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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information, and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons. with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. here we are back, as promised, now we will look at the dnipropetrovsk region and the city of dnipro, through the eyes of our next guest, kateryna nemchenko, whom we congratulate. mrs. kateryna, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning. well, how was the night? night.
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it was very turbulent today in dnipropetrovsk region, there is no official information yet, but what i can say is that we were attacked by drones all night, and our air defense, there was also a missile threat, and glory to our air defense, almost all the targets that were directed at our region, were shot down, well, more detailed information will be provided later, whether there are still any consequences and destruction, but for sure that... i can to say, it was very loud and a lot of people heard what happened tonight, here, but thank you to our defenders, that after all, everyone worked at night and well, let's hope that there will be no consequences, but we'll wait for the information later, it's actually now every night , it flies from the south, from the kherson region, from the crimea, kherson region, mykolaiv region, and in fact every night there are reports that somewhere in the area... of the dnipropetrovsk region
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, these drones are flying over there, or they are shot down, or they are trying to get somewhere or fly by but it's actually their stable route now, right? yes, unfortunately, we are such a region through which, even if they do not fly to our region, they still fly past, well, it is worth noting that what shoots down our air defense, we are actually, well, it is not always clear , they were flying right at us, or they were flying. here it’s simple , when they shoot down, it’s good that it either falls into us somewhere, or at least it doesn’t fly to where it flew, but because of this there is also debris damage, that is, debris when they fall, they too, well, they can’t be to predict, and that there is a great danger, so we strongly advise, emphasize, emphasize always, but unfortunately, not everyone uses these tips in the region, to still go down to the shelter during alarms. ugh, but i look at the previous
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ones, the previous day, well, the last ones are quite hot, on january 30, when they shelled, that is, the day before yesterday, and there i see that these are combined shellings, well, the classics, that is, the senelnykivskyi and nikopolskyi districts, according to to nikopol, in general, they are beating all the time, what is at hand, and she, i just look at how it looks, how the amount of destruction looks, in mainly these are private homes and farms. buildings, there everything is removed, there is glass, and everything else, it is winter in the yard, but in principle, how in the region, do people manage to help quickly, i mean, at least to escape from the cold, is there any, i don’t know, system of resettlement for the time of some repairs, at least to bring it to order, is there a resource? yes, this problem is very acute in fact, especially in those reggae areas of the region, which are shelled on a daily basis. if we talk about
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nikopol region, i have generally heard from the locals there is such a thing that there is no point at all in putting in those windows, changing the glass itself, breaking it, if not today, tomorrow something will fly somewhere again and knock it out again. this is really a problem and it happens so often, unfortunately, but still, the local authorities and volunteers, or the residents of the affected houses personally, are trying to... repair at least in such a way that it is possible to be indoors, that is, if these are damaged walls, of course, there is also displacement, if it is broken windows, well , it depends on the situation, if it is broken windows, then utility services promptly help with materials, well, they provide materials , stick it there, cover it with a film there, or something else that is possible to do there quickly within the first two hours, and... then
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there is already a procedure for compensation, for installing new ones there there are more windows, glass, repairs, and it is difficult for people to do all this red tape for a long time? and to be honest, it's not a very fast process, because there are delays , i hear a lot that, oh, it hasn't been installed in our country yet, and we were the first in line there, well, like what it is done promptly, it is of course very fast, and these are already bureaucratic, when allocations from local budgets go, it is like that, well, not quickly, i hear and see a lot now that there is a recovery, this. it can be done, i don’t yet know how quickly it works, many people apply, but how quickly and efficiently it works, i can’t say yet, mrs. kateryna, the other day dnipro was called one of the most criminal and dangerous cities in
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eastern europe, this is the rating, and dnipro and odesa share the first two places, they are analyzing different things actually in that rating and in particular how comfortable it is. it is comfortable to live there, how dangerous it is, reviews from social networks also take into account some other factors, or against the background of these constant shellings, constant alarms, and now we see what the people themselves confirm, that it is not entirely comfortable in the dnipro, the locals remain, are there any possible next waves of migration, either within ukraine, or even to the west abroad? well, if we talk specifically about the city of dnipro, then in the last six months... frankly speaking, not particularly something changed when people left, because those people who had a place to leave, really moved there or stayed there, they did it there either at the beginning of the full-scale movement, or when
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they realized that it would not end there during the first three months there, as expected and everyone believed, well, but the people are basically locals, who... have always lived in the dnipro, those who have some kind of job, family, homes, well, they will not leave during , well, such a situation as it is now, the danger, it exists, of course, but in the dnipro it is the same as, in principle, in the territory of neighboring regions with the dnipro, because even when there is an air alarm, it can fly to any, any location of the region in which it sounds. on alarm, that is why we also have a lot of internally displaced persons in the region, more than 3,000, this figure also does not change, so i cannot say that many people are leaving from the dnipro, of course, from the nikopol district,
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for example, there are displacements region and throughout ukraine, but there are not so many movements from our city, well, if we talk about the criminal situation, then it is on... actually, well, from in my experience, it is not even related to a full-scale war, precisely this rating and the situation, which in general in the dnipro is composed of a criminal, criminogenic situation, well, a peculiarity of the region, but in principle it is comfortable to be in the city, if you are an average person, you do not walk at night , you don't break the rules, and mrs. kateryna, you say that you don't strongly feel that the criminogen has changed. on the situation, i have such a slight déjà vu, i remember these anecdotes from the yanukovych period, there was such a criminal, remember, together with his party, he was captured that's all, and at that time, they joked in kyiv, and whoever doesn't like donetsk, let him go back to
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his dnipropetrovsk, then they talked about jokes at the local level, it's such a kyiv joke, so, in principle, everything is fine, but... that's standard, and you , as dnipro residents, are used to it, but tell me, i'm just looking, it's just been a month since this rocket attack, when they ransacked the shopping center in dnipro and the maternity hospital, have they done anything there or not during this month, they will to restore, is there any solution, or will they wait for the end, the end of hostilities? and yes, indeed, the shopping mall will continue. there are reconstruction works , i.e. there are repairs, well, these are private moments, private investments in this go to the trade , reset and restore, so they restore, so they restore, and if we talk about the
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hospital, well, about the maternity hospital, there is a maternity hospital, a hospital, now there repair work is underway, but a new room was provided in a slightly different location, and this room... is quite new, doctors were moved there, well, doctors were transferred there, the equipment there, which managed to be preserved after the missile attack impact, and what the doctors say... they were translated that now the conditions are even better in terms of repairs, equipment and other such things there than they were in the destroyed maternity hospital, that's why, in principle, people continue to work already at another location, for now they will be there, and then i hope they will repair it. ms. kateryna, thank you for being with us early, kateryna nemchenko, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, we will take a not... long break, but after that we will tell you about one thing that is terrible for russian bumblebees. kratal contains
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict and with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. and
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what's next is actually a wonderful story announced by us, about love for relatives and bees. this is what kept the spirit of the serviceman from call sign bumblebee. vasyl koval went to the front in the second wave of mobilization, defended his native land in the zaporozhye direction. in the fall, he was injured, due to which , unfortunately, his leg had to be amputated. we will tell you how our veteran feels now and what he dreams about in our story. serious. but with cheerful eyes. vasyl koval meets the film crew on the street. a man is waiting for a prosthesis in a rehabilitation center. they move with the help of a cart. before the war, the man was fond of beekeeping. he managed near the beehives, because he loves his insects very much. but
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already in the second wave, the mobilization went to protect the country. he fought in the zaporozhye direction as part of the 15th brigade. against the special purpose intelligence, the unit was engaged in the detection and neutralization of enemy drones. the scariest thing was when you come back, when you went out on a mission, you understand where you are, what you are, you understand how to behave, and when you come back, and the scariest thing, suddenly someone, as they say, is crazy, seems to have survived there, everything is fine , and it goes... well, this is a little goosebumps. in october last year, the military stepped on an anti-personnel mine. he recalls that there were fifty of them per 10 km and they were camouflaged so that it was impossible to see them. when he was wounded, he did not lose consciousness, gathered his will into a fist and endured the pain. currently, he is waiting for another
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operation to prepare for prosthetics. of course, he dreams of victory. currently, i am already in this hospital. here to form a stump, because there are problems, it will be rubbed in the prosthesis later, there are a lot of such cases where guys are lying here, that such an operation should be done, at the moment i want to people folded and the war will probably end, our strength is in one unity, after rehabilitation, the military man plans to return to... work and to the beehives, and he also dreams of grandchildren. life goes on. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovsky from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel. well, here he is, our veteran zhmil, his story is typical for many, and unfortunately, many more such stories await us, because
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there are no analogues in terms of the level of mining, even somalia, in my opinion , is resting, i am not talking about other zones. conflict, but we'll deal with it, okay, then we are now moving north, to kharkiv oblast, so we are going north from the south, and let me remind you that in kharkiv late last night there was an attack by at least six drones, three men were injured, one of them has shrapnel wounds, the other two have a contusion and an acute stress reaction , in the saltiv district, it is closer to russia, that's how the drone got there. a rocket has already hit a private residential building, in another district of slovitsky, a shop also caught fire after being hit. now we will ask the deputy from kharkiv in more detail about everything bohdan tkachuk of the district council. mr. bohdan, welcome to our airwaves. good morning. you can actually say that the morning is good, right? is this yesterday's late attack and also the missile
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attack on kharkiv oblast. did it all work out? you can say, because of fright, some minor injuries, well, the main thing is that there were no casualties during these, during these two attacks, because in the evening there were actually several rocket attacks during the day, they dropped these rockets in the suburbs, and this is the southern part , little danylivka, such a settlement, well, it's almost close to kharkiv district road, and... already in the evening there were several waves of attacks by shaheds, they came from several directions, it was quite difficult to shoot them down, as the military say, they also painted them in a black color that does not allow you to see clearly targets, that 's why one of these, one of these shahedes in
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the sobitskyi district, right, here you are showing the footage, exploded, and a shop and cars were damaged there. and the windows of the houses there were broken, the doors were damaged, but not so badly, there were literally three people who received light damage, and what else can be added, the infrastructure was not damaged, and that means water supply, heating supply and everything else, it is all working, this morning it will be put in order, it will start... especially to help the affected apartments, owners offices there, all of this will be closed, that is, utility services will work as they already did. the wife repairs everything after each shelling and brings it to order, well, this is the situation, if we are talking about the city of khane bohdane, look, i managed to look over it during that time
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a short analysis and report from the military from the kharkiv region, i.e., in addition to those black -painted shaheds, those yesterday's two ballistic hits, they were fired twice, so at noon at 12 and around four there with a tail. day and interestingly, the military writes that it was a ballistic strike, it flew somewhere along the korotychi and the forest of the malodanyliva community, that's where they write, and what's interesting this time is not from belgorod, but from the temporarily occupied luhansk region, one way or another , regarding the belgorod people's republic, we know that the armed forces of ukraine sometimes give an answer, they work something out, but what about this, when... they come from the temporarily occupied luhansk region, that is, from the former kharkiv and slobozhan lands, most likely. something flies there in response right away to extinguish their
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missile, launchers, have you not seen a combat response in this direction yet? well, i can’t tell or even know that as they respond, this is the front line, you understand, there is a counter-battery fight, there are various measures, aviation, they are pounding from the depth, if a missile, then it is from the depth, well i i understand, but all this is still the front line, they have their own anti-aircraft systems there, it’s a completely different story, it’s not, let’s say , flying from abroad, where we have some, there are roadblocks, there is something else, some such, and there is already a front line, there is its own structure, there are various systems, and the counter-battery fight is going on, and everything else about belgorod. but of the belgorod people's republic, i looked at their public here in the morning, well, we also give an answer there, the minimum that i saw was constant reports
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every day, there from the governor, from their there are the administrators of other administrative structures, that drones, there are komikazes from ukraine flying in, there a car was smashed, there some roadblock was damaged, there infrastructure, some special station was damaged, and this is constant. in such a tape of military operations, well, what can i say, we give an answer, and it cools down such hot heads in the belgorod region, which were there a year ago, yes, we are actually also very happy, which should be, as they say, joy for two, two dance the tango, and let their news look the same like ours, like a tape from the front, but tell me, please, how are you now in the city communicating with... with people, with others, there was a very seriously planned and multi-level information attack that oh-oh-oh, soon kharkiv amba ,
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there will be a super attack again along the kharkiv-russian border, and they will capture kharkiv region again, they worked on this very echelon, from the federal level to the zyu-bloggers, plus our special potion tanks were connected, that is, they spread that hysteria for a long time, threats from the military. we know from intelligence that there is such a threat there is no full-scale invasion again across the kharkiv-russian border, but as in the city, well, we have read, watched, someone, someone there does not have time to listen to some intelligence from there, there are some such rumors, panic, is it spreading or not working, well, look , it still started, it seems at the beginning of december, this whole thing, the wave continued until the new year, but people did not react like that, let's say... no one left kharkiv until the new year there, unless someone took their children there for some kind of vacation there in the carpathians or in kyiv, well, on new year's and christmas holidays there, that's understandable
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, but there was no such panic as to leave right away, no one believed all the cossacks, because they understood that this was not the first time such a wave had happened, there were several of them during this war, that all the mykharkovs have almost been captured, surrender there and there will be no resistance. we will strike across the border, capture kupyansk, we will return the raisin again, well, that's it, everything has already happened, so no one here panicked, let's put it more like this, the dangerous situation was already after the new year, when massive shelling the city of kharkiv was hit by rockets , well, you know this whole story, the second day started there on the 30th, it seems that there were also rockets that hit right next to my house, my house was also damaged, so there are already a few people here, you know, well more... you know, they worried about children and women and started taking them away, at least outside the city of kharkiv in some suburbs, or somewhere in kyiv, there
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were, there was such a trend, now... it was all set up like this , you know, we take it easy, that’s how we flew there, read the news, drew conclusions, called back to relatives who may live there or an acquaintance, whether everything is in order with them, and life goes on in its own way, let's say, in its own way, that's why their waves do not cause any panic, that is, here, well , telegram channels, which somewhere shouted some , that everything you listed was like that, it still remains, but this... you know , that, well, it’s not about anything, and it’s not interesting to anyone anymore, people here, we believe in the armed forces and we are not going to make any , but regarding these drgs, we understand that sumy oblast has the saddest situation with all this, but kharkiv oblast is actually the second is on the list, according to these infiltrations, according to attempts to fire, to harm somewhere, what is the situation in the border region, and how many people remain there, how do they react, or? is it
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possible to respond in time to attempts by the russians to sneak something in? well, the defense system has already been established, our units are already there, you know, especially the part that was liberated from the occupation in the east of kharkiv region, there were, you know, roadblocks organized literally at the same time, and i also took some part in that, my one of my deputies is an officer fighting there, so i have it information that... the whole system is working there, there are attempts to enter, yes, there are attempts to fly there with drones, to scout something somewhere, to drop something, it is also all present, but i repeat myself, apparently, it does not look like a border anymore, it doesn't even look like a gray area, it looks more like a front line where such permanent combat clashes take place, and what you are showing on the footage now, that is , there are such attempts, but they... what in the sumy
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region, yes, the border there is very large, but still not as much as it seems to me, this defense system is saturated, and in addition, people did not leave sumy oblast en masse, as we, who were evacuated from the liberated territories, had few people left there, and therefore, well, the losses we bear are not so serious, most of everything is suffering now, it is the border area, which is shelled every day... you know, there are literally a thousand or maybe more left there, mr. bohdan, we literally have a minute, because it is important to hear the latest news, and in that minute, tell me the answer to such a question, because ours has a very good heart prime minister shmyhal and his superiors from dtek approached him, probably asked, he says: well, we will cut off the electricity in debt, more than 300 have come, we will cut off the electricity, well, that's good,
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it's from our prime minister, in kharkiv chop off debtors? no, not yet, they don't turn it off, but there are such conversations, that is, there are warnings , they are informative, well, not threats , let's say, but a warning to residents that they need to pay debts, but they have not yet started to turn it off, because i am here as the chairman of the board condominium, well, i control it, of course, i understand what is it about, because i've already had three trials , the supreme court is now going, it's about energy. there are kharkiv fines, fines and penalties during the war, bank accounts, all bank interest, i calculated all this, and there are almost 300 fines for the period of martial law from the 24th, so i have already won two courts in them, now the case is already being considered in the supreme court, they are still litigating there, they want to collect these fines from condominiums, from residents by and large, so i have no illusions about the state structure, which in our country is 100% in
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kharkiv, energy construction, it's... the state structure in its entirety, i don't, i have no illusions, they will press, knock out, fines, money, it 's all clear, well, that's clear, that is, everything, it won't help anything, you know , mr. bohdan, thank you for participating in our program, bohdan kachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, with such and such a picture of the times, then, in general, a picture of the world and a picture of ukraine, khrystyna parobi is ready to present to us. together with the news team, they prepared a selection of the latest information. christina, you now word. greetings, colleagues, thank you, in the issue i will tell you about the evacuation from avdiivka, whether there is still an opportunity to get people out of there, as well as about the situation at the front, don't miss it in a moment.


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