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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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election campaign, he also set a clear deadline that within five to six years the ukrainian occupied territories, they call them the newly acquired territories, must be completely equalized in everything financially, economically and in the budget, with the rest of russia, here he says such tasks in numbers, we now have another task, 9:00 - the time when we all have to honor and remember the memory of those who died because of... from the russian invaders on ukrainian land. a moment of silence. let's honor the memory with a moment of silence ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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my greetings to all viewers of radio svoboda, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this stream we talk about such topics. ukrainian scouts destroyed rocket launcher kater ivanovits, who was on a raid on lake donuzlav in the temporarily occupied crimea. it happened on the night of february 1. cost.
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is approximately 60-70 million dollars. we will hear all the details from a representative of ukrainian intelligence. zaluzhnyi published a column for cnn, where he emphasized that ukraine should focus on providing the army with high-tech means. meanwhile , cnn writes that zaluzhnyi's resignation will take place by the end of the week, and bild says that budanov and syrsky are against it. is this really so, and what is the victory plan proposed by zaluzhny. on foot to the sounds of shelling with homemade whites. flags, the white angels managed to get more than a hundred people out of the occupied streets of avdiyivka. the survivors told about the occupation of the city, murders and looting by the russian military. how was this risky? evacuation? join our release in the comments under this video, ask questions, discuss important topics, and also don't forget that each of your likes and subscriptions to the rfe/rl channel is important for the promotion of this content. policeman.
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of the white angel evacuation group, together with the military and rescuers, evacuated more than a hundred people from the occupied outskirts of avdiyivka. this is reported by the police of the donetsk region. people on foot with home-made white flags came out of the occupied streets of avdiivka to the sounds of shelling. they walked in groups. in the city center they were met by the police and groups of bilyn yangol. and the operation, the police say, was planned in advance. already in safety, people told about the occupation, murders and... russian military. donetsk police officers filmed meeting one of the groups of evacuees. let's see. we meet people from sverty chernyshevska street. hello guys. are you all alive? put your hands down. but their own. what about your injuries? no, he falls on his feet. people left the street on their own. now
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occupied by russians, in one room, as they were driven, russians, yes, no sleep, nothing, sit down, sit down, we need a tourniquet , yes, get me out of here, please, guys, gloves, the arm is intact, the bone is intact, everything is fine, fine, we ran away from there , we attached a white rag to a stick, it quieted down a little, and we ran, ran, running, and i look, the car is standing, i say: grandfather, this is not a white angel, he says: yes, and let's go there to them, and that's all, and so we walked. there was complete horror when the russian troops began to enter, it was not that horror began at all, i don't know, some kind of armageddon, blood, death and looting. i don't know how we survived, really many people died, very many, the 18th is an invasion, we didn't even understand, terrible screams, shots on the street. they
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started banging on the windows indiscriminately, jumped into the house, fired at everything, dragged them along the street, poked them in the back with machine guns, drove them, told them to sit down, humiliated them, all that happened. they killed my mother, i know that, they killed her, how to bury her, terrible shelling, we only buried her half burned on the fifth day, buried her in the garden, dug a grave, buried, dug a grave, pavlo dichenko joined our conversation, inspector of the communications department of the donetsk region police and a member of the white angel evacuation group, i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for joining, welcome to the studio, tell me what details of this evacuation you can, to what extent. was it dangerous and how did you plan it? well, it’s dangerous , i can’t even describe in words how everything is happening there, because shelling, drones, shelling, well, almost every 20-30 seconds there, you can see from the picture that
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the city is very, very badly broken, these people lived in the private sector , that is, it was a period of time, it is an evacuation... not one groups, and the evacuation of several groups in a week , but the guys worked, everything was in close cooperation with the armed forces of ukraine, that is, with constant communication with the military, the police evacuated people, well, because everything they told, that's what you showed , this is such a small fraction of what they experienced. how many people are still left on the outskirts of avdiivka, maybe you know, and did you manage to get everyone out? well, in general , we have such approximate information in the city, it is about 970 people, it is in general in the city, that is, constantly
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the police are in contact, they understand who needs help there, well, of course, this case is a little unusual, but... the evacuation from avdiyivka continues, but could the russian military have seen these people who evacuated in groups, how was it possible to ensure safety in such conditions and how you contacted these people, how did they find out that such an operation was planned, and of course they could, that is, now modern war, drones, and you could see this group of people who were walking. indeed, they came out with white rags, they wrapped anything on them sticks, just to make it clear that they are walking in a group, walking, well, even now you are showing, yes, that they are exclusively civilians, that is , there are civilian clothes, elderly grandmothers, grandfathers, but
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one grandmother in general, she is very old , her husbands carried her, and communication, well , not what they learned there or called him. well, there are no conditions at all for communication, and as for the russian troops, when they drove people into the basement , they took everything, documents, phones, well, even those that were turned off, they took everything, because well, i don't know what they were worried about there, but they simply did not give people the opportunity to keep something with them, that is, these people were generally without means of communication, and how did they manage to show routes and... was it possible to have some kind of communication agreement with the russian side, so that people are allowed to leave? everything was in close cooperation with the armed forces of ukraine , that is, well, this is contact, how exactly it all happens, sorry, i can’t tell you, yes, because there are moments, nuances,
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but the way is local people, they understood where it is necessary to pass, everything was more or less planned, and we understand that it is impossible to ensure 100% security, especially in the conditions of such a powerful war and, well, incredible shelling by the russian federation on these russian armed formations, so , fortunately, everything was successful and people are relatively safe. pavle, these people are on the video, and what did you not say about the fact that there were russian soldiers who took certain things from these people and behaved. myself in a certain way not very well , to put it mildly, or what is it about , that the outskirts of avdiyivka are occupied there, or what is the current situation now, and again the people who can still stay there, somehow there is a plan, maybe help them with
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evacuation as well, is there a chance for that? well, as for the military component, it belongs to the military, that is , it is not our competence to comment there. everything that is happening, but all the people, well , we try as much as possible to understand where the civilians are, to contact the armed forces. of ukraine, if there is an opportunity there, the guys can take it out, but, well, it’s like that, it’s a planning process, that is, a planning process, a process understanding, and let's continue to try to get as many civilians as possible out of avvidka. pavle, and summing up what people told about the crimes of the russian military, did it manage to record these facts? yes, of course, from... the criminal proceedings, all the evidence was documented, well, the main thing is that
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, well, this is the qualification of harsh treatment of the civilian population, when the russians entered this street, where people were, they just drove them into one basement, a small one, so that you understand, well, what is a basement, well an ordinary private house, yes, it’s a small room like that, and there they are... 13 people, one of them was a grandmother, she needed care, yes, and all people, and they kept them there in the basement for quite a long time, they didn’t let them out it's even banal to go outside, that is, to go to the toilet, it didn't happen, and they were all there, not understanding at all what was going on, and looting, well, that's how it is, it's as usual. for them, what else could happen, this is, as the woman tells, they just ran down
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the street and beat, shot at houses, at windows, well, uh, but what is important, you said, noted that it was managed to record and certain cases were opened, thank you for joining in, pavlo dyachenko, inspector of the communications department of the donetsk region police and a member of the white angel evacuation group, was a guest of our broadcast, the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces. valery zaluzhnyi wrote a column for cnn in which he described his views and how ukraine should win the war. the same cnn, citing sources , wrote that the issue of zaluzhny's resignation should be resolved by the end of this week. so far , there is no official confirmation of this information. hardworking, meanwhile, in his own the columnist writes that official efforts this year should be focused on providing the defense forces with high-tech means, including drones. and also that it is necessary to implement a new philosophy of training. and in the conduct of military operations taking into account the limitations, that is, taking into account the data that the russian army defeats
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the ukrainian in terms of personnel and the number of weapons. the main reason for changing the strategy, forms and methods of using the troops is definitely the development of weapons and military equipment, especially unmanned ones systems, the use of which has become massive and allows you to perform a wide range of tasks that is constantly growing, hence unmanned systems, along with other new ones. of weapons is almost the only tool for getting out of military actions of a positional form, which are time disadvantageous for ukraine for a number of reasons. at the same time, the commander-in-chief also acknowledges the problems, which in his opinion are the unstable political situation around ukraine, which reduces the support of partners, the likelihood of russia provoking new conflicts, insufficient effectiveness of sanctions and depletion of stocks of ukrainian partners. in parallel with the general's column, the german publication bild also published material about a possible resignation. general zaluzhnyi, about whom the international ukrainian media have been writing all this week. bild journalists, citing their own sources, claim
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that zelenskyi really wanted to fire the commander-in-chief, but the head of intelligence, general budanov, and the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, general syrskyi, allegedly opposed it. military analyst at the center for international relations of the european council gustav gresel believes that it was sirsky who should have become the new commander-in-chief. the analyst also says that since the beginning of the russian invasion, interference by the office of the president in military affairs has become a problem. they said that it was zelensky who insisted on the defense of bakhmut in the 23rd year, although from a military point of view it made no sense. and one of the ukrainian officers, on the condition of anonymity, told bild that a few weeks ago, general zaluzhnyi wanted to withdraw troops from avdiyivka in order to level the front and facilitate the defense. zelensky, as the journalists write, refused because of this, he personally came to avdiivka to support the military. we will also analyze in detail the column of zaluzhny together with ivan stupak'. analyst and former sbu employee. mr. ivan, welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. congratulations, congratulations, thank you for
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inviting me. i'll start with a political question, first of all, in your opinion, why was this zaluzhnyi column published right now? is this a farewell instruction to the successors? no, wait, this is not his first column, not the first such exit into the public sphere. yes, he appears much less often in the mass media than mr. budanov, for example, or some other political leaders, i have... in the middle of attention among the military, that is, he comes out with his thoughts, and this is normal, that is, he a living person, he shows his thoughts, his thoughts are read at the event, they are listened to. that is, this is a completely valid, normal story, and he does not show any disrespect, for example, to the political leadership or any opposition, he shares his thoughts, it is very fine. if you listen to the versions of western media, then one of the probable reasons for the president's distrust of zaluzhny is precisely one of mr. zaluzhny's columns, so i would like to ask you about
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the military aspect as well, and how to evaluate this article, this is a plan for action , or is this a global vision? situation and what is the most important thing needed for victory according to the headmaster's version, for victory over russia, how to find the way to this victory? well , it's a global vision, again, it's a global vision, he shares with us, of course, there there are no super-secret insiders, i don’t know any secret information that will harm ukrainian security or ukrainian defense, and give the russians some trump cards, well, he shares that there is a need to strengthen... the country’s defense there, of course, the production of its own weapons, training own officers on this combat experience, and it costs crazy money, this combat experience, our soldiers get it, unfortunately, in blood, unfortunately, losses, and dead and wounded, but they also get such combat experience, there is no army in the world,
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well, okay, okay, the russians have it, but here is ukraine, the only country... from a european country that has such experience, well, okay, in addition to money, we need weapons, so in the country western europe has a lot of money, but there is no military production, this is a fact, for example, the united states has large arsenals, large reserves, the economic drive of the whole world, but problems with political will, that is, it would seem that there is money and military equipment and weapons, no, it turns out that these are not identical concepts. well, here you are putin also seems to have a plan, he announced moscow's plans to integrate the occupied ukrainian territories into russia over the next six years, and analysts of the institute for the study of war believe that this indicates that russia is embarking on the implementation of long-term plans and does not foresee, sorry , no territorial concessions. of course, they declared that what we captured is ours,
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what we haven't captured yet is yours for the time being. this is the strategy. russians, that is, even hypothetically, if let's, well, maybe, we should to sit down from the transition bodies, agree on how to agree, this is not an agreement , this is a statement, here we are, this is ours, everything else is yours for the time being, until they rewrite the history textbooks, and be sure they will do it 100%, and i don't know, for example, next year they can prescribe for students, for example, the sixth and seventh grades of russian schools, that zaporizhzhia, kherson region is iskonnorussian. the lands that were once captured by the ukrainians, and on the horizon of events in 10-15 years, we must return them, this is the strategy of the russians, crawling occupation. ivan, here are a few points , generally in a very complicated language, let's say this material was written for and written, but zaluzhin wrote that for each war it is necessary to find only its own unique strategy and
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logic, which will allow to find this way to victory in new conditions , and wrote that the most important task will be to ... in adopting a new point of view on the form and methods of applying the defense forces to achieve victory, whether it is still possible to find and whether it is possible to find it when there is already one month of this year, for example, well, it has ended , and this year has it started yet? look, he will show what it leads to, that it is impossible to apply some classical methods that were in the previous historical period, i don't know, for example, there is a war in prussia, to apply the kare offensive tactics. such on the flanks, well, of course it doesn't work, every war has its own strategy, and ukraine is now moving to offensive operations, now we are moving more into defensive operations, with the aim of inflicting maximum damage on the russians, in order to maxed out their potential, plus the defense forces of ukraine, plus various special forces
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services, such as the main directorate of intelligence, security services of ukraine, they simultaneously take part in this defense by delivering remote strikes on important and sensitive, ultra-sensitive infrastructure for the russians, that is, we imagine that at the front our military is holding back the advance of the russians, while at the same time the economic potential of the russian federation is being destroyed with a long hand, at the expense of which this war is being financed. what are these, oil refining complexes, some terminals with cut gas, well, it may be a little later, but experts note that only after january is the month of... such attacks on the russian oil infrastructure, the russians lost approximately 37% of the revenues to the russian budget during this period, for a second, almost 40%, this is a serious... result and this is once again a global strategy. a global strategy that consists not only in military actions, but also in economic sanctions, which is also important in political moments and economic and armed support from partners. thank you
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, mr. ivan, for joining our broadcast. ivan stupak, a military analyst and former sbu employee, was a guest of svoboda ranok. the european union will help the ukrainian budget, hungary's resistance was overcome, and the eu unanimously allocates 50 billion euros to the macrofinance, which will become a support for ukraine and help. and in particular to pay salaries and pensions, 27 eu member states said yes, and what is behind viktor orban's agreement and when ukraine receives the first tranche, all the details, both official and behind-the-scenes decisions of the emergency summit in brussels, will be told by our european correspondent zoryana stepanenko. this summit would not have happened if it were not for viktor orban, ukraine has 50 billion in the eu wanted to agree in december, but the hungarian prime minister did not allow it then, his colleagues from european countries, therefore agreed on a new meeting in brussels, which was not planned, gathered here exclusively to save the ukrainian budget and overcome the hungarian veto. to the surprise of many, this was achieved even before the start
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of the summit. to be with everyone, and not against everyone, khorban was convinced first of all by the leaders of france and italy. the western media learned from their sources that emmanuel macron and george maloney had been in contact with the prime minister of hungary for weeks, if not months. french the president even. was interested in orbán's opinion on how best to integrate eastern countries into the eu, the approach of talking, not resisting worked, according to diplomats. we reached an agreement with all 27 countries that will allow us to allocate 50 billion euros to support ukraine and its recovery. the message is clear, russia cannot rely on european fatigue. 33 billion in loans and 17 billion in grants and subsidies. the package is designed for... four years and orbán, or any of his colleagues, will not be able to promise it at all, and the hungarian prime minister insisted on the right of annual review.
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it turned out that when the pressure is well prepared and decisive in the execution of the 26 countries of the european union, then the 27th, which is still sometimes looking for other solutions, i am talking about hungary and prime minister viktor orbán, also became part of this united community. and donald tusk spoke from viktor orbán before the news about the agreement, the prime minister of estonia hinted at the dependence of the hungarian economy on europe. the pressure was felt, and this is against the background of reports of brussels' alleged readiness to curtail hungary's rights in the eu, if it is critical for ukraine orban will not give in to the summit. i probably didn't research exactly, it was the shortest eu summit in a long time, and it's also a success story because we really worked very... hard over the last days and weeks to facilitate a quick, constructive solution today. charles michel announced the agreement after a discussion in such a circle. they were also
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joined by the premiers of belgium, the netherlands, and poland, although they are not in this picture. orbán said, he harassed everyone, because he received a guarantee that the funds are intended for hungary, the european commission still receives her 20 billion euros, will not get to ukraine. mission accomplished, hungarian funds. will not end up in ukraine, we have a control mechanism at the end of the first and second year, our position on the war in ukraine remains unchanged, a ceasefire and peace talks are needed. ukraine will receive the money it urgently needs. the last formal step will be taken by the european parliament at the end of february. tranche from the new package in march. kyiv calculates that it will be 4.5 billion, and rfe/rl's sources say that they are preparing to send one and a half. transaction plan then they adjust together. ukraine is fighting for us, so we will support them with the necessary funding and provide the much-needed predictability they deserve.
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i think it will encourage the united states to do its fair share as well. the european commission will monitor and report annually on how ukraine disposes of funds. prerequisites for the financial flow to continue were determined at the summit: democracy, rule of law, prevention of corruption. in two years. the leaders can ask the european commission to revise the budget if it is said in their decision necessary zoriana stepanenko yaroslav ptachnyk, radio liberty. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha. and then in this morning's broadcast, we talk about the following. ukrainian scouts destroyed the rocket launcher kater ivanovets, who was on the ozerazlav raid in the temporarily occupied crimea. it happened on the night of february 1. the cost of the vessel is approximately 60-70. million dollars we will hear all the details from a representative of ukrainian intelligence. language courses for military personnel wishing to improve their knowledge of the ukrainian language will soon be able to
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to do it how it will happen - we ask the commissioner for the protection of the state language. the more comments and likes you have, the more viewers can potentially see this video. support us with these simple actions. thank you. first it was damaged, then it sank. the ivanov missile boat of the black sea fleet of the russian federation was attacked by naval unmanned drones. the video from the special operation was published by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. the attack on... russian ship was carried out by the special unit of group-13 of ukrainian intelligence. at the moment of impact russian warship was on a raid of lake donuzlav in the temporarily occupied crimea. unmanned boats attacked the ship simultaneously from different sides. according to the main intelligence department, the search and rescue operation of the russian forces was not successful according to preliminary information. the russian side did not comment on the information about the sinking of this boat,
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mykhailo, the governor of occupied sevastopol appointed by russia. razvazhaev reported that the russian military this night repelled a missile attack by the armed forces of ukraine on sevastopol, for according to him, six missiles were allegedly destroyed. andrii yusov, representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, joins our broadcast. mr. andriy, i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i congratulate you. tell me the details of the operation, is the search and rescue operation of the russian forces really successful, or is it possible that new data has appeared? and according to our information, so many... actually, everyone saw the footage, the ship was destroyed, and there were few chances for rescue in this situation, and the water is cold, so in principle, according to our according to information, the rescue operation was indeed not successful. mr. andrii, how many crew could be on this boat? up to 40 people, do you have any information on whether they will try to raise this
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boat, maybe restore it. there are not many of them, it seems that only three were in no , it is impossible to restore, there is absolutely no question about it, it is completely destroyed, it is not subject to restoration , as for lifting it, it is unlikely in the near future, because such an operation would require too much effort, strength and the means of the enemy, and it is clear that they are are expecting repeated attacks, so in the near future, i think they will not try to raise them, after all, like many other enemy vessels, which... have already been destroyed and are on the seabed, and they managed to hit this boat with naval drones, as far as i understand are we talking about ukrainian-made drones? yes, these are marine drones that have once again proven themselves effectively, and so we are talking about drones of ukrainian development and ukrainian production. can you specify how many there were, there is information that russian maps were attacked from several sides, we are not
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we will all the details, but it can be stated that there was a whole series of direct hits, it can be seen on the video, well, in fact, the analysts recorded that you can count five of them on the video, in fact there were more, and so it was a successful operation from several sides, actually on all parts of the ship, it was usually studied where the bc is located, where, how the propellers work, how to stop the movement, and... and the successful planning of the operation allowed it to be solved effectively , the enemy did not react in time, the enemy did not provide cover for his ship, the ship was on combat patrol and alternation, it is important to note separately, that is, in principle, we had to be ready for various attacks and excesses, but nevertheless we see that an extremely effective and effective attack
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by ukrainian naval drones and... from gurm units, but did this cover not provide the necessary defense, did this kater ivanov even have a chance to somehow repel this attack? well, of course , theoretically there was a chance, it is clear that a sea drone is, although small, but also a target, and it can be hit, and drones travel a long enough distance the way to the target, therefore... the enemy can really damage and shoot down some of them, but this time, like many previous times of successful operations, they did not manage to do this, and if we talk about the coefficient of effectiveness, well, here is 70-80 million dollars the cost of approximately such a vessel, there were really three of them, the occupiers in our waters have two left, and of course the production of naval drones.


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