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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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ukrainian naval drones and military special forces , but did this cover not provide the necessary protection, or did this kater ivanov have a chance to somehow repel this attack? well, of course, theoretically there was a chance, it is clear that a naval drone is, although small, but also a target, and it can be hit, and drones travel a long enough way to the target, so the enemy can really damage and shoot down some of them, but this time, like many previous successful operations, they failed to do so, and speaking of the coefficient of effectiveness, well , the cost of approximately such a vessel is 780 million dollars, there were really three of them, there are two left, the occupiers have in our water area, and of course the production of naval drones... it is efficient,
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cheaper, and i will remind you, i will remind you that we communicate with mr. andrii yusov, a representative of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense. mr. andriy, i would also like to ask you about the list of ukrainian prisoners who, according to the russian version, were on the il-76, whether it is possible that gur has new data, or whether the russian side has provided more evidence, is there any other confirmation possible? there are no official new data , and we are starting from the information made public by the russians, we are really talking about the fact that they announced a list of 65, these are prisoners who, in our list in the registry, were submitted for exchange, to the request for the return of bodies, russia responds with a refusal, therefore, now we can only rely on the information that is made public by the russian, the russian aggressor and... the occupying state seems to
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have published certain footage there, was it possible somehow investigate them, maybe there is confirmation from relatives and maybe someone recognized theirs by some signs? yes, we usually conduct monitoring, special monitoring, and of course 65 families who are waiting for information about their relatives also do this, we will not comment on individual details now, i will only note that one more time... i will emphasize once again that from the first days russia actually refused the international investigation, of course we will do everything to establish the truth and return, and if the worst information is confirmed, return the bodies of our heroes and defenders, as of now, well, this is bilateral information, there is no international interaction, so we also conduct assint monitoring and study of other information, there will be an opportunity and an opportunity to officially announce that...
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in addition, we will definitely do it, i also want to ask you have about the last 50th exchange , 207 ukrainians returned home, is it known now where they were held by russia, in what conditions, about which facts you can already say now, it is known of course, immediately there is a survey about the conditions of detention, about the places of stay , about people who were next to them in order to establish a greater number of our defenders who are in enemy captivity, ukrainians do all this as well. law enforcement agencies , and relatives on their own, and law enforcement officers, that is, such work continues, the conditions are very different, and depending on the places of stay, and the conditions of detention, the circumstances of detention, they are different, this is how it is recorded, unfortunately, including, to our great regret, the violation of the rights of military prisoners, of course, all this is fixed again in order to strengthen the position of ukraine on international institutions, but also, in
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the negotiation process, to demand an improvement in the conditions for obtaining our defenders, so we will not disclose all the details now, but such work is definitely underway. i thank you, mr. andriy, for joining in. andriy yusif, representative of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. and during the previous exchange of prisoners , volyn border guard ilya returned from russian captivity. he, together with his girlfriend alina, were captured in mariupol at the beginning of a full-scale invasion and for a long time did not know about each other's fate, now they are in love together and are planning a wedding already in march on the sixth anniversary of their acquaintance. these are ilya muzyka and alina panina. both border guards, both survived russian captivity, where they were taken several weeks apart. after the defense of mariupol, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. today , they walk the streets of novolynsk together. now.
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this graffiti on the wall, on which he wrote zovstal and the image of ukrainian defenders, reminds them of the events in mariupol. ilya says when was captured, thought he would never see his bride again. well, but when we were exchanged, of course, i called my father and i said that everything is fine with me, we were exchanged and so on, the first question i had was where is alina, where is she, what is with her, and he to me said what he says, look, she's been home for a year and she's fine, and then i have emotions, and everything in the world. ilya and alina met at work in 2019, when they, employees of the state border service, were seconded. to mariupol. they are together with dogs spaniels, jessie and sonja, checked cargo at a seaport. when the great war began, ilya and alina took up arms and defended the city. on april 12, 22, ilya was captured. on may 17
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, alina was also captured. the russian military separated her not only from her fiance, but also from her pets, spaniels jesse and sonia. when they took me to russia. i drove past this place, the dogs were barking at me and it was probably, well, it was probably the last time i heard them. being in prisoners - says alina, they were told that a referendum was held and that ukraine does not exist. everything they said, that nobody needed us, that's it. nobody needs us. ukraine as such no longer exists. poland took western ukraine, she did. that is, we are taking one half of ukraine, and europe took the other half. so, these, these were their words at almost every interrogation we attended. alina was released from captivity on october
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22, she did not know anything about the fate of her fiancé. they have been together for 6 years. on the anniversary ilya and alina were planning a wedding in 2022, but then the war prevented it. now ilya is still undergoing rehabilitation, as soon as he finishes treatment, the couple intends to get married. you can just raise your head to the sky and look, look, the birds are flying, our guys are standing in their positions, well, these are emotions that cannot be conveyed at all. roman smolyar, svoboda, ranok. congratulations, this is news for a minute, then briefly about what is written in social networks. at night, russian troops released 24 shaheds over ukraine, 11 of them were shot down, the air force reports. more seven drones did not reach their goals and were lost in location, they say. in kryvyi rih
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, the ukrenergo substation was damaged. more than 40,000 subscribers are left without electricity, more than 100 workers were found underground in two mines without power, they have already been brought to the surface. in the kirovohrad region. there is also a hit to an infrastructure object. armenia has ratified the rome statute, which means it can arrest putin if he comes to its territory. burma has become the 124th country to ratify this treaty - reports the international criminal court, which, let me remind you, issued a warrant for putin's arrest in march of last year due to the deportation of ukrainian children from the occupied territories. in ukraine , a register of producers of technical crops is being created so that it is clear who grows, how much and which seeds are used, it will not be necessary to obtain licenses, quotas or separate permits for cultivation, reports the ministry of agricultural policy. they say that this is an impetus for realizing the huge potential of growing this plant in ukraine. the changes were introduced in
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accordance with the law on the circulation of cannabis in medical industrial purposes, scientific and scientific and technical activities, which the verkhovna rada adopted last year. that's all for today, look for more news in our social networks. language courses are planned to be launched for military personnel who wish to improve their knowledge of the ukrainian language. taras kremin, the commissioner for the protection of the state language, announced this in a facebook post. the statement of the language obutsmen was heard, in particular, against the background of citizens' indignation with the video recording of the employees of the state bureau of investigation during the detention of the suspect roman hrynkevich was addressed to him. russian language. authorized taras kremin joins our broadcast. mr. taras, i congratulate you. thank you for joining. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. tell us what the motives are, why you decided to open such courses. perhaps this is a request from the military, perhaps it is really a reaction to such a thing, to the reaction
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of society, i apologize for the taftology. yes, of course, thank you. well, on the one hand, we have publicity in the information space that, as they say, not all military personnel are fluent in state. and on the other hand, i look at mine statistics, and it just says that in the 23rd year we did not have a single appeal or complaint about the use of non-state language by military personnel or a defender. from volunteer formations, units of the ministry of internal affairs, etc., but at the same time i meet with the military , i understand very well that there is a need to improve knowledge of the ukrainian language, let's say, in matters of military terminology, and in matters of drafting technical documentation, document circulation, etc., together however, there were complaints that there were too many russianisms in those documents that were approved in the years 90-2000, i am talking about the statutes of the armed forces of ukraine, in particular, it is not about... detailed work and provision of such courses, talking only about those employees
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and about those units where there is such a need. at the same time, let's not forget that in the context of changes to the law on citizenship of ukraine, as well as the draft law on multiple citizenship submitted by the president of ukraine, about 30 representatives of different countries, including those who have the right to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, can apply for... on citizenship of ukraine, therefore the question of providing language courses in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine has long been overdue. together with the leading ukrainian universities, we have united such efforts, such a course is currently being developed, i think that such a course will be released in the near future. how will it be organized so that the military, who are already military, so about the students, can you tell me separately what the system might be, if they are students of military universities, how to integrate such training into their daily routine? despite the the fact that in the conditions of martial law there is no practical opportunity to attend practical
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classes, then i think we will look for combined forms in which way it would be convenient for servicemen, say, through a gadget, maybe through some textbooks, methodical materials, but to master the minimum , which they need to work within a particular combat unit, if it deals with, say, emergency medical care, that's one terminology, if it's there, say, related to unmanned aerial vehicles, that's completely different specifics, at the same time, let's not forget that ukraine, having determined its direction of movement towards nato, should create better opportunities for the military in matters of learning foreign languages, and the working language of nato, let's not forget, is english, so in addition to ukrainian, it is of course english , we understand that ukrainian will be the language of the eu, therefore , for the government, to which i turned with the proposal to develop a road map, it will provide. rights of citizens of other european countries in access to the ukrainian language is one of the important priorities of our foreign policy
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politicians mr. taras, is there a request for this, as far as you can calculate there this year, for example, how many military personnel would be able to take such courses? you know, quietly , a huge number of soldiers told me: listen, taras, this is a cool idea, we are uncomfortable talking about it, but of course there are violations, of course senior officers can not speak in the official language, but... i want to emphasize that this is absolutely normal a living process, literally 2-3 years ago we had an extremely large amount of russian, but a full-scale invasion put all the dots on the nada, and now we see that in home communication , and during school breaks, and among officials, deputies of local councils and even the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the ukrainian language is much more, in fact violations are not decreasing, the number of appeals and complaints is increasing, and indeed not in all sites there is a start... page of the ukrainian language, and there are relevant violations in the field of service, but the language sensitivity of ukrainian citizens has increased significantly over the years
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since the language law came into force this year, it turns 5 years old, in our there are four institutions, the national commission for state language standards has five, and today language sensitivity is really off the charts, and residents of mykolaiv, kyiv, kharkiv, and odesa signal to us that there are violations in the field of outdoor advertising, on the internet, in in the field of service, in education, in health care. the activities of local self-government bodies, recently we fined the deputies of the odesa city council, and this process, it is long, but it demonstrates high results, indeed ukrainian has become more, and we thank those who actively works on the implementation of the language law, who helps our institution, who on the ground creates better opportunities for mastering ukrainian languages, for the transition to ukrainian, for ensuring the educational process, and in this context it is important to say that we should think about everyone ... of ukraine, regardless of their ethnic origin. due to the intervention in transcarpathia , the situation has changed radically. and no matter
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where he speaks, the ukrainian language is widespread in all educational institutions, and in the territory of transcarpathia, odesa, the south, and kharkiv region. this movement is unusual, it is a record for all the years of ukrainian independence. thank you, mr. taras, for joining our broadcast. taras kremin, commissioner for the protection of the state language, was a guest of svoboda ranok. such was this issue of svoboda ranok, i will remind you that in it we spoke with a representative of ukrainian intelligence about the situation with the destruction of the russian cutter ivanovs and... these are interesting details, you can listen to them by going back a little in this video, and we also talked about valery zaluzhnyi's new victory plan in his a recent column for cnn, and also about the political aspect of the whole situation, which is with us in the news this week, namely the possibility of valery zaluzhny's dismissal from the position of head of the committee. stay with radio svoboda,
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subscribe so you don't miss important streams, here we are talking about the military. the situation in the country about the most important thing that we need to know as of now, i would like to remind you that morning freedom is with you every weekday from 9:00 on tv channels and on the radio svoboda channel on youtube, my name is kateryna nekrech, i and all our team, we wish you a good day and see you, we'll be back, thanks for watching espresso, thank you. colleagues from svoboda for this information and analysis of the morning news. we are picking up the information relay, and that is about sevastopol and belbek airfield. the russians are writing, our media are picking up on the fact that probably there could have been not just some minor military personnel, who are minuscule, but also
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a little bigger fish, in particular, possibly a russian general. flew somewhere and will not return, let's try to find out, clarify this information, uh, well, and we will also talk about sensitive, information -based, completely stupidly communicated, but so important for the boys and girls on the front line, things like rotation, reserves, that is, this is the updated bill on mobilization, yes, yes, we will talk about him and ask questions. details from the people's deputy of ukraine, she is a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, iryna friz, in contact with our studio, mrs. iryna, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, mrs. iryna, but well, there is that text, well, it started and went on, war is war, as they say,
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you have to do a marathon, and everyone says, and someone says, let's make it even younger. bar, and others say , let's pay even more, to those who are on the front line and compared to those who are in the rear, my god, there are so many discussions, what is it, i think people are already crazy to listen to this for days , your conclusion, just which points will pass, which will not pass, but i want to clearly understand, because all of them have already been read, well, it definitely will not pass in the edition that has the demobi format. because he is actually unimplemented as proposed, i.e. first of all, it raises a lot of questions 36 months of continuous military service from the beginning of the introduction of martial law there, 36 months at ground zero, or in the combat zone , relatively speaking, even 12 months is
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one thing , and 12 months and especially 36, which will be continuous service. say, somewhere in a military unit, be it in central ukraine or be it in western ukraine, this is a completely different thing, so from our point of view, we need to set clear criteria here differentiation, that is, if it is a continuous combat mission there, relatively speaking, a 12-month stay there, they should be counted there one day to two or one day to three, and it will be fair to the guys who are directly in the... hostilities and for those who were also mobilized all this time, but performed their continuous service in other military units, in other cities, let's say, which have no contact with the hostilities zone, this is the first and second question, which actually makes impossible to demobilize, even after 36
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months, is that they send him to the decision of the supreme... commander-in-chief, which is absolutely absurd and, you know, such an overly bureaucratic, i would say, process because, well, first of all, the the supreme commander -in-chief by his position, there is no such function for approving any decisions on demobilization, secondly, in what way it can be carried out, that is, for the author to mean, it will be a list of names, it will be a quantitative list, if they want, to... this was approved by the supreme commander-in-chief's stake, and the main thing in this matter is that no time limit is set, that is, during which term the stake is obliged to make a decision. regarding demobilization after 36 months, if we take them for continuous military service, therefore, from my point of view, this is a certain legislative manipulation that must
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be regulated, it is not necessary to treat society with such contempt. it is worth communicating well, it is worth conveying the necessary information and justifying your actions, and 100% you do not need to resort to legislative fraud ms. irina, please tell me if this is an updated law on mobilization, i emphasize updated, because until then it was working until all the steps were broken and the process started anew, it was possible to refine the working one, but this updated one somehow differentiates the approach to those who are mobilized, those who went through recruiting and volunteers, there is some, well , i don't know, in distribution from the point of view of you for... one day at the front is like three in a deep uzhgorod cauldron with headquarters, and here are these three categories, mobilized, recruiting and
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volunteers, somehow the norm has updated the law, well, in particular, volunteers are offered two months to settle personal issues, that is, if a person came voluntarily during mobilization, then he has two months to settle personal issues and then proceed with mobilization. this is laid down in the regulations of this draft law on recruiting, on recruiting they must first undergo basic general military training there for a month, as far as i understand, and after that they must be directly under mobilization already according to the needs that will be set by the general staff, as for others who are mobilizing, then they must also go through, if they do not have military training only... after that they will be directed to the additional staffing or the staffing of new mobile reserves in order to have the possibility for the general staff to rotate those who
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are in the combat zone. and we understand that in order to talk about demobilization, it is necessary to carry out mobilization first, so that there is someone to replace all those who are at the front, is it for these reasons that this age is lowered from 27 to 25, because in fact it is still a large number of young men and women of a young age , correspondingly more agile, perhaps less experienced, but physically they can be stronger than those who, for example, are 40 plus, because now they say that the average age at the front is quite high, well, look, well, actually you and i find ourselves in a situation where there is legislative nihilism, because the threshold for lowering the conscription age from 27 to... 25 has already been adopted by the verkhovna rada in the legislative act and it is still under the president's signature, it has been there for a long time and he did not
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sign it, because it is unpopular. now it has been re-introduced into this bill, that is, from 27 to 25 the lowering of the draft age, it is argued that it will give the opportunity for the majority of people who are there from 25 to 20... seven years to be able to draft, that is, but at the same time, i would like to emphasize that the relevant draft law has already been adopted by the verkhovna rada, the cabinet honestly updated all its data there without encountering the tsc, without going through all these instances, at the same time, he has a problem, well, for example, he does not have access to the internet for a certain period of time, and he does not... know if there is an update in this cabinet, because the system of notifications, additional notifications about information in this electronic cabinet is not offered, and immediately a person who in one
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way or another, for one reason or another did not have the opportunity, for good reasons did not have the opportunity to access the internet in order to familiarize himself, may already be subject to administrative responsibility, because in tck dispatch is already a fact of delivery . that is, the fact of notification, and this is an absolutely unacceptable thing, that is, it can lead to the fact that completely innocent people will suffer and fall under administrative, and later, if he does not have information about it and criminal liability, not realizing that he has already hidden something, that is, this is an absolutely unsettled issue, i believe that this norm cannot be prescribed in this way, that is, if you, as a state, impose an obligation. on citizens, then you have to provide mechanisms in which way they her carry out, and not just oblige, and then have the opportunity to sue in court,
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they did not try to prescribe in this draft law, because we... we remember these ideas that came from the president's office between the withdrawn version and the one that was still was not made public, at that time they said , oh, that’s how we are, as soon as we turn on the mechanisms all over europe and the americas, then all those who fall into the mobilization resource will go, i don’t know, to the consulates, in the consulates that the tsc oversees, we could not understand how they are going to mobilize all over the worlds, here how did you even prescribe something, at least something? were they just empty statements from the office? here it was prescribed to transfer this responsibility to the cabinet, which is absolutely wrong, because if certain restrictions, certain rules are already established, then this should be established at the level of the law, therefore the reference rule that military accounting and the procedure for entering will be carried out by its own decisions the cabinet of ministers is absolutely unacceptable and
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such that... uh, it can, by and large, by decision of the executive branch of the cabinet of ministers , make any new rules regarding people who are now abroad, i want to emphasize that from my point of view, a significant part of people who are abroad, they left legally, but in relation to those who left illegally, it is necessary to apply clear rules and use that right, in that including the legislation that exists, and not inventing some kind of bicycle, it was desirable to bring order to the border so that people did not leave illegally and did not cross the border during martial law, and then there was no need to invent some, you know , so draconian measures that will frighten all citizens who are abroad, mrs. irina, the last minute is just an example, that is, because we
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say, someone is just conducting, as they say... their information campaign on facebook and the internet, and there fears are spreading and they write and various guesses, please clarify, here is the discussion that i just read yesterday, the electronic summons will be sent out, the moment of sending is equal to what you received, the person did not look on the internet in time, which means that he has already been criminally prosecuted responsibility, this is what people discuss when they write about the norms of a law that has not yet become a law, and they have not read it, how? such a situation is normalized, well, they write absolutely correctly, because according to this edition it can be interpreted in exactly the same way, because the fact of sending it in electronic form to the electronic cabinet will be considered a fact of notification, which is unacceptable, a person could not have the opportunity to access time even after opening the cabinet to the internet in order to get acquainted, but it already falls under responsibility, first administratively further more, so it needs to be regulated
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at the level of what... cannot obligate without providing clear mechanisms of how this is synchronized, how the notification will be done so that people have the opportunity to fulfill their obligation. in a word, people are debating the real parameter of this draft law, written so vaguely, it is understandable. ms. iryna, thank you for the analysis and comments, iryna friz, people's deputy and members of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, they will have a lot of work to do with this updated draft law, from february 6 , let them go to work, let them work. next , news time and khrystyna parubiy already has a selection of the latest information for this moment. christina, you have a word. thank you, colleagues, what losses did the russian army suffer in the last day. i'll tell you in a moment, don't miss it.


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