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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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can something like this happen again now? well, let's talk like this, what happened? well, actually, calling a spade a spade, an embargo on agriculture, four types of agricultural products, and before it was for all types, plus the blocking of the border meant that poland entered into this free trade, trade war with ukraine, this is what we call a spade, there was a state of trade war between ukraine and poland, we called it so... so as not to thicken the colors and so on, so as not to inflame the atmosphere, in fact it was a trade war, only the trade war is simply unique, because what caused losses to ukraine, well, of course , yes, the front trucks are blocked, 600, 400 trucks are standing, they cannot enter ukraine with humanitarian aid, with a normal commercial component there, military aid of ukraine. but it caused
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damage to the polish economy. poland earns in general, when we take into account the trade between ukraine and poland, poland earns from ukraine, because it exports more than it imports from ukraine. for two years already, the war years, and thank god that donald tusk, as the prime minister understood this situation and that he used all his leverage to stop this situation. this is true when talking about the global aspect, but we have turned that page, i believe that there will be no return to this state under the current government, the biggest guarantee of this state is donald tusk himself, himself, himself. there is a feeling that this year, well, it can pass under the sign of two donalds, it is donald tusk, without a doubt, yes, when we talk about eastern european politics and donald trump, when we talk about continental politics in general safe peko politics, i am very
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grateful to you, anton, for what you said, that the coming to power of donald tusk in poland means reformatting and the place of poland in the european union and in the security dimension, because that is how it is. donald tusk is not only the polish prime minister, but one of the most iconic political figures in europe, and this is how it will actually be, now there are negotiations on the restoration of the so-called weimar triangle, which is france, germany and poland, and the role. there will be a lot for poland under prime minister tusk bigger in europe than it was under yaroslav kaczyński or andrzej duda, that's for sure, and the relations between ukraine and poland in this perspective, when you look at them, they are very important, after all, ukrainians don't need to explain this, now about donald trump , i am closely following those and the primaries and what is happening, well, everyone has already written off our damuki. in fact already in a losing position
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and so on, i would think that this is politics, it is a complicated thing, the election campaign is the same, qualities, leadership qualities and the results of even the primaries in new hampshire were not so bad 505 to 44, this for trump means that niki hull is not in such a losing position for me, but well, other wiser people who are more familiar with the american situation say that she is. .. lost, well, let’s say lost like that, but all the observers who say that trump is not too satisfied with the course of the primaries, but with attention to the fact that among republican voters, a third say that under no circumstances are they for him will not vote, and there is such a category, which are those who have not yet decided, i.e. who are watching, who and yes, they have a negative electorate or negative perception of trump is very large, and it is getting stronger. that is, when
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we take into account the national level, when trump will have a duel between the president and biden, the results can be very different, although today trump leads with a margin of 3-4% over biden, so to speak, and everyone says, god, biden can’t win and so on, the situation doesn't sound like it. now the republican primaries show that there is no such great dominance of trump. among republican voters, yes, he has a huge dominance in the republican party, but not among republican voters, and i understand, well, but anyway trump is back in big politics and trump is going to shape the political agenda in the united states, well right before the election, so we don't know what the end of the election campaign will be like in the united states, but trump's influence is already there, he started giving signals, giving signals. and no one
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can decipher them correctly, well, because trump is trying to keep his mystery geopolitical, maybe he's just lying , maybe he's just promising, but in any case he's showing that he has some sort of... plan, but given his previous political credit history in europe he was very well remembered his threats, so to speak, to nullify the influence of the united states on the european continent. europeans pay more for their security. europeans have begun to think in global categories, and the global categories are that they understand america is set objectively on confrontation with china, china's forces are weakening, their economy is weaker. but the americans need to eat this detached kimrichin or whatever he is called kimchinchin and he and the americans should deal with the challenges in asia, india is not easy, india is forming
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its own so-called nationalist agenda, god knows whether the indians will not realize what they have there was also some kind of empire there, once 3 thousand years they will return pakistan. that is , the americans have something to do, so russia is a threat, all europeans recognize at that moment that russia is an existential threat for europe, and europe has to prepare for a confrontation with russia, and not rely so much on american, american aid, and when we talk about trump, i will always emphasize for now 11 months until the election, who... the united states? that's right, joe biden, you need to ask joe biden, understand all the schedules and so on, but trump has not yet become president, the president of the united states is joe biden, and we need to talk about what joe biden will do for ukraine, and to what end he committed himself to europe, and here
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an extremely important role, and it's american as well, i'm its observers, journalists, experts, everyone is talking, activation of great britain and unification. absolutely the position of the conservatives, and the party , and the labor party, the labor party, they will also have elections in the fall, regarding security issues, the position is the same: support ukraine, strengthen nato and strengthen the european component, the speech of the british minister of defense, who elaborated on security guarantees great britain for ukraine, simply phenomenal. the same phrase sounded there i... i just sat down, great britain said, our union with ukraine is for 100 years, we will not leave ukraine, russia, you forget that great britain will leave ukraine, this is such a phrase, it is extremely expensive, great britain has always been, is and how much f16
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is behind this phrase, i understand what you are talking about, myroslav, but on the other hand, we remember that the polish republic, the second for... commonwealth, had extremely powerful treaties with france and with the united kingdom, when we talk about 1939, yes, but aid was provided, but gradually the so-called strange war, and accordingly, now we understand that our european allies are demonstrating their readiness, but here the issue is so to speak in small things, well, if we are talking about aviation, for example, it is not a small thing, of course, i am being ironic, but the solution so far only on the table, no, the decision , today, colonel ignats said that our partners are ready to hand over f-16s to ukraine today, stand by, nothing has changed from our conversations that the dutch, danish and norwegian f16s are ready to hand over to
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ukraine, but we don't have the infrastructure to to accept, to serve them, it is precisely with leopards, the leopards were handed over, and the minister of defense, or boris pistoriyu, said that in 2024 germany will train 10,000 ukrainian soldiers and hand over 80 leopards, the problem is , where to repair them and where spare parts , it may seem absurd, but in fact , after the end of the cold war, europe disarmed, and the military-industrial complex also dripped a little for export, they gave something there, in return for their own forces and would still help... during such a terrible the war, which is russian , which is the russian-ukrainian war, they are not ready , they are being pumped up slowly, but it is being pumped up, that is, there is something i am leading to, the situation, the war in 2024 will go to a completely different level, it is a completely
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different level, and the construction , a system will be built both by the union, and by that political decisions, and by that military decisions, economic decisions in the final analysis. will be such that ukraine will really be provided with all the means for ukraine to win, defeat russia, and the disposition for this, and secondly, for ukraine to strengthen its own forces to such an extent. so that it could last 100 years, how would someone in russia think of attacking ukraine and some other countries, that is , a completely different configuration would emerge: whether trump will be president or not trump will be president, at that moment it starts to matter absolutely less, because the system works, states work and their armed forces and military-industrial complex work, but can europe? now to go through a series of elections, so almost half of the countries of the european union will go through national elections, this year,
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well, accordingly, we see how the right-wing populists are warming up, but at one time, for example , slovakia pleasantly surprised us, when it elected fitz's party, well, we can see certain miracles of this plan in quotes, of course unpleasant, i don't know there, in the netherlands, in belgium, and what, and and, and who makes decisions, elected politicians, i don't know. certain elites? no, no, then the elites are not, elected, elected governments, of course, make decisions, coalitions, politicians and so on, on the other hand, we do not forget that during war and confrontation as it is, the minister of defense of germany said, we must be ready for this, that russia will go to war against germany by 2020, the 30th year, this is simply a copernican, copernican revolution. in the way germans think about their security in general, i am not talking about sweden and the norwegians, who said
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that we should be ready in 2-3 years, then russia will go to war against us. finns are not discussed at all, right? that is, we have a radically different situation, this is a radically different situation, and here the roles are already defined, just like in germany, well, all alternative for deutschland, that is, well, we forget about them. that there will be elections, well next year there are supposed to be parliamentary elections next year, it seems, next year there will be parliamentary elections, who is leading in public opinion polls, the christian democrats, who left the era of angela merkel, and now they are generally pushing chancellor scholz, that he does not support ukraine enough , then the alternative fir dolj is losing support there for the first time in six months or so, the germans took to the streets of their cities and... everyone was shocked, led by president steinmeier, and said: "us so much, and we oppose this
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, the threat of alternatives, moreover, now, in them it is called the bureau or the office of the protection of the constitution, it provides documentation to ban the activities of the alternatives to the firdochs, because it is a threat to the constitutional government, a threat to the constitutional government, they can ban the activities of this party." anton, did you see such processes six months ago? no, and here we return to poland. poland, its elections, the parliamentary elections on october 15 inspired europe. democrats know how to win, societies know how to mobilize for protection it was not such ukrainians who mobilized for defense, and you simply caused the whole world to wonder that ukraine, this david , is fighting with that goliath, and from it, where does it get its strength and... sacrifice, heroism and everything, courage, everything you can to say positively
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, but there is also a non-military way, that is, which shows poland that democrats can win, and pro-european and democratic societies can win, and look, returning to security agreements, security guarantees, i understand that there is a bilateral, bilateral level, yes, there is a level of what is called security guarantees from the g7, well, let's take, for example, the british case, how seriously? will be ready here, well, for 100 years, it sounds very good, but how deeply will great britain be ready to enter into what is called the protection of ukrainian national interests, given its colossal, although not as powerful as the united states , resource, and this concerns, perhaps, poland as well, well, you mentioned the 39th year, as well as the security guarantees of great britain, regarding poland, the strange war and so on, it would be necessary to consider, they were ready... they were not ready, but what role did
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the ribbentrop molotov pact play in the collapse of these guarantees, that these guarantees did not work, do not forget that the molotov ribbentrop pact, that is, the hitler-stalin pact was directly directed against the guarantee of security great britain and france, which were given to him. hitler would not have gone to war with poland, against poland, if, having, in the rear. the danger that there will be another open second front, if there was no of course. and earlier there was the molotov pact and the division of spheres of influence and so on, which the british and the americans already knew about on the second day, because the agents, well, the agents, it might be said that way, people in auvites amd and in the embassy of the third reich in moscow immediately conveyed these , and they knew what was being prepared and what kind of war was waiting for us, it would not be
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a war for the defense of poland, but it would be a world war, and it was also clear on august 3, 1939, now returning, and what those guarantees will be from great britain, what they mean, therefore the defense minister, speaking among other things about guarantees to ukraine, and about 100 years of the british-ukrainian alliance, said that they will be strengthening their nuclear forces at that moment, and there he said about the construction of about 12 or so underwater nuclear reactors, this is translated into... . on direct language, which counts in the security sphere, not only the american one, huh, but also the british component is growing like yeast, it is clear, and the second thing is that i will make such a remark, the former ambassador of ukraine to great britain, mr. prystayko, very good, after all, ambassador, this qualified diplomat said to
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the question, do you imagine that a british soldier... can come to ukraine and defend ukraine, he said yes, i imagine such a situation. well, we will end on this optimistic note, myroslav, thank you very much for this extremely interesting and productive conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that myroslav czach, a public figure, historian, journalist, member of the polish diet of the second, third cadence our program time is up, stay with on the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important things. this day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air, see this week in the collaborators program, the fast careers of sellers in the occupied territories, whom the occupiers remove from their positions, the russian federation
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helps more than ever, and why the russians put ukrainian collaborators in a cage , answers all standards of the russian federation. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program about traitors who went to serve at the call of their hearts and wallets rashish occupiers. during almost two years of the great war, the invaders from rashi repeatedly changed the gauleiter in the occupied territories. some of the traitors did not live up to expectations, some were caught stealing, some were sent by our partisans to the kopzon concert. most often , the leaders of the occupied...points were local losers who could not get a job in the positions they dreamed of or make a political career. when the orcs came to ukraine, unheard of prospects opened up for these scoundrels. sometimes the rashists were sent to the occupied regions with their supervisors, representatives of the russian underworld. for such a waste, to lead a village or a town in the captured part of
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zaporizhzhia or kherson oblast is the pinnacle of a dream promotion. after something. long-ago fake elections to the so-called dumas and pseudo-municipal districts in the occupied territories of ukraine, the rashists massively replaced the leaders of the middle and lower ranks, and i will tell about some of them now. this is the first such playground in our district. it is safe and meets all standards of the russian federation. meet peter mustiyanovych, born in 1964, a native of ivano-frankivsk region. the russian invaders appointed him the head of... the so-called kalanchatsky municipal district in the kherson region. previously, he held the position of head of the occupation military-civilian administration of the kalanchatsky district. how did it happen that a man from prykarpattia began to serve the occupiers? as it turned out, mustiyanovych moved to the kherson region as a child, where he graduated from school and a technical school with a specialty of being a motorist. from 1982 to
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2003, he served in the armed forces of the ussr and the russian federation. received a russian passport, was a diving instructor in the marine corps of the northern fleet. he rose to the rank of senior ensign, after being released into the reserve, he lived in the village of suputnyk, murmansk region, and worked in the military unit as a commander of paramilitary guards. from 2010 to 2020, mustiyanovych was the chairman of the council of deputies in the village of pechenga, murmansk region. later, he lost his job, and with the beginning of the war, he suddenly remembered his homeland and moved from the far north to ukraine. in august 2022, this rashist participated in our propaganda meetings together with russia, which took place in occupied skadovsk in the kherson region. that's how he served before'. authorities that they could not help but pay attention to him. mustiyanovych was appointed to manage the kalancha district. i was in the marines and we were told,
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if not us, then who? therefore, we need to raise these places so that they are fully part of the russian federation. during the 30 years of ukrainian rule, everything here fell into disrepair. after becoming an occupation official, mustiyanovych handed over ukrainian patriots to the russian military and forced local cooperate with the enemy. he contributed to the holding of a fake referendum on the accession of kherson oblast to the russian federation. also, as the publication rayon skadovsk writes, petro mustiyanovych denied the existence of ukraine and spoke in support of the bloody actions of the aggressor country. the security service of ukraine has already announced that it knows about the whereabouts of this rashist and is taking measures to bring him to justice. then, as the kherson prosecutor's office. brought an indictment against mostiyanovich to court, accusing him of trespassing on territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine. the sanction of the article provides for deprivation of liberty
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for a term of 10 to 15 years or life imprisonment with confiscation of property. we hope that we will be able to see how the murmansk diver will become a ukrainian prisoner. the russian invaders also changed the gauleiter of the bare pier of the kherson region. instead of gennady nadyalkov to manage. they appointed his deputy , 39-year-old businessman vitaly titarenko, as the occupation administration. he started working as the new occupation head of the holoprystan community at the end of last year year vitaly titarenko worked as a deputy gauleiter of the bare prystan. in the last fake elections, he ran in the kherson region from putin's united russia party. judging by the data of the ukrainian registers, before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, this traitor was engaged in entrepreneurial activities. in particular , tver trade in liquid and gaseous fuels. he was the owner and director of four enterprises registered in kherson. now controls the occupied bare pier. i promise
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to faithfully fulfill the powers of the head of the holoprystan municipal district, to protect and respect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, to observe the constitution of the russian federation, federal legislation and the legislation of the kherson region. last year, the teplodar city court of the odesa region handed down a verdict in absentia to the occupation leader of the bare wharf, gennady nedyalkov, who was found guilty of collaboration and sentenced to 10 years in prison with confiscation of all property. the same fate, i hope, awaits the traitor titerenko. only all these convicts have to serve time not in absentia, but for real i am sure that it will be so. and finally, i will tell you about how it ended. the era of another gauleiter in the kherson region and who came to replace him, the whole of the lower syrogozes of the henichiv district, russian troops occupied on the third day of the war, february 24,
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2022. since then, gaulleiters have changed there almost every six months. at first, the column of traitors was led by petro sbarovskyi , born in 1964, a former member of the party of regions and the banned opzh. at the start of a full-scale invasion, he voluntarily sided with the thief. and headed the occupation administration in nizhnysyrogoz community. locals say that this high-ranking collaborator persuaded the residents of the genichi district to cooperate with the enemy, helped with the placement of the russian military in the novotroitsky lyceum, and demanded that entrepreneurs register their businesses in russian jurisdiction. later, when sbarovsky was promoted in the occupation ministry of agriculture, he helped the invaders steal ukrainian grain. at the same time, he helped this theft. the russian federation is helping as never before agricultural producers. and today we allocated more than 400 million rubles in the form of subsidies.
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the kherson regional prosecutor's office informed zbarovsky about the suspicion of collaborative activity. the court found him guilty and sentenced him to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property. however, so far everything is only in absentia. meanwhile, he appeared in the post of nizhnysyrogos gauleiter. another seller, local resident evgeny pirokh. he was born in 1983. before the full-scale invasion of russia, the pie, as the locals call him, served in the crimea. during the occupation and illegal annexation of the peninsula, he sided with the occupiers. ukrainian law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings against him for desertion. however, pirok was hiding from the investigation. and he came into the field of vision again in the summer of 2022, when he again became the first patron. and a candidate from putin's united russia party in the fake elections to the occupation authorities. in the spring of last year, pirog voluntarily agreed
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to head the occupation administration. here he reports to the traitor saldo, how well studied the district entrusted to him. nizhnyoshsk municipal district, the number of settlements - 23 settlements, the number of inhabitants 8100 people, more are arriving, there are such repeated cases that people arrive from the mainland. the heartbreaking career of this pie with a rotten filling ended and... just as suddenly as it began. the center for journalistic investigations reports that the russian occupiers decided to get rid of his services and threw him into the basement, allegedly for fraud with stolen property. for some time , the traitor was allowed to leave the world of god, so that to record a video greeting for his compatriots on the occasion of the reunification day, and then he was arrested again and sent to the dungeons. he helped torture ukrainians, now he himself knows what the putler torture chamber is. so
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must this traitor. at the end of november , the sbu informed pirog about the suspicion, but i have an assumption that this sell-out will never leave the rashi basement. well, who was appointed by the occupiers as the new gauleiter of nizhny syrogozy. he became a forty-six-year-old vladyslav nikitenko. it is known that he is a director and co-owner of the ekovdkont company, which previously won multimillion-dollar tenders for capital repairs of educational institutions in kherson and. odesa regions. that's how he earned money from the ukrainian state, and then betrayed him. according to locals , after the occupation, niketko immediately sided with the enemy, put pressure on business representatives and teachers, forcing them to cooperate with the rashists. despite the fact that we are in the territory that is constantly under fire from the right bank, despite the fact that they are trying in every way to spoil the new year holiday, let it be a holiday. we don't care
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let's raise our toasts to victory, and no matter what, we'll have a christmas tree. yes, yes, somewhere we have already heard it. what an important christmas tree for the new year and we remember how it all ended. they poked their heels for hours. i am sure it will be the same with these traitors. when our servicemen liberate the occupied territories, so will you. , more precisely, a christmas tree, and such an already familiar prison, only ukrainian. that is why we stand in line, donate to the armed forces and believe in the victory of ukraine, so that no traitor has a place on our holy land. it was a program of collaborators and i am olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of
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the russian ship. see you in a week. espresso is on air. about the politics of politics around the world. i am maria gurska, a journalist of the ukrainian tv channel and the editor-in-chief of the eu sisters portal. my interlocutor is pavel kovel, chairman of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, professor of history.
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was at the meeting of the european council, but left to brussels for the council meeting is not a visit to belgium, that is why ukraine was the first foreign visit, also the first outside the eu, and it was the finalization of what was previously noted by donald tusk in expos. in his program speech, donald tusk uttered the word ukraine, ukrainian women or ukrainians 35 times. this is probably an all-time record, and it clearly shows how he thinks about ukraine. this means that he thinks first of all in the strategic context that ukraine should receive support now, and our role is in mobilizing the west, the european union, the united states , so that the 24th year will be a happy one for ukraine, because it is closely related to our security, the role of a polish politician, and i see my task as explaining to our citizens.


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