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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EET

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in the program, in the course of our program, we conducted a survey, we asked you about this , do you trust zaluzh, 94% yes, 6% no, it’s on the tv broadcast on youtube, 96% yes and four don’t trust it, that’s the ratio of numbers, on this i put a full stop, this is the verdict program of serhii ordenko, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, until 200, bye. 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all
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viewers, and now to the main events. to kyiv for the second time, during the full-scale invasion with a working visit us deputy secretary of state victoria nuland arrived. according to ms. bridget brink, the united states ambassador to ukraine, today nulen will meet with government leaders, veterans and representatives of civil society to emphasize the joint commitment to victory over russian aggression in ukraine. general inspectors also arrived in kyiv the day before. from the united states for a series of meetings with us aid managers. a matter of life and death. chancellor of germany olaf scholz, prime ministers of denmark, mette frederiksen, czech republic, peter fiala, estonia, kaja kalles and the netherlands, mark rutte, wrote a joint letter calling for collective efforts for long-term support for ukraine. the letter was published. in their address
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, the leaders of the five countries stressed the need to immediately transfer ammunition and additional weapons systems to kyiv, including howitzers, tanks, unmanned aerial vehicles and air defense equipment, as the new orders placed today do not reach the battlefield until next year. construction of fortifications and so on. construction of engineering barriers continues in the operational zone of tavria, engineering units are setting up defense lines, these are anti-tank ditches, trenches, engineering and mini-barricades, they are also building dugouts for servicemen, they are protected from water. the press center of the defense forces of the tavriysk direction said that they are installing burghers for the race. the work continues, despite the russian shelling, helped by the equipment transferred by foreign partners, in particular the armored exca. "the russian offensive
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at the front will continue until spring," the leader told reporters kyrylo budanov of ukrainian intelligence. according to him, the occupiers have not been able to achieve significant results on the battlefield so far, and when their offensive is completely exhausted, the ukrainian offensive will probably begin - announced budanov. well, but this is not what they were counting on, they wanted, how... it is possible to get to the barrier line faster along the black stallion river, that is through kharkiv oblast and go to the administrative districts of donetsk luhansk oblast, as you yourself understand, even there is nothing close to that, but their offensive still continues, somewhere on at the beginning of spring, it is completely exhausted. mobilization on camera, in lviv oblast, during patrols and measures to alert citizens, military. everything will be filmed on a body camera,
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the video will go to the territorial assembly center, it will be considered in case there is a need to analyze the event that happened and objectively understand the conflict situation, - the regional military administration noted. for the former head of the supreme court, all the estates of the princes made a deposit in the amount of uah 18,168,000. today he will be able to leave the pre-trial detention center, as reported in the anti-corruption center, yesterday the higher anti-corruption court reduced the amount of bail from 20 million to 18. knyazum was in custody since may 2023, then the amount of bail was 107 million hryvnias. during this time, it decreased seven times. let me remind you that on may 15 of last year nabu detectives arrested the then head of the supreme court of princes for bribery.
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an fsb recruit, a former law enforcement officer from kharkiv, was sentenced to life imprisonment. he handed over the locations of military and critical infrastructure to the russians. for him coordinates, the occupiers staged missile and artillery strikes, as noted in the security service of ukraine. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the man was in the position of commissioner of the local police unit. he was recruited remotely by a staff member of the fsb. and the former law enforcement officer was detained in may 2022. repairs have been promised for decades, in lviv more than 100 families are forced to live in an emergency dormitory, and while the house is collapsing before their eyes , the balance sheet company does not solve problems and does not allow residents to change something on their own. in
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what conditions people live in and what they demand, kateryna oliynyk found out. pensioner valentina shkraba. worked for years at the prykarpat -prom armatura enterprise in lviv, lived in an industrial dormitory on tychyna street, the house was falling apart for years, so the apartment is in a state of disrepair , rainwater flows from the gutter into valentina's room, i put basins on the floor and that's it, i'm afraid to come in here, so that i might fall on my head you can see for yourself, i clean up here every day, it pours, pours, pours, it's good to wave it with your foot, i don't say what the hammer is. kick and the wall will simply collapse. 80-year-old olga soroka lives in the nearby entrance. the woman worked at the same factory for half her life. mrs. olga's apartment is also flooded. the roof leaks, it rains and falls, the snow falls and falls, and no one wants to help. all. that's
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the problem. i don't do anything, i don't call anyone, i just kindly ask them to take some measures. no matter how much i appeal, nadia, i don't have time, the director doesn't have money. i. since 1995, this hostel in the residential area of ​​lviv has been owned by the company prykarpattia-prom fittings. according to official data , 104 families live here, and for almost 20 years , no repair work was carried out in the apartment building, as a result of which holes were formed in the roof, and parapets poured directly onto the pedestrian zone. we can't even collectively get together to repair our roof or install a pipe because we have it on paper. the owner, whose permission we must ask, and we have been waiting for this permission for years, he does not allow us to do this. in addition to the critical condition of the building, the residents huge debts for communal services, according to the resident halyna vovchak, most of the tenants dutifully pay the excess to the arma household service subsidiary,
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but the money does not reach the providers and joint debts only accumulate. when we asked to be transferred to each service separately, so that we would have... all our personal accounts, each one separately, we were refused this request, and we were billed, very large debts, we have a very large dormitory in general for water, gas and electricity. on february 6, we should turn off the lights, according to him have to turn off water and gas , nadiya bondar is officially the director of the limited liability company arma life-service and at the same time the commandant of the dormitory, but she refuses to comment on why the houses are in such a condition, the residents say that you do not... repair, you know that , i have the owners of vat prykarpat prom armatura, please go to them and ask them why the house is in such a condition. in november 2023, the lviv city council filed a lawsuit against prykarpat-prom
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armatura. this week in the commercial court another introductory meeting was held, during which more than fifty residents of the dormitory held a peaceful rally. people demanded privatization of the building. on techyna street. we want to have our own home. we want to have our own home. in court , the side of the residents of the building is represented by lawyer volodymyr morusyak. fittings, they now either have to let the council repair this building so the residents can live in it, or if they can't do it, they have to put it on the city council's balance sheet. there is a law of ukraine that allows to ensure the housing rights of slum dwellers. they actually violate this law. on february 26 , the commercial court. to lviv has to consider the case of expropriation of the dormitory into the property of the city, in this way the residents will have a chance to privatize their apartments, so we will follow the development of events. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about the collection of
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the espresso tv channel, our soldiers need vital equipment. we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle and to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for... the section of the third regiment of special forces operations each of your donations helps to more effectively destroy the enemy on the eastern front. our goal is uah 470,000. and already. it's almost half way, join in, your help is very important, all the details you can see on the screen now. such was the news at that time, wait for the updated edition at 3 p.m., and literally in a moment meet my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskyi.
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the aspresso information marathon continues to actively inform you about all the most important things , and in the analytical studio we will attract the most competent and informed experts in order to explain and analyze the most important things, but... today we will start with the collection, we traditionally remind you our tv viewers that we are collecting uah 1 million together with the fund of our colleague iryna koval. we need to raise funds for the 141st brigade, which is currently performing tasks in the orikhiv direction of the zaporizhzhia region, and the infantry and air reconnaissance actually need quality equipment for the successful performance of combat missions. we plan to use this money to purchase walkie-talkies and a battery for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, periscopes, detection detectors. drones and many other equally important equipment, every hryvnia of yours is important and thanks to you we have already closed
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more than one collection, so this time we are asking for your help. dear viewers , if you have the opportunity to donate now, please do it, you can do it thanks to the qr code on your screens, or by bank card numbers, which you can also see now, and remember that there are no small donations , so if you can, please do get involved yes, thank you marta, well, dear... viewers, this is not the first and, unfortunately, not the last collection of the tv channel, our task is to help you, help ourselves, in the person of our fighters, the fighters are asking, so dear tv viewers, join us, we now we bring mykola malomuzh, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-10, into the studio. glory to ukraine, mr. general of the army, we congratulate you. hero, glory, congratulations. you are an extremely experienced and decent senior ukrainian officer. well, we understand which one the situation has developed, we understand that conspiracies and suspicions are multiplying in society
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, and it is very difficult to even distinguish where the russians want to destabilize our internal situation from the outside, where, so to speak, there are some internal ukrainian initiatives, but in any case a couple of days ago the country literally turned to informational ears, it is about the case with the possible resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general. general valery zaluzhnyi , i emphasize during the war, on the eve of extremely serious events. i would ask you mr. general of the army, to share your thoughts on this extremely difficult, but important, well, socially important topic. for the security defense strategy and for all our soldiers, our commanders who are at the front today, the authority of the commander, the combat general, is extraordinary. the big format is precisely to hold joint positions,
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to have confidence that the state leadership is really acting together with the military leadership and working out all the measures to provide both the troops and weapons, equipment, and ammunition, of course to ensure the lives of our fighters and commanders, because it is very important, this is a priority situation for us, but also to carry out defense tasks, lower the enemy's large reserves and... to form prospects for freeing the territory, so somewhere there were information flows regarding the change of the lieutenant, i will say this directly to the detriment and morally - the political state of things, and it is clear that among the military and especially among those people who are today at the front line at ground zero, there was concern about what is happening in the state, what problems, what prospects, but really official confirmations. just this information was not, but this information was launched from various, so to speak, channels, which really had a negative
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impact on the situation and not only on the moral and political state of the military, but also in society, in society, informational discussions and streams regarding the truth and falsity literally exploded in society , and in this situation, i think that it is really necessary to find out the source of such information, on the other hand, who led to this... that is, the reasons and another important culprit, as today we already have the official position of the president's office, which is nikiferov's press secretary stated that there was no such decision. but i think that the moment of the appearance of these rumors, fakes , as we have already said, there should be a clear position of the supreme commander, who should clearly state that there were no decisions, that they are in the same team, that they are taking care of the issues today and defense, security and our soldiers who are fighting at the front, and accordingly, create a single powerful
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team regarding future prospects and... not only in the defense sector, but also in the political sector, social, security, and so on , i think this is the right move, but we had several hours of active discussions, which, as he directly said, this discussion did not contribute to trust in all, so to speak, branches of power, especially the political leadership, because first of all there are large, well, trust systems, even according to such unofficial studies, there is really a lot to be done, and it is understandable. to zelenskyi, but if it is separated and to create a format of confrontations and mistrust , as it were, between them and launch this information space, we can see how real reaction, these are no longer our theoretical or analytical conclusions, but this was already a real practice, so i once again draw your attention to the fact that if such a situation even ideas
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arise, they should, first of all, dispute the reason for separation, on the other hand, such... that is, it was necessary to clearly understand for the military, for society, if such changes can be, a clear explanation of the positions, well, it is clear that if there are any alternatives, they should be perceived first by the military, because during the war, everyone is just a soldier focuses on the commander, on the commander , what positions they have, how strong they are, how powerful they are, and he , accordingly... is responsible for this moral and political state, if it is not there , of course, then the alternative happens to work in a negative way, so i i say once again, this is also the promptness of the prejudice of such actions, there were not many hours and neither the position, nor the leadership of the state, nor the office of the president, nor , of course, the partial or mines of defense, only with great delay was this
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negative information, which served such confrontation, but until then. in addition to social problems and discussions that serve negatively, it is clear that the russian federation actively used the situation, we see how they launched the entire campaign, that here there is an imbalance between the military and politicians, and between the president and the employee, abroad we, because it specifically, american colleagues from the democratic camp, from the jdep directly, from the republican camp, we directly asked, what is going on there, what are the prospects, is it true or not, will it start there? some internal strife which will really undermine the position at the front , undermine confidence inside the country and understandably send some doubts to our partners, how effectively to help, or to fight now for this package, because there is a prospect of supporting a coordinated team, or it will be disunited, just like the european colleagues , that is, i think, even if this fake was launched
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deliberately, the countermeasure was too late, unfortunately, i think at the moment... this format and such actions, which were possible, were not balanced by individual politicians, especially by belated refutation of the consequences that arose and to some extent had a negative impact on our society, now the situation is more stable, i think that everyone understands that there is no need to play with such information messages, but to have a clear position, to support the military command in the first place queue and support our soldiers at the front. dear mr. general. army, well, i would like you to formulate, i don’t know if you have formulated an approximate model, there are several parliamentarians, ukrainian politicians who are extremely active in criticizing the higher ukrainian military command, as personally the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery zaluzhny, as well as generals,
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representatives of the general staff, the chief of the general staff and so on, well, we understand that it can be... some private vision, maybe it is some corporate vision. accordingly, in your opinion, what could be the consequences if the so-called line of command were to be changed, several representatives of the higher generals, the ukrainian responsible for certain areas, what possible consequences would there be? first of all, deputies are statesmen, they clearly, especially those who express their position, belong to the powerful. branches, that is, they are representatives of the servants of the people, who not only criticize, well, it may be right , some points could be, but it is simply, you know, without grounds. accusations and even specific and even personal ones regarding the personal merits of some commanders and the military team as a whole in this situation are already the responsibility
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of politicians not only in the format as deputies, there should be legal responsibility here, because at the moment it forms, first of all distrust of the command, undermining the authority of the command, imbalance between the respective military personnel who are different from each other. positions and it is clear between the military and political leadership of the state, this is already directly as, in addition to intelligence, he heads a number of units of the sbu, the protection of national statehood, the fight against terrorism , this qualifies as undermining the defense capability of our state, undermining the authority of the command, and this is actually a state crime, if we say , but lawyers and investigators must qualify it correctly, assess the situation to what extent it is undermined defense capability. of our state, the authority of the armed forces and in particular the command of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, there must be a clear, first of all, legal assessment, accordingly, those investigative actions that
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will establish the qualification of a crime and all deputies, politicians must answer according to the law, this is the first position , secondly, such actions really unbalance the situation and create both fakes and fake opportunities, give reasons to our... enemies to do this, directly quoting specific politicians from the majority parliamentary faction, this is another powerful negative, in addition to the criminal evaluation, i.e. the legal one, there are also reasons to say that the enemy is using it both in informational ways and means, and in operational work to inflame the situation in ukraine, and it's already an agency working, it's already different means of control or influence. our state, and of course, it is still reported to our partners abroad, who are also not actively supporting us, but some opponents, even in european countries or
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even in the usa, which is used as an argument against supporting ukraine, that it is not necessary to support our country either in a defensive format, or financially, or politically, or diplomatically, these are the specific consequences, so i think that in this situation it is necessary to evaluate the first. authorities, the sbu, respectively, the sbu, then the judicial authorities will give an assessment of the situation and will determine the prospects of prosecution . i emphasize once again that such actions cannot take place on their own, this is not the private opinion of politicians, the more they speak publicly, and i am clearly oriented that they are necessarily under the influence of state politicians who formed these factions, who brought them to power in fact in the parliament, and it is clear that without such active support ... there could not be such attacks , conversations and the like, but if they did arise, then they would be urgently banned at the level of the heads of the state,
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at the level of the leaders of the faction and the verkhovna rada, because there, after all, the majority is in favor of the pro-government, so to speak, format and the president, and the government, respectively, and the power bloc, that is, clearly b found just the mechanisms so that this would not happen, well, and in relation to the third situation regarding the replacement, these moments, well, no... they happen , well, they usually just become so that only one, but if the command, the commander-in-chief, his command staff, and defense, security, especially the decisive period, the replacement always weakens the positions on the front of coherence, cooperation, but if we take it theoretically, there should be an alternative here, if these are powerful commanders who enjoy authority in the troops, who possibly... give the formats of the strategy and defense, security, reduction of reserves, but also offensive operations, what are the conditions for this to be not only a simple replacement, but a powerful change
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in strategy that would provide asymmetric actions on the prevailing directions of the enemy, forming a position of extremely powerful strikes on freedom in the territory with the help of western support , the purchase of armed equipment and personal ammunition for us on foreign markets, which is now the way out, because we are asking around, and they are asking for too much, or they do not have the opportunity, they cannot supply how much they europe promised 1 million ammunition, can put only 6,000, what to do, buy, i myself am a participant in many directions of military-technical cooperation, you can buy on foreign markets from soviet-made ammunition to nato samples of all types, this is today's presentation and the military-industrial complex itself, this is the third. factor, it is precisely in this format that we need to look at personnel who will be effective managers and commanders, and where can we buy, who will sell to us? i will say it directly. that
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all of southeast asia, the arab east, africa, latin america, are saturated with weapons, there is money, you can buy everything, the european fund allocates 5 billion for armaments, ammunition, and is already considering the issue of allocating 20 billion for armament now, but there is just one format, american colleagues, while they buy for their, so to speak, her needs, as we say, they can partially transfer it to us in the plan of replacement. moreover, if the packages of the european union and the usa are approved, and we expect it, this is another format, apart from their personal resources, procurement quickly abroad, near, i will say frankly, the participants of military-technical cooperation, about 80 countries that have these ammunition of various types, we them, we as participants of the vts model, occupying nine, ten positions, that is, i want in ten countries
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world, we know these markets very actively. we know where to buy, how much, for how much, and it can be arranged quickly. mr. mykola, look, there is information that our brave guys from the main intelligence directorate successfully worked on the territory of the russian federation tonight, it fell during the night a ukrainian drone on the territory of the nevsky refinery in st. petersburg, russia. we understand that this is not the first successful attack on the territory of st. because there was already similar information before and we understand that there are certain ways to turn all these cases around, and i also want to mention the reaction of mr. danilov, the secretary of the nsdc, who said that the whole of russia and in the future will feel the consequences of the war unleashed against ukraine, the question to you is a military one, it turns out that we already have it now there are essentially means by which we can...
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strike russia in the deep rear, yes, we already have the possibility to strike sectorally at individual objects, the enemy's rear, and especially on the territory of russia, where we cannot strike with foreign missile systems or by other means, for example, drones, that is why the situation has been stubborn for a long time, back in 22, when the question of creating an army of drones was raised, it dragged on for a long time and finally, literally six months ago , we... intensified this process and it allows us to create a powerful strike force, but not only reconnaissance drones or tactical-level drones operating at the front, and ballistic-type drones that reach st. petersburg, moscow, the urals as a whole and those areas where troops, launchers, airfields are located, respectively objects of the military industry, we have already covered several plants that produce missiles,
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guidance heads, and optics. near moscow , literally literally on the outskirts of moscow , they were completely destroyed, these are airfields, these are ammunition depots, and what you said, there are already about 10 oil refineries and oil bases powerful in there are three in st. petersburg and the leningrad region, respectively in tambov, in bryansk, and in many other places where there are actually terminals that ensure the export of products and petroleum products abroad. and these are billions of profits that go to the front, or directly, which transferred just diesel fuel, gasoline, lubricants to the front, and these are the rockets that shoot, the planes that fly and bomb us, these are launchers, these are brigs, tanks, bmp , jet propulsion systems, that is , everything that moves is on fuel, which we destroy on the territory of russia. where they are
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pulled away, or hoped that where they are, they are stationary, they are large, you cannot move them anywhere, they are protected, some air defenses were placed there, but they are ineffective, so the model today is the expansion of the number of drones, and along with that, i also emphasize missiles, ballistic type, the luch kb, and even better the southern kb, this can create conditions for defeating all objects on the territory of russia, if the southern kb, up to vladivostok, so there is a prospect. but we have to work, mr. mykola, it is interesting about rockets, because in general, as in the conditions when we have a war, you can do our own missiles, because we understand that in fact for this there must be a sufficient amount of air defense, for this there must also be a sufficient amount of money, because missiles are an expensive pleasure, and if we want to be able to hit thousands of kilometers...


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