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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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the content of the specified message was considered by judge mosloid as pressure, which indicates interference in the activity of the judge in the administration of justice. with a notification about the pressure, judge masloit turned to the supreme council of justice and the office of the prosecutor general, we will find out soon what assessment these bodies will give to the events. meanwhile, let's recall that if sympathy for the moscow church is a matter of social morality, then interference in the judge's activity is clearly criminal. which is punishable, among other things, by deprivation of liberty for up to three years. for today, i have everything, it was the judicial control program and i am tetyana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. russians several times. within a day, drones attacked kherson oblast. a woman was hit in beryslav. as a result of dropping explosives, she was injured and lost a finger. she was taken to the hospital, the regional military administration reported. in the boryslav district, the enemy hit medics who were returning from a call. the car is damaged. fortunately, the doctors were not injured. one man died as a result of the detonation of ammunition in the mykolayiv region. three more times. were
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seriously injured, this was reported in the state emergency service. the injured were urgently hospitalized at snihorivska hospital. to save their lives, they are now looking for donors with a fourth positive blood group. military servicemen of the lviv territorial center of recruitment have become blood donors again, and in the last two years, according to the ministry of health, donors in ukraine have increased by... 60%, but the need for blood has also increased many times. polina kornasyuk will tell you how to become a donor. military personnel of the sykhiv regional territorial recruitment center in lviv once again donated blood for the wounded defenders of ukraine. twenty people joined this time. the military is looking for blood need announcements on social networks, and then they contact... quite a lot of people
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came here because we can't express a desire to donate blood, accordingly interrupt our, our service, accordingly here we donate blood directly during the service. senior lieutenant ivan kushkii became a blood donor 10 years ago, i have the title of an honorary donor, and he started donating in need of blood. always, as a rule, i donate mainly for those in need, and this is for children, they are sick children, they always need platelets, whole blood, this is always a need, and i encourage everyone to donate, because this is the first thing you do that is useful for to whom you donate, you give a piece of yourself, you give life, and you also do something useful for yourself, the blood is rejuvenated, before donating blood, you need to undergo an examination and follow a special diet for two days, the need for...
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at the moment is daily, the only thing that donating blood so often is not possible for every person due to his physical condition, a person needs to recover, go through a certain period, let's say this, well , personally, before donating blood, i prepare myself, i follow a diet, i try not to smoke, not to drink, well, i don't drink alcohol anyway, so that to become a donor, you need to call the blood center of your city and ask about the needs, then make a donation. your data in the online register and follow the announcements of blood centers. it was not possible to cheat. in odesa region, five evaders hid from the drone in the forest at night. however, the border guards detected the violators thanks to the thermal imaging camera and detained them. as it turned out, night tourists tried to illegally cross the ukrainian-moldovan border.
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men were sent abroad under the guise of a public organization. border guards exposed yet another criminal scheme in ternopil oblast and ivano-frankivsk oblast. the three involved took money. for fake certificates that helped evaders to escape abroad. more than a hundred violators left under this scheme, fifty never returned to ukraine. police white angels evacuated a family with three children from toretsk in donetsk region. the family lived 10 km from the front line. the law enforcement officers had been persuading them to leave for a long time, but they refused. after she was born in the family. the third child, the parents changed their minds. now the family will live on zhytomyr region. the next mission was accomplished, the child and his father were taken to a conditional location, where they met the mother, who had recently given birth to a boy. everything was fine, the road was
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safe, the boys tried to bring their family as quickly as possible. in settlements located on the front line. this is evacuation, because only evacuation saves lives. in kherson, during the occupation , the russians organized a torture chamber in the basement of the regional police station. about 90 ukrainians were received and subjected to torture there. fate some of them are still unknown, the regional police said. according to the investigation, in june 2022, terrorists illegally detained a 40-year-old kherson man and held him. in unsanitary conditions, food and water were not given, they were beaten, threatened with death and encouraged to cooperate. a russian serviceman and a resident of oleshok, who agreed to cooperate, were involved in the torture. they were informed about the suspicion in absentia. on board the destroyed russian
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boat ivanovets could be up to 40 crew members, this is the regular number of personnel . to the ship the search is currently underway works of the occupiers. there were only three such boats in the black sea fleet. the ship usually has weapons on board, in particular , anti-ship missiles of the moskkit type, with a range of up to 130 km, the naval forces of ukraine said. the cost of the ship is 60-70 million dollars. let me remind you that at night ukrainian scouts destroyed the ivanovets missile boat. he guarded the base in novoozerny. on the raid of lake donuzlav in the temporarily occupied crimea. as a result of a number of direct hits to the hull, the russian ship sank. chairman of the magat next week will visit kyiv and the temporarily occupied
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zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. rafael grossi will hold negotiations in the capital, and then go to zayas. the station plans to make progress in solving service-related issues. equipment and personnel support. a nuclear power plant must have qualified and experienced specialists to guarantee nuclear safety, grossi emphasized. also, a new group of organization experts will arrive at the station, replacing the current team. all 27 leaders of the european union approved the additional package support of ukraine in the amount of 50 billion. euros within the eu budget. this was announced by the president of the european council, charles michel. he added: the european union takes leadership and responsibility in supporting ukraine, because it knows what is at stake. the deal was said to have been reached after
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a small group of eu leaders persuaded orbán to lift his veto on the funding package. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, has already thanked the european leaders for such a decision. and noted that it will strengthen the long-term economic and financial stability of our state. i think we should focus on the fact that today is a good day for europe, we did it. we kept our ukrainian friends in limbo for many weeks as to whether we would reach an agreement, and the fact that it was reached in time, thanks in part to the hard work of many of our leaders, resulted in a resolution that includes all 27 member states. we are not tired of ukraine, and there are no problems with that.
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we have an orbán fever here in brussels right now. we have so many things to work out. look outside, not only in brussels. and of course what... we need today is to strengthen our unity around ukraine against russia and its aggressive policy. i can't understand, i can't accept viktor's very strange and very selfish game. i want to remind you about the meeting of the espresso tv channel of the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, it is urgently necessary to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, and to successfully carry out combat missions, buy a mavic quadrocopter and an optical sight. we ask you to join the collection, because every donation helps to more effectively destroy the enemy of the eastern direction. our goal is 470 uah. we already have more than 250,000 in our account. you
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can see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow. you can read more news on our website espresso tv, also on our social networks. and watch us on youtube. in just a few minutes , meet my colleague vasyl zymo. and i want to. have a good evening, nothing has worked out yet, not yet, hang on, oh, normakt, my dear, take normolact, normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes bowel function, restores. the amount of lact and bifido bacteria everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are discounts
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of ukraine, veliky lviv, will be broadcast in the evening prime time at 21:15. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish and we must win. all the most important, every thursday at 21.15 in the project velikiy lviv speaks, on the air of the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel, my colleagues and i will talk with you about the most important things for the next hour and 46 minutes and, of course, react. to all the news and events that will come to us, or that will happen during our ether,
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promptly respond, report and , if possible, of course, analyze it all today the important news is 50 billion euros for ukraine, the decision of the european, european leaders, all countries supported it, i will have an input from brussels today, and yuriy fizar will also talk about it in detail, the destroyed russian ship, what did the ukrainian army take revenge for? kateru ivanov, well, and many other important information , we will start with the announcement of the collection. tv channels and the press of irena koval's charitable foundation call to join the fundraising for our defenders. namely, for the soldiers of the 141st brigade, they perform tasks on in the orihiv direction, this is zaporizhzhia. infantry and aerial reconnaissance for the successful performance of combat missions, and need high-quality equipment. we plan to buy walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars , rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and many other equally important things at the front. every hryvnia is important and thanks to you, we
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have already closed more than one collection, so this time too we ask you to support our military. actually , we support exactly that. ourselves, because our soldiers not only defend us, but also drive away the enemies from our land, they actually protect and save our lives. we are asking you to join iryna kovel's gathering, for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. well, our goal is uah 1 million. i believe that we, this, this assembly... will close, i don't just believe, but i know that we will do it, now we will talk about the situation in the kherson region, for more than an hour this night kherson was under enemy artillery fire, and of course, about yevgenia virlych, editor-in-chief, will talk about the consequences of the enemy attack edition of cavun city, ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you,
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good evening, well, actually, not very good news, well, the enemy is hitting kherson every day, of course, but this night... for more than an hour, that's how i read, the enemy was constantly attacking around the city, there is destruction, significant destruction, please tell me in more detail what is known at the moment, and there the light also went out, and there were still some problems, was it possible to restore , at least water supply, maybe electricity, please, well, more than an hour, it from the report of the official authorities, this is when the shelling began, it really lasted longer hours, but then it continued... the occupiers traditionally do this, they shell kherson very densely around the clock, but especially in the evening, at night, early in the morning, so the shelling lasted longer, even in the morning it was also very, very loud, they shelled very hard different locations in kherson, i won't say exactly, but what can be said is, in particular , the center of the city, and once again
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, i.e., sights were affected again. i understand we are having a bit of a communication problem but hello hello we hear you please carry on you are the one who got hurt sights, in particular , historical sights were affected, and the electricity went out in the battlements, the electricity went out for a very long time in the morning, and, for example, the trolley bus service was restored only closer to 12 o'clock or 1 p.m., in my opinion, because it was shelled with... contact network , there was no electricity in different areas of the city, it was extremely difficult. currently , electricity is being restored, restored in many areas, but again, right now, the shelling continues again. ugh. well, you are talking about the destruction, but are there any victims among the people?
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as a result of an enemy attack? yes, there were victims, i don't know the exact number. well, as of today, it’s a bright day there, i can’t say, i can’t, i don’t know, but i ’m just me, well, let’s talk about the victims and actually people suffer every day not only in kherson, in the kherson region, unfortunately, and people die and suffer injuries, and severe injuries, and amputations, and other complex and unfortunate, if not tragic, consequences. are hospitals, doctors able to cope now, are there enough means, technical means, pharma pharmaceutical means, and most importantly hands, enough to provide help to everyone, plus we understand that now, let's say, flu, other respiratory diseases in ukraine, as they say, take people by the throat , literally and figuratively, and
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sick people too, they they come, someone is being treated , somewhere there is this covid, well, please, well... the fact that the people of kherson are not afraid yet is the flu pandemic, for example, because there are no crowds of people, people try to move around the city as little as possible, and crowds - it's not at all typical now, but the city, that's why with the flu, with the coronavirus a little bit simpler than in other communities, there are always not enough hands, but doctors try to help as best they can, they constantly either buy or supply donors, or even other communities of ukraine help doctors a lot, and doctors come to work from... and other communities on those positions that are lacking, and they also bring in equipment, including ambulances and medical equipment, however, there is a great
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need for doctors, but - well, let's put it this way, they have time to save people , they can save people, then people have to be treated and recuperate, especially if chronic diseases, it's either mykolayiv or odesa that's the closest, because there aren't a lot of specialized doctors. uhu, and i wanted to, well here it is clear that only the enemy himself knows the logic of his strikes on the territory of the city, or, well, we are talking about kherson now, he also destroyed those settlements, communities, let's say there berislavsk, bilozersky i remember, if not i'm wrong, but there is some logic, or is it just incitement, an attempt to kill, destroy, cut off some important engineering, communal communications, just make it unbearable. life people in kherson, what is the main goal, are they looking for something there , do they have any information, that today some organization, a certain charity of theirs
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, their institution, well, their square, well, too, maybe they think that there are gdlsb missiles, which they were given to us by the usa, maybe they are lying there, they just beat every day and we have to understand why, well, from what we are analyzing, we can actually see it too. what we saw in the occupation, the russians need to make the life of the locals unbearable as much as possible, they know very well that in those places where they go they are hitting, these are places where absolutely civilian people live, or are treated, or study, they are not hitting the gatherings of the military, as they tell in their propaganda, they are hitting civilians, they want to return the right bank back, they voice it even the last time... sometimes very often that they will return kherson, they will return beryslav, and therefore they are doing everything possible
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so that both the ukrainian army and civilians and all organizations are busy with restoring life, if only here and now and saved on on the right bank, that is, it is a kind of revenge , and the revenge is so cruel that in the same berislav wound, in particular in bereslav, there is no light in the surrounding communities. it has been fully three months already, that is, the light is being restored there , the russians fired again, it is gone again, so the logic actually is to destroy as much as possible, it is to make the life of the locals unbearable, to turn it back, this is what they voice in their propaganda, and they simply do that's all for this, well, actually, there is such, of course, such great hope here, well, with the fact that here i am let's say i read that the armed forces of ukraine were able to destroy a certain number there, six or so. artillery systems of the enemy on the left bank, we understand that there are large groups there, they are pulling up, either from the crimea or from the zaporizhzhia region, they are trying to attract something there, in any case, and they also
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write that the armed forces have slowed down the enemy's logistics on on the left bank of the kherson region, there was some information about the bridgehead at krynk, but it is still official, everything remains as it is, stable, a difficult situation, but it is managed to contain enemy, but today they were. they talked about the boroslavsky district, where people have been sitting without electricity for three months, today there were strikes again in the boroslavsky district, well, a logical question arises, and of course, the refrigerator does not work there or something else, but people need everything are there any conditions , is it possible to have some kind of program, maybe people are brought coal, firewood, some other means so that they can do without electricity now, and they try to at least give people a ride, by the way, it doesn’t always work out, because... the arrows continue and it is dangerous, but they are trying to deliver food, drinking water, and firewood to people, there are certain programs that are in place that can at least
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try to provide people with means of survival, and people are also being offered to leave , someone leaves, someone refuses to evacuate, there are also logical explanations for this, but people are at least offered humanitarian aid, propo means of livelihood, although this is also at the risk of life, and you probably also saw reports about how they suffer and benefactors from shelling, individual volunteers, but all this happens, they continue to carry everything necessary for people, well, and this is in addition to the fact that it is not always possible to provide some kind of humanitarian aid for people, or firewood the same, well, can it also be considered humanitarian help , but today... they said that an ambulance was attacked from a drone in the kherson region , that is, the enemy does not care about anything, and even conventionally speaking, an ambulance car that has
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certain markings is not an ambulance. they sit behind that in the point of stationary control of the bodyless, they see it, absolutely, and there are even reports from those people who live there, and actually according to the reports, even official ones, you can see that the russian drones are just chasing, if they see a target, they are just stupidly chasing it, the actual marking, for example , the press or a humanitarian cargo, for them it doesn't matter at all , maybe sometimes they are the target, that is , they see everything, and there are even local stories about how just seeing a drone, well, that is , a drone operator seeing a local car, just chasing this car until it's quiet until he drops explosives on her, or she manages to escape, well, it is already 50 to 50, i will ask a very short question at the very end, but now many cities of nikopol, nikopol region, kherson, kherson region , kharkiv, kharkiv region are being actively shelled, there are always these
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... arrows, well, it also flies to sumy oblast, but kherson is a daily life, but how do people go to sleep, you just have to understand how simple life is, is it still somewhere so that you can go for a run to someone and or it makes sense, if the artillery is flying, to run already to shelters, with what, with what heart, with what feeling, when you hear these explosions at night and you understand, it's not a cruise missile that can be shot down, it's an artillery projectile, well, in short, in... sleepy people in kherson oblast in fragments, very often sleepless nights, in fragments, in fragments sleep, in the interval between shellings , some people cannot sleep at night, so they fall asleep somewhere in the morning, sleep more in the morning in the afternoon, sleep dressed, it has already become a practice, sleep with an anxious suitcase, anxious with a backpack, this is also practice, c depending on the area of ​​residence, there are people
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who do not sleep in... beds, sleep between two walls, just on the floor, this also happens, where there is a lot of shelling, that is, you simply cannot sleep in the room there, but it happens, that the psyche adapts, and a person needs to sleep somehow, so the cases are different, but , for example, sleeping in clothes, sleeping with an alarming suitcase, this is already practice, we understand what the level of stress actually is in people who are even possible this stress already familiar to them, but we understand what he makes himself known. and will make itself known in the future, so we support you as much as we can, take care of yourself, and thank you for joining, evgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the cavun city publication from kherson, which the enemy shelled again this night and the shelling lasted well over an hour , as it was officially stated that it was under fire for more than an hour, and rostislav balaban, candidate of political sciences, is in touch with us, mr.
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rosslav, i congratulate you, in ukraine glory to the heroes, and i will start like this will affect the situation in ukraine and economic policy, let's say today it is a positive decision of the european union, well, all 27 member states, regarding the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine, we will talk a lot about it today, yuriy fizel, oleksandra morchevka, as well as the political and financial component, but in general, how positive a signal it is , what it can affect, again in the future, please. well, it is basically a positive signal that, you know, bidding, voting, approval and so on have not started. obviously, those meetings that took place were bilateral, and obviously european politicians accepted the consensus decision, and this is positive, because one vote could, well, block, change. e.e.
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to pull back and so on, that's why the decision as a symbol that europe is united, it characterizes europe more than ukraine, europe is united, and it's a beautiful symbol, ukraine with europe. and now let's talk about our internal affairs, well, now we will wait for the decision of the senate of the united states of america, which congress, which has to approve the allocation of aid for ukraine, we are waiting for it. but inside the country there are processes that are important for future in the war, and in general for the future life of ukrainians at this time of this great war. let's talk about the law on mobilization, which they have already next week, i was told somewhere, on the sixth, as far as i understand, they should already be submitted to the people's deputies for consideration, in the session hall there are certain nuances that appear in the means of the masses.


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