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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EET

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we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. a 57-year-old man was injured as a result of an attack by russians on the village of tyaginka in the kherson region. in the morning, an enemy shell hit his house. the man has a shrapnel wound in his hand, and doctors are helping him, the regional military administration informed. an elderly man was also injured a man in kherson. the occupiers hit the city around 6:00 in the morning. the ship district came under enemy fire. in addition, during the day, russian terrorists killed one and wounded two more residents of the region. the russians launched more than two hundred shells in the region. in residential quarters, a hydrotechnical
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facility, an educational institution, a kindergarten, an unbreakable point and a cellular tower in the beryslav district. one person died, nine others were injured, these are the consequences of enemy shelling in donetsk region. occupants 13 per day shelled the region several times, attacked with iskander m and s-300 missiles, - informed the head of the region vadym filashkin. the russians fired two rockets at... there, six local residents were injured. in kurakhovo, enemy shells damaged two five-story buildings and an apartment building. in the village of new york - 13 private apartments and two infrastructure facilities. there is also destruction in kostyantynivka. in general, in the region during the day in nivychchyna, more than two dozen residential buildings: a church, two enterprises, a transport facility, farm buildings and gas pipeline four people. were injured
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as a result of an evening drone attack on kharkiv, in the saltiv district, a drone hit the yard of a private house. a 58-year-old man and his 61-year-old wife were injured. two more were injured in the slobitskyi district of the city, where three shaheds were hit. an 85-year-old man and a 46-year-old woman were injured, a supermarket and a cafe were damaged. a non-residential building, cars in several high-rise buildings had their windows blown out. reported in the prosecutor's office of the region. a shop security guard is seriously injured in a nighttime attack of drones in the mykolaiv region. as a result of the hit , a fire broke out in the bashtan district. 600 m2 of the store was on fire. the warehouses of the agricultural enterprise were also damaged. let me remind you that at night the russians attacked ukraine with 20 drones and four iskanderm ballistic missiles. our air defense forces from 14 shaheds. explodes and
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burns in russia, residents of st. petersburg heard a powerful explosion at night. according to propagandist publications, the drone attacked the nevsky mazut oil refinery 60 km from the city. the drone seems to have been shot down, but it still fell on the territory of the enterprise and damaged three tanks. instead, the authorities of the region reported - i quote, that there was an incident that... needs the attention of law enforcement agencies, because of this they temporarily closed the airspace at the pulkovovo airport, the ministry of defense of the aggressor country also reported that a drone had been shot down over the pskov region at night, and a large-scale fire had broken out in the vladimir region in warehouses with shoes, 2,500 km of premises were occupied. six employees of the capital sizo will be tried for the explosion in the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. -
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the attorney general's office reports. according to the investigation, due to the official negligence of the pretrial detention center employees and escorts, the detainee ihor humanyuk was able to smuggle explosives into the meeting hall. and blow it up, this led to his death, wounding of law enforcement officers and damage to the court premises. it was established that neither the pre-trial detention center employees nor the escorts of the national guard searched humanyuk. also, according to the prosecutors, chemicals from which he made explosives were found in his cell. we will remind, the explosion in the court happened in july last year. igor humanyuk suspected of a terrorist attack near the verkhovna rada of ukraine in august 2015. the russian offensive on the front will continue until the spring - the head of ukrainian intelligence , kyrylo budanov, told journalists. according to him, so far the occupiers have not been able to achieve significant results on the battlefield, and when their offensive is completely exhausted,
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the ukrainian offensive will probably begin, announced bodanov. well, it's not what they were counting on. they wanted to get as quickly as possible to... the barrier line along the black stallion river, that is along kharkivska oblast, and to enter the administrative borders of donetsk luhansk oblast, as you yourself understand, there is nothing even close to this, but their offensive is still continuing, somewhere at the beginning of spring it will be completely exhausted. a chance for parenthood from defenders. the verkhovna rada of ukraine registered a draft law that would allow the storage of reproductive cells of fallen soldiers. as people's deputy mykhailo radutsky noted, the document was developed to protect the interests of defenders and their families. according to him, the owners of biomaterial must provide written consent for its use in the event of death. the military may also use the cells in the future for
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artificial entanglement. covert campaigning for the so-called presidential elections in russia is already being prepared in the occupied luhansk region. for this. plan to attract about 2 thousand people - informs the head of the regional military administration artem nesuhor. the occupiers have already started to form special brigades with the help of members of precinct election commissions, which will start visiting the apartments from mid-february. the so-called cattle show in the russian federation, let me remind you, should take place at the beginning of march. flooded streets, two accidents at water mains occurred in the capital at once. initially, kyiv-vodokanal reported damage to the main line on rusanivka on the left bank of the city. streams flooded the entire street, without water supply, 10 residential buildings, a school and two children. another accident occurred in the solomyan district, where a pipe also burst and flooded the roadway
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. utility workers are repairing networks, traffic on the street was not restricted. russian agent, who was preparing a breakthrough of enemy derges in... sumyshchyna was detained by the sbu. the 54-year-old local was scouting the locations of our military and heavy weapons in the border region on the instructions of curators from the fsb. he was also involved in the creation of a network of informants in the region. colamorant faces life imprisonment. law enforcement officers in odesa region helped evaders flee to moldova. the criminal group was exposed by the employees of the state bureau of investigation. two law enforcement officers and two other locals were involved in the scheme. at first, for those who wanted to leave the country, they forged medical certificates, and then at the border they provided a formal inspection for passing through the checkpoint. their services and deals were valued at $700. how
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to make a decision on allocating 50 billion euros to ukraine as soon as possible, urged the representatives of the largest party of the fifth european parliament. president of ukraine petro poroshenko. he spoke in brussels at the political assembly of the european people's party. in addition, during a meeting with its leader manfred weber, petro poroshenko asked to approve multi-year financial assistance at a meeting of the european council, and also called to use the possibilities of the european peace fund for the needs of our army, and the funds from frozen russian assets to restore ukraine. please give us the opportunity to do our joint work, every month delay of ammunition, electronic warfare systems (f-16) air defense. these are hundreds, if not thousands of lives not only of the ukrainian military,
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but also of peaceful ukrainian citizens. the use of american military aid was discussed at a meeting with the minister of defense of ukraine. rustem omerov, the us inspector, was informed by the ambassador of the united states to ukraine, bridget brink. let me remind you that the day before, general inspectors from the ministry of defense and the state inspectors arrived in kyiv for inspections. department of the united states, as well as the agency for international development. this happened because the pentagon does not have enough information about 2% of the weapons transferred to ukraine since 2014 . an air alert is spreading in ukraine, please move to safe places, and i will end the issue with this and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, read more on our website, also on our social networks. join, put your favorites, see you,
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health! for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. he remains in the ranks, rumors about zaluzhnyi's resignation have not been confirmed. is there a conflict between the civilian and military leadership of ukraine? restoring the atmosphere of trust. orban agreed to unblock funding for ukraine, amid scandals statements of the hungarian far-right. in the case of the lviv arsenal, the ministry of defense sentenced one and a half billion under the contract for mines. who is
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to blame for the projectile famine? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our two guests, general serhiy kryvonos and politician oleg rybachuk. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine mykyta poturaev, viktoriya syumar and yaroslav. snowmobile however, before we start our big talk, let's watch a video of how the column of invaders was defeated by fighters of the 63rd separate mechanized brigade. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please put. like our video, subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you whether you trust the head of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzheny, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, you can write your thoughts and your comments about the situation that is developing around the person of valery zaluzhnyi, if you are sitting in telecasts in front of your tv and watch us on tv. pick up your smartphone and vote, if you trust zaluzhno, 0800-211 381, no 0800-211382, all calls to
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these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. our first guest is serhiy krivonos, major general of the reserves, former first deputy commander of the sso, ex-deputy secretary of the national security council. mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for being... with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. general, yesterday and today there is quite an active discussion about what happened yesterday with general zaluzhny, president zelenskyi, according to dzerkalo tyzhny, yesterday met with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and offered him to write a report on his dismissal, but did not offer another significant position. who, how and why, mr. general, wants the resignation of the commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces of ukraine, well, those who want to remove the merits of his position are enough, and i will say that no matter how interesting it looks, but meanwhile some of those who want it are in the office of the president, the second part in the kremlin that unites these people is, first of all, the desire to... take a hard worker, and at the moment, with the threat of those conversations that negotiations with the russians are possible, our politicians, i cannot call them politicians. they understand very well that it is zaluzhnye who will be against these negotiations, that is why it is necessary to appoint a silent, loyal and not self-sufficient person, and there is a desire to remove zaluzhnye, this is the first, the second is, after all , the wonderful popularity that zuzaluzhnye has with
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the support of the ukrainian people , very annoying to certain people. which in principle never did nothing to protect ukraine and played the piano with different parts of their bodies all their previous life. mr. general, what we observed yesterday was the first information to appear. i am absolutely sure that my colleagues, journalists, could not just spread some dezu out there or without having a serious reason for spreading this information. to publish this information regarding this decree that was supposed to appear from zelensky, according to your information , there was such a decree and whether there was a decree on the appointment of budanov, simply they could simply not be were made public and, as a result , journalists or bloggers who started writing there with mi were made guilty. well, now we
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are unlikely to know the truth one hundred percent, because... the decree could have been written, but not signed, signed and not registered, registered and not exhibited, there are more than enough such options, why guess and why drive ourselves into a corner, so the situation was tough enough, and actually general zaluzha met with the president, they talked, and what you said is true, but directly, how it was there, whether there was a decree and who was in the decree on it... this is another question, and i think that the situation has not become so calm yet, the desire of the authorities to remove the industrious remains. the british edition of the financial times writes that zelensky will still dismiss zaluzhny, according to the publication, zelensky made it clear to zaluzhny that regardless of whether he accepts
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a new role or not, he will be fired, but for now the president of ukraine is in favor. .. is waiting with resignation, due to the fact that the information got out in zmi. what can the change of the commander-in- chief of the armed forces of ukraine lead to at the current stage, and what are the risks of such a rotation, mr. generals. there are more than enough risks, first of all, it can be perceived badly enough by our armed forces, which protect our ukraine. secondly, inside the country in the rear... it can lead to some destabilization, with the fact that the authorities have now actively started a witch hunt, and one example is that yesterday one of the arrested and taken into custody without the right to enter bail in the kharkiv court, one of the best combatants of the armed forces of ukraine, a combatant of the 518th battalion of dyke pole, incidentally, of the kryvyi rih battalion, andrii
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malakhov, who in the last 20 years of the war, has worked his way up from a senior lieutenant, was arrested. to a major, was wounded several times , including vazha, has three state and seven departmental awards, this is only in two years, then this is just an example of the fact that the hunt has begun, he is trying to shut the mouths of all adequate people, today comrade andriy was arrested directly in kryvyi rih, andriy karpovych, the representative of the organization bagnet of the nation, is just showing that... is now trying to protorate, play everyone who is adequate, everyone who is independent, and they think that they will be able to do it, it is unlikely that they will succeed, not to transplant everyone, although they have such there is a dream, taking into account the nkvd skills that are in the president's office , half of the kremlin agents are there, and they just think that everything will be shut up, everything will be like in
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37, you, mr. general, are not exaggerating now when you say: what agents of the kremlin, half agents of the kremlin, and half nkvdists , well, look directly at, well, their actions correspond directly to what they are duplicating, why these persecutions, why the discrediting of general zaluzhnyi, who benefits, it benefits only our enemy, but on the other hand, mr. general, it is shooting just in your foot, if you take and eliminate. from the authorities in the armed forces of ukraine, from the command of the armed forces of ukraine, those who know how to fight, who know how to fight, those who have already proven that they can win. that is, their future also depends on victory in this war. oh, you see, you explain everything as an absolutely normal
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, patrician-minded ukrainian person, as a conscious citizen. but this concerns you, and are they directly ukrainians, according to their worldview, those who rule us? the fact that they communicate in ukrainian does not make them patriots, i am not talking about professionalism. ago. for me, the fact that they remove such people is their desire to continue their existence, and as we have seen in recent years, they are absolutely not interested in our victory, they are interested in winning the next ones elections, this is what they are thinking about, because if they were thinking about victory, they would not be engaged in manipulations with laws, with the law on mobilization, mobilization preparation, but would be engaged in the implementation of the existing law, and it is clearly written there that mobilization is not. .. only the transfer of military units to wartime states, this is the last phrase in this sentence, primarily because the transfer of the economy of ukraine to functioning in the conditions
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of a special period, as well as state authorities , they did it, no, they want to win this war, if we wanted to, we would have done everything, inventing a bicycle is difficult enough, because it was invented a long time before we were born, our task is directly taking into account the nuances, only choosing the color in which we can paint this bicycle, words and their the actions do not correspond to the slogans, directly about which they tell us, they tell us that we must win, but they do not directly do anything so that the state can win in this situation, but formally, mr. general, what are the claims of them to general zaluzhny, well , the president said that he has no complaints against general zaluzhny. and on the other hand, if they are pushing him to resign, or are preparing this decree on resignation, well, somehow it is necessary to explain to the military as well, because
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there is no point in doing it, they are trying , look, they are informational, they think that if they can implement it, they will begin to put pressure on others, sources, and directly this will increase the attention of the society, they did it often enough when... to knock down interest in a certain informational message, they witnessed another message, and they think that this time it can also work in their favor, as far as their confidence is concerned, well, they are too confident, they think that everything will turn out well for them, well, but among the commanders of the ukrainian army, is there unity , are there people who will say, listen: this is not how you can do to the brave, the brave is the commander-in-chief, and he has everything, well, now to exercise his right to command the army,
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give him the opportunity, that's all to do, he proved during the two years of the great war that he knows how to command, knows how to win back territories, don't touch him, are there people in the command staff who work with the president's office, who can, well, in principle, calmly accept that... valery fedorovych will leave with the position of head of the armed forces. the question is interesting and complex, due to the fact that over the past four years, the authorities have powerfully purged and removed from the army independent and proactive generals who are able to make decisions without waiting for commands from above, and they are sure that the first in everything is under their control, taking into account those people who, well, even... let's say, the appointment in november of the special operations forces, where they changed the management apparatus and put people who are
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absolutely loyal, not professional, but very loyal directly to the office of the president , then this just shows that they also have such confidence in other military councils, so it is difficult to say about the armed forces, each person has his point of importance, but... taking into account the fact that in the last years of ukraine's independence, the army was formed a certain approach to the inability of people to be independent, those people who clearly carried out any orders of independence, whether they were smart or stupid, well, this is what military discipline relies on, but in the meantime it independently fell to the root, and it all started from formation of cadets at the level of training. institutions, as an example at the lviv academy, where a cadet spent four years as a slobbery calf, and then overnight he had to immediately become an initiative officer, mr. general,
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this possible personnel rotation, which already, in principle, which has been talked about for a long time, but it is obvious, it can be sooner or later, it is obvious, and it is similar to this, because the information torpedo of marijana bezugl, she continues to torpedo the head of the armed forces of ukraine, of course, you can ignore it , but we have western partners, they are used to trusting persons, figures who, with whom, with whom they conduct... negotiations, how does this affect the negotiation process with our international partners, how important it is for them to see the general who leads the army, whom they trust, and from this does it also depend on financial assistance or assistance with weapons from the united states of america, great britain or germany? well, those partners who help us would certainly like to understand who will
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spend those resources and how. which they provide for waging war with the russian federation, but in the meantime to say that the government, the existing government does not work with our partners and does not justify their desire for reassignment, this should also not be directly put in a long drawer, i understand that she also tried to form certain points of view on let's say it is the realization of their desire. remove general zaluzhnyi, the situation is quite complicated, and i will say that i am surprised at certain moments, the authorities are trying to push zaluzhnyi out of his post with their hands and feet, instead of him fighting normally, they will do everything to make him leave , into politics, and he will certainly have much more chances in politics than the same zelensky, but at the same time, i understand that, with the foresight of the hunt for the navi...
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which has begun, as soon as, god forbid, the stalwart is removed, then will immediately start powerful an information operation to discredit both general zaluzhny and his entourage, they will start inventing criminal cases, instigate, begin to pack all the people involved in zaluzhny, and spread this information in order to divert attention from the inaction of the political leadership, to make scapegoats of the military, well, but this is a dangerous thing, in the conditions of war, in the conditions of the trust that general zaluzhnyi has now, that is, the trust rating of valery zaluzhnyi is quite high, higher than the trust rating of zelenskyi according to some polls, and here , well, there is also the question of how people will react in this situation, how they will perceive the current president zelenskyi and these cases, which, as you say,
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may arise one way or another, if, if suddenly this , this case will develop, what will be the reaction of people, well especially in the ranks, because we understand that people are trained, they are military, they are very good with weapons, when they see injustice, they can in principle, well, react accordingly, you all push me to that i would tell something that would make russians start praying. and then roll out - roll it out in the information space. we are a democratic state, and that is why we protect our state in order to prevent such certain cases, which some, including the green government, dream of to provoke such things. we are patient to the last, although the patient can break away. and as for the ability of the military to make decisions, a historical example shows that during the war
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and even after the war. it is the military able to save their countries and raise them to a new level of development. let's remember the same charles de gaulle, who saved the country, france, during the war, and saved it twice after the war. let's remember the excellent example of general eisenhower, who after the end of the war, after some time, became the president of the united states twice in a row. such examples are more than enough. and in this. therefore, in this line , there is still an example of general pinachet, such a, you know, controversial official, but meanwhile, some they believe that he saved chile, some have certain claims, the question is not that, the process has already taken place, we can only state that the worst thing is...


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