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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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that we help the most difficult, what i think is in the market, it is logistics and it is the purchase of spare parts abroad, because there are constant problems with this. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for the inclusion , for the tremendous work that you do for our armed forces, for the development of the technological capabilities of our country, and i will remind our viewers that this was oleksandr yakovenko, a philanthropist, volunteer and owner of the taf drones company, which is now , as we can see, it significantly increases power, because the production of fpv and... and other types of weapons for our needs armed forces these were the main military results of this day, followed by more international and economic news on vasyl zema's broadcast. these were the military results of the day. i thank serhiy zgorets and thank his guest. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, now we are waiting
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for the second hour of the great ether, there is a lot of important and interesting information ahead, there will be an inclusion from brussels, where today a very important decision was made to provide aid to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros, not now, but still i will tell more about it and yuriy fizar from more of a political one point of view, and oleksandr morchivka from the economic point of view, also today there are cultural news from lina chechenina and the weather with natalka didenko, well, plus all the information. which will be received regarding what may have happened during our will also be voiced and, if possible, commented on. well, now the news. there could be up to 40 crew members on board the destroyed russian cutter ivanovits, which is the regular number of the ship's personnel. currently, the search for the occupants of the black sea fleet is ongoing. there were only three such boats. the ship usually has weapons on board, in particular anti-ship missiles of the moskid type with a range of up to 130 km, the navy said. forces of ukraine. the cost of
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such a ship is 60-70 million dollars. let me remind you that ukrainian intelligence officers destroyed the ivanovits missile boat at night. he guarded the novoozerny base, was on a raid in lake dinozlava in the temporarily occupied crimea, as a result of a series of direct hits to the hull, the russian ship joined the company of the cruiser moskva. gives, unfortunately, blows. enemy, one man was killed as a result detonation of ammunition in the mykolaiv region, three more were seriously injured, this was reported in the state emergency service. the victims were urgently hospitalized in snihorivska hospital, in order to save their lives, they are now looking for donors with the fourth positive blood group. in kherson, during the occupation, in the basement of the regional police station, the russians organized a torture chamber that was, unfortunately, familiar to them.
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about 90 ukrainians were held and subjected to torture there, the fate of some of them is still unknown, they said in regional police. according to the investigation, in june 22, terrorists illegally detained a 40-year-old man from kherson, kept him in unsanitary conditions, prevented him from eating, drinking, beat him, threatened him with murder, and incited him to cooperate with the enemy. a russian serviceman and a resident of oleshok, who agreed to cooperate with the enemy, were involved in the torture and were informed in absentia about the suspicion. the mobilization continues, and the evaders come up with increasingly complex schemes in order to evade their civic duties, sent men abroad under the guise of a public organization. border guards exposed yet another criminal scheme in ternopil oblast and ivano-frankivsk oblast. the three involved took money for fake certificates, which helped evaders to escape from our country. more than a hundred violators left under this scheme, fifty did not return to... organized additional earnings in
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vinnytsia, law enforcement officers abducted the head of the district tow truck. the man rented a state-owned building, for which he received money every month, but the documents for permission to rent from the husband did not appear. the perpetrator was detained while receiving yet another payment in the amount of uah 20,000. bilyangola policemen evacuated a family with three children from turetsk in donetsk region. the family lived 10 km from the front line. the law enforcement officers had been persuading them to leave for a long time, but they refused. after the third child was born in the family, the parents changed their mind and decided to leave the dangerous place. now they will live in zhytomyr oblast. the next mission was completed, the child and his father were taken to... a conditional location, there they
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we met a mother who recently gave birth to a boy, everything is fine, the road was safe, the guys tried to get the family as soon as possible, in settlements that are on the front line, it is evacuation, because only evacuation saves lives. here only with both hands, as they say, and this is the truth - said the police representative. and to one of the most important news of today, the european council unanimously supported the provision of 50 billion euros of financial support to ukraine over the next four years. the decision was made. today at an extraordinary meeting in brussels. the leaders of the eu states also discussed the prospects of military support to ukraine, in particular, providing it with weapons and ammunition. our european institutions correspondent tetyana vysotska followed the course of the summit of the leaders of the european union. tatyana, tell us on what
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conditions ukraine will receive funds from the european union and when we can expect the first tranche. i congratulate you. please. congratulations to vasyl. good evening, greetings from brussels. i will try to tell very briefly and concisely. all about the mechanism ucraine facility, which was approved by the european council today. therefore, the ukrainian fund ucraine facility is created for four years with the aim of promoting reforms, reconstruction and reconstruction of ukraine and the integration of ukraine into the european union. during four years , 50 billion euros will be provided to ukraine in the following proportion: 17 billion euros, non-refundable financial assistance grants and 33 billion euros in the form of a lawsuit. all these funds will be. to be issued from the budget of the european union, it is also important that the document approved by the eu leaders states that revenues from frozen russian funds on the territory of the european union can be used to help ukraine, and this means that this process is also ongoing, and soon there will be
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news about russian frozen assets, as well as how the ukrainian fund ucraine facility works, it will be possible to work... to say according to the scheme money in exchange for reform. ukraine, together with the european commission , must develop a reform plan and, following it, implement it within four years, receiving certain financial tranches. the european commission will report on ukraine's fulfillment of the commitments made during the signing of the plan. forms and what is important, despite the fact that the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán tried to make it possible to review the ukrainian plan every year and it is possible to suspend it and promise again, this will not happen, the first review of the ukrainian plan is possible
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only in two years, and if all the leaders of the european union vote for it, that is, now orban will not be able to prepare money for ukraine, this though. the victory of these other pro-ukrainian states of the european union. it is also important that the next step should be the approval of the ukrainian fund in the form of a resolution of the european parliament. the text of this resolution should be agreed on next week on monday-tuesday, but it will be put to the vote of the european parliament during the session week, which begins on february 26, that is, the first funds from the european union, ukraine will receive no... more than march 2024- yes, but ukrainian officials have already said it could be 4.5 billion euros, since ukraine did not receive a tranche in january and february. as for the eu's military support for ukraine, today, as planned, no document on
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this issue was adopted, but there were discussions, there is news, the president of the european commission ursula funderlajen stated that the project is already on the table. the peace fund, which provides for the provision of munitions and weapons for the total amount of 20 billion euros, i.e. 5 billion euros per year, to ukraine for another four years. this the project is already practically agreed, there is a lot of progress. and one more point, regarding the provision of ammunition to ukraine, of course, by the end of march 2024, the european union does not have time to provide ukraine with the promised million ammunition, but ursula fonlia... called the figure of 520,000 ammunition that ukraine should receive by the end of march, and this is actually very cool news, because as of now ukraine has received only 330,000 munitions, and the million munitions promised by the eu, according to ursula
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fondelein, ukraine will receive by the end of 2024. here is such news, you are very much in favor of such a detailed answer, i will not even ask additional questions, here along with... already yuriy fizer is ready to tell more, tetyana vysotska, our correspondent in european institutions from brussels, about today's decision and the consequences of this decision for ukraine, well, more about this will be told and... and , as they say, in 3d more broadly, yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, really , today this is the main topic that we, i will tell you today heard from our colleague tetyana vysotska, vasyl and i will even discuss something, i will tell you about the extraordinary summit of the leaders of the countries and governments of the european union, when turkey will be able to receive from the united states of america, planes, new f-35 planes, well... how russian physics has lost, i will not be afraid of this word genius, a piece from his phenomenal
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interview, at the end of the column, wait, this is the world about ukraine, my name is yuriy fizar and i will start in a moment, it happened, well, it is not known for sure how exactly viktor was convinced to ... orban, maybe he himself finally realized that it would be better for him and for the citizens of hungary, and maybe he was even threatened with something, but in any case, the result is there. the leaders of the european union at the summit in brussels today agreed to provide ukraine with 50 billion euros of macro-financial assistance, and at the same time, what is most interesting, they agreed unanimously. about this immediately after the adoption of this extreme. the president of the european council, charles michel, announced an important decision for us on his page on
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the x microblogging network. this is the former twitter. he wrote a quote: "this will provide stable, long-term and predictable financing for ukraine. the european union maintains leadership and responsibility in supporting ukraine. and it is also interesting that hungary received, after that, the prime minister of this country, viktor orban." said, she received guarantees that she will not be taken away from her now under any circumstances there , it seems, billions of euros, which should have been given to her from the european union back in 2022, but were not given because there are problems with corruption in hungary , well, many different problems, and the european union, brussels official, demanded from orban to fix all this, orban shook his head, didn't fix it, they froze these funds, now orban is showing himself very strongly, he was afraid that these seven extra billions would be taken from him and handed over. he needs them, you understand
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, he needs them, and he understood that it is necessary to fight for them, and today he will receive a guarantee that this money will not be transferred to ukraine, but that this money will remain, as i would call it, in a hungarian account , blocked so far, but at least on the hungarian account, and it is interesting that this money was frozen on september 18 in 2022. er, this is exactly 7.5 billion euros of obligations for hungary from the budget of the european union, well, now we will see how viktor orbán and his colleagues will behave, and not only from hungary, but also from other countries, but the decision is actually historic, because a lot, even i spoke about it yesterday, i wonder how it will be passed, whether all 27 members of the european union are unanimous, or still. will find some mechanism by which hungary will be excluded from the vote, no, they convinced orbán this, this is a unanimous
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decision. prime minister of hungary viktor orbán will not participate in increasing arms supplies to ukraine through the european peace fund, but he will not block this issue either. another victory. this was said by the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, before the start of the meeting in brussels today. according to him, at the moment no one in the european union is opposed to this, as everyone understands that more weapons and ammunition for ukraine from the european union will help it, that is, us, to win victory over the aggressor, and even more, the chief european diplomat added , short quote from josep borel: we are working to increase the supply of ammunition, but this is not enough, more must be done. and interestingly, i also forgot to say one more thing when i was talking
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about the preliminary information about what viktor orban insisted on including in the agreement that aid to ukraine, okay, i agree to four-year aid to ukraine, but it must be reviewed every year and in case , if necessary, we will change it, they still didn’t stick to it, it was possible to blackmail them with another amount, if they didn’t stick to it, they won’t review it every year will... appear once every two years, but there is no clause that they will, if any questions arise, then orban will be able to promise again, there is no such thing, in a word, i would call it a victory for ukraine, well, an outright defeat for viktor. orban, and the fact that ukraine needs much more weapons and ammunition, german chancellor olaf scholz also spoke before today's meeting with his colleagues in brussels. he emphasized that there are no decisions on increasing military aid from the member states of the european union today planned, but at the same time urged his
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colleagues not to delay. here is his short quote. the discussion must start urgently because... we know that what has been planned until today, namely military aid from all eu member states, is not enough. end of quote. well , mr. scholz reminded that germany will allocate up to eight billion euros for military aid in 2024, but for the european union, but this is not enough, and that is why the bundeschancellor says: "everyone must do more." that is, he has repeatedly... emphasized recently on the fact that this aid must be truly collective, because germany cannot carry everything on its shoulders alone. and one more very important point, i would say that today's decision to allocate 50 billion euros of aid to ukraine is such a message to the united states of america that, well
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, you said that europe should take on greater obligations, europe took , now please respond, and yesterday on the ... the leader of the republican majority in the house of representatives, this is the lower house of the american congress, mike johnson, said that they will most likely divide aid to ukraine and funding, securing the border, because he says, in this way, these issues will be easier to solve, but it is precisely his associates, and he together with them earlier and insisted on uniting, now they probably see that the solution... the eeu must somehow get out of this situation, and yet, to summarize, we are now waiting for a positive decision from the united states of america. i don't know when it will be, i really want it to be as soon as possible. and to finish today's topic, of the historic summit for ukraine in brussels, i want us to listen to what
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polish prime minister donald tusk said before the start of this summit. he showed his vision of what... is currently happening in the european union, and in particular, regarding the rather strange and unpredictable position of prime minister viktor orban, and most importantly, what the leaders of the eu governments should do in this situation. we will hear the head of the polish government in direct speech. we must treat hungarians like any other member of the european union to the union, it is fair to apply fair measures to them. and the rules of the game, but on the issues of the rule of law, corruption and above all on the issue of the russian war in ukraine, there should not be any compromises, there is no middle way, you are either on the side of ukraine against russia in this war, or you are on the side of russia, and viktor orban has to make this choice, well, here i want to applaud mr. donald tusk, really, what
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compromises, these compromises were constantly pushed by viktor. orban, then robert fitso, something to him sang along, what compromises can be in this case, when it comes to helping ukraine in its fight against russian aggression, when it comes, in particular, to the security of the whole of europe, and donald tusk clearly said: viktor orban, choose, are you on the side of ukraine or russia? fortunately, well, i wouldn't say that viktor orban is on the side of ukraine, but still, fortunately, the decision today is the way we would like it. mother, we have this help which is extremely important to us. and, by the way, at the time of this summit in brussels, they were going on mass protests of european farmers. they are protesting against the common european agricultural policy. the protests are timed, as i said, to the summit of the heads of state and government of the european union, the epicenter was
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the square in front of the building of the european parliament, dozens, maybe even several hundreds of tractors and other agricultural machinery blocked access to the building of the european parliament, the protesters behaved well enough aggressively and even dismantled and damaged a 19th century monument in the city center on the square luxembourg, it is not far away, literally within walking distance from the european parliament, the law enforcement officers sometimes even had to use special equipment, well, i saw water cannons and even light noise. well, as we can see, this protest movement is gaining such strength, unfortunately, and today viktor even came out to them. during the struggle, he shook his head and said that we are listening to your demands and we will solve them, and then they said, even roberta mytsova said, the president
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of the european parliament said that this decision will be solved in the same way, that this issue is itself will be resolved and as soon as possible according to the demands of farmers, these are european farmers, it was not only belgian farmers, because today, for example, there were farmers from spain and italy in brussels, and there was a separate protest in france. farmers are protesting, well, in a word, i really hope that it started today, but today it will be and will end. last week i was in poland, roads were blocked there, farmers also left with their protests, but now they all came to brussels. well, because there a large number of politicians , television cameras and in general are concentrated, but you know, it just seems to me that this is, after all, this desire to immediately earn some dividends on the topic of ukraine, i understand that it is difficult, well, it is really difficult for everyone now, it is more difficult for ukrainians . well, at least in this region it is definitely the largest and it is probably not very ethical , after all, it is up to other people, other people , europeans like you, to try to solve your problems, well, if you
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solved them, you are drawing attention to yourself now , well, it's good that everything ended like this, it won't be solved like this, it won't be solved at all, you say it's over , it's not over yet, i really hope that this situation won't somehow develop further, but you're really telling the truth, it can't be like that , but there are people who... need it and who will further inflate it, try to inflate it, as we saw it even with the example of poland, specially inflated the protests. moving on: the united states of america may resume its air force modernization program turkey, in particular by providing it with modern f-35 military aircraft. this was said by the coordinator of strategic communications of the white house security council, john kirby, during the briefing. according to him, your... hton puts forward a condition: turkey must give up the russian s-300 and s-400 air defense systems. mr. admiral did not
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provide more details, but added that the discussion of this issue is ongoing, and when the official ankara fulfills this condition, the issue of the transfer of their newest military aircraft will be resolved. now i want us to go back a few years ago, when turkey was just negotiating with the united states of america to buy these f-35 fighters, and at the same time she was negotiating with russia and bought the s400, well, just logic, now you have to decide what you like more, like the s-400, which prove that , that they shoot something down, or do you need f35s that prove their effectiveness in combat, by the way, interestingly , defense express wrote about the fact that... well, these s-400s can be sent to ukraine, yes, if well, we don't have those yet, we have them there c300, there are c200,300, well, c-400, let’s go,
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even though they don’t shoot down very well, but they shoot down, so if there is such an agreement, turkey will accept the condition of the united states of america, the s-400 will not hurt us, well, by the way, to close this topic, vladimir putin can meet with the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, and not once, but twice. on february 12 of this year, septo is literally 11 days away, so who will go to whom? putin before that is putin and already, for example, some mass media with such made headlines, putin will visit one of the nato member countries for the first time since the start of the full-scale invasion, that is, to show: "oh, i'm sorry, no one will arrest me there", well, i'm sure that in turkey no one will arrest him for too long. .. it’s a pity, well, but it still proves that he is not traveling now, he cannot go somewhere to brazil, well, it is not known whether, whether he will go there, well, let him go to
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china while there, let’s say yes. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg is not worried about the situation elected president of the united states of america in the elections this november, donald trump will withdraw the united states of america from the north atlantic alliance. he said this in an interview with politico during a visit to washington, where he met with high-ranking american officials, trying to convince them to resume financial and military aid to ukraine. mr. stoltenberg recalled that he also headed nato when donald trump was the president of the united states, and even then the ex-owner of the white house offered to withdraw the country from it of the military-political bloc, but at the same time mr. general secretary jan stoltenberg emphasized that trump... i understand well why this should not be done. and then - a quote from stoltenberg. i am sure that washington will remain a faithful ally of nato, which is beneficial for the united states. the alliance creates a sales market for them.
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defense products, and businessman donald trump understands this very well, so talk a little, he will talk, but it is unlikely to lead. well, it is also interesting that nato secretary general jens stoltenberg today, just like yesterday, trump was nominated for receiving the nobel peace prize. such a company will be very interesting. he was nominated by the deputy chairman of the liberal party. former minister of culture of this country abid raja and the quote with which he did it: "no one has done more for peace and democracy in europe and the world in the last year than jens stoltenberg. well, let's support this candidacy, okay. and finally, there is such a saying: there are no cities, consider a cripple. from the moscow institute of physics and technology , immediately after the first semester, a student who
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got into to study there according to the quota, since his father was a so-called veteran of a so-called special military operation, according to the entrance tests, this student scored 127 points, although the passing score for this faculty was 240 with a penny of points, something did not add up in him, something did not grow, no it happened, the poor man did not pull it, in the video that was filmed with him, he said how sorry he was for all this and... it was difficult, but when asked about what he was planning, and his name was dmitriy, and what this dmitry plans to do after deduction, he he said what he said, let's listen to what i'm going to do next, today i'm going to training for the first time to beat people, i like it, but i like to beat people when they want to beat me, they don't mind so that i could beat them at the same time, this is called sparring, that's... well, listening
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to his direct speech, it's a pity that he was expelled, well, he was like that, who is he ? students, such gifted russian students, well, but today i have everything rubric world about ukraine, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. thank you very much to yuri fizer for telling about the events in the world, and now we have a story for your attention, the servicemen of one of the lviv territorial recruitment centers have become blood donors again. over the past two years, according to the ministry of health, the number of donors in ukraine has increased by 60%, but the need for blood has also increased several times. polina krannasiuk will tell you how to become a donor. military personnel of sykhivskyi
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of the regional territorial recruitment center, which in lviv once again donated blood for the wounded defenders of ukraine. this time , twenty people joined, the military searches for announcements about the need for blood on social networks, and then contacts representatives of the blood transfusion station. quite a few people expressed a desire to pass. accordingly, we came here, since we cannot interrupt our own. service, accordingly , we donate blood here directly during the service. senior lieutenant ivan kushkii became a blood donor 10 years ago. i have the title of an honorary donor, i started to donate , the need for blood is always there. as a rule, i donate mainly to those in need, and this is for children. oh, sick children, they always need platelets, whole blood, this is always a need,
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and i encourage... everyone, because first of all, you do something useful for the person you give it to, you give a piece of yourself, you give life, and it is useful to do for yourself, it rejuvenates the blood. before donating blood, you must undergo an examination and follow a special diet for two days. the need for blood at the moment is daily, the only thing to donate blood so often, not every person can due to his physical condition. a person needs to recover, go through a certain process. let's say this, well, personally, before donating blood, i prepare myself, i follow a diet, i try not to smoke, not to drink, well, i don't drink alcohol anyway, in order to become a donor, you need to call the blood center of your city and ask about the needs, then enter your data online - register and follow announcements of blood centers.


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