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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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are engaged in defense, they want to hang on them, and now against some military or community workers, community leaders who , say, blew up bridges in zhytomyr region, who managed the defense in the dnipro, near the dnipro, now cases are being brought, cases are being brought against them, because they allegedly captured the territory there, or caused ecological damage, because they blocked the enemy's path with water, thank you very much, we have to put a full stop, thank you for joining, thank you for your comments, volodymyr tsibulko, political scientist was in touch with us , and a deputy of the verkhovna rada. the fourth convocation is also a poet, well, this is a fact, the case is against the commander of a brigade near the dnipro, because he was building fortifications, and they told him that you wanted to seize the territory, there were simply houses there, in zhytomyr oblast , the official also told the head of the community that yes, you blew up the dam there, you caused ecological damage to the state, compensate, and the fact that this water stopped the enemy, as in demidova near kyiv , irpin, dnieper water, that's why... there are a lot of questions, but we will
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try to find a common answer, at least to inform you about it. about serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the daily military summaries column, will inform you and us about the situation at the front. sergey, congratulations, please. i congratulate you , vasyl. our viewers. today we will talk more about weapons, a little less about fronts. about weapons - it's about the war of drones between ukraine and russia. new details about tanks from kuwait for ukraine and how we ourselves repair and modernize german leopards, all this in a moment. today there is a lot of interesting news when it comes to weapons, and i will start with that the ukrainian armed forces shot down an enemy su-34 fighter-bomber in the sky over the luhansk region. this was reported by the general staff, this... that's how they use
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missiles there, with which they try to carry out attacks on ukraine, and this is actually good and positive news, and also at night the enemy carried out attacks on ukraine with shaheds, and now we see this fighter that was shot down and now the shaheds, which the enemy used to attack ukraine, as reported by the air force command, in total, the enemy launched 35 kamikaze drones, but managed to ... shoot down 15, this less than usual, and here we can draw certain conclusions if we consider the message of the air force command itself, because the report says that some of these attack drones were directed by the enemy along the front-line territories, trying to hit the infrastructure of the fuel and energy sector, civilians and military objects near the front line and the state. border with the russian
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federation, so this attack on the front-line and border areas already directly indicates that the effectiveness of mobile groups that destroy these shaheds is now forcing the enemy refuse strikes in the depth of the territories and direct the eyes of the drones precisely to the front line, and here is actually another important detail, which is related to the fact that during this time the... is trying and has made certain improvements to the design of these shaheds, literally yesterday we were doing analysis on the defense express website, where we, based on the national police photos where several of these new shaheds were found almost intact, have access to e photos that relate to this new combat unit that has begun to be used on these drones, let me remind you that there were iranian drones, a bulgarian combat unit, then
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the russians used some combat units there from outdated missiles, the missiles ran out and they began to make these new combat units, it has certain features, not only there by the date that they were manufactured there at the end of last year, but what has changed a bit in the design is actually such a cumulative incendiary warhead, where the enemy tries to increase the capabilities of this warhead to ignite those objects that he attacks, and that. .. with this you can by the way, let me explain that now a certain number of these targets, which the enemy tried to attack, were precisely directed at the objects of our energy structure, well, the objects that are in the front line, and on the other hand, ukraine is the same now is developing long-range means of influence, first of all drones, and today the tames magazine came out with such an interesting article about how ukraine is...
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ensuring the increase in the number of long-range means of influence, and there is such an article written by simon shuster, who at one time wrote about zelenskyi, an article that's enough complementary from the point of view. of the minister of strategic industries kamyshyn , where kamyshyn explains that now with the beginning of winter we have started using drones of our own production with a long range, komishno says that we do not have time to check these drones at test sites, and we immediately use these drones for , to hit enemy targets, and these strikes on the terminals in the baltic sea, near the baltic sea, tops there, they... were actually carried out using these new long-range strike systems, and this actually a positive trend in the development of our defense industry, the question is that it is necessary to scale, increase, and increase the efficiency of their use, but we
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need combat equipment, of course, not only in the air, but also on the ground, and here we remember about the fact that tanks, bterras, bmps, other armored vehicles are of great importance, and we also... we must remember that today the ukrainian army has such a unique park of manufacturers, suppliers from different countries, it's simply amazing , as ours manage the military not only to fight the enemy, but also to maintain in a combat-ready state such a colorful arsenal of various armored vehicles, as we manage to do it, what is happening with armored vehicles, we will talk about this with our next guest, mykola salamakha joins us, he is an expert in the field . of protank equipment, retired lieutenant colonel, project manager at our company energy 2000. mr. mykolo, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. good evening, mr. sergey. i've been waiting for an opportunity to talk about certain things for a long time there, the information elements are related to
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the use of various types of armored vehicles, and it so happened that literally the entire information field is now filled with information about the fact that kuwait... transfers, first to croatia, and then to ukraine, these tanks m- 84, which is supposedly a licensed version of the t-72. i would like to hear from you what kind of tank it is, how effective it is, how long it may take to repair and upgrade, if it is needed for these tanks, so that our viewers can also understand what exactly we can get for our armed forces. ah, four components, namely a 125-millimeter cannon, an az-175 automatic loader and a tpd k1 sight , aka 1 a40, plus a b80 engine, a v46 m6, probably,
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this is something that absolutely will not change in this machine, but what we will be able to ... with the help of templates and elements of dynamic protection contact-1 or a knife to strengthen the armor protection of this machine and by replacing the tpn 149 23 sights with the same sights from the ukrainian company trymen or the uaarpa company, send it. firepower, especially at night, that's enough, so it's a good decision, why, because kuwait has somewhere near hundreds of units, and if we receive three battalion sets, then firstly, this is not
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a short period, it is literally 2-3 months, and these are three brigades that will have a tank battalion in their composition, mr. mykola, you mentioned about the fact that these tanks can be strengthened with dynamic protection, i immediately remembered that these are the first leopards that are now being handed over to us, which are used there, there was a lot of information about the need to strengthen dynamic protection and that, as it were, already on our defensive enterprises use a solution with the use of of our dz in order for these tanks to be more protected, what do you know about this, are there really such dynamics and are these leopard eyes really the first to become more... protected compared to the versions we received from our partners, the scheme has been worked out , but it is being implemented, and in principle, over time , absolutely all leopard-1a5 tanks will receive increased armor protection precisely at the expense of dynamic protection, well, there will also be
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grilles used against fpv drones, the same lancets and the like. you mentioned about these fibi drones, and now the question arises, remember, we talked with you about the fact that a tank on the battlefield in active combat lives there for a maximum of 10 minutes, then there were various discussions on this topic. but now the use of these fpv drones , it reduces the survivability and life expectancy of a tank on the battlefield, does it affect tactics and, relatively speaking, maybe it forms a new tactic of using tanks in conditions when drones begin to simply dominate the battlefield, and of course, that each new type of weaponry which appears on the battlefield, but carries certain challenges, and this entails changes and tactics of use. and changes in protection against similar
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types of weapons, it is already clear that almost all objects of armored vehicles and automobiles must be equipped with radio electronic warfare devices that will suppress these fpv drones, but absolutely all objects must be protected. armored vehicles with the same gratings against fpv drones, i.e. use camouflage measures and carry out electronic reconnaissance and radio-electronic warfare with not only fpv drones, but in general with many means of impressing the enemy. mr. mykola, what is the current experience of using these reb systems that are placed on our... objects, are there any, let's say, reviews from the military with whom you are in contact, what do they say, how
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reliable is this system, or any risks, how does it then affect the parallel connection, is it possible to exchange data there at the same time, or does rep have one that actually covers and suppresses everything, starting from the connection to enemy and own drones there , thank god that, accordingly... we know the frequency bands that are used to control drones, and they do not coincide with the frequencies that are used for radio exchange and for radio communication, that is why one does not interfere with the other , but, it means that almost every month we have to make changes to the means of combating fp drones, because it... also does not sleep, the enemy is developing and each
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new challenge entails further improvement of means of electronic warfare and suppression of fp control channels drones, and such things are now being dealt with not only by serious enterprises, but also quite a lot of enterprising entrepreneurs who are engaged in... privately, they are currently dealing with means of combating fpv drones, mr. mykola, i saw your comments, where you they explained there to the readers or viewers how the actual ukrainian crew on the bradley destroyed the russian t-90m tank and talked about the fact that this russian tank has certain defects, but on the other hand, the training of our personnel, who actually fought, is also important on bradley.
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i would like you to highlight again the main points from this battle, as it is, let's say, typical in order to be able to scale this approach to other units that may use the bradley bmp there or other western-made bmp. the crew was prepared to fight tanks, although they... encountered a tank for the first time in their lives, but at such a short distance, they were able to take advantage of the automatic gun, which is able to open fire almost immediately, as soon as the target and the gunner-operator are detected carried out aiming, accordingly, its bmp crew did not give the opportunity to take advantage of the large caliber 125 mm gun, because the very first thing they... did was disable the aiming devices and , accordingly, the observation devices, and here is
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a very vivid picture, when the tank moves, the gunner-operator tries to search where he is being shot at, and the turret rotates 360°, makes several revolutions, here is a very short distance, very soon ... continuous combat and loss, so the control of the commander tank, the gunner operator's confusion, and including the inability. the commander to control the mechanic with the driver led to the fact that the tank lost its dexterity altogether and after that the fpv drone operator finished it off, well, that is, in fact , we are usually talking about four or four main directions of armored vehicles there, which should create synergy, but the effectiveness of the crew is actually the fifth and dominant component, which actually
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ensures victory on the battlefield, as we now see, well, the phrase, the personnel decides everything. more no one has been able to deny and cancel why, because the personnel, starting with the crew members and ending with the brigade-level command of the operational-tactical direction there, that is , the operational direction, all this leads to the fact that we get the results that we have. i would like to ask your opinion about the prospects. of our wheeled armored vehicles, why am i asking, there is a rein metal company that offers us a lot of fuchs, there are projects related to the polish wolverines, and there is a little bit of insider information about what our officials there there they calculated that it would be very expensive
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to manufacture it in ukraine, and they say that we can do it on our own, with our own projects and... the issue of wheeled armored vehicles is less relevant than tracked models, what do you think, on the one hand, about foreign wheeled vehicles, armored vehicles, is it necessary and should we not bet on , first of all, a solution related to the caterpillar? that means with the number of brigades that do not yet have armored vehicles, we need absolutely everything, and if we we can open to have at least a hundred units of fuchs a year, in the next two or three years, we need to go for such cooperation and manufacture either on the territory of ukraine or assemble outside of ukraine, but receive these machines. at the same time, yes, there is a need to engage in further production of that
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wheeled vehicle, well, it is primarily the fourth armored personnel carrier. that is very necessary in the army, that is why, because if we are again talking about the btr-4 tank confrontation, then literally two or three months ago we also saw footage when the crew of an armored personnel carrier destroyed a t-72 tank , successfully intercepting it when the enemy placed the side under an automatic cannon, and so on... the same apc-4, it also has a missile channel, that is , the ability to use the power of the apc4 weapons, it is a combat vehicle infantry on wheels, although all experts understand perfectly well that in order to increase the security of infantry fighting vehicles, it is necessary to use
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tracks, why, because there is a certain limitation on the load. by weight per wheel, and if the armored personnel carrier has eight wheels, then in principle the combat weight limit is 30 tons, this is the maximum that can be used in such cases, and the track allows you to bring the weight of infantry fighting vehicles up to 40 tons and even up to 45 tons. mr. mykola, we have mr. mykola, we have one minute. i would like you to comment on one video that confused me a little, it's called the one where our military is frying his t-72 tank. now i will ask our directors to show this video, please tell me what it is, whether it is possible to do this, whether the tank will work, whether western equipment would withstand such approaches, and it's called, they forgot to pump out
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the gearboxes of the hydro system. control and lubrication oil before shutting down the t-72 tank, but the tank stood overnight and in the morning the tank could not start, in order to bring the temperature of the oil to that condition, well, at least to +10° in the gearboxes, so that it would be possible to pump out this lubricant, it is necessary to make a firebox under the on-board gearboxes under the right and under the left. and heat the armor of the tank, there is 20 mm of armor from below, but nothing will burn out, the heat will spread evenly, they will warm up. the gearbox can be pumped out of oil and started there. mr. mykola, thank you very much for these explanations , for your time on our broadcast, and let me remind you that it
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was mykola salamakha, a retired lieutenant colonel, project manager at the energy 2000 company. these were the main military results of that day, followed by more international and economic news in vasyl zima's news program and on our big broadcast. well, thank you very much to serhii zhorets, thank you to his guest, these were the military summaries of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. there are discounts on fkalkalor. 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. why am i here i have sensitive teeth, eat ice cream - pain, cold air - pain, sweet, pain.
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relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more
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analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, daily! on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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the premises that mr. serhiy dreamed of turning into a chernobyl museum before the war are now full of volunteer work, in half an hour these intertwined slings will become another stretcher, their advantage is compactness and mobility, because such a thing can be taken with you even on combat missions the weaving technology was adopted from the israeli military, improved and strengthened the construction with additional straps. it all starts with cutting the slings. the edges are heated to the desired size, then the slings are already ready, cut,
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laid out according to templates. in the necessary sequence, and after that they are sewn together, so to speak, to hold on to this label-gun and then give it to the seamstresses who are already finishing this process. despite the lack of professional production, the volunteers were able to set up a convenient workshop out of spare parts materials, instead of a centimeter, a table is placed with a marker. trails have different lengths. and quickly use a tape measure, and so i guided it where it was needed, cut off as much as needed, and its size was always correct and i did not get it wrong, because, as you have heard before, it all costs money, and if it is not cut correctly, it is already worthless . if the necessary materials are available, it is possible to make about a dozen knives per day, then another prepared batch is sent to be sewn
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by students and teachers of the sumy school. construction and design, it is there finally and they stitch the product firmly , after that they hand over the night to the military, here they are, oh, that is , here they are, we lay them on the ground, sew here, sew is ready, here a person lies down, compact nights have already been tested in practice and evaluated by the military, time and time again . volunteers led by serhiy svynarenko started making nightshades in september of last year, during which time they managed to make about two hundred. september, october like that. and that's why they started little by little, here and there a little bit of money, there from a pension, there in general they bought and started to do, as they began to do, requests, transfers. all
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uhtyshechki, come on, come on, come on, come on, we pass it to tavriy, you understand, we pass it to bakhmut, we pass it there to donetsk, well, in general, the demand for nights from the military is increasing, and the resources of volunteers are running out, the cost of one is about uah 400. serhiy svanerenko bought the last batch of turkish materials about horrors with the funds given by children for his birthday. the man does not know about the war by hearsay, because he fought in the donbass from the 14th year, where he received severe contusions and wounds, therefore instead of a new car, i invested money in the production, this is what is so urgently needed now, because it allows for a compact, compact, so small that you don't need to drag anything with you, and that's how i hitched everything. there are enough people for production, but there
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is a lack of materials and equipment. the most needed is a new table and sewing equipment, donations are being collected through the pages of the public organization in social networks. from sumy for the espresso tv channel.
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greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, now we are talking about prospects the resignation of valery zaluzhny, and whether ukraine is able to continue the war without american help, counting.


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