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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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large-scale air alert in ukraine, we are working from shelter and we ask you to stay in safe places, in etherispress news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. a five-kilometer no-go zone in sumy oblast, the movement of civilian vehicles near the border was prohibited. with russia, this was reported in the regional military administration. this decision was taken to reduce civilian casualties. in total, 22 road sections were banned. let me remind you that on january 27 , russian saboteurs shot a civilian car in the khotyn community. then they died two people and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 77 combat clashes took place at the front during the day.
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it is still hotter near avdiyivka, where the defense forces repelled 44 enemy attacks, seven more in the marin direction and the same number in the kherson direction. kharkiv region is also restless, in the lymano-kupian direction , ukrainian soldiers repelled more than 10 enemy attacks. our aircraft made 10 strikes on the concentration area of ​​the occupiers, the rocket launcher and gunners destroyed three warehouses with ammunition and weapons of the muscovites. during the day, our soldiers sent another 880 russian tanks to the dustbin of history. in general, 387,940 occupiers died in the first full-scale invasion on ukrainian soil. also, the armed forces turned into scrap 10 enemy tanks, 13 armored combat vehicles, 36 vehicles and three units of special equipment. 26 artillery systems and one jet system no longer attack our positions. volley
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fire of the enemy, and 15 russian drones plunged into oblivion forever. the general staff emphasizes that the data are indicative. money at the armed forces of ukraine, with this slogan , a peaceful action was held under the walls of the kyiv city state administration. the participants demand to allocate 20% of the budget of the capital to the armed forces of ukraine and increase the inclusiveness of the city. several hundreds have now joined the campaign. we will remind you that the same pickets were held last year, in response to them, the kyiv city council voted to allocate uah 500 million from the budget for drones, as long as they are appropriate, as long as we see that our demands are not fully met, we will gather, in general, our goal is this dialogue, we hope that the deputies will be more open to communication, we will.
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carefully follow the meetings of various commissions, the meetings of the kmda, and if we see that the situation is much better, then perhaps there will be no more purpose in these actions. it's even very painful for me , i would say, when you see that money goes to everything, except for the type of army, except for armaments, except for the cost of fortifications and so on and so forth, on cobblestones, there on parks, it's now it is the duty of every citizen of ukraine, especially a resident of kyiv, to actually... to make sure that the money he spends in this city goes where he wants. 50,000 fpv drones are manufactured by ukrainian companies every month, and several times more by russian companies, dron space founder maksym sheremet said. see the story about how ukrainian drone pilots destroy enemy positions with new technologies. the russian army of occupation attacks every day. positions of the
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defense forces of ukraine on the front line. our infantry is supported by drone pilots, tracking, attacking equipment, the enemy and personnel storage. to become an fpv drone pilot, you need not only to be able to operate a joystick, but also to master engineering and even collect ammunition. military serviceman yuriy says that drones provide the most intelligence data, including from the distant rear of the enemy. birds allow. for us to know and understand what the enemy is doing, where the enemy is doing, where he is concentrating, how he is maneuvering, that helps us make our decisions. drones scare the occupiers, says serviceman vasyl, which is why enemy equipment stays away from the line collision, because a lot of fvi is working now, so all the heavy equipment is mostly hiding in the rear, here we are looking for this heavy equipment and... and trying to hit it, but
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unmanned aerial vehicles are difficult to use in adverse weather conditions, from the time of the year aerial reconnaissance . very dependent, first of all, in bad weather there are boards that do not fly at all, there are boards that cannot because they cannot climb high, nothing will be seen, there are brothers that will not return in bad weather. according to servicemen, now at the front a large-scale drone war is unfolding, although it is said that the creation of an army of drones is not happening as quickly as it should. i think, since we are against it. a small country , we have fewer people, fewer resources, we must use precisely, more technical capabilities to oppose him, precisely some novelties, new combat techniques, unfortunately, the russians
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are making more and more drones and blocking ukrainian uavs with the help of electronic warfare, however drones remain a powerful weapon for our military, as noted in a recent... according to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces , valery zaluzhny, unmanned systems, along with other modern weapons, are the best way for ukraine to avoid involvement in an opposition war. north korea tested super-large combat cruise missiles and a new type of anti-aircraft missile in the yellow sea. the country's authorities announced successful tests. it is said that the tests did not have a negative impact on the safety of the neighbors. countries let me remind you that experts have confirmed the russian federation's use of korean-made missiles in strikes on ukraine. the us attacked iranian facilities in iraq and syria. the us military launched missiles at more than 85
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targets. these include command and control operational and intelligence centers, missile and drone storage facilities, as well as logistics facilities and ammunition supply chains, the united states air force said. states of america. such an attack is probably a response to a drone attack on an american base in jordan, cnn noted. then three servicemen died. china sent 11 geely satellites into space. the long march launch vehicle launched from the spaceport in sichuan province. it was the 508th flight as part of the big campaign launches. the satellites will become part of the planetary project. this is the first commercial one in the world. a toy satellite system for communication, navigation and remote sensing. according to the plan, the network will consist of 240 satellites and cover the entire planet. by the roads of the east. an exhibition of photos of military officer lukyan
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turetsky was opened in lviv. between combat missions, the soldier filmed the landscapes of the donetsk region. at frank's house, they presented close 30 pictures he created during a full-scale russian. invasion, lukyan's photos depict steppes, streams and sunsets, the author also demonstrates the wreckage of destroyed enemy equipment, the exhibition can be viewed until february 22, for me it was a certain kind of observation, detachment and reflection, that is, one could distract oneself and - to look around and... and take the camera in your hands and grab something from this space, it is extremely important to come, and i would say yes, look into the eyes of these pictures, on them you you will see mainly landscapes, there are few eyes , there are the wreckage of military equipment, there are our vast steppes, there is the sky, there is the sun, there is
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war and there is the peace for which we are all fighting, so you know, for me it is war and peace by lukyan turetskyi. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues. our soldiers need vital equipment. we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy more effectively east direction. our goal is uah 480,000. uah 317 is already on the account. get involved, your help is very important. all details. you see on the screen. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks. i'm saying goodbye to you, see you tomorrow.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our... victory. today in the program. deferred resignation of the employee. the general criticizes the system of weapons production in ukraine. reasons and consequences of replacing the head of the armed forces. demilitarization of russia. while putin dreams of a buffer zone along the border, the armed forces of ukraine are successfully clearing ukrainian lands and waters of the enemy. unwavering support. the us senate will try to unblock military aid to ukraine. after the eu allocated 50 billion euros to support the economy. about this and
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other things, during the next hour we will talk with our guests, this is a people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine, valentyn nalivatchenko, doctor of political sciences maksym rozumny and director of the center for military legal studies oleksandr musienko. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, we will have the bohdan journalism club. butkevich, oleksiy mustafin and tetiana vysotska will be on our air. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how soldiers of the 110th separate mechanized brigade dismantled another russian tank for spare parts near avdiivka with the help of a mavic drone. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video, subscribe to our youtube page and take part in our vote, today we are asking you about this, is there a problem with freedom of speech in ukraine, yes , no, everything is quite simple on youtube, and if you ... have your own opinion, besides the answer, yes, no, write them under this comment, and those who
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are watching us now on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote, if you believe that there are problems with freedom in ukraine words, 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and we have our first guest valentyn nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. mr. valentin, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. valentin, let's start with the delayed resignation of zaluzhny, because this is how cnn presents the situation surrounding the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. literally a few minutes ago, there was a message that the supreme commander-in-chief bid has ended, but the question of zaluzhnyi's resignation was not raised
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at this people's supreme commander-in-chief bid and the supreme commander-in-chief of the supreme commander-in- chief of the armed forces of ukraine bid. there were issues of drones, there were issues of projectiles, the situation at the front, fortification and energy, well, actually, those are the questions, why... well, according to your information , we do not hear any reaction about whether zaluzhnyi will be removed or not to dismiss zaluzhny, because zaluzhny reported to the supreme commander-in-chief about the situation at the front, and frankly speaking, the status of zaluzhny is currently unclear, whether he will be dismissed or not, let's start with the main one, the commander-in-chief. of the armed forces of ukraine of general zaluzhny, imagine how for the second day, almost the third
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, a wave arose around him, who made it, no , even now it is not really clear, but he and the armed forces of ukraine to carry out combat tasks day and night, that they and do and honor and praise to them. i will say that the international reaction yesterday was quite serious and not only in the press, and not so much regarding possible plans or possible ones. intentions to release zaluzhny, and all the international partners of the anti-putin coalition have clearly expressed their opposition to the weakening of the vertical of the military leadership in ukraine, and... i want to professionally explain on your broadcast serhii that the supreme commander is the president, the commander-in-chief is zaluzhny, the general staff and armed forces, commanders of military branches, this is the military vertical ukraine, it is supported on this vertical, on nothing else, the military leadership, the armed forces of all branches
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of the military, our defense and our counter-offensives and every, every day operations of our troops are supported. therefore, to pull out one component from this vertical , from this rod is to collapse the vertical rod, it is not in our interests to do so, moreover, it does not correspond to our national defense and security interests, and thirdly, what i have already said and confirm, international partners also against the fact that suddenly in ukraine i will please anyone, well, it is not beneficial for anyone except the aggressor, by the way, for the military vertical to suddenly weaken, this is not a joke, i am a professional person, i tell you that this is not bureaucracy , it is not officials, not the government, no, you know , deputies, this is a military command, and there the vertical must be reinforced concrete, which works, and the last thing, before appointing any military leader and after the appointment , the main criterion for his suitability or
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non-suitability for the position, is the trust of the military personnel themselves, the troops. from the arch, the mouth, battalion, brigade and further trust in this commander, if there is such trust, then they will follow him and go into battle with him, if there is not, then nothing will happen. the interests of this military command to work, and today there was a bet, indeed, among the five questions, one of the questions was reported by the commander-in-chief, general zaluzhnyi, and it is good, and it is firm, and... what strength should be preserved at least in the military leadership . mr. valentin, but why in this case, when the entire world press writes, referring to his sources in the ukrainian government, about the possibility of such a resignation, because both the washington post, and zt, and the economist, and the financial times are quite serious publications, they will never publish any
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information that would be of such a tabloid nature, that is, they have serious sources, they are for... some minimal statement that the power , both political and military, in ukraine is united as never before, that we are all going together to victory, and that there are no problems, but what appears outside of ukraine, or, let's say, even in ukraine, it is part of the information and psychological special operation there. in which russia is interested, i do not know why the president of ukraine did not do this, i will tell you that the most important thing that our tv viewers should understand is that it is clear that both at the rate meetings and in the command itself, there is even in the general staff no yes, you know, they drank tea with or without sugar, everything was fine,
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they smiled, they parted ways, no, there is a war going on, and there are certainly quite heated discussions, quite painful decisions. we have to decide every day and every night, there are painful losses, there are, but there is the main thing victory, victories and the desire and understanding of how to move forward, and by the way, yesterday you mentioned cnn, yesterday cnn gave an article by general zaluzhny about how he sees new approaches to waging war, waging war with new technologies , our commander -in-chief sees it, and by the way, the reaction to this position of the general... who is dedicated to education is very positive, our international partners from the anti-putin coalition, did not just read it, they perceived it as: well, ukrainians know what to do, the military team is in ukraine knows what to do and by the way, today's vote under the chairmanship of the president of ukraine zelenskyi confirms that the entire leadership of ukraine, the entire
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vote takes care of these issues and is engaged in, well, you briefly mentioned, let's remind you once again, the production of drones. in ukraine, the production of artillery shells in ukraine and international supplies , fortifications, it is really a question of the government, but in my opinion, when the military leader, the commander-in-chief has a plan, he has understanding, and most importantly, modern approaches to protect the country and defeat the aggressor from our territory, this is the commander-in-chief that our armed forces need and ukraine needs. well, maybe... today, in his evening address, volodymyr zelenskyi will mention, including the situation with personnel in the armed forces of ukraine, because it is still a question. remains in relation to valery zaluzhnyi, and i don’t know how he personally feels, but there is a feeling that this is not
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a finished story, that is, it is not finished, but postponed in time, because we periodically see this story in different modifications, whether through people's deputy mariana bezuglu chi through people's deputies from the servant of the people, that is, constantly, constantly this tension, which obviously exists. and it cannot but be, because there is a war, and it is clear that everyone is on their nerves, everyone is nervous, everyone understands that a lot is at stake, not only the political future of one figure or another figure, but the statehood of ukraine, the future of the ukrainian people and our victory, and here in this case, god grant that everyone will have enough sense to understand exactly what depends on their unity. i will only say very briefly about deputies, serhiy, deputies need to be less nervous, work more and support the armed forces of ukraine more. absolutely
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true. over the past few weeks , we have been observing the success of the special operation of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine . and was destroyed by direct hits of six maguura v5 type naval drones, kyrylo budanov told about it. this missile boat was a rather serious combat unit, had on armed with four missile systems and could hit targets in a radius of up to 130 km, in parallel with this, the air force of ukraine struck the belbek airfield in the occupied crimea. russian general oleksandr tytarenko was booed, you see, a russian general with a ukrainian surname. by the way, they write about this in russian publications. it is reported that two missiles hit
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the command post of the 38th fighter aviation regiment, and another missile attacked the airfield's communications post. the russians acknowledged the impact of three planes and the death of one person composition considering our successes in the southern direction, in the crimea. er direction , does this mean, mr. valentin, that the main efforts of the defense forces of ukraine are directed specifically to crimea, because crimea is the sore point of putin and the russian army in general, without which , in fact, all their other plans in ukraine will fall apart, it really is, it is the most painful... the place of the aggressor and putin personally, and the special operations of military intelligence and the ministry of defense, which had really significant success in the territory of the temporarily
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occupied crimea, this is really what demoralizes the enemy, demoralizes the entire occupation that they have been trying to establish there over the years, and moreover, puts into great doubt how much more they will be able to temporarily get there, i am about... i predict and say that the more high-precision weapons and the efficiency such special operations and not only military intelligence, but also , i emphasize, the armed forces of ukraine will increase, and this will cause further more sensitive and painful blows to the aggressor on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and in the waters of the black and azov seas. this is strategically important direction for us. at the same time, i would not say that for the armed forces of ukraine, and indeed for... this defense of ours, the focus has shifted only to the south, in fact, very heavy battles, a difficult situation in the avdiyiv direction, in the maryansky direction, the kharkiv direction
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is tense , our armed forces heroically hold on, repulse even what sometimes the enemy or aggressor manages to capture temporarily, this is not an easy combat job, and i will say that the entire front now, it is more than a thousand km, is not easy for the armed forces of ukraine. especially during such weather conditions, but it is necessary to give credit that the more modern weapons arrive, the stronger and more effective our troops, our armed forces manage to hold the defense and go on the counteroffensive. well, in the meantime, the head of the general staff of the armed forces of romania, georgitsavlad, believes that romanians should prepare for the possible spread of russian aggression, since putin will manage to escalate. in case of victory in ukraine, let's listen to what the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of romania said. yes, the population of romania,
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like everything. population of the european union has worry and we must take appropriate steps to be prepared. i personally, not necessarily as a military man, believe that the russian federation will not stop there. if he wins in ukraine, the main target will be the republic of moldova. we will witness tensions in the western balkans. i am more than certain that president putin will resort to escalation in the near future. at the same time, the prime minister of romania , marchal chalaku, called for calm, romania will not enter into any war - he emphasized he. well, the question here is not whether romania will enter the war or not, whether russia will enter the war with romania? let's start with the main thing, that romania is also a nato member country, and all nato member countries, and there are now 32 of them, 32 sweden in the near future will be final.
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will join the alliance, all nato member states understood that russia is not just a potential threat, but an actual one. all nato member countries understood that it is necessary to upgrade and upgrade weapons and ammunition to protect their territory. and thirdly, all nato countries not only understood, right now, today, in including conducting combat exercises, a very large number of troops, including naval forces, air forces, and divisions. member countries of nato, but along the entire russian border, and i will tell you that starting from finland in the north, to romania in the south, this entire flank of nato understands that russia is really a threat and is an aggressor, therefore, by the way, the anti-putin coalition the most serious support from these countries for us, for ukraine and for the armed forces of ukraine, they all clearly understand in the strategic military dimension, ukraine will stand. this one stands
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flank of nato, if in another way, then their chances are extremely minimal and the escalation and really possible aggression will only continue, but all this encourages our partners to help us, to help us more, and you see how european countries, nato member countries in which in europe, they are helping, they are approving budgets and they will be helping all this year, including in terms of defense on... our armed forces to produce more weapons, to supply us with air defense, and i think that next week at the exit we we are waiting, including the decision of the us congress, and this is already serious, and this is already for the whole year ahead such serious support for the armed forces of ukraine, to repel russian aggression from our borders, and from the borders of nato and the eu . mr. valentin, can you as a professional explain
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how it happened that europe... did not expect such a big war with ukraine, and what the readiness of the europeans for such a war, or rather the lack of readiness for such a war, shows that there are no weapons, that amount of ammunition no, and that is, they are now trying to make up for it very quickly, did their intelligence and their analytical data not calculate such an option , i think that this is a really huge problem and... a huge mistake, since their intelligence and special services, primarily european and nato, did not calculate end, that such russian aggression is possible, that such a use by the aggressor russia, putin , of such a large number of missiles, bombs, and artillery weapons, starting not only from its own territory, but from the territory of the republic of belarus. i remind you that full-scale
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invasion was taking place. from the territory of two countries in fact, russia and belarus against us, this is something that they did not calculate, they also recognized this, and we clearly understand, but now i will tell you that the situation has fundamentally changed, no one doubts anymore whether to do or not, they take and they do, no one doubts whether to support ukraine or not, they take and support. thank you, mr. valentin, for the conversation, it was valentin nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook. please like this video to help it trend on these platforms. well, vote in our poll. today we ask you about whether there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple in youtube. if you are sitting in front of the tv, take
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