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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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will be trump, he will start a different game, and the game is completely clear, he wants to be a kind of conservative leader of europe, more precisely the leader of the conservative right of europe and a partner in this sense of trump, so i think that there will be a compromise, it is not an ideal compromise for us, but in fact, in my opinion, not super, not super critical, but outside the limits of these 50 billion, which we constantly talk about, and it is clear why, since this is a question of life and death for us, this is help, and i am not here in any way i am not exaggerating, i am waiting for such a strategic conversation of security sense as to help ukraine, and i mean everything, including economic aid, because for me it's all part of a big security effort, you here... showed our friend
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josep barel, he talked a lot today about the training of ukrainian servicemen, and he talked about shells again, that half will be ready by march, on the one hand, of course, it is sad, on the other hand, the european union is increasing its capacities in many countries, and by the way, and here i will say, to throw such a somewhat provocative thesis, i will use it. already rfe/rl, including in hungary , as rhine metal is building and expanding its military equipment production facilities there, where it will produce a new armored personnel carrier, in the future a new tank, as far as i understand, and in the sense of new ammunition, so hungary will also play a rather interesting role here, yes, that is, they, no matter how much they want to? not to supply weapons to ukraine
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will have to, if there are german forces on their territory, well, here you said what i wanted to say with such a big chinese hint, i would have formulated it differently, but the meaning i support with two hands. ok, but you said that it will be for ukraine, some compromise will be found at the summit, it will not be ideal for ukraine, but it is better than nothing. and you can detail what this demand of viktor orban means. to review aid every year, this means that ukraine will not immediately receive 50 billion or guarantees for 50 billion, how will this affect ukraine itself? no, well, first of all, we are not talking about immediately receiving all 50 billion as of the day after tomorrow, after the vote, this is even technically it is impossible, it is clear to everyone who understands something about money, but orbán wants every year... to have a political
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decision, that is, if a political decision was made today about 50 billion, then the european commission could, according to the needs , according to the prioritization common with us, allocate this money, and could have flexibility when more money is needed, when it is necessary, for example, to close certain bridges with problems, with american help, because... there in the congress, the discussions are still continuing, that , which actually offers orban means putting hooks in the form of political decisions every year, but the situation changes, it doesn't matter how it changes, but we are going to gather and make another political decision, this does not mean that money will not be allocated, maybe there will even be more, or maybe they will be allocated according to a different procedure, and there may be fewer of them, such a risk is still... there is, so it creates risks,
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it does not create a fundamental challenge for us that there will be no money, but the situation becomes less predictable, and we of course, you can't like it. understood you, against the background of this just the other day, the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, péter szijártó, was in ukraine with a visit, did you follow this visit, what did he bring with him, in general, what was the trend of this visit, how satisfied were the parties and kyiv and budapest? well, i don't know who is satisfied, this question is really subjective, but the visit is really important, of course, it took place on the eve of the yesiv summit, peter siyarta is not a seed of independent political opinion, i say this without any such, you know , shoot at him, he pursues a policy that he determines... orbán
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and to exchange opinions and actually determine what and how can be done jointly or separately in coordinates. parties for some near tactical perspective, this is clearly an important story , the negotiation process will begin now, i really hope for accession to the eu, here in hungary there are a lot of opportunities to delay, slow down, block something, i am not talking about the security history with nato and so on, so there is a lot to talk about here, there are interesting topics related to transit, which are not easy, politically for us, of course, there are topics that actually concern the transit of such classic, non-energy, transport, and pay attention, by the way, today i
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came across the capacity in hungary, when polish carriers began to actively block the border, it was precisely on the ukrainian-hungarian border that there was a flow. belly it has increased significantly, and it has increased about one and a half times to 400 plus as far as i know, so orbán has his gains, not because he likes us of course, but because he is doing his politics and playing his game, and his game today is strategic, therefore, in short , this visit was definitely necessary , this conversation was definitely necessary, this is the first nail, but the conversation with orbán personally is critical, everything in today's hungary is determined by orbán's team, and directly by viktor himself orban, of course
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, knows what he is playing for, i already said, he is waiting for trump, he is selling himself as a person who will talk to trump, and xi, will talk, and even to putin, as you remember, he is in ... china was the only one in general from the west who sat down with putin together and put pressure on him he also talked about something there, and of course they have difficult topics with russia, such as discounts on gas and oil, and the construction of nuclear power plants there, so orban will continue to put his eggs in different baskets, well, it is probably worth it here to remind that this visit of peter siarto was probably also a preparation for a possible meeting with zelenskyi. with orban, it has basically been planned for a very long time, ever since zelensky only became president, the war, then postponed this whole story, but as i understand it, there is a lot of hope in kyiv to this meeting in order to meet orbán in person, well, it is yes for no, of course, then i say that all politics in hungary is determined
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by orbán, and you need to prepare for a personal meeting, it will continue, because there are issues that still need to be discussed , there are issues... difficult political ones, and they by no means concern only transcarpathia, where these negotiations actually took place, it is a difficult story, and we need to work on the meeting in the future, and this visit, i said, is a kind of first nail. another topic, allow me, here i am today, the financial times quoted a letter from the chancellor of germany, which was published by the prime minister, the prime ministers of denmark, the czech republic, estonia, and the netherlands. and they called on other countries to literally redouble their efforts to support ukraine. they directly state that this is a matter of life and death. i just have a question, and to whom is this letter actually addressed, because i got the impression that all non-public communication has ended, it
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has been used, and now some eu leaders are coming out in public to convince others leaders of the eu countries, to help ukraine, or how should it be perceived? it's worth it. to accept as a public conversation of the european union itself, and the fact that it has now actually moved into the public sphere is good, the fact that the germans were one of the initiators of this letter, what i know and what i can say is also good, you know , that today germany is our number two donor, both in the sense of weapons and in the sense of... economic aid, and i always say that the main volume of their aid is precisely grants, not loans, and today to a large extent, again without insults to other european countries, such
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a strategic, but also tactical line in relation to us, europeans, is defined by germany, it is not yet the classic leader that we would like to see, but on... i see real transformations, what this letter was signed by both czechs and danes, by the way, the dutch, it creates such a new format, if you like. situational initiative group, i say this deliberately with some trolling, but it is important, and important will be the conversation between olaf scholz and biden on february 9, if i am not mistaken in washington, because from their conversations, if not strategic, then tactical decisions for the near term depend, europe must understand that the problem is not that there is trump, not trump, biden not biden. there's a growing sentiment in the states, and it's very palpable, and among the republicans, you
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hear it, among the democrats, there's also, but less publicly, that is actually moving to the side, let's not overextend ourselves with military, other aid, because our main focus is this is china, and in this sense, europe, as i joked with your colleagues yesterday, has to pull out like munchausen from... by the hair from this swamp of comfort and to understand that the next challenges, they will not be as comfortable , banal as the previous ones, so what europe does for us, it actually does for itself, that's how our neighbors , and, of course, they help us a lot, and we are extremely grateful for that, but nevertheless, they are primarily concerned about their own safety, but the fact that the germans, the dutch... the danes also began to invest in this story, that they sign
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joint appeals with central europe, to which i believe we also belong, this actually really important, and it also gives a signal to putin, it gives a signal to the russian regime that europe's intentions, they are getting more and more serious, europe, unfortunately, is slowly ramping up its defense industry, but none the less. and we see it. we have literally 3 minutes left, so i want to ask you one more question. victoria nuland, us deputy secretary of state for political affairs, arrived in kyiv today. do you understand why, what is the purpose? as a rule , such high-ranking officials come when something needs to be conveyed that cannot be said by phone via online communication and so on. well, when victoria comes, she always talks. about everything, about the entire complex of ukrainian-american relations, of course,
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she will have key topics, of course, she will discuss both tactics and strategy, it will be both a question of aid and a question of what we can do, and in a military sense , and in the economic, and sustainability issues, and many more actually, other issues that are not really public, so... victoria nuland for today, she actually leads our track. when she comes she, as a rule , does not discuss such routine issues at all, she knows what to focus on, she understands ukraine fantastically, i can say this from my experience, so this visit will be very, very important and will have, i am so careful. i will formulate critically important consequences in the sense of the tactical line
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of the americans in relation to us, you formulated it in such a way that you left a lot of intrigues after that, i, but, but you yourself said that we have 30 seconds, and the conversation is for 30 minutes, yes that there is no way without intrigue. and i then i will ask a very brief question, do you think they will ask the president about zaluzhnyi and maybe convince him to leave the commander-in-chief in office? i don’t know if they will be persuaded, but they will definitely be asked, since the issues of the military leadership are clear to the americans, who exactly, who supports which strategy, but also personal issues are always in the focus of american attention, i can’t say anything about persuasion, but this will definitely be a topic, thank you very much, pavlo klimkin, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, 2014-19, the ukrainian diplomat was...
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two hours of air time two hours of your time many important topics today we will discuss with you for two hours to'. to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters who have become familiar to many, natalka didenko already. i am ready to tell us about the weather for the day guests, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii
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rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more. more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the war created there are many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for
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people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information about disability, medical services and... free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe, here you get support, advice and real friends, together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things, together we grow, join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine eneble me ucraine. greetings, we are looking for 13-year-old vadym and 16-year-old nastya raulets. their grandmother asked for help, who said that her
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grandson and granddaughter disappeared in november 2023 in pylypovovichi village of buchanskyi district in kyiv. oblast, since then nothing is known about them, so if you know anything about vadim and nastya, or you know where they might be, please contact us immediately on the hotline of the child tracing service at number 11630. calls from all mobile operators free in ukraine. we are also looking for six-year-old varya sozonova, who mysteriously disappeared on december 5, 2022. her grandmother turned to us for help. told that she lived with her mother in kyiv in the winter of 2022 they went to moldova in 2011, and last contacted them from the city of grigoriopil in transnistria. why mother and daughter went there, the grandmother cannot say for sure, but since december 5, 2022, nothing is known about the fate of little varya and her mother. i saw it once
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, well, someone must have seen it in some school, kindergarten, or polyclinic, there more than one child was sick, and we often ended up in the hospital, straight away, i don’t believe that somewhere, well, somewhere, i have to do something, at the same time, my grandmother says, allegedly she has information from the police that her the granddaughter and her mother crossed the border and returned to ukraine, but here again, no one saw them... they did not get in touch and, unfortunately, there are almost no leads that could help in the search. on the territory of ukraine, no one has seen them, well , you know, at least somehow... some kind of surveillance camera that they are both alive and well, that everything is fine, well, somewhere there must be some kindergartens, some schools , hospitals, i asked
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through helsy to find through vaccinations, because i know that the child should be vaccinated, well, it's just a grandmother the girl now wants more than anything to get at least some information about the child, to make sure that she is alive, healthy and all right with her, and this is how olga oleksiivna talks about her... six-year-old granddaughter, oh, she is very, very, very good friends with everyone , with boys, she is very kind, loves children very, very much, also the girl's grandmother said that she has information that her granddaughter and her mother, after returning from moldova to ukraine, could leave for poland. this is just a guess at the moment, but if you actually live in poland, you might see it there varya sozonova and her mother, or you... have any information about them, immediately call 11630. please remember this number, because 1163 is the only european hotline for missing children that works in 28
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european countries , and therefore, if you are in one of the european countries and want to report information about a child who is wanted, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay, call the single european missing children line from your mobile phone 116 30 and that's the end, six-year-old vara's grandmother says, that does not lose hope of finding his beloved granddaughter, and very much asks each of you not to remain indifferent and help in the search. please, whoever saw it, may know the location of the barbarian and her mother. please notify the police or child tracing services. i am very worried about them and i want to make sure that everything is fine with them. thank you. so, if you know at least some information about varya sozonova, please immediately report to the hotline of the children's search service at the number 11630, calls from
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all mobile operators in ukraine free, you can also write to the chatbot, child tracing services in telegram. you are watching the ukrainian voice of america program chas time, i'm natalya leonova, congratulations. the un international court of justice found russia guilty of violating the convention on terrorist financing. according to article nine. the court noted that russia did not fulfill its obligations to investigate cases of terrorist financing. also, russia was found guilty of violating the obligation of non-discrimination
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of the ukrainian minority in the field of education, which is enshrined in the international convention on prohibition of racial discrimination. however, the court did not support a large part of ukraine's accusations. he did not satisfy the demands for punishment and compensation, but only obliged russia to comply with the convention. the decision of the un international court was announced on january 31. we will talk more about ukraine's claim and the details of the decision with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin. he joins us from london. congratulations, bohdan. bohdan, what lawsuit is it about, what exactly did ukraine accuse russia of and what did it demand? so this is one of the many things of the lawsuits of ukraine against russia related to the... war, which have been filed, are being considered in various international courts, in this case it is one of two lawsuits in the international court of the
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united nations, and it is a lawsuit that was filed a long time ago, many years ago, even before the full-scale invasion due to the events that occurred at the beginning of the russian war against ukraine. the lawsuit was filed in 2000...17 , and in it ukraine accused russia of actions that were committed on the territory of the occupied crimea, as well as in certain areas donetsk and luhansk regions, and it was about accusations that russia violated the provisions of the conventions that it itself had signed, in particular the convention on oppression on a racial basis, and in particular it was about... oppression of ethnic crimean tatars and ukrainians on the crimean peninsula, as well as about the ban on the financing of terrorism on
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the territory of ukraine, in fact , ukraine claimed in this lawsuit that russia supported armed groups that actually committed terrorist acts in the east of ukraine at the time. bohdan, given that the court did not support the majority accusations of the ukrainian side, can this decision be considered a defeat for ukraine in court? well, actually, the ukrainian representatives in gaz e. have already said today that they consider it their achievement, after all, that in the international court russia was recognized as a violator, although only in a few of the many accusations that ukraine has filed, and the russians have already they say that they actually won, but let's see, let's say, in general, how it was all formulated today in...
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the judge's report, for example, regarding the events in crimea, the court representative admitted that yes, on the territory of the crimean peninsula, for example , the crimean tatars, there were cases of torture, there were murders, there were disappearances, persecution , this was not denied, instead, it was said that these actions, these persecutions and oppressions, were actually on a political basis, and not on a racial basis , and therefore, they say, russia cannot be held responsible for the provisions, for violating the provisions of this very convention, that is, in general, for example, in conversations with ukrainian representatives, lawyers often emphasize to me that international legislation, international the judiciary is very imperfect and almost weak
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, but despite this... ukrainians believe that it is necessary to continue fighting in the courts, in particular, the representative of ukraine who filed, in particular this lawsuit, the former deputy minister of foreign affairs told me about this today even before the announcement of this decision of ukraine, olena zerkal. and it can really be rivers, but these steps that we have now taken during the last nine years, it is definitely necessary. are such conditions, without which russia will later be able, would be able to refuse both violations and compensations, well, in general, from the fact that they they did here, well, that's why i think that this is a complex solution, without which we could not later claim that we are really a state that suffered and really deserve to be
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under... restrained, because we ourselves are fighting for ourselves, and this process is also part of our struggle for ukraine and our statehood. bohdan, this week the un court is due to announce a decision on another lawsuit by ukraine against russia, in which ukraine accuses the russian federation of using ukraine's accusation of genocide to justify an illegal invasion, what can we expect from this decision? yes, that too the international court of the un, and also the lawsuit of ukraine against russia, but another one regarding the convention on genocide, so to speak, it’s all twisted, but it’s actually just a technical decision, which consists in whether the court will agree to russia’s objection, russia demands that the court in general threw this case out, because they say that
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he does not have jurisdiction, in this matter and in this case, but the situation here is completely different, and in particular, 32 states took the side of ukraine in this case, i think that we will see what the decision will be in prison, but to simply reject it all will probably be up to the judge hard. thank you, bohdan, for your analysis, bohdan tsyupin was in direct contact with us from london. ukraine conducted one of the largest exchanges of prisoners of war, 207 people returned home. the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war reported that 95 soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine were released from captivity. 56 national guardsmen, 26 border guards, 29 territorial defense soldiers and one representative of the national police of ukraine. among the dismissed servicemen of the defense.


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