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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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system of democracy, because it is slower, some european politicians understand this , the germans began to understand this , great britain, the british, british politicians began to understand this, france understands this, that is, that is why the european powers began to react much faster, increased military spending, conducted the largest maneuvers, training of nato, in the event of a potential, or possible... attack by russia, the germans transferred their troops for the first time in history after the second world war at the invitation of the baltic countries, the americans also for the first time transfer nuclear weapons to great britain, this is all the reaction and readiness of the europeans to very clearly demonstrate to putin that there are red lines, and he does not define them, he must understand that there is also power in the world, there are nuclear weapons. yes, there is a readiness to fight, and western
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politicians have begun to prepare their citizens, their voters, for the fact that a war with russia, a nato war with russia is a possible scenario, and they are very worried that they are simply not ready for this scenario for a few more years , but on the other hand it helps ukraine to be heard, because we say: give us weapons, and you will not have to fight on your territory, your soldiers will not have to... die in the war with russia, give us weapons, and we will end this war within the borders of ukraine. mr. oleg, another issue related to hungary is the future aid from the european union of 50 billion euros, and orbán has apparently confirmed that he will unblock this aid, on february 1, the european union has a decision to make such a decision. but, but what we've
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seen over the last few days, we've seen the foreign minister of hungary and ukraine, peter sijarto and kuleba , together with the head of the office of the president of ukraine , met and tried to agree in uzhhorod on how to conduct an audit of ukrainian-hungarian relations, regarding the laws that were passed in... 2015 regarding hungarian minorities, hungarians, which are located in transcarpathia, minister kuleba said that the parties agreed to create a special commission to resolve 11 problematic issues between the two states. let's listen to what kuleba said. we received this list, and we agreed that it is under the auspices of two ministries of foreign affairs, we will collect.
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special commission, which has one very simple task: in 10 days, it must present to the governments of both countries a concrete understanding of how and what of the list of questions we received needs to be resolved, or has already been resolved, in order for us to introduce final clarity, that is, if we moved earlier on the issue of national minorities in the context of making a decision on ukraine's membership in the eu, now we want to have this discussion on a bilateral level. mr. olezh, orban and hungary are ukraine's problem, or is it? the problem of the european union? this is the problem of the european union and ukraine, which aspires to be a member of the european union, but not about any restoration.
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there is no question of trust, because both ciarto and orbán are , they are time-tested, if not hooligans, then putin's cronies, they, they are not stupid people, they are well informed, but they can never be classified in the camp of friends of ukraine and count on the fact that you can have some kind of commission there, some 10 points, 11 points, and... that's not the case, it reminds me very much of the situation in the american congress, when there it seems that it is about finding a compromise, and then trump steps in and says that nothing can be done, i will come, become the president, i will decide everything, this is orban's situation, orban will want to play the ukrainian card in the future, and not a solution with this commission of bilateral issues forces orbán to be lenient, because he, he outplayed, he, he, he, he, he proved. to the
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boiling point, when they decided that if he tried to blackmail, bully and veto there again for the ... commission, then he would suffer economic losses, and they are ready close, the european union is ready close to deliver such a powerful blow to the economy of hungary, in particular, from the possibility of lending on european interest rates blocked there, or simply to take away the right to vote from it, and it sees that poland, which was a reliable ally before this, because there decisions are made unanimously, left, tusk is a nightmare. and orbana, because tusk has known orbana for 12 years, and he pokes him with his nose like a scumbag cat, he has bad things quite publicly, and fico, well it is an unreliable partner, because fico himself, in a difficult financial situation, he will not
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go to oppose himself to the whole european union, so these are the signals that we hear, yes, we, probably, our diplomats are giving orbán the opportunity to keep him, that , well... to keep his face in front of his voters and to present something there, as he defended the interests of hungarians, he got his way there, he showed something there, although we have to understand that to such politicians as orbán and fico, to them and siartó , they cannot be forgiven for what they are they do, because those publications behave like that, well, i don't know who behaves like that, when a few days before the visit you can... make such statements as fizo made, or make such statements as siarto makes and the same orban, and i guarantee you that you and i will hear more than once all this kremlin nonsense that will come from the mouths of orban and sierto, they are not friends, they are not partners, and in fact they do not fit into
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this team game of the european union, the european union is getting closer to making something like this impossible for the future members of their union, the kind of behavior that orbán or fice allows themselves, the european union in the process of this wave of expansion, they have been holding consultations for a long time, and they want to find a formula that will make such behavior impossible. another president or leader of the state, the self-proclaimed president oleksandr lukashenko met with putin this week and said that russia provides belarus with many opportunities, regretted that ukraine and the baltic countries are moving in the direction of... let's hear what lukashenko said. i projected, and what prevented ukraine and the baltic countries to work with us like this? this is our world. we built it for several decades. together we won this terrible war. well, let's move in that
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direction. no, i don't want to, they are looking for a better life across the seas. mr. oleg, at the very end of our conversation, i wanted to hear about lukashenko. he has already come to terms with... the fact that he is a fellow student of putin's war against ukraine and that's it, right? well, yes, and he, he confidently steps forward with his head thrown back. like putin, he is stuck in that soviet system union and wonders why no one else wants to return to such a glorious past, and it turns out that in fact it is also falling apart... this economic union and military union, there is no formula for an attractive future that moscow could offer there, and lukashenko simply dissolved there, he actually does not affect anything, well, but he
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is trying to play some role there, and here the question is what should ukraine do, we are in diplomatic relations with belarus, or should these relations be terminated, or somehow. .. to indicate that the leader of this country and this country played a bad role, a negative role, a hostile role since february 24, 2022, lukashenko should be on the bench together with putin, there is, when the war ends and there will be a trial of the criminals who led to this war and who simply led to the ... of human casualties and losses, then lukashenko fits in very well there, and he understands it, and he, he has already lost the opportunity, before he somehow maneuvered there, flirted with the poles, then with the baltics, and now he, whether he himself, or
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putin practically took away this opportunity from him, he is already completely in the past, and he understands that responsibility cannot be avoided, that is why he is here or sir. disappeared, and since he cannot be a master, he is guaranteed to disappear. thank you, mr. olezh, for the conversation, it was oleg rybachuk, a politician, the former vice-prime minister of ukraine for european integration. there are discounts on paracetamol darnytsia 10% in pharmacies psyllium bam and savings, nothing has worked yet, not yet, constipation, oh, normalact, my dear, take normolact, normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normalact and everything will work out, there are 20% discounts on amicitron in plantain pharmacies. and saving do you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become many. in relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, more more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every day from 20 to 22 at espresso. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel, the verdict program, this is the second part of our today. graduation, my name is serhii rudenko, today in the program. ukraine is threatened by a parliamentary crisis, the government rejects the idea of ​​a government of national unity. is it possible broad coalition in the verkhovna rada? personnel rotations in the military leadership are still postponed. who needs the resignation of zaluzhnyi, the head of the zsu. freedom of the press is under threat. the ambassadors of the big seven talked to the ukrainian media community. who will be responsible
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for the pressure on journalists? we talk about this and other things for the next 45 minutes. we are working on our youtube and facebook platforms for those who are currently watching live there. please take part in our vote. we are asking you today whether you trust the commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny of the armed forces of ukraine. yes no. if you are sitting in front of the tv. watch us on tv, pick up your phone and vote. if you trust, then 0800 211 381, not 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free at the end. program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is mykyta poturaev, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on humanitarian and information policy. mr. nikita, i am you congratulations, glad to see you on our air. good evening. victoria syumar, people's deputy of ukraine from the european
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solidarity faction, member of the verkhovna rada committee on anti-corruption policy. mrs. victoria, i congratulate you. thank you for being with me. and yaroslav zheliznyak, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. ladies and gentlemen, let's probably start with the bliss survey. excuse me, i would like to ask whether you trust zaluzhny, because there has been a lot of talk about zaluzhny over the past few days, and we are asking our tv viewers how they feel about it. do they have confidence in the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine? let's start with ms. victoria. mrs. victoria. you know, i definitely trust the armed forces of ukraine, all the military, first of all, actually, a million ukrainian men and women who are in the army today, and without a doubt, the army is a very vertical structure, which
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is based on the principle of a single command, yes. and of course trust in the armed forces means trust in valery fyodorovych zaluzhnyi, and surely this trust is absolutely logical, given the successful actions of the armed forces of ukraine to defend ukraine, to defend kyiv, kharkiv oblast, kherson oblast, ukrainian, and even if we do not like some things, in particular , valery zaluzhny's approaches to tactics, strategies, some may not like them, so to speak, i mean about... the transition to positional warfare to a certain extent, still i think he is well versed situation, is a personnel, professional, military man, and simon shuster's book only confirmed me, actually, in trusting the brave, well, not only simon shuster's book, but in general the actions of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine during the last two years of the great war. mr. yaroslav, please, i will briefly answer
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like this, it seems to me that you will not hear any other answer from all the people's deputies, except for probably one, not without exceptions, as well as trust in the armed forces of ukraine. once again, apart from one deputy, you mean look, yes, we have it there, not a misunderstanding, i don’t know, there it is already a servant of the people, not a servant , of whom, well, it was somehow not right to express one’s thoughts in social networks, which is a shame for our entire parliament , i believe. i hope that my colleagues will not object now to finally bring up the question of the dismissal of the deputy chairman of the defense committee, or at least they will not give those mushrooms, or what they were fed before, because frankly speaking, it is really a shame, but in anyway, i'm talking about this unfortunate exception, me
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it seems that people's deputies of ukraine, regardless of their faction, party affiliation, will give you an unequivocal answer and it will be yes. which completely coincides with my opinion, and now we will ask nikita poturaev, mr. nikita, how do you trust the headman? i would like to start by saying that trust in an army absolutely cannot and always has automatic trust in the commander of that army, i would remind my colleagues and the audience that during, for example, the war between the north and the south and the south in the united states, well in a certain time people stopped trusting the commander by the army of the north to general mcclellan, but this in absolutely no way affected the trust in the army of the federation as such, as for me personally, i trust valery fyodorovych zaluzhny, in particular, because i have no arguments, facts or grounds
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to change my opinion in any way . thank you, mr. nikita, why, why actually. we are asking about this because we witnessed how events developed like lightning yesterday with the help of telegrams, bloggers, journalists, i.e. everyone started writing about the fact that there is a decree, the decree should appear on the resignation of zaluzhny, today the mirror of the week, referring to its sources , wrote that zelensky yesterday met with the head of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny and... offered him to write a report on his dismissal, but did not offer another significant position, you can, ladies and gentlemen, explain why... all these stories are spreading with such lightning speed, why there are no clear explanations of what is happening, and why, if
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zelenskyi has no claims against zaluzhnyi, why are we not talking about the unity of the military and civilian the leadership of the state, because in principle it affects the people who are in this state, it affects those who are at the front, who are fighting, and of course it gives grounds... to speak to russia, but zelensky wants to shoot for luzhnyi, now it is not clear what will happen at the front, and in general, now the internal struggle is starting in ukraine, why do we not have answers to these questions, why is it constantly thought up, added by bloggers, distributed by anonymous telegram channels, ms. victoria, such a whole complex, and you are actually very so too... but asked this question, i think it already has a lot of answers, so people are afraid, ukrainian society is afraid, it is afraid that the army will lose control, that it
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will not contribute to strengthening the country's defense capabilities, without a doubt valery zaluzhnyi is a very charismatic military leader and possibly a politician , and somewhere society, somewhere there are bloggers, somewhere columnists, they understand that... maybe it is not about military expediency, but maybe it is about political jealousy, and this scares the most, because it can really have a negative effect on unity , a unity is such a thing that during the war, well, it is critically important, you understand, in fact, all this is happening literally two months before the time when the next presidential elections should take place in ukraine, the constitution is very vague on this matter, regarding whether it is possible to bring them there, that they cannot be held there during martial law, there is no such ban there, and now, when it begins in the ruling team, because
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zelenskyi really appointed the hardworking one, and when this team contradictions begin when they begin some suspicions of political zealotry, it scares people in the first place because they understand that it can end very badly for the country, you know, i'm a historian by training, i think that we well... we should learn now the historical lessons of the century the ancient times of everything that happened in ukraine, when exactly the disputes between political elites, between politicians, the inability to unite, it actually contributed to the fact that the russian army simply conquered ukraine, the red terror, famine and destruction began here ukrainian statehood as such, with the desire to eradicate everything and everyone there, we now want to draw conclusions, supposedly from this history not after... repeat it, but in fact things continue, which, well , let's say this, many perceive really as an attack on unity, as serious conflicts
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within the ruling team itself, at the same time we do not get there even to the creation of a government of national unity, we say that we do not need it, everything is fine with us, we are just engaged in some banal castings, no, these are not banal castings , this is a serious problem for defense capability, it seriously worries ukrainian society today and... it can have extremely serious consequences for the future of the country in general, and that is why people are worried, mr. mykyta, you know for sure whether there is a conflict between the political and military leadership of the state or not, and why, why isn't there an articulated, such a clear position that if zelenskyi has any complaints against zaluzhnyi, they can also be articulated, instead of launching an informational torpedo at marianna bezuglu. in order for her to be there for half a year and a half just digging around, forgive me for this expression on social networks, and she did everything in order to question his
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competence, that is, they are all adults, they all understand everything, that is, if there are complaints, then they must be articulated, there are no complaints, we must say, we are the only one, this is a russian pso , are now destroying the authority of the commander-in-chief and supreme commander-in-chief. to be honest, i don't really understand, why should someone constantly go out into the public space and say that no, we are one, no, we don't have conflicts, because then you're just in hostages of people who really hype, clickbait in social networks, you asked, mr. sergey, at the beginning, well , who does it, well, that's how we do it, we all do it, when we read... well, a fool who is refuted the ministry of defense, and fools are still spreading on social networks, when politicians do not take their tweets or posts back, on the contrary, then they start
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telling stories. where was the office about checking the reaction of the society from the side of which politicians did it all go yesterday from our side, what did we check there? i wouldn't like to use harsh words right now, do you know such words i think that the responsibility of politicians is primarily to ensure that society is not frustrated, nervous and neurotic. and i unfortunately see that a lot of ukrainian politicians, in particular, unfortunately, there are representatives of my own faction, make their significant, so to speak, contribution to this piggy bank, and do not do better, and it is clear that authoritative media such as yours , for example, yes, well, you have a balanced position, you check the facts, well, in this sense, well, they
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also have to perform this function, it is very, very important. not to calm down, not to talk about problems, but to keep, well, the framework of common sense, i would say so, it is important, and not to shake up the situation day by day. as for the situation at all? look, there can be conflicts between everyone, we are people, we are not, angels and we are not robots, we can not understand each other, we can be... dissatisfied with each other, so please do not make an idol out of anyone and the idol, i just want to remind you, i believe that the country has the most authoritative journalist, an expert on military issues, this is yuriy butusov, so and he regularly writes about what is happening at the front, about what is happening in the army, but he has a responsible position, i think that he sometimes overdoes it a little with
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political criticism. because not all the criticisms he makes of the political leadership, they are justified in the sense that it is not quite right sometimes, as for the analysis of what is happening in the army, he is always very measured, but clearly identifies the problems, but please attention, he does not name the surname, although whose surname he could name is absolutely clear, and these are surnames also in the command of our armed forces, and by the way, these are people whom... and i personally, i am convinced that yura himself deeply respects for their professionalism, for their courage, for what they did and are doing, he does not name names on purpose , because this is a responsible journalistic position, well, yura botusov said that he turned to zelenskyi yesterday and said that he should not make these personnel changes and do not make budanov the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, because it would be a mistake, well, that is, he wrote correctly and this is fair warning, he has such a... y
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he has such an assessment, that is , for some reason he believes that kyrylo budanov is a candidate, a possible candidate for the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, i believe that we have many, well , bright, talented people in the army, but again , i have at the moment, in i feel like a politician at the moment, well , there is no reason to believe that valery fedorovych is tired there, that this is a war, this colossal colossal load, all the more so for... commander, maybe he has his own reasons to think about some kind of rest, we we don't know, ee and and and and it's good that we we do not know this, because the enemy does not know this either, and maybe there is no reason, maybe he is full of strength in general and is ready to continue to lead the ukrainian army, you know, but usually, in general, these are all these motives. certain
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personnel changes there, but i will remind you that , for example, bernard montgomery was, if i am not mistaken, the fifth commander of the british forces in africa, the fifth in command, so that means, that is, a change of officers, even the highest ones, is a normal story in war , about the real reasons, usually the society is historical after, because if you start muddying the real reasons during the war. then you are playing into the hands of the enemy, thank you, mr. nikita, mr. yaroslav, who is stirring up this topic with the change of the head of the armed forces of ukraine, how dangerous is this for the army, how dangerous is this for the state, because we all live in a state where there is a war, the enemy we are being attacked, and we have the head of the armed forces of ukraine, who is responsible for it and says that i am responsible for it, we fight,
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we continue. all this talk, how does it affect?


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