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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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yes, in the public space, but dnipropetrovsk region is under attack almost every day, so we follow the news, of course, we are waiting for official, official information, these are energy infrastructure objects, that's where they are aiming, right? yes, they are not aiming exclusively there, but these are, let's say , priority targets, and yesterday in kryvorizha, they hit an infrastructure object, on... as a result of which people were disconnected from the electricity supply, but during the day this electricity supply was restored , and there were many subscribers who reported that it was substation for the previous night, and accordingly , somewhere over 40,000 were without power, so what was returned to everyone? part of it was returned, fortunately sometime during the day it was reported that more than 15 thousand subscribers are already connected, of course that it depends a lot on... how
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much damage and how much this depends, people, i mean, people depend on it object, because there is an option when you can switch, and there is an option when it is of course very difficult, because we still had a situation where over 110 or even more in my opinion, there were miners and miners underground at that time. the moment when, uh, the electricity went out, they already started lifting them there yesterday, everyone was lifted, yes, yes, yes, yes, they reported that all the people were lifted up, evacuated, there were also injured people, but fortunately they will be treated at home on an outpatient basis, uh, mrs. khrystyna , they have become more frequent, but, as you point out , after all, we see from the reports and from the general staff that dnipropetrovsk is... a target for
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a long time, steadily every night and day, or are there any increased security measures in connection with this in the region, perhaps i don’t know, some additional shelters from fragments are being built, at least in the city, there is something like that, shelters are built and built and repaired in principle, and money is allocated for the repair of those shelters that from time to time or vandals or ee.. ., let's say, were illegally transferred to private property , are being taken away, that is, there is work in this direction, but we understand that a very large number of people, and well, during the construction of the city, let's say, they did not prepare for these moments of closure, but for now in principle, in dnipro, i can say that... the lives that were
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they are, well, in proper condition , of course, if we go and check every day, something will definitely be found, and it is possible that people are also guilty of this, well , there are different ones, and marginal ones , there are different cases, but i can to say that, in principle , normal work is going on, if there is an air raid alarm somewhere in the city and it is necessary to hide, then the business reacts to it normally, so people still have the opportunity to provide for themselves, and i wanted you, ms. khrystyna, ask about dnipropetrovsk region in general, maybe you have a picture, because we do all the time we see that we have been talking about the dnipro for the last two days. where they
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want to cut off the electricity, but no one has ever stopped this in nikopol, i looked again yesterday, he is talking about two wounded people, that is , nikopol, nikopol in principle, nikopol in principle is the most painful point of the dnipropetrovsk region, they are very close to the position of the occupiers, and it is every day and several times a day, and it is both rszzo and drones, various types of drones. and its embankment was very close to the former kokhov reservoir cottages, and people's houses, and objects of, let's say, industry, nikopol in general is such a very painful topic for us, and a lot of people move to dnipro and other cities from nikopol and from... otg, which are very close to this ,
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let's say, a site that is in the red zone, then of course nikopol every day. sometimes it happens five times, ms. krystyna, but this is an interesting story, it is purely from the dnipro, i even managed to almost fight with this person once in my life, i understand that i did the right thing, because he is a military man a criminal, a liar with the face of sharykov, you probably already know who i am talking about, a fan of the party of regions, putin and tsarev’s phallic imitators, he had a scandal in his apartment at the time, they found all kinds of interesting things about which you could tell some spicy things stories for some tabloids, here yesterday they say that the real estate of this russian traitor was arrested, during the night between
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the second and third bottle tsaryov made a comment, the russians are chasing him away, he says that you arrested menya kvarti there? no, and here we got confused, because when he was running away from yanukovych, then there was an apartment, but now he says that there is no apartment, so they arrested, well , they arrested everything that, apparently, he tried to hide, and these are, let's say, quasi -legal means to hide his property when rewriting on close acquaintances or on relatives or on someone. in general, in the dnipro, the attitude towards the tsarev is, let's say, extremely negative, and i can't say that dnipropetrovsk region is a little ashamed of the tsarev, that after all, you are such a fool, he
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came himself, you know, like in that comedy, we know where his legs come from grow up in this family royal, yes, so let him sit there and that's all. whatever else they find in him in a legal way will be confiscated, let it be, and it is in the center of the dnipro, by the way, the apartment is in the center of the dnipro, well, khrystyna kalyushik peltyk , a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was with us, now we are going for a short break and will to talk about the temporarily occupied territories, about what life looks like there today. there are 10% discounts on tantum verde in the pharmacies of psarynyk vam and ochad, there are discounts on lactiale of 10% in the pharmacies psarynyk bam and ochad.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, on the air. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us, the country has. get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's play help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think politclub.
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every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. separate set of unmanned aerial complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport, appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of funds, drones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, heroes. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. next frames you may be shocked. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is
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no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions, i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are, good morning, thank you for coming from espresso at such an early hour, let's not forget to inform the guys on... in the southern zaporizhzhia direction, it's hot and we need help, every hryvnia counts, well
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in the east it is generally terrible in terms of the number of clashes, what the enemy is trying to do along the front line, especially in donetsk, and add to that that the weather they have today in donetsk is worse than in the territory, snow with rain, gusts of gale force wind, this is the weather today for 3 people. let's now ask what, where, how , when, how the last night passed in the head of the severodonetsk city military civil administration, oleksandr stryuk, in connection with our studio, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, glory ukraine has become a hero, good morning, everything is correct, i said, this is how your weather looks now, because i read it from meteorologists, well, you know, if you believe our forecasts, then it is exactly so, but it is terrible, so terrible, especially even in the steppe and even during battles. how does
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the information about what is happening now look like in general from your native places, we are talking about the front-line, but occupied part, what reports can you hear, what can you tell us? well , you know, the situation is quite difficult, it is cold in the city, there is almost no heating, the houses are half-baked destroyed and where people are trying to survive, it's... the roofs are broken and sometimes the wind blows even in those rooms where people live, unfortunately, yes, there is fire, there is light, there is water in some houses, but the main problem is the lack of heating, which the occupation authorities did not solve, so people have to freeze, uh, mr. oleksandr, when we talk about the front-line zone, but here... the zone that is under the control of kyiv, it is mostly there on the line from several to
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several tens of kilometers mostly it is constantly being fired upon, constantly arriving, destroyed towns and villages, what does it look like on the other side of the front line, i.e. in the temporarily occupied territories, or are there these arrivals that are constantly being talked about from the other side, well, if we talk about the severonetsk community , then... it is more in such a in the rear position of the occupier and is used as a kind of logistics center where the military is located, some kind of military command of their services, but at the same time shots are felt, training sounds are felt, but this is still the work of the ork artillery, that's why in severodonetsk itself and ... nearby it's more or less deserted, let's say, and
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they feel so free and comfortable there, i'm talking about the occupiers, about their military, because we're used to it, when we talk about the south, about the draft, that they are beginning to disperse, because because of the constant cotton, it is uncomfortable for them to gather there in larger groups, how about you? well , they will not get old in severodonetsk from the very beginning'. in some large groups, since there is a wooded area around, and the military were mostly quartered, in private sector, they hid in garden societies there , they are not shy, they occupy people's homes, they hide there in the city itself, for the most part there are either those brigades of guest workers who were brought allegedly for restoration, those people who were forced to leave... in the occupation and actually in transit military pass through,
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who come to the city to solve some of their needs there and for certain products or other things, i understand correctly, mr. oleksandr, that is, in fact, severo-donetsk is perceived as a certain, well, as a rear habom, this means that the city is not so with... for the soldafons as for the okhviters, but the already mentioned, well, the mentioned, so mentioned south is that they are there all the time, what the hell. the more they go to the kobzon, the more they tighten the security measures, there is the russian guard, they travel with the fsb officers, with security, well, that is, as they write , it is steep there, they talk about the south, how north donetsk they feel, it is fun there, vodka, village girl chichotka and in general where do they warm themselves then, where do they live, if the city does not
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burn, well, in fact, it is so much fun in the city. more they are not there, since the city, well, already in the afternoon there after lunch, in fact , turns into a city, hello, because people, people, there is some activity in the first half there around the central market, then , well, there are almost no people on the streets, so what about the vodka people there products, the occupation authorities are trying to limit it. and there are some events more or less around and then everything happens closer to luhansk. ugh. so, what do russian officers do in the place where they live? live in those already surviving apartment buildings where their heal they are extorting apartments from people in rural areas who evacuated without asking, well
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, in fact, they are, so to speak, extorting housing from people. and they are healing the military there , they are healing the representatives of the occupation authorities there, yes, and they are freezing just like our people in north-donetsk, or there is some no, well, well, what, they put up several small modular boiler houses and where russians live in concentration and occupying representatives of the authorities, they more or less warm themselves, ugh, and what do our people survive on, and do they have a place to work? where to earn, where to get at least something, yes, because we understand that in order to go to the bazaar afterwards , you need some money, so you need to eat in any case, well, look, if you look at this component, there is actually no work in the city, except for trading points and the two or so that are supposedly open there supermarkets
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, there is no other work, well, there is also work... in the construction crews who are doing something there, like restoration, they go around the apartments, open and change windows, under this pretext they actually loot, so, well, work in the foothills of the visitors , well, it still can to be, but the main income is the receipt of some kind of social benefits by pensioners, which is what those families who were forced to stay in the city live on to go to the villages in order to have at least some piece of land there and, accordingly , to grow a minimal vegetable garden or to keep some chicken there, are there any such things? well, at the beginning of winter, people tried to occupy their houses in the suburban zone in
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those villages that are part of our community, but there are quite a lot of them. enough of them destroyed a large area that is not yet connected to gas , that is why they left, tried to spend the winter period where there is a possibility of access to solid fuel heating, where there is access to autonomous water, but not everyone, not everyone has such an opportunity, ugh, that is even if you just look, i took a specially scaled map, it’s just... this is the hottest northern front, it’s seribryanka opposite severodonetsk, it’s serebrynsk forestry, and near bilogorivka it’s always crazy, but the distance to the front, for example, between from slov’ yanska to the front, there four times more than from the front to north donetsk, well, how can you explain then that people
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are walking freely, there are no flights, and from morning till night they told us that the dams were bombed... 10 years in a row, that is, our troops are not interested in hitting officers , this is such a khaymarts issue, well, you know, a difficult issue , where there were gatherings of the military, or some group that belonged to the military, then believe me, our defenders have worked hard, but they work artificially and based on verified information, and... and the russians themselves , they hide among the local civilian population population, they are mixed up, i mean, they occupy apartments in different places, so up to no. who wanted and dreamed of living until the moment when there was no heat, but it was possible to vote for putin a lot, did it decrease, increase, see, are there partisans, let's say this, that's such
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a good question, well, of course, people who are waiting and are ready to help, there are also in our community, the north donets one, and what concerns the zhduns, based on their local publics, which are sometimes in... that, but are making their way into the free information space of ukraine, well, little by little insight comes. ugh. thank you, oleksandr stryuk, thank you to the head of the severodonetsk city military civil administration for the information. this is the situation we have, when the same people who lived together before the war, but are now separated by the front, a distance of several kilometers and divided their lives into very different communities and different. reality, but - we are moving south, i will only remind you, because these shots and this horror, kherson, i am talking about kherson, yesterday
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the air strike on kherson, that's right, it is on these shots that we already see the consequences, we see, the victim is a woman, 73 years old, at the moment she was in the yard, respectively, she has injuries , she has a contusion, a shrapnel wound, look at what the city center looks like, what it looks like... the city center, what are they doing with the houses, there and high-rise buildings were damaged, and private buildings , look what the russians are doing to our kherson, and such a complex attack, actually , you see, artillery, rockets and bombs, that's what it does, yes, now we will talk about kherson region, about the temporarily occupied parts of kherson region, volodymyr kovalenko, the head of novaya kakhovka joins our conversation. glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr. glory to the heroes, good morning. we have seen kherson, we understand that
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the situation is slightly different in kakhovka, the new kakhovka, but we have heard more than once that people there are very, very restless, despite the fact that the front line is on the other side, that is, they are under occupation. . the front line runs along nova kakhovka. just on the left bank of the dnieper, well, at a distance from the former premises, no more, not the former, at a distance from the premises of the executive committee, the dnipro is 250 paces, so the line runs through the city itself, and since the streets are parallel to the dnipro, then all these avenues, dniprovskyi avenue, the historic street, and so on all the way to the wells , all our settlements of osnova, dniprany, korsunka, all coastal streets are occupied by the enemy , occupied residential buildings. there are not just a lot of them in the city now, they are teeming with them, but the city and settlements are simply teeming with occupiers, so many of them have been added in the last one and a half to two months, it is difficult to imagine, it is not
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difficult to imagine another reason, especially since many of these special services that have arrived most likely to control the process of such a total monitoring regime on the eve of the so-called elections in march, that is why special services stopped by, there is information about this... we know this, we even know where they are located and those who need to know know first of all but in fact opposite to novaya kakhovka, one of the symbols of the destruction on the right bank, this is me talking about beryslav, well, they beat there and always with very heavy ones, in particular , half-ton and one-ton cabs, and this is a story that does not stop, and that they all time there they slap, what the locals say, here and there they imagine that exactly... there the pentagon and all the high-mars are standing along the dnieper, why, why are these selective directions, everything is clear on the surface, there is a bridgehead, so it is clear why they are pounding there, why they
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are pounding on boryslav, not only boryslav, there are two settlements there, cossack vesla, which belong to the novokakhovsk city council directly across the dnipro, yes, right across the dnipro, they were once part of the boryslav district, but when the decentralization process took place, these two settlements taking into account that... 90% and residents worked, lived and used the social sphere of the city, they joined the city, then these two settlements practically do not exist, that's why, and the people of boryslav, so to speak, a little bit 3 km upstream, yes, that's why they destroy boryslav like this, how vesele and kozatske were destroyed, well, out of 400 , 70 people remained in the cossacks, you can imagine what happened, and 95% of the housing simply does not exist... trubetsky, the once famous winery, does not exist, there is not even a bolon, the enemy destroys because simply already in the cossack village to destroy nothing in such populated places there
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red beacon yes, zmiivka , a small settlement, and boryslav remained the most like that, well, if in terms of population and infrastructure, it was the largest settlement, but they are destroying it just to, you know, hatred, it is in everything, to the point of driving fear to us and to the point of simply destroying everything, there are so many of them, you know, ammunition, because the community is from novoikakhovska, the new kokhovka, it is from the coast and deep there towards the crimea, so there about 10 km, the communities there are in the landings ammunition, they are at every step, their eye installations, well, they too two directions of fire, on the left bank are the krynyk and that bridgehead, and the right bank, as our residents say at night, we see a summer plane flew in, the plane dropped about 10 kilometers away, turned around and left, this is their total fear and hatred, they are trying to to tell us, well, this is the situation
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, there is no other reason, just for... to leave nothing, a demonstration, here is a free bank for you, this is a demonstration, in conversations with residents who skip on the left bank, it is sometimes heard, mr. volodymyr, but what about in principle, well, that ice will break in a month, spring, the bridges were destroyed , the banks were mined, plus such a concentration on the left bank that in general it is then possible to release both the khovka and the new khovka without artillery preparation and other things, that is , until... we also have to destroy when we look at the left bank crossing of the armed forces of ukraine , will you have to? you know, in conversations, because what the absolute majority of new immigrants who have left live today, in conversations, hopes, memories, and everyone, on a subconscious or conscious level, even agrees that such a situation will happen, and these destructions will happen, but this... is less grief
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than the fact that we are not in our native land at all, so we understand it, although there are different options, well, damn, where is it from, because there is still the melitopol direction, but that , that destruction will happen, we understand it, and you know, and there is simply no other choice, but after all, this is the road to our native land, which we loved, we love, which we followed for 20 years as the head of the city, but well, that's the situation. psychologically, we understood, that is , people in principle have already psychologically accepted this, and people are afraid of only one time, which, this is further from the day of the attack, these are people, as everyone says, time is working against us, and this worries people, because the enemy is pressing with these integration processes, well, the last so to speak, the know-how to immediately open bank accounts and get identification codes for everyone,
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so what's up... 1,000 occupation eyes will no longer be issued just like that, that is, this is a noose around the neck, occupation, it tightens, occupation and integration, we understand, because putin gave this order, he needs it this way, and it is so clear , mr. volodymyr, thank you for the details, not fun, unfortunately, because that's how it is there are occupations, the mayor of nova kakhovka, volodymyr kovalenko, was with us, now i just want to briefly remind you about ours. yes, because i see that every time after i remind, it starts to move and you donate intensively, so i remind you that for the 141st brigade in the orichiv direction, here are the qr codes and card numbers, you see on the screen, we are collecting 1 million hryvnias, and there is already, unfortunately, not very comforting information from dnipropetrovsk region about what happened there at night, but we will not rush ahead, because all
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this information... our colleagues from the news department already have it in detail, and khrystyna parubiy is ready to share the facts. greetings colleagues, thank you. so , in the issue, i will talk about the work of our anti-aircraft defense this night, the consequences of distractions and the situation at the front , don't miss it in a moment. espresso news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. that night, the russians attacked kryvyi rih with shaheds. as a result of the attack, 15,000 people were left without electricity, and 43,000 residents were left without heating and water supply. there were fires at the site of the hits, two are not working boiler houses of the city, also de-energized high-speed tram. this was reported by the head.


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