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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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in ukraine, it's 6 p.m. and we bring to your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. racists hit the center of kherson with an aerial bomb. two people were injured, including a 73-year-old woman and a teenager, reported the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. later the occupier. they attacked the city again,
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a 62-year-old woman was injured, a three-story building was partially destroyed due to an enemy attack and nearby houses were damaged, a leg, a leg, an arm, a leg, a head too, that's all menya, i was here, on the street, there are heavy battles for tabaivka, but the village is not... under the control of the occupiers, the head of the press service of the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops, ilya yevlazh, said. according to him, the russians are continuing offensive actions in the kupyansk direction, but our soldiers are rapidly holding the defense, in particular, last day, the defense forces eliminated more than two hundred occupiers and destroyed 75 units of enemy equipment.
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30% of the territory of ukraine remains contaminated by explosive objects, in general, more than 17,400 km remain mined, the spokesman of the state special service of transport, vitaliy kyrylov, said. more than 200 demining teams work daily. of different composition and nine units of humanitarian demining. specialists give priority to agricultural land, which will be used for the cultivation of various crops in the future. divers are also involved in demining , who survey the water areas of reservoirs in the de-occupied territories. volodymyr zelenskyi met with the minister of foreign affairs canada's melanie jolie. in the office of the president, zalya
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arrived today with an unannounced visit to kyiv, this is her fourth visit to ukraine, the partners discussed further support for ukraine and the development of the system of security guarantees, in particular, the joint implementation of the peace formula. in addition, ukraine and canada will create a new coalition for the return of ukrainian children. the minister of foreign affairs of canada, mela nizali, emphasized that it was not. volatility of canadian support and reported that canada has currently provided ukraine with aid in the amount of 9.5 billion dollars, including 2 billion 400 million dollars in the form of military aid. and more than 7.5 billion euros for military aid to ukraine. deputies of the bundestag approved the state budget of germany for the current year. this was reported on the government's website. 388 parliamentarians of the ruling coalition voted for this decision, and
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279 deputies voted against it. armenia can no longer rely on the russian federation for military needs. this was stated by the country's prime minister nikol pashinyan, reuters reports. he added that moscow had failed yerevan, when azerbaijan started measures to regain control of the territory last year. karabakh, according to pashinyan, armenia should now think about what kind of relations it should build with the usa, france, india and georgia. we need to understand with whom we can really maintain military-technical and defense relations. it used to be easy because there was no such question and there was no difficulty in creating a concept. 95-97% of our...
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defense relations were connected with the russian federation. now this cannot be, both objectively and subjectively reasons parties of the head of the procurement department of the ministry of defense thomas naghur, the minister signed the relevant decision on february 1. the reason for suspension from the duties of announcing suspicion in criminal proceedings. let me remind you that thomas nakur headed the purchasing department last year. in january, he was already suspected of embezzling funds due to deals with the lviv arsenal and a slovak supplier. the security service seized the real estate of former people's deputy oleg tsarev for half a billion hryvnias. it is about an apartment in the center dnipro, a plot of land in the kyiv region and two complexes in the temporarily occupied crimea. tsarev is involved in the financing of
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russia's armed aggression. even after 2014, he reorganized his sanatorium in crimea in accordance with the laws of refia and concluded an agreement with the russians on protection. these objects. oleg tsarev is currently in hiding. hungarian farmers will organize protests on the ukrainian border in a week. they will protest against the continuation of the eu's preferential trade regime with ukraine. a little earlier it became known that polish farmers will also block again border. as reported by the independent trade union solidarity. farmers plan to start a nationwide strike on february 9, which will last at least a month until march 10. the reason for the protests is the passivity of the polish authorities, as well as statements about non-compliance with all decisions of the european commission regarding the import
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of agricultural products and food products from ukraine. heroic professions: ukrposhta, always by your side. the national postal operator released a new stamp for its thirtieth anniversary. this release highlights the importance of the work of the company's employees, who, despite the war, continue to fulfill their duties: deliver parcels, issue pensions and help transport thousands of tons of humanitarian aid. the cost of one postal set, which includes a stamp, an envelope and a postcard, costs uah 76. you can buy it at the company's branches or on the website. we are all kind of people who have been working since the first days, who are working now, i think we are all a little bit like heroes who, first of all , perform a very big social function, because who else but us? directly today
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in the series of the heroic profession of war, we issue the ukrposhta stamp, we are always there, we really are always there, we do not stop our work, even when i was under fire yesterday, we make it. we deliver parcels, and newspapers, and bread, and soon we will deliver medicine, so this is a brand dedicated to our heroic workers, and i want to remind you about the collection of the espresso tv channel, our soldiers need vital equipment, we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation machine, purchase an optical sight and a mavik quadrocopter for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 470,000. we already have almost 300,000 in our account . join us, your help is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. such
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were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and of course. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and see you tomorrow, i wish you a quiet evening, and literally in a few meet my colleague, vasyl zymo. usual things are getting unreal, heavy bags are not for my sore back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with doolgit cream, whatever you want, i'll lift it. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. buy with a 15% discount. doll cream 100 g in pharmacies
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there are 10% discounts on tantum verde in pharmacies , plantain pam taschat. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a great man. on the tv channel espresso, my colleague and i are with you today for the next hour and 48 minutes, today there will be a military summary of the week with serhiy zgurets, we will talk in more detail about the situation in avdiivka, about the downing , about the impression of russian planes and the cruiser and cutter ivanovits, which joined the submarine fleet of the russian federation, led by the cruiser moscow, a lot of important information, and of course we will discuss the situation in the regions with our guests, today the enemy from... delivered a powerful air bomb attack on the center of kherson, a little later we will have an inclusion from there, and now
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yes, and also today was planned, apparently, the strike of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine was supposed to begin. we understand that a number of issues can be considered at it, so we will also wait for the results of the stake meeting, whether important sensitive military-political issues will be raised there, or whether purely military issues will be discussed there, which will then be reported. again, either the head of state or his press service, we will wait for this, we will wait for this information, and let 's collect funds for the armed forces ukraine, we are doing it and we will continue to do it with your great help. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund call to join the fund-raising for our defenders from the 141st brigade, they are performing tasks in the orichiv direction, this is the zaporizhzhia region. and aerial reconnaissance for the successful performance of combat missions need high-quality equipment, we plan
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to purchase radios and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors, drone detection and many other equally important things at the front. every hryvnia is important and thanks to you, we have already closed more than one gathering, so this time too we ask you to support our military. we ask you to join iryna kovel's collection for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need it. your help, glory to ukraine , glory, well, we will add to the conversation oleksandr vilkul, chairman, chairman of the kryvyi rih city defense council, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, yes, good evening, glad to see and hear, i will ask about the security situation, as of the evening of this day, how was the day in general in kryvyi rih, well, and then they will have a few more questions for you, please, well at we had a rather powerful drone attack on the city tonight, three martyrs. shot down, but, uh, there were several hits on the energy infrastructure object, somewhere around three
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in the morning, we had more than 100 thousand subscribers cut off, i can say that gradually, but by noon, all subscribers were already connected, well, because the destruction is great, there are problems there, five educational institutions are also damaged. several tens of apartment buildings, the headquarters has been deployed, people have been provided with all the necessary assistance, teams are also working, this is an osb film, so that immediately close the shutters there, and people are also given financial aid in order to insert windows, well, we have worked out this issue, it is not the first, not the second, not the third time, after all, we have only 55 km to the combat line, there were also major outages of boiler plants, as well as pump
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plants, pump plants, like hospitals, switched to generators and boiler plants, well, now with... we are finishing the liquidation of the consequences, i can say that 113 miners were blocked from such a problematic one, a powerful rescue operation was carried out in the mines operation, without losses, all the miners were taken out of the mines around 10 o'clock in the morning, that's why we have such a difficult day today, i can say for our city, well, and i understand that the miners are in good condition, well, in conditionally good condition, or in normal, was there a need from... to the doctors there for hospitalization or emergency care? the rescue operation took 5 hours, that's why there was air and food , doctors were not needed, ugh, i'm just your opinion, i'm interested in this matter, we understand that the enemy is hitting all populated areas, trying, what are not far from
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front line, he has his own purpose there, strikes at a crooked corner, your reasoning, why does the enemy continue to attack? well, yes, in ukraine, he is also trying to hit energy infrastructure objects somewhere, but the enemy often tries to hit at a crooked corner, this is due to the fact that it is close to the front, or some kind of target, please, well , the last, last week two powerful blows to the energy infrastructure, the truth is that they constantly hit us, well, the first is definitely the proximity to the lbz, but it is one thing to fly by 55 km by rockets, but that's another matter... well, we don't forget that kryvyi rih is the largest industrial city of ukraine, as it was and still is, kryvyi rih is more than 10% of ukraine's gdp, so there is a lot, i think levers , this problem, well, kryvyi rih has its own peculiarity, it is quite a sprawling city,
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the longest city in ukraine, of course, and it has its own nuances, you are talking about an industrial city, how far... now it is possible to work effectively as a city-former or budget-generating enterprises in the city, because it is now important to have money for the needs recorded in the budget in general, and for those current problems that you mentioned, such as the repair of buildings, for which i am sorry, but i do not hear you. once again, i will say how effectively the budget-making enterprise works today under such situations, because we understand that money in the budget is needed for the written budget articles and for... these current problems that you mentioned, such as repairs, overcoming the consequences of the attack, glazing windows, help people, please, but disappeared, disappeared, mr. oleksandr, well, now we’ll see, if we understand, of course, that maybe the conditions in kryvyi rih are not ideal now to get in touch, maybe the internet has disappeared somewhere, but, but the key points will certainly not distract oleksandr
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vilkol then, let me remind you, it was oleksandr vilkul, the head kryvyi rih city defense council, the enemy at night. drones struck mines in kryvyi rih, in the kryvyi rih district, and many settlements, not settlements, but houses in kryvyi rih were without power, educational institutions were also damaged, windows was beating, other problems arose, fortunately, we managed to get 113 miners who had to stay in the mine due to lack of flow, everything is fine with them, but of course we see that... continues to strike in all those cities that are not far from front line, is he looking for the armed forces of ukraine there, is he looking for some warehouses, is he just causing damage and trying to destabilize situations, cut off electricity in cities, cause other trouble, well , plus there are also problems with water, we perfectly understand that yes or no otherwise associated with at the kakhovka telestation, also today, the enemy struck a powerful attack on
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the city of kherson, with an aerial bomb, oksana pogomiy, a deputy with us. kherson city council, mrs. oksano, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, well, i will actually ask about this last attack of the enemy on kherson, what happened there and the consequences of this attack? the official version of the kab, unofficial versions differ, my husband was just working near the shore and said that some rocket flew by, well, i don’t know, they will collect the debris and then we will to know exactly what it is, but it was... a very powerful disruption, because we have our office somewhere, where we work, volunteer is somewhere, well, from half a kilometer, probably not less. from the place of the explosion, and we jumped up there, and i can’t even imagine that there was someone who worked there, they destroyed part of the old city,
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there is this building that they show, it is not ancient, but nearby we have buildings that are the old old kherson , and, unfortunately, they are also damaged, and the worst thing about this is that you can see for yourself from the photos that people are unlikely to be able to live there now. and god forbid no one was left under the rubble, two wounded, an elderly woman, 73 years old, and a 17-year-old boy, but i don’t know what kind of injuries there are, but just not yet, just don’t know yet, that is, rescue work, repair work is ongoing, and in general , as the night passed in kherson and in the kherson region, i know that french president emmanuel macron expressed his condolences, well, in general, of course, the victims will suffer. from enemy attacks, but also about the two french volunteers who were killed yesterday by the enemy in the beryslav region, i am just reminding you of this yesterday's story, and today's night, well, before
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this explosion in the day, how did the night pass, well, the night was more or less calm, today we woke up with light and it is already pleasing, not as much as yesterday, but it was very much the suburbs of kherson last night, they say it's very scary, they say that for the first time... during the entire war, we sat in basements, so it depends on the district city, we are shelled every day and very densely. well , please tell me, these shellings, besides the fact that it usually keeps people in tension, it doesn’t give, well, it’s normal, more or less normal live, how can you live normally in times of war, but somewhere it is possible and better to live, somewhere the situation is much more difficult, well, let's say, like in kherson, somewhere in avdiivka, it is conditional, it is even more difficult, but isn't this constant shelling of the city an obstacle. for the delivery of certain pharmaceutical products there , that is, is the most necessary thing accessible to
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people, are there any possible problems, interruptions, somewhere someone did not arrive, did not deliver, well, because it is immediately felt, i understand, well, we already understand , that kherson is not huge the city, and you can immediately feel that there is something lacking, the only thing we lack is construction materials, but this... not because they cannot be brought to us, just that there are very few people left compared to that was before the invasion, and now they buy few of them , because there is no point in making repairs now , you know, building something, now they only sew up windows, osb boards and film, that’s it, and there is food, there are medicines, er, well in we live in principle, despite the fact that we are under fire, i cannot complain that... we lack something here, even in silpo there is red caviar, well , yesterday, i will remind you of this information again, french citizens died yesterday as a result of an enemy attack
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in the boryslav district, volunteers are coming, for which we thank them very much, of course, it is very bitter that they were killed by the enemy, respect and eternal memory, but it is important that foreign volunteers are coming, maybe you have information with what mission, what kind of help, whether it is from some international organizations, volunteers, what are you helping with, what is their main mission, i understand that they are all different, but so in general, to understand, i can say in general, i do not personally know about those frenchmen who died, unfortunately, but they come to make an agreement, i know this for sure, because a mixture of the public fund and the turks also came to us yesterday, they are negotiating to drill wells, i.e. they draw conclusions from the flooding of the explosion of the kokhovskaya gs, in our country, why are all the villages along... along the shore, because the water is a little further from the well, unfortunately, in some villages, drinking water, that is, you cannot even drink water from the wells, that is, they agree about
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drilling wells to build sewage treatment plants, they agree to try to rebuild something in the agricultural sector, and they take people out, they persuade, at least boryslavskyi... this is one hundred percent, because there are people in beryslav itself, they practically do not come out of the basements at all, so they go there in order to persuade people to move to another place, unfortunately, there are still such people who find it difficult, but i know for sure that just yesterday we have a council of volunteers, you asked where you could take your family, a son 60, a mother 80 , but they have many dogs and cats and they do not want to go anywhere without them, these are the problems they face, in general, foreign volunteers, bakeries, by the way, also offer, want to make
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mobile, or... some are stationary, some are mobile, that is they want us to improve the humanitarian situation, because in reality we do not bake bread locally, well, there are some volunteer bakeries that do it, and their bread is brought from mykolaiv from odesa, so they study what is needed and help people, i don't know if you manage to get around the whole thing kherson is unlikely to be a job, because, well , to understand approximately how many percentages. not that kherson was destroyed, destroyed, so that we could understand there, but there is some part of the city that was almost not damaged, and so and so it is shrinking, shrinking, shrinking here and there unscathed areas, so that we can understand approximately in which today sector, people can still say that everything here is still whole here, or that there is no such thing as that where everything is whole anymore in kherson, why is there, there are districts in which let's just not be districts call then, i don't call.
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more for myself, so that the enemy does not think that, yes , everything is there, let's aim there, please, no, eh, still, eh, and i really hope that i really hope that it will be so, that's all anyway , most of all they go to the same place, where closer to the shore, there is of course more and more destruction there, in other places, if it is destruction, then it is from an explosive wave, then there may not be somewhere windows although even yesterday i was walking in the center and was even surprised that there are houses on that street, too, very often it flies by that there are even houses where the windows are intact and not covered with plates, well , the areas that suffer the most are those that are very close to the coast, to the coast, but if it were to be destroyed, well, i would - let's put it this way, even i probably can't to evaluate, because i live here, and those who came
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last week... and have not been to the city of kherson, a local, told me: oh, i thought it was much scarier here, so it's still not so scary in reality, i hope that after all, the most difficult thing to live in is the situation when you understand that while the enemy is not you will drive him out, he will do it again and again, but be patient, of course, we believe in the armed forces of ukraine, which will have all the necessary means to drive the enemy so far that he does not shoot as far as kherson. oksana pogomiy, a member of the kherson city council, was in touch with us. thank you very much, i will remind you that today the enemy struck, well , according to ms. oksana, it is not clear what they wrote about the guided aerial bomb in kherson, which is often used by the enemy, it is also quite powerful, in my opinion it is about half a ton. somewhere, if i'm not mistaken, explosives again, well at least the explosion of this bomb can be felt from quite a distance, it's from asking people how they felt this cap, it's quite a serious
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thing, well, but... ms. oksana's husband said that he saw the rockets fly by and the explosion was quite strong, it also damaged a five- story soviet building and also the historical buildings of kherson kherson, well, obviously there maybe 19th, maybe even 18th century, unfortunately, it was so huge, the blow and explosion were huge, viktor bobarenko, political scientist from we are in touch and we will discuss such internal political points, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good one. hello to you, let's start with the security and humanitarian situation in sumy oblast, and maybe you can tell more about, well, the humanitarian and security situation in sumy oblast, please, and what's going on in sumy oblast, sumy oblast is being shelled, shelled, as usual 18 communities from the 51st, these are the ones that we have in the 20-kilometer zone where arta flies, are bombarded by mines, their drozheks enter, literally this
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week on... monday, it seems that they also entered they killed a brother and a sister, they were driving a car in a five-kilometer zone of villages from the village, and the drg drove past somewhere and they were simply killed, but before that, somehow it happened that the foresters were shot, well, somewhere, somewhere like that, they are trying to get them out of of the five-kilometer zone there from the five-kilometer zone. there are residents from villages, well, it goes differently, in some communities it goes, in some they don’t want to, international structures are working there, but today they bring there, well, i don’t know, maybe it’s too late there, but the international migration organization brings firewood, here again to the frontline communities, there are a few cubes, five at a time, in the yards where there are none, where
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the villages are not gasified, there are few of them, but there are... so, well, somewhere.


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