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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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a proven remedy. vasyl winter's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours are favorites in the company. presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart people and those who care. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can
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express your opinion on the evil of the day with a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. let's get back to the conversation, today is waiting, and we'll wait, wait, what's up with gaga, lady gaga will bring us a look. of the new song ukraine russia, is russia today recognized as violating international law, well, we know it, but it is necessary for this recognition to be official, and it will actually be a very important historical moment, because it will be written in black and white on paper , as the legislation requires, so now we are asking the chairman of the board of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, he is the co-chairman. of the kharkiv right-wing group and
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we are pleased to welcome yevgeny zakharov to our air, mr. yevgeny, good morning, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes , this international court at the un, when we still appealed to the russian aggressor before a full-scale invasion, how many years have passed, that is , from the 17th year to today, we are waiting for this decision, and you tell us what they are pitfalls, we understand that... jurisprudence, international law, it is quite complicated and sometimes incomprehensible for a simple person who lives in a time of war, where everything is very clear, black, white, enemy, defender, here, this , which the russians call crocheting, they can do it launch, and we can still expect some surprises from gaga today, well, not only they can, but they launched it, and it is already ongoing...
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four years of consideration of these sticks, in fact, i think that the lawsuit will be satisfied only partially, not in full . since there is a share, a share of difficult moments, he finds , he ee has two parts, the first part is the statement that russia violates the convention on the financing of terrorism, and it is about donbas, that russia financed terrorism there, it is about the events of 14- th-15th 16th year, er, first of all, this is the malaysian beech, this is the shelling of residential quarters in mariupol, this is the shelling of the checkpoint under volnovakha, where a bus with
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civilians was hit by it, this is the option in kramatorsk, well, these are the things that can really be considered terrorist acts, and the second is this. .. we are talking about the violation of the convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, this is about crimea, and this concerns precisely the oppression of ukrainians, the crimean tatars, in their national rights, this is the oppression of the midjlis of the crimean tatar people, this is exactly what we are talking about, it would seem to us here that it... it is absolutely obvious and there is nothing to prove , but, well, as you know, the russians will put forward an argument against, and perhaps the court will listen to some of their arguments, it
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is about the financing of terrorism, the fact is that when all this happened, all these events, and in the 17th year, i will remind you, we talked about the anti-terrorist operation and... everything the russians did was considered terrorist acts, now we call it an armed conflict, a war, and we no longer call it, we don't call it a terrorist act. the russians claim that what they did was not a scam, it was simple there were, there were military actions, and civilians were caught, in fact, they... are trying to prove that in all these episodes the russians had a legitimate military goal, they were pursuing it, well, the fact that civilians suffered, well, that's what happened , this is what happens in war, as far as boeing is concerned
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, well, they will say the same, it was a mistake, it was an error in guidance, well , the military can be wrong there and so on, that is... well, there are arguments from the ukrainian side, there are arguments from the russian side parties, our arguments, well, very big, there are 29 volumes of evidence, that actually a memorandum of 370 pages, and 28 volumes with evidence, this is another 17,500 pages, more in the hague has never been in the un court, even in the case in serbia and croatia it was only from... the decision has already been made, written, its today these pages the evidence had to be considered, but it will be announced, i hope, that it will be recognized, well, almost completely, regarding russia's violations of the convention on the crimea,
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violations of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination. in the crimea, because the repressions of the midjlis are obvious, and they were even then in the 17th year, there were adopted by the court, protective decisions, and the international court in the case ordered russia to stop oppressing the mejlis, he completely ignored it, that is, there are only arguments that are more difficult for us to refute, russia... there sings a song about the fact that there is a flourishing of the crimean-tatar people, that there were more schools with the crimean-tatar language, now after that, crimea became russian and so on and so on, and here it is more difficult for us to contradict, because we are not there, it is more difficult for us to find evidence,
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evidence, but i am sure , that basically the violation of this convention will be recognized that concerns i hope that it will be recognized in part, because it is impossible to deny that the downed boeing was a terrorist act and ... that russia did it, as far as i am concerned, if the un court actually recognizes the violation, even to the extent of you say, what are the consequences of this whole story, so what can change, what can the world affect in relation to russia? well, the consequences will be very big, the fact is that the international court is a court of justice. in gas, the international court of justice is the highest court, its authority
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is recognized throughout the world, and the decision is against russia - this will be the first decision of international courts, the very court decision, er, in which violations on the part of russia within the limits of this armed conflict will be recognized, as it will be recognized, and it will be possible to rely on it from now on very significantly, except moreover... i want to note that yes, even if russia's violation of the convention on the financing of terrorism in 14, 15, 16 years is not recognized, russia is there, actually saying that there was no terrorism, but there were military actions, that is, russia itself admits that it then conducted military actions against ukraine, this is also a very important moment, and here it is essential, as without... the court itself, the court will prescribe its decision, even if
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it only partially recognizes the violation of the convention on the financing of terrorism, it is important what exactly it will write, therefore, we have to wait for this decision, when we see it, and then it will be possible to say more definitely how, how it will be used, how it can be influenced, certainly, the decision of the highest international authority in the world that russia is such trespasser, it is very essential, sir yevgeny, look, you say something important, but as they say, decision by decision, and practice by practice, well, for example, they recognize the violation of the convention on racial discrimination, so the entire russian federation is complete racial discrimination, where they invented some kind of titular nation without a territory , some kind of russians. all the rest are discriminated against on the basis of nationality and they have never had anything for it, and so on, and in this case
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, too, according to putin, there is already a decision, he was recognized as an accomplice in the crimes of the stolen children and so on, but i see something that does not prevent him from going to a nato country, because he plans to go to turkey and not be afraid that according to this he will be detained and transferred as a criminal to the same place in... that is, it is just some kind of moral - legal satisfaction for ukraine, can the situation change in such a way that it will finally start to work, so that both practice and decisions coincide? well, i think that all such decisions are important, because they create a field of pressure, and this pressure is becoming more and more on russia, and this decision will be possible to lean on don't forget that the international court of the un, it is not of a criminal
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nature, it is a court that examines the complaints of one state against another state, well, it gives, it gives advisory opinions, at the request of the members of the un, well, that's another story, precisely the claims of the state against states, he is considering, and the decision in our favor will be partial here. will be a very, very serious support in everything else, for example, well, we are waiting for decisions in the european court, also, interstate lawsuits of ukraine against russia over crimea, where there was already admissibility, and already the case is coming to a decision, i can, i am sure that the judge of the european court will significantly use international decisions to have something to rely on, so in future tribunes. arguments in the decision of ukraine against russia , well, that is, all this creates a field of pressure and
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increasingly makes russia an international rogue, which, what it is becoming, it is now gradually denouncing one by one the un convention in which it is a participant, and is increasingly sailing to iran , to south korea, well, that’s clear, mr. yevgeny, thank you for your analysis, we will too monitor the situation, our viewers. yevhen zakharov, chairman of the board of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, co-chairman of the kharkiv human rights group, will hear this announcement of the decision, with these explanations, well, we will talk about something else. yevgenia kryvchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, is already with us. ms. yevgenia, we congratulate you. greetings, have a good day. and let's start right away with such noisy, loud news, this week's stories, rumors about the dismissal of zaluzhnyi, there was no decree , he signed the decree, there was a replacement, there was no replacement, did not agree and so on. but there was a very important thing that you understood, it is about
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communications. yes, where was competent, correct communication in all this. vertically, horizontally, whatever, but it is important, yes, it is important that it be as it should be in the 21st century in a civilized country, this is a question, a question of where the communication was and why it was like that, because of the stump, no , wait, through a log-stump is to believe anonymous telegram channels and fall into some kind of emotions because of it, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait come on, well the mirror of the week wasn't the first, right, it's all based on unnamed sources, and look, i actually respect the right of the media, the media itself, yes, not telegram channels, but the media to publish
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material when they cite sources, in our country, we see that it also appears in the western press. me, to be honest, when it comes to personnel issues, it doesn't matter, well, i think so, after all, once upon a time in a previous life, i also worked in journalism, when it comes to such things as personnel changes, which, well, worry obviously millions of people, well, as for me, then anonymous sources that you cannot name, and refer to the source, this was told to me by such and such, he knows this name, yes by his name. to confirm it, to refer to it, and we continue to give this, this information, well, i don’t know, i didn’t check with a stopwatch the time for which the ministry of defense and the press secretary of the president of ukraine commented, but as far as i was concerned, it was within the limits of a normal reaction, no i know it was there for an hour or two, so it was still hours, it wasn't until the next day, when everyone was already there
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there they fell into opmerot three times, but again , this is a question for journalists, for us now according to... the law on media must be created, these co-regulation chambers are already being created, there can be self-regulation, that is, it is about some such, well, community codes , what do we do if there is no official confirmation , but there are sources that we trust, again in the matter of personnel changes, which concern the presidential decrees, as for me, if there is no such decree, then there is no question, there is no , there is no subject of speech. noise and uproar, why there is no official, i don’t know, there is a video , a message, something else, of the head of state, who is actually authorized to dismiss, appoint, yes, because he appointed the chief commissar in vain , why there is no appeal or message, but there is only some post about that , that no , it's not true, no, it was, wait, wait, friends, well, i think we should still
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not lose our common sense, do you think that the president should react... every day officially to all the information in anonymous sources, this is what it will turn into, that he will be that commentator fakes, well, that's why there was really important information, it wasn't just anything, ms. yevgenia, here fakes are not fakes, but if we make wards to understand what to do with those valuable sources that cannot verify information, we need to take all the journalists from the economist time and the new york times to them, now i am looking at the new york times today, it says that... president zelenskyi planned to dismiss general zaluzhnyi from his post, but this process was slowed down when the news of the dismissal got into the press . well, look, we somehow have such an inferiority complex that when an economist , i don't know, wrote in the new york times, we hang it all on the wall, on a frame, and it's there, but it's not
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a complex, we just, in all instances, it seems to me, i apologize, i would like to conclude that it seems to me, yes, if we are talking about certain institutions there and that it is part of the powers, when there are any or will be, or may be, yes, and if they, somewhere i hung up, so if or when they happen, then it's time for the official one communication to explain what motivates this or that institution when this... happens, and every time speaking in some official video messages, explaining to the president, we actually devalue that, well, in those messages that... he would like to say in that day, yes, no, let's now refute all the fakes that were on the internet, again, well, in the process of public administration,
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in my opinion, of course, what should be there, you know, that's the question, a glass, yes , if it is not filled with clean water, then it will quickly be filled with something else, but as for me, we we have to... have some kind of respect for the audience when something without official confirmation, without an official source, is published in the press. yes, but it seems to me that it is a bit wrong here about the sources by which it went, because, as they say, the information went parallel and through telegram channels, which we know as drain tanks, and official and official sources of information were , well, let's put it this way, respected publications, and then they also pointed at us, no, let's not confuse, let's not confuse, we should again be in definitions, very clear, the only official
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sources that were in this communication were the ministry of defense and the press secretary of the president, these are the only official sources, well, but i am talking about this situation, which is written about by the new york times, maybe they are right, if there was no publicity, you know, there is the principle that it is late to drink borjomi when the kidneys are weak. they refused, so in this case some of those journalists who relied on these sources at the time said that we were ahead of the game, perhaps such a plan was simple, if the circumstances did not arise that syrskyi did not wants, bodanov refuses, ambassador zaluzhny is not going, this is the information that the time the economist is writing about today, and no changes have been written, then we would have already discussed the consequences of the personnel decision with you. colleagues , let's just make sure that our audience understands that the only exclusive, yes, exclusive right to make personnel changes of the commander-in-chief does not belong to facebook, not to ekominovits, not to
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you and i, not to x or telegram channels, it belongs to the president of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief, and he is also responsible for it, why, because he has fullness of information, he has a bet, he has... daily there is information that we do not have with you, even i with access to secret information do not have this fullness of information, and well, you may like it or not, but that's how it is , and it is necessary, we have a minute , here is the common denominator, this is the norm of the constitution, the law on the president, here completely at the last minute, if you can fit in this minute, because there was a meeting of the ambassadors of the g7 with our colleagues, the journalists who were attacked different way bigos-info through i don't know some special services or something else, nikolaev and others, there it is behind closed doors of records, we don't know anything, but the fact itself
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is very negative, when such things happen in the west, our allies from j7 are sensitive, what to do with it, one minute, the only official information that came out of there was a tweet from j7 that confirmed what i believe and what you believe, that... free speech is a necessary part of democracy, and that's the truth, and again , we still had to talk about european integration, but then i will say that in our movement towards the european union is a component of freedom of speech, this is the foundation, fundamental rights, and this is the first chapter, it opens first and closes last, so even despite the martial law, yes... we understood ms. yevgenia's position and
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so these are the last seconds, we are sorry that a little problems, but this is the main one, we heard your message and are very grateful to you for your comment yevgenia kravchuk, a people's deputy from the profile committee on information policy , on this, roman and i say goodbye to you. i wish you a peaceful and safe day espresso, because later on our airwaves there will be news and khrystyna parobiy will tell, unfortunately, about the disappointing consequences of the victims of the shelling of the kherson region. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499.
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