used before that, unfortunately, they still have the opportunity to use it now, including heavy weapons, these are mostly unguided weapons,
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they work on residential buildings, on humanitarian object, we had it there a hit near the indomitable point, luckily there was none. suffered, in general, unfortunately, but as of now we already have one civilian killed and two more hospitalized, they were injured as a result of enemy islands, this is one dead person, this is in beryslav oblast, in tokarivka, this is about these settlements , and we are talking about, well, the enemy uses artillery, or also, well, i’m just curious, we know that the enemy uses strike drones against... the defense forces, of course, the armed forces of ukraine, and are there such cases when these drones strike aircraft fly into civilian objects , or try to hit local residents, are such facts not no, not recorded, unfortunately, recorded, there are cases when fivi drones,
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more hostile, they attack civilians in particular, it is difficult to say there, it is or they just did not find a military target, and in order not to lose ... this drone, they hit a civilian, or, or this is a deliberate act of terror, but, unfortunately, we have cases when fpv , they use anti-civilian, about vehicles, and just people who were there on the street, and also, well, unfortunately, a large number of cases when they drop explosives from drones, just the same, well, they see that there are civilians, but it does not stop them, well, really, this is not a death threat, yes, it is a struggle with death every day, in fact, in the kherson region, this russian death is present to a greater extent, to a lesser extent , but in any case, this territory is shelled every day, and it is important to save people, to evacuate people, who can or cannot every day wake up
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after a night attack, or not live until the evening, this is unfortunately a fact, but from the zone, which is constantly under shelling, they write that they are not taken out... 95 children remain there, they are not taken out, please tell me if there is any influence on this situation, because it is fine, adult a person actually decides his own fate, his own life, although. of course, everyone, it is better for everyone to be in a safer place, there are safer places in ukraine, fortunately, but the children, they are, in fact, legally, the parents are responsible for them, but their lives are important, and they also have some kind of decision to make, please, there is actually such a problem, there were much more such families than now there are about 100 that remain, it is precisely in the settlements where it was announced, not only. mandatory, but even forced evacuation , and this process continues
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, workers of social services, child care, and workers of military administrations, volunteers, continue to work with these families, tell them in what conditions they will live, how this evacuation will take place, but unfortunately, well, the decision must be made by the people, we do not have such a practice that people are thrown out of all the houses, because there mandatory evacuation, even when there are children there, i urge everyone to make the right decision and leave this area temporarily, because it is very dangerous, friends, you see how every day the enemy uses a significant amount of ammunition there specifically for our civilians, specifically for your settlements, and if the question is not even about your life, health, but about your children and... now it is your duty to do everything so that the children are in the safest possible conditions, and
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all the necessary help will be provided , there is such an opportunity, a large number of volunteers help, there are actually different directions of evacuation, everything can be agreed and the order of departure, the date of departure, the direction , all this is discussed, all this can be done, but you still need a desire consent to this evacuation, without this there will be no result, well... in bereslav, which is also constantly under fire, up to 10% of the population remains, this is about the language, it is about the fact that people, it is probably absolutely impossible to live there already, yes, if i may briefly, there is a lot a difficult situation, 10, well, there is a maximum of 15, but i think that the figure is closer to 10%. you know, there is constant shelling there, just like in other populated areas, but there the enemy systematically... and unfortunately, has been using cabs, heavy aerial bombs for a long time, well, they are supposedly
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controlled there, but very often they just hit private houses, there where there are just civilians, and well, you understand , there is practically no chance of surviving after that if a person is in this building, because a very powerful explosion, well, plus, we talked to you at the beginning of the conversation and you they said that the enemy hit the point of invincibility in bereslav, this is... i don't know, well , it's in berislav oblast, i don't know if there is another point nearby, but this leads me to the conclusion that even if some person needs support, well, in any case there should be some sort of charger, some kind of hot, hot tea, well, there is medical help, then of course the enemy, as they say, in this way cuts off access to any help for people, placing them into pure hell, where only drones and rockets can fly, well, in the meantime, in the occupied territory ... the russians are building their plans, well, in particular
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, they are forming, they have brought in, well , they are bringing in and have already brought in, units of the russian guard , they are probably preparing for the elections, so that nothing happens in them outside of the plan, and they are also forming construction crews in russia, so-called to go to the occupied territory of ukraine, to build something, as you see it, this is, by the way, a very threatening trend, because i read today that in melitopol, in particular, in melitopol during the period of occupation. almost 100,000 foreigners have already been taken out, and then they will have to be caught somewhere looking for how they will infiltrate is a very difficult story, how about it in the kherson region, please, you know, we actually have a slightly different situation, i cannot say that now a significant number of russians have come there to live on of the temporarily occupied territory of the kherson region, because , in my opinion, they are uncomfortable there, and at the very least, they perfectly understand. that this is an occupied territory, the mood of the people, they feel all this, and besides,
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the defense forces of ukraine and partisans work effectively in our country, and from time to time they are completely, let's say, uncomfortable, about the rosguard, yes, unfortunately, we see their strengthening now, probably they are preparing for, as well as for, well, there will be no elections, but this show that they will conduct, it must be provided, because ... every the couple who will work there will recognize this work of their commissions, and armed escort is needed, because they don't go there in any other way, that's it. remains, as a rule, behind the scenes, it is forbidden for them to take photos, post photos, if they are driving next to armed, military or riot guards, but well, in fact, it is is happening, because otherwise there will be no one there at all to open houses for them and communicate with those members of such commissions, ugh, well, i will ask very briefly, whether
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spring will soon be there already a month left, god willing, we will all live to see it, and of course, that... well, people will somehow arrange their beatings, especially people whose buildings, households, or even floods, well, not the answers, but from the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station blown up by the enemy from the dniprovskaya water, or from shelling, i know that very some constructions are actively going on now and also people are offered building materials, or preparations are being made for the spring period, we hope that there will be an opportunity for people to rebuild a little and put their communal property in order. this is also a constant process, there are certain difficulties in fact, especially this applies to the zone of active hostilities, which is recognized by the territories, because there is a legal problem for the work of the commission for surveying the property that is damaged, they are currently working on it in order to so that there are no legal
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problems regarding repair kits, yes as much as possible there are... with donors, with charitable organizations, because the need is really great for reconstruction, and unfortunately, the number of objects and the number of people who need it increases every day, where the other is already safe the situation, yes, it works side by side there and it actually works effectively, a significant number of objects have been rebuilt there, there are also certain results on pasat pokrovsky, which was also recognized there as a pilot program for restoration, there will be... well, there it is actually this settlement of russians destroyed completely, it will have to be built there, well, practically from scratch, there was not a single whole building left during de-occupation, there is also progress there. thank you, mr. yuriy for your comments, thank you for joining, take care, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional
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council, was in touch with us and we discussed the situation in this region, part of which remains. part of which is being actively shelled by the enemy, the citizens of ukraine who are, in fact, either in the zone or nearby are suffering war zones, but now we will talk about the political situation, and unfortunately, we have to talk about political scandals, although we would really like to have them. volodymyr tsibolko , a political scientist, is in touch with us, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i want you to... after all , this evening we have not seen a single document, where it was was written about the resignation of general zuluzhny, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, nor any refutation of the unconscious from those people who can put signatures, so we we remain in this area of ​​conjecture, yes, although everyone has some insiders there, their own channels, everyone
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understands everything, but we only refer to some official sources. then by the evening nothing had changed and that it was late yesterday evening with the appearance of information about a possible decree on the resignation of general zaluzhnyi, well, any political technologist will look for reasons to, well, let's say, through such an act, check the mobility of society for the fact that how the meritorious factor affects... unification, solidarity, readiness to lend a shoulder. in fact, an attack, any attack on zaluzhny is an attack on the armed forces. therefore, the society perceives any attacks towards the armed forces as a threat and, i would say, an anti-state act,
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because during the war, the armed forces bear the heaviest, heaviest, greatest responsibility for... ukraine, and when the political vertical begins to interfere in activities of the military, and there are not as many reasons for politicians to interfere in the affairs of the military, as for me, so when politicians start to turn their guns in the direction of the military, it means that they have failed internally, their own political mission, and the mission of politicians during the war is to provide for the troops, first of all, we... what a chain of scandals with weapons purchases continues, especially the active actions of the sbu at the end of last week, after all, the former head was arrested. of the liev department, investigative actions were conducted against the lviv arsenal company, well, before that there was the grenkevich family, for whom the court
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of representatives of this family issued an arrest warrant, that is, we can say that the impression is that the politicians decided, well, let's say, to force the military to take part. uh responsibility for the mistakes of the politicians themselves and they paid, because the society's reaction yesterday was fascinating, i would say that if it had not been stopped in time, several thousand people would have been standing at the banks by the morning , well, yes, you know, here i am, to be honest , always in such situations i try to call people to any already verified information, and to... until information from official sources appears, then you can act, i'm not saying to act in an unconstitutional way, but i think that we all have, as citizens , despite the fact that we have a state of war, not a state of war, a state of war,
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yes, it is the law, vasily, the easiest thing is to go to the president’s website and see if there is a decree to start with, and in any case, i just always call on people, you know, people now live from bad news to even worse, very rarely some good news appears, and destruction. it is also not worth hiding, but in any case, probably those who should know, even the leaders of public opinion and politicians, who, in case of something, can accumulate and activate a certain part of the population for certain actions, again, not anti-constitutional, i will say again , we have a war, we understand that, but if someone does something wrong, as valery once said, this oleg lyashko, then we have to act, but in your opinion, this story... will have some kind of pause, and then it will continue further, and what is the question here: electoral zeal, some other ideas, because it is worth understanding,
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in fact yesterday, i no longer think that electoral zeal, the fact is that the pulling out of the meritorious from the current cohort power makes this power generally illegitimate in the eyes of society, i.e. trust in to of zelenskyi and his entourage, it is actually... based on trust in her meritorious person, it is her now in the imagination of people, zelenskyi is an addition to the meritorious person, and the non-meritorious person is, well , zelenskyi's strong trump card, this, this is important, society's perception and perception the society of one or another political figure or military figure, because after all, a meritorious general is a military man, he is not... a politician, but he is a statesman and he is perceived as a person who is most responsible for the fate of the country, because during war it is military vertical,
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it bears the greatest burden, and when the political vertical begins to interfere in the work of the military, it always worries ukrainians very much. you know, this also plays into the hands of russia, yesterday, well, i didn't monitor, but i have colleagues who monitor all this. i read with pleasure their posts on facebook and in telegram, with the addition of pictures and videos, in russia they were very happy that the scumbag could be dismissed, well, it was already presented as a fact that the scumbag would be dismissed, there are some such, but and right there you understand, when citizens are told yes , you don't say it, don't do it, because you scatter boats, you play into moscow's hand, and when certain actions, well, which we can't confirm, but which we can talk about, as if there is information.. . representatives of the authorities are simply perfectly playing into the hands of moscow, but how can this be considered a patriotic position or is vasyl, i have a feeling that we
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are immediately trying to tie it in with ego zelensky or, i have a feeling , yesterday there was a meeting of representatives of the great seven embassies with the media community, and i got the feeling that... at the bank, this, well, this slap was taken so hard that they decided to make a big deal out of it in kyi with, well , the resignation is deserved, because really the state of freedom of speech and attacks on journalists , persecution of journalists, these are all games of power, this is not organized by the opposition, and in this sense, well, such a blunder that we, and we can, and the same thing, that we are not accepted there for... a meeting with the media community, which is against something is being prepared for us, then we will do something in response, but i have a feeling that this is it there was a setback precisely because of... uh, well, the efforts
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of the big seven and the embassies, diplomacy, present in ukraine, in support of freedom of speech, well , the ukrainian government is already very afraid of freedom of speech, very afraid, especially it started to look wild when they started corruption stories emerged from the ministry of defense, and trials and detentions began, and it seems to me that this is precisely related to freedom of speech, by the way. we were talking precisely about the work of journalists, these are the people who tried to break into the journalist's apartment there, nikolov, the one who he wrote 17 eggs in his time, but the police did not detain them, for some reason, yes, but with regard to the person suspected of embezzling 1.5 billion hryvnias, oleksandr liev, ex-head of the department of military and technical policy of the ministry of defense, so did the higher anti-corruption court did not choose a preventive measure for him, the prosecutor
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's office asked... for detention or bail in the amount of uah 268 million, but the man who is suspected of embezzling uah 1.5 billion during the war in the army, they say no, that's what they're looking for then who is who and you just know, here it is important, but who can mr. liev tell about in what case, that's interesting, so that's what 's interesting, that as far as i understood, at the court mr. liev testified that the signature under the supply agreements. munitions with the lviv arsenal company was signed, well, minister reznikov personally signed, well, i don’t believe that a person, this is the seventh water on kiselin, even the head of the department, he does not make the final decision on concluding an agreement on the supply of ammunition, he can only form managerial position on this matter and advise the top management to sign or not to sign this agreement.
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but it is not he who makes the final decision, eh, well, well , it would be funny, because, by the way, why am i tying the actual freedom of speech, because we remember that the same nikolov, when he received information about the equipment there 17 hryvnias for a tonne kilometer of eggs, he carefully trod the thresholds of both the verkhovna rada committee and the bank for two weeks, and to explain that this... stop, because it will spill into the media space, and he didn't pour it out, after all, it wasn't he who poured it out , but as we can see, the attack on him does not stop, even, well, this attack on the apartment, and here, well this is really hooliganism, this is really a police investigation, the police established the identities of these people, i am friends with, well, the owners of the portal
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of zhytomyr, which is zhytomyr... network, who then did with these guys, who became involved in the police case in the attack, because they suddenly began to testify, they, they themselves realized that they were used dirty, and they told the media, well, there is a publication, i made a video of myself on the channel, and there is a link to the first source, where these guys told, well, how their hired for this... rods, that is, the impression is that instead of really looking for formulas for the europeanization of our life, the authorities are starting to arrange here a la belarus with the terror of anti-media agents, i want to remind you that even though we have martial law, it is a bit of a strange martial law, because not during martial law, the military, well, the military should rule in principle all processes. in our country
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, the military is not in charge, they are only engaged in defense, they want to hang on them against some military or community workers, community leaders who, say, blew up bridges in zhytomyr oblast, who managed the defense in the dnipro, near the dnipro, now cases are being opened, cases are being brought against them, because they allegedly seized the territory there, or caused environmental damage, because they blocked the enemy's path with water, thank you very much, we have to put an end to it, thank you for joining , thank you for your comments, volodymyr tsibulko, a political scientist was with us. a deputy of the verkhovna rada of the fourth convocation is also on the phone, also a poet, well, this is really a fact, the case is against the commander of the brigade near the dnipro, because he was building fortifications, and he was told that this is what you wanted to capture the territory, there were simply houses there, in zhatomershchyna, an official too, the head of the community is told that yes, you blew up the dam there, you caused ecological damage in the state, compensate, and the fact that this water stopped the enemy, as in demidovo near kyiv also , irpinska...


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