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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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this is the understanding in the president's office, the understanding that this will cause various negative political consequences and potential risks , potential problems, this stops it, but, i have already written about it and a lot, yes, i am a great pessimist and skeptic, i do not see ways of reconciliation , according to experience. historical experience , the same situations were during wars, as a rule, when there is tension, problems in the relationship between the political leader, the head of state or government and the military leader, the military leader is changed, and i myself hoped that a common language they will find, they will somehow get out of this situation , now i have very little hope for it, and the issue of the release or resignation of the servile, in my opinion, is a matter of time and circumstances, but look, before that we had, well... they listened to
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him myroslav guy is a military man, he said that they are military men and will accept any decision of the supreme commander-in-chief , but how can it actually be, do you admit that not all military men will take it positively, or, so to speak, show patience and understanding to the decision of the supreme commander-in-chief, and will continue to carry service, no matter what happens, are there still risks that there will be any? discontent, or even mass discontent at the front, because i understand that valery fedorovych, well , there are many people at the front among the military who support him, who do not want his resignation. well, well, they don't want to, and there will be dissatisfaction, but mr. myroslav showed a responsible, statesmanlike and professional position. if there is not discontent, but some kind of riot, massacre, military coup, it will be a disaster, not for... for the state, then we will all say goodbye
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with a country and a state called ukraine, it will be the defeat of the war and the end of the state of ukraine , this is the situation, so here you have to choose, i think that in fact, if there is a resignation or dismissal of a meritorious person, well, i do not see this as a problem or a disaster for states, on the contrary. valery fedorovich will start a new life in this sense after a certain time, and we will see him after a certain time, perhaps very quickly, in a new guise and perhaps after a certain time and in a new role, for example, what do you mean, what do you have i mean, he will be in politics, he will be in politics, and with, i think, with an interesting, not bad prospect, with great chances to fly... well, this is such a very distant prospect,
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that is if and when the war ends, when they announce the next elections and maybe valery zaluzhnyi will appear somewhere there, i understand you correctly, you are talking about this, i understand that you proceed from the fact that the war will not end for a long time, and i will tell you this, one of options, if there are layoffs, i say, in the office of the president, as far as i am concerned i understand, well... the political risks are assessed quite realistically, one of the political risks is precisely that, in the event of his release, zuluzny will become the center of attraction and consolidation of various opposition forces, he will be perceived as an alternative center of political influence, then what is the point of his lay off, wait a minute, that's why they haven't fired yet, that's why they haven't fired yet, if it weren't for this problem, they would have fired long ago, yes, that's another one of us.
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which may be, some parts of society may change their attitude to the elections during war, now the majority of ukrainians are against elections during the war, and if there are supporters of the zaluzhny, plus opponents of zelenskyi, let them decide that, since this is the situation, we need elections, we need a renewal of the government, well, then in such conditions, well... elections are unlikely to take place, but if the current war situation of such war intensity stabilizes a little, then the public demand for holding elections will be quite tangible, and this is also one of the challenges that must be taken into account in the office of the president. you know, volodymyr, many of my colleagues and in principle, the commentators who follow this topic state that they, they do not expect from volodymyr zelensky that if he fires zaluzhny, there will be some kind of unconscious explanation, well, what they are used to, that as a rule,
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volodymyr zelenskyi never clearly comments the reasons for one or another of their decisions, how risky it is specifically in this case and how clear it is, understand. there must be an explanation from the president, so that society does not resist, does not criticize the president for this, well , there will still be some criticism, but whether will volodymyr zelenskyi have this rationale if he makes this decision? well, look, according to meritorious service, i think that if there is a dismissal, the dismissal of a meritorious person, yes, it will have to be explained precisely taking into account the public authority of a meritorious person in the army and in society. yes, it will have to be explained, although i say, in history, well, this is a typical situation, enough, there are problems at the front, and very often the political leadership changes the commanders of the armed forces in order to try, through the replacement of leaders, to somehow update,
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let's say, a look at military operations, try to act differently and the like, and then it will be necessary to explain, although in many cases i will remind you... there have already been many different dismissals there and the prime minister was changed in 2001 , well, then speaking from the podium of the verkhovna rada, zelenskyi explained, then the prosecutor general was also changed and the prime minister, then the president explained, but it was necessary to approve it in the verkhovna rada, and therefore there was an explanation, in the case of zaluzhny, well, i think an explanation it will be necessary, but there may be a situation his transfer, well, he suggested... to reorganize military production, well, who knows, maybe zelenskyi will decide after that, well, yes, valery fyodorovych, you propose, according to the well-known rule, you propose, do it, here i instruct you, come on, adjust, yes, military production,
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the way you see it, how you wrote your articles, go ahead, yes, yes, well then this transfer, this is not, not dismissal, not resignation, transfer to another very ... responsible and important work for the country, and it can be. thank you very much for your comment. volodymyr fesenko, political scientist, we discussed the political component of the publication authored by valery zaluzhny, where he voices and shares his, more precisely, vision of how and where and in what way the war will develop further. thank you very much. we continue. to talk about the potential resignation of valery zaluzhny , yuriy butusov, editor-in-chief of the censornet publication, military correspondent, yuriy butusov joins our broadcast, yuriy, good evening, evening, good, i will actually start by quoting your own post on facebook, where you wrote for four
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hours because you stated that soon there will be a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, i will only add that it has already begun, and you said that the main topic will be dismissal. zulzhny and that the decree, the text of the decree was prepared on january 29, do you continue to insist that this is the case and do you expect that today's rate will end with the resignation of zulzhny? yes, of course, this information, which was made public about the resignation, is reliable, and its reliability is confirmed not only by the fact that a large number of leading world media also received sources. in the higher military leadership of ukraine and wrote in sufficient detail about what this attempt is going on, but also what we see that since january 29, when it was reported many times from various sources about the preparation of zaluzhny's resignation,
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zaluzhny himself, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, never once commented, yes, we have comments coming from the president's office, from anyone, but not from... the commander-in-chief, not from the general staff, who, by the way, have their own press service, but apparently the situation is so serious for them that they avoid any comments at all, therefore to say that all this is only some kind of insight, in this case it is already incorrect, there is indirect evidence that this whole situation is really tense and led to a possible, possible resignation, do you personally think there will be a resignation or not? i see a lot of effort in recent days after january 29 by the leadership of the president's office and everyone and the government , who are preparing the situation after the change of the leadership
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of the armed forces, lists of personnel transfers are being prepared, not only in terms of merit, but also in terms of other people, extensive consultations are underway with a large number of people therefore of course it's not, it's a systematic preparation for a systemic solution, and it's obvious that if it's being prepared on such a... level on such a large scale, then it's being prepared that, well , the preparation is going on in order to do it. yuri, look, there are, as it were, two opposing points of view, which may be the reason for zaluzhnyi's resignation. some say that this is a political reason, because the president's office is frightened by the ratings of trust in the commander-in-chief, they see him as a political competitor and are trying to get rid of him. others say that there are objective questions for the army, before how everything is organized there, so... the army can work more efficiently, can reform faster, and due to the fact that changes in the army do not
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happen quickly, they are trying to shift the blame precisely about the blame to the industrious, but actually, if we talk about the reasons for potential dismissal, what is there more, politics, or after all, objective comments on zaluzhnyi's work, and the second, immediate question, how will it actually be, how can it be communicated to society? the first question is very difficult and you can talk about it for hours really, that is, look, really, no criteria evaluations, no comments on the work of the command of the armed forces, no system requirements, the state leadership, the commander-in-chief does not put forward, so we cannot say what exactly does not suit, what changes are needed, we do not know this. this information is not communicated not only to society, it is also not communicated to the top military leadership, i.e. in the form
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of some directives, orders, conferences, none of this, regulatory documents, therefore there are no professional criteria, comments that would be put forward by the supreme the commander-in-chief to the commander -in-chief of the armed forces, and the only, the only thing that we saw in the interview with the... the president's article in the british newspaper the sun, is that the president, the only thing he said publicly, describing the hard worker, he said, twice, made two comments, one in an interview with the sun, the other at his press conference, he said that the first, the leadership and hardworking, they are politicized, he saw a lot of politics in their actions, at the press conference the president said that valera likes cursing, talking about nakedness. with the zsu it also seems, he said, he and about the deputy of the servant of the people, yes, that is, he
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put them on the same level, let's say, on the same level of influence, let's say, and he put forward the same remarks to him , yes, so our remarks were heard publicly only that zaluzhny is engaged in politics, other remarks to the leadership of the army the president did not speak, and in principle they do not apply, well... in terms of the number of mobilized - this is not a matter for the army leadership, which was also discussed by the president there, that as if the military there demanded 500 thousand mobilized, this is entirely the responsibility of the commander-in-chief by law, that is why i cannot so seriously consider it as a remark, and therefore, apart from politics, we do not know anything yet, knowing for 5 years, watching how the president works, makes decisions, i think that there is a complex of reasons, reasons for are that we have... the essence is actually the strategy and systematic management of the war, and all the accumulated problems,
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and there are hundreds, dozens of them of various kinds, the president now wants to channelize and make one specific official responsible for him and will try to create the appearance that change of this one official to another will lead to some decisive changes. yuriy, but you often work on the front line, you communicate with the military, what is their attitude towards the potential resignation of zaluzhnyi, do they support this decision? the military's first question is who will replace zaluzhny? there are none, everyone understands that the war requires changes in the leadership, and this does not shock anyone, in fact. changes are needed, i also believe that changes lead to faster movements. to greater flexibility, but i, like the military, and the military themselves, have the first
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question: who? the military is interested in who will replace the veteran, they have no answer, and this is their situation, no one tells them this, this situation absolutely annoys them, and it is precisely the lack of an alternative and any logic in personnel changes, people are really annoyed, most of the army really excited such attitude towards the command of the armed forces and very negatively evaluates these political maneuvers of the leadership. we have everything for today, questions, comments on... you can leave your wishes in the chat under the broadcast until monday. there are 10% discounts on bronchalik in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues.
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resonate in our society. drone attack. on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's figure it out, help to figure it out the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. separate consents of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport. we appeal to the viewers
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of the tv channel to join in the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for us. thank you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome! friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, a psychologist, a doctor, a specialist in the employment of volunteers
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from all over europe. this is where you get support. advice and true friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, stand up part of our family, enable me ukraine. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. greetings, we are looking for 13-year-old vadym and 16-year-old nastya raulets. their grandmother asked for help, who said that her grandson and granddaughter disappeared in november 2023 in the village of pylypovovichi, buchansky district, kyiv region. since then, nothing is known about them. so, if you know anything about
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vadim and nastya, or you know where they might be, please contact us immediately on the hotline of the service. search for children by number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we are also looking for six-year-old varya sozonova, who mysteriously disappeared on december 5, 2022. her grandmother turned to us for help. she said that she lived together with her mother in kyiv, in the winter of 2022 they went to moldova, and last contacted her from the city of grigoriopil in transnistria. why mother and daughter? the grandmother can't say for sure, but since december 5, 2022 , nothing is known about the fate of little varya and her mother. i don't know how they are looking for?
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crossed the border and returned to ukraine. however, no one saw them here again. they did not get in touch and, unfortunately, there are almost no leads that could help in the search. no one has seen them on the territory of ukraine, well, you know, at least some kind of surveillance camera that they are both alive, healthy, that everything is fine, well, somewhere there should be some kindergartens, some schools, a hospital, i asked through helsy. to find out about vaccinations, because i know that the child should be vaccinated, well, it's just a grandmother the girl now wants more than anything to get at least some information about the child, to
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make sure that she is alive, healthy and everything is fine with her, and this is how olga oleksiivna talks about her six-year-old granddaughter. oh, she is very, very, very friendly with everyone, both boys and girls, she is very kind, as she loves children very, very much. the girl's grandmother also said that she has information that her granddaughter and her mother could have left for poland after returning from moldova to ukraine. this is just a guess at this point, but if you actually live in the poland, maybe you will see varya sozonova and her mother there, or if you have any information about them, immediately call 11630. please remember this number, because 11630 is the only european hotline for missing children that works in. .. 28 european countries, so if you are in one of the european countries and want to report information about a child who is wanted, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not
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delay, call from your mobile phone to the only european line of missing children 116/30. and finally, the grandmother of six-year-old vara says that she does not lose hope of finding her beloved granddaughter and asks each of you not to remain indifferent and help in... sshuk. please, whoever saw it, may know the location of varvara and her mother. please notify the police or child tracing services. i am very worried about them and i want to make sure that everything is fine with them. thank you. so, if you know at least some information about varya sozonova, please immediately report to the hotline of the child tracing service at the number 11630. calls from all mobile operations. in ukraine are free, you can also write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram.
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congratulations. program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time program. me and host oleksiy kovalenko. in his column for cnn, the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces valery zaluzhny outlined key approaches for kyiv and the west that can help ukrainian forces defeat russia on the battlefield. a number of western media published an analysis of the ukrainian general's article. despite the fact that there is still no decree on the dismissal of the commander-in-chief, part of the publications express their belief that zelenskyi still seeks the resignation of zaluzhnyi. according to reports in the western media. followed by ostap yarysh. ostaev, congratulations. ostape, the topic of the possible resignation of the chairman zaluzhny has been discussed throughout the week. how does
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the american media cover it? oleksiy, congratulations, reports and rumors about the possibility of the resignation of the ukrainian commander-in-chief have really attracted a lot of attention here in the press. the washington post, new york times, cnn, and many other american fictions wrote about it, wrote about it like this, and eventually covered it in ukraine, mostly. referring to our own sources and interlocutors, but let's not generalize and go through the specific publications that wrote which publications, so the washington post writes that after the leak of information about the conversation between volodymyr zelenskyi and valery zaluzhnyi on monday, plans for the resignation of the commander-in-chief whether the dismissal of the commander-in-chief has been postponed, however, the publication is convinced that probably in the near future the decision to dismiss the commander-in-chief may be announced, writes the washington post new york times. writes that the uncertainty about the possible resignation of the ukrainian commander-in-chief has a negative effect on the morale of the ukrainian army, because valery zaluzhnyk enjoys a very high
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authority among the ukrainian army. it can also complicate the work of senior officers with colleagues from other countries, from the armed forces of other countries, writes the new york times. fox points out that after rumors spread about the possibility of valery zaluzhny's release, and disagreements in the top leadership of ukraine became very evident, this publication writes. zelensky has the right to fire zaluzhnyi, but for this he needs to have a very clear justification and an explanation that is understandable for ukrainians, the journalists write, referring to... experts they spoke with. the bbc , in turn, writes that reports about the possibility of zaluzhnyi's release caused concern among western partners and concern about possible differences in the country's political and military leadership. however, oleksiy noted that when asked about this at the pentagon, us defense ministry spokesman pat ryder replied that he would not comment reports in the press, and any personnel decisions should be made by ukraine itself, and the united states will not
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interfere or comment here in any way. such decisions, such messages, we have oleksia at this moment. ostapa, please also comment on zaluzhny's latest column for cnn. western media talk about the unpopular measures that zaluzhnyi proposed in his article. what exactly is it about, what are the unpopular measures? oleksia, indeed, this column for cnn is also considered in the context of reports about the possible, about the possible dismissal of valery zaluzhny regarding of unpopular measures, oleksiy, it is primarily about mobilization, about... valery zaluzhnyi mentions in his column, he says that it will not be possible to increase the size of the ukrainian army without citing unpopular measures. and the washington post itself, analyzing this column, points out that this may be an indirect reproach of valery zolozhny to volodymyr zelensky, that the very question or disagreements in how to carry out mobilization, in what quantities, that they may be the cause of the misunderstanding that did it arise could arise between the leader and the ukrainian
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president. cnn also draws attention to the fact that if the news about the sacking of the employee is eventually confirmed, then the successor, whoever he is, will face the same very difficult questions, and even if he has some kind of better personal relationship with volodymyr zelensky, fundamental changes or it will not solve the fundamental problems . oleksiy, what are the reactions of the american media to the column of the ukrainian central committee? and zaluzheny also emphasized the need for modernization. ukrainian troops, what exactly is it about and what exactly are they saying about it? indeed , pointing out how to solve some of the problems or rather challenges that the ukrainian army is facing now in the second year of the war, valery zaluzhny in a column for cnn indicates that one of the solutions may be the modernization of the ukrainian army, it is primarily about the wider use of drones, about the means of electronic and cyber warfare as well, he mentions this in his material, commenting on this
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opinion, hodge is a former commander of the united states ground forces in europe, and writes that this is a valid opinion and that the best organization, oleksiy, is a quote from an organization that learns and adapts. cnn also says that it pays attention, by the way , to the moment in valery zaluzhny's column, in which he mentions that the united states has not yet approved critical funding for ukraine, funding for military support, he also mentions that the attention is for. .. these allies have dispersed from ukraine to the middle east after hamas attacked israel on october 7, this is also the challenge that ukraine now faces the army of ukraine, including in general, and valery zaluzhnyi mentions that these challenges must also be addressed, ah, actually more reactions and a more detailed analysis, you can read about this on our website, our colleague maria prus analyzed what the american media, american press,
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american tv channel. how this topic is covered oleksia, but again, most of the messages we are talking about, most of these publications are based on conversations with sources of these publications in ukraine, on the opinions that commentators say, and it seems that american journalists oleksiy are also waiting for the announcement of the decision, whatever it may be , of the ukrainian political leadership regarding who will be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, or whether valery will remain. will the ukrainian leadership go to personnel changes, to personnel decisions in this direction as well, thank you very much, voice of america journalist ostap yarysh was in direct contact with us. the baltic countries are one of the leaders in aid to ukraine relative to theirs gdp latvia headed the so-called coalition of drones and radios.


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