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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EET

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the espresso news channel, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. he stabbed an 11-year-old girl to death on the street. the prosecutor's office of dnipro informed about the suspicion of the citizen who brutally killed the child. according to the investigation, on january 29, during a verbal conflict, the suspect stabbed them numerous times on the street. the girl died from her injuries. the attacker was detained during the investigation, a knife was found in his possession. five people were injured in an accident in the lviv region. two clashed in the village of pecheniya
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car both drivers and three passengers of one car were injured. all were hospitalized, the regional police reported. medvedchuk's trumpet belongs to ukraine. the supreme court of ukraine finally recognized our state as the owner of part of the main oil pipeline samara-western direction. which previously belonged to putin's godfather viktor medvedchuk. ownership registration is currently underway. pipeline - said the head of the state property fund vitaliy koval. he recalled that the state had been trying to return him since 2011. samara-western oil pipeline the direction was built during the times of the ussr and after the declaration of independence of ukraine was supposed to become state property, but it was used by a russian company. the government canceled the moratorium on turning off the lights, energy companies began to disconnect from the power supply. services of inveterate
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debtors, 160,000 homeowners in vinnytsia region use but do not pay for services. how they fight with debtors, further in the plot. energy workers came to turn off the lights in the house of mrs. olena, whose debt is uah 80,000. the woman explains the situation in the family difficult the husband died, and in addition to the house , the debt was inherited. he told me already. about a year ago, i didn't know this , i asked him, i said, let's pay, how is it, well, he says everything is fine, i can't be like that, i pay everything, i decide everything, well, everything is fine, i i didn't know this when he, when we had already turned to venus, i was paying, that is, you can see from the payments that i paid as much as i could, but then he got very sick and the money went to the doctor, this time oleg...
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they still didn't turn off the lights, the energy workers offered the woman to restructure the debt, that is, to break it into equal parts. we deal with outages of both the private sector and multi-apartment buildings. also, we have around 60,000 smart type meters in the city, to which we can remotely connect and remotely, without leaving the workplace, so to speak, already disconnect consumers, but first of all it is necessary that... consumers contact us, we, when they do not apply, we disconnect if there is an application for reconciliation of impressions, or for if there are any sensitive points to be clarified, we go to a meeting. in vinnytsia , 160,000 apartment owners use services but do not pay for them, energy experts visit them, specialists disconnect up to fifty consumers per day, and if the apartment owner does not come out, the wires are cut. lifting
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the moratorium is such a necessary feature because we've seen consumers begin to use all these restrictions for their own purposes, because at the request of hp, the universal service provider, most of the honest payers from the lower strata population and so on, they honestly pay. and the debtors are wealthy, the consumer debt to vinnytsia oblenergo amounts to uah 130 million. energy experts say that blackouts motivate citizens to pay their bills faster and note that the restoration of electricity supply is already a paid service, so in addition to repaying the debt, the consumer will have to pay for it as well. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovskyi, from vinnytsia, and from the lower strata of the population, and so on, they conscientiously pay, and... the debtors turn out to be
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wealthy. consumer debt to vinnytsia oblenergo is uah 130 million. energy experts say that blackouts motivate citizens to pay their bills faster. note that the restoration of electricity supply is already a paid service, so in addition to paying off the debt, the consumer will have to pay for it as well. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovsky, from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel. explosions rang out in the morning in the temporarily occupied crimea. it was loud near sak in the direction of zyevpatoria - local media reports. not far from the city, in the village of novofederivka, there is a military airfield on which the 43rd is based. fighter aviation regiment of the russians, which supports the occupying forces in the south of ukraine. the day before, explosions were also heard in sevastopol. the commander of the air force of the ukrainian armed forces, mykola oleschuk hinted at an attack on the belbek airfield. and the spokeswoman of the southern command , nataliya gumenyuk, noted that in the last day
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, five ukrainian missiles were found sheltering in crimea. in addition, russia announced a night attack by air defense drones that apparently shot down six drones over the belgorod and voronizka regions. "the occupiers dropped four guided aerial bombs on mylivska hromada on kherson region. a 67-year-old man and his wife were injured. they were hospitalized," the regional military administration said . an educational institution and residential buildings were damaged due to the attack. in total , six people were injured in the kherson region as a result of russian shelling in one day. the sbu also kidnapped one russian military intelligence informant in donetsk region, she was collecting data on the deployment and movement of ukrainian troops in the bakhmut area. the coordinates of key strongholds and firing positions of the units of the armed forces of ukraine were of most interest. russian intelligence used the information to prepare sabotage sorties and
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adjust missile strikes on the combat positions of ukrainian troops. now the traitor is in custody, she faces up to 15 years in prison. also, in the course of documenting the informant's crimes, it became known that she is familiar with and periodically communicates with the head of the so-called people's council of the dpr terrorist organization artem zhoga. in phone conversations, the accused brags to him that she cooperates with russian intelligence. for maximum intelligence gathering, she planned to get a job as a saleswoman at a local store near the unit of ukrainian defenders. sbu employees exposed the hostile intentions of the suspect and detained her in her own apartment. operation agitation. the enemy calls on students of crimean universities to become operators of fpv drones. it was reported in the center of national resistance. young people will be trained at a training ground near
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sevastopol, after completing the courses, participants will be offered a contract with the russian armed forces. in the center of national resistance , they call for ignoring the relevant courses. any initiatives of the occupiers. hello, mom, i'm back, the first emotions and calls to relatives after a long russian captivity. the state border service showed a poignant video of our prisoners who returned home yesterday. let me remind you that ukraine exchanged 207 defenders. welcome back, we have been waiting for you, as we have been waiting for you. freedom is a happiness that no one, hell, until they lose this freedom, does not realize, really, congratulations, thank you, thank you, i still can't
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believe that we got home from this so this whole event is very... awaited and long-awaited. volleyball and laser equipment for almost uah 4 million. the national guard received modern equipment for training at two military training grounds. these are systems for simulating the conduct of offensive and defensive actions in conditions close to real ones. the equipment was purchased and transferred by the american organization help heroes of ukraine. it will make it possible to increase the combat effectiveness of units and save the lives of soldiers. currently, the organization announces another collection for equipment for the following landfills.
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our charitable foundation, help europes of ukraine attracted donations in order to purchase educational training equipment, which helps the boys to pass the training. the guys who are training, they... can understand as much as possible what is happening, how to behave and what zone is affected, i want to thank the american donors who helped in the implementation of the initiative, such equipment. the modern equipment on which the modern armies of the world, in particular the united states of america, have been training for decades, the miles system, the laser tag system, it is present in their armies and it is already in ours began to be actively used, after such training, clearly, which is close to combat conditions, a fighter who can actually cope with himself emerges. such was the morning in ukraine, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. stay with us,
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glory to ukraine, this is a verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and ours. victory today in the program. looking for a replacement. world media are writing about zaluzhny's imminent resignation. what there is a threat of rotation of the head of the armed forces in the midst of the war. more guns, more ammo. the european union is looking for ways to support ukraine while american aid is on hold. scandals around the ministry of defense. equipment of the grynkevich family and the lviv arsenal, how to prevent theft
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during the war? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine iryna herashchenko, military expert mykhailo samus and volunteer, adviser to the minister of defense of ukraine dana yarova. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, we will have political experts, ihor reiterov. viktor shlinchak and viktor boberenko. however, before starting our big conversation, watch the video of the return from russian captivity of 207 defenders of ukraine, including the released defenders of mariupol, kherson and fighters from zmiyny island. the first shots of the heroes' return to their native land. let's see.
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we will give our soul and body for our freedom and show that we are brothers of the cossack nation. touching video, glory to ukrainian heroes. friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video, be sure to do so, and subscribe to our social media pages. in addition, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about the following: should the accounts of dodgers be blocked and deprived of them? the right to drive a car, as stipulated by the government bill, which
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will soon be considered by the verkhovna rada of ukraine in the session hall. if you watch us on youtube, it's pretty simple, yes, no, two functions, two buttons, if you want to leave your comment or have your personal opinion, please write below this video. if you 're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you think that it is necessary to block the account of slanderers. and deprive them of driving 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program. we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, she is a people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction iryna herashchenko. mrs. irina, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening to all spress viewers. ms. iryna, over the past three days, incredible informational things have been happening
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around zaluzhny, the chief commissar of the armed forces of ukraine appeared. the information that zelensky wants to resign, they even wrote that there is a decree of resignation, then there was a denial, then there were accusations by bloggers and journalists that they allegedly spread the wrong information, but during these days we see how the international media, financial times and the economist wrote about the fact that they confirmed that the conversation with zelenskyi took place and that there is... a possibility or that there is a prospect that this matter will continue, it is meant that zelensky will remove zelenskyi and it will literally happen in some conceivable perspective, can this information that appears in the international media be considered an accomplished fact, what will it be, and first of all,
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you really started your program with such an emotional video, for me in... it was especially emotional , because everyone's release ukrainian hero is a big job, it is a great joy for the family and for all of us, and i sincerely congratulate the 207 families who heard the call today, or finally met their loved one, husband, lover, father, god grant that all the heroes return, and this video, it very correctly reminds us that the hot phase of the war is going on, the events at the front are extremely difficult and... i think that any action of the authorities today, which is related to personnel decisions, whether it is in tyluchy, especially when it comes to military leadership, must answer the question whether it will be better for victory, this is how it should be approached, it seems to me, to any question, it is the first, the second, i did not comment on everything that happened on monday, and
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now i do not have information, and none of us who i was not, i was not present at these conversations, what is actually happening at the bank, but what is really happening today, when such difficult discussions are taking place in the united states regarding aid to ukraine, a summit on unblocking 50 billion euros will be held tomorrow in the european union, that is world media do not come out with columns about ukrainian heroes, about liberation, about the difficult situation around. actions or in the kupinsky direction, but about squabbles, quarrels, showdowns, it is terrible, absolutely, and it is obvious that what today the bbc, as you rightly pointed out, and the new york times, and the financial times, and the economist came out with columns about the fact that such a personnel decision was made, and the basis is not so military, questions or problems, or
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a different view on these military problems, although civilians cannot have a view. on military strategies, we are not experts in this, there can only be trust or not trust, but all this really , it seems to me, deepens the crisis, makes certain things inevitable, and in this context , it seems to me that it would be very important for president zelensky to finally find time in two years to meet with the leaders of the parliamentary factions, talk frankly and honestly, how do we... see together this difficult year, which is also difficult internally, taking into account economic challenges, mobilization challenges, what should be our joint work externally, why he makes certain decisions, all this is extremely important, and the last thing, i want to point out the communication failures of the authorities, when
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official information in the style of kvn appears from the ministry of defense, we confirm that it is all untrue, it is... but it is not funny and really causes distrust and rejection by journalists, when for the first time in two years of the war finally , the press secretary of the president, whom everyone has already forgotten, appears in public and also gives one short sentence, it does not add credibility, and you know, i want to say that today several international media called me with a request to give a comment regarding the situation with the zaluzhnym, i honestly refuse, because i am not... informed in this matter and the least i want now is to harm everything that is happening in this area. sensitive topic, and here i can only repeat the position of the fifth president poroshenko, who rightly noted that if someone is screwing president zelensky about
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such a resignation, then it is worth resigning the people around him, who create this atmosphere of such hatred, undermining trust in everyone, because you know, we in the opposition feel this atmosphere of hatred very clearly. authorities to everyone who is not in power , the journalists are bad, the parliament is bad, the opposition is bad, the military is also bad, well, this is not normal, because now is the time to collect stones, so that our viewers understand what we are talking about, i will quote a passage from a publication in the times , or rather in the economist, that what the british publication writes that president zelenskyy has not yet signed the decree on the resignation of the employee, but still... the development of events is still possible, quoting the british: the release of one of the most popular figures in ukraine would be very controversial and became a turning point
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in ukraine's conflict with russia. so far, mr. zelensky has not announced the replacement of the general, but this does not mean that general zaluzhny is not at risk, it may simply be because his replacement has not yet been determined. well, the times, already mentioned by me, writes with reference to its own sources that the commander of the ground forces oleksandr syrsky and the head of gur m'. kyrylo budanov of the ministry of defense of ukraine rejected zelenskyi's offer to assume the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, instead valery zaluzhnyi, so zelensky was forced to cancel his decision under pressure from high-ranking officials and international experts. well, actually, we will follow the development of this, sorry, sergey, i will add one more remark, you read the correct quotes, but there are more in the articles, and there are much worse quotes that the reason for possible dismissal is the popularity of zaluzhny. the fact that he has, as if, the support of ukrainians today is greater than president zelenskyi, and this is much more dangerous when western partners and western media in conditions of war in
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it is insinuated to ukraine that politics, ratings, popularity, sympathy come first for someone in banking, and not one question, how best to use what strategies and to win the war, this is very bad. beyond all doubt, and of course , mobilization is mentioned in this story , they say that the main thing, the main conflict that can be between zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi is the question of mobilization, because we saw this absent public discussion between zaluzhnyi and zelenskyi, when zelenskyi talked about what the military wants to mobilize 500,000 citizens in the 24th year, zaluzhny said that it is not the same. for the moment, it is still necessary to attract more people to the army, because there is a war and absolutely everything is clear. the law on mobilization, another version, is
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to be considered again by the verkhovna rada of ukraine on february 6, and so far, as i understand it, there is no conclusion of the specialized committee on whether it is suitable or not, but the main theses of this draft law have already been published in zmi, and you too, well, you've seen these main points, as far as... what the government is proposing again, different from what was already there. and i read yesterday the text of the law that came in, the draft law, or rather, that came in from the government, certain comments were taken into account, in particular the comments of our political force, we insisted, for example, on the need to increase the leave for those released from captivity, you see how relevant today we are talking about this because according to the current legislation of the military... servicemen who were released from captivity, they must return, well, after a short rehabilitation there, a medical examination, return to their units, although often people
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these have complex injuries after torture and so on, so they will be given another 90 days, and additional leave is also important, and we have been constantly emphasizing this for two years, that the mobilized must undergo very professional , high-quality training. and now these 3 months of training are being laid there so that people are not immediately released to the battlefield without appropriate training. at the same time, this draft law contains those norms that the government , as you know, so clearly denied until yesterday, for example, the government denied, it is not the opposition, the government, through the mouths of ministers, representatives of the president's office, said that there will not be any, for example, online summonses. in this law, the draft law very clearly records not only the creation of an electronic office, but the possibility of summonses online, if we talk about more draconian points.
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which caused objections not only of the public, but also of deputies, but also of the commissioner of human affairs, when they were going to take away property and block accounts, and the possibility of taking cars there, if a person evades service in the armed forces, well, that is, evades subpoenas, and now this draft law includes a provision that similar actions can... take place after a court decision, to which the tsc will have the right to appeal. these are debatable norms, because we are also definitely talking about restrictions of rights, and it is not already recorded there that only this is during martial law, a debatable norm regarding the attachment of all consular services to the military ticket there, these are also essentially such restrictions the rights of ukrainian citizens abroad, and now the key political story. according to
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the constitution of ukraine, he is responsible for mobilization supreme commander. it is very surprising that president zelenskyi does not submit a draft law of his vision of how he sees mobilization. we have a number of laws on military topics, in particular, by the way, lowering the age of mobilization from 27 to 25, which were voted by the parliament, but not signed by the president for several months. this draft law again lays down such norms. so tell me, the parliament should consider a draft law that contains norms that have not already been signed by the president, when the president publicly says that there is no need for 500 thousands mobilized, we will throw spears , discuss, make amendments, take a very responsible attitude to the bill, and then the president will simply not sign it, and that is why our position is: we are waiting for the bill from the president, we believe that the president should state his position, this is wrong , that from such an important topic, a key topic. this
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year he refuses, it cannot be transferred to the government, because the government does not have the full extent of the information that is discussed at the rate, which is only available to the supreme commander and the commander-in-chief, and therefore, we believe that this is also one of the topics on which there should be a meeting between president zelenskyi and representatives of the factions, in order to hear the position of the supreme commander-in-chief, whether we will go on the defensive this year, how will these... cational structures be built then, how will the economy be provided, what will be the burden on our engineering troops, well, that is , a lot of questions to which we would like to receive complex, professional answers, so that the law is not empty, so that it is perceived by society as a fair law. and the last, i would point out, is the main negative of this law, there is a seemingly fixed rule that service in the army after mobilization
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will last 36 months. this is a lot, if we are talking about bakhmut or avdiivka, imagine 36 months under avdiivka, but at the same time there is no clear fixation there, even 36 months, and it is said that it will be 36 months plus 1 month after the relevant decision there is a rate or something this, that is, it can last forever, and i think that this norm is the key for our political power, because we realize what the burden on soldiers... who have been on the hotter front lines for two years, how they need rotation and demobilization. another short question, regarding the assistance of the congress of the united states of america, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg in washington discussed with the leadership of the congress the further support of ukraine, and the director of the cia william burns stated that it is strategically important for the united states of america to continue
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supporting ukraine in the background. of russian aggression, i will quote william berntz, who in an interview said literally the following: "maintaining the flow of arms will strengthen ukraine's position if the opportunity for serious negotiations arises. it gives a chance to ensure a long-term victory for ukraine and a strategic loss for russia. ukraine would be able to protect its sovereignty and recover, while russia would have to bear the ongoing costs because of the stupidity, the stupidity of putin. for the united states to withdraw from the conflict at this crucial moment and stop supporting ukraine would be an own goal of historic proportions. ms. iryna, would it not be this own goal, which the director of the cir, william bertz, speaks about, because we see the development of events in the united states of america, well , it simply pushes us not even to the tenth position, probably to 20 there.


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