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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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during his visit to kyiv, donald tusk announced that poland had joined the g7 declaration of the group of seven regarding security guarantees for ukraine. this format of cooperation should mobilize the democratic states of the free world to support ukraine and its security, - emphasized the polish prime minister. in an exclusive interview with radio liberty , polish minister of foreign affairs radoslaw sikorski noted that the new defense package will, in particular, provide for updated forms of cooperation to increase the purchase of weapons for ukrainian needs. i hope that this is something that ukrainians will appreciate. we also join the g7 security guarantee. regular intergovernmental consultations will take place, and poland also offers ukraine to extend military credit for purchases in poland. hope all this
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helps. ukraine needs a lot of weapons and should count on poland's support, general waldemar skzypchak, former commander of the polish ground forces, said in an interview with radio liberty. according to the expert, ukraine now most needs weapons to fight drones. poland has anti-aircraft guns systems capable of destroying drones. ukraine's main problem is drones, so poland could help. which have the ability, as shown by ukraine, to shoot down drones. ukraine widely uses such weapons to destroy drones. we have these weapons, so i think that we could produce them for ukraine. ukraine can count on military support from poland in three aspects, a certain analyst of the largest information portal, which writes about the armed forces, defense industry and geopolitics, defense-24. according to
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him, it is about training ukrainians military, equipment repair and maintenance, and poland will remain a transport hub for ukraine's military needs. it is about the continuation of assistance for the maintenance of equipment that ukraine received in the first phases of the war. we are talking about maintenance of logistics, replacement of spare parts, which will allow ukrainian military units to use equipment, even when some spare parts are worn out or damaged on... the front. the second segment of military aid, which is key in the polish dimension, is the continuation of the logistics hub, and poland plays a role in this strategic role, it is about the use of road, port, railway and air infrastructure. and the third element is help with the training and education of the ukrainian military. partners give weapons, but you have to learn how to work on them and maintain them. poland provides training grounds and training infrastructure for this purpose. importantly.
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that training grounds and training bases are beyond the limits of a possible russian air attack. despite the difficult domestic political situation in poland and disagreements between the president and the prime minister on aid issues of ukraine, they are united, experts assure. this is the freedom of the mornings. and what have you heard about cryopreservation and delayed parenthood? the verkhovna rada registered a bill that would allow the storage of reproductive cells of military personnel, even. after their death, people's deputy, chairman of the committee on health of the nation, mykhailo radutskyi, announced this. in order to use such a service, military or military personnel whose reproductive cells are stored in cryobanks, they must fill out the appropriate order. at the expense of the state, this one biomaterial will be stored for 3 years, but in the future this storage can be extended at the expense of other persons. in addition, in another bill , the deputies propose to amend the article of the civil and family codes to recognize paternity and... extend
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benefits to such children and also add that the defender can dispose of the reproductive cells by writing the appropriate order in the event of his death. this natural person is recognized as the father or mother of the child born in this way. the bill was brought to the council, in order to eliminate the legal conflict that arose due to the adoption of the previous law regarding the right of military personnel and other persons to biological paternity and maternity. the point is that the valid document before that in the event of the death of a soldier, his reproductive cells are destroyed. this law was adopted back in november of last year, but this norm gained publicity just now and due to the post of medical lawyer olena babich, who stated that one of her clients told the military court that her husband's cells were being disposed of, because that is what the law says. regarding the new ones draft laws, the lawyer says that although they will solve the mistake of the deputies made during the adoption of the law in november... year,
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they will nevertheless give rise to a number of new legal conflicts, for example, in the proposed version , the unsettled question of who can use reproductive cells in the event of the death of a military . we invited the next guest oleksandr yusko, doctor, obstetrician, gynecologist, professor, president of the ukrainian association of reproductive medicine , and oksana dmytrieva, people's deputy of ukraine from servant of the people, to this discussion. i congratulate you, mrs gentlemen good day. thank you for joining, and ms. oksano, the first question for you, as a member of the people's deputy, is what happened that, well, in fact, the legislation that should have regulated the issue of delayed parenthood is now being implemented. and that literally in march of this year, the material of those dead soldiers is going to be disposed of, as it were? no one is against, and the disposal issue, it should not stand, it should be settled, and you can already see that they have made changes to remove this edit. the essence of that
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law, which i was the author of, to the second reading, this amendment was made, unfortunately, i personally was against it and did not even vote precisely because of it, but until... i understood well that this amendment should be removed and we should have done it by march, but because of the commotion that rose in social networks , we had to speed up this process a little, and the most important thing is that we have to understand that the law that i wrote, which i am the author of, is only a social guarantee that our defenders can donate and store their reproductive cells at the expense of the state , everything, this law refers only to this, but it ran parallel. with the general bill on reproductive health, and the issue of disposal , it should have been decided in the general bill, we do not have the right to separate the military from civilians, and everything should have been spelled out clearly in the general law, since the general law was not adopted, then and this collision arose. now
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we have corrected it more clearly and prescribe that this norm should be the same for everyone and clearly describe how it will be resolved. disposal issues only with the permission of e-e person, who donates her reproductive cells, she writes an order and specifies in it who should dispose of them, their cells, or dispose of them, if they so wish and prescribe it, or to a general blood bank, or for scientific purposes, or to a spouse, and the most important thing is that after the death of a soldier , these cells will be stored at the expense of the state for another three years, and then a person can decide what to do with them. that is, the second spouse, the most important thing is that it is voluntary, the military can join to this program voluntarily, and to say that all cells are disposed of, even in this case, as the lawyer prescribed there regarding this situation, no cells
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of people who were not involved in this program should be disposed of, and in general i talked to doctors, even civilians, who donate their reproductive cells at their own expense, their cells. who does not dispose without their permission. mr. oleksandr, can you tell us about your opinion and how this scheme of delayed parenthood should ideally work? i think, in my opinion, law 3496, which was signed by the president, and there is this phrase "disposal", it stirred up the whole society. this is the term about disposal. it... should not be the following draft laws, which were submitted 10437 and 10438, which, well, in my opinion, are hastily trying to somehow correct the situation, written from the point of view of reproductive rights
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is extremely illogical, and if in the future the verkhovna rada, our honorable deputies, do not listen to the advice of those who deal with reproductive law, and who can add and prescribe how it will work, matter it won't work, it will be a law for the sake of the law , it will be a dead law, it will only harm reproductive health and the preservation of the reproductive potential of the nation, huh, ms. oksano, can you say something here, i want to support, maybe a colleague, because i am also a doctor. regarding the fact that all laws must be written with the people who will use them, in this case, product specialists, and i want to say that again, not making excuses, but clarifying that law 8011, which was signed the president, where was this praka, he concerns
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only the social guarantee, and there should be nothing written about how it should happen, it should all be in the general reproductive law on reproductive health, and there, i hope we already... we all come together and everything let's write it down clearly, because , for example, there is a letter from obstetricians and gynecologists who wrote that the disposal issue has not been resolved, and this issue must be resolved, but how? to solve it correctly, and now we are really trying to be right, at least to take the first steps, to clean it up the main thing is the amendment from the law on social security, so that it is not there, and then the general law on productive health must be clearly prescribed, and i really agree to listen to the doctors, ms. oksano, and when this can and should happen and how is it to be prescribed, in what terms, so that there are no such legal conflicts, which the lawyer also mentioned? which we announced earlier on the air, now we have to quickly pass these two bills to
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remove this amendment, yes, we will to sit down and develop, develop a general draft law, because it was not adopted in the first reading, probably colleagues know that it was and joined this discussion, to this draft law, well, it was not adopted, because there really were conflicts there, and precisely to correct them, we will raise questions, we will invite everyone who is involved in this. process, then my colleague on the committee prescribes this bill and she dealt with this issue, we will move it further, because indeed, we understand, the demographic situation in our country, we need to improve it, but improve it so that it works. mr. oleksandr, are there already examples of such an opportunity for delayed parenthood being used in ukraine, perhaps? thank you, but i'm sorry, ms. oksana, i have the utmost respect for you. as a specialist, as a doctor, as a deputy , respect me very much, i want to emphasize, we
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should not now return to the general bill of stupidity, we simply should not, we have a war, we have a difficult demographic situation, with the law that was proposed, we will violate our the reproductive community, well, we we will destroy it, and now, when the war is going on, there is no need to do this. but as far as cryopreservation is concerned, we went in parallel, after all, with the beginning of the war, all reproduction clinics, 97% of us, these are private clinics, started to cryopreserve reproductive cells and carry out fertilization free of charge, and then mrs. oksana correctly proposed a bill on the conservation of kyros , unfortunately, it was twisted, twisted, and it changed beyond recognition with the initial state, and
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therefore it turned out such a collision, as for me, then the verkhovna rada simply got confused among three three trees today, and we stored reproductive cells for free, we did insemination for the military for free, and we will do it, and believe me, not a single bill, not a single law will... stop our desire as doctors , reproductive specialists and our country, preserve the reproductive potential and give children, give children to those who want to have children, and i want to say, after all, ms. oksana correctly noticed that this is all 1-2%, these are military personnel, that direction needs to be worked on, they deserve to our attention, but 98% is postmortem reproduction, it's cancer patients, it's... women who can't get pregnant, it's men with injuries, it's a huge layer, don't
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forget delayed motherhood, let women who want to preserve their reproductive cells, will leave them in ukraine, they will leave, then come back and give birth to us children, we really need to equalize, mr. oleksandr, so that, for example, at the end, can you tell in numbers what the result of such work is already today? when we analyzed a year ago back at that time ms. oksana's draft law started , at that time, six months had passed, about 3x5 conservation had already been done, i thank you for these figures, unfortunately, i have to finish, thank you for joining this discussion, oksana dmytrieva, people's deputy of ukraine and oleksandr yutsko, obstetrician, gynecologist, professor, president of the ukrainian association of reproductive medicine. thank you. congratulations, this is news in minutes, then briefly about
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what is being written about in social networks. the pentagon successfully tested a new high-precision large bomb range for ukraine and can transfer it to kyiv today. the results of the draw held the day before in sweden. during the drawing ceremony, the mayor of liverpool, the city where the song contest was held last year, handed over the official keys to the eurovision song contest to merkina of malmö. among them was the liverpool key in the form of an anchor - odesa, which was the city of the capital of eurovision 2023. that's all for today, look for more news in our social networks. see you tomorrow, thank you for spending this broadcast with us, we will be back, so thank you colleagues, and we we're back, we're back with one more piece of news and also good, to the extent of good, over there in
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russia, a drone fell on the territory of an oil refinery in st. petersburg, the russians write that they shot it down. drone, but despite the fact that it was shot down, it managed to hit something on the way, several tankers, and the fire did happen, they say, it was quickly extinguished, they say, without casualties, well, let’s see, well, in the story we tracked yesterday, too there are upgrades, mainly now our western colleagues have joined, if det time and the economist today gave information that the decree was and here is the latest, presented by colleagues from bbc news, who say that zelenskyi, luzhnyi and umiro
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met on monday at the bank regarding the resignation of the commander-in-chief, respectively. but ermak was not there, this is interesting information , because he was somewhere in uzhgorod on monday, yes, he was in uzhgorod on monday, he is missing the zermak, that is the conclusion we draw from this situation, he cannot be everywhere, well, it's time to talk about big money, and also about the ministry of defense, in fact, a member of the public anti-corruption council at to the ministry of defense, our colleague from censornet tetyana nikolayenko, mrs.... tetyana, congratulations, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, well, let's start with a member of the party of regions, a proud representative of yanukovych in crimea, he was then burned in some corruption schemes, regarding tourism in crimea, he had nothing for that, and he was appointed to manage a whole direction in
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the ministry of defense, because where are the russian tourists in crimea, and where is the ministry. defense, it is almost the same thing, and now tolieva , together with the founder of the sdpo zbitnev and all others should have been tried according to this scheme in lviv, tried, tried, nothing was convicted, your colleague shabunin says that it was deliberately done wrong, so as not to hand over nabu and other things, so that later he would be taken out of the attack again, what do you say , analyzing this case, i will say that, well, you probably really can't. people who do not understand anything about weapons at all, and the specifics of this supply will still be appointed to such positions, a person should have some, well, at least tangentially specific to this specific work, aa in this in this detention there are really a lot of questions , including why they detained tomas nakhur , who, well, in principle, as far as we
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know, i did not actually see this statement, but what if from the words yes, and who exactly is he. wrote a statement on the lviv arsenal, and this story is extremely murky, unclear and obviously looks like a planned special operation by russia, and if we are talking about those people who were on the other side of the border of ukraine, but unfortunately, on this side of the border in ukraine, we have to talk about the fact that the people of the ministry of defense really wanted to profit from this contracts, or the people who were behind those who were in the ministry of defense and forced them. to sign this contract, because from the beginning what i already know for sure, as a member of the anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense, and the prices for these mortar shots, they are definitely overpriced by at least uah 200 there, ugh, and you can’t tell tales about what wasn’t other suppliers who could supply these mines, it is obvious that there were such options and
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it would be possible to choose from other special importers and they would definitely have dosas. work on the market and and already checked contractors could supply us with mortar rounds and we would not lose either 15 billion uah or the opportunity to receive 100 00 mortar rounds on time , and in fact 97% of the funds had to be different. to the minister of defense to see a photo of these mortar shells from croatia, and when the case began to gather momentum, that liev went to croatia to those. to the other side, and sent another photo in order to have the signature of the minister of defense , that everything is fine, this piece of history, there was
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a little bit wrong, it means that from the beginning there was no license from the second supplier in the contract, that is, the second country of the supplier, that is, they only had a slovakian license, and there were no mortar shots in slovakia, there were mortar shots in croatia, but there was no croatian license. and moreover, from the way sevat tells this story, there was no specific supplier in croatia at all, that is , most likely, harashaev, who is also arrested in connection with this case, i hope that today the censors will release a bigger story about this person, who looks to me like a terry agent of the kremlin, and who worked for us in special transporters and not only a person worked in the air, god forgive me, this is russian gas supplier to us in the early 2000s. they don't take people there just like that, and this already mentioned khorashayev just happened to go and arrange the second inspection of the warehouse, and there is a public photo with
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three mortar shots, well, obviously i yes, this is the composition aliyev accepted, ms. tetyana, here is the phrase that uah 1.5 billion was returned to the budget, it reads as a victory in general, a phrase that umira wrote on facebook on january 24, when this... it all started got out and everyone started talking loudly about it , whether there is any possibility now to bring to justice the ministry of defense of those involved and to form such a scheme very quickly, completely transparently, when it will be visible, clearly, clearly, when these purchases will not take place like this , how did they happen, or could it just be this one transparency also now and harm us? the algorithm itself cannot harm us, it will only benefit us. now i will go back to your earlier questions about whether it is possible to get a refund. a billion of this money was seized in
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the accounts of the lviv arsenal, that is, it did not go anywhere. obviously, it can be collected there, thanks to the executive service and so on, well, it can be returned through the bank, yes. and 400 million will be much more difficult to collect. because these 400 million have already gone abroad and changed. in millions of euros, and, for example, from tranche 12 thousand, 12 million euros paid by the lviv arsenal to syvotek, and 4 million were withdrawn in cash, well, that is, you, so that you understand the scale of the credits, and therefore we definitely insist, as members of the anti-corruption council , that a mechanism be created in the ministry, transparent, checks of counterparties , selection of the price in general, the quality of the supplied ammunition, it is possible... we don’t really need to be allowed to do this, in order to discuss this agromet to a state secret, to which none of the members of the anti-corruption council was ever admitted, but the ministry in general - it's not
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is in a hurry to talk about it with us, i won’t even complain that we haven’t talked to mr. umerov once these months, okay, let the minister be busy, we meet with dmytro klimenkov quite often, but as far as weapons are concerned, in we didn't have any meeting again, aha. now a new head of the agency has been appointed , i hope she will be more communicative than her predecessor, volodymyr pikuzo, and we will be able to discuss all these nuances, because this is really important, and in the trends that are currently taking place in the ministry of defense, which as for the purchase of weapons, i do not like it at all, and i understand perfectly well that we should buy drones, and this is a fairly effective form of struggle, but... it cannot be the case that three ministries buy only drones, this is also an unhealthy position of the state , sorry, ugh, mrs. tetyana, i’m going to deviate a little from
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such direct schemes around the ministry of defense and the war, your publication was one of the first to report on the case with an attempt or not an attempt to resign an employee, we can see how a certain species was worked out. channels about what do you see, all these ukrainian truths, mirrors of the week, interfaxes and censors, they disperse fakes, well, that was the background of the previous day, and what was it and what are your conclusions as of today? and it seems to me that the audience had the same probing, as it was the case with the elections, the holding of other holdings, as it was a few months ago. well, it's probably good that our government still measures society's attitude to certain things, but the way it does it doesn't look very good, to be honest. to me
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it seems that this cooperation with these telegram blunders, which our government loves and practices so much, it once got so out of hand that, well, in principle, it will be difficult for me to compare anything with yanukovych's team, well, it already reminds me somehow, i'm sorry, but do you remember the temniks of 2002, but now we are as close as possible in our, the government is as close as possible in its information policy to that period, and honestly, it's nothing but a hoax. does not cause, if the authorities either cooperate or cannot do anything about these interferences, well, that's it it also doesn’t characterize her very well, one way or another, it seems to me that the whole story is ridiculous, and so the temperature measurement in the ward, it didn’t come out again, but well, that is, it gave a negative result, but the problem itself remains, it is not solved, and i read colleagues, that is, conflict and lack of perception...
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there is, but it is not really obvious to me how this situation will be resolved, mrs. tatyana, we have two minutes, because, honestly, if at least someone at the bank remembers history, and again in 2002, there in 2000, 2000, 2002, then, well, in this way, some brought up viktor yushchenko, and now , if we take the political parallels, then what they are doing diligently is the cultivation of a new viktor yushchenko, but two minutes. it remains for our conversation, and the princes extended the preventive measure until march 29, but at the same time reduced the amount of the bail, and it is already on the seventh, on the seventh it is already happening, what kind of scheme is this, at first such fantastically huge amounts of bail, and then they are reduced to some such very small amounts? well actually it is already necessary to ask the higher anti-corruption court, whether it is going to remain the higher
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anti-corruption court or not? and well, in principle , it should be such a signal for society that to steal from warehouses for the ministry of defense, not to build any warehouse, it is in principle normal, and the higher anti-corruption court will close your case, well, this is a very bad signal, and as for the princes, well, it looks like this , that he will be reduced to this measure, this precautionary measure . when he can pay, then the person will go free, but then we can to see some story like that of trubitsyn, when a person suddenly disappears from ukraine before the meetings. ugh. thank you for the conversation tetyana nikolaenko, member of the public anti-corruption council at the ministry of defense of ukraine. our colleague, a journalist from the censornet publication, analyzed all these corruption stories, which in reality
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do not come to mind. meanwhile, the war continues, i see this morning today's serious attack on kherson wounded one of our citizens, an elderly man, i see that the attacks continue on pokrovsk, six people were injured and houses were damaged, it 's such a morning, but i think that here, our news team knows more, so khrystyna parubiy is already ready. to share more detailed information, surely there is more of it, and accordingly we pass on christina's word. we are listening. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you about the situation in the regions of ukraine, as well as about the losses of the enemy, in a moment. wait.
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